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Rapid Bathymetry Detection With Sentinel Application Platform (Snap) Using Sentinel Imagery 2a

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Nat. Volatiles & Essent.

Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

Rapid Bathymetry Detection With Sentinel Application Platform

(Snap) Using Sentinel Imagery 2a

Kuncoro T. Setiawan1 , Fajar B Kusuma1 , M.D.M. Manessa2 , Novi Susetyo A3

Remote Sensing Research Center, LAPAN -BRIN
Departement of Geografi – Indonesia University
Marine Research Center – KKP
Hydrographic Study Program - Naval Science and Technology


Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country where 77% of its territory encompasses coastlines, shallow waters to
deep sea waters areas. One of the required important information for Indonesia particularly for protecting its rich
marine habitat and supporting shalow-water navigation is bathymetry. Additionally, bathymetry information can be
used to support several other purposes, such as shipping, determining the right area for ports, and determining
coastal cultivation areas. Remote sensing technology has an important role to provide bathymetric information
quickly and cover a wide area in an archipelagic country like Indonesia, mainly when field measurement is hindered by
logistical issues due to the remoteness of target areas. This study attempts to contribute to the solution of the issue
by performing bathymetry extraction using Sen2Coral algorithm available in Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP)
image processing software. The specific purpose of this study is to rapidly derive bathymetry in shallow marine waters
using Sentinel 2A data. The research location is in the islands of Putri, Melintang, Macan, Dolpin and located in Seribu
Islands, Jakarta. The data used are Sentinel 2A imagery acquired on April 24, 2021, in situ batymetry and tidal data.
The results showed that Sentinel 2A can produce a depth range of 0 – 30.64 meters. The accuracy of the calculated
bathymetric using Sentinel 2A is 68%.

Keywords: Bathymetry, Sen2Coral, SNAP, Sentinel 2A

Indonesia is an archipelagic country with 77% of the ocean area, which includes shallow sea waters to deep
sea waters. The area of inland waters and archipelagic waters is 3,110,000 km2, coastline length is 108,000
km and the number of islands is +17,504 (Kemenkomarves, 2018). So far, making bathymetric information
has been dominated by measuring depth using a multibeam or single beam echoso under. The use of these
tools in shallow sea waters takes a long time, and is expensive, has operational limitations and is
dangerous. (Kanno et al., 2011; Nuha et al., 2019).
Since 1970, satellite remote sensing technology has been used as an alternative to perform bathymetry
mapping. There are several models of satellite image extraction methods to obtain bathymetric
information, including empirical methods, analytical methods and semi-analytic models. Several empirical
models that have been carried out include Setiawan et al., 2014, Manessa et al., 2016, Manessa et al.,
2017, Hartuti et al., 2017, Setiawan et al., 2019, Setiawan et al., 2020. Bathymetry can support the mapping
of coral reef habitats such as bottom substrate and seagrass (Siregar et al., 2010). Many aspects of the sea,
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

both spatial planning, marine environment, aquaculture require bathymetric data (Hell et al., 2012), ship
dock construction planning, shipping safety, maintenance of cables and pipelines under the sea, and
realizing marine highways (Julzarika, 2017), as well as aquaculture activities (Setiawan et al., 2014) as well
as determining the location of shipping ports, determining coastlines, determining cultivation areas,
determining the location of shallow marine habitats and managing coastal areas (Nuha et al., 2019).
Therefore, the availability of bathymetry information in Indonesia is a necessity.
Remote sensing technology is very effective and efficient to be used for compiling and revising natural
resource information (Butler, 1988; Lilles and and Kiefer, 1987). This technology will record a surface area
and the area around it (Danoedoro, 1996). The recorded information are stored within satellite images at
each wavelength available from the satellite as reflectance. This wavelength reflectance value is used for
deriving bathymetric information. The development of remote sensing technology has become a data
source for producing Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) information. Research on SDB bathymetry
algorithms and processing are constantly evolving. Developments and refinements are made in order to
simplify the processing system.
This research was conducted by utilizing the Sen2coral algorithm on SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform).
The SNAP application created by the ESA. This application is an open source application, a collection of
several toolboxes commonly used to process Sentinel data. Some functions are available on this tool, e.g
for product / data display, band exploration, masking, resampling, subsets, and many other functions,
including several plugins developed by other developers. Therefore this algorithm can speed-up the
derivation of bathymetery information from satellite images.. The Sen2coral algorithm on SNAP uses the
ratio of blue and green channels. Sen2Coral is one of the SNAP plugins developed by Omar Barrirelo which
also contains a collection of several other algorithms including the Deglint algorithm and Empirical
Bathymetry (Step.ESA.Int, 2021).
The purpose of this study was to implement rapid and accurate bathymetry mapping in shallow marine
waters using the medium resolution satellite imagery of Sentinel 2A in Seribu Islands, Jakarta.
Sentinel-2 consists of two constellation satellites, Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B, orbiting the poles in a sun-
synchronous orbit at an altitude of 786 km. The two identical satellites are 180 degrees apart from each
The satellite is a medium resolution satellite with a temporal resolution of 10 days for one satellite or 5
days with two satellites. This satellite can be used for supporting operational observations such as land
cover maps, land change detection maps and geophysical variables. Sentinel imagery used in this
Table 1. Specifications for the spatial and spectral resolution of Sentinel 2 . Image (Geoimage.com.au.)
Spatial Resolution 4 at 10m (blue, green, red, NIR)
6 at 20m (vegetation red edge, narrow NIR, 2 larger SWIR)
3 at 60m (aerosol, water vapour, SWIR cirrus)
Spectral Bands Band 1-Coastal Aerosol: 442.7nm
Band 2-Blue: 492.4nm
Band 3-Green: 559.8nm
Band 4-Red: 664.6nm

