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Sample For Instructor Manual For Energy Systems Engineering 3rd Edition by Vanek and Albright

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Solutions to exercises
Chapter 1 Introduction

Short answers:
1.1 Open-ended discussion question; see below.
1.2 Open-ended discussion question; see below.
1.3 HDI = 0.736; not in line with other countries
1.4 (a) see figure, (b) discussion question, (c) R2 = 0.457, (d) R2 = 0.0241, (e) and (f)
discussion questions
1.5 33.9, 29.5, 18.9, 23.0 EJ
1.6 98.6, 22.5, 38.8, 13.6 quads
1.7 Rank order: India, China, United States, Japan
1.8 140.4, 248, 22.3, 30.8, 81.9 mtoe
1.9 See explanation below.

Detailed answers:

1.1. Use the Internet or other resources to chart the development of an energy technology, from
its earliest beginnings to the present day. Did the roots of this technology first emerge prior to the
start of the industrial revolution? If so, how? If not, when did the technology first emerge? In
what ways did the industrial revolution accelerate the growth of the technology? More recently,
what has been the impact of the information age (e.g., computers, software, electronically
controlled operation, the Internet, etc.) on the technology?
 Answer: A variety of answers are possible. For example, for wind energy, the
roots of the technology predate the industrial revolution, dating back to the
middle ages in Europe and earlier to use of wind for grinding grain in China and
the Middle East. The industrial revolution made possible metallurgical
techniques, which in turn enabled the precision fabrication of turbine blades,
electrical components, etc., used in wind electric conversion devices. Since the
1970s, information technology has been used computationally to improve the
shape of the turbine blades or operationally to integrate electricity from the
turbine into the grid.
 Alternatively, for solar energy: solar energy predates the industrial revolution, in
that the use of passive solar design to heat buildings or keep them cool goes back
to the Ancient Greeks, the Chinese, and the Native Americans of the southwest.
Also, solar drying of clothes and food has been practiced since antiquity. The
industrial revolution accelerated the growth of solar energy by making possible
metallurgical techniques, which in turn enabled the precision fabrication of
experimental solar-powered, steam-driven devices starting in the late 1800s.
They also made possible home-sized solar water heating systems for domestic

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hot water. Since the 1970s, information technology has been used
computationally to control the manufacture of solar panels, or to operate tracking
systems that optimize the position of solar panels relative to the sun.

1.2. Note to instructors: it may be preferable to provide the students with the raw data for
the three countries used in this exercise, if you wish to save them time on the data
gathering and focus on the calculations and analysis.
Solution: From studying the accompanying graphs, it is clear that the trend in the United
Kingdom more closely resembles that of the United States than that of China.
On the GDP side, both the United States and the United Kingdom have gradually been
decreasing energy and CO2 emissions per unit of GDP produced, although the United
Kingdom is somewhat more efficient than the United States in producing a unit of GDP.
This is different from China, which saw dramatic reductions in energy and CO2 emissions
per unit of GDP between 1980 and 2000, although these are perhaps slowing after 2000.
On the population side, energy consumption per capita is slightly up for the United
Kingdom and the United States and CO2 emissions per capita are slightly down for the
period in question. This suggests that both countries are reducing the amount of CO2 per
unit of energy consumed. China is much lower in per capita measures than the other two
countries, but is seeing an upturn in both since 2000, so that it appears that in the most
recent years, China is moving in a different direction than the other two countries. Since
1995 or so, China is growing a much larger middle class, so it is not surprising that
energy and CO2 might turn upward in this way.
In general, the shape of the figures varies little whether one compares the three countries
in terms of per unit of energy or per unit of CO2 emitted. The most profound change has
been the reduction in energy and CO2 per unit of economic activity in China. Compared
to this trend, all other measures have not changed as much.
Figures to accompany Problem 1.2:

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60.0 UK



1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2004





5.0 China
4.0 USA




1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2004

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200.0 UK



1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2004





1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2004

1.3. The country of Fictionland has 31 million populations and consumes on average
12.09 exajoule (EJ), or 11.46 quads, of energy per year. The life expectancy of
Fictionland is 63 years, and the GDP per capita, on a PPP basis, is $13,800. The adult
literacy rate is 75%. The eligible and actual student enrollments for primary, secondary,
and college/university levels of education are given in the table below:

