NSPM Teacher's Resource Book 3
NSPM Teacher's Resource Book 3
NSPM Teacher's Resource Book 3
New Syllabus
Resource Book
3 1
Scheme Teaching Workbook Lesson Activity
Maths Journal
of Work Notes Answers Plan Handbook
and Pupil
Chapter 5 Mass xiv 146
1 Mass in Kilograms and Grams 147 150 151 23 – 24
2 Solving Word Problems 152 154 155
Review 5 157
Chapter 6 Volume xv 158
1 Volume in Millilitres 159 162 163
2 Volume in Litres and Millilitres 164 167 25
3 Solving Word Problems 168 170 171
Review 6 173
Revision 2A 174
Revision 2B 175
Mid-Year Revision 176
Chapter 7 Dollars, Cents and Rupees xvi 178
1 Adding Money 179 183 184 26
2 Subtracting Money 185 189 190 27
3 Solving Word Problems 191 194 195 28
Review 7 195
Chapter 8 Bar Graphs xvii 197
1 Reading Bar Graphs 198 203 205 204
Review 8 207
Chapter 9 Fractions xviii 208
1 Equivalent Fractions 209 211 216 29 – 37
212 215
2 Comparing and Ordering Fractions 217 220 222
3 Adding Fractions 223 225 230
4 Subtracting Fractions 226 229 231 230 32 – 37
Review 9 233
Chapter 10 Time xx 234
1 Tellling Time to the Minute 235 239 240
2 Duration of Time 241 244 245
3 Conversion of Hours and Minutes 246 248 249
4 Solving Word Problems 250 253 254
Review 10 256
Revision 3A 257
Revision 3B 258
Chapter 11 Angles xxii 259
1 Angles 260 263 268 38
2 Right Angles 264 267 269 268 39 – 40
Review 11 271
Scheme Teaching Workbook Lesson Activity
Maths Journal
of Work Notes Answers Plan Handbook
and Pupil
Chapter 12 Perpendicular and Parallel Lines xxiii 272
1 Perpendicular Lines 273 275 260
2 Drawing Perpendicular Lines 276 279 260
3 Parallel Lines 281 283 288
4 Drawing Parallel Lines 284 287 288
5 Vertical and Horizontal Lines 289 290 291
6 Grid References 292 294 295 41 – 42
Review 12 297
Chapter 13 Area and Perimeter xxv 298
1 Perimeter 299 302 303 43
2 Area in Square Units 304 307 316 43
3 Area in cm and m
2 2
308 311 316 43 – 44
312 315
4 More on Area and Perimeter 317 319 321 320 43, 45
Review 13 323
Revision 4A 324
Revision 4B 325
End-of-Year Revision 326
CHAPTER 1 Estimated number of periods: 10
Numbers to 10 000
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Counting to 10 000 • Work in groups using Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Number discs,
Scheme of Work
• Count in thousands, number discs/number P1 – 5 Workbook 3A P5 paper clips,
hundreds, tens and ones. line to represent and P1 – 2 two similar
compare numbers transparent
1 2 • Make sense of the size containers
of 1000 and use it to
estimate the number
of objects in the size of
Place Value • Use place-value cards Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Number discs,
• Represent numbers within to illustrate and explain P6 – 8 Workbook 3A P8 place-value
10 000 in thousands, place values, e.g. the P3 – 8 cards, place-
hundreds, tens and ones. digit 3 stands for 3000, value chart
• State the values of the 300, 30 or 3 depending
2 2
digits in a given number up on where it appears in a
to 10 000. number
• Read and write numbers
to 10 000 in numerals and
in words.
Comparing and Ordering • Use number discs/place- Textbook 3 Worksheet 3 Textbook 3 Place-value
Numbers value cards to compare P9 –14 Workbook 3A P13 cards,
• Compare and order numbers digit by digit P9 – 12 place-value
numbers within 10 000. from left to right, and use chart, number
3 2 language such as ‘greater discs, bag
than’, ‘greatest’, ‘smaller
than’, ‘smallest’ and ‘the
same as’ to describe the
Number Patterns • Use number discs/play Textbook 3 Worksheet 4 Number discs,
• Recognise and complete money to represent a P15 – 18 Workbook 3A mini whiteboards,
number patterns. number that is 1, 10, 100 P13 – 14 markers
or 1000 more than/less
4 2 than a 4-digit number –
• Describe a given number
pattern before continuing
the pattern or finding the
missing number(s)
Problem Solving, Maths • Discuss examples of big Review 1 Textbook 3 Number discs
Journal and Pupil Review numbers in real life Workbook 3A P18 – 19
P17 – 18 Workbook 3A
_ 2 _
P15 – 16
Scheme of Work
CHAPTER 2 Estimated number of periods: 32
Addition and Subtraction
Within 10 000
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Scheme of Work
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Addition • Associate the word sum Textbook 3 Worksheet 1A Textbook 3 Number discs
• Perform the addition with the part-whole model P20 – 23 Workbook 3A P23
algorithm for up to 4-digit • Work in groups using P19 – 20
numbers. number discs to illustrate
• Mentally add two 2-digit the standard algorithms
numbers. for addition up to 4
digits by playing games
1 10 Textbook 3 Worksheet 1B Textbook 3 Number discs
including applets and
P23 – 31 Workbook 3A P24, 25, 26, 28,
digital games
P21 – 24 30
• Do mental addition of
two 2-digit numbers and
discuss the different
mental calculation
Subtraction • Associate the word Textbook 3 Worksheet 2A Textbook 3 Number discs
• Perform the subtraction difference with the P32 – 35 Workbook 3A P34
algorithm for up to 4-digit comparison model P25 – 26
numbers. • Work in groups using
• Mentally subtract a 2-digit number discs to illustrate
number from another the standard algorithms
2-digit number. for subtraction up to 4
digits by playing games
including applets and
digital games
2 10
• Achieve mastery of Textbook 3 Worksheet 2B Textbook 3 Number discs
addition and subtraction P35 – 43 Workbook 3A P36, 38, 40, 42
up to 4 digits by using P27 – 30
applets or playing digital
• Do mental subtraction
of two 2-digit numbers
and discuss the different
mental calculation
Solving Word Problems • Solve a variety of Textbook 3 Worksheet 3A
• Solve 1-step and 2-step problems: 1-step word P44 – 47 Workbook 3A
word problems involving problems, 2-part word P31 – 34 _ _
addition and subtraction. problems (1 step for
each part), 2-step word
problems to become Textbook 3 Worksheet 3B
familiar with the problem- P47 – 49 Workbook 3A
3 10 solving process P35 – 40 _ _
Scheme of Work
_ 2 _ _ P47 – 52 Workbook 3A _
CHAPTER 3 Estimated number of periods: 51
Multiplication and Division
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Multiplication Tables of 6, • Work in groups to make Textbook 3 Textbook 3 Counters,
Scheme of Work
7, 8 and 9 multiplication stories, P54 – 56 _ P56 drawing block,
• Memorise the and write multiplication markers
multiplication tables of 6, equations for the stories
7, 8 and 9. • Use concrete objects and Textbook 3 Worksheet 1A
pictorial representations P56 – 59 Workbook 3A
– –
to illustrate the concepts P53 – 56
of multiplication such as
‘multiplying 6 by 5’ Textbook 3 Worksheet 1B
• Explore number patterns P60 – 63 Workbook 3A
1 8 in the multiplication – –
P57 – 60
tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9
through activities such as Textbook 3 Worksheet 1C
colouring the hundreds P64 – 67 Workbook 3A
chart P61 – 64 – –
• Achieve mastery of
multiplication facts by
using multiplication fact Textbook 3 Worksheet 1D Textbook 3 Multiplication
cards and playing games P68 – 72 Workbook 3A P72 fact cards,
including applets and P65 – 68 counters
digital games
Dividing by 6, 7, 8 and 9 • Work in groups to make Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Drawing block,
• Divide within the division stories, write a P73 – 77 Workbook 3A P76 – 77 markers,
multiplication tables of 6, division equation for each P69 – 72 counters,
7, 8 and 9. story and explain the division fact
meaning of the equal sign cards
2 4 • Achieve mastery of
division facts by using
division fact cards and
playing games including
applets and digital games
Quotient and Remainder • Divide a number of Textbook 3 Worksheet 3 Textbook
• Division with remainder. concrete objects into P78 – 80 Workbook 3A 3A P79
equal groups to discover P73 – 76
that sometimes there
3 3 –
are objects left over as
remainder and write the
answer as quotient and
Solving Word Problems • Use the part-whole and Textbook 3 Worksheet 4 Textbook 3 Multilink cubes,
• Solve word problems comparison models to P81 – 83 Workbook 3A P81 – 82 play money
involving the multiplication illustrate the concepts of P77 – 78
tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9. multiplication and division
and use the models
to determine which
operation (multiplication
4 4 and division) to use
when solving 1-step word
• Use the comparison
model to reinforce the
language of comparison
such as “Ali has 3 times
as much money as Mary.”
Multiplication Without • Work in groups using Textbook 3 Worksheet 5 Textbook 3 Number discs
Regrouping number discs to illustrate P84 – 86 Workbook 3A P85 – 86
5 2 • Multiply a number (up to 3 the standard algorithms P79 – 80
digits) by a 1-digit number for multiplication up to 3
without regrouping. digits by 1 digit
Multiplication With • Work in groups using Textbook 3 Worksheet 6 Textbook 3 Number discs
Regrouping number discs to illustrate P87 – 89 Workbook 3A P87, 89
6 3 • Multiply a number (up to 3 the standard algorithms P81 – 82
digits) by a 1-digit number for multiplication up to 3
with regrouping. digits by 1 digit
Multiplying Three Numbers Textbook 3 Worksheet 7 Textbook 3 P91 Dot cards,
• Work in groups to discuss
• Multiply three 1-digit P90 − 91 Workbook 3A number
whether the order of
7 3 numbers. P83 discs, mini
multiplying three numbers
Scheme of Work
Dividing Without • Work in groups using Textbook 3 Worksheet 8 Textbook 3 Number discs
Regrouping number discs to illustrate P92 – 95 Workbook 3A P94
8 2 • Divide a number (up to 3 the standard algorithms P84 – 87
digits) by a 1-digit number for multiplication up to 3
without regrouping. digits by 1 digit
Dividing With Regrouping • Work in groups using Textbook 3 Worksheet 9 Textbook 3 Number discs
• Divide a number (up to 3 number discs to illustrate P96 – 101 Workbook 3A P100
9 5 digits) by a 1-digit number the standard algorithms P88 – 91
with regrouping. for multiplication up to 3
digits by 1 digit
Finding Doubles Textbook 3 Worksheet 10 Textbook 3 Number
• Work in groups to discuss
• Double 2-digit and 3-digit P102 − 103 Workbook 3A P103 discs, mini
10 2 the different methods of
numbers. P92 − 95 whiteboards,
finding doubles.
Finding Halves Textbook 3 Worksheet 11 Textbook 3 Number
• Work in groups to discuss
Scheme of Work
• Half 2-digit and 3-digit P104 − 105 Workbook 3A P105 discs, mini
11 2 the different methods of
numbers. P96 − 99 whiteboards,
finding halves.
More Word Problems • Use the part-whole and Textbook 3 Worksheet 12A
• Solve up to 2-step word comparison models to P106 – 108 Workbook 3A
problems involving the 4 illustrate the concepts of P100 – 103
operations. multiplication and division – –
and use the models
to determine which
operation (multiplication
and division) to use
when solving 1-step word Textbook 3 Worksheet 12B
12 9 problems P109 – 111 Workbook 3A
• Use the comparison P104 – 106
model to reinforce the – –
language of comparison
such as “Ali has 3 times
as much money as Mary.”
• Use a table to record all Textbook 3 Worksheet 12C Textbook 3 Toy cars, toy
possible combinations P111 − 114 Workbook 3A P112 − 113 figures, number
to solve correspondence P107 − 109 cards, marbles
Problem Solving, Maths • Work in groups to create Review 3 Textbook 3 Toothpicks
Journal and Pupil Review 2-step word problems Workbook 3A P115
involving the 4 operations P111 – 116 Workbook 3A
for other groups to solve P110
– 4 • Solve non-routine –
problems using heuristics
such as ‘act it out’ and
‘draw a diagram’ and
share their ideas
CHAPTER 4 Estimated number of periods: 15
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Length in Metres and • Work in groups to Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Measuring
Centimetres estimate and measure – P116 – 119 Workbook 3A P119 tape, vanguard
• Measure length in metres length of more than 1 m P1 – 2 sheet, scissors,
(m) and centimetres (cm). using measuring tapes fastener, hole
1 4 • Convert length from m and • Work in groups to puncher
cm to cm, and vice versa. produce a foldable
metre rule for measuring
lengths of everyday
Length in Kilometres and • Develop a sense of how Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Teacher’s Trundle wheel,
Metres far 1 km is by relating it P121 – 124 Workbook 3A Resource Book mini whiteboard,
• Measure length in to the distance between P129 – 132 P114 markers
kilometres (km). two familiar landmarks or
2 4 • Convert length from km identifying a spot which is
and m to m, and vice 1 km from the school
versa. • Pupils to estimate a long
distance by running 50 to
100 m on the field
Solving Word Problems Textbook 3 Worksheet 3
• Solve word problems P125 – 130 Workbook 3A
involving length (addition P133 – 137
and subtraction).
3 4 • Solve word problems – – –
involving length
(multiplication and
Scheme of Work
Journal and Pupil Review Workbook 3A P130 – 131
– 3 – – P139 – 142 Workbook 3A –
CHAPTER 5 Estimated number of periods: 12
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Mass in Kilograms and • Work in groups to Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Various types of
Scheme of Work
Grams estimate and measure P132 – 137 Workbook 3A P136 weighing scales
• Measure mass in mass of more than 1 kg P143 – 148
1 4 kilograms (kg) and grams using various weighing
(g). scales
• Convert mass from kg and
g to g, and vice versa.
Solving Word Problems Textbook 3 Worksheet 2
• Solve word problems P138 – 141 Workbook 3A
involving mass (addition P149 – 153
and subtraction).
2 4 – – –
• Solve word problems
involving mass
(multiplication and
Problem Solving, Maths Review 5 Textbook 3
Journal and Pupil Review Workbook 3A P141 – 142
– 4 – – –
P155 – 160 Workbook 3A
CHAPTER 6 Estimated number of periods: 15
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Volume in Millilitres • Work in groups to Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Dropper,
• Measure volume of liquid measure the volume of P143 – 148 Workbook 3A P147 teaspoon,
1 3 in millilitres (ml). liquid in millilitres using P161 – 162 containers,
cough syrup spoons and beakers,
measuring beakers markers
Volume in Litres and • Work in groups to Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Containers,
Millilitres estimate and measure P149 – 153 Workbook 3A P152 beakers
• Measure volume of liquids volume/capacity of more P163 – 166
2 4 in litres and millilitres. than 1 litre using various
• Convert litres and millilitres measuring jars and
to millilitres, and vice beakers
Solving Word Problems Textbook 3 Worksheet 3
• Solve word problems P154 – 156 workbook 3A
involving volume and P167 – 169
3 4 – – –
Scheme of Work
CHAPTER 7 Estimated number of periods: 15
Dollars, Cents and Rupees
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Scheme of Work
Adding Money • Discuss the value of Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Play money
• Count money in sets of $1000, and use play P158 – 165 Workbook 3B P160, 163
notes and coins. money to illustrate that P1 – 4
• Add money in decimal $1000 is 10 times $100
notation. • Use play money to
illustrate the addition
1 4
algorithm and make
connections between the
algorithms for money and
for whole numbers
• Use a variety of strategies
for adding money
Subtracting Money • Use play money to Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Play money,
• Subtract money in decimal illustrate the subtraction P166 – 171 Workbook 3B P169 – 170 real-life objects
notation. algorithm and make P5 – 10 with price tags
connections between the
2 4
algorithms for money and
for whole numbers
• Use a variety of strategies
for subtracting money
Solving Word Problems • Work in groups to solve Textbook 3 Worksheet 3 Textbook 3 Markers, mini
• Solve word problems (up problems in real-world P172 – 177 Workbook 3B P176 whiteboard,
to 2-step word problems) situations such as P11 – 17 newspapers,
3 4
involving addition or shopping and budgeting play money
subtraction of money in
decimal notation.
Problem Solving, Maths Review 7 Textbook 3
Journal and Pupil Review Workbook 3B P177
– 3 – – –
P19 – 24 Workbook 3B
CHAPTER 8 Estimated number of periods: 12
Bar Graphs
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Reading Bar Graphs • Work in groups to discuss Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Magnetic
• Read and interpret bar how to collect data, P178 – 189 Workbook 3B P185 square tiles
graphs. e.g. through interview P25 – 33
• Solve problems using or survey, and how to
information from bar represent the data in a
graphs. bar graph
• Construct a bar graph
using a spreadsheet e.g.
1 8
Excel, and make a story
using information from
the graph
• Discuss real-world
examples of data
presented in bar graphs
found in newspapers and
Problem Solving, Maths Review 8 Textbook 3
Journal and Pupil Review Workbook 3B P188
– 4 – – –
P35 – 38 Workbook 3B
Scheme of Work
CHAPTER 9 Estimated number of periods: 24
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Equivalent Fractions • Use paper folding or build Textbook 3 Worksheet 1A Paper strips
Scheme of Work
• Find and list equivalent fraction wall with fraction P190 – 193 Workbook 3B
fractions. bars to show equivalent P39 – 40
• Write a fraction in its fractions
simplest form. • Represent fractions as
numbers on number lines –
• Use fraction discs or part-
whole model to represent
two equivalent fractions
and explain why they
are equal and how one
1 6 can be obtained from the Textbook 3 Worksheet 1B Textbook 3 Fraction discs,
other P194 – 198 Workbook 3B P197 – 198 fraction cards
• Make a list of the first 8 P41 – 44
equivalent fractions of a
given fraction and use
this method to compare
two unlike fractions
• Achieve mastery of
equivalent fractions and
fraction comparison
through playing card
games and digital games
Comparing and Ordering • Work in groups to Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3
Fractions compare fractions using P199 – 204 Workbook 3B P203
• Compare and order different strategies and P45 – 50
fractions. explain the strategies
2 6 –
• Achieve mastery of
fraction comparison
through playing games
using fraction cards and
digital games
Adding Fractions • Use fraction discs to Textbook 3 Worksheet 3 Textbook 3 Fraction discs
• Adding two related illustrate addition of P205 – 207 Workbook 3B P206 or fraction bars
fractions within a whole. related fractions within P51 – 54
one whole
3 4
• Work in groups to make
addition stories involving
like fractions/related
Subtracting Fractions • Use fraction discs to Textbook 3 Worksheet 4 Textbook 3 Fraction cards,
• Subtracting two related illustrate subtraction of P208 – 211 Workbook 3B P210 fraction discs
fractions within a whole. related fractions within P55 – 57
one whole
4 4
• Work in groups to make
subtraction stories
involving like fractions/
related fractions
Problem Solving, Maths Review 9 Textbook 3
Journal and Pupil Review Workbook 3B P211 – 212
– 4 – – –
P59 – 62 Workbook 3B
Scheme of Work
CHAPTER 10 Estimated number of periods: 14
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Scheme of Work
Telling Time to the Minute • Observe the movement Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Stopwatch,
• Tell time to the minute. of the hour and minute P213 – 219 Workbook 3B P218 wristwatch
• Use ‘past’ and ‘to’ to tell hands on a real / geared P63 – 66
time. clock
• Develop a sense of
1 2 duration of 1 minute,
and describe what can
be done in a duration of
1 minute, e.g. number
of squares drawn in 1
Duration of Time • Represent given Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Geared clock
• Measure time in hours and information such as P220 – 225 Workbook 3B P221
minutes. starting time, finishing P67 – 70
2 4
• Find the starting time, time and duration of
finishing time or duration activity on a timeline, and
given two other quantities. use it to solve problems
Conversion of Hours and Textbook 3 Worksheet 3
Minutes P226 – 228 Workbook 3B
• Convert time in hours and P71 – 72
3 2 – – –
minutes to minutes, and
vice versa.
Solving Word Problems • Work in groups to create Textbook 3 Worksheet 4 Textbook 3 Pen, paper
• Solve problems involving word problems involving P229 – 233 Workbook 3B P232
4 4
time in hours and minutes. time in hours and minutes P73 – 77
for other groups to solve.
Problem Solving, Maths • Practise telling and Review 10 Textbook 3
Journal and Pupil Review writing time using Workbook 3B P233 – 234
everyday examples such P79 – 84 Workbook 3B
as TV programmes, bus P78
schedules, train operating
hours and exam
– 2 timetables. – –
• Represent given
information such as
starting time, finishing
time and duration of
activity on a timeline, and
use it to solve problems
Scheme of Work
CHAPTER 11 Estimated number of periods: 10
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Scheme of Work
Angles • Make an angle with angle Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 Rubber bands,
• Associate angles as an strips and illustrate the P235 – 239 Workbook 3B P238 geoboards
amount of turning. size of an angle as the P99 – 100
1 4 • Identify angles in the amount of turning
• Identify angles in two-
dimensional shapes.
Right Angles • Find angles in the Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Strips of
• Identify right angles. environment and use P240 – 244 Workbook 3B P243 cardboard,
• Compare the size of an a ‘paper right angle’ to P101 – 103 fasteners,
angle as equal to, greater identify right angles, right-angle
than or smaller than a right angles greater than a tester
2 4
angle. right angle and angles
smaller than a right angle
• Use language such as
‘acute angle’ and ‘obtuse
angle’ to describe angles
Problem Solving, Maths Review 11 Textbook 3
Journal and Pupil Review Workbook 3B P89 – 90
P105 – 106 Workbook 3B
– 2 – – –
CHAPTER 12 Estimated number of periods: 18
Perpendicular and
Parallel Lines
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Perpendicular Lines • Hands-on experience Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Square grid
• Identify and name to explore and visualise P246 – 249 Workbook 3B paper
1 2 perpendicular lines. perpendicular lines P107 – 108 –
in 2D figures and the
Drawing Perpendicular • Work in pairs to explore Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Square grid
Lines how to construct P250 – 254 Workbook 3B P253 paper, Pencil,
• Draw perpendicular lines perpendicular lines using P109 – 112 ruler,
using a ruler and a set a ruler and a set square set square
2 3
square. • Work in pair to explore
• Draw perpendicular lines how different pairs of
on square grids. perpendicular lines can
be drawn on square grid
Parallel Lines • Hands-on experience Textbook 3 Worksheet 3 Square grid
• Identify and name to explore and visualise P255 – 257 Workbook 3B paper
3 2 –
perpendicular lines. parallel lines in 2D figures P113 – 114
and the environment
Drawing Parallel Lines • Work in pairs to explore Textbook 3 Worksheet 4 Textbook 3 Square grid
• Draw parallel lines using a how to construct parallel P258 – 261 Workbook 3B P260 paper Pencil,
ruler and a set square. lines using a ruler and a P115 – 118 ruler,
• Draw parallel lines on set square set square
4 3
square grids. • Work in pairs to explore
how different pairs of
parallel lines can be
drawn on square grid
Scheme of Work
Vertical and Horizontal • Provide real-life Textbook 3 Worksheet 5 Textbook 3 Square grid
Lines examples for pupils P262 – 263 Workbook 3B P263 paper,
• Identify vertical and to make connections P119 Plumb line
horizontal lines. with perpendicular
and parallel lines and
5 2
to recognise that two
vertical lines are parallel,
and that a horizontal line
and a vertical line are
Grid References • Describe the column and Textbook 3 Worksheet 6 Textbook 3 Ruler
Scheme of Work
• Read grid references. row of the grid reference P264 − 266 Workbook 3B P265
• Describe the position which an object is located P120 − 121
6 3
of an object using a grid on.
CHAPTER 13 Estimated number of periods: 18
Area and Perimeter
Textbook Workbook Pupil-centred Concrete
Lesson of Learning Objectives Learning Experiences
Learning Practice Activities Materials
Perimeter Textbook 3 Worksheet 1 Textbook 3 String
1 2 • Find the perimeter of a – P268 – 272 Workbook 3B P272
plane figure. P125 – 128
Area in Square Units • Compare and measure the areas Textbook 3 Worksheet 2 Textbook 3 Square tiles
• Measure the area of a of rectangles using different non- P273 – 277 Workbook 3B P276
plane figure in square standard units P129 – 132
units. • Work in groups to make
different rectangles and squares
using square tiles, study the
2 4 relationship between the area /
perimeter and length(s) of each
side and observe that shapes
with same area can have different
perimeters and shapes with same
perimeter can have different
Area in cm2 and m2 • Visualise the sizes of Textbook 3 Worksheet 3A Textbook 3 Scissors, square
• Measure the area of 1 cm2 and 1 m2 P278 – 283 Workbook 3B P279, 282 grid paper,
a plane figure in cm2 • Work in pairs to find the area of P133 – 134 coloured tape,
3 6 and m2. squares and rectangles drawn on metre ruler
square grid by counting and by Textbook 3 Worksheet 3B
formula P284 – 289 Workbook 3B – –
P135 – 138
More on Area and Textbook 3 Worksheet 4
Perimeter P290 – 292 Workbook 3B
• Solve problems related P139– 141
4 4 – – –
to finding the area
and perimeter of a
Scheme of Work
rectangle or square.
Problem Solving, • Use real-life examples to explain Review 13 Textbook 3 Square grid
Maths Journal and the concepts of area and Workbook 3B P292 – 293 paper
– 2 –
Pupil Review perimeter and compare the sizes P143 – 148 Workbook 3B
of rectangles / squares using area P142
Learning Objective Reference
1. Number
Numbers and the number system
Recite numbers 100 to 200 and beyond. Chapter 1
Read and write numbers to at least 1000. Chapter 1
Count on and back in ones, tens and hundreds from two- and three-digit numbers. Chapter 1
Count on and back in steps of 2, 3, 4 and 5 to at least 50. Chapter 1
Understand what each digit represents in three-digit numbers and partition into hundreds, tens Chapter 1
and units.
Find 1, 10, 100 more/less than two- and three-digit numbers. Chapter 1
Multiply two-digit numbers by 10 and understand the effect. Book 4 Chapter 2
Round two-digit numbers to the nearest 10 and round three-digit numbers to the nearest 100. Book 4 Chapter 1
Compare three-digit numbers, use < and > signs, and find a number in between. Book 2 Chapter 1
Order two- and three-digit numbers. Book 2 Chapter 1
Give a sensible estimate of a number as a range (e.g. 30 to 50) by grouping in tens. Chapter 1
1 Chapter 3
Find half of odd and even numbers to 40, using notation such as 13 .
Understand and use fraction notation recognising that fractions are several parts of one whole, Chapter 9
3 2
e.g. is three quarters and is two thirds.
4 3
1 2 4 5 Chapter 9
Recognise equivalence between , , and using diagrams.
