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Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts of FEA

1. FEM is a generalization of
(a) Rayleigh-Ritz method
(c) Finite difference method
(b) Weighted residual method
(d) Finite volume method

2. Variational principle is the basis for

(a) Displacement method (b) Weighted residual method
(c) Finite difference method (d) Finite volume method

3. Displacement method is based on minimum

(a) potential energy
(b) strain energy
(c) complementary strain energy
(d) work done

4. Primary variable in FEM structural analysis is

(a) displacement (b) force (c) stress (d) strain

5. Stiffness matrix approach is used in

(a) displacement method (b) stress method
(c) force method (d) mixed method

6. Displacement method of FEM for structural analysis gives

(a) stiffness matrix (b) flexibility matrix
(c) conductance matrix (d) mixed matrix

7. Flexibility matrix approach is used in

(a) displacement method (b) stress method
(c) force method (d) mixed method

8. Number of displacement polynomials used for an element depends on

[A] Nature of element [B] type of an element [C] degrees of freedom [D] nodes

9. In weighted residual technique, the methods adopted are

[A] point collocation method [B] least squares method [C] galerkin’s method [D] all

10. The higher order elements are also called as

[A] complex elements [B] compound element [C] linear element [D] none

11. On gathering stiffness and loads, the system of equations is given by

[A] KQ=F [B] KQ≠F [C] K=QF [D] K≠QF

12.The art of subdividing a structure into a convenient number of smaller components isCalled
[A] discretization [B] numbering of nodes [C] continuum [D] both a &b

13. FEM can’t produce exact results as those of…………methods

[A] analytical [B] logical [C] theoretical [D] all the above
14. Sum of all shape functions is equal to
[A] Zero [B] -1 [C] +1 [D] 2

15.At Fixed support the displacements are equal to ……………………………

[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] 0

16. The sub domains are called as

[A]Particles [B] molecules [C] elements [D] None

17. If any element is specified by the polynomial of the order of two or more, the element is knownas
[A] linear element [B] higher order element [C] both A&B [D] none
[ B]

18. The total potential energy is the algebraic sum of

[A] integral strain energy and work potential
[B] integral strain energy and external work done
[C]integral stress energy and work potential
[D] integral stress energy and external work done
[ A]

19. In FEM the complex domain defining a continuum is divided into

[A] points [B] elements [C] triangles [D] none

20. The number of nodes for a simple 1 D element are...

[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] none

21. Stiffness matrix depends on

[A] material [B] geometry [C] both [D] none

22. For 1-D bar elements if the structure is having 3 nodes then the stiffness matrix formedis having
[A] 2*2 [B] 3*3 [C] 4*4 [D] 6*6

23. The force required to produce unit displacement is

[A] pressure [B] traction [C] stiffness [D] none

24. Domain is divided into some segments called

[A] finite element [B]stiffness matrix [C]node function [D]shape function

25 …. are used to find the nodal displacements in all parts of element

[A] shape function[B]node function[C]element function [D]coordinate function

26. The nature of loading at various locations and other surfaces conditions called
[A] boundary condition [B] traction [C] friction [D]surfacing

27. The truss element can resist only

[A] axial force [B] surface force [C] point load [D] none

28.At Fixed support the displacements are equal to ……………………………

[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] 0

29. Example of 1-D Element

[A] Bar [B] Triangle [C] Square [D] Tetrahedron
Unit 2: 1D Elements

1. A singular stiffness matrix means

(a) unstable structure
(b) one or more DOF are unrestrained
(c) wrong connectivity of elements
(d) strain

2. One possible load in structural analysis is the specified

(a) nodal temperature (b) stress in an element
(c) heat flow (d) strain in an element

3. Assembled stiffness matrix after applying Boundary conditions is NOT

(a) square (b) symmetric (c) handed (d) singular

4. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix before applying boundaryconditions is

