RealLife Students PreIntermediate
RealLife Students PreIntermediate
RealLife Students PreIntermediate
your life
Present simple and continuous
Questions and question words
Vocabulary Family and social life
Meeting and greeting
Getting to know people
Complete the information about yourself.
2 In groups, compare information. Was anyone born
on the same date or in the same place as you?
Write ‘not sure’ for information you don’t know. I was born in the same month/place as Tomas.
• Your date of birth 1 May 1992 3 a Look at the photos and read the captions.
• The place you were born ______________ Can you guess what the title, ‘time twins’, means?
• The time you were born ______________ b Now read the text to check your answer.
orn on the
d e r who was b
r w o n le use the
o you ev e JOSH The next
u ? Many peop
same da y a s y o s — people
th e ir time twin d time twin is Josh,
internet to fin d ey often fin N
o n th e s a me day. Th s, their born just three minutes
orn live
who were b ilarities between their later. His parents are Josh:
s im ie s!
incredib le ona lit both teachers but they
a n d e v e n their pers born 27 September
interes ts en- are divorced now. Josh
, w e m e e t four sevente . 07.18 a.m.
ramme Mariam normally lives with his mother
In this prog teven, Josh, Amy and g in the and his older sister in Wales but at the moment his
— S mo in rn
year-olds b o rn o n the same t if they really mother is working abroad and Josh is staying with his
a ll
They were We find ou
n hospital! father for a few weeks. Josh is still at school. He is doing
m e L o n d o
sa his A-levels and hopes to study Politics at university. So
are similar. what does Josh do in his free time? ‘I’m really lazy,’ he
says. ‘I hate sport and I don’t really have any hobbies. I
play computer games a lot and I listen to music. Oh, and
I’m learning to play the drums but I’m not very good!’
first time twin,
Steven, is an only
child. He still lives
near the Royal
London Hospital with Amy:
his parents, Don, born 27 September
an electrician, and 08.37 a.m.
Steven: Juliana, a nurse. He
born 27 September is doing a Business
07.15 a.m. Studies course at
his local college
and he also works
in a mobile phone shop. Steven doesn’t want to go to
university. ‘It’s too expensive,’ he explains. And what
about his free time? ‘I’m a fitness freak*. I never smoke
and I don’t drink alcohol or coffee. And I go running
every morning before college. At the moment, I’m
training for the London Marathon.’ born 27 September
* A person who is crazy about sport 09.59 a.m.
the sentences in exercise 4 about Mariam’s studying Maths and Science.
Amy (A) and Mariam (M). Amy isn’t studying at the moment.
Present simple and present 3 Steven’s parents ______ (not have) any other children.
continuous 4 Amy ______ (not look after) her little niece today.
5 Josh’s mother ______ (work) in the USA at the moment.
continuous? Give more information if you can. Use the present simple
1 □ I really love horror films. or present continuous.
2 □ Right now I’m talking to Amy. 1 like horror films
3 □ I’m working in a nursery at the I don’t like horror films, I like comedies.
moment, just part-time. 2 walk to school
4 □ I help my father in his shop 3 play a musical instrument
sometimes. 4 read a book at the moment
5 read the newspaper every day
9 a Read Grammar2know and match
the rules a–d with the sentences 1–4 6 study for exams this term
in exercise 8. 7 save to buy something special
b Read about Steven and Josh 12 WRITING Read about Steven and Josh again. Then write
again and underline more examples a description of yourself. Write about:
of the present simple and present
• where you live and who you live with
your life
Vocabulary &Reading
Social life 4 Read Active Study. Add more phrases to the list.
1 Read the title and introduction to the quiz. Are
you ‘chilled’ or ‘hyper’? Do the quiz to find out.
