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Astm F1446

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An American National Standard

Designation: F 1446 – 04

Standard Test Methods for

Equipment and Procedures Used in Evaluating the
Performance Characteristics of Protective Headgear1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1446; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


These test methods specify equipment and procedures used for testing protective headgear.
Individual ASTM performance standards (standard specifications) will use these procedures and
equipment. Test conditions, pass-fail criteria, and other performance requirements will be specified in
the individual performance standards, tailored to the needs of a particular activity (for example,
bicycling, skateboarding, skiing, etc.).
These test methods were developed using resources in medical, scientific, mechanical engineering,
human factors, and biomechanical fields. However, it is recognized that it is not possible to write a
protective headgear performance standard that will result in headgear that can protect against injury
or death in all accidents. It is also recognized that serious injury or death can result from both low-
and high-energy impacts, even when protective headgear is worn.
These test methods incorporate aspects of other recognized headgear performance standards. They
draw from work done by others where appropriate for these test methods. These standards are
referenced within this standard test method. It should be noted that these test methods specify
laboratory tests of completed headgear to measure its ability to reduce head acceleration during use
and other selected parameters.

1. Scope priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 These test methods cover laboratory equipment, proce- bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
dures, and basic requirements pertinent to testing protective 2. Referenced Documents
headgear. Deviations or additions, or both, to these test
methods will be specified, as required, in individual ASTM 2.1 ASTM Standard:2
performance standards. F 2220 Specification for Headforms
1.2 Requirements—The protective headgear is to be tested 2.2 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard:3
under specified environmental conditions for the following: 218 S7.1.8 Motorcycle Helmets
1.2.1 Impact attenuation (the limiting of head acceleration) 2.3 SAE Standard:4
of the protective headgear, and SAE J211 Recommended Practice for Instrumentation for
1.2.2 Strength and stability of the retention system and its Impact Tests—Requirements for Channel Class 1000
attachment to the protective headgear. 3. Reference Table
1.2.3 Special tests for particular protective headgear uses
will be specified in the individual performance standards to be 3.1 For references to these test methods, the standard terms
used in conjunction with these test methods. for reference are listed in bold type in Table 1 with the items to
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the consider for each method. For conditions and anvils, use the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 2
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F08 on the ASTM website.
Sports Equipment and Facilities and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Available from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 400
F08.53 on Headgear and Helmets. 7th St., NW, Washington, DC 20590.

Current edition approved May 1, 2004. Published May 2004. Originally Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
approved in 1993. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as F 1446 – 03. Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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F 1446 – 04
TABLE 1 Table for Reference
Terms for Reference Section Items to Consider for Each Method
Chin Bar Rigidity 12.10 Types defined: impact velocity, nominal drop height
Conditioning Environments 10 Types defined: ambient, low temperature, high temperature, water
Configuration 12.2 Standard requirement defined
Dynamic Retention Test 12.7.1 Types defined: mass of drop weight, drop height, extension pass/fail
Headforms 7.1 Headforms to be used in all tests in Test Methods F 1446
Impact Anvil 7.3.1 Types defined: flat, hemispherical, cylindrical, triangular hazard,
Impact Attenuation Test 12.8 Types defined: number of impact sites, impact velocity and
theoretical drop height, and maximum peak g value
Internal Projections 12.5.1 Standard requirement defined
Labeling 12.4 Standard labeling requirements defined
Materials 12.3 Standard requirement defined
Penetration Test 7.4 Types defined: drop height, striker weight, striker geometry, standard
method of pass/fail defined
Peripheral Vision 12.6.1 Standard method of pass/fail for horizontal vision defined
Reference Marking 12.1 Standard method of marking defined, define test lines
Reporting 13 Standard report format defined
Roll-Off Test (Helmet Stability Test) 12.7.2 Types defined: mass of drop weight, drop height, standard method
of pass/fail defined
Samples for Testing 8 Criteria to be considered in selecting number of samples
Selecting the Correct Headform 7.1.1 Method defined
Test Schedule 11 Standard test schedule defined