2 4 8 10
1 1 Book 4 Chapter 3
Recognise simple mixed fractions, e.g. 1 and 2 .
2 4
Order simple or mixed fractions on a number line, e.g. using the knowledge that comes half way Chapter 9
1 3 1
between and , and that 1 comes half way between 1 and 2.
4 4 2
Begin to relate finding fractions to division. Book 4 Chapter 3
Find halves, thirds, quarters and tenths of shapes and numbers (whole number answers). Book 2 Chapter 13
2. Calculation
Mental strategies
Know addition and subtraction facts for all numbers to 20. Chapter 2
Know the following addition and subtraction facts: Chapter 2
– multiples of 100 with a total of 1000
– multiples of 5 with a total of 100
Know multiplication/division facts for 2×, 3×, 5×, and 10× tables. Book 2 Chapter 3
Begin to know 4× table. Book 2 Chapter 5
Recognise two- and three-digit multiples of 2, 5 and 10. Book 2 Chapter 3
Work out quickly the doubles of numbers 1 to 20 and derive the related halves. Chapter 3
Work out quickly the doubles of multiples of 5 (< 100) and derive the related halves. Chapter 3
Work out quickly the doubles of multiples of 50 to 500. Chapter 3
i | Introduction 1
Numbers to 10 000
1 1
Where can you find large numbers
around you?
Related Resources
NSPM Textbook 3 (P1 – 19)
CoUntInG to 10 000 LESSON
NSPM Workbook 3A (P1 – 18)
1 Materials
Number discs, paper clips, two similar
transparent containers, place-value cards,
place-value chart, bag, mini whiteboards,
We can use or 1 to
There are 100 people in one group. represent one person.
There are 10 groups in one section. Lesson 1 Counting to 10 000
1 Chapter 1 1 Lesson 2 Place Value
Lesson 3 Comparing and Ordering
Textbook 3 P1 Lesson 4 Number Patterns
Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
Pupils have learnt how to count in hundreds up to 1000 in Grade 2. The goals of this chapter are to enable pupils
to count the number of objects in a set in hundreds and thousands; to read and write a number in numerals and
in words; to compare the number of objects in two or more sets and finally to identify and complete patterns in
number sequences.
To help pupils make sense of big numbers (in thousands), they can be asked to find examples of such numbers in
real life and compare their magnitude to that of smaller numbers. Pupils could also be given the opportunity to use
number discs or play money to count and compare values.
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 1
1 10 000
1. Count in thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
Numbers to 10 000
We can use or 1 to
There are 100 people in one group. represent one person.
There are 10 groups in one section.
1 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P1
2 | Chapter 1 1
Write 10 hundreds = 1 thousand on the whiteboard.
1 1 1 1 1
Next, ask the following questions to help pupils count in
1 1 1 1 1
10 ones = 1 ten
• There are 1000 people in one section. How do we
find out how many people there are in 10 sections?
10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
10 tens = 1 hundred • Should we count in hundreds to find out?
• How do we count in thousands?
100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100
10 hundreds = 1 thousand
There are 1000 people in one section. Give pupils number discs to help them count the
How many people are there in 10 sections?
number of people in 10 sections. Get them to count in
LET’S LEARN Use to show the number thousands as they arrange the discs as shown in the
of people in each section. textbook.
one thousand
1 thousand
1000 1000
two thousand
2 thousands
Textbook 3 P2
6 thousands
7 thousands
8 thousands
9 thousands
10 thousands
10 thousands = 10 000
3 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P3
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 3
For Let’s Learn 2, allow pupils to continue using number
2. What are the numbers shown? discs to represent what they see in parts (a) to (c).
Count on in
(a) hundreds from Lead pupils to see that they should count the thousands
1000 1000 first, followed by the hundreds, tens and ones.
1000 1000 100 100 100
1 Numbers t0 10 000 4
Textbook 3 P4
Work as a class.
Before the activity, prepare two similar transparent
1 Get 10 boxes of 100 paper clips each. What you need:
containers. One of which should be kept empty
2 Put the paper clips into Box A. 100 (labelled as Box A) and the other containing more
How many paper clips are there?
Count and write in numerals.
(a) Practice
1000 1000
1000 1000 1000 10 1
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
(b) For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 1
and work these out with the pupils.
1000 1000 10 1
1000 1000 10 1
Textbook 3 P5
4 | Chapter 1 1
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3A P1 – 2)
Number of discs Numerals Words
1000 1000
2. (a) 2010
(b) 7003
(c) 5199
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 5
1. Represent numbers within 10 000 in thousands,
hundreds, tens and ones.
2. State the values of the digits in a given number up to
10 000.
3. Read and write numbers to 10 000 in numerals and in
place valUe
2 Discuss with pupils how the number shown should be
read. Assist the pupils by asking the following questions:
• How should we read the number shown?
100 10 10
• Should we start reading from the greatest place
1 1
value, or from the smallest place value?
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1 1
1 Numbers t0 10 000 6
Textbook 3 P6
6 | Chapter 1 1
Next, use place-value cards to represent 2345.
We can also use place-value cards to show the number. Individual cards can be used to show the value
of each digit.
7 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P7
Work in pairs.
Assign pupils to work in pairs. Provide pupils with
1 Use number discs to show a 4-digit number. What you need: number discs and place-value cards. Allow them to
2 Get your partner to use to show the spend about 10 minutes on this activity.
number and to tell the value of each digit
in the number.
1 1
given to pupils to record their answers.
1. Find the missing numbers.
2. Write in words.
three thousand, nine five thousand, seven
(a) 3992 hundred and ninety-two(b) 5730 hundred and thirty Independent seatwork
(c) 6408 six thousand, four (d) 9011 nine thousand and eleven
hundred and eight
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3A
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 2 • Pages 3 – 8
P3 – 8).
1 Numbers t0 10 000 8
Textbook 3 P8
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 7
Answers Worksheet 2 (Workbook 2A P8 – 9)
1. (a) 4. (a) 4
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
(b) 5
(c) 200
(d) 0
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 5. (a) 1
(b) 6
(c) hundreds
(d) 9
7. (a) One thousand, nine hundred and twenty-three
Seven thousand, six hundred and (b) Three thousand, six hundred and nine
seventy-eight (c) Two thousand and fifteen
(b) 4505 (d) Four thousand and six hundred
3. (a) thousands
(b) hundreds
(c) tens
(d) ones
8 | Chapter 1 1
Chapter 1
Lessons 1 & 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Count in thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
• Represent numbers within 10 000 in thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
• State the values of the digits in a given number up to 10 000.
• Read and write numbers to 10 000 in numerals and in words.
Suggested Duration
Lesson 1: 2 periods
Lesson 2: 2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well versed in numeric skills in numbers to 1000. In Grade 3, pupils are required to learn
numbers to 10 000.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Making smaller numbers tangible is less challenging. As the number of digits of a number goes up to 5,
visualising and connecting with real-life experiences will be difficult for some pupils. Linking it with 100s
and emphasising that 10 thousands make 10 000 using number discs will be beneficial.
Start the lesson by going through ‘In Focus’ (Textbook 3 P1) to show ones, tens, hundreds and thousands.
Use concrete material like base-ten blocks to revisit the place value of ones, tens, hundreds and thousands.
Lead pupils to see that 10 ones = 1 ten, 10 tens = 1 hundred, 10 hundreds = 1 thousand, and 10 thousands = 10 000.
Use number discs to represent numbers from 1000 to 10 000 (Activity Handbook 3 P4). The expanded form of
a four-digit number is covered in Let’s Learn 2. Use different coloured discs for each place value and ask pupils
to work independently on Let’s Learn 2 and 3 (Textbook 3 P4) and ‘Practice’ (Textbook 3 P5).
Problem Solving
In Let’s Learn 3 (Textbook 3 P4) , counting from 1997 to 2001 creates a better understanding of the numerals.
Pupils tend to rote count and ask them to count from the middle within a given range, makes them get a grip
of the numbers.
10 or more boxes of 100 paper clips each is a good resource to make the pupils understand the concept of
1000s. Halving the number of paper clips in one of the boxes or permutating numbers like 9050 or 9100 etc.
could be beneficial for the pupils. Repeat this activity with different numbers.
• number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4)
• two similar transparent containers
• 10 or more boxes of 100 paper clips each or any other small real-life objects
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 9
1. Compare and order numbers within 10 000.
comparInG and
orderInG nUmbers 3 When reviewing the comparison of three 3-digit
numbers, ask the following questions:
Use number discs to
• What should we compare first, the hundreds,
Arrange 255, 552 and 252 in order. show each number.
the tens or the ones?
Start with the greatest.
• What happens if the digits in the hundreds place
are the same?
100 10 10 1 1
Hundreds Tens Ones
2 5 5
Remind pupils to start comparing from the largest
100 10 10 10 1 1 1
place value.
100 100 10 10 1
Hundreds Tens Ones
100 100 100 10 10 10 1 5 5 2
100 10 10 1
Hundreds Tens Ones
100 10 10 10 1 2 5 2
9 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P9
10 | Chapter 1 1
Write down the numbers 2500 and 5800 on two empty
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones place-value charts. Ask pupils which place value they
100 100
2 5 0 0 should compare first. Remind pupils to start with the
greatest place value.
1000 1000 100 100
100 100
African elephant
1000 100 100
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
1000 1000 100 100 5 8 0 0
1 Numbers t0 10 000 10
Textbook 3 P10
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 To help the pupils find out which is the lightest animal,
5800 is more than 2500.
ask them the following questions:
The African elephant is heavier than the hippopotamus. • Since the African elephant is heavier than the
hippopotamus, can the African elephant be the
2. Which animal is the lightest? lightest animal?
The African elephant is heavier
than the hippopotamus.
• Which two masses should be compared to find out
It cannot be the lightest animal.
which is the lightest animal?
11 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P11
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 11
For Let’s Learn 3, pupils can be given a choice of
whether to use the place-value chart or place-value
We can also compare using a number line.
cards to help them compare the numbers. If time
2350 2500 permits, get pupils to explain how they get their answer.
1 Numbers t0 10 000 12
Textbook 3 P12
Play in groups of 3 to 4. Assign pupils to work in groups of 3 to 4. Provide pupils
1 Put the in the bag.
What you need: with number discs, place-value charts and a small empty
2 Take turns to take 10
without looking.
from the bag Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
3 Arrange the on the place-value
chart. Demonstrate the activity with 2 or 3 pupils for the class
Example to get a better understanding of the activity.
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
2 thousands is smaller
than 3 thousands. 2134 is
smaller than 3412.
5 Repeat 1 to 4 .
The first player to get 5 points wins!
13 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P13
12 | Chapter 1 1
1. Compare the numbers.
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
6048 6804
6804 is greater than 6048 . For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 3
6048 is smaller than 6804 . and work these out with the pupils.
3910 3901 3091
3910 is the greatest. Independent seatwork
3091 is the smallest.
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3A
2. Mount Everest and K2 are the two tallest mountains in the world.
Which is taller, Mount Everest or K2? Mount Everest
P9 – 12).
Mount Everest K2
8848 m 8611 m
1 Numbers t0 10 000 14
Textbook 3 P14
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 13
Answers Worksheet 3 (Workbook 2A P9 – 12)
2. (a) 135, 535, 553 The letter on the balloon with the greatest number
is G .
(b) 887, 878, 788
14 | Chapter 1 1
Chapter 1
Lesson 3
Specific Learning Focus
• Compare and order numbers within 10 000.
Suggested Duration
2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt to compare and order numbers within 1000 in ascending or descending order. In this lesson,
they are required to do that for numbers within 10 000.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
This lesson should be relatively less challenging as pupils have been comparing and ordering 2- and 3-digit
numbers. It is important to remind them that when we compare numbers, we start comparing from the largest
place value. If the digits in the largest place value are the same, we move on to compare the next place value.
In other words, we compare the place value from left to right of a number.
Comparing numbers can be done with the help of number discs, place-value charts and number lines.
Recapitulate the concept of comparing and ordering 3-digit numbers before proceeding to 4-digit numbers.
Real-life examples, as mentioned in Textbook 3 P10, can be used to make numbers more tangible.
Encourage pupils to come up with other real-life examples that require the comparing and ordering of 4-digit
numbers. Emphasise that in comparing 4-digit numbers, the digits in the thousands place are compared first
and if the digits are the same, proceed to compare the digits in the hundreds place.
Problem Solving
Referring to ‘In Focus’ (Textbook 3 P10), ask pupils individually how they decide if the elephant is heavier or
lighter than the hippopotamus. Ask them which method they used. Encourage individual responses of their
preferred method (e.g. number line or place-value chart).
Distribute place-value charts (Activity Handbook 3 P1) to the pupils in groups of 4 to carry out the activity in
‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P13). Encourage the use of key terms like ‘greater’, ‘greatest’, ‘smaller’, ‘smallest’,
‘equal to’ and ‘the same as’.
• number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4)
• place-value chart (Activity Handbook 3 P1)
• place-value cards (Activity Handbook 3 P2 – 3)
• bag
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 15
1. Recognise and complete number patterns.
nUmber patterns
4 Review with pupils what they have learnt in Grade 2 using
RECAP the examples given. Give pupils number discs to work on
Look at the number patterns.
What is the next number in each pattern?
the examples. Get pupils to describe the pattern they see.
What pattern do you see?
Use to help you find
Use number discs to guide pupils in answering the
the missing numbers. questions presented in In Focus.
15 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P15
16 | Chapter 1 1
Use to find out.
Use number discs to demonstrate the patterns in
1. What is 1000 more than 4000?
Let’s Learn 1 to 3. Show pupils how to find the missing
1000 1000
values on the number lines.
1000 1000
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 000
–100 +100
4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000
1 Numbers t0 10 000 16
Textbook 3 P16
On top of the number patterns given in the textbook,
10 more than 4560 is 4570 .
allow pupils to explore more by creating their own
–10 +10
number patterns for their classmates to solve.
They can present their number patterns to the class.
4500 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 4560 4570 4580 4590 4600 4610
17 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P17
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 17
1. Find the missing numbers.
Independent seatwork
2. Complete the number patterns.
(a) 2668, 2768, 2868, 2968, 3068 , 3168
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 4 (Workbook 3A
(b) 9421, 8421, 7421 , 6421, 5421, 4421, 3421 P13 – 14).
(c) 4135 , 4125, 4115, 4105, 4095, 4085
Mind Workout
+1000 +100
1 Numbers t0 10 000 18
Textbook 3 P18
18 | Chapter 1 1
Answers Worksheet 4 (Workbook 2A P13 – 14)
1. (a) 1693
(b) 6001
(c) 6225
(d) 7293
(e) 1000
(f) 100
(g) 5001
–10 +10
2. (a)
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 19
Chapter 1
Lesson 4
Specific Learning Focus
• Recognise and complete number patterns.
Suggested Duration
2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well versed with describing and then completing number patterns in the earlier grades.
In this lesson, they will deal with 4-digit numbers, where the format of describing and completing number
pattern remains the same no matter how many digits the numbers have. A quick recap using 3-digit numbers
(Textbook 3 P15) will help them recall what they have learnt. Ask them questions like whether the number
pattern is increasing or decreasing, how would they find the difference between two consecutive numbers
in the pattern, and whether the difference is the same for every two consecutive numbers in the pattern.
Encourage individual responses while revising the concept of describing number patterns.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Since pupils should be familiar with comparing 4-digit numbers as learnt in Lesson 3, describing and predicting
a number pattern should not be challenging for most pupils.
In Let’s Learn 1 and 2 (Textbook 3 P16), get pupils to use number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4) and number
lines. Emphasise to pupils that in completing a number pattern, once they have identified the ‘jump’ from one
number to the next consecutive number, they can either skip count, add or subtract to find the missing number
in the pattern.
Problem Solving
Facilitate the pupils in coming to the conclusion of the pattern or jump between two consecutive numbers,
by asking them to round off the numbers uniformly to find the difference easily.
Have pupils work in pairs and ask one pupil to make their own number pattern on their mini whiteboards
while the partner describes the pattern and then completes it. Get them to exchange roles and give them
about 5 minutes to complete at least 2 rounds of the activity. Allow them to use place-value cards to help them.
• mini whiteboards
• markers
• place-value chart (Activity Handbook 3 P1)
20 | Chapter 1 1
Mind Workout
Mind Workout
Nora is thinking of a number between 3000 and 4000. If pupils have difficulties in finding the answer, facilitate
The digit in the hundreds place is 5 more than the digit in the ones
by asking the following questions:
The digit in the tens place is 9 more than the digit in the ones place. • What must the digit in the thousands place be?
What number is Nora thinking of? • If the digit in the tens place is 9 more than the digit
You may use or draw a
in the ones place, what must the digit in the ones
place-value chart to help you. place be?
• Once you have found out the digit in the ones
place, can you find out the digits in the tens place
and hundreds place?
1 Numbers to 10 000 15
Workbook 3A P15
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 21
Maths Journal Date: Maths Journal
Some food items and the amount of calories they contain are shown. Allow pupils time to work out the answer, then explain
Which item has the most calories?
Explain your answer.
their answers. If pupils are having difficulty in answering
the question, facilitate by asking pupils to compare the
three numbers using a place-value chart.
16 Chapter 1 1
Workbook 3A P16
Mind Workout
1. Find the missing numbers.
If pupils have difficulties in solving the number pattern,
(a) 1 more than 3675 is 3676 .
(b) 100 less than 5108 is 5008 .
facilitate by asking the following questions:
(c) 8009 is 1000 less than 9009. • What is the difference between 900 and 1900?
(d) 3460 is 1000 more than 2460. How about 1900 and 2000?
(e) 4313 is 100 more than 4213. • What is the difference between 3100 and 4100?
(f) 4190 is 10 less than 4200 . How about 4100 and 4200?
• Do you see a pattern? Can you describe the pattern?
2. Complete the number patterns.
(a) 2668, 2768, 2868, 2968, 3068 , 3168
• After filling in the missing numbers, how can you
(b) 9421, 8421, 7421 , 6421, 5421, 4421, 3421 check your answers?
(c) 4135 , 4125, 4115, 4105, 4095, 4085
Mind Workout
+1000 +100
1 Numbers t0 10 000 18
Textbook 3 P18
22 | Chapter 1 1
Maths journal
Before giving pupils time to answer the question, get
Bina wants to buy a laptop. them to understand that the three laptops are the same
She goes to three shops to check the price of the laptop she wants to buy.
and hence, it is best to buy the laptop with the lowest
19 Chapter 1 1
Textbook 3 P19
1. (a) 1950, One thousand, nine hundred and fifty 5. (a) 3800, 4800, 5800, 6800, 7800 , 8000
1905, One thousand, nine hundred and five
5019, Five thousand and nineteen (b) 5800 , 5900, 6000, 6100, 6200, 6300
5910, Five thousand, nine hundred and ten (c) 7002 , 7001, 7000 , 6999, 6998, 6997, 6996
(b) the greatest number : 5910
(d) 9220, 9210 , 9200, 9190 , 9180, 9170, 9160,
the smallest number : 1590
2. (a) 8000
(b) tens
(c) 4
(d) 3
3. (a) 8000
(b) 6403
(c) 0
(d) 2380
1 Numbers to 10 000 | 23
WITHIN 10 000
Addition and
Subtraction Within 10 000
2 2
Rs 1710
0 Rs 2470
Rs 3605 Rs 3296
In this chapter, pupils learn how to add and subtract numbers within 10 000. As they have already learnt how to
add and subtract numbers up to 3 digits in Grade 2, teachers can use the same procedures and mathematical
language to teach this topic. For example, pupils start adding and subtracting from the ones place and regroup
whenever necessary.
24 | Chapter 2 1
1. Perform the addition algorithm for up to 4-digit numbers.
2. Mentally add two 2-digit numbers.
Addition and RECAP
Subtraction Within 10 000
2 Use the chapter opener (P20) to recap the concept of
addition and adding of two 2-digit numbers.
Addition of 3-digit numbers without regrouping
10 10 1 1
2 4 4
100 10 10 1 1
+ 1 2 2
3 6 6
244 + 122 = 366
Textbook 3 P20
2. Add 245 and 138. Introduce the word sum to pupils. Tell pupils that sum
100 100 10 10 1 1
means to add up or to find the total of given numbers.
10 10 1 1
1 2 4 5
+ 1 3 8
100 10 10 1 1
3 8 3
10 10 1 1
1 1
1 1
Rs 350 Rs 240
21 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P21
The Meaning of Sum
1. 350 240 To find the sum, we add the numbers. Give pupils some time to work on Let’s Learn 2,
after which discuss the answers with the class.
590 590 = 350 + 240
350 + 240 = 590
590 is the sum of 350 Demonstrate Let’s Learn 3 using number discs.
and 240.
The sum of 350 and 240 is 590. Go through the steps with pupils. Emphasise
The total cost of the two books is Rs 590.
alignment of digits in the addition algorithm
2. Find the sum of each pair of numbers. (ones must align with ones, tens with tens, etc.).
(a) 58 and 39 (b) 341 and 438 (c) 462 and 248
97 779 710
Addition without regrouping
Use to
3. Find the sum of 2314 and 4240.
help you.
1000 1000 100 100 10 1 1
100 1 1
1000 1000 10 10
2 3 1 4
+ 4 2 4 0
6 5 5 4 Step 1 Add the ones.
4 ones + 0 ones = 4 ones
Step 2 Add the tens.
1 ten + 4 tens = 5 tens
Step 3 Add the hundreds.
3 hundreds + 2 hundreds = 5 hundreds
Step 4 Add the thousands.
2 thousands + 4 thousands = 6 thousands
2314 + 4240 = 6554
Textbook 3 P22
26 | Chapter 2 1
Allow pupils to spend some time to work on Let’s Learn 4.
4. Add. You may use to help you. After which, discuss the answers with the class.
(a) 6 2 2 7 (b) 2 1 3 1
+ 7 1 + 5 4 8
6 2 9 8 2 6 7 9
(c) 1 5 4 2 (d) 5 6 9 2
+ 8 0 3 7 + 4 3 0 1
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 1A
(a) 8232 + 65 = 8297 (b) 250 + 4644 = 4894
and work these out with the pupils.
(c) 6108 + 1530 = 7638 (d) 7223 + 2634 = 9857
10 10 1 1
23 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P23
1. (a) 2 3 0 6 (f) 4 2 3 4
+ 9 3 + 1 1 6 2
2 3 9 9 5 3 9 6
(b) 4 8
+ 8 2 5 0
2. (a) 4836
8 2 9 8 (b) 9854
(c) 3 0 2 0 (c) 4487
+ 9 1 0
3 9 3 0 3. (a) 9195
(d) 5 4 1 3 (b) 3724
+ 5 7 5 (c) 7888
5 9 8 8
(e) 4 3 0 1
+ 5 6 9 2
9 9 9 3
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Perform the addition algorithm for up to 4-digit numbers.
• Mentally add two 2-digit numbers.
Suggested Duration
10 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt to perform the addition algorithm with and without regrouping. In ‘Recap’ (Textbook 3 P20 − 21),
this method is revisited with 3-digit numbers. Ask pupils to use standard algorithm and number discs to add.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Emphasise to pupils that although the comparison of numbers requires comparing digits from left to right, addition
of numbers is done from right to left. This must be highlighted to the pupils.
The term ‘sum’ has been introduced prior to this lesson and can be used in this lesson during class
discussions. Emphasise the importance of aligning the digits according to their place values before
performing the addition algorithm. The next step is to start adding the ones, followed by adding the tens,
hundreds and lastly the thousands. Write the sum of the digits in each place value. The teacher may want
to encourage pupils to write the letter representing each place value on top of the digits (e.g. Th H T O ).
This will help pupils when regrouping is required. Get pupils to work on the questions 1 5 4 2
in Worksheet 1A (Workbook 3A P19 – 20) for additional practice before working on + 8 0 3 7
the questions in ‘Practice’ (Textbook 3 P23). Write a few sums on the board and
encourage individual responses before asking them to work on them independently
on their exercise books.
Problem Solving
It is equally important to emphasise multiple strategies of adding using mental arithmetic, number discs and
standard algorithm. Reinforce that the alignment of digits is extremely important when using standard algorithm.
When adding mentally, number bonds can be used (Textbook 3 P29). Distribute number bond templates (Activity
Handbook 3 P6) to the pupils so that they can use them initially and then continue working on the problems
mentally without using them. Use Let’s Learn 9 (Textbook 3 P29) to show that using a number bond, addition can
be made easier by taking 1 from 232 to add to 199 to make 200.
Have pupils work in pairs and get each pair to work on the sums provided in Let’s Learn 12 (Textbook 3 P30).
Encourage the use of number bonds and number lines alternately.
• number bond template (Activity Handbook 3 P6)
• number line template (Activity Handbook 3 P5)
• number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4)
28 | Chapter 2 1
4. Add. You may use to help you.
(a) 6 2 2 7 (b) 2 1 3 1 Let’s Learn 1 involves regrouping ones into tens and
+ 7 1 + 5 4 8
ones. Demonstrate the example using number discs.
6 2 9 8 2 6 7 9
(c) 1 5 4 2 (d) 5 6 9 2
+ 8 0 3 7 + 4 3 0 1
9 5 7 9 9 9 9 3
(a) 8232 + 65 = 8297 (b) 250 + 4644 = 4894
Addition with regrouping
Use to help you.
1. What is the sum of 1234 and 5608?
Step 1 Add the ones. 4 ones + 8 ones = 12 ones
Regroup 12 ones into 1 ten 2 ones.
1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
10 10 1 1
23 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P23
Step 3 Add the hundreds. Go through the answers with the pupils once they have
2 hundreds + 6 hundreds = 8 hundreds
completed the questions.
1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
100 100 10 10
1 2 3 4
1000 1000 100 100 + 5 6 0 8
1000 1000 100 100 8 4 2
2. Add.
You may use to help you.
1 1
(a) 4 8 3 8 (b) 3 2 4
+ 1 2 + 6 2 5 7
4 8 5 0 6 5 8 1
Textbook 3 P24
10 1 1
1 1 1 2 3 4
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
+ 5 6 7 8
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
10 10 1 1
10 10
1 1
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 2 3 4
+ 5 6 7 8
1000 1000 100 100 10 10
1 2
1000 100 100 10 10
100 10
25 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P25
1 1
1000 1000 100 100
1 2 3 4
1000 1000 100 100 + 5 6 7 8
100 100 6 9 1 2
4. Add.
You may use to help you.
(a) 5 10 1 9 9 (b) 1 12 13 7
+ 3 4 8 + 4 5 9 6
5 4 4 7 5 8 3 3
1 1 1 1
(c) 2 1 6 4 (d) 3 0 9 6
+ 3 3 5 8 + 6 0 2 5
5 5 2 2 9 1 2 1
Textbook 3 P26
30 | Chapter 2 1
Demonstrate Let’s Learn 5 using number discs.
