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Cambridge IGCSE: Mathematics

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The document discusses different problem solving strategies including drawing diagrams and using pictures to represent problems. It also discusses the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics syllabus.

Some strategies discussed include drawing diagrams, estimating, interpreting information given, and communicating mathematically to solve problems effectively.

Drawing a diagram can help 'see' a problem more clearly and organize the information given. It allows you to add details and work out new information to help solve the problem.



Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics

Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

Problem-solving Book

Karen Morrison and Nick Hamshaw

Tabitha Steel, Coral Thomas, Mark Dawes
and Steven Watson Karen Morrison and Nick Hamshaw
Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book Tabitha Steel, Coral Thomas, Mark Dawes and Steven Watson
contains a variety of questions that help students develop and apply
strategies for problem-solving. The resource gives students the
opportunity to practise using the range of mathematics skills learnt
on the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (0580) syllabus. The questions

Cambridge IGCSE®
in this book require a range of different approaches and encourage
the application of key mathematical skills — reasoning, interpreting,
estimating and communicating mathematically — to solve problems

• Promotes deeper thinking around how to solve mathematical problems,
to prepare students for unseen scenarios
• Each chapter focuses on a different strategy, with a final chapter that
requires students to consider which strategy to apply themselves
• Fully worked solutions to all of the problems provide students with clear
and detailed guidance

• Questions have star ratings to show the level of difficulty and allow
students to track their progress

Other resources in the Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics series:

Core and Extended Coursebook 978-1-316-60563-9
Core and Extended Coursebook with
IGCSE Maths Online 978-1-316-62970-3
Core Practice Book 978-1-107-60988-4
Extended Practice Book 978-1-107-67272-7
Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM 978-1-316-60930-9

Problem-solving Book
Revision Guide 978-1-107-61195-5

Completely Cambridge
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Examinations and experienced authors, to produce high-quality endorsed
textbooks and digital resources that support Cambridge Teachers and
encourage Cambridge Learners worldwide.
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This resource is endorsed for learner support

by Cambridge International Examinations

✓ Provides learner support for the syllabus for

examination from 2015

✓ Has passed Cambridge’s rigorous

quality-assurance process

✓ Developed by subject experts

✓ For Cambridge schools worldwide
Chapter 1
Draw a diagram

You might have heard the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Th is
means that a picture can show a lot of information without using language. Tip
Different types of graphs, Venn diagrams, maps, scale drawings, tree
diagrams and two way tables are all mathematical ‘pictures’ that can show When we use the word ‘diagram’
mathematical information in a clear way. here, we mean any visual
representation of a problem.
Drawing a picture is a very useful problem-solving strategy. You can use This can include rough sketches,
pictures to help you ‘see’ a problem and to work out what you need to do to graphs, number lines, tree
diagrams, possibility diagrams,
solve it.
two way tables and Venn
When you are given a word problem, you can ‘translate’ it into a more diagrams.
visual form (a diagram, graph, rough sketch or table) to help you see
the problem more clearly. You can also use your picture to organise the
information you are given and work out what you need to do to solve the
For some problems a diagram will be provided. If so, remember that you
can write on the diagram and add information to it to help you solve the
When no diagram is provided you can draw your own.
Decide what type of picture will be most useful. Then draw a clear diagram Tip
that is large enough to work on. You can use different colours and
Drawing is a useful strategy to
highlighters to make it easier to see what you are doing. Rough sketches are
consider for problems involving
acceptable but your sketch should look like the thing it describes. If there is combined probabilities, sets, loci,
a triangle in the problem, then your shape should be a triangle. If there is area and perimeter, ratio and
supposed to be a straight line, then your line should be straight. The actual proportion, fractional sharing,
sizes of sides and angles are not important in a rough sketch. growth and decay, vectors,
transformations, angles, distances
Label your diagram. If there is information provided in the question (such and statistics.
as the lengths of sides, or the sizes of angles) then write these on your
diagram. This will often help when you are solving a problem.
Add new information that you work out. When you work out something
new, add this to the diagram too.
So, in summary:
draw a clear diagram
label it
add new information that you work out.
Here are three examples where drawing diagrams could help you:

Problem 1.1: A canteen offers a ‘meal deal’ that allows customers to

choose a main course of fish, chicken or vegetables and a side order of
either rice, fries, noodles or salad.
How many different meal combinations can you choose?
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

You could work systematically and create a list, but a diagram would also

Fish Rice

Chicken Fries

Vegetable Noodles


The diagram above shows all the options and the lines show some of the
possible combinations.
There are four purple lines from fish to the four side options and four green
lines from chicken to the four side options. Th is shows you that there are
four choices for each main. You don’t need to draw in the other lines to
work out that there are 12 possible combinations.
You could use a possibility diagram like the one below to solve this
Each tick, or each cell on the grid, represents one possibility. There are 12
ticks, so there are 12 possible meal combinations.