standard term listed in Table 1. Referring to section numbers in

these test methods is not the recommended method for refer-
4. Terminology
4.1 basic plane, n—an anatomical plane (Frankfort Hori-
zontal Plane) that includes the superior rim of the external
auditory meatus (upper edge of the external openings of the
ear) and the inferior margin of the orbit (the lowest point of the
floor of the eye socket). The headforms are marked with the
basic plane (see Figs. 1 and 2).
4.2 coronal plane, n—an anatomical plane perpendicular to
both the basic and midsagittal planes and passing through the
superior rims of the right and left auditory meatuses. The
transverse plane corresponds to the coronal plane (see Figs. 1
and 2).
4.3 field of vision, n—angle of vision as measured on the
reference headform (upward, downward, and peripheral).
4.4 headform size selection, n—helmets shall be tested on
the appropriate test headform size(s), as determined by the
testing laboratory. Helmets shall be tested on the largest and
smallest size test headforms on which they fit. If a smaller size
of the same model fits the smaller headform, the larger helmet
will be tested on the larger headform only. When multiple
headform sizes are required, each test set of helmets will
include at least one extent of coverage, vision test, retention FIG. 1 Anatomical Planes
test, and impact test on each specified headform size. “Fit”
means that it is not physically difficult to put the helmet on the
larger headform and that the helmet’s comfort or fit-foam is helmet is placed on a reference headform. The manufacturer
partially compressed on the smaller headform. shall specify the size of the headform and the vertical distance.
4.5 helmet, n—a protective device worn on the head in an 4.7 midsagittal plane, n—an anatomical plane perpendicu-
effort to reduce or minimize injury to that portion of the head lar to the basic plane and containing the midpoint of the line
that is within an area above the test line (as defined in the connecting the notches of the right and left inferior orbital
individual performance standards). ridges and the midpoint of the line connecting the superior rims
4.6 helmet position index (HPI), n—the vertical distance of the right and left external auditory meatus. The longitudinal
from the brow of the helmet to the basic plane, when the plane corresponds to the midsagittal plane (see Figs. 1 and 2).

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F 1446 – 04

FIG. 2 Test Headform—Basic, Reference, and Midsagittal Planes

4.8 modular elastomer programmer (MEP), n—a

cylindrical-shaped pad used as the impact surface for the
spherical impactor.
4.9 preload ballast, n—a “bean-bag” filled with shot placed FIG. 3 Location of Reference Line
on the helmet to secure its position on the headform. The
weight of the preload ballast shall be 5.0 6 0.1 kg unless
4.18 test headforms, n—test headforms that correspond to
otherwise specified in the individual performance specification.
the physical dimensions defined in Specification F 2220 as
4.10 projection, n—any part of a helmet, internal or exter-
sizes A, E, J, M, and O. The weight of the drop assembly
nal, that extends beyond the faired surface and is likely to
including the headform shall be 5.0 kg unless otherwise
cause injury.
specified in the individual performance specifications. The test
4.11 protective headgear, n—see helmet.
headforms should include surface markings corresponding to
4.12 reference headforms, n—measuring headforms con-
the basic, coronal, midsagittal, and reference planes (see Fig.
toured in the same configuration as the test headforms sizes A,
E, J, M, or O, as defined in Specification F 2220. The reference
4.19 test line, n—a line drawn on the helmet as specified in
headforms should include surface markings corresponding to