Go through the steps with pupils. This example
5. Add 4256 and 1987.
involves regrouping the ones into tens and ones,
Step 1 Add the ones. 6 ones + 7 ones = 13 ones
Regroup 13 ones into 1 ten 3 ones. tens into hundreds and tens and hundreds into
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
thousands and hundreds.
1000 1000 10 10 1 1
10 1 1
4 2 5 6
1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
+ 1 9 8 7
100 100 10 10 1 1
100 100 10 10 1 1
100 100 10 10 1
100 10
1000 1000 10 10 1
10 10
1 1
1000 100 100 10 10 4 2 5 6
+ 1 9 8 7
100 100 10 10
4 3
100 100 10 10
100 100 10 10
100 100
27 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P27
100 100
4 2 5 6
+ 1 9 8 7
1000 1000 100 100
2 4 3
100 100
100 100
1 1 1
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
4 2 5 6
1000 1000 10 10 1 + 1 9 8 7
1000 1000 6 2 4 3
6. Add.
You may use to help you.
1 1 1 1 1 1
(a) 5 8 3 6 (b) 1 5 3 9
+ 7 6 4 + 4 6 9 6
6 6 0 0 6 2 3 5
1 1 1 1 1 1
(c) 3 8 4 5 (d) 2 3 5 7
+ 3 9 8 5 + 1 6 8 4
7 8 3 0 4 0 4 1
Textbook 3 P28
320 + 170 = 490 For Let’s Learn 9, go through the listed methods to
9. Add 199 to 232. add 199 and 232. Elicit more methods from pupils.
Method 1 Possible methods include:
232 + 199
199 + 1 = 200
190 + 230 + 9 + 2 = 420 + 11
231 1
231 + 200 = 431
232 + 8 + 191
Method 2
199 = 200 – 1
232 + 200 = 432
432 – 1 = 431
29 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P29
44 94 100
For example 10, allow pupils to spend some time to
find the sums. Encourage pupils to verbally explain
44 + 56 = 100
how they add.
11. Add 240 to 435.
8 3 2 7 2 5 9 0
(c) 2 11 18 6 (d) 1
3 18 15 9
+ 6 0 4 5 + 1 7 6 5
8 2 3 1 5 6 2 4
Textbook 3 P30
32 | Chapter 2 1
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1B (Workbook 3A
2. Find the sum of each pair of numbers.
(a) 1032 and 48 1080 (b) 3147 and 64 3211 P21 – 24).
(c) 5230 and 88 5318 (d) 1189 and 230 1419
(e) 279 and 8623 8902 (f) 6145 and 989 7134
(g) 2345 and 5876 8221 (h) 4018 and 3234 7252
3. Add mentally.
(a) 40 + 28
40 + 20 = 60
20 8 60 + 8 = 68
40 + 28 = 68
150 + 62 = 212
4. Add mentally.
(a) 60 + 44 104 (b) 215 + 13 228
(c) 327 + 156 483 (d) 189 + 198 387
31 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P31
1. (a) 7 2 0 2
1 (b) 3076 + 993 = 4069
1 1
+ 4 9 3 0 7 6
7 2 5 1 + 9 9 3
4 0 6 9
(b) 5 2 9 7
1 1
+ 7 3
(d) 1
4 4 3 1
(d) 2379 + 5902 = 8281
+ 9 7 8 1 1
2 3 7 9
5 4 0 9 + 5 9 0 2
(e) 1 1
8 2 8 1
5 3 7 7
+ 2 4 3 5
7 8 1 2 3. (a) 6635
(b) 4427
(f) 1
2 3 9 0
1 (c) 8775
+ 3 9 3 6 (d) 6416
(e) 8030
6 3 2 6
(f) 8281
(g) 1
6 1 4 5
1 1
4. (a) 79
+ 1 9 6 5
(b) 60
8 1 1 0 (c) 238
(d) 431
(h) 1
4 5 0 4
(e) 632
+ 3 5 8 6 (f) 1300
8 0 9 0
+ 7 4
2 2 5 0
34 | Chapter 2 1
1. Perform the subtraction algorithm for up to 4-digit
2. Mentally subtract a 2-digit number from another 2-digit
2 Recap the subtraction of 3-digit numbers without and
with regrouping, using number discs if necessary.
We can use to
Subtraction without regrouping
show subtraction.
1. Subtract 124 from 358.
100 100 10 10 1 1
3 5 8
100 10 10 1 1
– 1 2 4
10 1 1
2 3 4
1 1
100 100 10 10 1 1
100 10 10 1 1
10 1 1
4 18
1 1 3 5 8
1 1 – 1 2 9
1 1
2 2 9
1 1
1 1
1 1
Textbook 3 P32
1. 39
Mother’s age
Son’s age 28
28 = 39 – 11
39 – 11 = 28 28 is the difference
between 39 and 11.
The difference between 39 and 11 is 28.
33 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P33
4. Subtract.
You may use to help you.
(a) 5 1 5 9 (b) 3 2 1 5
– 4 3 – 1 0 4
5 1 1 6 3 1 1 1
(c) 9 8 7 6 (d) 6 2 7 4
– 7 5 3 1 – 5 0 3 1
2 3 4 5 1 2 4 3
Textbook 3 P34
36 | Chapter 2 1
(a) 2593 – 31 = 2562 (b) 6677 – 345 = 6332 Work with pupils on the practice questions.
(c) 5975 – 1123 = 4852 (d) 9499 – 4459 = 5040
10 10 1 1 7 11
5 2 8 1
1 1
– 3 1 6 9
1 1
35 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P35
1. (a) 8502
(b) 9523
(c) 5084
(d) 6161
(e) 4865
(f) 4243
2. (a) 3642
(b) 9300
(c) 4302
Subtraction with regrouping
1000 1000 10 10 1 1
1000 10 10 1 1
10 10 1 1 7 11
5 2 8 1
1 1
– 3 1 6 9
1 1
35 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P35
Step 4 Subtract the thousands. Provide number discs for pupils to aid them in finding
5 thousands – 3 thousands = 2 thousands
the answers.
7 11
1000 1000 100 10 1 1
5 2 8 1
1000 1000 – 3 1 6 9
Go through the answers with the pupils once they
2 1 1 2
have completed the questions.
2. Subtract.
You may use to help you.
6 12 7 17
(a) 8 3 7 2 (b) 5 6 8 7
– 4 6 – 2 4 9
8 3 2 6 5 4 3 8
4 14 8 15
(c) 2 8 5 4 (d) 6 2 9 5
– 1 3 0 9 – 4 1 7 8
1 5 4 5 2 1 1 7
Textbook 3 P36
38 | Chapter 2 1
Demonstrate Let’s Learn 3 using number discs.
3. Subtract 2385 from 6531.
Go through the steps with pupils.
Use to find the difference.
1 1
10 10
37 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P37
4. Subtract.
You may use to help you. 16
5 7 17 2 6 15
(a) 5 6 8 7 (b) 8 3 7 5
– 9 8 – 1 9 6
5 5 8 9 8 1 7 9
15 12
7 5 14 6 2 11
(c) 2 8 6 4 (d) 6 7 3 1
– 1 3 6 9 – 3 2 8 4
1 4 9 5 3 4 4 7
Textbook 3 P38
Use to find the difference. The number to be subtracted from in this case involves
zeroes, and pupils tend to make mistakes in regrouping,
so the use of number discs is crucial.
0 ones is less than 4 ones, so there is a
need to regroup.
5 thousands = 4 thousands 10 hundreds
100 100
5 thousands = 4 thousands
9 hundreds 10 tens
100 100 10 10
39 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P39
100 100 10 10 1 1
Demonstrate more examples if necessary, then allow
100 100 10 10 1 1 5 thousands =
4 thousands pupils to spend some time to work on the questions.
9 hundreds 9 tens
Provide number discs for pupils to aid them in finding
100 10 10 1 1
10 ones
the answers.
Subtract the ones. 10 ones – 4 ones = 6 ones
Subtract the tens. 9 tens – 3 tens = 6 tens
Subtract the hundreds. 9 hundreds – 2 hundreds = 7 hundreds Go through the answers with the pupils once they have
Subtract the thousands. 4 thousands – 1 thousand = 3 thousands
completed the questions.
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1
9 9
1000 1000 100 100 10 10 1 1 4 10 10 10
5 0 0 0
1 1
100 100 10 10
– 1 2 3 4
100 100 10 10 1 1
3 7 6 6
100 10 1 1
6. Subtract.
You may use to help you. 10 9
9 9
6 10 10 11 3 11 10 15
(a) 7 0 0 1 (b) 4 1 0 5
– 5 4 2 – 3 2 9 8
6 4 5 9 8 0 7
12 9 9 9
5 13 10 10 3 10 10 10
(c) 6 3 0 0 (d) 4 0 0 0
– 2 4 6 7 – 1 6 8 3
3 8 3 3 2 3 1 7
Textbook 3 P40
40 | Chapter 2 1
For Let’s Learn 7, go through the listed method to
Mental subtraction subtract 44 from 65 mentally. Elicit more methods
7. Subtract 44 from 65 mentally. from pupils. Another possible method is:
65 – 44 60 – 40 = 20
5 – 4 =1 65 – 40 – 4
20 + 1 = 21
60 5 40 4
Method 2
41 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P41
–5 –20 Practice
175 180 200
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
20 + 5 = 25
1. Subtract.
3 15 5 7 12
(a) 6 3 4 5 (b) 4 6 8 2
– 1 8 – 5 9 7
6 3 2 7 4 0 8 5
Textbook 3 P42
2 6 6 5 1 7
3. Subtract mentally.
(a) 195 – 60
90 –60 = 30
100 90 5 100 + 5 + 30 = 135
195 – 60 = 135
4. Subtract mentally.
(a) 86 – 25 61 (b) 592 – 18 574
(c) 250 – 131 119 (d) 373 – 144 229
43 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P43
42 | Chapter 2 1
Answers Worksheet 2B (Workbook 2A P27 – 30)
6 6 5 2
– 2 1 3
6 3 5 8
– 1 7 4 4
4 1 7 8
– 3 6 8 9
3 1 8
Lesson 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Perform the subtraction for up to 4-digit numbers.
• Mentally subtract a 2-digit number from another 2-digit number.
Suggested Duration
10 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed with the subtraction operation. Recapitulate subtraction of 3-digit numbers with or
without regrouping. Point out that in regrouping, if there are not enough ones, we borrow 1 ten to make 10 ones,
and if there are not enough tens, we borrow 1 hundred to make 10 tens.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Although pupils should be able to subtract 4-digit numbers based on their knowledge of subtraction of 3-digit
numbers, pupils tend to get confused when regrouping is involved in the subtraction of 4-digit numbers. Therefore,
the teacher should do the subtraction of 3-digit numbers with regrouping on the board first before proceeding with
subtraction of 4-digit numbers with regrouping.
The difference between two numbers is the answer that we get from subtracting the two numbers. Comparison bar
models help to explain this visually. Pupils should understand that the difference between two numbers refers to
how much more or less one number is compared to the other. Similar to addition, when subtracting using the
standard algorithm, the teacher may encourage labelling the place values on top of the digits to facilitate regrouping.
Number discs help in carrying out subtractions with regrouping. In Let’s Learn 5 (Textbook 3 P39), 5000 has
3 zeroes, so lead pupils to see that to perform the subtraction, we first regroup 1 ten to 10 ones so that there are
enough ones to subtract ‘4’ in 1234. Continue regrouping which gives subtraction of 3 from 9 in the tens place,
2 from 9 in the hundreds place, and 1 from 4 in the thousands place. Emphasise that all the numbers in the first
row of the standard algorithm are big enough to take away the numbers of the second row. For mental subtraction,
encourage pupils to partition numbers into parts using number bonds (e.g. In Let’s Learn 7 (Textbook 3 P41),
it is easy to partition both 65 and 44).
Problem Solving
Discuss the mental strategies while partitioning numbers using number bonds. Encourage individual responses
on their preferred method. There is a standard format to follow when carrying out subtraction using the standard
algorithm method, and all pupils should follow every step meticulously.
Play the age game in class. Ask pupils for one of their parent’s age and find the difference between their parent’s
age and their own age. Mini whiteboards can be given to each pupil so that each of them can do their workings and
then raise the whiteboards in the air. Similar examples (e.g. difference between weights of pupils) can be given and
a pop quiz can be conducted.
• place-value chart (Activity Handbook 3 P1)
• number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4)
• mini wihteboards
• markers
1. Solve 1-step and 2-step word problems involving addition
and subtraction.
solvInG word problems
3 Get pupils to discuss how the problem sum can
be solved.
Go through the problem solving model with pupils.
Textbook 3 P44
Rs 3460 Rs 2530
We add both parts to
find the sum.
The sum of money she earned on Monday and Tuesday was Rs 5990.
45 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P45
Which mountain is
4. K2 is 8611 m tall.
taller? Should we add
It is 237 m shorter than Mount Everest. or subtract?
How tall is Mount Everest?
Mount Everest
237 m
8611 m
Textbook 3 P46
46 | Chapter 2 1
1. Factory A produces 6384 toys.
Factory B produces 5912 toys. Work with pupils on the practice questions.
What is the difference between the number of toys Factory A and
Factory B produce?
6384 – 5912 = 472 For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 3A
2. A shop sold an oven for Rs 3118 and a wall clock for Rs 1999.
and work these out with the pupils.
How much did the two items cost altogether?
Rs 3118 + Rs 1999 = Rs 5117
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 3A • Pages 31 – 34
2750 + 1638 = 4388
(b) 4388
How can you check
your answers?
? 3195
47 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P47
5. 4258
Junhao ?
2750 + 1638 = 4388
(b) 4388
How can you check
your answers?
? 3195
47 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P47
Check your
Rs 4688 using inverse
Textbook 3 P48
48 | Chapter 2 1
Kate had 2000 g of flour at first.
She used 450 g of flour to bake some cookies and 280 g of flour to bake Work with pupils on the practice questions.
some tarts.
(a) How much flour did she use in all? 450 + 280 = 730
(b) How much flour did she have left? 2000 + 780 = 1270 For better understanding, select items from
Worksheet 3B and work these out with the pupils.
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 3B • Pages 35 – 40
49 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P49
Sam Stall A
? Stall B
4. (a) 1285 + 890 = 2175
409 + 555 = 964 Mr Smith spent Rs 2175 altogether.
Raju and Sam have Rs 964 altogether. (b) 4000 – 2175 = 1825
Mr Smith had Rs 1825 left.
2. (a)
5. (a) 3680 + 1135 = 4815
The factory assembled 4815 toys in June.
(b) 4815 – 4650 = 165
127 The factory assembled 165 more toys in June
than in April.
300 – 127 = 173
Ann read 173 pages on Tuesday. 6. (a) 5318 – 1039 = 4279
Weiming used 4279 bricks.
(b) 5318 + 4279 = 9597
(b) 127 They used 9597 bricks in total.
173 – 127 = 46
Ann read 46 more pages on Tuesday than
on Monday.
3. (a) 2200
Stall A
Stall B
50 | Chapter 2 1
Kate had 2000 g of flour at first. This section consists of 2-step word problems.
She used 450 g of flour to bake some cookies and 280 g of flour to bake
some tarts.
(a) How much flour did she use in all? 450 + 280 = 730 For Let’s Learn 1, go through the problem solving
(b) How much flour did she have left? 2000 + 780 = 1270
stages with pupils. Ask them what important information
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 3B • Pages 35 – 40 they can see in the question. Elicit ways they can check
their answers. In addition, teach pupils how to check
LET’S LEARN that their answers are reasonable and logical.
1. The difference between two numbers is 321.
The greater number is 2519.
What is the sum of the two numbers?
49 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P49
3419 2268 ?
Method 1
6000 – 3419 = 2581
There were 2581 books left at the end of the first day.
There were 313 books left at the end of the second day.
There were 313 books left at the end of the second day.
Textbook 3 P50
Textbook 3 P51
Work in groups of 4. Get pupils to bring newspapers, magazines or
1 Cut out advertisements with prices of items. What you need: catalogues to class.
2 Make two word problems with the prices
shown on the advertisements.
Example Assign pupils to work in groups of 4.
Rs 7799
Rs 450
The pupils are required to create word problems based
on advertisements they find in the materials they have
Mr Lim went shopping with Rs 9000.
He bought a laptop for Rs 7799 and a wireless mouse for Rs 450.
brought. After creating the word problems, get the
How much money did he have left? groups to exchange word problems to solve.
3 Get another group to draw a model and solve each problem.
4 Check whether the other group solves your problems correctly.
1. Mrs Lee buys a calculator for Rs 3699 and some notebooks for Rs 260. Work with pupils on the practice questions.
She gives the cashier Rs 5000. 3699 + 260 = 3959
How much change will Mrs Lee receive? 5000 – 3959 = 1041 For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 3C
2. A stamp collector has 821 local stamps and 2505 foreign stamps.
He sells 1033 of the stamps.
and work these out with the pupils.
821 + 2505 = 3326
How many stamps does he have left? 3326 – 1033 = 2293
3. There are 3515 fiction books in a school library.
There are 1150 more fiction books than non-fiction books.
How many fiction and non-fiction books are there in the library
Independent seatwork
altogether? 3515 – 1150 = 2365
3515 + 2365 = 5880
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3C (Workbook 3A
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 3C • Pages 41 – 45 P41 – 45).
1 addition and subtraction within 10 000 52
Textbook 3 P52
52 | Chapter 2 1
Answers Worksheet 3C (Workbook 3A P41 – 45)
1. $378 3. Rs 5500
? $89
378 – 89 = 289 Rs 2611
2. 680 589
4. 2586 – 219 = 2367
2367 people attended the concert on Sunday.
? 2586 + 2367 = 4953
4953 people attended the concert on the two days
680 + 589 = 1269
There are 1269 pupils in the school altogether.
5. 539 – 240 = 299
There is an increase of 299 passengers
at Station Q.
750 1248 – 299 = 949
949 passengers were on the train at Station P.
1269 – 750 = 519
519 pupils do not wear spectacles.
Lesson 3
Specific Learning Focus
• Solve 1-step and 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction.
Suggested Duration
10 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the problem solving model and should know how to use the 4-step approach to solve word
problems. They have to first extract the information and organise the information using bar models. Once this
is done, they are to decide on the mode(s) of operation. After carrying out the operation they should then check
their answer using an alternative strategy.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Since the word problems involve two steps, some pupils might find it challenging. Similarly, comprehending the
word problem and then extracting the information and translating it to a bar model might require a lot of practice
and individual attention from the teacher.
The bar model works on the concept of part-part-whole. Two parts are added to get a whole or a part is subtracted
from a whole to get the other part. Go through the 4-step to problem solving template (Activity Handbook 3 P7).
Discuss and then guide them to fill up the template before they carry out the fourth step of carrying out the operation
independently. Go through the problem-solving stages multiple times before asking them to work independently.
Get pupils to use a highlighter or pen to outline the important information and pause, before they move on to the
second step of drawing the bar model and deciding on the operation.
Problem Solving
This lesson enhances their pictorial thinking skills. Their problem-solving skills are sharpened as a clear format is
provided to solve a word problem. Encourage them to think of the word problem as a story and then solve it as a
Encourage role-play for every sum in ‘Let’s Learn’ and ‘Practice’. Elicit pupils to imagine or enact the story sums
before carrying out the operation. Provide them with real-life objects to be added or subtracted to make the problem
sums even more contextual.
• 4-step approach to problem solving template (Activity Handbook 3 P7)
• real-life objects
• newspapers
• magazines
• catalogues
• scissors
• drawing block
• markers
54 | Chapter 2 1
Mind Workout
Mind Workout
If pupils have difficulties in solving question 1, use a
1. – 200 = 263
What is the value of ? 463 simpler question to help them see that = 200 + 263.
46 Chapter 2 1
Workbook 3A P46
1. Find the missing digits. 9 10 If pupils have difficulties in solving question 1, facilitate
by asking the following questions:
1 1 1 6 10 11 11
(a) 2 8 9 5 (b) 7 0 1 1
+ 6 1 3 5 – 3 9 3 4 • What can be added to 2 hundreds to give 10
9 0 3 0 3 0 7 7
hundreds in (a)?
2. What is the value of in the equation below? 7283 • What can be subtracted from 9 hundreds to give
6054 = – 1229 0 hundreds in (b)?
• How can you check that your answers are correct?
Maths journal
If pupils have difficulties in solving question 2, use a
Two pupils are talking about the sum and difference of two numbers,
3152 and 4369.
simpler question to help them see that = 54 + 29.
The sum is 1217 and the
The sum is 7411 and
the difference is 1217.
difference is 7521.
For example, write 2 = 5 – 3. Replace 5 with
(i.e. 2 = – 3). In order to find the value of ,
Which pupil is correct?
Explain your answer. 2 has to be added to 3.
Raju Nora
53 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P53
Mind Workout
6054 = – 1229
Maths journal
Two pupils are talking about the sum and difference of two numbers,
3152 and 4369.
The sum is 1217 and the
The sum is 7411 and
the difference is 1217.
difference is 7521. Before the pupils do the self check,
review the important concepts once more by
Which pupil is correct? asking for examples learnt for each objective.
Explain your answer.
Raju Nora
53 Chapter 2 1
Textbook 3 P53
56 | Chapter 2 1
Answers Review 2 (Workbook 3A P47 – 52)
1. (a) 37
(b) 280
(c) 181
(d) 578
(e) 85
(f) 536
(g) 146
(h) 574
4562 W 9537 O 999 R 9233 K
+ 453 –1 1 1 2 +8 1 3 9 –1 1 8 3
5015 8 4 25 9 1 38 8 0 50
3. (a) 2834
(b) 6828
(c) 6615
(d) 7215
3 3
How do we find the total number of each set of objects? Related Resources
NSPM Textbook 3 (P54 − 115)
NSPM Workbook 3A (P53 – 124)
multIplIcatIon tables of LESSON
6, 7, 8 and 9
1 Multilink cubes, multiplication cards, counters,
drawing block, marker, division cards, dot
RECAP cards, play money, number discs, toothpicks
Lesson 1 Multiplication Tables of 6, 7, 8
and 9
Lesson 2 Dividing by 6, 7, 8 and 9
2×3=6 3×2=6
Lesson 3 Quotient and Remainder
2 × 3 = 6 is the same as 3 × 2 = 6. Lesson 4 Solving Word Problems
MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 54 Lesson 5 Multiplication Without Regrouping
Lesson 6 Multiplication With Regrouping
In Grade 2, pupils have memorised the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. In this chapter, they commit the
multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9 to memory. They also learn how to divide within the multiplication tables.
Another skill pupils will acquire in this chapter is mental calculation skills involving the multiplication tables.
With the mastery of the multiplication tables, pupils are ready to perform division with remainder. They are also
introduced to the word quotient. In addition, pupils learn how to perform multiplication and division algorithms up
to 3 digits by 1 digit. These skills enable them to solve up to 2-step word problems involving the 4 operations.
58 | Chapter 3 1
1 TABLES OF 6, 7, 8
1. Memorise the multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Multiplication RECAP
and Division
3 Recap the commutative property of multiplication using
the pictures of the flasks.
2×3=6 3×2=6
2 × 3 = 6 is the same as 3 × 2 = 6.
Textbook 3 P54
We can say the product of 2 and 4 is 8. In Let’s Learn 1, highlight that 4 + 4 can also be written
There are 8 test tubes altogether.
as 2 × 4, and that 2 × 4 is the same as 4 × 2.
2. Find the product of each of the following.
(a) 2 and 5 (b) 3 and 7 Introduce the word product. To find the product means
(c) 4 and 8 (d) 5 and 4
to multiply or times.
3. Multiply.
In Let’s Learn 2, allow pupils to work on the product
of each pair of numbers given.
Try to multiply other
numbers by 0. In Let’s Learn 3, ask pupils what they notice when a
What do you notice
2×0= about each product? number is multiplied by 0. Lead them to conclude that
0 times any number yields 0.
55 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P55
Work in groups of 4.
1 Make three multiplication stories.
What you need:
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4 to create
32 20
Draw to show your stories. multiplication stories. Distribute counters to let pupils
demonstrate how the items can be arranged in arrays.
There are 2 trays.
Each tray has 6 cookies. 4
2 × 6 = 12
There are 12 cookies in all.
2 Use to show how you multiply.
1. 1 tank has 6 frogs. In Let’s Learn 1, remind pupils that 1 group of 6 can be
1 group of 6 written as 1 × 6, 2 groups of 6 can be written as 2 × 6
and so on. The total number of frogs can be obtained
by 2 × 6.
2 groups of 6
2 × 6 = 12
Textbook 3 P56
60 | Chapter 3 1
Go through the multiplication tables of 6 using multilink
2. Make groups of 6 cubes (or other concrete objects) and use terms such as
using .
1 group of 6, 2 groups of 6, etc. to describe the multiplication
tables of 6. In addition, get pupils to observe that each
1×6=6 successive multiple is 6 more than the previous multiple.
Ask pupils to predict what 11 × 6 will be.
2 × 6 = 12
3 × 6 = 18
4 × 6 = 24
5 × 6 = 30
6 × 6 = 36
7 × 6 = 42
8 × 6 = 48
9 × 6 = 54
10 × 6 = 60
57 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P57
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Possible patterns that can be observed are:
• Each multiple is 6 more than the previous one.
4. 7×6=?
• The digits in the ones place is repeated after
every 5 multiples.
10 × 6 = 60
8 × 6 = 60 – 12
= 48
Textbook 3 P58
6 × 8 = 48
3 × 6 = 18 8 × 6 = 48
4 × 6 = 24 9 × 6 = 54
5 × 6 = 30 10 × 6 = 60
59 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P59
62 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3A P53 – 56)
6 ×6
7 ×6
8 ×6
9 ×6
2. (a) 2 × 6 = 12
There are 12 rabbits in total.
(b) 5 × 6 = 30
There are 30 eggs altogether.
(c) 6 × 6 = 36
There are 36 pencils in total.
(d) 7 × 6 = 42
There are 42 cookies altogether.
(e) 8 × 6 = 48
There are 48 legs in total.
(f) 9 × 6 = 54
9 boxes of crayons cost $ 54 .
3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
4. (a) 2 × 6 = 12
6× 2 = 12
(b) 8 × 6 = 48
6× 8 = 48
How many worms are there altogether?
2 groups of 7
2 × 7 = 14
3 groups of 7
3 × 7 = 21
Textbook 3 P60
3 × 7 = 21
4 × 7 = 28
5 × 7 = 35
6 × 7 = 42
7 × 7 = 49
8 × 7 = 56
9 × 7 = 63
10 × 7 = 70
61 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P61
64 | Chapter 3 1
Guide pupils to count in sevens for Let’s Learn 3 and
3. Count in sevens.
ask them to describe the pattern that they see in the
multiples of 7. An observable pattern is that each
multiple is 7 more than the previous one.
5. 7×7=?
