Gibo Sapetin Sapid
Gibo Sapetin Sapid
Gibo Sapetin Sapid
Professional Education 8
The Teacher and the Community, School Culture, and Organizational Leadership
School of Education
I. Rationale
Brown (2004) cited that the school’s vision, mission and values stem from
societal concerns as well as the respective community as they are the backbone of
education. This was further elaborated by Taylor, Mark and Monica (n.d) in which the
entire community influenced the school’s development towards educational
excellence. Thus, a responsible school has a strong vision and mission, and focused on
time, wherein this is the heart of the main school's values.
In addition, Lepper, et al. (2005) stated that committed teachers are those
advisers and counselors of student’s behavior, facilitators of classroom teaching
learning process, equipped on their subject matters, have trust on school activity and
always guided by the teaching-learning plan. This was further elaborated by Hopkins
(2001) in which teachers with high levels of commitment will greatly contribute to
students’ academic achievement.
Hence, the purpose of this survey is to determine the school cultures from
different schools. May it be positive or negative culture that best describes their
respective schools as well as how these cultures being practiced, affect, and be
beneficial on the entire institution which contributes to success and betterment.
This study looks at how school culture affects students' academic achievement,
collegial awareness, shared values, decision-making, risk-taking, trust, openness, and
parent relations, leadership, communication, socialization, and the history of the
organization are all important factors to consider. The data for this study came from
fifteen (15) instructors or administrators. To examine how a school's culture
contributes to its success, the researchers use a school culture typology worksheet.
i. Leadership
j. Communication
k. Socialization
l. Organization History
2. Based on the gathered data, what are the salient results and findings?
The researchers make sure that this survey will be sincerely gathered, carefully
analyzed, and clearly put into write ups for organized results as well as to come-up with
comprehensive conclusions.
In this section, the researchers present some studies that are relevant to the
survey on school culture. Hence, all of the ideas and literature obtained from the
Moreover, Yusof et. al (2016) in their study School Culture and Its Relationship
with Teacher Leadership sees that there are only few of the studies that focused more
on the relationship between school culture and teacher leadership. Through this study,
this will indicate that there is really a very strong and significant correlation between
school culture and teacher leadership. As shown in the results and findings, they found
out that the school that has a diverse school culture will produce teachers who have
extensive and positive leadership. This also entails that teachers may have conflicts and
problems with the administrators’ management but the most important is to have
cooperation among teachers and school administrators in an effort to improve school
performance. Besides, school administrator’s responsibilities should be the backbone
to the changes that are supposed to happen in the school as well as being role models
to all the teachers. Thus, the administrators must be smart in setting the strategies in
implementing positive school culture which later can build a close relationship between
administrators and teachers.
Bidwell & Kasarda (1980) also stated that teachers are shaped by their school
cultures as what teachers manifest in their classrooms. This could be determined by
teachers’ manifestations of their school cultures such as school structures, policies,
traditions, and even how teachers interact with others. With this, according to
Hargreaves (1994), to better understand school cultures and the reciprocal
relationships between school cultures and teachers, this needs to be examined.
Rosenholtz (1991) also recommended that to understand schools, people must
understand them like teachers do; one must attempt to analyze how schools appear to
teachers who inhabit them. More importantly, teachers’ shared understandings of their
school cultures need to be collated and unveiled.
up any miscommunication by making the behavior code more visible to the teachers
and students.
The table below presented the separate results of the 11 different schools in
which respondents were randomly picked and with no particular number per school.
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
A1 0.75 3.92
Balkanized Collaborative
A2 0.33 3.33
Toxic and Balkanized Collaborative
A3 0.42 5.17
Balkanized Collaborative
A4 0 3.75
None Contrived Collegiality
A5 0.92 3.33
Fragmented Contrived Collegiality
A6 0.17 3.92
Balkanized Contrived Collegiality
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
B1 0.67 3.25
Balkanized Collaborative
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
C1 0.92 5.42
Balkanized Collaborative
C2 0 4.17
None Collaborative
C3 1.25 2.5
Balkanized Comfortable
and Collaborative
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
D1 0 5.17
None Collaborative
D2 1.66 3
Balkanized Contrived Collegiality
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
E1 2.58 1.42
Toxic Collaborative
E2 1.5 3.75
Toxic Contrived Collegiality
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
F1 6.6 9
Balkanized Collaborative
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
G1 0.8 2.9
Balkanized Collaborative
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
H1 1.9 2
Toxic Contrived
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
I1 1.3 2.25
Toxic Contrived
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
Highest Average
Negative Culture Positive Culture
(A,B,C) (D, E, F)
K1 1.8 2.75
Toxic Contrived
The eleven (11) different schools follow the same explanation with regards to its
arrangement per row and per column. Column 1 signifies the respondents of the school.