Notice collocations STU IVE
2 Read the quiz key on page 124. Are the There are many phrases with verbs like
conclusions true or not? go, have, make and do. Notice and
remember the correct verb in each phrase:
3 1.4 Use the verbs in Words2know to complete
phrases 1–10 from the quiz. Then listen and check. have a party (NOT make a party)
make plans (NOT do plans)
Words 2 know go out with friends (NOT get out with friends)
5 ___ sport 10 ___ shopping/running
MINI WORKBOOK exercise 7 page 101
H y p e r
Are you
Ch i l l e o r
iz to find out.
r qu
o r d o yo u ta ke life easy? Do ou
ver stops
f person who ne
Are you the kind
• Do you use websites like MyWorld?
Who (x2) Why What (x3)
Which How What kind (x2)
How many How much
When Where
Question words 2 ________ hours do you sleep every night?
3 ________ Hollywood superstar do you most want to meet?
Use these words to form questions:
What, Where, When, Which, Who, Why,
How, What kind, How much, How many:
________ do you spend Sundays?
________ ’s your favourite CD ever?
What’s your favourite CD? 6 ________ do you like your best friend?
What kind of music do you like? 7 ________ do you secretly admire?
How much money have you got? 8 ________ ’s your favourite time of day?
9 ________ of music do you like?
Word order
How much money have you got? 13 ________ do you see at the weekends?
14 ________ is your birthday?
1 a
PREDICTING Answer the questions.
• What do you think the people in the photos are
talking about?
• How are they feeling?
The BBC is doing its biggest ever internet
b Read the introduction to the internet survey.
Who is organising the survey and why? survey* about young people in Britain
today to find out about their lives and
2 Read the survey and complete gaps 1–6 with the their worries. They want to help parents
questions a–f below. 5 and teenagers to talk and understand
a Who do you talk to when you have a problem? each other better. Thousands of people
b What do you most like about your parents? are logging on to take part – so far
c What do you worry about most? more than 30,000 teenagers and 12,000
d How could your parents make your life better? parents. This is what they say.
e What’s the worst thing about being a teenager?
f What’s the best thing about being a teenager? ✓ 10 What’s the best thing about being a teenager?
Most teenagers say, ‘Going out and having
3 Read the survey again. Tick (✓) true and cross (✗)
false. Give reasons for your answers. more freedom’. ‘Cool music and fashion’ and
1 □ Most teenagers think their parents are kind ‘the internet’ are also popular answers.
and have a good sense of humour.
2 □ Teenagers and parents think that the media
is too negative about young people.
15 Young people most like the love and support
they get from their parents … and their sense
3 □ Most teenagers think their parents are too
of humour, too. But 40% say that they like their
parents because they give them money!
4 □ Nearly 30% of teenagers don’t like their
4 Complete the definitions with a word from the people also complain about exam pressures,
text. 25 changing moods and boyfriend/girlfriend
Words 2 know 1.8
a younger/older sister
2 your grandmother’s mother
One parent said, ‘If our kids have a serious
problem, they can always talk to us about
it.’ But teenagers don’t always agree. Most
3 your mother or father’s sister
4 the woman married to a person’s son
feel that they can talk to their parents about 5 the woman a person divorced
everyday things but 60% say they can’t talk to 6 your sister or brother’s daughter
their parents about serious personal problems 7 your father’s new wife – not your own mother
with relationships, drugs and alcohol. They find 8 your mother’s sister’s daughter
2 and cross
Listen to the conversation. Tick (✓) true
(✗) false.
1 □ Zack already knows Fran.
2 □ Zack already knows Rosie and Ted.
3 □ Fran is driving today.
4 □ There were no problems with the flight.
5 □ Fran’s house is near the airport.
3 gapsRead
1.11 the dialogue and complete the
with the correct Phrases2know. Then N
listen again and check.
2 know
ZACK is from California
Meeting and greeting and is coming to London to
6 enrolment
Use Phrases2know to complete Zack’s
form. Then listen and check.
emergency contact details ✓ nationality ✓
passport number ✓
8• Where
Look at the photo and answer the questions.
