Stigmata: Faith Fury &
Stigmata: Faith Fury &
Stigmata: Faith Fury &
Designed, and
Edited by:
Notepad Anon
P reface
Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The Stigmata is a Christian imagery associated with tht 5 Holy Wounds of Jesus:
Two one the hands, two on the feet, and a final strike to the side. These holy wounds play a
significant part of Catholic Mysticism and other "occult" aspects of the Faith.
I also signed up for the July Jam hosted through the Game Design Guild, giving me
one month to make a game based on a single concept: Within A Vast and Ancient Structure.
So putting the two aspects together I ended up with Stigmata: Faith & Fury, a game
about ascending the Tower of Babel, to kill Satan. I also want to be one of the first entries into
the TTRPG Sphere which can claim to be Christo-Cyberpunk which is an actual genre, which
is kind of neat in an odd way.
I ntroduction:
Proverbs 21:15 - When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.
Satan has built the Tower of Babel as a terrible facsimile of its home dimension of
Hell. The Archaeology is a super-structure, but ancient in its own cryptic way, melding
architecture, wires, and demonic sigils to create a monstrous tower to its damnable self.
The Crusaders are Christ's chosen warriors sent on a one-way mission to stop Satan
and secure a future for the world, free of the Tower and the malicious wrath of the demonic
There will be no returning when they depart on their journey, it is victory or death,
but they will be remembered as martyrs regardless.
P laying the Game
Genesis 27:3 - Now then, please take your gear, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and
hunt game for me;
Stigmata: Faith & Fury requires 1 to 4 players, a Judge to arbitrate the rules and
depict the tower, and a handful of D6's for each player.
Actions are divided into two categories: Intense and Relaxed. Intense Checks are
actions requiring the Crusader to roll their Attribute Dice, then distributing the results
among the various encounters and problems they will encounter on the floor. Relaxed
Checks are when the Crusader is not in a combat situation, they roll all of their Attribute Dice
and take the highest as their Successful dice, if there are more of that same number, they are
added together. For example, I roll a 3, 3, 4, 6, and 6. I would have “scored” a 12. However, if I
rolled a 3, 3, 3, 4, and 6, I would have still scored a 6, because 6 is my highest die value.
Relaxed Check Numbers
TN 3 - Simple
TN 5 - Average
TN 7 - Complex
TN 9 - Hard
TN 11 - Devilish
TN 13 - Satanic
Should a Crusader die, they are dead and a martyr to the cause. As long as a single
member of the Crusading Group survives, they will be able to call in reinforcements at the
end of the Floor. These are new Crusaders, ready to die for the cause.
You are not
expected to
oly Warriors
H Ecclesiastes 3:8 -A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace.
The Crusaders are brought from the finest fighters and expendable assets the
Church can muster during these trying times. Armed to the teeth, they take to the Tower in
an effort to kill Satan, however, their task is a long and arduous journey through the Towers
many layers. The only support they have while inside are the few supply drops mustered from
the Church and the vast number of their fellows ready and willing to replace them as they
become martyrs for the Lord.
In an effort to maintain a degree of stealth, only a small number of Crusaders are
able to successfully infiltrate at once, any more, and the various alarms and sigils would make
the task nearly impossible. When the Crusader enters, there is no leaving.
Each Crusader is built from three Attributes: FAITH, FURY, and FORTITUDE. A
Crusader distributes 12 Points among all of their Attributes which will form the core of the
ability. Should a Crusader take any harm, they will reduce their Attributes by the amount of
Damage sustained, should they reach 0 in All Attributes, their martyrdom will be
FAITH dictates the Crusader's For every 2 Points in an Attribute,
unwavering belief in the cause as well as the Crusader gains a Stigmata in that
their ability to combat Satan's magic and category. A Stigmata is a Cybernetic
perform miracles. Enhancement which augments their abilities
and allows them to enter the field against
FURY dictates the Crusader's raw their demonic foes. The Crusader will roll on
combat prowess and their own hatred of
the Stigmata Chart to determine which of
the dreadful demonic incursion.
the holy cybernetics they are blessed with by
FORTITUDE dictates the Crusader's the Lord Jesus Christ (and a Church-
survivability and ability to mitigate harm Approved Cyberneticist)
to themselves rather than simply
succumbing to Satan's whims.
Medical Systems - When a Floor is Arm Blade - If you kill a Demon in
Dermal Plating - Ignore the first 5
2 cleared, heal each remaining Melee Combat, gain a +1D to the
Damage of any Attack.
Crusader by 1. next Melee Attack
Crusader manage to deal more damage than
is possible to the Demons Meat, they are
considered to be Overkilled, granting the
Crusaders +1d6 to their next Check.