the individual performance standards.
the basic, coronal, midsagittal, and reference planes (see Figs.
4.20 visor (peak), n—optional equipment for protection
1 and 2).
against sun or glare, and sometimes used as a rock or dirt
4.13 reference plane, n—a plane marked on the headforms
at a specified distance above and parallel to the basic plane (see
Fig. 3).
5. Significance and Use
4.14 retention system, n—the complete assembly that se-
cures the helmet, in a stable position, on the wearer’s head. 5.1 The purpose of these test methods is to provide reliable
4.15 shield, n—optional equipment used in place of goggles and repeatable tests for the evaluation of various types of
to protect the eyes. protective headgear. Use of these test methods in conjunction
4.16 spherical impactor, n—a device made of low reso- with the specific individual performance standards is intended
nance material (for example, magnesium), aluminum alloy, or to reduce the likelihood of serious injury and death resulting
stainless steel that couples mechanically with the ball arm from impacts to the head sustained by individuals participating
connector of the drop assembly in place of the impact test in sports, recreation, and other leisure activities in which
headform. When mounted, the device presents a spherically protective headgear is worn.
machined impact face with a radius of 73 mm on its bottom
surface. All radii from the center of the curvature of the impact 6. Certification
face to its outer edge shall from angles of no less than 40° with 6.1 These test methods permit self-certification. It is recom-
the downward vertical axis. The center of curvature shall be mended that each manufacturer employ an independent test
within 5 mm of the vertical axis drawn through the center of laboratory at least annually to test each model and size of
the ball arm. The mass and center of gravity of the drop protective headgear.
assembly including the impactor shall meet the same require-
ments as those specified for the drop assembly incorporated 7. Apparatus
with the test headforms (see 7.3.2). 7.1 Test Headforms:
4.17 test area, n—the area of the helmet on or above a 7.1.1 General—These test methods specify five headform
specified test line, subject to impact or penetration testing. sizes as identified in Specification F 2220 (A, E, J, M, and O)

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F 1446 – 04
for performing reference measurements, impact, roll-off, dy-
namic retention, penetration, and other tests required by the
individual performance specification standards.
7.1.2 Impact Headforms—These headforms shall be made
of K1A magnesium material and shall conform to the external
dimension requirements of each particular headform size, as
specified in Specification F 2220.
7.1.3 Other Headforms—These headforms should be made
of material of sufficient strength and stiffness to maintain their
geometry during testing. They shall conform to the external
dimension requirements of each particular headform size, as
specified in Specification F 2220. Full-chin headforms will be
used as necessary.
7.2 Retention System—The test apparatus for the roll-off
and dynamic retention testing are shown in Figs. 4 and 5
respectively. The mass of the drop weight and drop height are
specified in the individual performance specification standards.
7.2.1 Roll-Off Cable and Hook—A flexible strap or cable
and attaching hook connect the guide rod to the far edge of the

helmet. The flexible strap or cable shall be of a material having

an elongation of no more than 18 mm/m when loaded with
1000 N. The cable and hook shall weigh less than 200 g.
7.2.2 Roll-Off Test Apparatus—The test apparatus shall be
used to apply a shock load to a helmet secured to the headform
by its own retention system. The geometry of the test headform
shall comply with the dimension of the full chin reference
headforms. The headform shall be secured in a test fixture with
its vertical axis pointing downward at 45° to the direction of
gravity (see Fig. 4). The test fixture shall permit rotation of the FIG. 5 Typical Apparatus for Retention System Strength and
Extension Test

FIG. 4 Typical Apparatus for Roll-off (Stability) Test

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F 1446 – 04
headform about its vertical axis and include a means to lock the performance standards. The construction specifications for
headform in the face-up and face-down positions. The guide several types of anvils are given in Figs. 7-11. Other anvils
rod and hammer are similar to those in the dynamic retention may be specified (including construction specifications) in
strength test minus the simulated jawbone. This equipment individual performance standards. All of the anvils, with the
shall allow a drop weight to slide in a guided free fall to impact exception of the modular elastomer programmer (MEP) speci-
a rigid stop anvil. The guide shall weigh 0.9 to 1.4 kg. fied in these test methods, are constructed of steel and shall be
7.2.3 Dynamic Retention Test Apparatus—The retention solid (that is, without internal cavities).
system test equipment shall allow a drop weight to slide in a Modular Elastomer Programmer (MEP)—The MEP
guided free fall to impact a rigid stop anvil (see Fig. 5). The is 152 mm in diameter and 25 mm thick. It is affixed to the top
geometry of the test headform shall comply with the dimension surface of a flat, 6.35-mm thick aluminum plate. The durom-