7 × 7 = 35 + 14
= 49
5 × 7 = 35 2 × 7 = 14
Textbook 3 P62
7 × 9 = 63 Independent seatwork
9 such peapods have 63 peas altogether. Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1B (Workbook 3A
2. Complete the multiplication table.
P57 – 60).
1×7= 7 6 × 7 = 42
2 × 7 = 14 7 × 7 = 49
3 × 7 = 21 8 × 7 = 56
4 × 7 = 28 9 × 7 = 63
5 × 7 = 35 10 × 7 = 70
63 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P63
1. 4. (a) 8 × 7 = 56
7× 8 = 56
9 ×7 (b) 3 × 7 = 21
7× 3 = 21
6 ×7
8 ×7
7 ×7
2. (a) 2 × 7 = 14
There are 14 dumplings in total.
(b) 3 × 7 = 21
There are 21 doughnuts in total.
(c) 4 × 7 = 28
There are 28 buttons altogether.
(d) 5 × 7 = 35
There are 35 ducks in total.
(e) 6 × 7 = 42
There are 42 balloons in total.
(f) 7 × 7 = 49
There are 49 candles in total.
3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
The 2nd, 4th and 6th rows each have one shaded box
while the 3rd, 5th and 7th rows each have two shaded
66 | Chapter 3 1
How many legs do the spiders have in all?
In Let’s Learn 1, remind pupils that 1 group of 8 can be
written as 1 × 8, 2 groups of 8 can be written as 2 × 8
1. Each spider has 8 legs.
and so on. The total number of legs can be obtained by
3 × 8.
1 group of 8
2 groups of 8
2 × 8 = 16
3 groups of 8
3 × 8 = 24
Textbook 3 P64
3 × 8 = 24
4 × 8 = 32
5 × 8 = 40
6 × 8 = 48
7 × 8 = 56
8 × 8 = 64
9 × 8 = 72
10 × 8 = 80
65 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P65
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
Possible patterns that can be observed are:
• Each multiple is 8 more than the previous one.
4. 6×8=?
• The digit in the ones place are 8, 6, 4, 2 and 0,
and this repeats for every 5 multiples.
5 × 8 = 40
6 × 8 is 8 more than 40.
In Let’s Learn 4, guide pupils to reason that 6 × 8 is
8 more than 5 sets of 8, so they can add to 40 to obtain
the answer to 6 × 8. There is no need to start counting
6 × 8 = 40 + 8
= 48
from 1 × 8 to obtain 6 × 8. Start off by asking pupils
‘Since 5 × 8 = 40, what is 6 × 8?’.
5 × 8 = 40 1×8=8
5. 9×8=?
In Let’s Learn 5, guide pupils to reason that 9 × 8 is
1×8= 8
8 less than 10 sets of 8, so they can subtract 8 from 80
to obtain the answer. There is no need to start counting
from 1 × 8 to obtain 9 × 8. Start off by asking pupils
9 × 8 = 80 – 8 ‘Since 10 × 8 = 80, what is 9 × 8?’.
= 72
10 × 8 = 80
Textbook 3 P66
1. An octopus has 8 tentacles.
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
8 × 5 = 40 Independent seatwork
There are 40 tentacles altogether on 5 octopuses. Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1C (Workbook 3A
2. Complete the multiplication table.
P61 – 64).
1×8= 8 6 × 8 = 48
2 × 8 = 16 7 × 8 = 56
3 × 8 = 24 8 × 8 = 64
4 × 8 = 32 9 × 8 = 72
5 × 8 = 40 10 × 8 = 80
67 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P67
68 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Worksheet 1C (Workbook 3A P61 – 64)
1. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
72 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
7 ×8
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
56 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
6 ×8
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
9 ×8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
48 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
8 ×8 Which numbers are coloured in both charts?
8, 16, 24, 32, 40
What can you say about these numbers?
2. (a) 2 × 8 = 16 They are multiples of 4 as well as multiples of 8.
There are 16 pencils in total.
(b) 4 × 8 = 32 4. 9 × 8 = 72
There are 32 pieces of clothing in total. 8 × 9 = 72
(c) 5 × 8 = 40
There are 40 marbles in total.
(d) 6 × 8 = 48
There are 48 eggs in total.
(e) 7 × 8 = 56
The books cost $ 56 altogether.
2 groups of 9
2 × 9 = 18
3 groups of 9
3 × 9 = 27
Textbook 3 P68
3 × 9 = 27
4 × 9 = 36
5 × 9 = 45
6 × 9 = 54
7 × 9 = 63
8 × 9 = 72
9 × 9 = 81
10 × 9 = 90
69 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P69
70 | Chapter 3 1
Guide pupils to count in nines for Let’s Learn 3 and
3. Count in nines. ask them to describe the pattern that they see in the
multiples of 9.
2 3
4 7
8 9
In Let’s Learn 4, demonstrate to pupils how they can
5 6
use their fingers to help them remember the
multiplication tables of 9. Allow pupils to try reciting
the tables of 9 by using their fingers.
1 8
2 × 9 = 18
2 7
3 × 9 = 27
Textbook 3 P70
5 × 9 = 45 18
4 Repeat 2 and 3 .
5 The first player to get a line of 3 spaces wins!
71 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P71
1. Each box contains 9 caterpillars. Practice
1×9= 9 6 × 9 = 54
Independent seatwork
2 × 9 = 18 7 × 9 = 63 Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1D (Workbook 3A
3 × 9 = 27 8 × 9 = 72 P65 – 68).
4 × 9 = 36 9 × 9 = 81
5 × 9 = 45 10 × 9 = 90
Textbook 3 P72
72 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Worksheet 3A (Workbook 3A P65 − 68)
1. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8 ×9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
6 ×9 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
4. 7 × 9 = 63
2. (a) 3 × 9 = 27 9 × 7 = 63
There are 27 strawberries in total.
(b) 5 × 9 = 45
There are 45 candles in total.
(c) 6 × 9 = 54
There are 54 chocolates in total.
(d) 7 × 9 = 63
There are 63 lollipops altogether.
(e) 9 × 9 = 81
There are 81 crayons in all.
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Memorise the multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Suggested Duration
8 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the concept of multiplication as repeated addition of the same number. So three groups of
4 is either 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 or 3 × 4 = 12. Pupils have also memorised the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables
in Grade 2. In Grade 3, they will be asked to memorise the 6, 7, 8 and 9 multiplication tables.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Since it is easier to skip count in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s, committing these multiplication tables to memory
should have been relatively easy. However, skip counting in 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s gets difficult. Therefore, more
effort is likely to be required to memorise these multiplication tables.
The term ‘product’ is introduced as the answer to the multiplication of numbers (in this case, 2 numbers).
The commutative property of multiplication is also revisited (e.g. 2 × 4 = 4 × 2 = 8 (Textbook 3 P55)). In ‘In Focus’
(Textbook 3 P56), it is emphasised that if the set of numbers is recurrent or repeated, then the sum can be
solved by multiplication. Hence 2 groups of 6 frogs give a total of 2 × 6 = 12 frogs (6 + 6 = 12). Similarly, real-life
examples are used to show groups of 7 (bags of 7 worms) and groups of 8 (an octopus has 8 legs) to introduce the
multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9. Concrete materials like dot cards (Activity Handbook 3 P9) or multilink cubes
are used to introduce the multiplication tables. The pupils are then asked to memorise the multiplication tables. The
memorisation can be made easier by having oral class quizzes where the teacher can track the number of correct
answers each group has in 1 minute. The multiplication table cards can also be used.
Problem Solving
Skip counting in 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s enables us to understand that in a multiplication table of 6, 7, 8 or 9, each
product is 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 more than the preceding value (Textbook 3 P58). Similarly, lead pupils to see that the
product can be found by addition (e.g. in Let’s Learn 4 (Textbook 3 P58), 7 × 6 can be found by adding 5 × 6 =
30 and 2 × 6 = 12). The product can also be found by subtraction (e.g. in Let’s Learn 5 (Textbook 3 P58), 8 × 6
can be found by subtracting 2 × 6 = 12 from 10 × 6 = 60).
Cookies or other real-life objects can be used to make sets to explain the products. ‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3
P71) can be played in pairs. Encourage peer checking and prompting. You will need multiplication cards (Activity
Handbook 3 P10 – 13 ) and a number chart from 6 to 90 (Activity Handbook 3 P14) as multiplication tables of 6
to 9 will be used.
• multilink cubes
• dot cards (Activity Handbook 3 P9)
• real-life objects
• multiplication cards (Activity Handbook 3 P10 – 13)
• number chart from 6 to 90 (Activity Handbook 3 P14)
• counters
74 | Chapter 3 1
2 AND 9
1. Divide within the multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
dIvIdIng BY 6, 7, 8 and 9
2 Recap that division can mean sharing or grouping.
18 ÷ 6 = 3 18 ÷ 3 = 6
3 × 6 = 18 18 ÷ 6 = 3
6 × 3 = 18 18 ÷ 3 = 6
73 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P73
A roller coaster with 6 identical carriages can seat 24 people. LET’S LEARN
How many people can each carriage seat?
Teacher can use magnetic buttons to represent the
people. Move the buttons to show the distribution of
1. people.
Textbook 3 P74
There are 3 sweets in each bag. In Let’s Learn 4, ask pupils which number times
9 gives 36. Lead pupils to see that since 4 × 9 = 36,
3. Weiming divides 32 stickers into rows of 8.
36 divided by 9 would yield 4. Allow pupils to use
4 × 8 = 32
counters if necessary.
32 ÷ 8 = 4
What is the
quotient when 32 is
divided by 8?
32 ÷ 8 = 4
4 × 9 = 36
36 ÷ 9 = 4
36 ÷ 9 = 4
75 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P75
76 | Chapter 3 1
Work in pairs. Assign pupils to work in pairs.
Part A: What you need:
Part B:
Textbook 3 P76
Demonstrate to the class using one or two examples.
Go to http://www.shinglee.com.sg/StudentResources/NSPM3.
This activity can be assigned as homework.
2 Click on ‘Division Facts’.
77 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P77
1. 30 ÷ 6 = 5
There are 5 basketballs in each basket.
2. 42 ÷ 7 = 6
There are 6 flowers in each bouquet.
3. 64 ÷ 8 = 8
There are 8 octagons in total.
4. 54 ÷ 9 = 6
There are 6 passengers in each boat.
56 ÷8 5
63 ÷7 6
45 ÷9 7
36 ÷6 4
32 ÷8 9
6. (a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 6
(e) 8
(f) 8
(g) 9
(h) 3
(i) 8
(j) 9
78 | Chapter 3 1
Chapter 3
Lesson 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Divide within the multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the operation of division. If multiplication is the repeated addition of numbers, then division
is sharing the number equally. Division and multiplication are inverse operations of each other. This fact can be
revised by showing mathematical facts.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Pupils might relate division to subtraction. Division is equal sharing of a number of objects. Hence, if dividing
24 sweets among pupils gives each pupil 4 sweets, there are 6 pupils altogether (24 ÷ 4 = 6). If 24 sweets are
divided among 4 pupils, each pupil gets 6 sweets (24 ÷ 4 = 6).
Use counters or magnetic buttons when introducing division facts of 6, 7, 8 and 9. Show the equal distribution
using pupils and real-life objects. Revise the multiplication tables before introducing division facts of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Introduce the term ‘quotient’ as the answer derived when a number is divided by another number.
Problem Solving
The inverse relationship between multiplication and division should be emphasised by doing repeated divisions
on the board. Go to the website (Textbook 3 P77) and click on ‘Division facts’ for more practice.
In ‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P76), division stories can be drawn on the board and the division facts can then be
written by pupils on blank cards handed to them (Activity Handbook 3 P20).
• counters
• division cards (Activity Handbook 3 P15 – 18)
• drawing block
• markers
1. Division with remainder.
quotIent and remaInder ^
3 Get pupils to count the number of balloons there are.
Ask pupils how they think the problem can be solved.
Use magnetic buttons to represent the balloons and
Kate divided the balloons equally between her 2 friends. show the division to the class on the whiteboard.
How many balloons did each friend receive?
Move the buttons to represent the distribution of the
LET’S LEARN balloons. When 1 button is left over, ask pupils if the
1. There were 11 balloons in all. balloon can be distributed equally between the 2 friends.
Divide the balloons into 2 equal groups.
Highlight that the remaining balloon cannot be further
distributed and that this is called the remainder.
We can write it as: Show how the division algorithm is written and
11 ÷ 2 = 5 R 1 explain what each number means. Review the
R 1 means a remainder of 1.
This can also be written as:
meaning of quotient and ask pupils what the quotient
for this division is.
2 1 1
1 0 2 × 5 = 10
1 11 – 10 = 1
Textbook 3 P78
80 | Chapter 3 1
In Let’s Learn 2, use magnetic buttons to represent
2. 13 custard tarts were put equally on 4 plates.
the tarts.
Show pupils that each plate has 3 tarts and where the
number 3 should be written in the division algorithm.
13 ÷ 4 = 3 R 1
4 1 3
There were 3 custard tarts on each plate. 1 2 Show pupils that 3 × 4 = 12 and that 12 tarts have been
1 custard tart was left. 1 placed on plates. Show pupils where 12 should be
written in the division algorithm.
3. Meiling has 23 cookies.
She places 7 cookies onto each tray.
Show pupils that 1 tart was left over and where 1 should
Divide using .
Explain your answer.
be written in the division algorithm.
79 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P79
Practice Practice
1. Find the quotient and remainder.
(a) 66 ÷ 7 = 9R3 (b) 58 ÷ 9 = 6R4 Work with pupils on the practice questions.
2. Nora puts 39 apples equally into 4 baskets.
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 3
and work these out with the pupils.
39 ÷ 4 = 9 R 3
67 ÷ 8 = 8 R 3
46 ÷ 6 = 7 R 4
Textbook 3 P80
1. (a)
8 ÷ 3 = 2 R 2
16 ÷ 5 = 3 R 1
19 ÷ 8 = 2 R 3
2. (a) 49 ÷ 6 = 8 R 1
Quotient = 8
Remainder = 1
(b) 39 ÷ 4 = 9 R 3
Quotient = 9
Remainder = 3
(c) 56 ÷ 7 = 8
3. 46 ÷ 7 = 6R4
Each child received 6 pies.
4 pies were left over.
4. 45 ÷ 6 = 7R3
Siti sticks 7 stickers on each card.
3 stickers are left over.
5. 66 ÷ 8 = 8R2
The smallest number of trays the farmer needs is 9 .
82 | Chapter 3 1
Chapter 3
Lesson 3
Specific Learning Focus
• Division with remainder.
Suggested Duration
3 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt that a number is divided or shared equally in groups. However, this chapter takes this concept
further to remainders, which is the remaining number of objects left over after distributing the objects equally.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
The division operation is formally introduced in this lesson. Pupils have learnt the standard algorithm method of
addition and subtraction. Emphasise to pupils that in the division algorithm, the alignment of the divisor, dividend,
quotient and remainder is very important in order to get the correct answer.
Try to bring in at least one real-life object in class used in ‘In Focus’ and ‘Let’s Learn’ (Textbook 3 P78 – 79).
Explain to pupils that in a division algorithm, the number to be divided equally (dividend) is placed inside and
the number (divisor) that the dividend is to be divided by, is placed outside. Since 11 balloons cannot be equally
distributed amongst 2 pupils, there will be 1 left which is called a remainder. Emphasise that not all numbers are
divisible by a particular divisor. For example, when even numbers are divided by 2, there will be no remainder,
while dividing odd numbers by 2 will give a remainder. Another fact to be pointed out is that when multiples of the
multiplication table of x are divided by x, there will not be a remainder (e.g. 48 is a multiple of 6 and when 48 is
divided by 6, there will not be a remainder. On the other hand, 52, which is not a multiple of 6, when divided by 6,
there will be a remainder of 4 since the closest multiple of 6 before 52 is 48).
Problem Solving
Emphasise that when multiples in a multiplication table of x is divided by x, there will not be a remainder.
There will be a remainder when a number (dividend) cannot be grouped into equal sets. The alignment of
the quotient is also very important as it should be written directly above the digit it is dividing.
Go through ‘Let’s Learn’ and ‘Practice’ (Textbook 3 P78 – 80) by bringing balloons, tarts and apples to the
classroom, and divide the items among pupils. Trays and baskets can be used to represent groups to show
the remainder concept clearly.
• real-life objects
• magnetic buttons
• Set of Even Numbers and Set of Odd Numbers (Activity Handbook 3 P21)
1. Solve word problems involving the multiplication tables
of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Word Problems^ 4 Ask pupils how the problem can be solved. Pupils
should be relatively familiar with such problems at
this stage.
Use multilink cubes to represent the buns. Show how
the model can be drawn to represent the information.
Mrs Lim bought 6 boxes of buns.
Each box contained 3 buns.
How many buns did Mrs Lim buy in all?
Number of buns 3
in each box
? Total number of
buns in 6 boxes
6 × 3 = 18
Mrs Lim bought 18 buns in all.
81 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P81
84 | Chapter 3 1
For Let’s Learn 2, go through the problem solving
2. Mrs Tan gave away 18 chocolates to some children.
model. Guide pupils to see that 18 represents the total
Each child received 3 chocolates. number of chocolates and 3 represents the number of
How many children received the chocolates?
chocolates each child has. Therefore to find the number
of children, 18 is divided by 3. Show pupils how the
broken model is drawn. Finally, show pupils how to
check their answers by using multiplication.
18 ÷ 3 = 6
Jeans $10
10 × 5 = 50
Textbook 3 P82
Large packet
Small packet
83 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P83
1. 6 × 4 = 24
Nora has 24 marbies.
2. 9 × 2 = 18
Bina has to pay $18 for the pens.
3. 20 ÷ 6 = 3 R 2
(a) There are 3 sweets in each box.
(b) 2 sweets are left over.
4. 30 ÷ 4 = 7 R 2
The greatest number of packets of cookies
Mrs Lim can buy is 7.
86 | Chapter 3 1
Chapter 3
Lesson 4
Specific Learning Focus
• Solve word problems involving the multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt division and the usage of division algorithm to divide. They have also learnt to predict if there
will be a remainder in a division.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
This lesson is a continuation of Lesson 3. Pupils will be able to relate to the word problems as they involve
real-life scenarios and they can role-play such that the word problems become less challenging.
Emphasise the use of the problem-solving model. Use the 4-step approach to problem solving template
(Activity Handbook 3 P7). While organising the information in the word problem, identify the dividend. Once the
division is carried out after drawing the bar models, ask them to check their answers by performing the inverse
operation, in this case, multiplication. In Let’s Learn 4 (Textbook 3 P83), the dividend and divisor are not given,
so pupils are required to make use of the information ‘16 sweets’ and ‘twice as many’ to draw the bar models.
From the bar models, we can tell that 16 divided by 2 gives us the number of sweets in the small packet.
Problem Solving
Assign pupils to work on the questions in Workbook 3A (P77 – 78) to understand, organise and draw the word
problem. Once this is done, they can then decide the mode of operation (× or ÷). Emphasise the format of
division algorithm, where the alignment of the digits is crucial.
All questions can be carried out using magnetic buttons, multilink cubes and real-life objects. In the formative
stage of understanding the word problems of multiplication and division, get pupils to work in pairs and then
take turns in drawing the bar models on the worksheet. Encourage discussions while deciding on the mode
of operation.
• magnetic buttons
• multilink cubes
• 4-step approach to problem solving template (Activity Handbook 3 P7)
• markers
1. Multiply a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number
without regrouping.
multIplIcatIon wIthout
regroupIng 5 Ask pupils how they think the problem can be solved.
Relate 200 × 4 to 2 hundreds × 4. Show pupils how
200 puffs 200 puffs 200 puffs 200 puffs the multiplication algorithm is presented.
1. 1 1 1 1
Multiply 2 ones by 4.
2×4=8 2
1 1 1 1
× 4
10 10 10 10
Multiply 2 tens by 4.
20 × 4 = 80 2 0
10 10 10 10
× 4
8 0
Textbook 3 P84
88 | Chapter 3 1
Show the multiplication in Let’s Learn 2 and 3 with
2. Find the product of 12 and 4.
number discs.
Step 1 Multiply the ones by 4.
10 1 1
Relate the multiplication algorithm to the grouping of
10 1 1
1 2 2 ones × 4
= 8 ones
the discs. Verbalise the steps to the pupils.
10 1 1
× 4
10 1 1
1 2
× 4 1 ten × 4
= 4 tens
4 8
12 × 4 = 48
3. Multiply 43 by 2.
10 10 10 10 1 1 1
Step 1 Multiply the ones by 2.
10 10 10 10 1 1 1 4 3
× 2
4 3
× 2
8 6
43 × 2 = 86
85 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P85
304 × 2 = 608
What is 0 tens × 2?
1. Multiply.
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 5
3 4
3 1
and work these out with the pupils.
6 8 9 3
(c) 1 4 3 (d) 2 1 2
Independent seatwork
× 2 × 3
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 5 (Workbook 3A
2 8 6 6 3 6
P79 – 80).
2. Find the product of each of the following pairs of numbers.
(a) 2 and 41 82 (b) 4 and 12 48
(c) 302 and 3 906 (d) 112 and 4 448
Textbook 3 P86
1. (a) 84
(b) 96
(c) 602
(d) 848
211 ×2 633
103 ×3 848
211 ×3 408
243 ×2 422
212 ×4 309
102 ×4 486
90 | Chapter 3 1
1. Multiply a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number
with regrouping.
multIplIcatIon wIth regroupIng
6 Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
Use to help
you multiply.
Use number discs to represent 4 sets of 2 tens and
One tank has 23 fish.
How many fish are there in 4 such tanks? 3 ones.
Multiply the ones by 4 and show the regrouping using
1. There are 4 sets of 23 fish.
We multiply 23 by 4.
the number discs. Show how this is represented in the
Step 1 Multiply the ones by 3.
multiplication algorithm.
10 10 1 1 1
2 3
Next multiply the tens by 4 and add the regrouped ten
10 10 1 1 1
× 4 3 ones × 4 = 12 ones
10 10 1 1 1 12 ones = 1 ten 2 ones
10 10 1 1 1
using the number discs. Show how this is represented
in the multiplication algorithm.
Step 2 Multiply the tens by 3.
10 10 1
10 10 1
2 3
× 4 2 tens × 4 = 8 tens
10 10 8 tens + 1 ten = 9 tens
9 2
10 10
23 × 4 = 92
There are 92 fish in 4 such tanks.
87 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P87
10 10 10 1 1 1 1 8 ones × 3 = 24 ones
24 ones = 2 tens 4 ones
Multiply the tens by 3 and add the regrouped tens using
100 100
10 10 10 1 1 1 1
10 10 10 ×
2 6 8
Multiply the hundreds by 3 and add the regrouped
100 100
10 10 10 0 4 hundreds using the number discs. Show how this is
10 10 10
represented in the multiplication algorithm.
6 tens × 3 = 18 tens
100 100 10 10 10
18 tens + 2 tens = 20 tens
20 tens = 2 hundreds
10 10
100 100
100 100
2 6 8
× 3
100 100
8 0 4
Textbook 3 P88
100 100 1 1 1
(c) 2
1 3 (d)
8 4
Work with pupils on the practice questions. Verbalise
× 6 × 3 the steps while going through the questions with the
1 2 7 8 2 3 5 2 pupils (e.g. multiply the ones by 5, then multiply the tens
by 5, etc.).
2. Find the product of each pair of numbers.
(a) 24 and 8 192 (b) 36 and 3 108 For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 6
(c) 304 and 5 1520 (d) 198 and 7 1386 and work these out with the pupils.
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 6 • Pages 81 – 82
92 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Worksheet 6 (Workbook 3A P81 – 82)
2 3
3 4 8 9
× 5 × 4
1 7 0 3 5 6
2 4
7 1 6 2 7 1
× 4 × 6
2 8 6 4 1 6 2 6
2864 1626 170 356
After school, I take the bus home .
2. 5 11 2
× 7
2 0 5
× 4
6 3 2
× 4
13 2 1
× 9
Lessons 5 & 6
Specific Learning Focus
• Multiply a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number without regrouping.
• Multiply a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number with regrouping.
Suggested Duration
Lesson 5: 2 periods
Lesson 6: 3 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed with multiplication. In lessons 5 and 6, multiplying using the multiplication
algorithm with and without regrouping is introduced.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Pupils are now dealing with a formatted method of multiplication and have to follow rules and sequences.
They will need to remember the steps for each operation. Doing several practice questions on the board will
help them to be well-versed with the steps of the multiplication algorithm.
Work on each question using number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4) and then do the division algorithm on the
whiteboard. Verbalise the steps by pointing out the placing of the product under the multiplicand and multiplier.
Regrouping is not involved in Lesson 5. Once pupils are comfortable with working on the questions in Lesson 5,
move on to Lesson 6. Point out that digits are multiplied from right to left or starting from ones to tens and then
to hundreds. Emphasise that in multiplications where the multiplicand is a 2-digit number, when regrouping is
involved, 10 ones are regrouped to 1 ten. Partition the 2-digit number into ones and tens, and ask them to write
the ones and carry over the tens. Multiply the digits first and then add the regrouped ten to the product
(Textbook 3 P87 −88).
Problem Solving
In Let’s Learn 3 and question 2(c) (Textbook 3 P89), the multiplicand has a ‘0’, emphasise that when a number
is multiplied by 0, we get 0, but if regrouping is involved, the regrouped tens or hundreds will be added to the
0. Similarly, while explaining regrouping, emphasise that the regrouped number, when carried over to the tens
place, belongs to the tens place (i.e. the digit of the product will be in the tens place) (e.g. In 268 × 3, see that
3 × 6 gives 18 and then add the 2 that was carried over to give 20).
Get pupils to work in pairs and distribute number discs to each pair. Ask them to arrange the discs according to
the multiplications written on the board. Get them to carry out multiplication with number discs first and then use
multiplication algorithm and write it on the chart paper, to be pinned onto the soft board in the classroom later.
• chart paper
• markers
• number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4)
94 | Chapter 3 1
1. Multiply three 1-digit numbers.
7 Get pupils to discuss whether the multiplications
are equal.
Use dot cards to show groups of 5. Multiply 3 and 4 first.
Then, multiply the third number.
Is this true?
3×4 3×4×5
3 × 4 × 5 = 12 × 5 = 60
2. 4×5×3
4×5 4×5×3
4 × 5 × 3 = 20 × 3 = 60
Textbook 3 P90
4. 2×5×8
Method 1 Practice
2 × 5 × 8 = 10 × 8
= 80
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
Method 2
2 × 5 × 8 = 2 × 40 For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 7
= 80 and work these out with the pupils.
1. 2 × 5 × 7 = 70
(a) 2 × 5 × 7 = 10 × 7 (b) 2 × 5 × 7 = 2 × 35
= 70 = 70 Independent seatwork
2. Multiply. Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 7 (Workbook 3A
(a) 3×3×4 36 P83).
