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PP Periodica Polytechnica The Possibility for Implementing

Transportation Engineering
the Superstreet Unconventional
Intersection Design in Jordan
46(3), pp. 122-128, 2018
Creative Commons Attribution b Hana Naghawi1*, Alaa AlSoud2, Taqwa AlHadidi3

research article Received 21 April 2017; accepted 22 November 2017

Abstract 1 Introduction
This paper provides policy makers with an objective assess- Transportation agencies and engineers around the world are
ment on the possibility for implementing an unconventional constantly challenged by the continuous increase in traffic vol-
arterial intersection design, the Superstreet, for improving umes and the resultant congestion at signalized arterial intersec-
safety and operational characteristics for an existing signal- tions. This traffic congestion is mainly caused by the high left
ized intersection. The signalized intersection selected for anal- turning traffic volumes, which inversely impacts performance at
ysis was Tabarbour, located in Amman, Jordan. Tabarbour signalized intersections. Transportation engineers have imple-
intersection is considered one of the most significant signal- mented many conventional measures to ease this problem, such
ized intersections in Amman. The intersection currently suffers as signal timing optimization, exclusive left turning signal,
from the following problems: long queues, delays and exces- implementing double left turn lanes, widening intersections, and
sive emissions. SYNCHRO microscopic simulation software grade separation, but the use of these conventional measures are
was used for signal optimization of the current conventional limited and expensive (Hummer and Reid, 1999). Therefore,
intersection. VISSIM microscopic simulation software was there has been considerable interest in alternative measures to
used to analyze and compare the Superstreet design to the con- improve performance and safety characteristics at signalized
ventional design. It was found that the proposed Superstreet arterial intersections with heavy left turning traffic. The Federal
reduced the average delay per vehicle by up to 87% and Highway Administration (FHWA, 2004) proposed several
reduced the maximum queue length by almost 97%. This unconventional arterial intersection designs (UAIDs). These
resulted in improving the level of service from F to C. Finally, UAIDs include Bowtie, Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI),
five year future traffic demand analysis was performed; it was Paired Intersection, Jughandle, Median U-Turn (MUT), Single
found that the Superstreet design didn’t perform as expected Quadrant Roadway, Superstreet Median Crossover, Continuous
under heavy traffic volume. Green T, and Parallel Flow Intersection (PFI). Typically, these
designs eliminate/reroute conflicting left turning manoeuvres to
Keywords and from the minor cross road.
Superstreet, Unconventional Arterial Intersection Design, UAID, Many unconventional intersection design studies are based
Microsimulation, VISSIM, SYNCHRO on theoretical traffic conditions. This leaves policy makers a
little worried of its effectiveness under real traffic conditions.
The purpose of this paper is to provide policy makers with an
objective assessment on reconfiguring an existing intersection
in Amman, Jordan into a Superstreet unconventional intersec-
tion design. The signalized intersection selected for analysis
was Tabarbour signalized intersection. This intersection is con-
sidered one of the most significant signalized intersections in
Amman. The intersection currently suffers from the following
Civil Engineering Department, University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan problems: long queue of vehicles, delay and excessive emis-
Taffic Systems Management Division, Traffic Operation Department, Greater sions. The existing intersection was modelled using real traffic
Amman Municipality, Amman, Jordan data. For the purpose of this study the Microscopic simula-
Virginia| VT, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, tion softwares VISSIM and SYNCHRO were used to model
Blacksburg, VA, 24060, USA and compare the existing intersection to the reconfigured
Corresponding author, e-mail: hana_naghawi@yahoo.com Superstreet intersection. The following sections describe the

