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Gen Z's Mindset An Analysis of The Growing Trend of Choosing A Child Free Life Final

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LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 1

Gen Z’s Mindset: An Analysis of the Growing Trend of Choosing a Child-Free


A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for Practical Research 2

Submitted to:
Janica Rose Lim, LPT,MAEd
Research Adviser

Submitted by:

Leanda, Ariel S.
Saludes, Ivan M.
Alog, Olarose F.
Balatucan, Dave
Bobis, Geraldwin
Ronquillo, Trisha S.
Condalor, Sebastian
Agbing, Shermann P.
Basister, Paul Collins
Dumancas, Chaisie Mae
Caparas, Zarylle Denysse
Ambat, Moira Leigh Angela

Humanities and Social Sciences

October 2023
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 2


We the researchers would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all
those who have assisted us in the process of completing this research paper. First and
foremost, we are deeply thankful to our research adviser, Ms. Janica Rose Lim, for her
unwavering dedication and support throughout the entire process.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to the participants who generously shared
their experiences and knowledge during our interviews. To our panelists and friends
who helped us along the way, we are truly grateful for your understanding and support.

Furthermore, we want to thank our esteemed adviser, Ms. Alexa Jean Colocado, and
other subject teachers for their invaluable guidance and support during our most
challenging moments.

We are also grateful to our parents, whose constant support and guidance have given
us the strength and perseverance to complete this research paper.

Lastly, we give thanks to the Almighty God for our good health and well-being, which
were essential in achieving this accomplishment.
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Acknowledgment i
Table of Contents i
Abstract iv

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 1-6
Background of the Study .................................................................................. 1-2
Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 3
Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................ 3
Scope and Delimitation of the Study ................................................................... 4
Significance of the Study .................................................................................. 4-5
Definition of Terms........................................................................................... 5-6

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES .............................. 7-13

Generation Z Family Values ............................................................................. 7-8
Career and Self-Fulfillment of Gen Z ............................................................... 8-9
Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Child-Free Life .................................... 10-11
Generational Shifts Towards Child Bearing ................................................. 11-12
Synthesis ....................................................................................................... 12-13

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 14-16

Research Design................................................................................................. 14
Sampling Technique .......................................................................................... 14
Data Gathering Procedure .................................................................................. 14
Instruments in Data Gathering ........................................................................... 15
Ethical Consideration ......................................................................................... 15
Data Analysis Technique ................................................................................... 16

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 17-24

Table 1 . Demographic Profile of the Respondents ......................................... 17
Table 2. Level of Awareness of Gen Z Toward Child-Free Life.................. 18-20
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Table 3. Level of Agreement of the respondents to what extent they prefer

having a child-free life in the future. ........................................................... 21-24

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................ 25-29

Conclusion .................................................................................................... 25-26
Recommendation .......................................................................................... 26-27
References ..................................................................................................... 28-29
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Research Title. Gen Z’s Mindset: An Analysis of the Growing Trend of Choosing a
Child-Free Life


Purpose. This study aimed to identify Gen Z’s mindset on the growing trend of
choosing a child-free life.

Design/Methodology/Approach. The researchers used descriptive design under the

quantitative method. The study’s participants were Grade 12 Gen Z students from Luis
Y Ferrer Jr. Senior High School who are taking the Humanities and Social Sciences

Findings. Before the study objectives, the research revealed that a significant number
of Gen Z respondents are in agreement with and possess an awareness of the notion of
a child-free lifestyle. Conversely, a small percentage of participants expressed
neutrality and disagreement towards the idea. The findings of this study indicate that
society should embrace and recognize the benefits and privileges of a child-free
lifestyle, particularly among young adults in the foreseeable future.

Research Limitation/Implication. The study focused on identifying the level of

awareness and agreement of Gen Z regarding the research statement of the problem.

Originality/Value. This research would help the community, parents, future

researchers as well as students to have a wider view of the concept of perceiving a
child-free life.

Keywords: Child-Free, Generational Shift, Self Fulfillment, Family Values

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Background of the Study

The word childfree can be defined as someone who has no desire or plan to have
children this phrase was already used by the National Parent Organization. On the
other hand, Generation Z also known as Gen Z is the current name of young
generational people given by many demographic researchers. People who were born
between 1997 and 2012 are the members of Gen Z, the oldest of this generation are
reaching 25 years of age, with many now out of college, getting married, and starting
families. They follow on the heels of the millennials born between 1981 and 1996.
(Warren,2022, pp. 1). A typical Filipino household anchors on an agrarian society in
which a child legitimizes marriage. This demonstrates that the Filipino family is rather
vast, despite only consisting of a father, mother, and child. It also includes the
immediate and extended families but Filipino families are dynamic and adapt to the
changing times. In contrast to conventional ideas of a family, newer norms and
institutions have emerged as a result of economic progress and modernization.
Uncommon family structures such as stepfamilies, homosexual couples, and childless
couples are on the rise, whereas changes in family structures are typically the result of
marital separation, relocation abroad, and illegitimacy or adoption of two children.
(Medina, 2015, p.29)