Rice Fries Noodles Salad




Problem 1.2: A rectangle has sides of 10 cm and 8 cm to the nearest

a What are the limits of accuracy for the area of this rectangle?
b What is the difference between the minimum and maximum values
i the lengths of the sides
ii the area?

Draw a rough sketch of a rectangle. Label the sides and fi nd the upper and
lower bound of each measurement. Th is is the error interval.

9.5  L < 10.5

10 cm Tip

It can be useful to use a ruler

6 cm 5.5  W < 6.5 to draw straight lines, even in
Chapter 1: Draw a diagram

Sketch the smallest and greatest rectangles and fi nd the area of each.

9.5 10.5

Smallest 5.5 Greatest 6.5

A = 9.5 × 5.5 A = 10.5 × 6.5

= 52.25 cm2 = 68.25 cm2

Write the values as an error interval for the area, A, of the rectangle using
the correct notation.
a The limits of accuracy for the area are 52.25 cm2 - A < 68.25 cm2
Your sketches show that the difference between the minimum and
maximum values of the length and width is 1 cm.
You can subtract to fi nd the difference between the minimum and
maximum area.
b i 1 cm ii 16 cm2

Here is an example where a table with highlighting is useful:

Problem 1.3: Amman says, “If I write out numbers in rows of six, all of
the prime numbers will either be in the column that has 1 at the top, or in 3
the column that has 5 at the top”.
Can you tell if he is right?

You need to have some numbers to look at here so a diagram will be 1 2 3 4 5 6

important. 7 8 9 10 11 12

Highlight a few prime numbers. 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24
The table shows that the numbers in each column increase by six
25 26 27 28 29 30
as you move down.
31 32 33 34 35 36
You know that 2 is the only even prime number. So you can eliminate all
numbers in the 2nd, 4th and 6th columns, except for the 2 in the fi rst row. 3
(Adding six to an even number will always give an even answer.) 9
Adding six is the same as adding two threes, so all the numbers in the
column with 3 at the top must multiples of 3 and therefore not prime, 21

except for the 3 in the first row. 27

This means that besides the fi rst row, any prime numbers must be in the
fi rst or fi fth columns so Amman is right.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

In the local cement factory, the cement bags are placed on pallets
made of planks of wood and bricks.
1m 2m

The number of bricks needed to make the pallet is calculated as ‘one

more than the length of the plank in metres’.
a What length of pallet uses five bricks?
b If the pallet is 7 m long, how many bricks are used in it?
The factory needs pallets with a total length of 15 m for the next batch
of cement. It has planks of wood that are 4 m long and 3 m long.
c What combinations of planks can they have?
d How many bricks would be needed for each combination?

Sanjita wants to plant a cherry tree in her garden. She needs to make
sure there is a circular area of lawn with diameter 3m around the base
of the tree, so that all of the fruit will fall onto the lawn area.
Here is a sketch, not drawn to scale, of Sanjita’s garden.

Neighbour’s fence

2m Vegetable patch

Pati o Lawn 3m
House Back fence


Flower bed 1m

Side fence 9m

Where could the tree be planted to meet her conditions?

Chapter 1: Draw a diagram

The diagram represents towns A and B in a mountainous region.

A Diagram not
to scale

40 km

The mountain rescue helicopters from both towns will always be sent
to rescue any casualty within a radius of 25 km of town A or town B.
The fi re and rescue team from town B will travel to any accident scene
closer to town B than town A.
Shade the region that the helicopters and town B’s fi re and rescue
team will both cover.

A rectangle has length (2x + 3) and width (x – 1).

a Write an expression for the perimeter of the rectangle.
253 = 23 × 11
b Write an expression for the area of the rectangle.
The area of the rectangle is 250 cm2. 5

c How long is the longest side?

d What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

The probability that Hamza catches the 6.30 am train to the city is 0.7.
If he misses the train he will be late for work.
What type of diagram might help
The probability the train will be late is 0.15. here?
If the train is late he will be late for work.
What is the probability Hamza will be on time for work on a
particular day?
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

Two five-sided spinners are numbered 1 to 5. When the arrows are

spun, your total score is calculated by adding the two numbers that
the spinners land on.

1 2 1 2

5 3 5 3
4 4

a Draw a suitable diagram to show all possible outcomes when

spinning these spinners.
b What is the highest score you could get?
c What is the probability of getting a total score of 8?

The vertices of a quadrilateral are A, B, C and D.