Demons are twisted monsters who Theurgy represents the Demons'
are barely contained in the mortal world due occult connection to both Hell and Satan at
to their unnatural physiology and cryptic the top of the Tower. Should a Crusader
magics. With Satan in control of the Tower, manage to completely fill Theurgy, the
the Demons are able to run freely inside of it. Demon can no longer use certain abilities or
Actions Committed against passive effects they radiate due to being cut
Demons have the Crusaders roll appropriate off from Satan's power.
Dice and assign them to the various aspects Finally, Demons will have certain
of the Demon to damage them. Any die of parts that are able to be destroyed by
greater or equal value can be use to target a placing Dice on them and filling them. Once
section of the Demon, when there are no destroyed, the Demon can no longer use the
sections still available to the Demon, that part or any of its benefits. Certain parts also
part is considered to be destroyed. have effects that trigger once they are
Each Demon is composed of Meat, destroyed.
Theurgy, and Parts.
Know Thy
Travels in Packs of 4 to 9. Horns
Meat Head
Unable to use the GORE
Theurgy Actions
Bloody – Deal 2 Damage to All
Crusaders in the Current Zone
Each Crusader has two Actions they are able
to perform for their turn, to be used at any
time during the Crusader Action phase.
Banishment - The Crusader attempts to
Banish a Demon, rolling their FAITH +
Bonus Dice and distributing the results
to those within 3 Zones.
Combat is broken down into three ●
Manipulate - The Crusader manipulates
phases: Demonic Positioning, Crusader an object within the environment.
Actions, and Demonic Assault. All three ●
Melee Attack - The Crusader attacks
phases are called the Round, while an with a Melee weapon in their
individual actor's choices are their "Turn." possession, rolling their FURY +
Weapon's Bonus Die and distributing
the results.
Move - The Crusader moves to an
adjacent Zone of their choice.
Ranged Attack - The Crusader attacks
Each Floor the Crusader's enter is a
combat arena to the next elevator leading
upwards. The Floor is divided into a series of
Zones which represent various sections of
the floor and features that can be interacted
with. A single floor can have as many Zones
as is appropriate, however on average, a
Floor will have around 8 to 13 Zones
representing rooms, halls, and other
Zones may contain bonuses or
additional effects for simply being in them,
while others have nothing except set
dressing. Attempting to drown a Demon in
the Pool as above is a good example of a
“Feature” of the Zone, allowing the Crusader
to “Manipulate” using their Fortitude to deal
The further up the Tower the
Crusaders find themselves the more chaotic
the floors become, as Satan’s influence seeps
deeper into the foundation.
When a Crusader reaches 0 in all of their Attributes, they have perished and
become a Martyr. Certain Demons may affect the death of Crusaders, but the most tragic
loss is the life of a holy person.
If the Crusaders have suffered losses on the Floor, when they reach the Elevator
and clear the previous Floor, they will receive reinforcements in the form of another
From a gameplay standpoint, when the Player's Crusader dies horribly, they are not
out of the game, they will simply make a new Crusader and dedicate themselves back to the
fight. They do not have any of their Crusader equipment or the same Stigmata as their
previous Crusader. For all accounts they are a different person.
If a Crusader manages to survive by the end of the Floor, they gain +1 to any
Attribute of their choice, representing their advancement and skill in battle. Crusaders
joining the fight as a replacement do not have any of these bonus Attributes.
Revel in Your
R eliquary
Luke 22:36 - He said to them, “But now let the one
who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack.
And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and
buy one.
Crusaders enter the Tower armed to the teeth with equipment to protect
themselves and to bring holy justice upon the demonic threat to humanity. Crusaders
have access to three kinds of items: Weapons, Armor, and Tools.
Weapons act as a direct method for the Crusaders to deal with the threats at
hand, every Crusader can use every weapon with ease as they have been trained for it.
Melee Weapons can only be used in the same Zone as the enemy, while
Ranged Weapons can be used to target distant enemies from a number of Zones away,
at the cost of having Ammunition which represents the amount of dice being rolled in
the attack.
All Crusaders start with a single weapon of their choice (as well as a single
reload) when deployed, except a Mega-Weapon.
Melee Weapons
Great Weapon (+4d6) Small Weapon (+1d6)
Massive tools of war requiring two A small sidearm to be used in
hands to successfully use, but unleashing a desperate circumstances or can be used as a
devastating effect on the non-perspective very simple ranged weapon if need be.
