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MEP Concept Design Report - 27.08.2023

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Sundowner Apartments at Tamarin

MEP Concept Design Report

27 August 2023

Project: Sundowner Apartments

Date: 27.08.2023
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Project: Sundowner Apartments
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Quality Management

Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Revision 4

Remarks For discussion

Date 27.08.2023
Prepared by K. Kallychurn


Checked by M. Bundhoo

Authorised by J. Philogene

Project: Sundowner Apartments

Date: 27.08.2023
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Residential Development at Tamarin
MEP Concept Design Report

27 August 2023

Submitted to
Jocelyn Philogène
Chief Executive Officer
EIB Mauritius
Lot 66, Morc Highlands,

Telephone No :+230 52531620

Proposed by
Michael Bundhoo
Mechanical Engineer
Roche Brunes

Telephone No :+230 52509774

Project: Sundowner Apartments

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction 6

2 Public Health and Firefighting Services 7

3 Air Conditioning and Ventilation 13

4 Rainwater Services 14

5 Swimming Pool Services 14

6 Irrigation Services 14

Project: Sundowner Apartments

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1 Introduction
The project consists of a residential development in the region of Tamarin, Mauritius. The
proposed development will consist of two apartment blocks A and B. Block A will comprise
parking, gym, bin, stores, mechanical and electrical rooms, rainwater recovery tank, and cold
water tank at basement. The ground and first floors of the building will be each composed of two
typical 3-bedroom apartments mirrored. The second floor will consist of a 3 bedroom penthouse
and swimming pool on the terrace. Block B is divided into three apartments from basement to first
floors. The basement will contain parking, TV room, pantry and stores for each of the three
apartments. The ground floor will mainly consist of kitchen, living dining and terrace with private
garden, with one of the apartments having a plunge pool. The first floor will comprise 3 bedrooms
for each of the three apartments.

Block A
Type Quantity
3 bedroom Apartment 4
3-bedroom Penthouse 1

Block B
Type Quantity
3 bedroom Apartment 2
3-bedroom Apartment
with plunge pool, outdoor 1
dining and BBQ area

This concept design report will provide for a consolidated document to present the strategy and
concept for the building services for the project which include the following:

● Public Health and Firefighting services

● Air Conditioning and Ventilation services
● Rainwater services
● Irrigation services
● Swimming Pool services

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2 Public Health and Firefighting Services
2.1 Scope of Work
The Plumbing and Fire Fighting services comprise of the following:

● Public Health Services

○ Domestic cold water
○ Domestic hot water
○ Waste and sewage

● Fire Fighting Services

○ Fire extinguishers
○ Fire Blankets
○ Fire Hose Reels

2.2 Standards and Regulations

The plumbing system will be developed according to the following Standards and Regulations:

● British Standards
● Plumbing Services and Engineering Guide – Institute of Plumbing
● The Chartered Institute of Building Services (CIBSE)
● The Building Services Research & Information Association (BSRIA)

2.3 Potable Water Services

2.3.1 Incoming supply

Water supply will be from CWA mains, with a CWA water meter located near the site entry for
billing purposes. This main pipe is further divided into 4 pipes each connected to a water meter
before entering blocks A and B, in turn feeding the water storage tank for each apartment
block(potable & fire fighting) via ballcocks complete with isolating valves.

Client to confirm if each block shall be provided with its individual water tank/pump/disinfection
system or only one water tank/pump/disinfection system shall be provided to cater for all 4 blocks.

Client has to confirm whether sub metering should be catered for each apartment

Client to confirm if remote reading of meters is required.

All off-site work will be the responsibility of the Client as per policy of the CWA. Extent of offsite
works will be communicated after same has been obtained from the CWA following application for

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permanent connection.

2.3.2 Potable Water Demand and Storage

For Apartment block A, the daily water demand has been estimated at 14.0m3, therefore a water
tank with total effective volume of 28.0m3 is required in order to cater for 2 days storage as per
CWA regulations. Client to confirm if 2 days storage is adequate.

The proposed tank shall be divided into 2 sections to have water available at all times during
maintenance or cleaning operations of the tanks and also for redundancy measures.

For Apartment Block B, the daily water demand has been estimated at 7.38m3, therefore a water
tank with total effective volume of 14.76m3 is required in order to cater for 2 days storage as per
CWA regulations. Similar to Apartment block A, the proposed tank shall be divided into 2 sections
to have water available at all times during maintenance or cleaning operations of the tanks and
also for redundancy measures.

The proposed position earmarked for the water tanks and pump room will be at lower basement
level. Access to the water tanks shall be provided by means of access traps from the pump room
for operation and maintenance.

2.3.3 Water Disinfection System

A disinfection system is proposed for the water supply system, to ensure safe potable water is
distributed throughout each apartment block. A comparison of the three main disinfection systems
is given in the table below.

Parameter Chlorine UV Ozone

Effectiveness Effective at Effective at More effective than

inactivating most inactivating most UV and Chlorine at
viruses, spores, viruses, spores, destroying bacteria
cysts. cysts. and viruses.