(b) 1×2×9 18
(c) 2×4×6 48
91 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P91
1. (a) 18, 8
(b) 3, 18
(c) 49, 56
(d) 48, 48
2. (a) 100
(b) 126
(c) 36
(d) 168
96 | Chapter 3 1
Chapter 3
Lesson 7
Specific Learning Focus
• Multiply three 1-digit numbers.
Suggested Duration
3 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt to multiply two numbers, where the number has 2 digits or 3 digits. In this lesson, three 1-digit
numbers are multiplied.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Pupils should not find this lesson challenging. Emphasise to pupils that to multiply three numbers, they should
multiply in two steps. They should multiply two of the three numbers first and then multiply this product by the
third number.
Emphasise that the order of multiplying does not matter as the final product will be the same regardless of the
order. Carry out the questions in ‘Practice’ (Textbook 3 P91) on the board using different order of multiplying to
show that the final product is the same (e.g. 2 × 4 × 6 = 8 × 6 = 48 or 2 × 4 × 6 = 2 × 24 = 48).
Problem Solving
Reinforce to pupils the commutative property of multiplication (e.g. 3 × 4 = 4 × 3). Similarly, when multiplying
three numbers, the order of multiplication does not matter.
Have pupils work in pairs and ask them to work independently on the questions in Workbook 3A P83. In each
pair, have the pupils multiply in different orders and then share their answers with each other to compare.
• dot cards (Activity Handbook 3 P9)
• number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4)
• mini whiteboards
• markers
1. Divide a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number
without regrouping.
8 Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
Demonstrate the division to the pupils using number
discs. Remind pupils how the division should be
Mr Lim gives 600 stickers equally to 2 pupils.
How many stickers does each pupil receive? represented in the algorithm.
1. 1 1 1
Divide 6 ones by 2.
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 6
6÷2=3 6
10 10 10
Divide 6 tens by 2.
10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
3 0
2 6 0
60 ÷ 2 = 30 6 0
Textbook 3 P92
98 | Chapter 3 1
For Let’s Learn 2, represent 6 tens 8 ones using number
2. Divide 68 by 2. discs.
Step 1 Divide the tens by 2.
1 1 1 1 10 10 10 6
1 1 1 1
10 10 10 1 1 1 1
68 ÷ 2 = 34
0 Show 3 tens divided into 3 equal groups using number
discs. Represent the division in the division algorithm.
3. Divide 37 by 3.
Step 1 Divide the tens by 3.
10 10 10
1 1 1 1
10 1
3 tens ÷ 3 = 1 ten
1 1 1 10 3 3 7
0 7
93 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P93
1 1 1
10 1 1 1 2 Show pupils that 7 ones cannot be divided into 3 equal
7 ones ÷ 3 = 2 ones
10 1 1 3 3
with remainder 1
groups and 1 one is left over. The number that is left
over is the remainder.
0 6 For Let’s Learn 4, represent 4 hundreds and 8 ones
1 using number discs. Show 4 hundreds divided into
37 ÷ 3 = 12 R 1
4 equal groups using number discs. Represent the
division in the division algorithm. Show that since there
4. What is 408 ÷ 4? are no tens to be divided, each group gets 0 tens. Show
100 1 1
1 0 2 pupils that this is represented by writing a 0 in the tens
4 4 0 8
place in the algorithm. Show 8 ones divided into 4 equal
100 100 100 100 100 1 1
5. Divide.
For Let’s Learn 5, distribute number discs to pupils and
(a) 48 ÷ 4 12 (b) 68 ÷ 6 11 R 2
(c) 396 ÷ 3 132 (d) 625 ÷ 2
You may use let them work on the four questions.
312 R 1 to help you divide.
Textbook 3 P94
8 6
1 R2
and work these out with the pupils.
Independent seatwork
2. Divide.
(a) 84 ÷ 4 21 (b) 79 ÷ 7 11 R 2
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 8 (Workbook 3A
(c) 963 ÷ 3 321 (d) 637 ÷ 3 212 R 1 P84 − 87).
95 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P95
100 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Worksheet 8 (Workbook 3A P84 – 87)
1. (a) 33
(b) 10 R 4
(c) 121 R 2
(d) 111
(e) 110 R 2
(f) 211 R 1
393 ÷3
96 ÷3
888 ÷4
44 ÷ 2
84 ÷2
840 ÷4
3. A
1 2
1 2 1
1 3 3
1 1 2
0 1
Across Down
A. 12 A. 11
B. 121 B. 13
C. 133 C. 110
D. 12 E. 21
1. Divide a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number
with regrouping.
dIvIdIng wIth regroupING ^
9 Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
A shopkeeper has 52 ice creams.
She packs them equally into 4 boxes.
How many ice creams are there in each box?
Represent 5 tens and 2 ones using number discs.
LET’S LEARN Show 5 tens divided into 4 equal groups using number
1. We divide 52 by 4.
Step 1 Divide the tens by 4.
discs. Represent the division in the division algorithm.
Each group has 1 ten, with 1 ten remaining.
10 10 10 10 10 10 1 5 tens ÷ 4 = 1 ten
4 5 2 with remainder 1 ten
1 3
groups. Each group has 3 ones. Represent this division
1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1
4 5 2
12 ones ÷ 4 = 3 ones
in the division algorithm.
1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 4
1 2
10 1 1 1
1 2 Show that there are 1 ten and 3 ones in each group, so
52 ÷ 4 = 13 there are 13 ice creams in each box.
There are 13 ice creams in each box.
Textbook 3 P96
102 | Chapter 3 1
For Let’s Learn 2, represent 7 tens and 5 ones using
2. Divide 75 by 6.
number discs.
Step 1 Divide the tens by 6.
1 7 tens ÷ 6 = 1 ten
Show 7 tens divided into 6 equal groups. Represent the
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 7 5 with remainder 1 ten division in the division algorithm.
1 1 1 1 1 10
As there is 1 ten remaining, it is regrouped into ones.
Show the regrouping of 1 ten into 10 ones using number
discs. Show that there are 15 ones in total and represent
Regroup into ones.
1 1 1 1 1 ten = 10 ones
10 ones + 5 ones
this information in the algorithm.
1 1 1
6 7 5 = 15 ones
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 5
Show 15 ones divided into 6 equal groups. Since there
are 3 ones left over, there is a remainder of 3. Represent
1 1 1
1 1 1
10 1 1
Step 2 Divide the ones by 6.
1 1 1
10 1 1 1 2
1 1 1 6 7 5
10 1 1 15 ones ÷ 6 = 2 ones
1 1 1 6 with remainder 3 ones
10 1 1
1 1 1 1 5
1 1 1
10 1 1 1 2
10 1 1
75 ÷ 6 = 12 R 3
97 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P97
1 100 3 3 2 1
0 2
Ask pupils if 2 tens can be divided equally into 3 groups.
Step 2 Divide the tens by 3. Since the 2 tens cannot be divided equally, there are
10 10
0 tens in each group. Represent this information in the
1 0
division algorithm.
2 tens ÷ 3 = 0 tens
3 3 2 1
with remainder 2 tens
1 1 1
1 0
1 1 1
3 3 2 1
1 1 1
10 10
1 1 1
0 2
1 1 1 0
1 1 1
2 1
1 1 1
Textbook 3 P98
1 1 1
1 1 1 0 7
1 1 1 3 3 2 1
100 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
For Let’s Learn 4, represent 100 with a number disc.
1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1 1 0 2
Ask pupils if 1 hundreds disc can be divided equally into
1 1 1
1 1 0
3 groups. Since this is not possible, 1 hundred needs to
2 1
be regrouped into 10 tens.
2 1
Show 1 hundred being regrouped into 10 tens. Divide
321 ÷ 3 = 107
10 tens into 3 equal groups. Each group has 3 tens with
4. Divide 100 by 3.
1 ten remaining. Show this information in the division
We cannot divide 1 hundred into 3 equal groups.
Regroup into tens.
10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 3
10 10 10
3 1 0 0 10 tens ÷ 3 = 3 tens
with remainder 1 ten
10 10 10
10 10 10 9
99 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P99
1 0
9 Hence the answer is 33 R 1.
100 ÷ 3 = 33 R 1
For Let’s Learn 5, use number discs to show 168 ÷ 6 and
relate this to the division algorithm.
5. What is 168 ÷ 6?
For Let’s Learn 6, distribute number discs to pupils and
2 8
ask them to perform the division.
10 10 10 10 10 10 6 1 6 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6. Divide.
(a) 84 ÷ 7 12 (b) 95 ÷ 4 23 R 3
(c) 760 ÷ 6 126 R 4 (d) 215 ÷ 8 26 R 7
Textbook 3 P100
104 | Chapter 3 1
1. Divide.
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
(a) 1 4 (b) 1 4 R1
7 9 8 6 8 5
Verbalise the steps while going through the questions
with the pupils (e.g. divide the tens by 7, then divide the
(c) (d)
ones by 7, etc.).
1 6 2 R1 8 5 R1
2 3 2 5 2 1 7 1
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 9
and work these out with the pupils.
2. Divide.
(a) 96 ÷ 4 24 (b) 245 ÷ 3 81 R 2 Independent seatwork
(c) 918 ÷ 9 102 (d) 300 ÷ 4 75
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 9 (Workbook 3A
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 9 • Pages 88 – 91
P88 − 91).
101 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P101
1. (a) 14 2.
(b) 45 R 1
(c) 14 71 ÷ 4 27 R 3
(d) 19
(e) 18 R 1
(f) 15 R 2
246 ÷ 9 17 R 3
(g) 11 R 5
(h) 34
(i) 72 R 1
(j) 136 84 ÷3 13
(k) 266 R 2
167 ÷ 6 23
92 ÷4 28
104 ÷8 27 R 5
Lessons 8 & 9
Specific Learning Focus
• Divide a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number without regrouping.
• Divide a number (up to 3 digits) by a 1-digit number with regrouping.
Suggested Duration
2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the division algorithm.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Since division without regrouping was already taught in Lesson 3, Lesson 8 should be less challenging.
However, in Lesson 9, where regrouping is involved, the same format and concept of multiplication can
be reinforced.
In Lesson 8, emphasise the following: (i) vertical alignment, (ii) remainder concept, and (iii) significance of zero.
(1) Ask pupils to place the quotient directly above the dividend in the division algorithm.
(2) Since numbers are placed vertically in their place values, subtracting and deriving the remainder should be
quite easy.
(3) 0 divided by any number gives 0. Emphasise the importance of placing the 0 in the quotient.
In Lesson 9, distribute number discs to pupils and ask them to regroup 10 ones to 1 ten and 10 tens to 1 hundred.
Let’s Learn 2 (Textbook 3 P93) can be done on chart paper with the class divided into pairs. They can paste the
cut-outs of the number discs and show each step on chart paper. The division algorithm can be done in their
exercise books.
Problem Solving
Verbalise each step of solving the question. For example, in 321 ÷ 3:
(1) 3 hundreds divided by 3 gives 1 hundred with no remainder.
(2) 2 tens divided by 3 gives no quotient and hence ‘0’ is placed on top of ‘2’.
(3) The 2 tens is then added to 1 one to give 21 which can be divided by 3 to give 7. Hence ‘7’ is placed on top
of ‘1’.
Emphasise the alignment of the respective digits of the quotient with the respective digits of the multiplicand.
In Let’s Learn 4 (Textbook 3 P99), the first digit which is 1 cannot be divided by 3, hence it is added to the next
digit which gives 10. This number is divided by 3 to give 3 and a remainder of 1. The remainder is then added
to the next digit and divided by 3 to give 3 and a remainder of 1. Hence 100 ÷ 3 = 33 R 1. Encourage pupils to
check the answer: 33 × 3 = 99 and 100 – 99 = 1.
Use number discs and mini whiteboards to carry out division algorithm. Encourage peer checking once
each question is done. Pupils can swap their whiteboards and correct each other’s work. Emphasise the
steps verbally.
• number discs (Activity Handbook 3 P4)
• mini whiteboards
• markers
106 | Chapter 3 1
1. Double 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
10 Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
Textbook 3 P102
400 10 3
Solve. Independent seatwork
(a) Double of 12 = 24 (b) Double of 75 = 150
(c) Double of 147 = 294 (d) Double of 214 = 428
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 10 (Workbook 3A
P92 – 95).
Complete Workbook 3A, Worksheet 10 • Pages 92 – 95
103 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P103
108 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Worksheet 10 (Workbook 3A P92 – 95)
20 6 800 + 60 + 14 = 874
Double of 437 = 874
double double
Double of 221 56
40 12
26 + 26 = 52
Double of 26 = 52 Double of 6 720
Double of 28 330
300 40 3
600 80 6
100 20 5
200 40 10
200 + 40 + 10 = 250
Double of 125 = 250
1. Half 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
11 Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
100 cookies 100 cookies 100 cookies
Half of 20 = 10
Half of 4 = 2
800 20 4 half of 824 = 412
400 + 10 + 2 = 412
Textbook 3 P104
110 | Chapter 3 1
In Let’s Learn 3, get pupils to use the number bond
3. What is half of 218?
to find the half of 218.
In Let’s Learn 4, ask them to solve the question.
200 10 8
218 ÷ 2 = 109
half half half
100 5 4
105 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P105
1. (a) 34 3.
(b) 70 ÷ 2 = 35 Half of 300 14
half half
Half of 620 150
40 3
134 Half of 998 310
100 30 4
50 15 2
50 + 15 + 2 = 67
Half of 134 = 67
500 60 4
250 30 2
250 + 30 + 2 = 282
Half of 564 = 282
112 | Chapter 3 1
Chapter 3
Lessons 10 & 11
Specific Learning Focus
• Double 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
• Half 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
Suggested Duration
Lesson 10: 2 periods
Lesson 11: 2 periods
Prior Learning
Lessons 10 and 11 are extensions of multiplication and division. Multiple strategies are shown to find doubles
and halves.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Encourage individual responses of their preferred method of finding doubles and halves. However, all methods
must be taught in class for each question in the textbook. Questions in the workbook can be done independently
with the pupil’s preferred method.
In Lesson 10, to find double of 324, explain the following:
(i) Finding doubles is adding a number by itself.
(ii) Finding doubles also means multiplying the number by 2.
(iii) Doubles can be found using number bonds, where the number is split into numbers that are easier to work
with. Guide pupils to find the double of each number and then add them up.
In Lesson 11, to find half of a number, explain the following:
(i) Finding halves is dividing the number by 2.
(ii) Halves can be found using number bonds, where the number is split into numbers that are easier to work with.
Guide pupils to find the half of each number and then add them up.
Problem Solving
Solve all questions in Workbook 3A (P96 – 99) on the board using 3 methods for finding doubles and 2 methods
for finding halves. Ask pupils for their preferred method and give reasons. Encourage individual responses.
Use number discs and mini whiteboards. Have pupils work in pairs and encourage peer checking.
• mini whiteboard
• marker
• number discs
1. Half 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
mOre word problems
12 Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
Textbook 3 P106
114 | Chapter 3 1
Go through the problem solving model with pupils.
2. Kate has 154 beads.
Siti has 4 times as many beads as Kate. Get pupils to highlight important information in the
(a) How many beads does Siti have?
(b) How many beads do Kate and Siti have in all?
problem and ask them why they think the model is
154 drawn as shown. Go through both methods with pupils.
Tell pupils that to check their answers, they can use an
alternative method to check.
Method 1
154 × 4 = 616
(b) +
154 616 = 770
Method 2
(a) 1 unit = 154
4 units = 154 × 4
= 616
107 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P107
32 × 6 = 192
Textbook 3 P108
216 6. 5 + 4 = 9
54 × 4 = 216 There are 9 cookies in each box.
Factory B produces 216 pizza crusts in a 546 × 9 = 4914
day. The bakery sold 4914 cookies altogether.
2. (a) Rs 152
Junhao Rs 23
Rs 129
152 – 23 = 129
Rs 129
129 × 3 = 387
Ann had Rs 387 .
3. (a) 3 + 5 = 8
There are 8 plastic shapes in each box.
(b) 372 × 8 = 2976
There are 2976 plastic shapes altogether.
4. 65 × 4 = 260
Mrs Lee takes 260 minutes to prepare 4 trays
of cupcakes.
260 + 45 = 305
Mrs Lee takes 305 minutes in all to prepare the
cookies and cupcakes.
116 | Chapter 3 1
1. Bina has Rs 3240. Ask pupils to check the models they have drawn against
She has twice as much money as Junhao.
(a) How much does Junhao have?
the model given.
(b) How much do the children have altogether?
Rs 3240 Ask pupils why they divide by 2 to get the answer for (a)
and add to get the answer for (b). Ask pupils if there is
Junhao another way to get the answer for (b).
Rs 1620
109 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P109
(a) 2 × 3 = 6
(b) 348 ÷ 6 = 58
She takes 58 days to finish all the sugar cubes in the jar.
Admad 557
? 2
5 units = 557 – 2
= 555
1 unit = 555 ÷ 5
= 111
Textbook 3 P110
111 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P111
70 kg
1. (b) 60 – 9 = 51
Mr Lim Sam had comic books.
? 51
Mr Lim’s son
3. (a) 125 – 47 = 78
35 kg Mr Chua gave 78 chocolate bars to his pupils
(b) 78 ÷ 2 = 39
70 ÷ 2 = 35 Mr Chua gave chocolate bars to 39 pupils.
Mr Lim’s son weighs 35 kg.
*4. 30
70 + 35 = 105
36 30 ÷ 4 = 7R2
Farhan Mrs Tay can buy 7 boxes of egg tarts.
? 7 × 3 = 21
(a) 36 ÷ 4 = 9 The greatest number of egg tarts she can
buy is 21 .
Farhan had 9 comic books.
118 | Chapter 3 1
Solve. Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
1. Priya has 264 stickers.
She has 6 times as many stickers as Xinyi.
(a) How many stickers does Xinyi have? 264 ÷ 6 = 66
(b) How many stickers do they have altogether? 264 + 66 = 330
111 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P111
Correspondence problems Go through with pupils all the possible combinations
1. Top Bottom of outfits. Guide pupils to see that there are 2 different
Red Black
colours of bottom and 3 different colours of top.
Red Brown
Yellow Black Therefore, 3 different coloured tops can match the
Yellow Brown black bottom, and 3 different coloured tops can match
White Black
the brown bottom, giving 6 different outfits.
White Brown
Sam can make 6 different outfits.
2. There are some food and drinks at a cafeteria. Farhan can pair a
Repeat the same steps for Let’s Learn 2. Ask pupils
food with a drink below to make a meal set. Complete the table to come up with all the possible ways to make the
below to show the possible ways he can make the meal set.
meal set. 3 different food and 3 different drinks make
Food Drink 9 different meal sets.
beef pie cola
beef pie milk
beef pie pizza burger
beef pie water
pizza cola
pizza milk
pizza water
burger cola
burger milk
cola milk water
burger water
3×3= 9
Textbook 3 P112
Tom needs to buy 3 boxes. In Let’s Learn 4, ask pupils how many legs each
person and each cat has respectively. Guide pupils
4. There are some people and cats in a cat cafe. There were
200 legs in total. Give a possible combination of number of
to see that the total number of legs of 200 means
people and cats. the sum of the multiplication of the number of people
and the number of legs each person has, and the
multiplication of the number of cats and the number
of legs each cat has must be 200. Ask them to come
up with other possible combinations.
113 Chapter 3 1
Textbook 3 P113
1. There are 2 marbles and 4 number cards. Work with pupils on the practice questions.
Nora picks a marble and a number card.
Complete the table below. How many different ways can she For better understanding, select items from
do this?
Worksheet 12C and work these out with the pupils.
Colour of marble Number on card
red 1
red 2
Independent seatwork
1 2 4
blue 1 Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 12C (Workbook
blue 2
3 3A P107 − 109).
blue 3
blue 4
Textbook 3 P114
120 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Worksheet 12C (Workbook 3A P107 – 109)
He can choose his hat and bag in 8 different ways.
2. red, 3
red, 7
yellow, 3
yellow, 7
blue, 3
blue, 7
green, 3
green, 7
black, 3
black, 7
5 × 2 = 10
There are 10 different combinations.
3. (a) 9 × 12 = 108
Farhan will have 108 apples.
(b) 9 × 28 = 252
Farhan will have 252 fruits in total.
4. (a) 207 ÷ 9 = 23
He bought 23 packets of sweet.
(b) 23 × 6 = 138
207 – 138 = 69
He has 69 fewer strawberry-flavoured sweets
than blueberry-flavoured sweets.
Lesson 12
Specific Learning Focus
• Solve up to 2-step word problems involving the 4 operations.
Suggested Duration
9 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt to organise data and draw bar models. Tabulating possible combinations is new to them
but the teacher can help pupils grasp this concept well by conducting an interesting lesson.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Pupils might get confused while doing correspondence word problems. Explain each word problem on the
board before having them to work independently.
Use the 4-step approach to problem solving template (Activity Handbook 3 P7) to solve the word problems.
Encourage drawing of bar models and give individual attention to each pupil while they fill up the template.
Discuss the operations involved and then encourage pupils to check their answers by performing the inverse
of the operation. Working on correspondence problems provides an informal introduction to algebra and
permutation. It is best explained by listing all the possible combinations in a table (Textbook 3 P112).
Let’s Learn 4 (Textbook 3 P113) can be made fun as there are more than one possible or correct answer.
There are a few possible combinations: 50 people and 25 cats, 60 people and 20 cats, 70 people and 15 cats,
80 people and 10 cats, etc. For the questions in ‘Practice’ (Textbook 3 P114), there are multiple possible answers.
Say all possible answers and encourage individual responses while writing on the board.
Problem Solving
Explain that multiple combinations can be made. Emphasise that just like 48 can be divided by 2 and also by
4 with no remainder, possible combinations can be made with the same number. The correspondence problem
in Let’s Learn 2 (Textbook 3 P112) is relatable to real life and pupils will find it fun to role-play, where each pupil
can be assigned to come up with a combination.
Encourage role-playing for Let’s Learn 2 (Textbook 3 P112) and bring real-life toys to achieve better
understanding of correspondence and combinations.
• toy cars
• toy figures (Let’s Learn 4 in Textbook 3 P113)
• marbles
122 | Chapter 3 1
110 Chapter 3 1
Workbook 3A P110
Tickets for a school concert were sold to adults and children at different If pupils have difficulty approaching the problem,
prices as shown in the table.
get them to view an adult ticket and a child ticket
Price per ticket
Adult 6
as one group. Ask them to find the number of
Child 3 groups of $9 in $558.
The same number of adult tickets and child tickets were sold.
The total amount of money collected from the sale of tickets was 558.
How many adult tickets were sold? 6 + 3 = 9
558 ÷ 9 = 62
Maths journal
Complete the word problem for your classmates to solve. Give an example of how the blanks can be filled.
(name 1)
(3-digit number) (object)
. Give pupils time to create their own word problem,
has times as many as . after which they can exchange word problems with
(name 2) (1-digit number) (object) (name 1)
each other to solve. Remind pupils that the numbers
How many do and have
(object) (name 1) (name 2) chosen must be logical.
Textbook 3 P115
124 | Chapter 3 1
Answers Review 3 (Workbook 3A P111 – 116)
1. (a) 24 5. 40 62 39 R3
7 280 8 496 9 354
(b) 42
(c) 64
(d) 72
72 R5 97 R2 63 84 R6
2. (a) 86 6 437 8 778 9 567 7 594
(b) 288
(c) 468
(d) 1224
210 R2 308 R2 15 16 R3
4 842 3 926 7 105 9 147
3. 6 0
1 8 0
1 7 5
× 6 × 2 × 3
3 6 0 3 6 0 5 2 5
43 35 19 R6
7 301 6 210 8 158
6 2 4 5
3 9 1 2 5 3 6 0 4 8
× 7 × 8 × 1 × 7
2 7 3 1 0 0 0 3 6 0 3 3 6
1 3 0 3 5
4 4
4 5 1 2 0
6. 12 × 4 = 48
× 4 × 9 × 8 × 3 There are 48 eggs in 4 such egg cartons.
5 2 0 3 1 5 3 6 0 3 6 0
7. 980 ÷ 7 = 140
The printer costs $140.
2 2 1
7 4 5 4 1 0 6
× 5 × 6 × 3 8. (a) 78 × 7 = 546
3 7 0 3 2 4 3 1 8 Bala gave 546 oranges to his neighbours.
(b) 546 ÷ 6 = 91
There were 91 oranges in each box.
4. S = 103 D = 90 9. 192 ÷ 8 = 24
U = 15 O = 56 She bought 24 boxes.
V = 79 F = 71
N = 47 I = 28 10. 189 + 115 = 304
There were 304 pupils altogether.
D I V I S I O N 304 ÷ 8 = 38
90 28 79 28 103 28 56 47 There would be 38 pupils in each class.
I S F U N !
28 103 71 15 47
1. (a) 1002
(b) 5460
3. (a) 400
(b) 4000
(c) 6
6. 2511
7. (a) 100
(b) 6902
(c) 4609
(d) 10
*10 6 8
6 + 8 + 6 = 20
126 | Revision 1A 1
Answers Revision 1B (Workbook 3A P121 – 124)
1. (a) 24 *9. 3 + 5 = 8
(b) 56 A regular drink and a large drink cost $8 altogether.
(c) 216 56 ÷ 8 = 7
Miss Nair bought 7 large cups of drinks.
(d) 56
(e) 6
*10. 27 ÷ 3 = 9
(f) 7
Rs 850 × 9 = Rs 7650
(g) 330 She had to pay Rs 7650.
(h) 476
2. 24 × 2
3. 50 ÷ 9 = 5 R 5
Xinyi can buy 5 diaries with $50.
4. 379 ÷ 8 = 47 R 3
3 biscuits were left over.
5. 36 – 4 = 32
32 ÷ 2 = 16
There were 16 girls in the class.
6. 64 × 3 = 192
Sam folded 192 paper cranes.
64 + 192 = 256
Priya and Sam folded 256 paper cranes altogether.
7. drink snack
cola hotdog
cola nachos
cola popcorn
cola fried chicken
cola french fries
ice lemon tea hotdog
ice lemon tea nachos
ice lemon tea popcorn
ice lemon tea fried chicken
ice lemon tea french fries
2 × 5 = 10
There are 10 different ways.
8. 6 ÷ 2 = 3
Siti bought 3 boxes of pens.
3 × 10 = 30
Siti bought 30 pens.
1 Revision 1B | 127
4 4
How tall is Tom?
How long is the table?