122 Period. Polytech. Transp. Eng. H. Naghawi, A. AlSoud, T. AlHadidi

information needed to evaluate the Superstreet design. A brief on the major and minor roads to reflect different congestion lev-
introduction to the selected site and the softwares input data is els at the intersection resulting in a total of 72 scenarios, 36 for
presented as well. the conventional model and 36 for the Superstreet model. It was
found that the Superstreet intersection design consistently showed
2 Superstreet Description evidence of decreased delay time and queue length when com-
Fig. 1 shows the vehicular movement at the Superstreet pared to the conventional design. The percent reduction in the
intersection. The Superstreet design is an extension of the network delay ranged from 27.39 to 82.26 percent and the percent
Median U-Turn unconventional intersection design. It offers reduction in the average network queue length was almost 97.50
the best conditions for the through movements on the major percent when the Superstreet design was implemented.
arterial road. It redirects left turning and through traffic from Also, Kim et al. (2007) conducted a study using VISSIM
the minor road onto the major road using a series of coordi- to compare the operation and safety performance of the
nated signals. The Superstreet design permits each direction Superstreet designs to the conventional designs. They analyzed
on the major road to operate independently as two separate T- three scenarios of Superstreet design: one left lane and two
intersections. This means that the Superstreet can operate like through lanes on major road, one left lane and three through
a pair of one-way street, and perfect progression is possible at lanes on major road and two left lanes and three through lanes
any speed with any signal spacing. This allows traffic signals on major road then, they compared them to the conventional
at the Superstreet intersection to only use two phases compared intersection. The results showed that the Superstreet design is
to four or more phases at the conventional four-legged sig- similar to the Median U-turn design but has some additional
nalized intersection, which improve the overall operation and features that allow for through traffic progression on the major
safety of the intersection, enhance capacity (with an increase in road in both directions by preventing the minor road traffic
effective green) and reduce delay (Hummer and Jagannathan, from crossing the major road. Hummer et al. in a report for the
2008; Minseok et al., 2007; Bared and Kaisar, 2002; Reid and FHWA (2010) used VISSIM to assess the operational perfor-
Hummer, 1999; Reid, 2004). mance of five geometric design cases, 90 simulation scenarios
were done for both designs: Superstreet and comparable con-
ventional intersection designs. It was found that the Superstreet
have shorter travel time than the conventional intersection
under low minor road volumes compared to total intersec-
tion volume (less than 0.25). Hummer et al. (2007) used the
critical lane volume procedure to estimate the capacity of the
Superstreet. Adjustments to the ideal saturation flow rate were
made for trucks, a 2.1 seconds average saturation headway was
used to calculate the base critical lane capacity of 1587 pcphpl.
It was found that the Superstreet can handle major road through
Fig. 1 Superstreet Vehicular Movement (FHWA, 2014) volume up to 2,600 vph, major road left turning volume up to
600 vph, minor road through volumes up to 900 vph, and minor
These capabilities can be considered extraordinary capabil- road left turning volume up to 400 vph.
ities of the Superstreet UAID. The conventional arterial inter- Few researchers evaluated the performance of implement-
sections cannot approach this efficiency even with excruci- ing the Superstreet design using real world traffic data. One of
ating control of accesses and signal installations. Finally, the them is a study performed in North Carolina. The operational
Superstreet intersection design results in a total of 20 conflict analysis involved creating VISSIM models for three existing
points compared to 32 conflict points created by the conven- Superstreet intersections and comparing them to results from
tional four-legged signalized intersection (FHWA, 2010). models of equivalent conventional intersections. Significant
improvement in traffic performance and safety was found
3 Previous Findings when the Superstreet design was implemented (FHWA, 2010).
Many researchers have investigated the Superstreet intersec- Another study was done by Jae et al. (2011). They used VISSIM
tion design using different hypothetical traffic data representing to evaluate the feasibility and possibility for implementing the
different congestion levels, and ignoring other prevailing condi- Superstreet unconventional intersection design on arterial roads
tions that might exist at the intersection. Naghawi and Idewu in Korea, they found that corridors with Superstreet experi-
(2014) used CORSIM to compare the operational efficiency of enced less delays and performed better than other traditionally
a conventional signalized intersection with an unconventional operated corridors during peak hour volumes.
Superstreet intersection. Several hypothetical scenarios were cre- Many researchers suggested that safety and operational effi-
ated by changing the approach volumes and turning percentages ciency are the major benefits of the Superstreet UAID over the