On the other hand, as time goes by millennials and Gen Z are now choosing to
be childfree and embrace life without having a family. Being childless has several
repercussions on society as well as on a person's lifestyle and prospects in life. One of
the key elements affecting the childless lifestyle is personal preference; it has a variety
of effects in terms of society, as well as individual lifestyle and life opportunities.
Personal choices are one of the significant factors influencing the childless lifestyle.
This decision to remain childless is "positively child-free," suggesting that some
women genuinely do not think they can become mothers. Childless and child-free were
not impulsive decisions for couples. (Cain, 2013, p. 9).
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Moreover, people prioritize comfort in their lifestyles since it frees them up

from having to worry about obligations, time, and money. Despite having a value
system that is mostly focused on themselves, they also consider other things, such as
the state of the nation and the issues it is now dealing with. Furthermore, they consider
the child's future who is scheduled to be born. Their decision to not have children is
impacted not only by themselves but also by their environment because they don't want
to have children and not be able to give the finest of everything. (Cagauindan, et. al
2017, p.32) . The childfree people stated their steadfast beliefs and the process that led
them to decide not to have children. With or without a partner, they had a good time.
They placed high importance on their independence, freedom, and ability to choose
how they wanted to spend their time. Greater options for freedom, independence, and
self-determination regarding what to do and when in daily life might come from living
without children.(Hoglund and Hildingsson, 2021, pp.8) However according to (
Ambrose, 2023, p. 1) as society evolves and new attitudes towards family and
relationships emerge, more couples are choosing to remain childfree. This decision is
often met with skepticism and criticism, but there are many benefits to being a child-
free couple that are often overlooked. This study aims to identify Gen Z’s mindset on
the growing trend of choosing a child-free life.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 8

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the growing trend of choosing a child-free life and
specifically seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What are the profiles of respondents?

a) Age
b) Sex
c) Birth Year
2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents towards the life of a child-
free life?
3. To what extent do the respondents prefer a child-free life in the future?

Conceptual Framework

This study aims to  The

identify the level of researchers
awareness of Gen Z’s will give the
on the growing trend of
respondents an
choosing a child free
life and specifically overview about
sought to answer the the research Gen Z’s Mindset:
following the questions.  The An Analysis of the
researchers Growing Trend of
1. What are the will be using Choosing a Child-
profile of respondents? random Free Life
a) Age sampling
b) Sex technique in
c) Birthday selecting
2. What is the respondents.
level of awareness of
 The
the respondents towards
the life of a child-free researchers
life? will be using
3. To what extent survey via
do the respondents google forms
prefer child-free life in in collecting
the future? the raw data.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 9

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework on Gen Z’s Mindset: An Analysis of the Growing

Trend of Choosing A Child-Free- Free Life of Luis Y Ferrer Jr. Senior High School


Figure 1. Presents the conceptual framework of this research using the Input-

Process-Output (IPO) model. The input indicates the problems or tasks that will be

solved in this study. The process shows how the problems or tasks will be solved. In

the output, this will indicate the solution or completed tasks of the research.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus on identifying the growing trend of choosing a childfree life
for Gen Z. The primary subjects of this study will be Generation Z from Grade 12-
Humanities and Social Sciences of Luis Y Ferrer Jr. Senior High School, and the total
number of respondents will be limited to 50.

In addition, the respondents are selected specifically according to their profile by

age, sex, and birth year. The respondents have been identified as one of the generation
z. On the other hand, if the researchers found that the respondents belong to the
millennial era they would not be included in the study.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are beneficial to the following:

Academic Institutions and Administrators. Through this research, educational

institutions and administrators may promote programs and advocacies regarding a
child-free life to help students decide for their future and expand their preferences.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 10

Women's Rights Advocates. The result of this research will provide valuable
information for the advocates to further their campaign on spreading awareness on
dealing with toxic Filipino family culture and the expectations of women for child-
bearing. This will help stop stigmatizing women who wish to lead a child-free life.

Couples. This research will give information to couples about having a child; it will
benefit them in terms of decision-making and life perceptions towards having a child.
As they read the study, they will have an initial knowledge about being child-free.

Students. The results of this research will benefit the students. As they read the whole
research they will gain knowledge and information about having a child-free life, and
how it can be beneficial and advantageous to them as students.