of the reference headforms. The headform shall be secured in eter hardness of the MEP is 60 6 2 Shore A.
a test fixture with its vertical axis pointing upward in the Flat Anvil—The flat anvil shall have a flat surface of
direction of gravity (see Fig. 5). The guide rod and hammer a minimum 125-mm diameter circle and shall be at least 24
shall consist of a simulate jawbone, guide rod with stop, drop mm thick (see Fig. 7).
weight, and position measuring system(s). The entire dynamic Hemispherical Anvil—The hemispherical anvil shall
test apparatus hangs freely on the retention system. The entire have a spherical surface with a radius of 48 6 1 mm. The
mass of the support assembly, excluding drop weight, must be spherical surface shall constitute one half of the surface of a
7 kg 6 5 %. sphere (see Fig. 8). Simulated Jaw Bone—This stirrup shall consist of Cylindrical Anvil—The cylindrical anvil shall be
two metal bars that spin freely, each with a diameter of 12.5 6 one half of a cylinder with a diameter of 75 6 1 mm and a
0.5 mm, that have a center distance of 76.0 6 1 mm. minimum length of 200 mm (see Fig. 9).
7.3 Impact Attenuation—The impact attenuation test appa- Triangular Hazard Anvil—The triangular hazard
ratus shall allow determination of the impact attenuation anvil shall have a 90° 6 0.5° striking edge with a 0.5- to
characteristics of helmet (see Fig. 6). 1.5-mm radius. The height shall be not less than 50 mm and the
7.3.1 Impact Anvils—The selection of anvils to be used for length not less than 200 mm (see Fig. 10).
testing any given type of helmet is noted in the individual Curbstone Anvil—The curbstone anvil shall have
two faces making an angle of 105° 6 0.5° and meeting along
a striking edge with a radius of 15 mm 6 0.5 mm. The height
shall be not less than 50 mm and the length not less than 200
mm (see Fig. 11).
7.3.2 Impact Test Apparatus—The geometry of the test
headform shall comply with the dimension of the Specification
F 2220 reference headforms. The headform should be secured
in a test fixture to allow for impact of the helmet at any location
above the test line. The weight of the drop assembly (which is
the combined weight of the instrumented test headform and
supporting assembly, exclusive of the test helmet) for the drop
test shall be 5 6 0.1 kg. The weight of the supporting assembly
cannot exceed 1.1 kg. The weight of the support assembly is
the weight of the drop assembly minus the weight of the
headform, ball clamp, ball clamp bolts, and accelerometer. The
center of gravity of the headform shall be at the center of the
mounting ball. The center of gravity of the combined test

FIG. 6 Typical Apparatus for Impact Test FIG. 7 Flat Anvil

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F 1446 – 04

FIG. 11 Curbstone Anvil

FIG. 8 Hemispherical Anvil

filter (either analog or digital) with a 4-pole Butterworth

transfer function and a corner frequency of 1000 Hz meets this
7.4 Penetration Testing—The penetration test headform and
support assembly are fastened to a support platform with a steel
plate surface at least 24 mm thick and 0.4 m2 in area (see Fig.
12). The centerline of the ball does not have to be colinear with
the centerline of the striker. The striker weight, geometry, and
impact velocity are specified in the individual performance

8. Samples for Testing

8.1 Conditions and Attachments—Helmets shall be tested
FIG. 9 Cylindrical Anvil complete, in the condition as offered for sale. They must pass
all tests with or without any included attachments.
8.2 Number of Samples—A test normally requires samples
of each shell/liner size combination. The number of test
samples is defined in the individual performance standards.

9. Calibration and Standardization
9.1 Calibration—Instrumentation used in the testing shall
be calibrated to manufacturer’s specifications on a periodic
basis. The duration of the calibration cycle shall be no more
than one year.