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

Band 5-Vegetation red edge: 704.1nm

Band 6-Vegetation red edge: 740.5nm
Band 7-Vegetation red edge: 782.8nm
Band 8-NIR: 832.8nm
Band 8A-Narrow NIR: 864.7nm
Band 9-Water vapour: 945.1nm
Band 10-SWIR Cirrus: 1373.5nm
Band 11-SWIR: 1613.7nm
Band 12-SWIR: 2202.4nm

research is MSI2A (Multispectral Instrument 2A) product with 100x100 km2 areal coverage per scene. This
level 2 data are already atmospherically corrected, providing reflectance images for BOA (Bottom of
Atmosphere) (Sentinels.Copernicus.eu., 2021). The specifications for the spatial and spectral resolution of
Sentinel 2 images can be seen in Table 1.
Data and Location
The research was conducted in the shallow waters of Putri Island, Melintang Island and Macan Island,
Dolpin Island, Perak Island, Seribu Islands, Jakarta, located at coordinates of 5.570299 - 5.602705 South
Latitude and 106.537843 - 106.576017 East Longitude (Figure 1). The shallow waters of the the Islands at
this location have a typical clear case-1 water characteristics suitable for testing satellite derived
bathymetry method using the sen2coral SNAP algorithm.
Figure1. Research Location

The data used in this study is Sentinel 2A image with the acquisition date April 24, 2021. In situ depth data
were collected using single beam echouso under and tidal measurements were collected through in situ
depth measurement activities in the field from 19 – 23 May 2021. Tidal data were used to correct in situ
depth data measured in the field. In situ tidal corrected depth data are used to model the sen2coral SNAP
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

algorithm and the accuracy testing process. The distribution of the in situ depth data and the Sentinel 2A
image is shown in Figure 2.
Figure2. In Situ Depth and Sentinel 2A Image Data

Data Processing
Data processing consists of pre-processing, bathymetry extraction and accuracy assessment. Pre-processing
for image data in this study includes resample, subset, landmask and sunglint. Pre-processing for in situ
data includes performing tidal correction for depth data from single beam echosounder. Atmospheric and
radiometric corrections were not carried out because the data used were already in the form of
atmospherically and radio meterically corrected. Resample and data subset is conducted by calling and
cutting image data to match the required location. The sunglint correction is carried out to eliminate the
effect of the sun's reflection on the surface of the waters which affects the spectral value of the satellite
image. Tidal correction is carried out to correct the in situ depth information measured during the field
survey. Tidal data is measured during 1 palm tidal period, which is 4 days.
Extraction of Sentinel 2A Satellite Imagery for bathymetry detection is applied by using the principle of
wave propagation in water. The reflected wave value is represented by the spectral value of the image.
Bathymetric detection modeling using the sen2coral algorithm in SNAP was performed by performing
regression between in situ depth data and the value of the ratio of the blue band to the green band. The
output of the sen2coral SNAP algorithm is bathymetric information in the unit of meters. The bathymetric
detection value is determined from the regression equation generated from the data pair. The bathymetry
value from the algorithm results was then compared with other tidal corrected insitu depth data for
accuracy calculations. The flow of research activities can be seen in Figure 3.