(a) < 0 (b) = 0 (c) > 0 (d) depends on the problem

5. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundaryconditions is

(a) < 0 (b) = 0 (c) > 0 (d) depends on the problem

6. Any point in a structure can have maximum of _ DOF

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6

7. A 1-D structural element is a

(a) truss element (b) beam element (c) pipe element (d) all of them

8. Meshing for 1-D elements is

( a) essential (b) optional
( c) reduces input data (d) depends on other data

9. A structure with loads at joints only is usually modeled by __ _

(a) truss elements (b) beam elements
(c) pipe elements (d) anyone ofthem

10. Stress across any 1-d element is assumed to be constant

(a) true for beam elements (b) true for truss elements
(c) true for pipe element (d) true for all 1-0 elements

11. A bar is modeled as 1-D element only if its

(a) area of cross section is small
(b) moment of inertia is small
(c) length is very large compared to cross section dimensions
(d) all the above

12. A plane truss element has a stiffness matrix of order

(a) 2 x 2 (b) 4 x 4 (c) 6 x 6 (d) 1 x 1

13. A constant term in the displacement function ensures

(a) rigid body mode (b) constant strain mode
(c) zero stress (d) zero deformation

14. Number of terms in the displacement function in relation to the number of nodes in that element is
(a) more (b) equal (c) less (d) unrelated

15. A linear term in the displacement function ensures

(a) rigid body mode (b) constant strain mode
(c) strain varying in the element (d) stress varying in the element

16.Formula to find the Number of displacements for truss having 3 nodes is………….
[A]Number of nodes*2 [B] Number of nodes*3
[C] Number of nodes*4 [D] Number of nodes*1

17. The displacement function for 1-D ,two node linear element in terms of shape function will be
[A] u = N1u2 + N2u1 [B] u = N2 u1 + N1u2 [C] u = N1u1+N2u2 [D] u = N1u1+N1u2

18. The point in the entire structure is defined using a coordinates system is known as
[A] local coordinate [B]natural coordinate
[C]region coordinate [D] global coordinate

19.……. magnitude never exceeds unity

[A] local coordinate [B] natural coordinate
[C] region coordinate [D] global coordinate

20.The shape function has…value at one nodal point and…value at other nodal point
[A] unity, negative [B] positive, negative [C] unity, zero [D] high, low

21. A small unit having definite shape of geometry and node is known as
[A] Discrete element [B] finite element
[C] assembled element [D] Infinite element

22. Example for one – Dimensional element is …..

[A] Triangular element [B] Brick element
[C] Truss element [D] Axisymmetric element

23. The determinant of an element stiffness matrix is always

[A] one [B] zero [C] depends on size of [K] [D] Two

24. A Deformable system is in equilibrium, if the first variation in the total P.E of the system iszerorefers to
[A] theorem of stationary P.E [B] theorem of virtual work
[C] theorem of virtual displacement [D] bettis theorem

25.In one of the property of shape function, summation of shape function [Σfi] is
[A] n [B] 2n [C] 1 [D] 0

26. In case of a truss member if there are 3 nodes and each node 2 DOF, then the order of Global Stiffness
matrix is
[A] 2x2 [B] 3x3 [C] 2x3 [D] 6x6

27. The truss element can deform only in the

[A] axial direction [B] vertical direction
[C] horizontal directional [D] inclined direction

28. The size of the stiffness matrix is equal to the degree of freedom of the
[A] element [B] node [C] shape function [D] beam
29. The final global finite element equation for the complete structure can be written in theMatrixform
[A] {F}=[k]+{u} [B] {F}=[k]-{u} [C] {F}=[k]{u} [D] {F}=[k]/{u}

30. The number of shape functions will be equal to the number of

[A] nodes of element [B] elements of the structure
[C] size of the structure [D] coordinates
Unit 3: 2D Elements

1.A triangular plane stress element has ………degrees of freedom

[A] 3 [B] 4 [C] 5 [D] 6

2. A three noded triangular element is called as

[A]linear strain triangular element [B] constant strain triangular element
[C] varaiable strain triangular element [D] differable strain triangular element

3. Example of 2-D Element

[A] Bar [B] Triangle [C] Hexahedron [D] Tetrahedron

4. A triangular element with cubic displacement function requires __ nodesto represent the complete and
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 10