FIG. 10 Triangular Hazard Anvil

headform and supporting assembly must meet FMVSS 218

S7.1.8 with any type of guide system (see Appendix X1). The
helmet and headform are dropped in a guided free fall, using a
wire or rail guided apparatus (see Fig. 6), onto an anvil fixed to
a rigid base.
7.3.3 Accelerometer—Acceleration is measured by a
uniaxial accelerometer, which is capable of withstanding a
shock of at least 9810 m/s2 (1000 g) in the headform. The
uniaxial accelerometer is mounted at the center of gravity of
the test headform with the sensitive axis aligned within 5° of
vertical. The acceleration data channel and filtering shall
comply with SAE Recommended Practice J211. A low-pass FIG. 12 Typical Headform Support for Penetration Test

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F 1446 – 04
9.2 Impact Attenuation Instrument System Check—The sys- 11.4.3 Impact attenuation, and
tem instrumentation shall be checked before and after each 11.4.4 Other testing as required by the individual perfor-
series of tests by dropping the spherical impactor onto the MEP mance standards.
pad at an impact velocity of 5.44 m/s (62 %). Impact velocity
shall be measured during the last 40 mm of free fall for each 12. Test Procedures
test. The weight of the drop assembly (which is the combined 12.1 Reference Marking—A reference headform mounted
weight of the instrumented spherical impactor and supporting with the basic plane horizontal shall be used for reference
assembly) for the drop test shall be 5 6 0.1 kg. Three such marking. The helmet to be marked shall be placed on a
impacts, at intervals of 75 + 15 s, shall be performed before and reference headform the same size as the test headform to be
used. The helmet shall be centered laterally and seated firmly

after each series of tests. The peak acceleration obtained during

impact shall be 389 6 8 g. If the average peak acceleration on the reference headform with the preload ballast on the
obtained in the post test impacts differs by more than 5 % from helmet, then positioned according to the helmet position index
the average peak acceleration obtained in the pretest impacts, (HPI). Ensure that the brow is parallel to the basic plane. The
the following checks shall be made. Checks of the mechanical test line shall be drawn on the helmet as required by the
condition of the drop system and checks of the calibration of individual performance standards. The center of impact sites
the instruments and transducers are required and all data shall be selected at any point on the helmet on or above the test
obtained during that series of helmet tests should be discarded. line.
12.2 Configuration—The helmet shall be constructed to
10. Conditioning Environments reduce or minimize injury to that portion of the head that is
10.1 The following conditions will be used unless otherwise within an area above the test line and to remain on the wearer’s
stated in the individual performance standards. The helmets head during impact.
shall be kept in this environment for 4 to 24 h prior to testing. 12.3 Materials—Materials known to cause skin irritation or
Testing must begin within 1 min after removal from the disease cannot be used in the helmet. Lining materials, if used,
conditioning environment. Before further testing, the helmet may be detachable for washing. If hydrocarbons, cleaning
must be returned to the conditioning environment within 3 min fluids, paints, transfers, or other additions will affect the helmet
or be reconditioned for 5 min for each minute it is out of the adversely, a warning shall be provided.
conditioning environment beyond the allowed 3 min. 12.4 Labeling—Each helmet shall contain labels with at
10.2 Ambient Condition—The ambient condition of the test least the following information, using terms and symbols
laboratory shall be 17 to 23°C, with a relative humidity of 25 commonly known and easily visible to users. The label(s)
to 75 %. The barometric pressure in all conditioning environ- should be likely to remain on the helmet and legible throughout
ments shall be 75 to 110 kPa. All test helmets shall be the intended design life of the helmet.
stabilized within this ambient range for a minimum of 24 h 12.4.1 Model designation.
prior to further conditioning and testing. Storage or shipment 12.4.2 Name of manufacturer.
within this ambient range satisfies this requirement. The 12.4.3 Month and year of manufacture.
ambient test helmet does not need further conditioning. 12.4.4 A label that warns the user that no helmet can protect
10.3 Low Temperature—The low temperature is at a tem- against all possible impacts and that for maximum protection
perature of –13 to –17°C. the helmet must be fitted and attached properly to the wearer’s
10.4 High Temperature—The high temperature is at a tem- head in accordance with the manufacturer’s fitting instructions.
perature of 47 to 53°C. 12.4.5 A label that warns the user that the helmet may, after
10.5 Water Immersion—The water immersion is full immer- receiving an impact, be damaged to the point that it is no longer
sion in potable water at a temperature of 15 to 23°C. adequate to protect the head against further impacts, and that
this damage may not be visible to the user. This label should
11. Test Schedule also state that a helmet that has sustained an impact should be
11.1 For each set of test samples, one helmet will be marked returned to the manufacturer for competent inspection or be
on the reference headform with the test line, as specified in the destroyed and replaced.
individual performance standards. 12.4.6 A label that warns the user that the helmet can be
11.2 This helmet will be inspected for the following: damaged by contact with common substances (for example,
11.2.1 Configuration, certain solvents, cleaners, hair tonics, etc.) and that this damage
11.2.2 Materials, may or may not be visible to the user. This label should also list
11.2.3 Labeling, any recommended cleaning agents or procedures, or both.
11.2.4 Projections, and 12.4.7 Any other warnings, cautions, or instructions speci-
11.2.5 Vision. fied in the individual standard specification.
11.3 Helmets will be assigned to each of conditioning 12.4.8 Each helmet shall have accompanying fitting and
environments specified. positioning instructions including graphic representation of
11.4 Testing shall be performed in the following order proper positioning.
unless otherwise stated in the individual performance stan- 12.5 Projections:
dards: 12.5.1 Interior Projections—Any internal rigid projections
11.4.1 Dynamic strength retention test, that can contact the wearer’s head during impact shall be
11.4.2 Roll-off, protected by some means of cushioning or force spreading.