University Enrolment
• N is Zack and who is he talking to?
Do you think he’s enjoying himself? Why? Why not?
Name of course European History
9 soundRead
1.14 Phrases2know. Which three questions
too formal for a party? Listen and check.
Audrey Hepburn
Grammar Past simple and past continuous
Vocabulary Life events
Personal characteristics
Narrating past events
Kurt Cobain
After his death in 1994,
Nirvana singer Kurt
Cobain quickly became
a legend … but did he
really kill himself or was it
? Did he play with different bands? Yes, he did. the questions, 1–6, below.
(regular) No, he didn’t.
Did he become very successful?
Why did he become very successful? N
to be
+ Life was easy for him.
Che Guevara
years happy? No, they weren’t.
Time expressions: in 1967, yesterday, last week,
last year, ten years ago, when he was fourteen 1 Why (he/she be) famous?
Why was she famous?
2 When and where (he/she be) born?
3 (he/she have) a happy childhood?
Muhammad Ali 4 What (he/she achieve)?
5 (he/she get) married?
To his fans, he was ‘The Greatest’ but his real name 6 When and where (he/she die)?
wasn’t Muhammad Ali. He was born Cassius Marcellus b Work in pairs. Student A, look at page
Clay in Kentucky in 1942. He 8 ______ and started 124. Student B, look at page 135.
boxing when he was just twelve years old. As a
c Take turns to ask and answer the
boxer, he was incredibly fast on his feet – he almost questions about the famous people.
‘danced’. He won the world championship for the
first time in 1964 but he lost his title a few years
Why was Marilyn Monroe famous?
later because he 9 _______ . After that, he became
She was famous because …
a Muslim and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.
When was she …?
the greats
In the 1970s, he 10 _______ again. Ali got Parkinson’s 8 Discuss these questions with the class.
disease in the 1980s and stopped fighting. He began • Which of the five people on pages
to raise money for poor people around the world. In 12–13 do/don’t you admire? Why?
2000, the United Nations named him a ‘Messenger of
• Do you feel sorry for any of them? Why?
MINI WORKBOOK exercises 1–4 page 102
Life events
&Writing 3 1.19 Listen and complete the first part of Joe’s
story with the Phrases2know. What else do you
1 Read about the life of ‘Joe Average’. In pairs, learn about Joe’s life?
put the events in each section in the best order
1–8. Compare answers with another pair. Joe was born 1 in 1985 and was very happy
as a small child. He started school when he was
five. 2 ________ , his family moved house and Joe
changed primary schools but he hated the new
□ He went to secondary school.
one. 3 ________ , he moved to secondary school.
□ Kate met someone else.
________ , he met Kate, his first girlfriend, and
□ Joe was born.
they started going out. Joe really liked Kate but
□ His family moved house and 5
________ , they had an argument and
Joe changed primary schools. 6
________ , Kate dumped him. 7 ________ Kate
□ They had an argument met someone else and Joe was really miserable
and Kate dumped him.
again …
□ They started going out
Phrases 2 know
□ He started school.
□ He met his first girlfriend, Narrating past events
Kate, at secondary school. after a few months When he was fourteen
in 1985 ✓ after that
After a couple of years
Then A few years later
□ He met his future wife,
Meg, at a party.
□ He got a job. 4 Use the Phrases2know to tell the second part
□ They rented a flat together. of Joe’s life story. Add three more pieces of
□ He left school and went information to the story.
artney, B
and Paul McC
John Lennon at le s.
ith The Be Hillary and Bill Clinton 1 ________ (meet) in 1969
songwriters w
church while they 2 ________ (study) law together at
A ohn Lennon was playing with his band, The Quarrymen, at a school Yale University in New York. Hillary first
fair when Paul McCartney first heard him. Paul loved the music and
________(notice) Bill in the college library
went to speak to John. At that time, in May 1957, John was studying when she 4 ________ (write) an essay. She
at music college. Paul wasn’t in a band but he was writing songs. Soon
Paul joined the band and the two young men became close friends. They N 5
________ (introduce) herself because Bill
________(stare) at her!
met after school every afternoon and wrote songs together. They wrote
some of their hit songs when they were only eighteen!
