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Video 1

1. How did Jordan Peterson explain the reasons behind mental illness and how was
it connected to his provided solutions? In your perspective, what more can you
say regarding his talk (opinion, experience, research/studies you've come across
in relation to this, and etc.)

According to him, life may be so complicated for certain individuals that they would
prefer to die than face it. And that's why they're trying to end their misery by taking their
own lives. Because if the complexity is unmanaged, or if it is beyond their control, they
will suffer. Like If the political system falls, there is hyperinflation, they lose their job and
have someone that they love or two people die, and maybe they get cancer are some of
the causes. In contrast, most people have only been battered in two or three ways. To
begin, he asks those he works with what they need, and then he works with them to
establish a plan or routine; if they don't already have one, he urges them to do so since,
according to him, it is impossible to achieve mental wellness without one. Unless you
keep to a schedule, your circadian rhythms will be out of whack and your mood will be
out of whack as well.

To sum up, I'm on board with the idea of developing and maintaining a routine. Why?
Because a personal routine may provide us with a sense of stability, as well as a sense
of control over our lives. They assist us in adapting to change, developing healthy habits,
enhancing interpersonal connections, and reducing stress. People with bipolar disorder
and other mental illnesses can benefit greatly from daily routines that have been found
to alleviate symptoms and prevent the development of additional mental diseases.

Video 2
1. Which among the four characteristics/reasons Simon Sinek mentioned in the
video (Discuss)? Which among the reasons do you believe impacts this
generation the most?

Parenting, technology, impatience and environment. And the most reason that has a big
impact on millennials is environment. “We’re taking this amazing group of young
fantastic kids who would have just been dealt a bad hand it’s no fault of their own and
we put them in corporate environments that care more about the numbers and they do
about the kids. They care more about the short-term gains than the long term life of this
young human being we care more about the year than the lifetime right and so we are
putting them in corporate environments that aren’t helping them build their confidence
that aren’t helping them learn the skills of cooperation.”

He is right. This is an issue that has been for some time; it's just becoming worse at an
alarming rate, and greed is to blame. The leadership task we face today is the same as it
has always been, despite the fact that the world we have all built has made it far more
difficult. Too many leaders follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, which leaves
them unprepared for the rapidly evolving environment in which we live. Corporations
aren't the problem; rather, it's a problem that affects us all. Because of this, we've
created a world where we expect the highest levels of quality, efficiency, creativity, and
innovation at the lowest possible costs, with little consideration for the people who are
really doing the work to meet those demands. We don't seem to care about anything
else as long as we get what we want when we want it and for a price we can pay.

2. How did Sinek describe this generation's present behavior? How did he discuss
the reason behind the behaviors and how they come to be? What were some of
his suggestions and advice in relation to these?

Sinek phrases it succinctly: Millennials have been accused of being “narcissistic, self-

interested, unfocused, lazy,” and, most of all, “entitled.” However, he argues, it's not
really millennials' fault. He said that the reasons behind it is that, too many millennials
grew up with failed parenting strategies. That is why we have an entire generation
growing up with lower self-esteem than previous generations.

The other problem is this generation is growing up in a facebook and Instagram world, in
other words we're good at putting filters on things, we're good at showing people that life
is amazing even though they are depressed. Some people quite by accident discover
alcohol and numbing effects of dopamine to help them cope with the stresses and
anxieties of adolescents. Unfortunately that becomes hardwired in their brains, and for
the rest of their lives, when they suffer significant stress they will not turn to a person,
they will turn to the bottle social stress, financial stress, career stress, that's pretty much
the primary reasons why an alcoholic drinks.

And the third problem is impatience. They need instant gratification. The last one is
environment. putting them in corporate environments that aren't helping them build their
confidence, that aren't helping them learn the skills of cooperation, that aren't helping
them overcome the challenges of a digital world and finding more balance, that isn't
helping them overcome the need to have instant gratification and teach them the joys
and impact and the fulfillment you get from working hard over on something for a long
time that cannot be done.