5. A triangular element with quadratic displacement function requires __nodes to represent the complete polynomial
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 10

6. All stiffness coefficients of an axisymmetric element have _ units

(a) same (b) different (c) any set of (d) depend on other data

7. Displacement method can NOT be used with __ boundary conditions

(a) pressure (b) temperature(c) stress (d) displacement

8. A triangular plane stress element has _ D.O.F

(a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 15
[ A]

9. An axisymmetric element has _ no. of DOF, compared to a plate bendingelement

(a) same (b) more (c) less (d) unrelated
[ C]

10. A triangular plane strain element has _ DOF

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 15
[ B]

11. Displacement of any point on a side is related to displacements of nodes onthat side only, ensures
(a) equilibrium (b) compatibility
(c) energy balance (d) continuity along inter-element boundary

12. A 3-D dam is usually modeled with

(a) 2-D plane stress elements(c) 3-D solid elements
(b) 2-D plane strain elements(d) 3-D shell elements

13. Element formed by joining n+ 1 nodes in n-dimensional space is called

(a) simplex element
(c) multiplex element
(b) complex element
(d) compound element

14. Element formed with quadratic or higher order displacement polynomialis a

(a) simplex element
(c) multiplex element
(b) complex element
(d) compound element
[ B]
15. Plane stress element is an extension of
(a) truss element
(c) pipe element
(b) beam element
(d) spring element
[A ]

16. Plate bending element is an extension of

(a) truss element (b) beam element
(c) pipe element (d) spring element

17. A plate of 1 cm thickness with in-plane loads is modeled by

(a). plane stress element
(c) plate bending element
(b) plane strain element
(d) anyone of them

18. Actual thickness of plane strain element is

(a) very small (b) very large
(c) any specified value (d) assumed by software

19. Order of stiffness matrix for a plane stress model with 20 nodes is
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 60

20. Order of stiffness matrix for an axisymmetric model with 20 nodes is

(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 60

21. An element with in-plane loads having 3 nodes along each side is a
(a) constant strain element
(c) quadratic strain element
(b) linear strain element
(d) constant displacement method

22.LST element has ________nodes. [ D ]

a)3 b)4 c)5 d)6

23.First derivatives of the three node elements are called as [ A ]

a) CSTb)LST c)VST d)None

24. In CST element ________ is constant [ B ]

a) Stressb)Strain c)shape function d)All

25. Based on which parameter a polynomial function can be chosen________________

[A] Nodes [B] Nodal points [C] Nodal displacements [D] Elements

26. A six noded triangular element is known as

[A] linear strain triangular element [B] constant strain triangular element
[C] variable strain triangular element [D] differable strain triangular element

27. Axis-Symmetric elementsis______________Element

[A] 1D [B] 2D [C] 3D [D] 4D

28. In below choose which is the correct condition for axisymmetric element
[A] Symmetric about axis [B] Boundary conditions are symmetric about axis
[C] Loading conditions are symmetric about axis [D]All the above
Unit 4: Isoparametric Elements and Numerical Integration

1.The eight node quadrilateral element belongs to…………. Family Of elements

[A] Serendipity [B] interdipity [C] sardipity [D] none

2.To convert Cartesian co-ordinates into local co-ordinates we use_______ matrix method
a) Crammer b)Henry c)Jacobian d)None

3.If the geometry and field displacement variables of the elements are described by the same shape
functions, then these elements are called___________
a) Iso Parametric b)Axi Symmetric c)Super parametric d)Sub Parametric

4.If the geometry of the elements are described by a lower order shape functions, then these elements
are called _______
a) Iso Parametric b)Axi Symmetric c)Super parametric d)Sub Parametric

5. If the geometry of the elements are described by a Higher order shape functions, then these
elements are called _______
a) Iso Parametric b)Axi Symmetric c)Super parametric d)Sub Parametric