Demon in the Crusader's way. Distribute Attack Dice to any single Target
Distribute Attack Dice to any target within within the Zone
the Zone.. ●
Can be used as a Ranged Weapon with
Can only move Once per Crusader Ammo 1, do not add the Bonus Dice
Action due to the weapon's weight
Requires a full Action to put the weapon Improvised Weapon (+1d3)
away and cannot use another item while A tool designed for anything but
using the weapon. war, can still be used to effectively bash, cut,
or distract a Demon.
Standard Weapon (+2d6) ●
Distribute Attack Dice to a Single Target
A standard melee weapon and tool within the Zone
of war for the Crusaders, using only a single
hand to use it effectively.
Distribute Attack Dice to any two
target's within the Zone
Holy Automatic (+1d6 / 5 Range / 24
A proper holy man’s weapon, this
automatic rifle is designed to pop heads at
distance and inspire the masses with the
True Faith of our lord and savior.
Can target multiple opponents.
One Attack Die can be used to inflict
Theurgy damage to a targeted Demon.
BK-7777 (+2d6 / 4 Range / 30 Ammunition)
demonic horns that have been shaved to a
fine point, these rifles are usually
centerpieces to Crusaders who have
returned from their missions. You will not.
Blessed Kalin designed this firearm ●
Can target a single opponent, uses
to be used by the faithful in times of great ammunition based on the number of
need. Able to be blessed by any high-ranking different locations the Attack Dice were
authority en masse. used on.
Can target multiple opponents in the ●
Can only be shot one per Round.
same zone.
Marksman Revolver (+0D6 /6 Range / 6
Combat Shotgun (+1d6 / 0 Range / 12 Ammunition)
Ammunition) Popularized by the sharpshooters
Close quarters combat is common of the Church, a Marksman Revolver can be
in the streets and a basic Combat Shotgun is used to easily shoot a far distance away
appreciated by many street preachers when without compromising damage.
dealing with the rabble. ●
Can target a single opponent, uses
Can target a single opponent, uses ammunition based on the number of
ammunition based on the number of different locations the Attack Dice were
different locations the Attack Dice were used on.
used on. ●
Scoring a Headshot rewards +1d6
If the weapon is used to reduce Meat to Bonus Dice to the next attack.
0, it causes Overkill.
Stake Launcher (+3d6 / 2 Range / 12
Energy Revolver (+1d6 / 4Range / 6 Ammunition)
Ammunition) A modified hunting rifle with the intent of
Designed and tested by many of the hunting large game using a barrel designed
Church’s most loyal, the standard-issue for shooting arm sized metallic stakes at
Energized Revolver shoots out a .45 Caliber demonic threats.
bullet blessed by the Bishop himself. ●
Can target a single opponent, uses
Can target a single opponent, uses ammunition based on the number of
ammunition based on the number of different locations the Attack Dice were
different locations the Attack Dice were used on.
used on. ●
Destroying a Part removes a Section
from another Part, but not Meat or
Faithful's Sweeper (+2D6 / 1 Range / 10 Theurgy.
A terrifying tool to clear out rooms
of the demons nesting in the city streets, or
simply dealing with the Satanic Doom Cults
inhabiting them.
Can target multiple opponents
Mega Weapons
FHG 9000 (MEGA-WEAPON / 3 Range / 1 Ammunition)
A weapon designed to surpass all Demonic Threats, at the
cost of the user’s own wellbeing. A proper martyr’s weapon.
Fill in 2d6 Sections of the Crusader’s Choice
Deal 4d6 Damage to the Crusader, ignoring Armor.
Ammo Bag - A pack of Magazines in a ●
Call-Brik - A one-use phone that can
simple bag for the Crusaders. When break through the Tower's malign
placed down during relaxation, they influence, during a moment of
can distribute 6 Magazines between relaxation, the Crusaders’ next
them. shipment of supplies will contain a
An's Hero Device - The Crusader pulls random item.
the pin on An's Holy Device and ●
Data Spike - A simple looking device
detonates themselves, they will deal employed by hackers to immediately
six Sections to all Demons in the Zone break into a terminal, can be used
and six damage to each Crusader inside of the Tower to immediately
present, killing themselves in the hack an object without making a roll.
process. Consumed upon use.