Future Researchers. This research study will benefit future researchers as they look
for information or related studies that can be used in their research. This will also help
them to widen their knowledge if they have the same topic as this research.

Definition of Terms

Child-free. This term is used to describe those people who opt not to have children or
voluntarily refuse to have a child. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Gen Z. The term Gen Z was given to the generation who was born between 1997-
2012, Gen Z is also as iGen. ( Meola 2023)

Generational Shift. The term "generational shift" describes how attitudes, behaviors,
and social conventions gradually change as one generation replaces another. This
phenomenon frequently results in adjustments to workplace dynamics, culture, and the
uptake of new technologies.
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Perception. The term perception describes how we perceive the outside world through
our senses. It is the process of employing our senses to become aware of things and
relationships. We learn about our surroundings via this experience. (Cherry 2023)

Self-Fulfillment. It is the capacity to satisfy oneself through achieving one's

objectives. This idea is also referred to as self-realization or self-actualization. Self-
fulfillment is an individualized concept that is unique to each person. It is significant
because it provides a feeling of accomplishment. (Barowski 2022)
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The word childfree is being trend nowadays, this means someone who forgo

having children and it comes from various reasons and factors why young adults

choose to be childfree. This study wanted to identify the mindset of Gen Z towards the

growing trend of choosing a child-free life with their level of awareness and extent to

prefer having a child-free life. As a member of Generation Z, we the researchers are

curious about the choice and preferences of other Gen Z with this trend of choosing a

child-free life. Therefore, this chapter contains related literature about Gen Z and Child

Free life including the theme and synthesis.

Generation Z Family Values

In Philippine society, the expectation of a close-knit family and its centrality

are highly valued. With this configuration, family units are the source of fundamental
values, and Filipinos' personal development is greatly impacted by it as well. In
addition to providing Filipinos with economic, social, emotional, and moral support,
families establish their identities. (Miralao, 1997, p.189). However, as the years go by
these expectations change and evolve, generation z also known as Gen Z, which is
called the new generation next to millennials, views family in another way. The
presence of children in a family undoubtedly has financial effects. From infancy until
adulthood, children require a variety of costs for basic, secondary, health, and
education needs. If parents want to raise physically and psychologically healthy
children, they must spend more and more money. According to the study's findings,
the majority of Generation Z consider the consequences of direct costs when they have
children later in life. As many as 83.8% of Generation Z consider the direct expense
of parenting children from the time they are conceived. (Ningsih, 20223, p.1). Other
studies supported this too, considering the majority of participants in the study of
(Zapanta et al,2023, p.5) it was concluded that raising children was a duty based on
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the participant’s answers. They believe that having children is needless if they are
incapable of raising them, they characterize having children as a lifetime obligation,
requiring significant financial commitment in addition to time and attention to meet
their needs. When it comes to children, the majority of spouses feel the same way,
viewing them as an extra burden that needs to be attended to. In contrast to most
traditional couples who consider children as a blessing, this viewpoint frequently
characterizes their whole approach towards choosing to be childless and childfree.

These values reached Gen Z, which is a self-driven group of people who value
flexibility, relevance, authenticity, and non-hierarchical leadership. They also deeply
care about diversity and collaboration, and although they are horrified by inherited
problems like climate change, they are realistic about the work that needs to be done
to address it. (De Witte, 2022, pp. 8). The concept of family has evolved in the eyes of
Generation Z. While in the past, a family was typically defined as a father, mother,
and children with blood relations, now Gen Z perceives family as a group of people
who offer mutual support, trust, and emotional attachment to one another. This shift
in perspective reflects the changing societal norms and values embraced by this
generation. (Nugroho, 2022, pp. 13)

Career and Self-Fulfillment of Gen Z

The choice and career aspirations of Generation Z are driven by how millennial
mothers are being treated by the American government and corporations. Of the
women of Generation Z, about 27% have stated that they do not plan to become
parents. According to two-thirds of individuals, surveyed, mental health is a major
influencing element in this decision. This inclination signifies the current generation's
refusal to accept the social norm that motherhood is a universal goal, the commitment
to putting our well-being first, and our increased understanding of the difficulties
involved in raising children, 89% of Generation Z enjoys the flexibility of their lives
have from not having children, they have a lot of time to prepare for their future and
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career while 70% value their alone time for themselves. (Carter, 2022, pp. 4). Gen Z
values their career and self-fulfillment rather than settling down and having a child, as
a worker Gen Z demonstrates a great desire for fulfillment and meaning in the
workplace. Their eagerness to have a positive influence on both their companies and
society drives them. They also appreciate the link between their profession and ethical
considerations, as well as corporate social responsibility, or CSR. 71% of participants
in the 18- to 29-year-old age group said they would be prepared to leave their current
job in favor of one that has a greater beneficial social impact. By contrast, just 55% of
respondents overall and 62% of respondents aged 30-44 agreed with this statement.
(Macmillan, 2023, pp.6)