A has coordinates (2, 1). Tip
⟶ ⟶ ⟶
AB = 2 , BC = 4 , AD = 4
() () () Use squared paper to draw your
3 0 0
⟶ diagram.
a Write a column vector for CD.
⟶ ⟶
b Compare CD with A B. What do you notice? Can you explain?
c What type of quadrilateral is ABCD?

A projector is placed 1 m from a screen. When the projector is turned

on, the image produced is only 20 cm high.
How far back should the projector be moved to produce an image that
exactly fi lls the screen, which is approximately 1.5 m in height?
(Assume that no other adjustments are made to the projector.)
Chapter 1: Draw a diagram

A factory manager planned to install a new hot COINS Tip

drinks machine for the factory workers. He
thought tea would be the most popular hot drink. PRESS What type of diagram might be
The workers did a survey to check what the TEA
preferred hot drink was among them. Each
person could choose one drink from hot
chocolate, tea or coffee.
Eight women wanted hot chocolate.
A total of 16 workers wanted tea, of which seven
were men.
10 men and 12 women chose coffee.
There were 25 men in total.
Was tea the most popular hot drink?


A ship sails 17.6 km on a bearing of 270° and then 15.4 km due south.
What is the shortest distance back to where it started?
Maria needs to make a long-distance journey. She is looking for the
In this question you can use the
cheapest car hire.
axes that are given to help you
Whacky Wheels has a standard charge of $35, then 15¢ for every draw the diagram.
kilometre driven.
Wheelies Rentals has a charge of 23¢ per kilometre travelled, but no
standard charge.
a Complete the charges graph for both car hire companies.
b Maria thinks the return journey will be 300 km. Which 100
company would be cheaper to use? 90
c Maria made a mistake in her route plan and the return 80
Cost ($)

journey was 500 km. How much money would Maria have 70
saved by using the other hire company? 60
0 100 200 300 400 500
Distance (km)
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book


ABCD is a field surrounded by fences AB, BC, CD and DA.

A 16 m B

12 m

X 8m

D 23 m C

A goat is tied to the spike X on a rope measuring 3 m.

A bull is tied by an 8 m rope to the top of post A.
Find a route from corner D to corner B that would avoid both the bull
and the goat.


This patchwork quilt is made from scraps of fabric.


The diagram in the question is

very detailed. Could a simpler
8 diagram help?

Each patch is (2x – 3) cm long and (x + 3) cm wide. The area of the

completed quilt is 2.8 m2.
a There are 25 patches in each row. Write a possible expression for
the width of the quilt.
b There are 32 patches in each column. Write a possible expression
for the length of the quilt.
Chapter 1: Draw a diagram

c Write an expression for the area of the quilt, in the form

m(ax2 + bx + c) where m is a constant. Tip
d What are the dimensions of each patch? Give your answers in
2.8 m2 = 28 000 cm2. It might be
centimetres. easier to work in centimetres.


A square-based food container has a capacity of 1440 cm3.

The base of the container has length x cm.
a Write an equation for the height of the container in terms of x.
The inside of the container (base and four sides) is to be lined with
grease-proof paper with no overlaps.
b What is the formula, in terms of x, for the area of grease-proof
paper needed?
c If the height of the container is 10 cm, what is the area of the base?
d What is the area of grease-proof paper needed?


A rectangular swimming pool is surrounded by a path made of

mosaic tiles. The width of the path is x. It cost $3196.80 to have the
path tiled, at a rate of $30 per square metre.
The pool itself measures 35 m by 30 m.
a Write an expression for the area of the tiled path in terms of x.
b Find the width of the path to the nearest centimetre.


Serrianne has taken up golf and goes to practise at the golf range
twice a week. She uses one bucket of balls each time. In every bucket
of 25 balls there are always 3 yellow balls; the rest are white.
Serrianne hits one ball (chosen at random) at a time.
a What is the probability that the fi rst 3 balls she uses will all be
b What is the probability that the fi rst 3 balls she uses will all be
c Calculate the probability that the fi rst 3 balls Serrianne uses are a
mixture of two yellows and one white.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book


To make the journey to work Abu must drive through two sets
of traffic lights.

The probability of the fi rst set being green is 0.7. If the fi rst set is green,
the probability of the second set also being green is 0.8. But if the fi rst
set is not green, the probability of the second set being green is 0.4.
a What is the probability that Abu does not have to stop on his
journey to work tomorrow?
b What is the probability that Abu only has to stop once on his
journey to work tomorrow?


Kalima and Jiao are very competitive and often have badminton and
squash matches. The probability of Kalima winning at badminton is
10 0.85 and the probability of Kalima winning at squash is 0.35.
a What is the probability that the next time they play both matches,
Kalima wins both?
b What is the probability that Kalima loses at badminton but wins at
c What is the probability that both girls win one match each?