The Possibility for Implementing the Superstreet Unconventional Intersection ... 2018 46 3 123
conventional intersection design. Minseok et al. (2007) found Transportation engineers at Greater Amman Municipality
that the Superstreet intersection design can achieve significant (GAM) have implemented many conventional measures, to
reduction in accident frequency and severity, stopped delay ease the congestion problem at Tabarbour intersection, includ-
and queue length as compared to the conventional intersection ing: traffic signal coordination with adjacent signalized inter-
design. Also, Hochstein et al. (2009) analyzed crash data from sections on the arterial road, increasing the number of signal
Superstreet intersections in Maryland and North Carolina. One phases and implementing multiple left and right turning lanes.
site was converted from two way stopped controlled inter- Unfortunately, these conventional measures did not result in
section to a Superstreet intersection. It was found that the improving traffic performance at the intersection.
Superstreet intersection design reduced crash rate at the main
intersection by 92 percent. 4.2 Data Collection
Real traffic data were made available by the Department of
4 Methodology Traffic Operations at GAM. Traffic volumes including turning
4.1 Site Description movements, were collected at Tabarbour intersection on Monday
Fig. 2 shows an aerial photo of the selected intersection: the 27th of September 2014 at fifteen minute intervals. A sample
Tabarbour, Tabarbour intersection is located in Amman, the of the collected traffic volumes is shown in Table 1. It includes the
capital city of Jordan. The intersection is controlled by a pre- fifteen minute volumes in the evening between (7:30 - 9:30) pm.
timed traffic signal with a cycle length of 155 seconds. It is It can be seen that the major arterial, Al Shaheed, road suffers
considered one the most significant intersections in Amman. from high through traffic volumes, while the minor arterial roads,
The intersection connects the major arterial road: Al Shaheed, Prince Hamza and Tareq, suffer from high left turning volumes.
with the minor arterial roads: Prince Hamza and Tareq. Al
Shaheed road runs East and West bounds of the intersection. Table 1 Traffic Volumes at the Study Area (GAM)

It is a four lane divided arterial road with a posted speed of 70 App. Al Shaheed EB Al Shaheed WB
km/hr. It connects Zaraqa city, the second largest city in Jordan, Time
Mov. R T L U R T L U
with Amman. Also, the capital retail, commercial and industrial
7:30-7:45 95 350 81 7 48 580 97 1
facilities are located on the road to take advantage of its high
traffic volume and connectivity. The east side of the intersec- 7:45-8:00 110 379 84 6 54 495 113 14

tion is the entrance to a large residential area. The minor arterial 8:00-8:15 129 336 72 8 52 472 105 2
road is composed of Tareq road to the North and Prince Hamza 8:15-8:30 131 356 70 7 39 490 53 0
road to the South. Tareq road is a two lane divided minor arte-
Total 465 1421 307 28 193 2037 368 17
rial road with a posted speed of 60 km/hr. Prince Hamza road
8:30-8:45 117 380 35 6 55 576 59 0
is a three lane divided minor arterial road with also a posted
speed of 60 km/hr. 8:45-9:00 92 387 60 7 47 502 76 1

9:00-9:15 94 367 42 5 25 541 74 1

9:15-9:30 105 326 62 4 65 595 58 3

Total 408 1460 199 22 192 2214 267 5

App. Prince Hamza NB Tareq SB

Mov. R T L U R T L U

7:30-7:45 77 141 112 12 46 66 57 6

7:45-8:00 87 135 160 21 66 56 81 13

8:00-8:15 72 106 120 27 98 79 81 4

8:15-8:30 74 81 150 15 96 77 98 9

Total 310 463 542 80 306 278 317 32

Fig. 2 Aerial Photo of the Selected Intersection
8:30-8:45 70 55 110 19 92 62 67 11

8:45-9:00 78 60 65 12 90 48 96 14
The intersection currently suffers from the following problems:
9:00-9:15 50 84 70 17 80 46 89 2
• Long queue of vehicles on all approaches.
• Enormous delays on all approaches. 9:15-9:30 75 94 75 10 60 60 67 8
• Large amount of emissions which are generated from Total 273 293 320 58 216 216 319 35
the acceleration and deceleration of vehicles at the
traffic signal.

124 Period. Polytech. Transp. Eng. H. Naghawi, A. AlSoud, T. AlHadidi

4.3 Signal Optimization intersection. The Superstreet intersection was designed to match
The SYNCHRO software, with its capabilities to produced the configuration shown in Fig. 1. Only one ″four-phase″ signal
best solutions when delay at signalized intersections is the main was required for the existing conventional intersection model,
objective of signal optimization, was selected to optimize signal while four ″two-phase″ signals had to be modelled on the pro-
phasing and cycle lengths (FHWA, 2002). The SYNCHRO anal- posed Superstreet unconventional model. Two were placed at
ysis results revealed that for the optimized signal timing of 175 the main intersection and two were placed at the U-turns. Fig.
seconds, the conventional intersection suffers from overall inter- 3 and Fig. 4 show snapshots of the VISSIM simulation for the
section delay per vehicle of 199.5 sec/veh, which corresponds to existing conventional and the proposed Superstreet unconven-
level of service (LOS) F. Table 2 shows the SYNCHRO model tional intersection designs respectively.
results including volume to capacity ratio (v/c), average delay per
vehicle and LOS for each movement of the optimized conven-
tional intersection. It can be seen that the v/c ratios were higher
than one for almost all movements except for the right turning
movements since they have an exclusive right turning ramps as
shown in Fig. 2. The high v/c ratios imply capacity deficiency
and system failure at the intersection. Also, Table 2 shows that
the average delay per vehicle ranged from 51 sec/veh to 672 sec/
veh except for the free right turning movements which didn’t suf-
fer any mentioned delay. These delay amounts corresponded to
breakdown conditions with LOS F.
Fig. 3 VISSIM Simulation for the Existing Conventional Intersection
These results were used for vehicle inputs and routing deci-
sions as well as traffic signal timing in the conventional inter-
section design in the VISSIM model.

