The document provides a guide to various protein sources, listing foods such as milk, yogurt, eggs, meats, soy products and plant-based alternatives. It details the amount, calories, protein, fat, and cost of each 100g serving. The guide also recommends whey protein isolates and concentrates as affordable high-quality options for muscle growth and recovery.
The document provides a guide to various protein sources, listing foods such as milk, yogurt, eggs, meats, soy products and plant-based alternatives. It details the amount, calories, protein, fat, and cost of each 100g serving. The guide also recommends whey protein isolates and concentrates as affordable high-quality options for muscle growth and recovery.
The document provides a guide to various protein sources, listing foods such as milk, yogurt, eggs, meats, soy products and plant-based alternatives. It details the amount, calories, protein, fat, and cost of each 100g serving. The guide also recommends whey protein isolates and concentrates as affordable high-quality options for muscle growth and recovery.
The document provides a guide to various protein sources, listing foods such as milk, yogurt, eggs, meats, soy products and plant-based alternatives. It details the amount, calories, protein, fat, and cost of each 100g serving. The guide also recommends whey protein isolates and concentrates as affordable high-quality options for muscle growth and recovery.
3 Toned Milk 800 ml 480 Cal 32 3.1 g 3g 4 Low Fat Milk 4 (Double Toned) 700 ml 280 Cal 45 3.5 g 0.5 g 5 5 Paneer 150 gms 420 Cal 62 18 g 22 g 2 6 Cheese 150 gms 450 Cal 100 17 g 25 g 4 7 Low fat Paneer 100 gms 150 Cal 45 25 g 5g 5 8 Curd 700 gms 420 Cal 60 3.5 g 3g 4 9 DAIRY Greek Yogurt 300 gms 240 Cal 140 8g 2.2 g 6 (Vegetarian) 33 g - 10 Whey Protein Conc. 1 scoop (23 g) 120 Cal 40 70.3 g 3.1 g 1 33 g - 11 Whey Protein Iso. 1 scoop (27 g) 120 Cal 53 81 g 1.84 g 6 12 Animal Protein Sources Whey Protein Raw 1 scoop 120 Cal 25-35 Whey Protein I currently Whey Raw Conc- 13 use & recommend - Whey Isolate Whey Conc. (Link) (Use Code HYPERTROPH20 (Link) (Link) Whey Raw Iso- 14 for flat 20% OFF) (Link) 15 Eggs 4 Eggs 280 Cal 24 6g 5g 1 16 Egg Whites 6 Whites 100 Cal 36 3.5 g Red meats 17 Eggs & Meat (Mutton, Beef..) 100 g 150-250 Cal 50 18 (Non-Veg) Prawns 110 g 110 Cal 60 Other fishes 19 [Tilapia, Pomphret, Salmon] 100-125 g 120-200 Cal 50 20 Chicken Breast 80 g 135 Cal 30 31 g 3 21 Soya Chunks 50 g 180 Cal 8 22 Tofu 150 g 240 Cal 50 23 Tempeh 150 g 250 Cal 110
(COMPLETE) (Link) 110 g 250 Cal 75 Plant Protein Powder 33 g - 25 Plant Protein Sources (Link) 1 scoop (25 g) 120 Cal 75 75 g 1.84 g 1 Protein Bars 26 (Link) 1 230 Cal 75 :