On a commercial fl ight to Tanzania the passengers were questioned

about their malaria precautions. Only 70% of the passengers had Tip
obtained and started a course of anti-malaria tablets. The chances
What type of diagram would be
1 1
of getting malaria are 200 if you take the tablets but 50 if you are not helpful?
taking the tablets. What is the probability that one passenger selected
randomly will contract malaria?
Chapter 1: Draw a diagram


The owner of a bookshop carried out a survey to find the most popular
school subjects in Year 10 to help decide how many revision guides to
stock. A total of 200 students were asked whether they were studying
Chemistry, Physics or Maths.
43 of the students surveyed did not study any of these 3 subjects.
A total of 92 were studying Chemistry.
There were 23 studying both Chemistry and Maths, but not Physics.
There were 19 studying both Physics and Maths, but not Chemistry.
29 were only studying Physics, and there were a total of 74 who
studied Physics.
53 of the students studied 2 of these 3 subjects.
a Display the information in an appropriate diagram.
b If one person was chosen at random, what is the probability they
only studied maths?
c If one person was chosen at random, what is the probability they
studied at least two of the subjects?


The point A has coordinates (2, 2).

⟶ 2 Tip
AB = ()
⟶ 3
BC = ()
Draw a sketch of the shape.

a Find a possible pair of coordinates for D, if ABCD is an isosceles


b Write AC as a column vector.
⟶ ⟶
c Find the coordinates of E, if AE = 4BC.

d Using these coordinates for E, write BE as a column vector.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

a Amira has a challenge for her classmate, Janet:
To construct an accurate triangle
“I’m thinking of a triangle… you need to use a ruler, protractor
It has a right angle. It has one angle of 40°. It has one side that has a and a pair of compasses.
length of 5 cm.
Draw my triangle.”
i Accurately construct a triangle that satisfies Amira’s
conditions. Before you start your accurate
construction, make some rough
ii Demonstrate that there is more than one triangle that Amira
sketches to show the positions
could be thinking of. of the sides and angles you are
iii How could Amira alter her challenge so that only one triangle given.
is possible?
b Janet comes up with a challenge for Amira:
“I’m thinking of a triangle…
It has one side of length 4 cm. It has another side of length 7 cm.
The angle in between these two sides is 55°.
Draw my triangle.”
i How many triangles satisfy Janet’s conditions? Explain your
12 answer.
ii Find the length of the third side.


Raj took a photo of his mother on holiday. Later, when Raj looked at
the picture, he saw that his mother seemed to be the same height as a
hill in the background.
Raj stood approximately 3 m away from his mother when he took the
photo, and they were about 2 km away from the hill. Raj’s mother is
15 cm taller than him.
Approximately how high is the hill?


When enlarging photographs, the increase in width and length must

be directly proportional to each other or the photos will be distorted.
A photo has width 40 cm and length 55 cm.
a An enlargement of this photo has width 112 cm. Find the length for
this photo poster.
Chapter 1: Draw a diagram

b Another enlargement of the original photo has length 148.5 cm.

What must the width be for this enlargement?
c A third photo with length 15 cm and area 127.5 cm2 is enlarged to a
poster of width 25.5 cm. What is the area of this poster?


Suki and Fleur do some swimming every morning. They swim a

total of 45 lengths each. They always start together but never fi nish
together. They swim at different speeds for different swimming
Suki always swims 45 lengths of breaststroke in 30 minutes,
completing each one at the same speed.
Fleur always does 30 lengths of front crawl in the fi rst 12 minutes,
then the remaining 15 lengths at a speed of one length per 40 seconds.
a After ten minutes, how many lengths has Suki completed?
b How long does it take Fleur to complete her fi nal 15 lengths?
c What is Suki’s speed in lengths per minute?
d How long must Fleur wait for Suki to fi nish?
e Roughly, on average, how many lengths does Fleur swim each
minute? 13

f If Suki continued swimming for another 10 minutes, in theory how

many lengths should she complete in total? Explain why this figure
might not be correct.


You can use the three transformations listed below:

A Reflect in the line y = x
B Translate by 1 (0) 1
You will find this question easier if
you try it out. Think about how you
C Enlarge by scale factor about the point (2, 3) can make it simpler by choosing
2 shapes and side lengths that make
the enlargement easier.
a Carry out all three transformations, in order, on a starting shape of
your choice.
b How does the resulting image change if the transformations are
applied in reverse order? C ⟶ B ⟶ A
c How many different fi nal images could be produced by changing
the order in which the three transformations are applied?
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book


Two of the vertices of an equilateral triangle are located at points with

coordinates (0, 0) and (6, 0).
a Work out the possible coordinates of the third vertex.
b If two of the vertices of a different equilateral triangle are located
at (— 3, 2) and (5, —4), what is its area?