6. In FEA, to evaluate the strain displacement matrix we use________ method.

a) Crammer b) Henryc)Jacobian d)None

7. Iso-Parametric Element is _____Element

[A] Regular [B] Irregular [C] Sub [D] Super

8. Nodal points greater than geometry points is known as__________

[A] Isoparametric [B] Subparametric [C] Superperametric [D] QST

9. Based below condition which is a serendipity triangular element _______

[A] Nodes at corner [B] nodes at centre [C] nodes on element [D] none

10. Based below condition which is a serendipity triangular element _______

[A] Nodes at corner [B] nodes at centre [C] nodes on element [D] none

11. Displacement function which matches function value at the specified nodes is classified as
(a) Lagrange interpolation function (b) Serendipity function
(c) Hermite interpolation function (d) Pascal function

12. Element formed with edges parallel to coordinate axes is called

(a) simplex element (b) complex element
(c) multiplex element (d) compound element

13. An element with no internal nodes is classified as

(a) serendipity element
(c) Hermite element
(b) Lagrange element
(d) Laplace element
[ A]

14. In which method of mesh refinement results are improved by increasing the degree of polynomial
(a) h-method
(b) p-method
(c) both
(d) None

15. In which method of mesh refinement results are improved by decreasing the characteristic length (h) of elements
(a) h-method
(b) p-method
(c) both
(d) None
16.The ratio between largest and smallest characteristic dimension of an element is known as
(a) Aspect Ratio.
(b) Skewness
(c) Warping
(d) None

17. ----------is the Angular Measure of Element quality with respect to the Angles of Ideal Element Types.
(a) Aspect Ratio.
(b) Skewness
(c) Warping
(d) None

18. Most FEM software reduce computer memory requirement by storing

(a) half of symmetric stiffness matrix
(b) half of banded matrix
(c) stiffness matrix as a column vector
(d) complete stiffness matrix

19. For a definite integral of any third order polynomial, the two-point Gauss quadrature rule will give the same results as
(A) 1-segment trapezoidal rule (B) 2-segment trapezoidal rule (C) 3-segment trapezoidal rule (D) Simpson’s 1/3 rule

20. The value of integration of(x*e^x) over the limits 0.2 to 2.2 by using the two-point Gauss quadrature rule is most nearly
(A) 11.672 (B) 11.807 (C) 12.811 (D) 14.633


1 The two dimensional elements are called elements.

a Para symmetric
b dia symmetric
c Axi symmetric
d All
Ans c

2 To convert Cartesian co-ordinates in to local co-ordinates we use matrix method.

a Crammer
b Henry
c Jacobian
d None
Ans c
3 If the geometry and field displacement variables of the elements are described by the same shape functions, then these
elements are called
a Iso Parametric
b Axi Symmetric
c Super parametric
d Sub Parametric
Ans a

4 If the geometry of the elements are described by a lower order shape functions ,then these elements are called
a Iso Parametric
b Axi Symmetric
c Super parametric
d Sub Parametric
Ans d

5 If the geometry of the elements are described by a Higher order shape functions ,then these elements are called
a Iso Parametric
b Axi Symmetric
c Super parametric
d Sub Parametric
Ans c

6 In super parametric elements ,the following condition exists,

a i=j
b i<j
c i>j
d none
Ans b

7 1) In sub parametric elements ,the following condition exists

a i=j
b i<j
c i>j
d none
Ans c

8 In iso parametric elements ,the following condition exists

a i=j
b i<j
c i>j
d none
Ans a

9 In FEA, to evaluate the strain displacement matrix we use method.

a Crammer
b Henry
c Jacobian
d None
Ans c

10 Curved boundary is better modeled by using

a non-dimensional shape functions
b higher order elements
c more number of simple elements
d isoparametric elements
Ans d

11 Sum of shape functions at a point is

a 1
b 0
c any +ve integer
d any -ve integer
Ans a
12 When fewer nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the element is called
a subparametric
b isoparametric
c superparametric
d complex
Ans a

13 When same number of nodes are used to define the geometry and displacement, the element is called element
a subparametric
b isoparametric
c superparametric
d simple
Ans b

14 When more nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the element is called
a subparametric
b isoparametric
c superparametric
d complex
Ans c