Moreover, according to (Deloitte, 2022, p.13) almost 40 % of Gen Z and

Millennials have a mindset that they would turn down a job or work because it
conflicted with their values in life. They would rather find another job that would fit
their lifestyle and personality to do the work properly without having any trouble to
themselves and the company, Gen Z also place great significance on work-life balance
and thrive on having a flexible environment that allows them to integrate work,
personal interests and socializing more seamlessly. In addition (p.15-18) it was found
that 75% of Gen Z prioritize job flexibility over higher salary, they seek a healthy
equilibrium between their professional and personal lives, a goal that may be partly
driven by witnessing the stress and burnout experienced by previous generations. This
is not unexpected as it is shown in other studies that they prefer to have a stable and
nice environment for them to work peacefully. These were supported by the study of
(Robbins et al, 2015, p. 46) that job or work satisfaction has long been linked to several
psychosocial issues, such as leadership and job design. It is the degree to which one
feels content or happy about their job and the environment in which one works.
Furthermore, (Tampubolon et al,2015) claimed that in addition to other factors like
work significance, degree of supervision, and required levels of focus, job satisfaction
also encompasses an individual's enjoyment of carrying out specific tasks within their
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Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Child-Free Life

The trend of choosing to be child-free was a legitimate worry that needed to be

taken care of with the utmost attention for the pair. Insightful information was
provided about how heterosexual couples choose not to have children. It has been
shown that, despite coming from different backgrounds and having different life
experiences, childless and childless adult couples have comparable views on family.
The study further discussed that the decision to forgo having children was impacted
by a variety of factors, such as their perspectives and preferences towards family and
children, as well as public perceptions. (Zapanta et. al, 2023, p.10). Moreover,
according to the news article ( Hains, 2022, pp. 2-6), almost half of Gen Z do not want
to have kids. The results of the survey revealed that 46% of Gen Z do not plan to have
children, compared to 37% who want and 17% who are undecided. The article
emphasized that more than half of the participants confessed that the cost of living
makes Gen Z concerned about starting a family; they would rather spend their money
on themselves. In today’s modernization, the emergence of a child-free lifestyle is still
questioned by many individuals. In the study of (Cabonce et al, 2019, p.80) commonly
those people who see child-free as selfish are those within the social spheres of
participants, in here it was seen that there are different perceptions towards child-free
life some questioned it, and criticize the people who chose to be child-free while the
participants of the study embrace it.

The decision of couples to forgo children does not mean they do not want a
child, they still consider themselves as a family despite the absence of children and
they put out a message that even though there are many pressures from society,
religion, politics, and even the media, the option to not have a child exits. According
to (Nugroho, 2022, p. 3) among childless adults who assert that they have another
reason for thinking they will not have children in the future, no one cause jumps out.
Approximately 19% of respondents say it's due to health problems, 17% say it's due
to money problems (since more people are aware that raising children requires
additional expenses), and 15% say it's because they don't have a spouse. Because of
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their age (10%), the age of their spouse (10%), or the state of the world (9%) in general,
one in ten adults say they don't plan to have children. 2% of respondents say their
significant other doesn't want children, while 5% more cite environmental factors like
climate change. Furthermore (p. 9), attitudes of Gen Z toward child-free life have been
interesting, 79% of them answered neutral, 17 % answered positive and 4% answered
negative additionally when they were asked about their decisions 65% decided to have
a child in future while 35% wants to remain child free. This means that despite the
changing attitudes and perceptions towards childfree life there are still young adults
choosing to refrain from having a child.

Generational Shifts towards Child Bearing

The newer generation has now dominated the world with new lifestyles and
perspectives declining the old style of the older generation. As more and more
adolescent adults choose not to have children, having children has become an issue
that Gen Z and millennials find to be increasingly contentious. While it is vital to
respect people's decisions regarding having children, it is equally critical to consider
the potential effects of a childless generation. According to (Heins, 2021, p. 1) in the
year 2020, the total fertility rate which measures the average number of children that
a woman gave birth to has dropped to the lowest level ever recorded. Numerous factors
were indicated and affected the workforce and delays in marriage and childbearing of
women. (p. 4) Other causes for this generation's childlessness include concerns about
climate change or the current economy, a lack of enthusiasm for having children, and
prioritizing other priorities such as professions. With Gen Z and millennials disputing
the notion that women are fixed to childbirth and domesticity, more women are
entering the workforce and placing a higher priority on their jobs than in previous

