Improving Focus at Work
Improving Focus at Work
Improving Focus at Work
Take charge of your time and energy, and learn what to focus on and what to let go. These
18 proven tools will help you stay focused and amp up your productivity so you can kill it
every day.
Take a moment to identify your Most Important Task (MIT). This is the most critical thing
you must get done -- get it off your plate first thing. By knocking out your biggest task, you’ll
ensure that you’ll have a productive day no matter what.
You can start by setting aside a couple of hours each day during which you can completely
focus on one task without interruption. Doing so will allow you to more fully engage your
brainpower and make significant progress and important breakthroughs on a critical task.
Compartmentalizing your time allows your brain to isolate a task, so you can completely
focus on that one thing without constantly breaking your concentration for something else.
8. Monotask.
By now, most of us know that multitasking isn’t really a thing, and yet we still struggle to
stop doing it. It seems like we have too much going on to focus on one thing. Do yourself a
favor and give monotasking a try. Try looking at your calendar at the beginning of each week
and assign yourself a specific focus each day. One day might be focused on administrative
work, while another is concentrated on an upcoming project.
How to improve Focus at Work (Compilation)
9. Practice mindfulness.
Practicing mindfulness meditation has been shown to increase the ability to focus and
enhance learning and memory. Research shows it can even prevent age-related mental
decline. According to one 7-year study, practicing mindfulness meditation is associated with
improvement in sustaining focus and attention. Even more important, participants had
increased feelings of emotional well-being and performed better on tasks.
Related: Mindfulness Isn't Just a Trend, It's Key to Being a Better Leader
The key is to match your highest priority work to your most productive hours of the day. Pay
attention to your body clock. Most people tend to be most alert in the morning, and our
concentration often starts to slide in the afternoon.
Researchers have found that when there is too much stuff in your field of view (like a messy
desk), it has a measurable impact on productivity. They found that too much clutter causes
people to lose the brain power necessary to focus.
However, the more you drink caffeinated beverages, the more your body gets used to the
stimulant and the less impact it has on you. Limit your consumption to one cup a day, and
save that second cup for times when you really need it.
Try switching tasks to something else for a while. Switch it up by working on an entirely
different task. Giving your brain a variety of things to work on can help you stay alert and
productive for longer.
— Martina Navratilova
1 Aerobic activity
Studies performed at the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois have demonstrated
that aerobic activity improves the coordination of important brain networks. Prof. Art
Kramer who supervised these studies has said that "The higher the connectivity, the better
the performance on some cognitive tasks - planning, scheduling, dealing with ambiguity,
working memory, and multitasking". These skills decline with aging, and aerobic activity,
such as brisk walking staves away such cognitive degradation. It is also one of the highly
recommended tips for raising smart kids, since physical fitness leads more compact white-
matter in the brain. More compact white matter is associated with faster and more efficient
nerve activity.
2 Water
A research study conducted by Caroline Edmonds and other researchers in the Department
of Psychology at the University of East London reported that feelings of being thirsty can
negatively affect cognitive performance and consumption of water by such individuals
immediately brought their performance back to those of the non-thirsty individuals.
Another research study published in the Journal of Nutrition reported improved mood,
concentration, and mental skills in women who were well hydrated as opposed to those
who were even midly dehydrated. Although the study was performed on women, it is likely
to also be true of the effects of dehydration on the cognitive abilities of men.
3 Limit caffeine
Caffeine can give you a temporary boost, but note that it is also a dieuretic, meaning it
works as a dehydrating agent and naturally leads to reduced focus.
Negative thoughts can creep in while you are supposed to be focused on the task at hand. It
is crucial that some time of the week may be allocated for dealing with worries and other
concerns that do not have any bearing on the task at hand. Needless to say, you should also
follow effective time management strategies to allocate time slots for any other tasks that
might try to distract you from the
5 Remove distractions
Get rid of all possible distractions. Mute all alerts. Silence the surroundings. Close the doors
and windows. If you are working on a computer, work in the fullscreen mode on the
application that you are working on. Minimize, or better close, all windows on your screen.
6 Plan ahead
If you have a task to complete, plan ahead. Allocate a time for it, and make sure all the prep-
work is done before you start working on it. Sharpen your pencils. Set up your folder
structure. Make the necessary calls. Do anything that leads to improved focus on your task.
7 Subtask
Break down large projects into smaller tasks and take baby steps towards your ultimate
goal. The parts are usually less daunting than the whole. Completion of smaller tasks also
provides a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated for the long haul. The larger
project doesn't seem incomplete as long as you are checking off subtasks.
9 Set a deadline
Having a fixed timeline for completion is a sure shot way of getting things done. If you
cannot set a deadline on a project, then most likely the project does not matter much
anyways to be worthy of completion. This is also a great strategy to identify the tasks that
you should be working on, so that you can say NO to most other projects that come your
10 Patience
Set reasonable timelines, make steady progress and be patient. Everyone has heard "slow
and steady wins the race", but very few people trust it. It might seem that the days and
weeks are passing by, and that you are moving slower than the rest of the world. But have
patience, and believe in yourself. If the task you have undertaken is worthy of your timeand
energy, you will conquer it.
11 Solitude
Isolate yourself from the world. Unless the task requires collaboration and inputs from other
people, lock yourself up and don't come out till the planned task is complete. Move the
interactions and inputs from other people to the "prep-work" phase and get it done before
you actually set out to do the task at hand.
How to improve Focus at Work (Compilation)
12 Remove uncertainties
Any meaningful project is bound to have uncertainties. Even something as simple as
shopping for an item can propel you into a sea of options that they take away your energies
and distract you from the project. Remove uncertainties by planning ahead. Set a fixed
budget, a fixed time, a fix set of criteria, and stick to them no matter what.
14 Re-focus
It is a fact of life that you cannot focus for longer durations of time. Your energy, willpower,
and concentration wane as you spend more time on the task. Limit to shorter time-slots and
take frequent breaks. If you are not multi-tasking or taking on more than one projects, it will
be easier to re-focus when you get back onto the project.
15 Avoid procrastination
If you ever find yourself postponing the planned task to work on something else, ask
yourself: Is this the best use of my time? Do I really have to do this other thing right now?
More often than not, you will answer in the negative. There are many reasons we
procrastinate, but there are strategies to overcome such tendencies
16 Meditate
Studies have shown that people who regularly meditate can focus better than those who do
not. Meditation gradually strengthens the mental faculties to focus on one and only one
thing. And this ability to focus can then be useful for completing those difficult tasks that
require attentive effort. A recent study at the Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte found that
meditation training for only 20 minutes per day can improve performance on cognitive tests