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F 1446 – 04
Visually inspect a single helmet from the set for the presence Procedure—Following the user instructions, adjust
of any interior projections. Verify that if projections are present the retention system to fit the appropriate reference headform.
they are protected. Then place the helmet on the appropriate size headform and
12.6 Vision: adjust to the HPI provided by the manufacturer. Fasten the
12.6.1 Peripheral Vision—The helmet to be tested shall be strap of the retention system under a stirrup that approximates
placed on a reference headform the same size as the test the shape of the bone structure of the lower jaw. The retention
headform to be used. The helmet shall be centered laterally and system fastening system shall be aligned with the stirrup
seated firmly on the reference headform with the preload assembly so that no part of the retention system fastening
ballast on the helmet, then positioned according to the HPI. system shall contact the stirrup assembly prior to release of the
Ensure that the brow is parallel to the basic plane. Measure the drop mass. This shall be achieved by loosening the retention
peripheral vision on a single sample of each helmet set. The system, if necessary. The entire dynamic test apparatus hangs
peripheral vision is measured horizontally to each side of the freely on the retention system. Raise the drop weight to the
midsagittal plane through Point K (see Fig. 13). The vision drop height and allow the drop weight to fall and impact the
shall be unobstructed through an angle on either side of the stop anvil. Measure elongation of the retention system in terms
midsagittal plane from Point K as identified in the individual of vertical displacement of the dynamic test apparatus mea-
performance standards. sured between the before-drop position and the maximum
12.7 Retention System—The retention system shall be de- extension. The allowable displacement is specified in the
signed and constructed to meet the requirements of this section performance standard.
and any other requirements called for in the individual perfor- 12.7.2 Roll-Off:
mance standards. Summary of Test Method—A drop weight delivers
12.7.1 Dynamic Strength Retention Test: an impact load to the helmet in a manner to roll the helmet off Summary of Test Method—A drop weight delivers the headform. The drop weight and drop height are specified in
an impact load to the retention system. The drop weight, drop the individual performance standards. The test stand used for
height, and allowable elongation are specified in the individual helmet roll-off (stability) testing is shown in Fig. 4. Unless
performance standards. See Fig. 5 for a typical test apparatus specified in the individual performance standards, the retention
setup. system must remain intact and the helmet must remain on the
headform. Procedure—The helmet shall be placed on the
appropriate size headform and adjusted to the HPI provided by