In (William, 2020, pp. 2) survey three out of 5 young adults listed financial
expenses as a reason for not having children and compared to other generations,
millennials and Gen Z were more likely to use finances as one of the major factors or
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reason for their choice to not bear children in the present and future. According to
(India, 2023, p. 1) various trends in recent decades, from growing living costs to the
expansion of higher education, have resulted in both millennials and Gen Z completing
traditional milestones much later than their predecessors do. A record proportion of
millennials are delaying marriage and having children, as well as staying at home. In
contrast to teenagers in the previous five decades, Gen Z members are less likely to
have engaged in adult activities like dating, working for a living, learning to drive, or
having sex. Understandably, many young adults are delaying or rejecting motherhood
and opting to increase their "me time" because they still feel like children themselves.


The childfree lifestyle is a choice that young adults choose because of many
factors and reasons, including today’s generation, which is Gen Z. The emergence of
a childfree life is going wide. There are new values towards the family that the gen z
perceived and believed, the presence of children in a family undoubtedly has financial
effects. From infancy until adulthood, children require a variety of costs for basic,
secondary, health, and education needs. If parents want to raise physically and
psychologically healthy children, they must spend more and more money, the majority
of Generation Z considers the consequences of direct costs when they have children
later in life. As many as 83.8% of Generation Z consider the direct expense of
parenting children from the time they are conceived. (Ningsih, 20223, p.1) As this
value emerged their career and self-fulfillment became their top priority making them
decide to choose to be childfree shortly. The choice and career aspirations of
Generation Z are driven by how millennial mothers are being treated by the American
government and corporations, about 27% have stated that they do not plan to become
parents. According to two-thirds of individuals, surveyed, mental health is a major
influencing element in this decision. This inclination signifies the current generation's
refusal to accept the social norm that motherhood is a universal goal, the commitment
to putting our well-being first, and our increased understanding of the difficulties
involved in raising children, 89% of Generation Z enjoys the flexibility of their lives
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 18

have from not having children, they have a lot of time to prepare for their future and
career while 70% value their alone time for themselves. (Carter, 2022, pp. 4).
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Research Design

In this study, the researchers will employ the quantitative technique, which
entails gathering numerical data from our research respondents. To further their
understanding, the researchers will be using a descriptive research approach, which
collects measurable data for statistical analysis of a population sample. Descriptive
research aims to identify the features of a certain phenomenon as reported by the
study's intended respondents.

Sampling Technique

This study used the stratified sampling technique in identifying the number of
respondents; the researchers asked every section of HUMSS 12 how many students
are there in one section. Furthermore, the researchers added all the numbers and
divided them into 4 to lower the sample size of the study, the researcher also used the
Raosoft calculator to manipulate and lower the sample size given by using the stratified
sampling technique.

Data Gathering Procedure

1. Before conducting the survey, the researchers must ask the participants if they
can participate in this study.
2. If the participants are willing to participate in the said study, the researcher will
give an overview of the research
3. The researcher will ask the selected participants about their profiles if they
belong to Generation Z.
4. The selected participants will respond to a series of questions. This will include
questions about child-free life.
5. After collecting all the data needs, the researcher will analyze the answers of
the respondents
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Instruments in Data Gathering

The researcher in this study will conduct an online survey with the selected
respondents about the growing trend of choosing a child-free life. The following will
be used as survey questionnaires.

SOP 2. What is the profile of respondents?

a) Age
b) Sex
c) Birth Year

SOP 2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents towards the life of a

1. I am aware of the idea of having a child-free life.

2. Conversations about living without children come up on my social
media feeds daily.
3. I am aware that a child-free life can give me personal freedom
4. I am aware of the pressure of society towards having a child-free life
5. I came across individuals or influencers openly discussing the choice of
living a child-free life.
6. I have come across in the media( News, Articles, Movies, etc.) about
the concept of having a child-free life.
7. I feel well-informed about the advantages and disadvantages of living
a child-free life
8. I am aware that overpopulation is a critical factor in having a child-free
9. I am aware of the perception that having a child-free life can give a
fulfilling lifestyle.
10. I am aware of the environmental factors that affect the decision to have
a child-free life.
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SOP 3. To what extent do the respondents prefer a child-free life in the future?