An astronomer wants to calculate the distance to one of our closest

stars, Proxima Centauri. To do this, she takes two angle measurements,
six months apart. The two angles measured by the astronomer are
shown in the diagrams below.
Proxima Centauri


0.48 arcsec

1 AU

Six months later…

Proxima Centauri

1.004 arcsec


Earth 1 AU

Key facts:
1 AU ≈ 1.5 × 108 km
1 °
1 arcsec = (3600 )
Use the astronomer’s measurements to calculate the approximate
distance to Proxima Centauri.
Chapter 1: Draw a diagram

Find the area of the triangle enclosed by the x-axis and the straight
lines with equations 3x + 2y = 15 and y – 2x = 4. Work out where the lines cross the
axes and use these coordinates to
help you draw a diagram.
It is helpful to consider one more
point when calculating the area of
the triangle. How will you find the
Rectangle ABCD has width 1 cm and length k cm, where k is greater coordinates of this point?
than 1. AB = 1 cm and BC = k cm. The rectangle is divided into a
square and a smaller rectangle by drawing a line parallel to the side
AB. The smaller rectangle is mathematically similar to the rectangle
ABCD. Calculate the value of k. Tip

Draw a diagram. You need to be

31 able to work out the length and
width of the smaller rectangle.
Two circles, one larger than the other, have the same centre. A chord
is drawn joining two points on the circumference of the larger circle.
This chord is also a tangent to the smaller circle. The chord has length
20 cm. Find the area of the ring enclosed between the circles.
Give your answer as an exact multiple of π.
You do not need to know the
radius of either circle to answer
this question, but you do need to
find a relationship between the 15
two radii. What can you draw on
the circle to help you?
Worked solutions
1 Draw a diagram

1 a 4 metres One less than five bricks = 4

b 8 bricks Length + 1 = number of bricks
c 4 4 4 3
Any combination of 4 and 3 to total 15.

3 3 3 3 3

4m + 4m + 4m + 3m
3m + 3m + 3m + 3m + 3m
d 19 bricks 4 m + 4 m + 4 m + 3 m would need:
20 bricks 5 + 5 + 5 + 4 bricks (for each plank there is one
more brick than its length, in metres)
3 m + 3 m + 3 m + 3 m + 3 m would need:
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 bricks


2 The area into which the fruit can fall has a

diameter of 3 m and therefore a radius of
1.5 m. This means the tree can be planted
anywhere 1.5 m away from the edge of the
You can choose any scale you like.
To show where the cherry tree can go there are
straight lines 1.5 m away from the edge of the
lawn and arcs (parts of circles) at the corners of
the flower bed and the vegetable patch.

This diagram has a scale of two squares to 1 m.

The yellow shaded area is where the cherry tree
can be planted.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

3 The helicopters cover 25 km from each town, Here the scale is 1 cm = 5 km (you might have
so two circles are needed. The fire brigade chosen a different scale).
covers the section closer to B than A, so we
need the locus of points equidistant from both Start with a line of 8 cm (to represent the 40 km
towns. distance between the towns).
1 cm = 5 km
With compasses draw a circle centre B and
radius 5 cm.
With compasses draw a circle centre A and
radius 5 cm.
The locus of points equidistant from B and A is
the perpendicular bisector of line AB.
Shade the region that is closer to B than A and
B covered by the helicopter.

4 a 2x 3
To work out the perimeter of a rectangle, you
118 need to add up the sides. To work out the area
x 1 you multiply the two sides.
A diagram will help.
An expression for the perimeter is 6x + 4
b An expression for the area is (2x + 3)(x – 1), Make an equation and expand and simplify it.
which can be expanded and simplified to
give 2x2 + x – 3.
c 2x2 + x – 253 = 0, which can be factorised to You need to solve 2x2 + x – 3 = 250.
give (2x + 23)(x – 11) = 0
x = −11.5, or x = 11
x cannot be negative (because that would
mean at least one of the sides of the
rectangle would be negative), so x = 11 and
the two sides are 25 cm and 10 cm.
The longest side is therefore 25 cm.
d The perimeter is 70 cm.
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

5 0.85 train
A tree diagram might be useful here.
on time
0.7 train 0.15 train


0.7 × 0.85 = 0.595

6 a Here is a diagram that will work well.