Armor Cache - A large bag strapped ●
Explosive Magazine - A new UAB's
to the back of the Crusader, when (Universal Ammunition Bullets) that
placed down during Relaxation, roll when loaded into a firearm, can be
4d6. used to deal a free Section in damage
Blessed Goods (Small) - A pile of whenever they hit a Target.
relics, momentos, and other valuables ●
Fragmentation Grenades - A
"Liberated" from the Tower itself, can dedicated explosive device that can
be dropped off at a chute to gain be tossed into a Zone, exploding for
weapons, tools, or additional armor. Three (3) filled Sections for every
Blessed Icepick - A long and wicked Demon present and three damage to
looking tool used to "Cleanse" the all Crusaders in the Zone.
tainted. When used, a Demon in the ●
Health Injector (Small) - A three-inch
same Zone will take three Sections needle that, when stuck into the body
worth of damage to their MEAT. of an injured Crusader, restores a
single Attribute Point in damage.
Holy Water - A flask filled with
blessed water, when thrown at a 2-
Away Zone, the flask breaks and fills 3
Theurgy of each Demon in the Zone.
Magazine (Small) - A dedicated
magazine of UAB (Universal
Ammunition Bullets) that can be
loaded into any weapon necessary,
bringing it back to full capacity. If the
Magazine is not emptied, when it is
taken out, the remaining ammunition
is lost.
Medkit - A dedicated back of healing
supplies meant to keep a Crusader
function. When used during
relaxation, restore 5 Health among all
Mine - A Crusader sets down a mine
where they are standing, if a Demon
moves onto the Zone, the mine will
detonate, filling three Sections of the
Demon and four damage to
Omni-Tool - A dedicated breaking and
entering tool used by criminals,
containing the equivalent of a
crowbar, wrench, screwdriver, and
jimmy bar. Is incredibly flimsy and will
break on a roll of a 1-2 on a D6 every
time it is used.
Rosary - A blessed object by the
Bishop, when the Crusader passes on
to the next world, their replacement
gains a +2 to any of their Attributes.
Thermal Grenades - Laced with holy
liquid flames, these grenades can be
tossed into a Zone, exploding for Two
(2) filled Sections for every Demon
and 2 damage to all Crusaders in the
Zone. Everything in the Zone will take
either 1 Section in damage or 3
damage if they are Crusaders which
will last for three rounds.
A scent
Revalations 14:11 - And the smoke of their torment
goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or
night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and
whoever receives the mark of its name.”
The Crusaders will enter the Tower through the lobby and slowly make their
way up the twisting passages, terrifying guards, and the plethora of problems before
them. Each step is a battle, each victory a small one, and every moment potentially
their last.
The Tower is a living, breathing, horrifying enemy that can only be defeated
by reaching the top floor and killing Satan, banishing him back into the twisted nether
realm from which he spawns from.
As the Judge, it is your duty to bring as much to bear against the Crusaders in
their quest to destroy the Tower and its wicked leader.
The Lord hath blessed the
flock with the brave.
The Son has blessed the
chosen with courage.
The Spirit has blessed the
warrior with faith.
To Those Bestowed
Die in Glory
The Tower of Babel
The Tower is roughly divided into nine unique sections: Limbo, Lust, Gluttony,
Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and Treachery. Each section contains a number of
Floors which dictate the general theme and concepts behind it. The only unique floor is
Limbo, the Lobby from which the Crusaders and their handlers will make base camp as they
travel up the twisted reality of the tower.
Containing the most number of
Demonstrating the sheer creative
mortals who are corrupted by the Tower's
might of the Demonic threat, the floor of
influence, Lust houses the most "human" of
greed is gold-plated and difficult to navigate
Satan's forces, meaning that they are by far
at the best of times, in Greed, the Crusaders
the simplest to cut through. However, this
will also be encountering their first taste of
should be the section in which the Crusaders
demonic firepower. With more money than
will be tested by the Satanic Horde's unique
they can deal with, any and everything is
and devilish abilities.
available to the Greedy King-Demons of this
There are disposables on this floor
section with their hosts of gibbering minions
meant to bog the Crusaders down and have
who feed them their power.
deadlier Demons finish them off.
At Anger, the Tower begins to show
its true otherworldly nature, the floors stop
Massive food halls and butcher
appearing to even try to be a part of this
shops display the true nature of the Tower,
world naturally, things seem artificially large,
as a massive human-slaughterhouse for the
rivers of blood flow freely, and the demons
Demons above to feast upon. Fighting
inhabiting this floor revel in it. These are
through Gluttony the Crusaders are dealing
simply the exiles of the floors above though,
with meaty foes who are difficult to bring
unable to contain their wrathful nature to be
down without creative thinking or high
of use to their masters above.
explosives. The environment is starting to
plot against them as they struggle to survive.
Soldiers are regular, with high Meat
and larger desire to kill.
Heresy demonstrates the true fear
of the Crusaders, both messing with the
Crusaders faith as well as demonstrating
that the unperceptive can easily be
punished. The Demons of this floor will
actively seek to hinder or simply annoy the
Crusaders as they advance, only for one to
pull out a devilish trick, dooming one of their
squad to an untimely demise.