1. The role of personal freedom and flexibility in my choice is

significant to pursuing a child-free life in the future
2. I believe that a child-free lifestyle aligns with my personal goals and
3. I feel fulfilled by the idea of leading a child-free life in the future
4. I envision a life without the responsibilities and commitments of
raising a child
5. I am certain about my desire to lead a child-free life in the future
6. A childfree life can give me more time to fulfill my dreams in the
7. I believe that financial implications are a factor in my preference for
a child-free life in the future
8. I consider childfree life as the choice of living my dream lifestyle
9. I consider economic factors to play a significant role in my decision
to choose a child-free life
10. I consider that environmental factors have a huge impact on
choosing a child-free life

Data Analysis Technique

The researchers in this study analyzed the collected data using descriptive
statistics. This is a set of methods used to quantitatively describe the summarized
features of the information collected. Descriptive statistics involves the use and
analysis of statistics to better understand the data.
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This chapter of the research discusses the presentation and analysis of data coming
from the respondents of this study using the Likert scale of awareness and agreement
to the following statement of the problem “What are the demographic profile of the
respondents?” “ What are the levels of awareness of the respondents towards the life
of a child-free?” and “To what extent do the respondents prefer a child-free life in the

SOP 1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents?

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Birth Year

Birth Year 1997-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010

2(4%) 22(44%) 26(52%)

Age 25 21 20 19 18 17

2 3 3 5 14 23

Female Male
24(48%) 26(52%)

Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The researchers present a cross-tabulation of the demographic profile of the

respondents, segmented by birth year, age, and sex. It resulted in only 4% answering
that they were born between 1997 and 2000, 44% answering that they were born
between 2001 and 2005, and 52% answering that they were born between 2006 and
2010, resulting in ages between 17 and 25. On the other hand, 24 (48%) were female
and 26 (52% were male).
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 23

SOP 2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents towards the life of a


Fully Aware Aware (3) Not Fully Not

(4) (A) Aware Aware (1)
Statements (FA) (2) (FNA)

1. I know the concept of having a 46% 44% 10% 0%

child-free life.

2. Conversations about living without 32% 46% 20% 2%

children come up on my social media
feeds daily.

3. I believe that child-free life can give 46% 48% 6% 0%

personal freedom

4. I am well informed about the 42% 50% 6% 2%

pressure of society towards having a
child-free life

5. I came across individuals or 38% 44% 14% 4%

influencers openly discussing the
choice of living a child-free life.

6. I have come across in the media( 34% 46% 14% 6%

News, Articles, Movies, etc.) about the
concept of having a child-free life.

7. I am well-informed about the 56% 36% 8% 0%

advantages and disadvantages of
living a child-free life

8. Overpopulation is a critical factor in 52% 36% 8% 4%

having a child-free life

9. The idea of a child-free life can give 38% 46% 10% 6%

a fulfilling lifestyle

10. The environmental factors affect 42% 42% 14% 2%

the decisions of Gen Z of having a
child-free life.

TOTAL 42.6% 43.8% 11% 2.6%

Table 2. Level of Awareness of the respondents towards having a child-free life.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 24

The presented table provides insight into the awareness levels of Gen Z respondents
regarding living a child-free life. The table lists the responses given by participants,
which correspond to the Likert Scale's range of "fully aware" to "not fully aware."

According to statement 1, 46% of respondents were completely aware of the concept

of a child-free existence, while 44% were aware, and 10% were unaware of it. This
indicates that 90% of the respondents are aware of living a child-free life.

Regarding statement 2, 32% of Gen Z respondents stated that they were fully aware
of the conversation spreading on social media about living a child-free life.
Meanwhile, 20% of respondents claimed to be unaware and 2% stated partial
awareness. Thus, 78% of Gen Z respondents are fully aware of the conversation, while
22% remain unaware.

Statement 3 revealed that 46% of respondents were fully aware that living child-
free provides personal freedom. Additionally, 48% of respondents were aware, while
only 6% of Gen Z respondents lacked awareness. This indicates that 94% of
respondents are aware of the personal freedom that child-free living can provide, and
there is no complete lack of awareness.

The results of statement 4 indicate that 42% of respondents were fully aware of the
societal pressure towards living a child-free life. While 50% were aware, 6% were
unaware, and only 2% of the respondents were not fully aware of it.

In statement 5, 38% of Gen Z respondents were fully aware of the discussion of

choosing a child-free life by individuals or influencers, while 50% were aware. On the
other hand, 14% were unaware, and 4% reported partial awareness of the discussion.

Statement 6 demonstrated that respondents had varying levels of awareness about

the portrayal of a childless lifestyle in various media formats. Notably, 34% of
respondents stated that they were fully aware of debates on a childless existence via
media sources such as news, articles, and movies. Additionally, 46% of respondents
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 25

were aware of the concept's media presence, while 14% claimed a lack of awareness
in this regard, and 6% admitted to being partially aware.

Statement 7 examined respondents' comprehension of the benefits and drawbacks

of leading a childless lifestyle. A promising 56% reported feeling thoroughly educated
about these issues, indicating a high degree of knowledge. Furthermore, 36% reported
general awareness, with 8% admitting to a lack of understanding. Surprisingly, none
of the respondents claimed a complete lack of awareness of the benefits and
drawbacks, demonstrating a common understanding among the questioned population.