the manufacturer. The headform is mounted face down for this
sequence and the face up for a second test sequence. The
helmet retention system shall then be adjusted according to the
instructions furnished by the manufacturer. The guide rod and
drop weight are similar to those in the retention strength test
minus the simulated jawbone. The guide shall weigh 0.9 to 1.4
kg. A roll-off cable and hook connect the guide rod to the far
edge of the helmet. The roll-off cable and hook is hooked to the
far center of the helmet and the cable is directed over the
helmet along the midsagittal plane and then attached to the
guide rod. The drop weight is raised the required distance from
the stop on the guide rod and then dropped. The drop weight
and drop height are determined by the individual performance
12.8 Impact Attenuation—The helmet shall be designed and
constructed to meet the requirements of this section and any
other requirements called for in the individual performance
12.8.1 Summary of Test Method—Impact attenuation is
determined by measuring the acceleration of the test headform
during impact. Acceleration is measured by a uniaxial accel-
erometer. The helmet and headform are dropped in a guided
free fall, using a wire or rail guided apparatus (see Fig. 6), onto
an anvil fixed to a rigid base. The required impact velocities,
impact sites, and anvils are identified in the individual perfor-
mance standards. Maximum allowable accelerations are speci-
fied in the individual performance standards. Other acceptance
criteria may be defined in the individual performance stan-
FIG. 13 Field of Vision dards.

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F 1446 – 04
12.8.2 Procedure: 12.10.1 The helmet shall be securely mounted on a rigid Instrumentation Check—The system instrumenta- base such that the chin bar faces up with the reference plane of
tion shall be checked before and after each series of tests as the helmet angled 65° 6 5° as shown in Fig. 14. A toggle
identified in 9.2. clamp can be modified to firmly position the helmet by Impact Sites and Anvils—Each helmet shall be clamping against the inside rear of the helmet. Deflection of the
impacted at four sites, unless identified in the individual chin bar shall be measured with a linear transducer fixed
performance standards. The center of impact shall be at any against the inside of the helmet’s chin bar. The velocity of the
point on or above the test line and at least one fifth of the striker shall be measured within the last 60 mm of free fall. The
maximum circumference of the helmet from any prior impact total mass of the striker and guide arm shall be 5 6 0.2 kg. The
center. As many different anvils (called for in the individual striker may be guided by twin wires, as shown, or a monorail.
performance standards) as possible shall be used on each The striking surface shall be flat, steel, and have a diameter
helmet. All anvils called for in the individual performance greater than 112 mm. Unless otherwise specified in the
standards shall be used within a given test set of helmets. Any individual performance standard, the maximum deflection of
anvil may be used at any site (unless otherwise noted by the the chin bar shall not exceed 60 mm. The impact velocity and
individual performance standards). Additional impact sites nominal drop height of the striker shall be specified in the
may be designated by the individual performance standards. individual performance standard. Velocity—The impact velocities and theoretical
drop heights (assuming 9.807-m/s2 acceleration rate) for im- 13. Report
pact testing are specified in the individual performance stan- 13.1 Record of Test—The manufacturer, retailer, or importer
dards. Impact velocity shall be measured during the last 40 mm shall maintain complete test records and test summary reports
of free fall for each test and shall be within the limits specified for all certification testing, whether performed by the manu-
in the individual performance standards. facturer or an independent laboratory. The records and accel- Helmet Impact Testing—Prior to each test, position eration wave-forms/data can be stored on paper, electronically,
the helmet on the test headform as identified on the reference or on photographs.
headform and adjusted to the HPI provided by the manufac- 13.2 Test Laboratory Record of Test—The test laboratory
turer. The helmet shall be secured so that it does not shift must keep an original paper copy of the test summary, with the
position prior to impact. During impact testing the retention signature of the technician who performed the test, for a period
system shall be secured in a manner that does not interfere with of no less than five years.
free fall or impact. Install the required anvil. Adjust the 13.3 Test Summary—The test summary shall include the
headform for an impact on the helmet at the identified site. following information:
Raise the drop assembly, with helmet, to the test drop height, 13.3.1 Manufacturer’s name and location;
measured from the lowest point of the helmet to the surface of 13.3.2 Model and size of each helmet in the set of test
the anvil, and allow the assembly to impact the anvil under a helmets;
guided condition. Record the impact velocity and acceleration 13.3.3 Identifying code for each helmet in each environ-
time history. Repeat this sequence until the required impacts mental condition;
are performed. 13.3.4 Observed temperatures in each conditioning environ-
12.9 Penetration Test: ment and the relative humidity and temperature of the labora-
12.9.1 Summary of Test Method—Penetration resistance is tory;
determined by measuring absence or presence of contact 13.3.5 A summary of results from the configuration, mate-
between a striker and the headform with the helmet in place on rials, labeling, projections, and vision tests;
the headform. 13.3.6 Parameters and measured results of the retention
12.9.2 Procedure—The penetration test headform and sup- tests;
port assembly are fastened to a support platform with a steel 13.3.7 Parameters and measured results of the impact re-
plate surface at least 24 mm thick and 0.4 m2 in area (see Fig. sults in sequence stating the location of impact, type of anvil
12). The centerline of the ball does not have to be colinear with used, velocity prior to impact, and maximum acceleration;
the centerline of the striker. Contact between the headform and 13.3.8 Parameters and measured results for other testing as
the striker can be measured electronically or by covering the specified in the individual performance standards;
headform with witness tape (which registers an impression 13.3.9 Equipment calibration and system check test results;
from the striker). The helmet is positioned on the headform and 13.3.10 Name and location of the test laboratory;
adjusted to the HPI provided by the manufacturer, and the 13.3.11 Signature and printed/typed name of the technician
headform is positioned so that the striker will hit the helmet in who performed the test;
the test area. The striker is raised to the specified height, then 13.3.12 Date of the test; and
dropped onto the helmet. The drop height is specified in the 13.3.13 Other data required by the individual performance
individual performance standards. The striker shall be guided. standards.
The point of the striker shall not make contact with the
headform. Other acceptance criteria may be defined in the 14. Keywords
individual performance standards. 14.1 helmet; individual performance standards; protective
12.10 Chin Bar Rigidity Test: headgear