+ 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8
4 5 6 7 8 9
5 6 7 8 9 10

b 10



7 A diagram of the situation helps you see what is

4 B C
going on.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
⟶ −
a CD = ( 32 )

b AB = 2 (3)
The length AB is the same as the length CD
but the vectors are in opposite directions.
c ABCD is a parallelogram – a four-sided
shape with two sets of parallel sides. BC is 4 and AD is
( ) ( 04 ) so BC is parallel to AD
AB is( )
and DC is ( 32 ) so AB is parallel to DC
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

8 A good diagram shows that this is a question

150 cm about similar triangles.
20 cm

1 metre

The scale factor of the enlargement is

150 cm ÷ 20 cm = 7.5
1 m × 7.5 = 7.5 m
The projector needs to be 7.5 m away for the
image to fill the screen. So, it has to be moved
back another 6.5 m.

9 A diagram like this 2-way table will help here.

Hot Tea Coffee Total
Women 8 9 12 29 The bold numbers are given in the question and
the rest can be worked out.
Men 8 7 10 25
Total 16 16 22 54

Of the 54 workers surveyed, 22 preferred

coffee, 16 preferred tea and 16 preferred hot
120 chocolate.
Tea is not the most popular drink. Coffee is the
most popular hot drink among the workers and
hot chocolate is equally as popular as tea.

10 The shortest distance (d) is the hypotenuse of Draw a sketch showing the route.
a right-angled triangle.
A bearing of 270° is due west.
The sketch shows that the route forms a right
17.6 km 270
angle, so you can use Pythagoras’ theorem to
find the distance needed.
15.4 distance (d)

(17.6)2 + (15.4)2 = d2
309.76 + 237.16 = 546.92
d = 546.92
d = 23.39 km (correct to 2 d.p.)
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

11 a y
The graph is helpful in answering the rest of this
80 Whacky Wheels
Cost ($)

Wheelies Rentals
0 100 200 300 400 500 x
Distance (km)

b Wheelies Rentals
c $5 Whacky Wheels: $35 + $75 = $110
Wheelies Rentals: 5 × $23 = $115

12 A 16 m B A good way to solve this is to draw a scale

diagram. You could use a scale of 1 cm to 2 m. 121

8m On the scale diagram, construct:

can be here
12 m · Awhere
circle of radius 1.5 cm about X to show
the goat can go.
Goat can 8m
be here
radius = 3 m
· Afence
locus of radius 4 cm about A between the
lines AD and AB where the bull can
D 23 m C roam.
Scale : 1 cm : 2 m
1 : 200

Any path between D and B that does not enter

either of the shaded areas would be safe to use.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

13 a 25 patches

2x 3

x 3

x 3

2x 3

There are 25 patches in each row.

The width could be 25(x + 3) = 25x + 75
or it could be 25(2x – 3) = 50x – 75
b 64x – 96 or 32x + 96 32(2x – 3) or it could be 32(x + 3)
c The two possible expressions for the
area are (25x + 75) (64x – 96) and
(50x – 75) (32x + 96).
These are equal because they are both
equivalent to working out
25(x + 3) × 32(2x – 3).
This is 800(2x2 + 3x – 9).
d 2.8 m2 is the same as
2.8 × 100 cm × 100 cm = 28000 cm2.
The equation is therefore:
800(2x 2 + 3x – 9) = 28000
Dividing through by 800 gives:
2x2 + 3x – 9 = 35
2x2 + 3x – 44 = 0 can be factorised to give
(2x + 11) (x – 4) = 0, so x = −5.5 (which isn’t
possible for this scenario) or x = 4.
The dimensions of the patches are: 2x – 3 by
x + 3 and when x = 4 this gives 5cm by 7cm.
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

14 a It’s useful to draw a diagram of the container.



The volume is x2 × h. This equals 1440, so:

x2h = 1440, which means h = 1440
b The base has area x .
Each of the side walls (shown in yellow
on the diagram) has area hx, which is
x × 1440 , which simplifies to give 1440.
x2 x
There are four of these, so the total area
of paper is x2 + 5760
c Area = 144 cm 1440 = x2 × 10
So 144 = x2
x = 12

d 624 cm2

15 The diagram shows the top view of the pool and
the path.
30 30 2x


35 2x

a (35 + 2x)(30 + 2x) – 35 × 30 = 130x + 4x2 You could work out the area of the outer rectangle
and then subtract the area of the inner rectangle.
b 3196.80 ÷ 30 = 106.56 Square metres of border.
4x2 + 130x = 106.56 Solve this equation.
x = 0.8 m
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

16 1 Y
A probability tree diagram is probably the most
3 2 22 132 useful diagram here.
W 25 3 24 3 23 5 13 800
2 22
24 23
2 3 22 2 132
23 Y 25 3 24 3 23 5 13 800
25 22
21 W
2 22 3 2 132
3 23 Y 25 3 24 3 23 5 13 800
24 Y
25 W
21 W
21 3
24 W 23
23 W
3 2 1 6
a P (3 yellow) = × × = = 1
25 24 23 13 800 2300

b P (3 white) =
22 21 20 9240 77
× × = =
25 24 23 13 800 115

132 132 132 396 33 The three routes labelled on the diagram all
+ + = =
13 800 13 800 13 800 13 800 1150
work, so you need to add them.