Eligible Enrolled

Primary 2,500,000 2,375,000

Secondary 2,100,000 1,953,000

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University 1,470,000 558,600

a. Calculate the HDI for Fictionland.
b. How does Fictionland’s HDI to energy intensity ratio compare to that of the
countries in the scatter charts in the chapter? Is it above, below, or on a par with
these other countries?
Solution: Part (a): Calculate components of HDI as follows:
Life expectancy:
63  25   0 . 633
85  25 
CGER calculation:
Primary: 2.375M / 2.5M = 0.95
Secondary: 1.953M / 2.1M = 0.93
University: 558.6K / 1.47M = 0.38
CGER: (0.95 + 0.93 + 0.38) / 3 = 0.751
Educational index:
2 0 . 75  10 . 753 
  0 . 751
3 3
GDP calculation:
GDPFactor 
Log 10 13800   Log 10 100   0 . 822
Log 10 40000   Log 10 100 

The HDI is then the average of the three factors, or 0.736.

Part (b): Fictionland lies below the curve for the other countries.
1.4. Regression analysis of population, economic, and environmental data for countries of
the world. For this exercise, download from the Internet or other data source values for
the population, GDP in either unadjusted or PPP form, energy consumption, and land
surface area of as many countries as you can find. (Note to instructors: a possible data set
is available in the spreadsheet workbook that accompanies this instructor’s manual suite.)
Then answer the following questions:

a. From the raw data you have gathered, create a table of the countries along with
their GDP per capita, energy use per capita, and population density in persons per
square kilometer or square mile.
b. In part (a), did your data source allow you to include figures for all three
measures for all the major countries of all the continents of the world? If not, what

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types of countries was it not possible to include, and why do you suppose this
might be the case?
c. Using a spreadsheet or some other appropriate software, carry out a linear
regression analysis of energy consumption per capita as a function of GDP per
capita. Produce a scatter chart of the values and report the R2 value for the
d. One could also speculate that population density will influence energy
consumption, since a densely populated country will require less energy to move
people and goods to where they are needed. Carry out a second regression
analysis of energy consumption per capita as a function of population density.
Produce a scatter chart of the values and report the R2 value for the analysis.
e. Discussion: Based on the R2 value from parts (c) and (d), how well do GDPpc
and population density predict energy consumption? What other independent
variables might improve the model? Briefly explain.
f. Given the global nature of the world economy, what are some possible flaws in
using energy consumption figures broken down by country to make statements
about the relative energy consumption per capita of different countries?


a. Preprocess: from the raw data given, create a table of the countries to be included
in the model and the dependent and independent variable values for each countries.
Note: for simplicity and ease of grading, please do not augment the data set with
figures that you find in other sources.

ANSWER: Align the data so there is corresponding energy/cap, GDP/cap, and

population/area data for each country. Calculate these variables by dividing
the total energy consumption by the country population, total GDP by
population, etc. Table not shown for brevity.

b. Note that in part (a) not all countries are included. What can you say about the
countries which are typically left out of this list? A one- to two-sentence answer is

ANSWER: The data contain an estimated 96.6% of the total world energy
consumption, and 85.8% of the total world population. Thus, the countries left
out have lower energy consumption/capita than the countries evaluated. We
also may infer that these are third-world countries where energy consumption,
GDP, and population estimates may not be as readily available. Other answers
also accepted.

c. Solve for the parameters a and b for the correlation between energy/capita and
GDP/capita using Excel or some other package. Also, give the R2 value and plot a
scatter chart with curve fit.

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ANSWER: a = 61.3 (million Btu/capita), b = 0.0065 (million Btu/GDP)

Note: Answers may vary slightly due to students not including one of the
countries in the analysis, if the country is an “outlier” (e.g., Hong Kong,

(Removed outliers: Hong Kong, Singapore)

Energy vs GDP
y = 0.0064x + 60.896
R = 0.4609


Energy [mBTU/cap]







0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000
GDP [$/cap]

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d. Now solve for the parameters a and b for the correlation between energy/capita
and population density, and also solve for the R2 value for the model and plot a
scatter chart with curve fit.

ANSWER: a = 155.41 (million Btu/capita), b = 0.00235 (million Btu/pop.