153 154
Related Resources
lenGth In metres and LESSON
NSPM Textbook 3 (P116 − 131)
centImetres 1 NSPM Workbook 3A (P125 – 142)
Measuring tape, metre ruler, paper, scissors,
The length of the table is more than 1 metre. fasteners, hole puncher, mini whiteboard,
How can we measure the length of the table?
markers, vanguard sheet
0 1m
Lesson 1 Length in Metres and
length 116 Centimetres
Lesson 2 Length in Kilometres and
Textbook 3 P116 Lesson 3 Solving Word Problems
Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
Pupils have learned in Grade 2 how to measure and compare lengths using the standard units metre (m) and
centimetre (cm). At Grade 3, the unit kilometre (km) is introduced for measuring long distances. Also for the first
time, conversion of units is introduced and measurement in compound units (metres and centimetres; kilometres
and metres) is reinforced. It is important that the pupils are given practical experience in using the measuring
tape to estimate and read the length of everyday objects around them that are more than a metre and express
the measurement in compound units of m and cm. For long distances of 1 km or more, visualisation is used with
examples of familiar landmarks on maps of neighbourhood scenes for pupils to have a sense of this measure.
2-step word problems involving length in everyday context enable pupils to understand its application in real life
and to select the correct operation in solving them.
128 | Chapter 4 1
1. Measure length in metres (m) and centimetres (cm).
2. Convert length from m and cm to cm, and vice versa.
4 Get pupils to discuss the chapter opener (P116). Ask the
following questions to facilitate the class discussion:
• What are the two girls (in the foreground) doing?
How tall is Tom?
How long is the table? • What are the teacher and the pupil doing with Tom?
• Estimate Tom’s height and the length of the teacher’s
table. Do you think they are greater than or less than
153 154
a metre?
Take a metre ruler and ask the class if they know what it
is called.
Invite the tallest pupil in the class and get the pupil to
stand beside the metre ruler. Ask the class if the pupil’s
lenGth In metres and LESSON height is greater than or less than a metre.
centImetres 1 Invite another volunteer to compare the length of the
teacher’s table against the metre ruler. Ask pupils for
ways to measure the exact length of the teacher’s table.
The length of the table is more than 1 metre.
How can we measure the length of the table?
0 1m
1 length 116
Textbook 3 P116
1 Length | 129
Textbook 3 P117
1 length 118
Textbook 3 P118
130 | Chapter 4 1
Work in groups of 4.
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4.
1 Take a and cut 10 strips of paper. What you need:
Each piece should be about 12 cm long,
with flaps at both ends.
Provide each group with a sample of a 10-cm strip
2 Mark out 10 cm on each paper strip. for them to cut out copies from a vanguard sheet.
3 Punch a hole on each end of the strip. This activity involves all pupils in the group to work
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
cooperatively to produce a measuring tool. The pupils
have to organise themselves for the various tasks such
4 Join the strips with a through the holes.
Now you have a foldable metre ruler. cutting out 10 strips, marking the scales, punching holes
and joining the strips together with fasteners.
Textbook 3 P119
1 Length | 131
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3A P125 – 128)
1. (a) 2 m = 200 cm
(b) 9 m = 900 cm
(c) 5 m 60 cm = 500 cm + 60 cm
= 560 cm
(d) 7 m 7 cm = 700 cm + 7 cm
= 707 cm
2. (a) 100 cm = 1 m
(b) 600 cm = 6 m
(c) 208 cm = 200 cm + 8 cm
= 2 m 8 cm
(d) 850 cm = 800 cm + 50 cm
= 8 m 50 cm
3. (a) 3 m 4 cm
3 m
or 4 cm
300 cm
304 cm
119 cm
100 cm
or 19 cm
1 m
1 m 19 cm
4. (a) 1 m 40 cm = 100 cm + 40 cm
= 140 cm
Mr Tan’s car is about 140 cm tall.
(b) 5 m 35 cm = 500 cm + 35 cm
= 535 cm
The length of the cobra is about 535 cm.
(c) 143 cm = 100 cm + 43 cm
= 1 m 43 cm
Raju’s height is 1 m 43 cm.
(d) 224 cm = 200 cm + 24 cm
= 2 m 24 cm
The blackboard is 2 m 24 cm long.
132 | Chapter 4 1
Chapter 4
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Measure length in metres (m) and centimetres (cm).
• Convert length from m and cm to cm, and vice versa.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the measurement of length as linear measure. Standard and non-standard units can be used
to measure length.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Pupils might find the conversion of units a bit challenging. The choice of the unit of measurement will be another
challenge that can be explained visually and using spatial reasoning.
In this lesson, pupils will learn the conversion of metres to centimetres by understanding that 1 m equals to
100 cm, and that lengths can also be expressed in m and cm. To enable pupils to develop spatial sense so
that they are able to choose the correct units for measurements, hands-on experience of using rulers for lengths
in cm and measuring tape for lengths in metres are necessary. The use of the 10-cm strip will also be helpful in
pupils’ development of spatial sense. Explain that when the length is more than 100 cm, it is useful to convert
every 100 cm to a metre and the remaining length that is less than 100 cm is still expressed in cm. Hence if an
object is 320 cm long, its length can be written as 3 m and 20 cm or 3 m 20 cm.
Problem Solving
Provide pupils with metre ruler and measuring tape, and encourage them to select the correct tool for the
measurement of the length of an object. Explain to pupils that sometimes the end of the object
might not be exactly aligned to a marking on the ruler or measuring tape. In such cases, the measurement can
be rounded off (e.g. if the end of the object is aligned between 2 cm and 3 cm, they can round the measurement
off to the nearest ones).
In ‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P119), make a foldable metre ruler by cutting ten 10 cm strips and then joining
them together with fasteners. Encourage pupils to measure lengths using their foldable metre ruler.
• metre ruler
• measuring tape
• paper
• scissors
• fasteners
• hole puncher
• vanguard sheet
1 Length | 133
1. Measure length in kilometres (km).
2. Convert length from km and m to m, and vice versa.
LenGth In KIlometres
and Metres 2 To help pupils get a better idea of how long 100 m is,
cite some examples that pupils may have encountered.
The following questions can be asked to begin the
IN FOCUS discussion:
The length of the football field is 100 m. • Do you know the length of a swimming pool from one
end to other end? (usually 30 m or 50 m)
• How does it feel to swim 50 m across the pool?
• Have you ever run the length of a football field?
1. 1 km
The length of 10 such football fields is 1000 m, or 1 kilometre.
We write km for kilometre. Use the picture and lead pupils to count on in hundreds
1 kilometre is the same as 1000 metres. Kilometre, or km, is
to find the total length of 10 football fields. Write 1000 m
1 km = 1000 m another unit of length.
on the whiteboard, introduce the term kilometre and tell
pupils that 1000 m = 1 km. Get pupils to verbalise the
Find a place that is about 1 km away from
your school. How can you find how far the place units of measure as well.
is from your school?
134 | Chapter 4 1
With reference to the zoo and the bird park, provide
2. What is the distance between the zoo and the bird park?
a map or travel guide to show pupils how far these
tourist attractions are from each other.
Introduce the term distance and tell pupils that the
distance between the zoo and the bird park is about
19 km. Explain the usage of the word to pupils.
The distance between the zoo and the bird park is about 19 km.
Go through Let’s Learn 3 and express distance in two
‘Distance’ is used to describe the ways, m or km and m.
length between one place and another.
We use km for long distances.
1 length 122
Textbook 3 P122
3500 m
Xinyi’s home Library
(a) What is the distance between Xinyi’s home and her school in
1 km 400 m
1 km 400 m =1000 m + 400 m
(b) What is the distance between Xinyi’s home and the library
in kilometres and metres?
3500 m
3500 m =3000 m + 500 m
= 3 km 500 m 3000 m
or 500 m
3 km
123 Chapter 4 1
Textbook 3 P123
1 Length | 135
Activity How long is 50 m?
Materials Trundle wheel (if available)
1. Bring the class to the field or any open area.
2. Divide the class into two groups.
3. Get the first group to line up along a start line.
4. At the start signal, all pupils in the first group are to go forward to their best estimate of 50 m.
5. Measure the pupils’ results.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 with the second group.
7. Determine the first three places based on how close the pupils’ estimate is to 50 m.
8. If there is sufficient space, allow pupils to estimate 100 m and then visualise and have a sense of how long
1 km is.
1. Write in metres.
(a) 1 km 400 m = 1400 m
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
(b) 3 km 45 m = 3045 m
(c) 5 km 5 m = 5005 m
Help pupils to interpret the map in question 3.
(c) 6007 m = 6 km 7 m
1 km 75 m
(b) The distance between the food centre and Raju’s house is
2305 m.
1 length 124
Textbook 3 P124
136 | Chapter 4 1
Answers Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3A P129 – 132)
1. (a) cm
(b) m
(c) km
(d) km
2. (a) 7 km = 7000 m
(b) 1 km 20 m = 1000 m + 20 m
= 1020 m
(c) 4 km 8 m = 4000 m + 8 m
= 4008 m
(d) 5 km 50 m = 5050 m
1 Length | 137
Chapter 4
Lesson 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Measure length in kilometres (km).
• Convert length from km and m to m, and vice versa.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
The units metres and centimetres have been introduced to the pupils. They should understand that different
units of measurements of lengths are specific for different objects.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Pupils might have difficulty in expressing measurements in a combination of two different units (e.g. km and m).
Pupils can learn to choose the appropriate unit of measurement through hands-on activities that enhance their
spatial and visual sense.
Kilometre is a unit of measurement that would be easier for pupils to understand by bringing them out to the
fields and roads. Explain that in Lesson 1, lengths in cm and m were used in measurements of short lengths.
In this lesson, long lengths or distances are measured in km and m. Break the word kilometres into ‘kilo’ and
‘metres’. Explain that kilo is a prefix denoting thousand, hence 1 km = 1000 m. Use the diagram, such as the
one shown below, to convert m to km and m.
1650 m
1000 m
or 650 m
1 km
1 km 650 m
Any length less than 1000 m remain expressed in metres and any length more than 1000 m gets converted to
kilometres. Hence 3450 m is expressed as 3 km 450 m.
Problem Solving
Visual and spatial sense will enable one to choose the appropriate unit of measurement.
Encourage peer checking and distribute the conversion of units template to pupils (Activity Handbook 3 P22).
• mini whiteboard
• markers
• conversion of units template (Activity Handbook 3 P22)
• trundle wheel (if available)
138 | Chapter 4 1
1. Solve word problems involving length (addition and
2. Solve word problems involving length (multiplication
and division).
word problems 3 Invite pupils to talk about the picture with focus on the
two shelves that Ahmad had constructed. Ask pupils
what they know about each shelf and what they need
IN FOCUS to find to solve the given problem.
Alert to pupils to take note of the units of measurement
used in the word problem. This is especially important
for the subsequent examples.
Ahmad used a wooden board of length 315 cm to make a bookshelf. Model the four stages of problem solving to guide pupils:
He used another wooden board of length 235 cm to make a shoe rack.
What was the total length of the wooden board used? Step 1: Understanding the problem
• Allow silent reading before reading aloud with the
1. 315 cm 235 cm • Underline the key elements
• Set pupils thinking about the following questions:
? cm - What do we know?
- Are all the units the same?
315 + 235 = 550
- What do we have to find?
The total length of wood used was 550 cm.
Step 2: Translate key elements into a model
(Explain to pupils that a model helps them visualise the
125 Chapter 4
problem situation.)
• Draw the model
1 Length | 139
Model the four stages of problem solving to guide pupils.
2. Meiling had 5 m of yarn.
She used 74 cm of yarn.
How much yarn did Meiling have left?
Take note that in Let’s Learn 2, pupils need to convert to
a common unit (in this case, m to cm).
5 m = 500 cm
500 – 74 = 426
47 × 3 = 141
141 + 7 = 148
1 length 126
Textbook 3 P126
Path B
There are two ways to travel from Sam’s home to the school.
The length of Path A is 3040 m.
Path B is 400 m shorter than Path A.
(a) What is the length of Path B?
(b) Sam goes to school along Path A and returns home along Path B.
What is the total distance that Sam travels?
Give your answer in kilometres and metres.
3040 m
Path A
Path B 400 m
5680 m = 5 km 680 m
127 Chapter 4 1
Textbook 3 P127
140 | Chapter 4 1
For Let’s Learn 5, elicit from pupils the operation that is
5. A school banner is 5 times as long as the school flag.
appropriate for the problem situation.
The school flag is 123 cm long.
What is the length of the school banner?
Give your answer in metres and centimetres. Let’s Learn 5 and 6 are 2-step word problems.
? When modelling the four stages of problem solving,
Banner help the pupils to see that there is a hidden problem
Flag to solve. Do so by asking what they need to find before
123 cm solving the main problem during the first step
123 × 5 = 615
of understanding the problem.
615 cm = 6 m 15 cm
270 m
What do we
need to find
? 20 m
270 – 20 = 250
250 ÷ 5 = 50
1 length 128
Textbook 3 P128
345 – 329 = 16
825 cm
129 Chapter 4 1
Textbook 3 P129
1 Length | 141
Practice Practice
120 cm
Draw a diagram
to help you. Independent seatwork
1 length 130 Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3A
P133– 137).
Textbook 3 P130
9. 165 × 3 = 495
5. (a) 235 – 42 = 193
Mrs Salim used 495 m of yarn to make the
Path B is 193 km.
(b) 235 + 193 = 428
165 + 495 = 660
Mr Tan travelled a total distance of 428 km.
Mrs Salim used 660 m of yarn in total to make
the blanket and the scarf
6. (a) 2340 – 1300 = 1040
Raju jogged 1040 m further than Bala.
10. 400 × 4 = 1600
(b) 2340 + 1300 = 3640 Junhao jogged 1600 m round the jogging track.
3640 m = 3 km 640 m
1 km = 1000 m
Raju and Bala jogged 3 km 640 m in total.
1000 + 1600 = 2600
2600 m = 2 km 600 m
Junhao ran a total distance of 2 km 600 m.
142 | Chapter 4 1
Mind Workout
1. Mrs Tan needs 2 m of cloth to make each shirt. A common error made by pupils will be to multiply the
How much cloth does she need to make 23 such shirts? 23 × 2 = 46
distance between two lamp posts by the total number
2. Raju’s home School Library
of lamp posts (120 × 5) to give the incorrect answer.
1300 m
The distance between Raju’s home and his school is 1300 m.
The distance between his school and the library is 4 times as long Encourage pupils to draw a diagram for the correct
as the distance between his home and his school. 1300 × 4 = 5200
(a) What is the distance between Raju’s school and the library? solution.
(b) Raju went to school from home, then travelled to the library.
What was the total distance he travelled? 1300 + 5200 = 6500
Give your answer in kilometres and metres. 6500 m = 6 km 500 m
3. Path A
2122 km Path B
Mind Workout
Draw a diagram
120 cm to help you.
1 length 130
Textbook 3 P130
1 Length | 143
Mind Workout
Mind Workout
5 km 5 km 5 km
138 Chapter 4 1
Workbook 3A P138
Write a word problem using this model. allowing them to work individually.
200 m
? Through questioning, lead pupils to see that there are
two unknowns (as marked by the question marks) in the
model. They could write a 2-step word problem with the
You may use the following to help you.
given helping words and numbers.
length longer than shorter than total
cm 120 50
Before the pupils do the self check,
I know how to...
SELF–CHECK review the important concepts once more by asking for
measure length in metres (m) and centimetres (cm).
examples learnt for each objective.
convert length from m and cm to cm.
131 Chapter 4 1
Textbook 3 P131
144 | Chapter 4 1
Answers Review 4 (Workbook 3A P139 – 142)
1. 33 m 20 cm 3320 m
3 km 20 m 320 cm
3 m 20 cm 3320 cm
3 km 320 m 3002 m
3 m 2 cm 3020 m
3 km 2 m 302 cm
2. (a) 2 m 76 cm = 276 cm
(b) 4 km 4 m = 4004 m
(c) 600 cm = 6 m 0 cm
(d) 7030 m = 7 km 30 m
4. 117 × 3 = 351
351 cm = 3 m 51 cm
The length of the wire in the second roll
is 3 m 51 cm.
5. 410 – 5 = 405
The total length of the pieces of rope was 405 cm.
405 ÷ 9 = 45
Each piece of rope was 45 cm long.
6. (a) 20 ÷ 4 = 5
The distance between the 1st plant and the
2nd plant is 5 m.
(b) 7 × 5 = 35
The distance between the 1st plant and the
8th plant is 35 m.
1 Length | 145
5 5
Which is the lightest?
Which is the heaviest?
Various types of weighing scales (1 kg
to 5 kg), everyday objects for weighing,
How can we find out which is the heaviest and which is the lightest?
Lesson 1 Mass in Kilograms and Grams
1 mass 132 Lesson 2 Solving Word Problems
Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Textbook 3 P132 Pupil Review
In Grade 2, pupils have learnt kilogram (kg) and gram (g) as standard units of measure of mass for light and heavy
objects. In Grade 3, pupils learn that 1 kg = 1000 g and they deal with measurement of mass in compound units
(kg and g). Conversion of units from kilograms and grams to grams, and vice versa, is introduced here for the first
time. It is important that the pupils are given practical experience in reading various weighing scales and measuring
mass in compound units. Pupils should make sense of mass in kg and g by making an estimate before carrying
out the measurement. 2-step word problems involving mass in everyday context enable pupils to understand its
applications in real life and to select the correct operation in solving them.
146 | Chapter 5 1
1. Measure mass in kilograms (kg) and grams (g).
2. Convert mass from kg and g to g, and vice versa.
5 Use the chapter opener and ask pupils to make a guess
and arrange the three objects in order of mass, from the
lightest to the heaviest.
Which is the lightest?
Which is the heaviest?
and Grams 1
How can we find out which is the heaviest and which is the lightest?
1 mass 132
Textbook 3 P132
1 Mass | 147
1. We measure mass with weighing scales. Alert pupils to the weighing scale and the maximum mass it can
measure (1 kg).
50 g
Each small
marking stands
Guide pupils to interpret the markings on the scale. Some points
0 for 50 g. to highlight are as follows:
kg • There are 5 equal parts between 0 to 250 g.
• Starting from 0, the markings represent 50 g, 100 g,
750 250
750 250
150 g, 200 g and 250 g.
The bag of chips has a mass of 350 g. Next, guide pupils to read the red pointer on the scale for the
mass of the packet of chips. Get pupils to read aloud from 250 g
100 g In this scale, 1 kg is to where the pointer is.
divided into 10 equal parts.
1 part stands for 100 g.
Alert to pupils the different scale used for measuring the mass of
0 the sugar and the maximum mass it can weigh (4 kg).
3 1
is 3 kg 600 g.
• Draw pupil’s attention to the maximum mass that the
weighing scale can measure.
3. 50 g • Guide pupils to interpret the markings on the scale
A different type of
scale is used here.
based on the division of equal parts.
0 • Guide pupils to read the mass of the object as shown
by the pointer on the scale.
1500g 500g In this scale, 1 kg is
divided into 20 equal parts.
• Get pupils to count the markings out loud in
1500g 500g
1 part stands for 50 g. compound units to where the pointer is.
1kg • Finally ask pupils for the mass of the object.
The mass of the bag of tomatoes is less than 2 kg.
The mass of the bag of tomatoes is 1 kg 850 g.
The mass of the lettuce is less than 2 kg.
The mass of the lettuce is 1 kg 650 g.
1500g 500g
1 mass 134
Textbook 3 P134
148 | Chapter 5 1
Continue to practice reading off the weighing scale in
5. 100 g
compound units for Let’s Learn 5 to 7.
In this scale, 1 kg is
divided into 10 equal parts.
0 1 part stands for 100 g.
0 3
kg kg
2 1
2 1
4 2
The mass of the fish is more than 3 kg.
The mass of the fish is 3 kg 2003g.
0 0
3 5 kg 1
2 1 4 2
Textbook 3 P135
1 Mass | 149
2 kg 600 g 0 kg 800 g 4 kg 400 g 1 kg 300 g For questions 2 and 3, get pupils to work on the
Arrange the objects in order of mass. conversion on their mini whiteboards. Get pupils to show
Start with the heaviest. how they use the box diagram for the conversion.
Flour , Meat , Chicken , Melon
2. Write in grams.
(a) 1 kg 570 g =1570 g (b) 5 kg 835 g =5835 g For better understanding, select items from
(c) 9 kg 21 g = 9021 g (d) 3 kg 7 g = 3007g
Worksheet 1 and work these out with the pupils.
137 Chapter 5 1
Textbook 3 P137
150 | Chapter 5 1
Chapter 5
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Measure mass in kilograms (kg) and grams (g).
• Convert mass from kg and g to g, and vice versa.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the standard units of measurements for the masses of heavy and light objects. Kilograms and
grams have been introduced in Grade 2.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
In this lesson, pupils learn to express the mass of an item in compound units and to convert mass from kg and g
to g, and vice versa. This can be a bit challenging for most pupils.
Recap with pupils that 1 kg = 1000 g. Starting from ‘0’ on the weighing scale, explain how much each marking
represents. Give pupils lots of hands-on experience to read the scale. Bring light (weighing less than 1 kg) food
items and objects to weigh on the scale. Use different ranges of scales to introduce compound units of kg and
g (e.g. put a watermelon on the scale). Guide pupils to read off the last kg value and then count the remaining
markings in grams.
Problem Solving
Emphasise the markings of a weighing scale. Help pupils interpret the mass each marking represents by dividing
into equal parts.
Use the conversion of units template (Activity Handbook 3 P23) and select objects which are within the range
of the weighing scale. Bring in a weighing scale that measures masses up to 4 kg (preferably) to measure the
mass of real-life objects which can be expressed in compound units of kg and g.
• conversion of units template (Activity Handbook 3 P23)
• table of mass of objects (Activity Handbook 3 P24)
• markers
• weighing scale
• real-life objects
1 Mass | 151
1. Solve word problems involving mass (addition and
2. Solve word problems involving mass (multiplication and
word problems 2 Invite pupils to talk about the jar of jelly beans and the
weighing scale.
IN FOCUS Get pupils to observe the jar of jelly beans and the
weighing scale. Ask pupils what information they can
get from the picture (the mass of the jar of jelly beans as
indicated by the red pointer).
1500g 500g
152 | Chapter 5 1
Work on Let’s Learn 2 with the pupils using the four
2. Mrs Lee bought a chicken and 3 similar bags of rice.
stage process of problem solving.
The mass of the chicken was 1300 g and the mass of each bag of
rice was 2 kg.
(a) What was the total mass of the bags of rice? In this example, draw pupils’ attention to the units
(b) What was the total mass of the chicken and the bags of rice?
Give your answer in kilograms and grams. of measurement used in the word problem. Remind
pupils that they need to convert to a common unit of
1300 g 6 kg
measurement if the given masses do not share the
2 kg 2 kg 2 kg
same units.
(a) 3 × 2 = 6
139 Chapter 5 1
Textbook 3 P139
580 g
400 ÷ 4 = 100
480 – 417 = 63
63 ÷ 7 = 9
1 mass 140
Textbook 3 P140
1 Mass | 153
$2 $5.50 $9
and work these out with the pupils.
You can make a
list to help you.
Independent seatwork
141 Chapter 5 1 Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3A
P149 – 153).
Textbook 3 P141
360 g 6. 2 × 4 = 8
The total mass of the tins of paint is 8 kg.
3320 – 360 = 2960
The mass of the sand is 2 kg 960 g.
8 kg = 8000 g
8000 + 1100 = 9100
2. 2800 + 300 = 3100
9100 g = 9 kg 100 g
The total mass of the sugar and the container is
3100 g.
The total mass of the box and the tins of paint is
9 kg 100 g.
3. 720 ÷ 9 = 80
The mass of salt in each packet is 80 g.
7. 650 – 400 = 250
The buns weigh 250 g altogether.
4. (a) 4500 – 1400 = 3100 250 ÷ 5 = 50
The sack of rice is 3100 g heavier than the Each bun has a mass of 50 g.
(b) 1400 + 4500 = 5900 8. 6 × 500 = 3000
5900 g = 5 kg 900 g The 6 packets of sugar have a mass of 3000 g.
The total mass of the sack of rice and the 3000 + 2500 = 5500
chicken is 5 kg 900 g. The total mass of the sugar and the sack of rice is
5500 g.
154 | Chapter 5 1
Mind Workout
1. The mass of an empty jar is 400 g. Allow pupils to work in pairs or groups for this problem.
When filled with cookies, its mass is 1200 g. 1200 – 400 = 800
What is the mass of the cookies?
141 Chapter 5 1
Textbook 3 P141
1 Mass | 155
Mind Workout
Pupils are expected to use logical deduction to explain
why Bala is lighter than Xinyi, using the 1-kg masses
that they each have.
Workbook 3A P154
Maths journal
This activity can be done with parents or guardians at
Look for things that are in packets of 100 g or less.
You can find them at home or in supermarket advertisements.
home. When possible, ask pupils to cut the pictures
or take photos of the items to bring for a show and tell
session in class.
Fresh Biscuits
Rs 220 Rs 388
Ice cream Apple juice Before the pupils do the self-check,
review the important concepts once
Rs 450
more by asking for examples learnt for each
List four items that have a mass of 100 g or less.
How do you know that these items weigh 100 g or less? This self-check can be done after pupils have
Share your list with your classmates. completed Review 5 (Workbook 3A P155– 160) as
consolidation of understanding for the chapter.
I know how to...
1 mass 142
Textbook 3 P142
156 | Chapter 5 1
Answers Review 5 (Workbook 3A P155 – 160)
1. (a) 650 g 6. 650 + 800 = 1450
(b) 300 g 1450 g = 1 kg 450 g
(c) 4 kg 800 g
(d) 1 kg 800 g The total mass of the bag of carrots and the bag
of tomatoes is 1 kg 450 g.
2. (a) 1900 g
(b) 7015 g 7. (a) 420 ÷ 3 = 140
1 packet of salt has a mass of 140 g.
(c) 2002 g
(b) 400 + 140 = 540
(d) 3425 g
The bag of sugar has a mass of 540 g.
(e) 4702 g
8. 97 – 35 = 62
3. (a) 1 kg 290 g
Siti’s mother’s mass is 62 kg.
(b) 6 kg 69 g
62 – 35 = 27
(c) 4 kg 4 g
The difference in Siti’s mass and her mother’s
(d) 8 kg 700 g mass is 27 kg.
(e) 7 kg 365 g
9. 5 × 600 = 3000
4. The total mass of the mangoes is 3000 g.
4 kg 805 g 4850 g 2300 + 3000 = 5300
5300 g = 5 kg 300 g
The total mass of the mangoes and the
watermelon is 5 kg 300 g.
4 kg 85 g 4805 g
4 kg 850 g 4058 g
4 kg 508 g 4580 g
4 kg 58 g 4085 g
4 kg 580 g 4508 g
5. (a) True
(b) False
(c) True
(d) 8480 g
5500 + 2980 = 8480
(e) 980 g
2 kg = 2000 g
2980 – 2000 = 980
1 Mass | 157
6 6
Which containers contain less than 1 litre of liquid?