17 G
A tree diagram might help.
124 0.8



a 0.7 × 0.8 = 0.56

b (0.7 × 0.2) + (0.3 × 0.4) = 0.26 Two outcomes: green then red (GR) and red
then green (RG).
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

18 badminton squash
Here is the tree diagram.
K wins both: 0.85 3 0.35
0.35 K wins
K wins badminton,
0.85 K wins J wins squash: 0.85 3 0.65
0.65 J wins

0.35 K wins J wins badminton,

0.15 J wins K wins squash: 0.15 3 0.35
0.65 J wins J wins both: 0.15 3 0.65

a 0.85 × 0.35 = 0.2975

b 0.15 × 0.35 = 0.0525
c 0.85 × 0.65 + 0.15 × 0.35 = 0.605

19 1 chance of 7
A tree diagram can be helpful.
200 getting malaria 10 200 2000

7 got
10 tablets 199 chance of not
200 getting malaria

1 chance of 3 1 3
50 3 5
3 no getting malaria 10 50 500
10 tablets
49 chance of not
50 getting malaria

7 + 3 = 19 = 0.0095
2000 500 2000

20 a A Venn diagram is likely to be useful here.


29 43

19 23


43 M

53 study two subjects – so 11 study Physics

and Chemistry but not Maths.
74 study Physics, so 15 study all three.
92 study Chemistry, so 43 study only
There are 200 students so 17 study only
68 11 studied Chemistry and Physics, 19 studied
Physics and Maths, 23 studied Chemistry and
Maths, 15 studied all three.
Total: 68 of 200 students.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

21 a y

C BC ( 30 (
B (7,7)
(4,7) AE 4 30( ( (120(

(2,2) (9,2) (14,2)

O x
An isosceles trapezium has one line of
symmetry, so D could be (9, 2) as C to
D will be 2 units to the right and 5 units

b AC = 5
5 ()
c E (14, 2)

d BE = – 10
5( )

22 a i, ii There are three possible triangles that fit Amira’s

126 5 cm
5 cm description.
40° 40° 40°
5 cm

iii She could say that the hypotenuse is For only one triangle to be possible, Amira must
5 cm. make sure that her conditions follow one of the
Other answers are possible too. conditions of congruence:
b i

7 cm

4 cm

There is only one triangle that satisfies

Janet’s conditions because she has given A scale drawing will enable you to measure the
SAS. length of the third side: 5.7 cm to the nearest
ii a2 = b2 + c2 = 2bc cos A mm.
a2 = 72 + 42 – 2 × 7 × 4 × cos 55°
A more accurate method to find the length of
a = 5.734… the third side is to use the cosine rule.
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

23 This is a complicated scenario. A diagram can

help you see what is going on.

15 cm


2000 m Mother Raj

The ratio of height: distance is the same for

both Raj’s mother and the hill.
0.15 : 3
h : 2000
0.15 ÷ 3 × 2000 = 100 m Divide by 3 and multiply by 2000.
The hill is about 100 m tall.

24 a width : length You might want to draw diagrams to show what is

40 : 55 going on.
8 : 11
112 ÷ 8 = 14
11 × 14 = 154 cm This is the length.
b 148.5 ÷ 11 = 13.5
13.5 × 8 = 108 cm This is the width.
c Width of photo = area ÷ length First work out the width of the original photo
= 127.5 ÷ 15 using the length and area given in the question.
= 8.5 cm
Factor of enlargement Then work out the scale factor of the
= new width ÷ original width enlargement by comparing the two widths.
= 25.5 ÷ 8.5
The area will increase by a factor of 32 = 9.
Area of poster = (127.5 × 9) cm2
= 1147.5 cm2
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

25 This is the sort of question where a graph can

really help.