Energy vs Population density

y = 0.0235x + 155.41
R2 = 0.0241



Energy [mBTU/cap]







0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0
Pop density [persons/km2]

Energy vs Population density

y = 0.1086x + 144.5
R2 = 0.0181
Energy [mBTU/cap]

0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 1200.0
Pop density [persons/km2]

e. Discussion: Based on the R2 value from part (d), how well do GDP and population
density predict energy consumption? What other independent variables might
improve the model? You can describe these variables and explain in words how they
might help, but you do not need to carry out any calculations (1 page maximum).

ANSWER: GDP is shown to be a rather effective predictor of energy

consumption, with a visually linear positive trend and an R2 of 0.46.

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Population density is not an effective predictor with a very low R2 (0.02), with
the slope largely influenced by countries with large population densities
(Hong Kong and Singapore). There are potentially many variables that could
improve the fit of the model; a few examples could be:
 Climate
 Policy metrics (e.g., Kyoto protocol membership, democratic
 Metrics of transportation network (e.g., miles of paved road, miles of
railroad, etc.)
 Metrics of energy resources (e.g., oil production from country, nuclear

f. Discussion: Given the global nature of the world economy, what is a possible flaw
in using energy consumption broken down by country to make statements about
energy consumption per capita? One paragraph maximum.

ANSWER: Energy consumption of a country does not necessarily mean that

all the energy was used to make goods or provide services by the people of
that country. For example, China produces many manufactured goods that are
subsequently consumed by citizens in the United States. So, this may make
Chinese citizens appear to be consuming more energy, when it should in
reality be attributed to American citizens. Similar arguments could be made
for other products, including oil, which can require an energy intensive
process to extract and refine before exporting to other countries.

1.5 According to the U.S. Department of Energy, in 2005 the United States’ industrial,
transportation, commercial, and residential sectors consumed 32.1, 28.0, 17.9, and 21.8
quads of energy, respectively. What are the equivalent amounts in EJ?
Solution: Multiply each value by 1.055 EJ/quad. Thus, the values are for the four
sectors, respectively: 33.9, 29.5, 18.9, and 23.0 EJ.

1.6 From Fig. 1-8, the energy consumption values in 2000 for the United States, Japan,
China, and India are 104, 23.7, 40.9, and 14.3 EJ, respectively. What are these same
values converted to quads?
Solution: Multiply each value by 0.948 quad/EJ. Thus, the values are for the four
countries, respectively: 98.6, 22.5, 38.8, and 13.6 quads.

1.7 Also for 2000, the estimated total CO2 emissions for the four countries given in
Problem 1.6 were 5970 MMT, 1190 MMT, 2986 MMT, and 1048 MMT, respectively.
Create a list of the four countries, ranked in order of decreasing carbon intensity per unit
of energy consumed. Give the units in either tonnes CO2 per terajoule (TJ) or tons per
billion Btu consumed.

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Solution: The rank order is India, China, United States, and Japan. Solved here in are
metric units. For each country, divide total carbon by total energy. In rank order: 1048
MMT/14.3 EJ = 73.3 tonnes/TJ; 2986 MMT/40.9 EJ = 73.0 tonnes/TJ; 5970 MMT/2014
EJ = 57.4 tonnes/TJ; 1190 MMT/23.7 EJ = 50.2 tonnes/TJ. In standard units, the values
are 85.0 tons/bil.Btu, 84.7 tons/bil.Btu, 66.6 tons/bil.Btu, 58.3 tons/bil.Btu.
1.8 Convert the energy consumption values for the countries of Australia, Brazil, Israel,
Portugal, and Thailand from Table 1-1 into units of million toe.
Solution: From the table, the starting values are 5.98, 10.56, 0.95, 1.31, and 3.49
EJ, respectively. Multiplying by 23.47 mtoe per EJ gives, respectively: 140.4,
248.0, 22.3, 30.8, and 81.9 mtoe.

1.9 Use the description of the derivation of the horsepower unit by James Watt and others
to show that 1 hp = 746 W, approximately.
Solution: Based on the paper: Smith, H. (1936). “The Origin of the Horsepower Unit.”
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 120–122. According to Watt’s text, the
horsepower is based on a horse moving 2.5 mph and drawing 150 lb of weight up a shaft
(i.e., over a pulley, and ignoring frictional losses in the pulley). This is equivalent to
13,200 ft/h, or, taking into account the weight being lifted, 1.98 million ft-lb/h, or 33,000
ft-lb/min. From www.onlineconversions.com, 1 ft-lb/min is equal to 22.6 milliwatts.
Multiplying out gives 33,000 × 0.0226 = 746 watts.

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