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

Figure 3 Reasearch Flowchart

The estimated bathymetry value is determined from the processing of the three visible channels, namely
the blue channel, the green channel and the red channel of the Sentinel 2A image. The resulted bathymetry
values were then compared with each other to observe the differences that occur and then the accuracy of
each bathymetric information extraction was calculated.
The depth accuracy of each model is calculated using equations 1 dan 2:
R2 =1- ∑(hi -ĥ i ) ⁄∑(hi -h̅ )2 (1)
i i
n 0.5
RMSE= (∑(hi -ĥ i ) ⁄n) (2)

where h is the in situ depth measurement, ĥ the estimated depth of each model, h̅ is the mean in situ
depth value, and n is the number of input data.
In addition to calculating the overall accuracy using the confusion matrix, this study also calculates the
accuracy of the classification results using kappa analysis. Kappa analysis can be used to cover the lack of
overall accuracy of the confusion matrix. The calculation of the kappa coefficient (K) is carried out with the
following equation (Djamaluddin et al., 2019):

N ∑ki=1 xii − ∑ki=1(xi+ x+i )

N 2 − ∑ki=1(xi+ x+i ) (3)
Where N is the total number of all pixels used for observations; k is the number of lines in confussion
matrix (number of classes); xii is the diagonal value of the i-th row and i-th column confussion matrix; x+i is
the number of pixels in the i-th column; and xi+ is the number of pixels in the i-th row.
Results and Discussion
Pre-processing on the sen2coral algorithm on SNAP begins with the calling of the Senitinel 2A data. Next is
the data resampling process followed by cropping procedure. Advanced pre-processing is landmasking and
sunglint correction processes. Landsmasking and sunglint correction algorithms are available in the
sen2coral tools of SNAP. The results of the sunglint correction processing shows sharper images in shallow
waters compared to the uncorrected images.

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

The preprocessing of the image data ends with the sunglint process in the hope that the reflectance data
from the visible bands of the Sentinel image to are free from atmospheric influences and the reflected
sunlight on the water surface, The sunglint correction process is to to ensure that the reflectance value of
the visible band received by the sensor represents the reflection from the bottom of the water surface.
The sen2coral algorithm in SNAP is the band ratio formulation. It uses the ratio of the natural logarithm of
the blue band and the green band developed by Stumph et al, 2003. Therefore, the spectral data of
Sentinel 2A image used for bathymetry detection using this algorithm are blue and green bands.
Simultanwith the preprocessing of the Sentinel 2A image data, the tide-corrected insitu depth data was also
prepared. Insitu depth data are grouped into two parts. The first part is used for developing the
bathymetric model and the second part is used for the validation process.
After pre-processing of the data, the next step is to process the bathymetry extraction. Bathymetry
detection in the sen2coral SNAP algorithm uses empirical bathymetry processor tools. The input used are
sunglint corrected image and in situ depth data. All input data are processed through tools available in
SNAP. The sen2coral SNAP algorithm performs the processing of bathymetry detection by creating a
regression model that is formed between the two pairs of data. The two pairs of data are data from the
band ratio between the logarithm of the blue band and the green band with in-situ depth data. The result
shows that bathymetery information derived from Sentinel 2A data using the sen2coral algorithm available
in SNAP software applied to are capable of revealing depth information up to 30.6 m as shown in Figure 4.
After the bathymetry detection process, the accuracy assessment was conducted by comparing between
the results of the bathymetry values of Sentinel 2A images and insitu depth data is carried out. This process
is then validated through several statistical parameters including the coefficient of determination, RMSE
value, accuracy and Kappa values. Coefficient of determination (R2) between the image-based bathymetry
and the in situ depth data shows a value of 0.88. The results of the distribution of these data comparison
can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 4. Bathymetry Detection Results with the Sen2Coral SNAP Algorithm

The calculation of the RMSE, accuracy and Kappa values is made based on the confusion matrix in Table 1.
The confusion matrix is made in 5 depth class intervals, namely depth class of 0 - 2 m, 2.01 – 5 m, 5.01 – 10
m, 10.01 – 20 m, and > 20 m, respectively. Creating class intervals was conducted to observe in more detail
the accuracy and RMSE for each depth class. The results of the confusion matrix of the 5 depth classes are
shown in Table 2.
Figure 5. Distribution of Bathymetric Sen2Coral SNAP Algorithm with In Situ Depth Data