Statement 8 focused on the respondents’ identification of important variables that

influence their decision to live childless. According to the survey, 52% of respondents
fully understand the substantial role overcrowding plays in motivating people to
choose a childless lifestyle, while 36% have a general understanding of the issue.
Conversely, 4% and 8%, respectively, acknowledged that they did not fully understand
this important component.

Statement 9 revealed that 38% were fully aware of the influence of environmental
considerations on this choice, with 46% expressing general awareness. Alarmingly,
10% admitted to not being aware of these environmental influences, and 6% conceded
to not being fully informed in this regard, signaling an opportunity for increased
education and awareness concerning the intersection of environmental concerns and
the decision to lead a childless life.

Interestingly, statement 10 revealed that 42% of respondents were fully aware that
living without children can be a fulfilling existence. However, an equal percentage of
42% had only a partial understanding of this statement. Furthermore, 14% reported a
lack of knowledge in this field, and only 2% reported a complete lack of information.
This suggests that there is a wide range of awareness and comprehension levels
regarding the possible fulfillment that comes with being child-free. The presented table
provides insight into the awareness levels of Gen Z respondents regarding living a
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 26

child-free life. The table lists the responses given by participants, which correspond to
the Likert Scale's range of "fully aware" to "not fully aware."

SOP 3. To what extent do the respondents prefer a child-free life in the future?

Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (A) (N) (D) (1)
(SA) (SD)
1. My decision to pursue a 32% 38% 20% 10% 0%
child-free life in the future is
greatly influenced by my
independence and flexibility.
2. I believe that living without 26% 28% 28% 12% 6%
children matches my aims and
3. The thought of living a child- 28% 36% 24% 8% 4%
free life in the future makes me
feel fulfilled.

4. I picture myself living a life 24% 34% 24% 14% 4%

free of obligations and child-
rearing duties.
5. I am certain about my desire 32% 24% 32% 6% 6%
to lead a child-free life in the

6. Living child-free will allow 40% 38% 10% 10% 2%

me to have more time for
myself to pursue my goals in the
7. I believe that financial 32% 46% 16% 4% 2%
implications are a factor in my
preference for a child-free life
in the future
8. I consider childfree life as the 38% 32% 16% 10% 4%
choice of living my dream
9. I consider economic factors 30% 40% 16% 10% 4%
to play a significant role in my
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 27

decision to choose a child-free

10. I consider that 40% 34% 20% 4% 2%
environmental factors have a
huge impact on choosing a
child-free life
TOTAL 32.2% 35% 20% 8.8% 3.4%

Table 3. Level of Agreement of the respondents to what extent they prefer having a

child-free life in the future.

The table presented above exhibits the outcomes and discoveries of a survey that
evaluated the preferences of respondents for a child-free life in the future, using a 5-
point Agree Likert Scale.

Statement 1 indicates that 16% of the Gen Z respondents strongly agree that their
decision to pursue a child-free life in the future is significantly influenced by their
independence and flexibility, while 19% agree with the statement. However, 10% of
the respondents answered neutrally, indicating uncertainty about their decision.
Additionally, 5% of the respondents disagree with the statement, implying that their
decision is not greatly influenced by independence and flexibility.

The results of statement 2 show that 13% of respondents strongly agree with the
statement, while 14% agree, indicating that they believe that living without children
matches their aims and desires in life. However, 14% of the respondents remain neutral
about the statement. Further, 6% of Gen Z respondents disagree, indicating that they
do not believe that living without children matches their aims and desires, and 3% of
them strongly disagree.

Statement 3 presents that 14% of the respondents strongly agree that living a child-
free life in the future would make them feel fulfilled, while 18% agree with the
statement. On the other hand, 12.5% of the respondents answered neutrally, while 4%
disagreed and 2% answered strongly disagreed with it.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 28

In statement 4, 12% of Gen Z respondents strongly agree with the statement that
they visualize themselves living a life free of obligations and child-rearing duties, and
17% of them agree with it. However, 12% of the respondents remain neutral about this
statement. On the other hand, 7% of Gen Z respondents disagree with the statement,
and 2% strongly disagree.

The results of statement 5 exhibit that 16% of the respondents strongly agree with
the statement that they are certain about their desire to lead a child-free life in the
future, while 12% of them agree with it. Additionally, 16% of the respondents remain
neutral about their desire, whereas 3% of Gen Z respondents disagree with the
statement, and another 3% of them strongly disagree.