The advice in relations to these four problems are they have to take corporate
responsibility, the corporation must build their confidence, to find ways to teach them the
social skills that they’re missing out on. And cultivate a supportive environment for them,
providing a work atmosphere that emphasizes longer-term rewards and human

3. What part of the video appealed to you the most? Discuss.

What appealed to me the most is the part where one of the reasons why this generation
like this is the failed parenting. That “They were told that they were special all the time,
they were told that they can have anything they want in life”. He talks about how when
they start work, they realize they aren’t special at all, their mothers can’t get them a
promotion and so their self-image is “shattered”.

For me, telling your kid they are special is not a bad thing. You said they are special,
because they really are. It means that you have this strong belief to your kid. And
sometimes those compliments are the ones that keep millennials going. That is why I
think you should never stop telling your child how special they truly are, however, old
they get. Because sometimes, it’s all that your kid is grasping into. And it is the part of
the talk that appealed to me the most because this thought or mindset is wrong. Parents
should never stop telling their kids, they are special.

4. What is the lesson or any realization you have acquired from the video? Discuss

Many of our problems stem from our unrealistic expectations of ourselves, our sense of
entitlement, and our belief that we possess all we need to make a significant contribution
to the world. Without comprehending that achieving larger things in life will need a lot of
up and downs, wrong turns, failures, and blunders, we are constantly advised to strive
high. Making mistakes makes us believe that we aren't good enough and failing is seen
as a symptom that we lack the necessary skill set. However, as time passes, I've come
to know that failure is a necessary part of developing your craft.

No matter how wonderful or awful our experiences are, we can always learn and grow
from them. Keeping a constructive rather than a destructive mindset is a struggle for us
millennials in order to keep ourselves intact and focused on our goals. We have to put
our faith in the process to get to this point. We now have a responsibility to make up the
shortage and help this magnificent idealistic fantastic generation improve their self-
confidence, regardless of whether we like it or not. Develop your patience and social
abilities. Because it's the right thing to do, establish a better balance between life and

Video 3
1. What part of the speech appealed to you the most? Discuss

The part where If things are really getting out of hand. We must talk to a professional
already. Because managing things like this is not always for 1 person, you need
someone who will listen and talk to you. Advice you on what to do and what to avoid.
Because some people never got the chance, some people just gave up and succumb to
the complexity of life. You may take an important step toward bettering your mental
health by discussing your concerns with a medical expert who specializes in mental
health treatment, such as a psychiatrist. Honesty and openness will help you receive the
best care possible. It is possible to better understand and manage thoughts, feelings,
and actions with the assistance of a therapist. Their advice and assistance may also
help you attain your personal goals. Mental health specialists like these can also aid in
the evaluation and diagnosis of mental health disorders.

2. Discuss the four steps in overcoming highly emotional states and expand using
further studies, personal experiences, and etc.

Check if you are ill. Hungry. Eat high protein, high fat meal in the morning. Try getting up
at the same time every day. Take meds that can increase your serotonin. Sleep. Food.
Talk to professional. Medication. Those are the things that you need to check. It can trun
your life around.

Just like I am. After a few weak phases, I decided to attempt working on myself once
more. Every day, I set an alarm to go off at noon. It's not 8 a.m., but it seemed like the
proper time for me to get up. I used to go on five-mile walk. It was good to go out, move,
and meet wonderful people again. Fruits and vegetables were added to my diet in
addition to cutting out on sugary treats like soda or desserts. I'm still able to restrain
myself from indulging in sweets, but it's getting easier. My grades have been steadily
improving over the past month and a half. Now that things have settled down, I feel a
world of difference. Gut difficulties continue to be a concern for me, but my outlook and
thinking have improved tenfold. Seeing how much better I've gotten makes me feel good
about myself. His suggestions are sound; you can make adjustments to fit your needs if
necessary, but they're wonderful places to begin, and you're nearly certain to see some
progress. Clean is a last suggestion I'd like to make. It made a difference when I was
surrounded by order and cleanliness at the places I frequently visited.

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