Miguel Moran Cortes (Order #32128121)
Miguel Moran Cortes (Order #32128121)
Miguel Moran Cortes (Order #32128121)
Discard When a die is Discarded, any pre-modifier roll equal to a Discard number is treated as a 0 and
modifiers are not applied.
Mishap A separate die is rolled with a 5 or 6 producing an effect.
Average die Die numbered 2,3,3,4,4,5.
Can be simulated with a D6. Add +1 to 1's and 2's and deduct 1 from 5's and 6's.
D6 You know what this is.
Direct Action sequence Order one unit at a time. Each unit moves and fights before the next unit is selected.
Phased Action sequence Move all units one at a time, then fire with units one at a time, finally fight close
Discard when
Unit Infantry and Dragoons Cavalry Cossack or native style cavalry
Area feature 1 1-2 1
Linear obstacle 1-2 1-2 1-2
Very rugged 1-2 1-3 1-2
Remain in place, hesitates on a 1.
Skirmish order +2 Movement When firing or melee'ing non-skirmishers Capped at 3
Assault column +1 Movement in straight line +1 to enemy cannon fire.
+1 when charging Fire Capped at 3.
Formed up +1 Melee vs cavalry. -3 to Movement.
Cavalry lose bonus vs infantry and must Cannot fire.
Discard on a 1-2 Movement roll. Incoming cannon fire or infantry melee is at +1
Defender rolls D6
Defending obstacle or skirmisher in terrain +1
Defender 2+ figures more than firer +1
If defender fails to equal firers roll, If defender rolls a natural 1, remove a figure
unit is Shaken / Broken.
Close combat
Both players roll D6
Skirmishers Capped at 3 except vs Skirmishers
Defending wall or obstacle +1 Defending woods vs Cavalry +1
Cavalry except vs Formed Up +1 Charging side when lancers fight +1
Formed Up vs Cavalry non-lancer cavalry
Heavy cavalry vs regular cavalry +1 Assault column charging +1
2+ figures in excess of enemy (cavalry count double) +1 VS Standing cavalry +1
Counter attack
If your unit breaks during your own turn, enemy receives a free activation with unit that caused the Break or another
unit within 8".
Character notes
Roll separate D6 whenever unit is in combat.
On a 6, a random character selected from either unit is injured.
Victory points
Per 3 enemy figures removed or routed off the table +1
Additional bonus per 3 cavalry figures removed +1
Bonus per gun removed +1
If at least one enemy character was slain +1
Overall mission achieved satisfactorily +2
Opponent agrees you behaved like a gentleman or lady +3
Player rolled on the Battle Complications table +1
Player loaned some of their miniatures collection to the opposing player +1