15 Derivatives of displacement function with respect to element coordinate system and non-dimensional coordinate
system is given by
a Lagrangian
b Poisson
c Gaussian
d Jacobian
Ans d

16 The family of elements involving curved boundaries is known as Elements

a subparametric
b isoparametric
c superparametric
d simple
Ans b

17 Isoparametric element is initially brought out by

a B.M.Irons
b carton
c Taig
d none
Ans c

18 Which coordinate system is used to defdine any point inside the element by a set of dimensionless numbers?
a natural
b global
c local
d all
Ans a

19 Higher order lagrangian elements contains nodes

a internal
b external
c both
d none
Ans a

20 Shape functions of the 2D elements can be developed by having nodes only on the boundaries for
a triangular
b Serendipity element
c isoparametric
d tetrahedral
Ans b

21 Which type of numerical integration method is used to calculate the definite integrals?
a Jacobian
b Stiffness method
c Guass quadrature
d none
Ans c

22 The iso-parametric method is possible to use identical set of interpolation functions for approximating
a geometry
b field
c geometry or field
d both geometry and field
Ans d

23 Triangles with straight edges for specifying quadratic fields: this is the category of
a isoparametric
b sub-parametric
c super-parametric
d none
Ans b

24 Gaussian points are used for

a Numerical integration
b displacement calculation
c stress calculation
d strain calculation
Ans Numerical integration

25 The process of reducing number of mid-side or internal nodes before assembling element stiffness matrices is called
a Gauss reduction
b Jacobian reduction
c choleski reduction
d static condensation
Ans Jacobian reduction

26 When there are less geometric nodes than shape function nodes then the element is called
a sub-parametric
b super-parametric
c isoparametric
d a,b and c
Ans b

27 The use of same shape functions for both Cartesian coordinate system and natural coordinate system is known as
a isoparametric representation
b numerical integration
c a&b
d none
Ans d

28 For an Axisymmetric triangular element what is the size of the Jacobian Matrix
a 4x4
b 2X4
c 2X4
d 4X2
Ans a

29 Refines the element size based on solution gradients is called

a mesh refinement method
b h-method
c mesh refinement method or h method
d r method
Ans a

30 h is the symbol for which refinement

a h-refinement
b ph refinement
c p rerfinement
d none
Ans a

31 Deviation from the regular polygon is known as

a Refinement
b skewness
c isoparametric
d none
Ans b

31 Ratio of the longest dimension to shortest dimension is known as

a skewness
b Refinement
c Aspect ratio
d none
Ans a

32 The eight node quadrilateral element belongs to…………. Family fo elements

a Serendipity
b interdipity
c sardipity
d none
Ans a

33 The mesh which adapts itself to error is called

a Associative mesh
b Adaptive mesh
c mesh
d none
Ans b

34 Jacobian matrix is required for

a from transformation from natural co-ordinate to global co-ordinate system
b from transformation from local co-ordinate to global co-ordinate system
c from transformation from natural co-ordinate to local co-ordinate system
d none
Ans a

35 Gauss-Legendre method is actually the approximation of

a higher degree polynomial
b lower degree polynomial
c both a and b
d none
Ans a
1 D Steady State Heat Transfer Problems

1 The steady state problems are those which are independent of

a time
b temperature
c pressure
d all of the above
Ans a

2 For 1-D heat conductional element, Temperature function, T=

a N1T1+N2T2
b N1T1-N2T2
c N1T1/N2T2
d none
Ans a

3 Locus of points through which a fluid particle of fixed identity passes as it moves in space is
a streamline
b streak line
c path line
d none
Ans c

4 Locus of points in space that all particles falling on the line whose velocity vectors are tangent to the line is
a streamline
b streak line
c path line
d none
Ans a

