Richa Koirala
Professor Reynolds
ENG 1201
25 Oct 2021
Today, social media plays a significant role. Many people use social media to
communicate with families, friends and make connections for work. In the past few decades,
technology has rapidly developed. The media has become much more accessible with
smartphones and social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to have easy
access. The media can have a negative as well as a positive impact on one’s life. The rise in
eating disorders like Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia has been severely worsened and has been
Common Eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, binge-eating and avoidant restrictive
food, and bulimia nervosa intake disorder. Anorexia nervosa is a condition where people are seen
to avoid eating food, strictly avoid food or eat very small quantities of selected food, whereas, in
Bulimia nervosa, people have recurrent episodes of eating unusually large amounts of food
The history of eating disorders, especially Anorexia nervosa, dates to the Middle Ages
where Self- starvation was more focused on spiritual purity instead of the drive for thinness. It
was during the Middle age where self-induced fasting was so extreme that it led to premature
death because of starvation. The Renaissances Age was the time frame where the religious
reason for fasting became less associated, and a new pattern appeared. It was often explained
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with a mix of spiritual and material beliefs. The perfect body shape for a woman has been
changing to suit the societal norms as well as the cultural norms. It has evolved from an ample
There is no definitive cause of eating disorders, but researchers have found that genetic,
biological, behavioral, social, and factors play a role in developing the disease. Social media are
the top contributing factor that is responsible for the increasing growth of the disorder.
Maintaining a thin and in-shape is what most magazines, advertisements, and TV commercials
force upon most young people. Our society has been focused on the excessive need to be thin
and attractive; many women face the difficulties of dealing with psychological issues that
The 2010/2011 official statistics stated that more the 6,500 children and teenagers were
treated in the hospital for eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is one of the disorders that is
spreading through our society like wildfire. The statistics have increased through the last
decades, and more people are becoming concerned with the problematic issue. It indicates that at
any given point in time, 0.4% of young women and 0.1% of young men will suffer from
Anorexia Nervosa. It also shows that a 2007 study asked 9,282 English-speaking Americans
about various mental health conditions, including eating disorders. The results were published in
Biological Psychiatry which reports that 0.9% of women and 0.3% of men had anorexia during
their life. ( The cause of death in females ages 15-25, it has been seen that
that rate of anorexia is almost 12 times greater than any other causes. (Rojas.)
Every sold magazine has a model that is above average in height and weight comparably
less than the average female. Men and women compare themselves to these models and do not
come close to their measurements and looks. Body insecurities are usually generated from the
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fear of not having that perfect body. Many people feel the pressure to fit in and be thin as our
society puts such an essential emphasis on appearance and our exterior look. Society should
Eating disorders, especially Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa, affects all age group,
but young people are seen to be affected more. It has been seen that young people want to be
accepted by their friends and peers. They attach more importance to their physical appearances
and try to gain approval from others. While doing so, they compare themselves with others on
social media. Lower self-esteem is seen to rise the more time they spend time on social media.
Society has a rigorous way of looking into sensitive things. They emphasize being thin,
collar bone popping out, flawless skin, and more to succeed in life. They also make it seem like
these are the most important things for people to gain the notice of. Thinness is a norm of the
current civilization. Everyone in society is made to believe that to be beautiful, and one needs to
be thin. However, one must know that these are the most unimportant things people look for.
People care about the natural person underneath. If we change the vision of how we see beauty,
the number of teenagers and people with eating disorders will drop significantly.
The media will never be the sole reason for causing eating disorders, but one cannot
ignore the importance of media on people’s lives in today’s technological world. Eating
disorders have proven to be a serious issue despite only affecting a small percentage of the
population. Various treatment is available for Binge Eating if anyone struggles with the burden
of an eating disorder (Root.) The best way to put a halt to the spread of eating disorders is
simply intervention and a very close watch over those who might be thinking of adopting an
eating disorder. With better communication, a thoroughly revised social norm, and stronger trust
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for those around would help to decrease the number of cases associated with this disorder. There
have already been numerous campaigns that has helped to bring awareness and fight against
eating disorder, larger social platforms like Facebook, Instagram , Twitter should make a greater
Works Cited
Dell'Osso, Liliana, et al. “Historical Evolution of the Concept of Anorexia Nervosa and
“Eating Disorders: About More than Food.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S.
Rojas, Marcela. “Social Media Helps Fuel Some Eating Disorders.” USA Today, Gannett
Root, Kim O'Brien. “How to Talk to Your Doctor about Binge Eating.” WebMD, WebMD,
Friero Padin, Paula, “. EBSCOhost, doi: 10.5817/CP2021-3-6. Social Media and Eating