Use the past continuous to describe actions in progress at a time o’clock last night?
in the past. The action started before that time and continued after 1 What (you do) at eight o’clock
that time: last night?
At that time, in July 1957, John was studying at art college. 2 What (you wear) last Friday?
Past simple and past continuous 3 When (you come) to school this
We sometimes use the past simple and past continuous together: morning (the sun shine)?
John was playing with his band at a church fair (= action in progress) 4 (it rain) when (you get) home
when Paul first heard him. (= event) last night?
5 What (the other students do)
Paul heard him
John was playing when you (arrive) at this lesson?
6 What (everyone in your family
PAST now do) at four o’clock last Saturday
+ I/He/She was playing the guitar.
You/We/They were playing the guitar. 7 What (your teacher wear) last
English lesson?
– I/He/She wasn’t playing the guitar.
You/We/They weren’t playing the guitar. b In pairs, ask and answer the
questions. How good is your
? Was I/he/she playing the guitar? Yes, I/he/she was.
the greats
partner’s memory?
No, I/he/she wasn’t.
What were you doing at eight
Were you/we/they playing the guitar? Yes, you/we/they were.
o’clock last night?
No, you/we/they weren’t. I was watching TV. And you?
What was he doing?
MINI WORKBOOK exercises 5–6 pages
SCANNING Quickly read about the BBC poll on
Personal characteristics
the Greatest Britons. Find the names of:
5 Look at the Words2know from the text that describe
• a military leader • a writer • a scientist people. Write them in the correct column in the table.
• an engineer • a political leader • royalty
Positive characteristics Negative characteristics
2 a Check the words in blue successful brutal
below. You have two minutes to read and
match the descriptions, 1–8, to the people in Words 2 know 1.23
the text. Who finished first?
1 Darwin developed the theory of Evolution. successful brutal talented violent intelligent
2 _________ led the British army against the king. determined brave cruel weak glamorous
popular friendly sympathetic brilliant
3 _________ died in a car crash.
4 _________ killed his/her cousin.
5 _________ designed important bridges. 6 WORD RACE How many adjectives can you add
6 _________ wrote plays and poetry. to the lists in exercise 5 in two minutes?
7 _________ discovered the law of gravity. 7 Choose three adjectives in exercises 5 and 6
8 _________ wanted peace. to describe:
b 1.21 Listen and check your answers. • a famous person you like (e.g. a musician)
c family and
He came from a famous aristocrati four people from the list below. LISH
at the age of Explain why they were great, using
became a Member of Parliament
the Phrases2know.
twenty-six. He led Britain
A successful but brutal military leader.
The greatest writer in the English
Cromwell led the British parliament language. He wrote about
and army against King Charles I and thirty-eight plays, including Hamlet and
executed the king in 1649. Britain was a Macbeth, and hundreds of poems. But
republic until 1659. some people say Shakespeare didn’t
write the plays himself.
of Trafalgar and died in the battle. Naturalist. He developed the theory
A famous statue of Nelson stands in of Evolution, and in 1859 he wrote his
Trafalgar Square in London. famous work, On the Origin of Species.
Glamorous mother of
Queen of England
Princes William and
Harry. Diana was
very popular in her
1 ???
1 do a school at sixteen because he 5 _________ to be a rock star.
2 fall b married His first movie role was a small part in the 1984 film
Nightmare on Elm Street.
3 go
4 leave
c nothing
d running
He 6 __________ his current partner, French pop
5 get e in love singer Vanessa Paradis, while he 7 __________ a film
in France in 1998. Apparently, he 8 _________ her when
B she was coming out of a Paris hotel and he immediately
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