Table 2 SYNCHRO Conventional Model Results

Average Delay
Movement v/c LOS
N-S 1.14 149 F
N-E 1.13 163 F
N-W 0.26 0 A
S-N 2.42 672 F
S-W 1.66 357 F
S-E 0.35 1 A
W-E 0.81 51 D
W-N 1.09 137 F
W-S 0.35 1 A
E-W 1.17 124 F
E-S 1.42 237 F
E-N 0.17 0 A

4.4 Intersection Design and Model Development

Microscopic models, for the existing optimized conven- Fig. 4 VISSIM Simulation for the Proposed Superstreet Unconventional
Intersection Design
tional intersection and the proposed Superstreet unconventional
intersection design, were developed and tested using VISSIM,
microscopic traffic simulation software. Both intersection 4.5 Model validation
designs were created in CAD layout then imported into VISSIM Model validation is usually conducted during the develop-
software. The design of the conventional and the Superstreet ment of the simulation model to check the extent to which the
unconventional intersections consisted of a four lane divided model is representing the reality. There are two methods for sim-
major arterial road intersecting with a three lane and a two lane ulation model validation; visual validation and statistical vali-
divided minor arterial roads that replicate the existing Tabarbour dation. The visual validation displays both real and simulation

The Possibility for Implementing the Superstreet Unconventional Intersection ... 2018 46 3 125
results side by side in an attempt to find the difference between 5.2 Disaggregated Level of Analysis
them. While the statistical validation uses measures as goodness Table 4 shows the comparison results of the VISSIM anal-
of fit, statistical tests, and the confidence intervals as validation ysis for the existing conventional four-legged signalized inter-
keys. These keys are used to quantify the similarity between section and the proposed Superstreet unconventional intersec-
observed and simulated values (Toledot and Koutsopoulos, tion disaggregated by movement using the average delay per
2004; Hummer and Jagannathan, 2008; Naghawi, 2012) vehicle (sec/veh.) as a LOS measure. It can be seen that most
The most popular goodness of fit measure is the root mean traffic movements experienced 13 to 87 percent reduction in
square percent error (RMSPE). The RMSPE is used to replicate the average delay per vehicle when using the Superstreet inter-
the error as a percentile rate (Daiheng et al., 2004). section design, except for the traffic coming from the North,
The RMSPE can be calculated using the following equation: Tareq minor arterial road, and heading to the East, Al Shaheed
major arterial road, on which the average delay per vehicle
 Y −Y
1 N

∑1  simY observed  (1) was increased by 25 percent. Also, the Table shows that the
 observed  Superstreet intersection design significantly improved the LOS
(Daiheng et al., 2004) for all movements except for the North - East movement which
Where: remained the same as expected.
N is the number of simulation Runs.
Ysim is the simulation run throughput volume. Table 4 Average Delay per Vehicle for Conventional and Superstreet
Intersection Designs
Yobserved is the real throughput volume.
A total of thirty simulation runs using different random seed Conventional Superstreet
numbers were executed. The average simulated throughput vol- Movement Avg. Delay Avg. Delay
ume on Al Shaheed road was found to be 5,920 vph, while the Sec/veh. Sec/veh.
observed throughput volume on Al Shaheed road was 5,652 vph. N-S 40.5 D 35.2 C -13.09
Based on Eq. (1) the RMSPE was found to be 0.87 %, N-E 38.3 D 47.9 D 25.07
this value is less than 15%, which is the RMSPE threshold N-W 4.5 A 0.6 A -86.67
(Hourdakis et al., 2002). This indicates that the model repli-
S-N 68.6 E 47.2 D -31.20
cates reality with high accuracy.
S-W 103.2 F 47.9 D -53.59
S-E 1.2 A 0.6 A -50.00
5 Operational Evaluation
In this paper, the aggregated results for the entire intersec- W-E 73.6 F 37.2 D -49.47