Distance of swim (lengths)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (minutes)

a 15
b 10 minutes
c 45 ÷ 30 = 1.5 lengths per minute
d 8 minutes
e About 2 lengths per minute
f 15 more lengths, which is 60 in total, but she
might get tired and start to slow down.
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

26 a y
Choose a shape without any symmetry to easily
see what is going on.
5 Image
4 Here is an example.
10 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

b y
10 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

The orientation and size of the final image

are the same when the transformations are
carried out in a different order, but it ends 129
up in a different place.
c 1, 2, 3 Consider all the possible arrangements of the
1, 3, 2 three transformations.
2, 1, 3 You have already drawn the first and last one.
(2, 3, 1) The others result in an image that is the same
size and same way around, but which is in a
3, 1, 2
different place, except for order 2, 3, 1 which
3, 2, 1 has an image in the same place as order 1, 2, 3.
There are five different final images.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

27 a y
There are two possible locations for the third
23 22 21 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 x

a2 + b2 = c2 The x - coordinate is 3.
2 2 2
3 +b =6 Use Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate the vertical
9 + b2 = 36 height of the equilateral triangle.
b2 = 27
b = √27 (= 5.196…)
(3, √27) or (3, –√27)
b y

Here is a diagram showing the two points.

130 This time you only need to know the length
of the sides. Pythagoras tells you the side has a
length of 10.
O x

62 + 82 = c2
c2 = 100
c = √100 = 10
52 + b2 = 102 Now, if you have an equilateral triangle of side
25 + b = 100 10 you can do this.
b2 = 75
b = √75 (= 8.660…)
1 Calculate the area of the equilateral triangle
Area = × 10 × √75
Area = 43.301… (1
× base × height )
43.3 square units
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

28 Proxima Centauri
There are lots of aspects of this
A question that aren’t particularly
clear, so you will need to make
some assumptions (which is fine
as long as you explain them) and
a good diagram will be a very
c b important starting point.

1.004 arcsec

0.48 arcsec
Earth a Earth

1 AU 1 AU

It looks as if the angles are measured

perpendicularly from the line through the Sun,
angle B is 90° – 1.004 arcsec
angle C = 90° – 0.48 arcsec
angle A is 1.004 + 0.48 = 1.484 arcsec
a = b = c It is not obvious which distance is being asked
sinA sinB sinC
for – so let’s work out lengths b and c.
b= 2AU × sin(90° – 1.004 arcsec) These answers are the same for the first 10
sin(1.484 arcsec)
significant figures (which makes sense because
This gives b = 4.169 773 711 × 1013 km Proxima Centauri is very, very far away compared
to the diameter of the orbit of the Earth).
c= 2AU × sin(90° – 0.48 arcsec)
sin(1.484 arcsec)
This gives c = 4.169 773 711 × 1013

The distance is therefore about 4.2 × 1013 km

Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

29 For 3x + 2y = 15
x = 0 ⇒ 2y = 15 so y =
y = 0 ⇒ 3x = 15 so x = 5

For y – 2x = 4 Find the coordinates of the points where each

x=0⇒y=4 line crosses the axes. This will help you to draw
the lines.
y = 0 ⇒ –2x = 4 so x = –2

8 Now draw a diagram using this information.

1 2 3 4 5 x

3x + 2y = 15 ⇒ 6x + 4y = 30 The y -coordinate of the point at which the

lines meet will be the same as the height of the
y – 2x = 4 ⇒ –6x + 3y = 12 triangle. Use simultaneous equations to work out
Adding: 7y = 42 ⇒ y = 6 this y-coordinate. You will need to eliminate x or
find x and use that to find y. Here we eliminate x.
132 Triangle height = 6

Base length = 5 – –2 = 7 Note that the points at which the lines crossed
the x-axis have been found, so you can find the
length of the triangle’s base.

1 Use the standard formula for the area of a

Area of triangle = × 7 × 6 = 21
2 triangle.
Worked solutions: 1 Draw a diagram

30 D F A
Draw the rectangle first, marking the length k
cm and the width 1 cm. Add the line that creates
1 the square and smaller rectangle (EF in the
C 1 E k –1 B

You can see that the square must be 1 cm by

1 cm, so the distance BE must be (k – 1) cm.

AD EF Now use the fact that the rectangles are

AB BE similar.
k 1
1 k −1 Multiply both sides by (k – 1), then expand and
k(k – 1) = 1 solve.

k2 – k = 1
k2 – k – 1 = 0
−(− ) ± (−
( )2 − 4(( )(− )
1± 5
1 5
< 0 and k is a length, so cannot be
For interest, this number is called the Golden
1+ 5
k= Ratio or Golden Section.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Extended Problem-solving Book

31 We need to think about the radius of each circle

if we are going to find an area, but we don’t
need to find the actual value of either radius.


20 cm

r2 + 102 = R 2 [1] The triangle is right-angled because a radius and

a tangent will always meet at a right angle. Use

Area of ring = πR 2 – πr 2 What did the original question ask you for? Use
= π(R – r )
2 2 this and the diagram as a guide.

But equation [1] tells us that It is always worth reminding yourself what the
R 2 – r 2 = 10 2 = 100 original question was asking you to do.
So area of ring = π(100)
= 100π cm2

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