Low dosage may However Low dosage may

not effectively effectiveness not effectively
inactivate some decreases if UV inactivate some
viruses, spores, light intensity viruses, spores,
and cysts. decreases. and cysts.

Time for Action Higher contact Very low contact Low contact time
time than UV or time, 20-30 20-30 minutes
Ozone, 30mins seconds
up to 1 hour

Residuals/Side Leaves a taste There are no

Project: Sundowner Apartments

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Effects and odour in the No residual effect harmful residuals
water that need to be
removed after
ozonation because
ozone decomposes

Complexity More complex Much Less Ozonation is a

than UV but less Complex than more complex
than Ozone. Ozone and technology than is
Chlorine chlorine or UV
equipment and
efficient contacting

Space Lower than Low compared to Higher than UV or

Requirement Ozone but Higher UV and Ozone Chlorine
than UV

User- Highly irritating User friendly for Very irritating and

Friendliness and even toxic if operators, non toxic if exposed to
exposed to toxic. operators

Cost Lower than Lower than Ozone Much Higher than

Ozone, but higher or Chlorine UV or Chlorine.
than UV

Based on above comparison, we recommend the use of UV for disinfection of the water supply
due to its low cost, low space requirement and much less complex technology. However, regular
checks and water sample analysis will need to be conducted to ensure water is free from bacteria
other microorganisms and preventive action can be taken to ensure same does not happen during
operation. Client to confirm use of UV for water disinfection.

2.3.4 Cold Water Supply

For each apartment block, a variable speed booster pump set working in duty / standby mode is
proposed to supply the apartments with adequate pressure. A minimum pressure of 3.0 bars will
be maintained in the water pipes supplying each unit. Where required, pressure reducing valves
will be provided to avoid excessive pressure.

Cold water via PP-R pipeworks will be circulated throughout the basement soffit of slab and into

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risers towards the different apartments of each block. To confirm with architect whether he will
provide false ceiling at basement to hide plumbing pipes.

Terminal distribution to individual sanitary appliances, kitchens sinks, washing machine, and
dishwasher in the apartments will be via PEX-A pipeworks from manifold in risers running
concealed in floor slab and terminating with angle valves at each appliance.

2.4 Domestic hot water production and supply

2.4.1 Hot water generation

For hot water production, individual solar water heaters on roof have been proposed for each
apartment of block A and B. The solar water heater type proposed for the project is of flat plate
type. The capacities to be installed are 400L for each of the 3-bedroom apartments, and 500L for
the 4-bedroom penthouse of block A. For Block B, each 3 bedroom apartment will require 400L
hot water storage capacity. Flate plate type solar water heaters have mainly been proposed due to
their higher efficiency than evacuated tube collectors in hot and sunny climate. Moreover it is very
rare that flat plate type will undergo extreme overheating and thus rarely produce overflow.
Evacuated tube collectors on the other hand get overheated often and produce high amounts of
overflow frequently, which can affect the integrity of the roof.

Client to confirm if solar water heater to be flat plate type or split type or evacuated tube collectors
Architect to confirm position of appliances in kitchen area. (Sink, Dishwasher, Fridge)

The hot water storage volume for the different apartments is as follows:

Project: Sundowner Apartments

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Volume of
Apartment Apartment
hot water Quantity
Block Type
A 400 L 4
A 500L 1
B 400 L 3

For block B, Architect has not made any space allowance for solar water heater on roof. If the
green roof cannot accommodate solar water heater, electrical geysers have been considered as
shown on the markup drawings. Client to confirm type of water heater for block B.

2.4.2 Hot water distribution

Hot water would be distributed by the same principle as cold water, with PP-RCT pipeworks from
risers, transitioning to manifolds in turn divided in PEX-A pipes running concealed in floor slab
and terminating with angle valves at each sanitary ware. Hot water points would be provided to
the following sanitary appliances:

● Kitchen sinks
● Wash hand basins
● Showers
● Bathtubs

2.4.3 Hot Water Recirculation

According to the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Domestic Water Heating
Design Manual, 2nd ed, a reasonable wait time for delivery of hot water is 0-10 seconds from
when the valve is opened. A delay of 11-30 seconds is possibly acceptable, and a delay over 30
seconds is considered unacceptable. The table below shows the hot water waiting time for the
furthest points of Apartment A and B.

Hot Water Waiting Time Hot Water Waiting Time

(seconds), Apartment A (seconds), Apartment B

22.1 20.3

According to above data, the hot water waiting time for Apartment A and B are in the range of 11-
30 seconds and are possibly acceptable. If a reduction in the waiting time is desired, to cater for

Project: Sundowner Apartments

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quick hot water delivery delay of 0-10 seconds for luxury apartments, then a hot water
recirculation system will need to be installed. Client to confirm if hot water recirculation is

2.5 Waste and sewage

To Follow

2.6 Fire Protection

To Follow

Project: Sundowner Apartments

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3 Air Conditioning and Ventilation
To Follow.

Project: Sundowner Apartments

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4 Rainwater Services
To Follow.

5 Swimming Pool Services

To follow.

6 Irrigation Services
To follow.

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Project: Sundowner Apartments
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