The Section of Fraud is short and
horrible. The rooms lie, the Demons lie, the
Judge should lie, everything is wrong in
these sections, every moment is simply a
desire to have the Crusaders both turn
against themselves and their holy quest.
Everything is hostile at this point, the only
thing the Crusader can truly trust is
The final section, two floors only.
The first being Satan's Royal Guards, the
most unholy and terrifying demons the
Crusaders can face, these individuals know
they are coming and will not compromise to
use every, single, dirty, terrible trick they can
muster up. As the Judge, this floor is the final
floor before the final battle. Make them
Demonic Creation
Every Tower created by every Judge will be a bit different with different layouts and
situations, hence why this is only going to include some broad strokes concepts for the
Demonic threat. While inside, the Judge has the absolute authority of to bring to bear
against the Crusaders.
The only requirement is to test their faith, and mettle.
Fodder Viziers
Acting more as meatshields or The first grand demons
sponges, fodder are rarely a direct threat, encountered will be Viziers, these
instead they are the set-up or screen for the individuals are dedicated to their abilities
scarier demons to unleash their horribly and rely on staying alive to unleash them. A
abilities. Often they will only have 1 to 2 faith-bound Crusader will want to attempt
Sections of MEAT, with only a part to to Banish these monsters so they only get
destroy. "part" of their arsenal.
1-2 Meat (1-3) ●
3-4 Meat (3+)
1 Section (3+) ●
2-3 Sections (4+)
Simple Ability ●
Simple (1-2) Attack
Many Abilities
Far more of a threat to the Wreckers
Crusaders, Soldier Demons can unleash These Grand Demons are a living
their attacks and act as a more "direct" nightmare to the unprepared, quickly
threat to the Crusaders. Soldiers can be shredding an unsuspecting Crusader by
massive or small, but their singular focus has ripping their limbs off, filling them full of
them crippled in other respects. holes, or simply decapitating them in a single
3-4 Meat (2+) hit. Wreckers thrive off the carnage they can
1-2 Sections (3+) do, but are large, isolated, targets.
Painful (2+) Attack ●
6-10 Meat (4+)
Simple Ability ●
4-5 Sections (4+)
One Major Attack (8-10 Damage) or
Many Advanced (4-6) Attacks
Few to No Abilities
Grand Demons who ascend to
Royal Demons are the monsters that
terrorize and rule over small Floors as petty
fiefdoms. Princelings are carving out their
ddomain and would like nothing more than
to slap a few Crusader skulls on their battle
5-10 Meat (3+)
3-7 Sections (4+)
A collection of Major, Advanced, and
Simple Attacks
A handful of abilities
Demonic Royalty is a complicated
affair of power games and sheer brutality,
when a Princeling amasses enough power,
they will ascend. When in this state, they
grow tougher, faster, angrier, and more
powerful. They tend to stick to themselves,
but when things start going wrong, they will
be the first to band together to ward off the If the Judge wishes, each
threat. of the Tower’s sections may be
8 to 16 Meat (4+) topped off with a "Boss Battle" ;
4 to 9 Sections (5+) these are Royal Demons or
A Collection of Major and Advanced Imperial Guards that have been
Attacks given the authority of a part of the
Many Abilities Tower. Defeating them is a required
part of bypassing the Floor.
Imperial Guard These Bosses should feel
The final and highest ranks of over the top and require the use of
Demons are the Imperial Guard, these special environmental features and
monsters are sworn to their divine majesty everything the Crusaders can
Satan himself, they guard the final floor and throw at them.
are ready to lay down their lives to protect
their dark master. Each Imperial Guard is a
unique individual, driven by their own
dreadd purpose and absolute servitude to
10 to 20 Meat (5+)
5 to 10 Sections (5+)
A Collection of Major and Advanced
Many Abilities
Designing Floors
Understanding how each section of the Tower reflects the floors is important to
understand what is inside of them. While the layout changes, there are a few key aspects to
potentially litter through each Floor for the Crusaders to discover, find, or simply run into.
Design Notes
The main “Look” I was going for was a mixture of Stark
Corporatistic and “Meaty” Demons. Everything has rough edges and is
immediately hostile to the player and reader. In the “Experimental”
version of this book, I went for design concepts from various arty-farty
games which may or may not have succeeded. The core thing would be
making “The Faith” angular and rigid compared to the Demonic
roundness and fluidity.
If you’re reading the Black & White version, then good for you,
your eyes won’t bleed as bad.