Infinitivul Si Geruziul
Infinitivul Si Geruziul
Infinitivul Si Geruziul
Cele mai importante verbe sunt: ask, beg, expect, would hate, help, intend, like (= think wise
or right), would like (= enjoy), would love, mean, prefer, want, wish, advise, allow, bribe,
compel, enable, encourage, entitle, teach, show, tell:
e.g. He likes his staff to eat well.
I expect him to arrive tomorrow.
10. După verbele think, believe, consider, estimate, know, suppose, folosite la pasiv, se
poate folosi infinitivul, prezent sau perfect:
e.g. You are supposed to know the laws of your own country.
You are expected to know this.
They are believed to have landed in America.
They are supposed to have discovered America.
11. După the first, the second etc., the last, the only şi uneori după superlative:
e.g. He loves parties; he is always the first to come and the last to leave.
She was the only one to survive the crush. (the only one who survived)
It was the best play to be performed that year (the best play that was performed that year)
12. După substantive/ pronume, pentru a arata scopul în care sunt folosite, ceea ce se
poate face cu ele, pentru a exprima dorinţele subiectului:
e.g. I have letters to write. (that I must write)
Does he get enough to eat?
Have you anything to say? (that you want to say)
Infinitivul Continuu
1. După verbe auxiliare:
e.g. They’ll be wondering where you are.
He may/might be watching TV.
He must be coming by bus. (deduction)
2. După: appear, happen, pretend, seem:
e.g. He appears/seems to be living in the area
I happened to be standing next to him when lie collapsed.
3. După: hope, promise, agree, arrange, decide, be determined, plan, undertake:
e.g. I hope/hoped to be earning my living in a year‘s time.
They promise to be working a lot.
Infinitivul Perfect
Have + V3
1. Cu should, would, might si could pentru a forma conditionalul trecut:
e.g If I had seen her I should have invited her.
2. Dupa cerbe modale, pentru a se referi la trecut:
e.g. He should have helped her. (but he didn’t)
I shouldn’t/oughtn’t to have lied to him. (but I did)
He could/might have phoned her. (Perhaps he (has) phoned.)
He might/could have told me!
3. După următoarele verbe folosite la diateza passiva, pentru a se referi la trecut:
acknowledge, believe, consider, find, know, report, say, suppose, think, understand:
e.g. He is understood to have left the country.
He is expected to have passed his exams already.
Are aceeaşi formă ca şi participiul prezent: running, speaking, working etc.
Poate fi folosit ca:
1. Subiect: Dancing bored him.
Reading French is easier than speaking it.
2. Nume predicativ. Her hobby is painting.
3. După prepoziţii: He was accused of smuggling. I have no objection to hearing your story
again. Touch your toes without bending your knees! He is good at diving. She is fond of
climbing. I’m not keen on gambling. I’m too afraid of losing. He was fined/or being drunk in
charge of a car.
4. După anumite verbe: anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, defer, delay, deny, detest,
dislike, dread, detest, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy (= imagine), finish, forgive, imagine,
involve, keep, mean, mind, remember, resist, risk, suggest
5. Expresii: can’t stand (= endure), can‘t help (= prevent/avoid), it’s no use/good si dupa
adjectivul worth, spend time/ money, waste time/ money, to be/ to get used to, look forward
to, get round to, in addition to, prefer (doing something to something else):
e.g. She dreads getting old. Do you enjoy teaching?
I couldn’t help laughing. He detests writing letters.
Is there anything here worth buying?
6. In substantive compuse: a diving board (a board for diving off).
7. In interdictii scurte: No smoking. No waiting. No fishing.
8. Dupa verbe de perceptie fizica, alaturi de infinitiv:
e.g I heard him open the door. (L-am auzit cand a deschis usa.)
I heard him opening the door. (L-am auzit in timp ce deschidea usa.)
Gerunziul perfect
Forma: having worked, having spoken etc., poate fi folosită pentru a ne referi la trecut:
e.g. He was accused of deserting his ship
He was accused of having deserted his ship.
He denied having been recognized.
Verbe care primesc fie infinitive, fie gerund:
Advise, agree, allow, begin, can/could bear, cease, continue, forget, hate, intend,
like, love, mean, need, permit, prefer, propose, recommend, regret, remember, require,
start, stop, used to, want.
Cu begin, continue, start, propose nu apar diferenţe de sens:
e.g. He began to write/ writing on his novel.
Cu altele însă, apar diferenţe:
forget + to - inf = not remember
e.g. / have to go out. I forgot to buy a newspaper.
forget + -ing form = not recall
e.g. /'// never forget travelling by plane for the first time.
remember + to - inf = not forget
e.g. Did you remember to tell Sam about the meeting?
remember + -ing form = recall
e.g. / remember talking to him before.
go on + to - inf = then
e.g. She introduced herself and went on to talk about her new book.
go on + -ing form = continue
e.g. He went on writing letters until 10.00.
mean + to - inf = intend to
e.g. She means to buy a new car soon.
mean + -ing form = involve
e.g. She is determined to get a ticket for the concert, even if it means paying a lot of money.
regret + to - inf = be sorry to (it is normally used in the present simple and is followed by
verbs such as say, tell, inform)
e.g. We regret to inform you that you have failed.
regret + -ing form = feel sorry about
e.g. He regretted selling his house.
try + to - inf = attempt, do one's best
e.g. We tried to move the heavy branch to the side of the road.
try + -ing form = do sth as an experiment
e.g. If you can't go to sleep, try drinking some milk.
stop + to - inf = stop briefly to do sth else
e.g. He stopped to fill the tank with petrol, then continued driving
stop + -ing form = finish, give up
e.g. He stopped drinking coffee because it upset his stomach.
be sorry + to - inf = apologise for a present action
e.g. I'm sorry to say this, but your work is rather unsatisfactory.
be sorry for + -ing form = apologise for an earlier action
e.g. We are sorry for keeping you waiting.
like + to - inf = think that sth is good or right to do
e.g. I like to pay my bills as soon as I get them.
like + -ing form = enjoy (general preference)
e.g. Tom likes meeting new people.
would like + to - inf = want (specific preference)
e.g. / would like to go to that new restaurant.
be afraid + to - inf = the subject is unwilling to do sth
e.g. He is afraid to touch the dog in case it bites him.
be afraid of + -ing form = (the subject is afraid that what is described by the -ing form
may happen)e.g. She doesn't want to drive her father's car. She's afraid of crashing it.