5 flow is a frictionless flow characterized by zero viscosity

a viscous
b in viscid
c intermittent
d none
Ans a

6 problems depends on vertical deflection

a structural
b heat transfer
c both a) and b)
d none
Ans a

7 Each node in heat transfer problem has degrees of freedom.

a 1`
b 2
c 3
d 4
Ans a

8 heat transfer problem depends on

a thermal conductivity
b heat coefficient
c ambient temperature
d all
Ans d
9 Heat transfer takes place between solid to liquid is known as
a conduction
b convection
c radiation
d all of the above
Ans b

10 Conductance matrix is the equivalent of stiffness matrix in

a thermal analysis
b dynamic analysis
c fluid flow analysis
d static structural analysis
Ans a

11 problem is solved through iterative method

a transient thermal
b steady state thermal
c structure with thermal loads
d static structural analysis
Ans a

12 No. Of dOF for a 4-noded quadrilateral thermal element is

a 4
b 8
c 12
d 16
Ans a

13 No. of dOF for a 3-noded triangular thermal element is

a 3
b 6
c 9
d 12
Ans a

14 No. of DOF for a 6-noded triangular thermal element is

a 3
b 6
c 9
d 12
Ans b

15 No. of DOF for a 4-noded tetrahedran thermal element is

a 4
b 8
c 12
d 16
Ans a

16 No. Of DOF for a 8-noded quadrilateral thermal element is

a 4
b 8
c 12
d 16
Ans b

17 No. Of DOF per node in a triangular thermal element is

a 1
b 2
c 3
d 4
Ans a

18 No. Of dOF per node in a quadr, lateral thermal element is

a 1
b 2
c 3
d 4
Ans a

19 When there is temperature difference within body and its surrounding medium is known as,
a Heat Transfer
b conduction
c convection
d none
Ans a

20 A fin is an extended surface that is added to a structure to increase

a convection
b conduction
c heat transfer
d none
Ans c

21 If the problem is symmetric about the centre line of the plate then heat transfer will be considered
a positive
b negative
c zero
d none
Ans c

22 Unit of thermal conductivity is

a w/m ͦ C
b w/m^3
c both a and b
d none
Ans a

23 Potential energy should be -------- for stability of the system.

a maximized
b minimized
c constant
d any of the from a,b,c
Ans b

24 Heat convection is given by,

a q=h(Ts-T)
b q=h(Ts+T)
c q=h(Ts/T)
d none
Ans a

25 Radiation is given by,

a Q=σT4
b Q=σ/T4
c Q=σ+T4
d Q=σ-T4
Ans a

26 Diagram shows transient heat conduction in an infinite plane wall. Identify the correct boundary condition in
transient heat conduction in solids with finite conduction
a t=ti at T=0
b dt/dx=1 at x=0
c dt/dx=infinity at x=1
d dt/dx=infinity at x=0
Ans d

27 Let there is some conduction resistance, then temperature becomes a function of

(i) Biot number
(ii)Fourier number
(iii) Dimensionless parameter
a i and ii
b ii and iii
c i and iii
d i, ii and iii
Ans d

28 A large steel plate 50 mm thick is initially at a uniform temperature of 425 degree Celsius. It is suddenly exposed on
both sides to an environment with convective coefficient 285 W/m2 K and temperature 65 degree Celsius.
Determine the center line temperature.
For steel, thermal conductivity = 42.5 W/m K and thermal diffusivity = 0.043 m2/hr
a 261 degree Celsius
b 271 degree Celsius
c 281 degree Celsius
d 291 degree Celsius
Ans c

29 With respect to above problem, determine the temperature inside the plate 12.5 mm from the mid plane after 3
a 272.36 degree Celsius
b 262.36 degree Celsius
c 252.36 degree Celsius
d 22.35 degree Celsius
Ans a

30 A solid which extend itself infinitely in all directions of space is termed as finite solid.
Ans b

31 Conduction is given by,

a Q= -K ẟT/ẟX
b Q= -K +ẟT/ẟX
c Q= -K -ẟT/ẟX
d none
Ans a

32 In heat conduction for following is the field variable

a pressure
b time
c temperature
d none
Ans c

33 A 12 cm diameter cylindrical bar, initially at a uniform temperature of 40 degree Celsius, is placed in a medium at
650 degree Celsius with convective coefficient of 22 W/m2 K. Determine the time required for the center to reach
255 degree Celsius. For the material of the bar:
Thermal conductivity = 20 W/m K
Density = 580 kg/m3
Specific heat = 1050 J/kgk
a 1234.5 seconds
b 1973.16 seconds
c 3487.3 seconds
d 2896.4 seconds
Ans b