Containers for storing liquids, beakers
(100 ml, 500 ml and 1 ), markers
In Grade 2, pupils have learnt the concept of volume of liquid and the use of litres ( ) as a standard unit of
measuring liquids. At Grade 3, millilitres (ml) is introduced for measuring small volumes and that 1 is equivalent
to 1000 ml. Pupils also learn the concept of capacity of a container. Compound units in volume and conversion of
compound units to simple units (and vice versa) are reinforced. It is important that the pupils are given practical
experience in measuring capacities and volumes using 1- , 500-ml and 100-ml measuring beakers. Other
materials like sand or beans could be used as a substitute for liquid in the activities. Word problems involving
volume and capacity in everyday context enable pupils to understand its application in real life and to select the
correct operation in solving them.
158 | Chapter 6 1
1. Measure volume of liquid in millilitres (ml).
6 This is a recap of pupils’ concept of volume as the
amount of liquid in a container, as well as estimation
of volumes more than or less than 1 litre.
Which containers contain less than 1 litre of liquid? For a better illustration of this concept, bring four
containers (as shown in In Focus) of coloured water into
class, one containing 1 of liquid and others of smaller
volumes. Ask pupils to estimate the amount of water in
containers containing less than 1 of liquid, based on
the jug holding 1 of liquid. Most pupils should be able
to see that the volumes are less than 1 .
Ask pupils the following questions to help recap the
concepts of volume learnt in Grade 2.
volUme In mIllIlItres LESSON • What is another word for amount of water? (volume)
1 • What is the standard measure we have learnt for
volume of water? (litre)
Next, ask pupils how they can measure volumes less
than 1 and what units are used to measure such small
The volume of liquid in the jug is 1 litre.
The remaining three containers each contain less than 1 litre of liquid.
How can we find the amount of liquid in each container?
143 Chapter 6 1
Textbook 3 P143
1 Volume | 159
LET’S LEARN In Let’s Learn 1, pupils get to see the relative volumes of
1. We measure volumes with measuring beakers. 100 ml, 500 ml and 1 .
The beakers are
marked in litres ()
Display the beakers to the class and ask pupils what the
and millilitres (ml).
beakers can be used for. Show the scale of each empty
beaker on the visualiser and explain the markings and units.
100 ml
For Let’s Learn 2, bring out the container (or jug) containing
1 litre of water and pour the water into a 1- beaker.
Once the liquid is poured, draw the pupils’ attention to
The volume of water in the jug is 1 .
1 = 1000 ml the water level and the markings on the beaker.
We write ml for millilitres.
4. The beaker measures Repeat the same process for Let’s Learn 4, using the
up to 100 ml. Each
marking on the beaker 100-ml beaker to measure the volume instead.
stands for 10 ml.
100ml 100ml
145 Chapter 6 1
Textbook 3 P145
160 | Chapter 6 1
The concept of capacity is introduced in example 6.
6. The bottle contains 700 ml of water.
Highlight to pupils that the bottle is partially-filled and
demonstrate the filling of the bottle. Tell pupils that
the amount of liquid that a container holds when it is
1 completely full is capacity.
1 volume 146
Textbook 3 P146
Work in groups of 4.
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4.
1 Measure 100 ml of coloured water with What you need:
the 100 ml beaker.
100ml Observe how pupils fill the beaker to measure out 100 ml
of water; they should fill it to the 100 ml mark and not
5 Use the bottle with the markings to measure the capacity of
each of the following containers. to the brim. It is important that pupils estimate the
(a) a plastic bottle (b) a shampoo bottle (c) a plastic cup capacities of the empty containers before measuring.
Textbook 3 P147
1 Volume | 161
Practice Practice
1. What is the volume of water in each beaker?
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3A
450 ml 400 ml 700 ml
P161 – 162).
2. What is the capacity of each container?
570 ml
500 ml 70 ml
100ml 100ml
650 ml
500 ml 100 ml 50 ml
1 volume 148
Textbook 3 P148
1. 2. (a) 900
2000 ml (b) 200
(c) 100
(d) 450
(e) 10
500 ml
(f) 70
3. (a) 500ml
330 ml 260 ml
200 ml 60 ml
25 ml 100ml
720 ml
700 ml 20 ml
162 | Chapter 6 1
Chapter 6
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Measure volume of liquid in millilitres (ml).
Suggested Duration
3 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt that the volume of an object is the amount of space contained in the object. The standard unit
of measurement for volume is litres ( ). In this lesson, millilitres (ml) is introduced.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Since compound units of measurements and conversion of compound units have been introduced in Chapter 5,
this chapter should be less challenging for pupils.
‘In Focus’ (Textbook 3 P143) introduces the concept of milli (1000) litres using containers filled with 1 litre of
liquid and less than 1 litre of liquid respectively. Ask pupils for water bottles that have markings and show it
to the class. The markings between every litre represent volumes in millilitres as 1000 ml = 1 . Explain the
markings on different containers and express the volumes in the compound units. In Let’s Learn 6 (Textbook
3 P146), explain that each marking on the beaker represents 50 ml since the beaker has 20 markings up to
1 (1000 ml ÷ 20 = 50 ml for each marking). In Let’s Learn 7 (Textbook 3 P146), the syringe has markings in
millilitres only. The concept of capacity is introduced. In lesson 2, expressing capacity in compound units of
measurements and conversion from ml to and vice versa are done progressively.
Problem Solving
Look out for pupils’ common errors in conversion (e.g. pupils might mistakenly make the same conversion of
2050 ml and 2500 ml respectively, when in fact, 2050 ml = 2 50 ml, while 2500 ml = 2 500 ml). Use the
conversion of units template (Activity Handbook 3 P25) to do the conversions to compound units (Textbook 3
P151 – 153).
In ‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P147), get pupils to mark out every 100 ml on the bottle. Encourage pupils to bring
bottles with different capacities and put them on the table for all to see and measure, giving the measurements
in compound units.
• measuring cylinders
• beakers
• containers of various capacities
• conversion of units template (Activity Handbook 3 P25)
• markers
1 Volume | 163
1. Measure volume of liquid in litres and millilitres.
2. Convert litres and millilitres to millilitres, and vice versa.
volUme In lItres
and mIllIlItres 2 This is a recap of 1 = 1000mƖ. Recap with pupils the
last activity (P147) and ask them how they made a 1-
measuring bottle using a 100-ml beaker. Review with
them that they poured 100 mƖ into the bottle 10 times to
How many millilitres make up 1 litre? make 1 (i.e. 10 × 100 = 1000 ml, 1 = 1000 ml). Use
1 two 500-mƖ beakers to confirm this equivalence.
500ml 500ml
500 ml + 500 ml = 1000 ml
1000 millilitres make up 1 litre. For Let’s Learn 1, bring a partially-filled container to
1 = 1000 ml
class and shake the contents to show that it is not
full. Pour the water into measuring beakers to find the
LET’S LEARN volume of the water. Ask pupils to read the volume.
1. How much water is there in the container?
Ask pupils for suggestions to find the capacity of
the container. Gauge the pupils’ understanding on
1 the concept of capacity based on their suggestions.
Pupils are expected to suggest for the container to
be completely filled with water first, followed by the
measurement of the water in the container using
The volume of water in the container is 1 300 ml. beakers.
We can add more water to completely fill the container.
149 Chapter 6 1
Textbook 3 P149
164 | Chapter 6 1
For Let’s Learn 2 and 3, introduce compound units for
the measuring of volumes more than 1 l .
The capacity of
a container is the
greatest amount of
1 water it can hold.
1 1
1 1
1 volume 150
Textbook 3 P150
The volume of water in the pail is 3 l 500 ml. In Let’s Learn 5, the total volume of water is expressed
in compound units. Show pupils that the volume can be
5. The total volume of water in both beakers is 1 l 50 ml. converted into simple units. First recap with pupils that
1 1 litre is the
1 l = 1000 ml.
500ml same as 1000 ml.
1050 ml
In Let’s Learn 6, the volume of water is expressed in
simple units. Show the conversion process with the box
6. The total volume of water in the beakers is 2350 ml.
diagram given.
1 1 2350 ml
2000 ml
or 350 ml
2 l
151 Chapter 6 1
Textbook 3 P151
1 Volume | 165
Get pupils to work on Let’s Learn 7 in pairs. Encourage
7. (a) 2 300 ml = 2300 ml them to use the box diagram to convert the units. Invite
1 1
pupils to show to the class how they get their answers.
(b) 1650 ml = 1 650 ml
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4 or 5.
500ml 500ml
1 volume 152
Textbook 3 P152
Practice Practice
1. What is the capacity of the cooler?
Get some pupils to read the scale and give the volume.
1 1 1 1
Get another pupil to verify the answer or explain if the
answer is incorrect.
4 150 ml =4000 ml + 150 ml Look out for common errors made by pupils, such
= 4150 ml as show place value error (e.g. 1 30 ml = 1300
2. What is the total amount of liquid in the set of beakers? ml). Encourage pupils to use the box diagram during
500ml 500ml
conversion of units.
100ml 100ml
Independent seatwork
1 1 1 1 1
153 Chapter 6 1
Textbook 3 P153
166 | Chapter 6 1
Answers Worksheet 3B (Workbook 2A P163 – 166)
1. (a) 1, 350
(b) 1, 380
(c) 2, 350
(d) 1, 700
(e) 2, 30
2. (a) 20
(b) 320
(c) 1, 500
(d) 2, 600
(e) 1, 100
3. (a) 550
(b) 1250
(c) 1190
4. (a) 6205
(b) 1000, 200, 1200
(c) 1030
(d) 2005
5. (a) 7, 600
(b) 1000, 190, 1, 190
(c) 2, 80
(d) 5, 1
6. (a) 5, 0
(b) 3, 405
(c) 6, 5
(d) 1230
(e) 2065
(f) 3005
1 Volume | 167
1. Solve word problems involving volume and capacity.
word problems 3 Get pupils to discuss the solution to the problem.
168 | Chapter 6 1
Work on Let’s Learn 2 and 3 with the pupils using the
2. Mr Tan used 123 l of petrol in Week 1.
In Week 2, he needed 45 l more petrol than in Week 1.
four stage process of problem solving.
(a) What was the volume of petrol that he needed in Week 2?
(b) What was the total volume of petrol he used in both weeks?
123 l
Note that Let’s Learn 3 is a 2-step word problem.
Guide pupils by asking what they have to find before
Week 1 45 l
Week 2
? working towards the main problem. Guide pupils to
choose the correct operation based on the part-whole
168 l
or comparison concepts.
(a) 123 + 45 = 168
Mugs 800 ml
650 × 5 = 3250
155 Chapter 6 1
Textbook 3 P155
What are the ways you can measure out 1 l of water with these beakers?
500ml 500ml
1 volume 156
Textbook 3 P156
1 Volume | 169
Answers Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B P167 – 169)
1. 2 = 2000 ml
2000 – 1635 = 365
365 ml more milk must be added to completely
fill the jug.
5. 600 × 8 = 4800
4800 ml of water was poured into the container.
3000 + 4800 = 7800
7800 ml = 7 800 ml
Mrs Lee made a total of 7 800 ml of fruit punch.
170 | Chapter 6 1
Mind Workout
Mind Workout
What are the ways you can measure out 1 of water with these beakers?
500ml 500ml
1 volume 156
Textbook 3 P156
1 Volume | 171
Mind Workout
Allow pupils to work in pairs or groups to solve the
Workbook 3A P170
We need about 2 l of water each day to stay healthy. Create awareness among pupils of the types of healthy
How much liquid do you drink every day?
Each time you take a drink, estimate and record the volume. or unhealthy drinks that they may consume daily.
Drink Volume (ml)
Water About ml
Milk About ml Before the pupils do the self-check,
review the important concepts once
more by asking for examples learnt for each
Do you drink enough water each day? This self-check can be done after pupils have
Share your results with your classmates.
completed Review 6 (Workbook 3A P171 – 174) as
consolidation of understanding for the chapter.
I know how to...
157 Chapter 6 1
Textbook 3 P157
172 | Chapter 6 1
Answers Review 6 (Workbook 2A P171 – 174)
1. 6. (a) 5 = 5000 ml
Shopping list
5000 – 3125 = 1875
1. Three 2 bottles of orange juice The volume of water in Container B is 1875 ml.
(b) 5000 + 1875 = 6875
8675 ml = 6 875 ml
2. Four 330 ml cans of cola
The total volume of water in both containers is
6 875 ml.
7. 150 × 6 = 900
3. Two 1 bottles of cooking oil There is 600 ml of orange juice in the cups.
900 ÷ 4 = 225
There is 225 ml of orange juice in each bottle.
3. Set A = 1030 ml
Set B = 1450 ml
Set C = 1350 ml
Set B has the greatest volume of water.
4. (a) 7010
(b) 6340
(c) 3950
(d) 4025
(e) 9003
5. (a) 3, 705
(b) 4, 8
(c) 9, 850
(d) 6, 354
(e) 8, 30
1 Volume | 173
Answers Revision 2A (Workbook 2A P175 – 180)
3. (a) 200
(b) 600
(c) 1, 200
(d) 3, 800
4. (a) 400
(b) 1600
(c) 2, 350
(d) 1, 650
5. (a) 100
(b) 301
(c) 6
(d) 9, 6
(e) 7, 30
(f) 8020
6. (a) 1108
(b) 2060
(c) 7001
(d) 3, 575
(e) 4, 40
(f) 8, 9
7. (a) 5000
(b) 1150
(c) 3025
(d) 2
(e) 3, 50
(f) 6, 5
8. 580 ÷ 4 = 145
The length of each piece of string is 145 cm.
174 | Revision 2A 1
Answers Revision 2B (Workbook 2A P181 – 186)
2. 5
4. (a) 1650
(b) 3280
(c) kitten
5. 1500, 330
(a) 1830
(b) 1170
6. 19
7. (a) ball
(b) 122
10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m
40 m
9. 240 × 6 = 1440
There was 1440 ml of orange juice in the mugs.
1500 – 1440 = 60
60 ml of orange juice was left in the bottle.
1 Revision 2B | 175
Answers Mid-Year Revision (Workbook 3A P187 – 202)
1. 2 23. 4
2. 1 24. 80
3. 3 25. 18
4. 3 26. 140
5. 2 27. 375
6. 2 28. 1, 350
7. 3 29. 1, 500
8. 3 30. 93
9. 2 31. 300
10. 38 32. 70
22. 13
*44. Earrings
105 – 5 = 100
4 units = 100
1 unit = 100 ÷ 4
= 25
Each pair of earrings cost $25.
7 7
How much did Siti pay for the box
of poster colours and pen?
Poster Colour
The dot separates the
$2.30 dollars and cents. Play money, advertisements from
newspapers/magazines/flyers, mini
whiteboard, markers, real-life objects
The paintbrush costs $2.30.
with price tags
$2 30
1 Dollars, Cents and Rupees 158 Lesson 1 Adding Money
Lesson 2 Subtracting Money
Textbook 3 P158 Lesson 3 Solving Word Problems
Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
In Grade 2, pupils have learnt the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of money in dollars or in cents
only. In this chapter, they learn to add and subtract money in decimal notation. In addition to the standard algorithms,
pupils are taught to use other strategies such as ‘make a whole number of dollars first’. Pupils can see that the
standard algorithms for addition and subtraction of money, is similar to the algorithms for whole numbers.
Pupils have opportunities to share their everyday experiences in buying things and work in groups to use play money
for shopping activities involving addition and subtraction of money in decimal notion and making the correct change.
The word problems also provide pupils with a variety of real-world contexts for adding and subtracting money.
178 | Chapter 7 1
1. Count money in sets of notes and coins.
2. Add money in decimal notation.
Dollars, Cents and
How much did Siti pay for the box
7 Use the chapter opener to stimulate discussion.
Poster Colour
The dot separates the
$2.30 dollars and cents.
$2 30
Textbook 3 P158
1 Money | 179
Assign pupils to work in pairs. Provide each pair with a
bag of play money. Get pupils to put out the amount of
Poster Colours money for the total cost of the box of poster colours and
the pen. Ask pupils for the operation to be used to find
Siti bought a box of poster colours and a pen.
How much did she pay altogether?
the total cost of the items.
1. We add $8.20 and $0.60. LET’S LEARN
$8.20 + $0.60 = $8.80
Get pupils to explain how they would add $8.20 and
$8 $0.20 Add the cents. 60¢. After getting pupils to respond, show them how the
$0.20 + $0.60 = $0.80
$8.20 + $1.60 = $9.80 Two strategies are taught here. In method 1, the cents is
159 Chapter 7 1 added to one amount, followed by adding the dollars to
the same amount.
Textbook 3 P159
The total cost of the poster colours and notepad is $9.80. Allow pupils to explore mental calculation with the above
3. Find the value of each of the following.
strategies with Let’s Learn 3. Let pupils practise the two
(a) $4.30 + $0.20 = $ 4.50 (b) $24.60 + $0.15 = $ 24.75
strategies. Get them to check each other’s answers and
(c) $34.50 + $11.30 = $ 45.80 (d) $43.65 + $13.20 = $ 56.85
ask them to share their strategies with the class.
4. What is the total cost of the book and the eraser? Let’s Learn 4 illustrates making a whole number of
dollars first, followed by adding the dollars to the
$0.80 remaining amount.
$12.25 $0.20
Textbook 3 P160
180 | Chapter 7 1
Method 1 in Let’s Learn 5 demonstrates the same
5. How much do the coloured pencils and the palette cost altogether?
strategy used in Let’s Learn 4. Alternatively, the dollars
and cents can be added separately before adding both
$5.20 values together, as shown in method 2.
Coloured $1.80
Method 1
$5.20 + $1.80
$1.80 + $0.20 = $2
$5.00 + $2 = $7
$5.00 $0.20
$5.20 + $1.80 = $7
Method 2
$5.20 + $1.80 = $7
161 Chapter 7 1
Textbook 3 P161
Method 1
$12.45 + $5.80
$5.80 + $0.20 = $6
$12.25 + $6 = $18.25
$12.25 $0.20
Method 2
Textbook 3 P162
1 Money | 181
Allow pupils to work in pairs to practise the two
7. Find the value of each of the following.
strategies with Let’s Learn 7. Get them to check each
(a) $8.60 + $0.80 = $ 9.40 (b) $13.50 + $0.75 = $ 14.25 other’s answers and ask them to share with the class
(c) $22.80 + $15.20 = $ 38 (d) $34.60 + $12.60 = $ 47.20
which strategy they use.
8. Find the total cost of the sharpener and the pencil holder. In Let’s Learn 8, the standard algorithm is taught.
Use to show
Use play money in tandem with the algorithm steps
$4 how you add. to illustrate the regrouping of cents to dollars.
Guide pupils to see that the skill applied here is
4.7 0 1
the same as adding whole numbers. Demonstrate
4 7 0
+ $ 3.8 0
+ 3 8 0 to pupils by first converting the decimal notation of
$ 8.5 0
8 5 0 Align the dots
when you add.
money to cents, followed by adding using the steps for
computation of whole numbers.
$4.70 + $3.80 = $8.50
The total cost of the sharpener and the pencil holder is $8.50. Emphasise that when writing the vertical form of addition
for money in dollars and cents, the decimal points must
9. Add.
be aligned. As a non-example, use a set of misaligned
(a) $13.55 + $8.75 = $ 22.30 (b) $42.50 + $16.70 = $ 59.20
$ 1 3 .5 5
1 1 1
$ 4 2 .5 0
sums to show how the total amount of money can be
+ $ 8 .7 5 + $ 1 6 .7 0 very different and incorrect.
$ 2 2 .3 0 $ 5 9 .2 0
Textbook 3 P163
(prices stated are in rupees)
(a) How much do the cheesy fries and ice lemon tea cost in total?
280 + 260 = 540 2 8 0
+ 2 6 0
They cost Rs 540 in total.
5 4 0
(b) A group of friends share a BBQ pizza and a large ice cream
How much did they pay altogether?
1250 + 1390 = 2640 1 2 5 0
+ 1 3 9 0
They paid Rs 2640 altogether. 2 6 4 0
Textbook 3 P164
182 | Chapter 7 1
1. Add.
Allow pupils to work on the sums independently, then
(a) $7.15 + $0.40 = $ 7.55 (b) $6.10 + $13.40 = $ 19.50
invite some volunteers to show and explain their working
(c) $23.30 + $41.55 = $ 64.85 (d) $7.40 + $18.20 = $ 25.60
(e) $6.20 + $0.80 = $ 7 (f) $14.85 + $3.45 = $ 18.30
on the whiteboard.
(g) $13.15 + $6.85 = $ 20 (h) $25.40 + $23.80 = $ 49.20
Ask the class to identify the errors if there are incorrect
2. Find the value of each of the following.
1 1 1 1 methods and answers, before correcting them.
(a) $ 1 6 .8 0 (b) $ 4 3 .7 0
+ $ 2 3 .9 5 + $ 3 8 .5 0
Rs 3400
Rs 1380
Rs 1425
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B
Rs 2500
P1 – 4).
Rs 375
(a) Sam buys a jacket and a pair of jeans. How much does he
pay? Rs 4825
(b) Farhan buys a tie and belt for his father. How much does he
pay? Rs 2875
(c) Xinyi buys a wallet and a bag. How much does she pay? Rs 2880
165 Chapter 7 1
Textbook 3 P165
3. (a) $9.10
(b) $59.20
$ 2.50 +$ 0.10
(c) $47.00
(d) $89.10
$ 0.80 +$ 0.20 4. (a) 5.15
(b) 13.75
5 10 (c) 55.40
$2.60 (d) 42.20
$ 5.30 +$ 10.00
5. (a) 1820
5 (b) 5900
$11.80 (c) 5901
$ 6.80 +$ 5.00 (d) 4811
2. (a) 8.95
(b) 17.90
(c) 28.75
(d) 48.60
(e) 43.80
1 Money | 183
Chapter 7
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Count money in sets of notes and coins.
• Add money in decimal notation.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt to recognise money denominations and can add money in dollars and rupees.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Since dollars and cents are introduced in Grade 3, the introduction of decimal point in money notation without
a formal introduction to decimals might be challenging to teachers and pupils.
Since compound units of measurements in length, mass and volume have been introduced in chapters 4 to 6,
the introduction of cents in this chapter should not be an uphill task. Explain to pupils that 100 cents = 1 dollar,
and that we use the decimal point as a separator between dollars and cents (e.g. $6.30 is equivalent to
6 dollars and 30 cents). In the addition of money, when the total amount of money in cents exceeds 100,
we can convert 100¢ to $1. Encourage number bonds of 100 to make combinations of cents that make a
dollar (e.g. $0.75 + $0.25¢ = $1.00, $0.55 + $0.45 = $1.00). When adding money, emphasise that cents are
added first and that any value less than 100¢ is represented after the decimal point.
Problem Solving
Demonstrate the use of number bond to add money using the template (Activity Handbook 3 P27).
In Let’s Learn 4 and 5 (Textbook 3 P160), ask them to add the cents and if the sum exceeds 100, add 1
to the dollars. Introduce the standard algorithm of addition, emphasising the need to align the dollars,
decimal points and cents before adding. Since this is similar to addition of whole numbers, pupils should
not face difficulty adding money using standard algorithm.
In Let’s Learn 10 (Textbook 3 P164), the teacher may bring actual menus to the classroom and have pupils
select food items from the menu and calculate the total cost of the items.
• number bond (Activity Handbook 3 P26)
184 | Chapter 7 1
1. Subtract money in decimal notation.
sUbtractIng money
2 Ask pupils to tell the story in the picture. Give each pair
of pupils a bag of play money to find how much money
IN FOCUS Ann has left.
2 2
For Let’s Learn 1, ask a pair of pupils to show the class
Ann had $8.60.
how they subtract $2.10 from $8.60 with the play money
She bought a packet of chips.
How much did she have left?
on a visualiser.
$4 $0.80
Textbook 3 P166
1 Money | 185
For Let’s Learn 3, explain the meaning of ‘difference in
3. What is the difference in the cost of the pencil case and the notebook?
cost’ and ask pupils what operation they should use to
find the answer.
Write the statement $4.80 – $3.60. Two strategies are
taught for subtraction without regrouping. Method 1
requires pupils to first subtract the cents from the larger
Method 1
amount, followed by subtracting the dollars from the new
amount. Method 2 requires pupils to subtract the dollars
$4.80 – $3.60
$4.80 – $0.60 = $4.20 and cents separately, followed by adding them together.
$4.20 – $3 = $1.20
$0.60 $3
167 Chapter 7 1
Textbook 3 P167
$8.30 – $0.80 = ?
$0.20 + $7.30 = $7.50
In Let’s Learn 6, pupils practise the strategy of
subtracting from the nearest dollar. Demonstrate this
$7.30 $1
strategy using the diagram and play money while
$8.30 – $0.80 = $7.50 pupils verbalise the strategy together. Give another
Bina had $7.50 left. example for pupils to practise.
6. Subtract $3.80 from $9.20.
$9.20 – $3.80
$4 – $3.80 = $0.20
$0.20 + $5.20 = $5.40
$5.20 $4
Textbook 3 P168
186 | Chapter 7 1
In Let’s Learn 7, pupils practise the strategy of
7. What is the difference between $16.50 and $20?
subtracting the dollars, followed by subtracting the
cents. Demonstrate this strategy using the diagram
$20 – $16.50
Subtract the dollars. and play money and get pupils to verbalise the strategy
$20 – $16 = $4
together. Give another example for pupils to practise.
Then subtract the cents.
$16 $0.50 $4 – $0.50 = $3.50
(c) $84 – $12.80 = $ 71.20 (d) $100 – $37.90 = $ 62.10 The standard algorithm is taught in Let’s Learn 9.
Use play money to illustrate in tandem with the
9. Find the difference between $8.30 and $6.80. algorithm steps of regrouping dollars to cents for
7 13 7 13
$ 8 .3 0 8 3 0
– $ 6 .8 0 – 6 8 0 Use to show
Guide pupils to see that the skill applied here is the
$ 1 .5 0 1 5 0 how you subtract.
same as subtracting whole numbers. For a better
illustration of this, convert the decimal notation of
money to cents only, then subtract using the steps
for computation of whole numbers.
$8.30 – $6.80 = $1.50
Rs 1050 Rs
1 12
Rs 2220 – Rs 1050 = Rs 1170 2 2 2 0
– 1 0 5 0
The backpack costs more.
1 1 7 0
It costs Rs 1170 more than the hat.
Textbook 3 P170
1 Money | 187
1. Subtract.
Allow pupils to work on the sums independently, then
(a) $5.60 – $0.20 = $ 5.40 (b) $9.60 – $2.40 = $ 7.20
invite some volunteers to show and explain their
(c) $19.40 – $8.20 = $ 11.20 (d) $10.30 – $0.50 = $ 9.80
working on the whiteboard.