Statement 6 presents that 20% of Gen Z respondents strongly agree that living
child-free will allow them to have more time for themselves to pursue their goals in
the future, while 19% of them only agree with the statement. 5% of the respondents
answered neutrally, while another 5% disagreed with the statement, and only 1% of
Gen Z strongly disagreed.

Statement 7 exhibits that 16% of the respondents strongly agree that financial
implications are a factor in their preference for a child-free life in the future, and 23%
only agree with it, while 8% of Gen Z respondents remain neutral. On the other hand,
only 2% of the respondents disagreed, and 1% answered strongly disagreed.

Statement 8 presents that 19% of the respondents strongly agree that considering a
child-free life is a choice of living a dream lifestyle, and 16% answered that they only
agree with the statement, while 8% of them remain neutral. In contrast, 5% of the
respondents disagree, and only 2% of them strongly disagree.

The findings of statement 9 indicate that economic factors play a significant role
in deciding to choose a child-free life, with 15% of the respondents answering this
statement as strongly agree, and 20% of them agreeing with it, while 8% remained
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 29

neutral. However, 5% of the Gen Z respondents disagree with the statement, and only
2% answered strongly disagree.

In statement 10, 20% of Gen Z respondents strongly agree with the statement that
they consider environmental factors to have a significant impact on choosing a child-
free life, while 17% of them answered that they agree with it, and 10% of the
respondents remained neutral about this statement. On the other hand, 2% of the
respondents disagreed, and only 1% of them answered strongly disagree with the
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 30


The study was taken with the general objective of focusing on Gen Z’s Mindset: An

Analysis of the Growing Trend of Choosing a Child Life.


Based on the results and findings provided by Gen Z respondents from Luis Y
Ferrer Jr. Senior High School, specifically in Humanities and Social Sciences 12, the
study has concluded. The researchers have summarized that among individuals aged
17-25 and born between 1997-2010, 48% were female and 52% were male.

The following is an excerpt from the study's statement of problem 2, which

utilized a 4-point Likert scale to measure awareness. Table 2 presents the study's
findings regarding the awareness of Gen Z respondents related to the concept of
leading a child-free life. The results indicate that an overwhelming 86.4% of all
respondents were knowledgeable and aware of the topic, with 42.6% of Gen Z
respondents being fully aware of the concept, while 43.8% stated that they were merely
aware. These figures indicate that most Gen Z respondents had achieved some level of
awareness of the notion. On the contrary, only 11% of respondents answered "not
aware," while 2.6% were not entirely aware, implying that 13.6% of respondents
lacked awareness. Overall, the proportion of respondents with awareness is greater
than that of those without.

Table 3 presents the findings of a survey that employed a 5-point Likert scale to
measure the level of agreement among respondents concerning their inclination
towards a child-free lifestyle in the future. The results indicate that a combined 67%
of the Gen Z respondents agree with the concept, with 32.2% strongly agreeing and
35% agreeing in total. Conversely, 20% of the respondents remained neutral, while
8.8% and 3.4% disagreed and strongly disagreed, respectively, with the idea of a
child-free lifestyle. It is noteworthy that 12.2% of the respondents disregarded the
concept altogether. Thus, the survey results reveal that the majority of the
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 31

respondents agreed with the notion of a child-free lifestyle, while a significant

minority remained neutral or disagreed with the idea.

The study conducted revealed that a significant number of Gen Z respondents

are in agreement with and possess an awareness of the notion of a child-free lifestyle.
Conversely, a small percentage of participants expressed neutrality and disagreement
towards the idea. The findings of this study indicate that society should embrace and
recognize the benefits and privileges of a child-free lifestyle, particularly among
young adults in the foreseeable future.


Community. Locals should be aware of the concept of a child-free life by simply

knowing the advantages and privileges that can give to one person. This will decrease
the amount of criticism that couples and individuals receive.

Parents. Some parents with children belonging to the Gen Z generation should be
aware of the concept of leading a child-free life. They should understand the benefits
of a child-free lifestyle in today's world. Parents must not coerce their children into
having a child for the sole purpose of having a retirement plan in the future. A child is
a precious gift and should never be taken as a retirement plan if one chooses to have

Future Researchers. Upon completion of this study, it is recommended that future

researchers conduct further research to gain a more comprehensive understanding of
the topic. This additional research may help to identify any gaps or deficiencies in the
current study and may provide valuable insights into potential areas for future
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 32

Proposed Project
Child-Free Advocacies.

The objective of this project is to raise awareness and provide education to the
public regarding the benefits of choosing a child-free lifestyle. The approach to
achieve this goal will be comprehensive and multifaceted, incorporating various
communication channels such as social media platforms and diverse media outlets.
LYFJSHS |Practical Research 2|Quantitative Research 33


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