Column 2 is divided by two: Negative Culture, statements from columns A, B, and C;
Positive Culture, statements from D, E, and F. The answers of the respondents are
converted into the average to give the general idea of the responses as a whole. The
analysis of the average is based from the Typology Descriptions: Column A-Toxic;
Column B-Fragmented; Column C-Balkanized; Column D-Contrived Collegiality;
Column E-Comfortable Collaboration; Column F-Collaborative.
Based on the survey worksheet, the researchers interpreted that the first three
columns are statements considered as practices of a Negative Culture and the last three
columns are statements considered as practices of a Positive Culture.
Chart 1 revealed the general findings from the twenty (20) teacher respondents.
Out of 20 respondents, 7 respondents answered toxic, 1 respondent answered
fragmented, 11 respondents answered Balkanized, 8 respondents answered Contrived
Collegiality, 2 respondents answered Comfortable Collaboration, and 11 respondents
answered Collaborative.
As revealed in the chart, the highest negative school culture which was answered
mostly by the respondent is balkanized while the highest positive school culture is
collaborative. According to Steve Gruenert & Jerry Valentine, Middle Level Leadership
Center (2000) in Typology Descriptions, balkanized is where the school community is
divided into smaller groups competing from one another. It is a very negative school
culture because it leads to poor communication, indifference, and groups even the most
effective teachers going separate directions. It is also crucial in sharing beliefs and
cultures because there is no harmony among the members of the school community.
The impact of the negativity does not just not refer to the teachers but as well as to the
relationships among students and parents. This type of environment is more on self-
preservation this means that they focused more on individuality than being in a shared
IV. Conclusion
Based on the results of the survey, this section presents the comprehensive
conclusion. Some respondents have experienced some negative practices in their
respective schools, the average of their positive practices far outweighs the negative.
School culture has a significant impact on both students' and educators' achievements;
it may vary from time to time due to differences in norms and many other factors, but
most importantly, these differences must not diminish unity.
This survey of teachers' relationships with their colleagues and students reveals
to the researchers that there is no perfect colleague. Teachers may always practice
professionalism, but human nature will always be with them. Research shows that
negativity is a part of positivity, and that despite difficulties in relationships, there is
always collaboration and goodness in everyone. The members of the institution may
have shared different values, beliefs, practices, etc. in the community but the goal of
the school unites them together. That is, therefore, the meaning of school culture in
this study means that the members are seen as individuals but when it comes to their
function in the institutions they have to play their responsibility abiding to the school's
vision, mission and goals.
The researchers also realized that there is no perfect school culture. With the
study on Educational Leadership there are different types of leaders. In relation, they
conclude that the type of leadership in the school does not guarantee that it will be
acceptable for everyone. With that, some teacher respondents may not be able to
understand and appreciate the type of leadership their school head has.
Moreover, the researchers also found out that this study can be expanded not
only in 11 schools but throughout the country. This is to enable in-depth knowledge of
the school culture and also can generalize the study to a larger location. Further studies
can be done to examine the factors that can affect school culture. In addition, further
research should be conducted to assess the effect of school culture to the success of the
goals of an institution.
V. References
Auli Toom (2018) School Culture, Leadership and Relationships Matter, Teachers and
Teaching 24:7, 745-748, DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2018.1503855. Retrieved
Jaana Nehez & Ulf Blossing (2020) Practices in different school cultures and principals’
improvement work, International Journal of Leadership in Education.
Retrieved from
Appendix A1: Legend
For the purpose of confidentiality, the researchers did not reveal the name of the
following institutions. The researchers used the capital letters A-K to indicate which
school they are referring to.
Appendix A2: Survey Answers
School A
School B
School C
School D
School E
School F
School G
School H
School I
School J
School K