34 Consider the above problem, calculate the temperature of the surface at this instant
a 476.4 degree Celsius
b 453.5 degree Celsius
c 578.9 degree Celsius
d 548.6 degree Celsius
Ans c
35 In transient heat conduction, the two significant dimensionless parameters are
a Reynolds number and Fourier number
b Reynolds number and Biot number
c Reynolds number and Prandtl number
d Biot number and Fourier number
Ans d

Dynamic Analysis

1 An unconstrained 3-D frame with 4 nodes has frequencies number of zero

a 1
b 2
c 3
d 6
Ans d

2 A frequency of value _ indicates rigid body motion along one dof

a zero
b 1
c infinity
d less than zero
Ans a

3 Principal modes of vibration of a multi-dof system are

a parallel
b orthogonal
c integer multiples
d fractional multiples
Ans b

4 With lumped mass matrix, the differential equation of vibration refers to

a elastic coupling
b inertia coupling
c mode superposition
d both inertia and elastic coupling
Ans a

5 With consistent mass matrix, the differential equation of vibration refers to

a elastic coupling
b inertia coupling
c mode superposition
d both inertia and elastic coupling
Ans b

6 Normalising eigenvector w.r.t. mass matrix is useful in

a mode superposition
b evaluating natural frequencies
c frequency response
d damped vibrations
Ans a

7 An unconstrained 2-D frame with 4 nodes has ---- number of zero frequencies
a 1
b 2
c 3
d 6
Ans c

8 A 4-noded cantilever gives _ number of frequencies

a 3
b 4
c 6
d 9
Ans c

9 A 3-noded simply supported beam gives _ number of frequencies

a 3
b 4
c 5
d 7
Ans b

10 A natural mode of vibration represents _ at each node

a absolute displacements
b relative displacements
c proportional displacement
d absolute strain.
Ans b

11 The most direct method in solving dynamic analysis is

a Explicit dynamics
b dynamic vibration
d None
Ans a

12 Static Analysis is invariant.

a stress
b time
c strain
d displacement
Ans a

13 Dynamic analysis can be used to predict

a stress
b dispalcement
c natural frequency
d none
Ans c

14 If a system,after an initial disturbance is left to vibrate on its own,then the vibrations that occur are known as

a free vibrations
b forced vibration
c a&b
d none
Ans a

15 If a sytem is subjected to an external force , then the resulting vibrationnis known as

a free vibrations
b forced vibration
c a&b
d none
Ans b

16 Using shape function and mass distributed over entire span is knwon as --
a Consistent mass
b Lumped mass
c Both a & b
d none
Ans a

17 Obtained by lumping masses at the nodes and not obatined using shape function known
a Consistent mass
b Lumped mass
c Both a & b
d none
Ans b

18 Combination of consistent mass and lumped mass matrices are known as

a Combination mass matrix
b stiffness matrix
c both a and b
Ans a

19 Consistent mass matrix is definite.

a negative
b positive
c zero
d none
Ans positive

20 Lumped mass matrix is

a positive semidefinite
b negative
c positive
d none
Ans a

21 Computation time required in consistent mass matrix is

a more
b less
c medium
d none
Ans more

22 Computation time required inlumped t mass matrix is

a more
b less
c medium
d none
Ans b

23 Consistent mass matrix is more accurate for --

a beam
b plate
c simple bar problems
d both a and b
Ans d

24 Lumped mass matrix is more accuratfor

a beam
b plate
c simple bar problems
d both a and b
Ans c

25 Langrange's approach is based.

a stress
b force
c Energy
d none
Ans c

26 Free vibration problems are -

a Eigen value problems
b eigen vector problems
c both a and b
d none
Ans a

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