tion were compared first. Then the disaggregated results for W-N 244.5 F 34.5 C -85.89
each movement were computed and compared. W-S 18.3 B 10.4 A -43.17
E-W 112.9 F 17.8 B -84.23
5.1 Aggregated Level of Analysis E-S 290.3 F 37.2 D -87.19
Table 3 shows the aggregated results of VISSIM analysis
E-N 60.7 E 16.6 B -72.65
for the existing conventional four-legged signalized intersec-
tion and the proposed Superstreet unconventional intersection.
The results include the average delay per vehicle (sec/veh.), Table 5 shows a comparison of the maximum queue
LOS and the maximum queue length. These performance mea- length, disaggregated by movements, for the conventional
sures reflect traffic flow and discomfort levels caused to drivers and the Superstreet intersection designs. It can be seen that
on interrupted flow facilities. It can be seen that the intersec- the Superstreet unconventional intersection design reduced
tion delay per vehicle was reduced by 70.44% on the proposed the maximum queue length by 24 to 97 percent for almost all
Superstreet compared to the conventional intersection design, movements when compared to the conventional intersection
as a result the intersection LOS was improved from F (forced design except for the North - East traffic, on which the maxi-
conditions) to C (stable conditions). Also, the maximum queue mum queue length was increased by almost 40 percent. This is
length was reduced by almost 73% on the Superstreet when consistent with the high average delay per vehicle for the North
compared to the conventional intersection design. - East turning movement.

Table 3 VISSIM Aggregated Analysis Results 6 Future Operational Evaluation

Intersection Design Delay (sec/veh.) LOS Max Queue (m) So far, the Superstreet design has proven to improve traffic
Conventional 87.3 F 510.2 performance at the intersection under current traffic demand.
The proposed Superstreet performance was also simulated
Superstreet 25.8 C 141.1
and tested for future traffic demand after five years. An annual

126 Period. Polytech. Transp. Eng. H. Naghawi, A. AlSoud, T. AlHadidi

growth rate of 3% was used to predict the future traffic demand. used for signal optimization of the current conventional inter-
This growth rate was based on forecasts performed by GAM section. Also VISSIM microscopic traffic simulation software
for the use of long term transportation planning. Table 6 shows was used to analyze and compare the Superstreet intersection
the aggregated results of the VISSIM models for the conven- design to the existing intersection. The performance measures
tional four-legged signalized intersection and the proposed considered were the average delay per vehicle, LOS and the
Superstreet unconventional intersection designs under the maximum queue length. These performance measures reflect
forecasted traffic demand. It can be seen that when using the intersection efficiency and the comfort level of drivers on inter-
Superstreet design, the average delay per vehicle will signifi- rupted flow facilities.
cantly be reduced by almost 76 percent, but the Superstreet In this paper, the aggregated results for the entire intersection
intersection will operate under forced conditions with LOS F were compared first. Then disaggregated results by movement
due to the intersection excessive delay. This means that the were compared. On the aggregated level, it was found that the
Superstreet unconventional intersection design is not appropri- proposed Superstreet intersection design offers benefits over
ate for high traffic volumes. the conventional intersection design with its efficient two phase
operations. It was found that the intersection delay per vehicle
Table 5 Maximum Queue Length for Conventional and Superstreet was reduced by 70 percent and the maximum queue length was
Intersection Designs reduced by almost 73 percent on the proposed Superstreet com-
Conventional Superstreet pared to the conventional intersection design, as a result the
Movement Reduction (%)
Max Queue (m) Max Queue (m) intersection LOS was improved from F to C.
N-S 18.6 14.1 -24.19 On the disaggregated level, the Superstreet witnessed a
N-E 18.6 26 39.78 reduction of 13 to 87 percent in the average delay and a reduc-
N-W 14 14 0 tion of up to 97 percent in the maximum queue length when
compared to the existing conventional intersection.
S-N 79.7 33.4 -58.093
Finally, the proposed Superstreet performance was tested for
S-W 79.7 33.4 -58.09
future traffic demand after five years with an annual growth
S-E 0 0 0
rate of 3%. It was found that when using the Superstreet design,
W-E 161.9 11.8 -92.71 the average delay per vehicle will significantly be reduced by
W-N 161.9 9.6 -94.07 almost 76 percent, but the Superstreet intersection will oper-
W-S 54.4 9.6 -82.35 ate under forced conditions with LOS F. This means that the
E-W 446.6 11.8 -97.36 Superstreet unconventional intersection design is not appropri-
E-S 446.6 11.8 -97.36 ate for high traffic volumes.
E-N 427 11.8 -97.24
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