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

The validation of the satellite-based bathymetry model of the present study was conducted using 191 in-
situ bathymetry data points collected during the field works. The accuracy of the model was assessed using
several statistical indicators, including coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square (RMSE) and
Kappa coefficient.
Based on the results of the accuracy test, the overall accuracy value is 68% with a kappa coefficient value of
0.51. The results is still under the good category as the overall accuracy is still above 60% and the kappa
coefficient value is still in the range of 0.4 - 0.8, which indicates it is in the medium category.
The RMSE calculated for each depth interval of 0 - 2 m, 2.01 – 5 m, 5.01 – 10 m, 10 – 20 m, >20 m are 0.94
m, 1.92 m, 2.66 m, 4.06 m and 5.08 m, respectively. The image-based bathymetry at a depth of more than
20 meters yielded a percentage of RMSE of 16.9%. The RMSE value for this class has the smallest error
percentage compared to the other depth classes. The dynamic distribution of the RMSE percentage in the
five depth classes from the sen2coral SNAP algorithm can be seen in Figure 6.
The simultaneous plotting of the image-based bathymetry and insitu depth data for accuracy assessment
purpose is shown in Figure 7. From the figure, it can be seen that the sen2coral SNAP algorithm at depth
classes of less than 5 meters have RMSE percentage of more than 30%.
Figure 6. Distribution of RMSE Percentage Result of Sentinel 2A Image Bathymetry Detection

The result of the present study is comparable to previous similar research. Setiawan et al. (2021) used SPOT
7 satellite imagery in Karimunjawa Island, Central Java by applying semi-analytical method. They were
capable of producing bathymetric information to a depth of 11. 45 meters. Arya et al. (2016) were able to
produce satellite-based bathymetry map from SPOT-7 to a depth value up to 21 meters in Mamuju Belang
Belang Bay using a semi-parametric empirical method. Manesa et al. (2016) produced satellite-based
bathymetry map Worldview-2 multispectral imagery to a depth up to 11 meters in Gili Matra Lombok with
using random forest empirical method. Similarly, Siregar et al (2010), using Quick Bird imagery in Panggang
Island, obtained a depth of up to 10 meters using Jupp's empirical model.

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When compared to the marine map No. 78 produced by the Navy Center for Hydro-Oceanogrpahy
(Pushidrosal), the resulted image-based bathymetery map of the present study has some similarities and
differences (Figure 8). Figure 8 shows several similar points on the two dataset as shown in points with
number 1, 2 and 3. The sen2coral algorithm is able to provide depth information for shallower areas which
are not detected in the marine map of the Navy Center for Hydro-Oceanogrpahy (Pushidrosal), as shown in
points number 4, 5 and 6. It is also a positive result that the method used in this study succeeded in
detecting depth information deeper than 30,06 meters . The result of the satellite-based bathymetry is
shown in Figure 9.
Table 2. Accuracy Test Results

Insitu (m)
5.01 – 10.01 – Row RMSE
0–2 2.01 – 5 > 20
10 20 Total (m)
0–2 8 11 0 0 0 19 0.94 m
2.01 – 5 5 6 8 0 0 19 1.92 m
5.01 – 10 0 4 6 10 0 20 2.66 m
10.01 – 20 0 0 2 18 13 33 4.06 m
> 20 0 0 0 8 92 100 5.08 m
Column Total 13 21 16 36 105 191
Accuracy 68%
Kappa 0,51

Figure 7. Bathymetric Distribution of Sen2coral SNAP Model with Insitu Depth

Figure 8. Results of Bathymetry Model Sen2coral SNAP (right) with Marine Map No. 78 (left)

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 3831-3841

Figure 9. Seribu Islands Bathymetry Information Model Sen2coral SNAP

Bathymetry detection using the sen2coral SNAP algorithm applied on Sentinel 2A imagery covering some
islands in Seribu Islands, Jakata can detect depth information up to 30.6 meters. The accuracy test shows
that the algorithm produces coefficient of determination of 0.88, an accuracy of 68% and a Kappa
coefficient of 0.51. When compared to the marine map No. 78 produced by the Navy Center for Hydro-
Oceanogrpahy (Pushidrosal), the bathymetry information derived using the sen2coral SNAP algorithm, , has
several similar patterns, although there are several points that have different results which will be
addressed in the subsequent research.
This research is supported by the RISPRO 2021 Program with grant number PRJ-41/LPDP/2020, in
collaboration between the UI Geography Department with the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher
Education and the LAPAN Remote Sensing Application Center.
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