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Reproduced by IHS under license with ASTM 10/05/2004 13:28:59 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call
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F 1446 – 04

FIG. 14 Chin Bar Rigidity Test


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 “S7.1.8 The center of gravity of the test headform is also is located at the center of the mounting ball on the
located at the center of the mounting ball on the supporting supporting assembly (see Figs. 6-8).6 The x-y-z axes of the test
assembly and lies within a cone with its axis vertical, and headform assembly on a monorail drop test equipment are
forming a 10° included angle with the vertex at the point of oriented as follows: From the origin, the x-axis is horizontal
impact. The center of gravity of the drop assembly lies with the with its positive direction going toward and passing through
rectangular volume bounded by x = –0.25 in. (–0.64 cm), x = the vertical centerline of the monorail. The positive z-axis is
0.85 in. (2.16 cm), y = 0.25 in. (0.64 cm), and y = –0.25 in. downward. The y-axis also is horizontal and its direction can be
(–0.64 cm) with the origin located at the center of gravity of the decided by the z and x-axes, using the right-hand rule.”
test headform. The rectangular volume has no boundary along
the z-axis. The x-y-z axes are mutually perpendicular and have X1.2 “S7.1.9 The acceleration transducer is mounted at the
positive or negative designations in accordance with the center of gravity of the test headform with the sensitive axis
right-hand rule (see Fig. 5).6 The origin of the coordinate axes
aligned to within 5° of vertical when the test headform
This appendix is taken from FMVSS 218 (revised April 6, 1988), S7.1.8 and assembly is in the impact position. The acceleration data
S7.1.9. channel complies with SAE Recommended Practice J211 JUN
Obtain FMVSS 218 in its entirety to reference Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 of that
document. 80, Instrumentation for Impact Tests, Requirements for Chan-
nel Class 1,000.”

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Reproduced by IHS under license with ASTM 10/05/2004 13:28:59 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call
the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
F 1446 – 04
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


Copyright ASTM International 11Document provided by IHS Licensee=Empresas Publicase De Medellin/5900316001,

Reproduced by IHS under license with ASTM 10/05/2004 13:28:59 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call
the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

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