(e) $26.40 – $14.70 = $ 11.70 (f) $26.85 – $15.90 = $ 10.95
171 Chapter 7 1
Textbook 3 P171
188 | Chapter 7 1
Answers Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3B P5 – 10)
8. (a) 1.35
1. (a)
$4 – $0.30 = $ 3.70 (b) 2.60
(c) 0.50
(d) 8.80
2 (e) 15.95
(f) 22.35
9. (a) 9050
(b) (b) 6022
$6.75 – $3 = $ 3.75
(c) 1455
2 (d) 2686
2. (a) 6.50
(b) 11.40
(c) 9.50
(d) 17.10
(f) 30.20
3. (a) $15.85
(b) $30.40
(c) $33.60
(d) $40.30
(e) $1.85
4 (a) 0.50
(b) 2.40
(c) 8.45
(d) 20.50
5. (a) 9.10
(b) 6.65
(c) 5.80
(d) 3.40
6. (a) $0.55
(b) $1.25
(c) $2.55
1 Money | 189
Chapter 7
Lesson 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Subtract money in decimal notation.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the concept of change in money in Grade 2. They have learnt that ‘change’ refers to the
amount of money that the cashier must give back if the exact amount is not given to the cashier.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Subtracting dollars from dollars and cents from cents respectively should be relatively easy. However, in this
chapter, two steps involving subtraction of dollars and cents are required.
Verbalise the strategy of number bond by partitioning the money into dollars and cents. The standard algorithm
is introduced in Let’s Learn 9 (Textbook 3 P169). Again, emphasise the alignment of the decimal points. Some
questions will require subtraction with regrouping. It would be much clearer for pupils to convert the amount of
money into cents and then convert the difference into dollars and cents (e.g. if the difference is 756 cents, it can
be written as $7.56).
Problem Solving
Emphasise that the dollars can be regrouped to cents and then subtraction can be carried out to find the
difference. Encourage alternative strategy of conversion. The difference can then be converted to compound
units of dollars and cents.
Introduce generic play money (Activity Handbook 3 P27) to carry out subtractions. Divide pupils into groups of
3 or 4 to do questions in ‘Practice’ (Textbook 3 P171). They can be encouraged to use their preferred method
(number bond or standard algorithm).
• play money (Activity Handbook 3 P27)
• real-life objects with price tags
190 | Chapter 7 1
1. Solve word problems (up to 2-step word problems)
involving addition or subtraction of money in decimal
word problems 3 Allow time for pupils to discuss in pairs what the story
problem is in this picture. What do they know and what
do they have to find? Invite a few pupils to share what
IN FOCUS they had discussed.
$5 NOW
E !
$9.50 Model the four stages of problem solving to guide pupils:
Step 1: Understanding the problem
A book is on sale.
How much cheaper is it at the sale? • Underline the key elements
• Set pupils thinking about the following questions:
LET’S LEARN - What do we know?
1. A book is on sale for $5.00.
- What do we have to find?
Its price before the sale is $9.50. Step 2: Translate key elements into a model
How much cheaper is the book at the sale?
(Explain to pupils that the model helps them visualise
the problem situation.)
Price at the sale ?
• Draw the model
Price before sale 200 m • Label the known and unknown elements
$9.50 Step 3: Examine the model and write the number
$9.50 – $5.00 = $4.50
• Lead pupils to see the comparison concept in the
The book is $4.50 cheaper at the sale.
problem structure.
1 Dollars, Cents and Rupees 172 • Do we add or subtract to find the unknown?
Step 4: Answer the question
Textbook 3 P172
1 Money | 191
For Let’s Learn 2, follow the same process as in
2. Raju bought a box of chocolates for $4.05 and a box of cookies Let’s Learn 1 for this 2-part problem.
for $5.30.
He had $15 left.
(a) How much did he spend altogether?
(b) How much did he have at first?
(b) ?
$ 9.35 $15
173 Chapter 7 1
Textbook 3 P173
June 200 m
Textbook 3 P174
192 | Chapter 7 1
In Let’s Learn 5, pupils are required to solve a 2-part
5. A television costs Rs 6310. It costs Rs 2680 more than a wireless word problem involving amounts in rupees. Repeat the
(a) How much does the wireless speaker cost? process as shown in Let’s Learn 3.
(b) How much do the two items cost altogether?
Rs 6310
Wireless speaker
? Rs 2680
Wireless speaker
Rs 3630
175 Chapter 7 1
Textbook 3 P175
Work in groups of 4.
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4.
1 Think of some items to buy for a class party
What you need:
with $50.
Choose these items from a supermarket Provide each group with play money and a supermarket
2 Make a list of these items.
advertisement cut-out (from newspapers or magazines).
Write down the name and price of each item on .
3 Find the total cost of the items by adding using . This activity provides an opportunity for pupils to talk
4 Compare the list of items with the other groups. about budgeting and spending within their means in real
Who has the best buy? How do you decide who
has the best buy? world context. Pupils are also required to consider which
items to get in order to get the most out of $50.
Solve. Bring the class together for sharing and comparison.
1. Tom wants to buy a remote-controlled car which costs $35.90.
He needs to save $8.60 more.
How much does he have now? $35.90 – $8.60 = $27.30
2. A box of candies costs $12.80. PRACTICE
A box of biscuits is $4.20 cheaper than the box of candies.
(a) How much does the box of biscuits cost? $12.80 – $4.20 = $8.60
(b) What is the total cost of the box of candies and the box of
biscuits? $12.80 + $8.60 = $21.40
Allow pupils to work on the questions in pairs before
3. Bina saved a total of $75 in June, July and August.
going through worked examples with them.
She saved $18.25 in June and $28.65 in August.
How much did she save in July? $18.25 + $28.65 = $46.90
$75.00 – $46.90 = $28.10 For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 3
4. Mr Lim bought a pair of shoes and a shirt.
The pair of shoes cost $46.90 and the shirt cost $15.60. and work these out with the pupils.
After buying the items, he had $29.70 left. $46.90 + $15.60 = $62.50
How much money did he have at first? $62.50 + $29.70 = $92.20
5. A calculator costs Rs 6875. A music player costs Rs 3766 less than
the calculator. Independent seatwork
How much money does Sam need if he wants to buy both the
calculator and the music player? Rs 6875 – Rs 3766 = Rs 3109
Rs 6875 + Rs 3109 = Rs 9984 Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B
P11 – 17).
1 Dollars, Cents and Rupees
Textbook 3 P176
1 Money | 193
Answers Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B P11 – 17)
1. $2.90 + $5.00 = $7.90 Tom saved $62.85 in June and July.
Mrs Wong spent $7.90 in all. $99.00 – $62.85 = $36.15
Tom has to save $36.15 more to buy the toy train.
2. $5.50 + $0.55 = $6.05
Priya had $6.05 in all. 13. $45.60 + $9.50 = $55.10
Mr Gopal spent $55.10 in total.
3. $37.85 + $3.45 = $41.30 $60.00 – $55.10 = $4.90
The bag costs $41.30. Mr Gopal received $4.90 change.
194 | Chapter 7 1
Mind Workout
6. Mrs Lee spent Rs 2780 on a dress.
She also bought a pair of earrings for Rs 1915.
She paid the cashier Rs 5000. Rs 2780 + Rs 1915 = Rs 4695
How much change did she receive? Rs 5000 – Rs 4695 = Rs 305
Pupils are required to use logical reasoning to figure that
the situation presented is not possible.
Complete Workbook 3B, Worksheet 3 • Pages 11 – 17
177 Chapter 7 Before the pupils do the self-check,
review the important concepts once
1 Money | 195
Mind Workout
Encourage pupils to be systematic in their trials. They
can start off by paying for the costlier item first, then
figure out the quantity of the cheaper item that can be
bought with the remaining amount of money.
Workbook 3B P18
196 | Chapter 7 1
Bar Graphs
8 8
How can Weiming draw a graph to show the number of each type of fruit?
Related Resources
NSPM Textbook 3 (P178 – 189)
NSPM Workbook 3B (P25 – 38)
Magnetic square tiles
Lesson 1 Reading Bar Graphs
Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
Textbook 3 P178
Pupils have learnt to read and interpret picture graphs with scales at Grade 2. In this chapter, they learn to
represent data using bar graphs in both horizontal and vertical forms. The emphasis is on reading and interpreting
bar graphs. Pupils will discuss and talk about the data given in the graphs and use the information to solve
problems. Pupils will have hands-on experiences to collect data by conducting a simple survey and use ICT tools
such as a spreadsheet to create bar graphs.
1 Addition and Subtraction to 10 000 Addition and Subtraction to 10 000 Bar Graphs | 197
1. Read and interpret bar graphs.
2. Solve problems using information from bar graphs.
readInG bar Graphs
1 Use the chapter opener to recap the use of picture
graphs to represent data. Draw the axis and label the
categories of fruits on the whiteboard. Using magnetic
Weiming draws a picture graph to show the number of each type of fruit.
square tiles to represent the fruits in three baskets, get
three pupils to stick the tiles onto the respective columns
to show the quantity of each fruit on the whiteboard.
How can Weiming draw another graph to show the same information?
179 Chapter 8 1
Textbook 3 P179
198 | Chapter 8 1
1. We can use a bar graph to show the number of each type of Transform the picture graph on the whiteboard into
fruit. a bar graph by joining the magnetic square tiles in
Fruits We Have each column. Using one square as 1 unit, draw the
vertical axis and number the scale from 0 to 10. Draw
the outline of the columns of tiles as vertical bars and
remove the cut-outs. Finally, write the title of the bar
of fruits Introduce to pupils the bar graph without changing the
quantities shown in the picture graph. Discuss with
pupils the vertical scale of the bar graph (e.g. what each
marking represents).
Orange Pear Strawberry Get pupils to read the height of each bar with reference
The number of fruits can be read to the vertical scale and get them to answer the
from the scale. How many fruits does
There are 6 pears. each marking stand for? following questions:
There are 2 more oranges than pears. • Which fruit is present in the greatest amount? How
The number of strawberries is the greatest.
many of the fruit is present?
How many strawberries are there? • Which fruit is present in the least amount? How many
How can you tell?
of the fruit is present?
• How many more oranges than pears are there?
Textbook 3 P180
Get pupils to talk about the bar graph. Ask the following
2. The bar graph shows the number of pupils in a class who like to
questions to facilitate the discussion:
read different types of books. • What is the bar graph about? (favourite types of
Favourite Types of Books books)
14 • What does each marking on the vertical scale stand
12 for? (1 marking stands for 1 pupil)
10 • Which type of books is the most popular? How do you
of pupils
8 know?
6 • Which type of books is the least popular?
Guide pupils to answer the questions in the textbook.
Mystery Science Comic Fairy
fiction tale
(c) How many more pupils like to read comic books than
science fiction books?
6 more pupils like to read comic books than
science fiction books.
181 Chapter 8 1
Textbook 3 P181
Textbook 3 P182
Number of
children 30
Badminton Swimming Tennis Football
183 Chapter 8 1
Textbook 3 P183
200 | Chapter 8 1
Get pupils to talk about the graph.
5. Some pupils played a Mathematics game.
Their scores are shown in the bar graph. Draw pupils’ attention to the horizontal form of the
Our Scores bar graph.
Ask them to examine the horizontal scale and find the
Xinyi number of points that each marking stands for.
Textbook 3 P184
Work in groups of 4.
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4.
1 Some types of transport are shown.
Discuss with pupils the purpose of a survey and the
types of surveys they may have come across in real
life. Discuss in general some ways that data can be
Walk By bus By train By car By bicycle
collected for a simple survey.
How do your classmates get to school everyday?
Discuss some ways you can collect the information.
For this activity, it will be more organised and efficient
One tally mark stands for BY BUS if the teacher conducts the survey as a class. This
one pupil. 11 pupils travel
to school by bus. ensures that all groups are using the same set of data.
2 Go to http://www.shinglee.com.sg/StudentResources/NSPM3.
Open the spreadsheet ‘Bar Graphs’. Another objective of this activity is for pupils to use the
3 Type in the number of pupils next to each type of transport to data to create bar graphs using a spreadsheet. The
create a bar graph.
spreadsheet has been prepared beforehand so pupils
are only required to key in data.
2 Type of Transport Number of pupils
3 Walk 15
4 By bus 11
5 By train 5
6 By car 3
7 By bicycle 5
185 Chapter 8 1
Textbook 3 P185
1. The bar graph shows the number of children who like each type Give time for pupils to work on the questions before
of food. class discussion. Alternatively, pair a weaker pupil with a
Favourite Food
higher ability pupil for peer learning.
Biryani Haleem Karahi Pulao Tikka
Textbook 3 P186
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B
Tuesday P25 – 33).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Number of children
187 Chapter 8 1
Textbook 3 P187
202 | Chapter 8 1
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B P25 – 33)
1. (a) False
(b) True
(c) False
(d) False
2. (a) 9
(b) monkeys
(c) deer
(d) monkeys, bears
3. (a) 35
(b) 28
(c) chicken
(d) egg
(e) Tuna
4. (a) 50
(b) Kate
(c) 18
(d) 100
5. (a) 68
(b) roller coaster
(c) ferris wheels
(d) bumpers cars
6. (a) 390
(b) January
(c) 490
(d) March, February
7. (a) 450
(b) 950
(c) Friday
(d) 450
8. (a) Wednesday
(b) Monday
(c) Thursday
(d) Wednesday and Friday, because the number
of movie tickets sold on these two days is
significantly larger than those sold on the
other three days.
9. (a) 40
(b) 50
(c) No, there are 25 men at the park.
(d) No, there is a total of 65 chicken at the park.
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Read and interpret bar graphs.
• Solve problems using information from bar graphs.
Suggested Duration
8 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed with picture graphs and tally charts. They should be able to interpret the scale and
read graphs.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Since this chapter involves representation of information in a different form, pupils might find it a bit challenging.
Since both horizontal and vertical bar graphs are introduced, emphasise that they are similar to each other,
apart from the difference in orientation.
The chapter opener revisits picture graphs and then the information shown in the picture graph is represented
in a bar graph. Explain to pupils that on the bar graph, the markings are labelled on one axis while different
categories are labelled on the other axis. Explain that in Let’s Learn 3 (Textbook 3 P182), although the markings
are labelled on the horizontal axis instead of the vertical axis (as in Let’s Learn 2 (Textbook 2 P181)), the
interpretation methodology remains the same.
Problem Solving
While reading and interpreting horizontal and vertical bar graphs, encourage pupils to justify their answers by
writing complete statements. Emphasise that different bar graphs will have their individual scales and each
marking can represent different quantities depending on the data. Skip counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, 50s and 100s
are involved in the questions provided in the textbook and workbook.
Encourage hands-on experience by giving pupils an assignment to conduct a survey and then represent the
data in a bar graph (e.g. to find out the number of different types of pets that people in the neighbourhood keep).
Get pupils to do the activity in ‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P185). It is advisable for all groups to collect the data of
the class to ensure uniform bar graphs for all. Get pupils to go to http://www.shinglee.com.sg/StudentResources/
NSPM3 to create the spreadsheet and then create the bar graph.
• chart papers
• markers
204 | Chapter 8 1
Mind Workout
Mind Workout
In reading the questions, pupils have to be mindful in
Ahmad carried out a survey to find out the number of glasses of water
some pupils drink in a day. distinguishing among the sets and set inclusion in (c).
He drew a bar graph to show the results.
Amount of Water We Drink
80 Boys
Number of
pupils 40
6 7 8 More
than 8
Number of glasses of water
Textbook 3 P188
Workbook 3B P34
Before the pupils do the self-check,
review the important concepts once
more by asking for examples learnt for each
Green objective.
189 Chapter 8 1
Textbook 3 P189
206 | Chapter 8 1
Answers Review 8 (Workbook 3B P35 – 38)
1. (a) Siti
(b) 30
(c) 2
2. (a) D
(b) 90
(c) B
(d) 30
(e) 210
3. (a) 20
(b) Monday
(c) 12
(d) 4
4. (a) cats
(b) birds, fish
(c) 145
(d) turtles
9 9
What are some examples of fractions
that you can find around you?
1 kg
1/4 BS
1/2 TB
Related Resources
equI valent fractI ons LESSON NSPM Textbook 3 (P190 – 212)
NSPM Workbook 3B (P39 – 62)
1 Materials
Sam folds a piece of paper into 3 parts. Fraction bars, fraction discs, paper strips,
fraction cards
Lesson 1 Equivalent Fractions
He says each part is
of the paper. Lesson 2 Comparing and Ordering
Is he correct? Fractions
1 fractions 190 Lesson 3 Adding Fractions
Lesson 4 Subtracting Fractions
Textbook 3 P190 Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
In Grade 2, pupils have learnt to interpret a fraction as part of a whole, compare and order like and related
fractions, as well as do simple addition and subtraction of like fractions. In this chapter, paper folding and
manipulatives (such as fraction discs and fraction bars) are used to illustrate the concept of equivalent fractions.
Pupils are given learning experiences to make a list of the first eight equivalent fractions of a given fraction and
later use this method to compare two unlike fractions. Pupils work in groups to compare fractions using different
strategies such as listing equivalent fractions, comparing with respect to half, etc. Fraction discs and bars are
used to illustrate addition and subtraction of related fractions within one whole. Pupils also work in groups to make
addition or subtraction stories involving like fractions and related fractions.
208 | Chapter 9 1
1. Find and list equivalent fractions.
2. Write a fraction in its simplest form.
S 8 TB
1 TB
Sam folds a piece of paper into 3 parts.
He says each part is of the paper.
Is he correct?
1 fractions 190
Textbook 3 P190
1 Fractions | 209
Fold the paper again to get 6 equal parts. Ask pupils to fold the remaining 3 strips of paper into
3 equal parts each. For each strip, get pupils to shade
one part for each strip of paper. Then show pupils how
2 out of 6 equal parts are shaded now. Fold the paper to get 9 equal to fold into 6, 9 and 12 equal parts.
parts and 12 equal parts.
of the paper is shaded. What do you notice?
1 2 3
The fractions , , and
have different numerators Get pupils to align all 4 strips of paper as shown in
3 6 9 12
and denominators, but they are equal.
the textbook, ask pupils to observe the shaded parts.
1 Get them to write the fraction shaded in each strip
of paper. Point out to pupils that the fraction shaded
6 in each strip of paper is the same and that these are
equivalent fractions.
Assign pupils to work in pairs. Give each pair fraction
1 2 3 4 Can you find other
= = =
6 9 12 equivalent fractions of 3 ?
1 1
1 2 3 discs to find and confirm equivalent fractions of .
, , and
3 6 9
are equivalent fractions. Use or
to help you.
191 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P191
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Repeat this method for finding the equivalent fractions
1 2 3
= = =
2 4 6 8
of .
1 2 3
, , and
2 4 6
are equivalent fractions. 4
What are the equivalent fractions of 1 ?
1 fractions 192
Textbook 3 P192
210 | Chapter 9 1
1. The 3 figures are cut into equal parts.
What fraction of each figure is shaded? Work with pupils on the practice questions.
1 3 3
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 1A
3 12 9 and work these out with the pupils.
Are the fractions equivalent? Why?
4 1 4 3 6
(a) 1= (b) = (c) =
4 2 8 8 16
193 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P193
1. (a) 1 (b) 1
2 3
2 2
8 4
10 5
6 15
2 3 4 5 6 18
= = = = =
2 4 6 8 10 12 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
= = = = = = =
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
1 Fractions | 211
Give each pair of pupils a set of fraction discs and ask
them to lay out the pieces that are equivalent fractions of
1 1
2 and write down the fractions as shown by the discs.
How can Ahmad find the equivalent fractions of ?
1. We can use multiplication to find equivalent fractions. Introduce pupils to a new method of finding equivalent
Use to help you. fractions.
1 fractions 194
Textbook 3 P194
8 4 2
, and are equivalent fractions.
12 6 3
2 8
is the simplest form of .
3 12
195 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P195
212 | Chapter 9 1
Get pupils to work on Let’s Learn 5 to 7 using division
5. Express
in its simplest form.
before demonstrating to the class.
6. Express
in its simplest form.
÷ 4
4 1
8 2
÷ 4
1 4
is the simplest form of .
2 8
7. Express
in its simplest form.
÷ 3
9 3
12 4
÷ 3
3 9
is the simplest form of .
4 12
1 fractions 196
Textbook 3 P196
Part A:
Assign pupils to play in pairs.
Work in pairs. What you need:
Look at the fractions shown on the cards. 1 1
Play in pairs.
1 Shuffle the cards.
Put each card face down on the table.
and 2 are
equivalent fractions.
If the cards do not show equivalent fractions, turn the cards back.
197 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P197
1 Fractions | 213
1. List the first 8 equivalent fractions of .
18 21
= =
27 Allow pupils to work in pairs first, after which go through
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 the questions with the class.
2. Find the missing numbers.
1 3 3 12
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 1B
(a) = (b) =
2 6 5 20 and work these out with the pupils.
6 2 5 20
(c) = (d) =
9 3 6 24
1 fractions 198
Textbook 3 P198
214 | Chapter 9 1
Answers Worksheet 1B (Workbook 3B P41 – 44)
2 2 1
1. (a) , ,
6 8 4 4. (a) 4
4 2 3 (b) 10
(b) , ,
12 6 7 (c) 12
4 2 2 (d) 9
(c) , ,
10 6 5
(e) 1
(f) 2
2. 1
(g) 6
2 (h) 2
5. (a)
12 4 2
(b) =
2 6 3
6 2
(c) =
9 3
12 4 2
(d) =
10 5
8 6. (a)
10 2
4 (c)
1 5
5 3
12 1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3. (a) = = = = = = = =
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(b) = = = = = = = =
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
(c) = = = = = = = =
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
(d) = = = = = = = =
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
(e) = = = = = = = =
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
1 Fractions | 215
Chapter 9
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Find and list equivalent fractions.
• Write a fraction in its simplest form.
Suggested Duration
6 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed with the concept of fractions as part of a whole. Numerator and denominator as
key terms of fractions have also been introduced in Grade 2. Pupils have also learnt to compare and order like
and related fractions, as well as do simple addition and subtraction of like fractions.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Equivalence is a challenging concept of fractions. It is the foundation for operations of more complex fractions.
Fraction strips and food items like pizzas, cakes or bars of chocolates, can be used for a better understanding of
Conduct this lesson using fraction strips. Distribute 4 strips of paper of the same length to each pupil and ask
them to divide each of the 4 strips into 3 equal parts and shade one part for each strip. Then have them continue
to fold the remaining 3 strips into 6, 9 and 12 equal parts respectively. The teacher may get pupils to do the
same for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 equal parts. Explain that the fraction shaded in each strip of paper is the same
and that they are equivalent fractions. Introduce multiplication and then division to find equivalent fractions.
Emphasise to pupils that to get larger equivalent fractions, one has to multiply the numerator and denominator
by the same number. Conversely, by dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number, one gets a
smaller equivalent fraction or a fraction in ‘reduced’ or simplest form.
Problem Solving
Encourage visual representation of equivalent fraction by using fraction discs. Point out that equivalent fractions
have the same quantity but are expressed in various forms.
In ‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P97), pictorial representation and then abstract computation through fun and
games will enable pupils to grasp the concept of equivalence.
• fraction bars (Activity Handbook 3 P30)
• fraction discs (Activity Handbook 3 P29)
• paper strips
• fraction cards (Activity Handbook 3 P32 – 37)
• markers
216 | Chapter 9 1
1. Compare and order fractions.
comparI ng and
orderI ng fractI ons 2 Bring two large circle cut-outs to the class. Invite two
pupils to act out the scenario as shown. It should be
clear which fraction is bigger with the cut-outs. Tell pupils
that they will learn how to compare and order fractions
Farhan and Xinyi each have a paper circle of the same size. without the use of manipulatives.
Write the two fractions on the whiteboard. Illustrate the
fractions with fraction bars on the visualiser. Conclude
Farhan cuts the circle into 2 equal parts and keeps 1 part.
with pupils and use the comparison language (greater
Xinyi cuts the circle into 6 equal parts and keeps 5 parts.
Who keeps a bigger part, Farhan or Xinyi? than, smaller than, etc.) to compare the given fractions.
199 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P199
1 Fractions | 217
Illustrate the multiplication process and verify with
1 5 5 1
We can also use equivalent fractions to compare
and .
6 fraction discs to conclude that is greater than .
6 2
First review with pupils the comparison of two fractions
×3 that have the same numerator. Lead them to see that the
5 3
= 3
Recall that
is greater than .
6 fraction with the greater denominator is smaller. This can
×3 be illustrated using fraction discs. This serves to help
5 1 1 2
is greater than .
2 pupils to see why is changed to , and then compare
2 2 4
2 1
2. Which is greater, or ? with .
5 2
What do you notice Let’s Learn 3 involves the comparison of two related
about the numerators
×2 of the fractions? fractions. Lead pupils to see that the denominator of
2 1 = 2 one fraction is a multiple of the denominator of the other
5 2 4
fraction (3 and 12). Show pupils the process of
2 8
1 2
is greater than . converting to .
2 5 3 12
2 7 × 4
3. Which is smaller,
2 8
Use to compare. 3 =
× 4
7 8
is smaller than .
12 12
7 2
So, is smaller than .
12 3
1 fractions 200
Textbook 3 P200
2 4 6 8 10 12
= = = = = Look for equivalent fractions
5 10 15 20 25 30 with the same denominator.
3 6 9 12 15 18
= = = = =
4 8 12 16 20 24
8 15
is smaller than .
20 20
2 3
So, is smaller than .
5 4
201 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P201
218 | Chapter 9 1
Let’s Learn 6 and 7 involve comparing and ordering three
6. 1 5
Arrange , and
in order, starting with the greatest.
fractions. At this juncture, review with pupils the different
2 6 4
methods of comparing two fractions practiced in the
1 We can compare each
fraction to .
previous lesson.
2 2
6 Allow pupils to work in pairs for each example. Encourage
1 them to examine the type of fractions that are given and
4 explore using the methods learnt. They can compare two
5 1 fractions at a time to find the greatest fraction.
is greater than .
6 2
is smaller than .
After which, demonstrate the process to the class clearly
through questioning.
Arranging the fractions from the greatest to the smallest, we have
5 1 1
, ,
6 2 4
5 1 1
7. Arrange ,
8 2
in order, starting with the smallest.
1 fractions 202
Textbook 3 P202
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
= = = = = = = =
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
= = = = = = = =
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
9 8
is greater than .
12 12
is the greatest.
Arranging the fractions from the smallest to the greatest, we have
3 2 1
, ,
4 3 6
1 Go to http://www.shinglee.com.sg/StudentResources/NSPM3.
203 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P203
1 Fractions | 219
1 1 3 2 5 7
, , , ,
3 2 5 3 6 8
1 fractions 204
Textbook 3 P204
5 5
6 12
5 5
is smaller than .
12 6
220 | Chapter 9 1
1 3 4 2
3. (a) = 6. (a) ,
3 9 9 3
3 5 1 6
is smaller than . (b) ,
9 9 6 7
1 5 3 1 1
So, is smaller than . 7. (a) , ,
3 9 4 2 4
3 6 7 3 1
(b) = (b) , ,
4 8 10 5 2
6 7 5 5 5
is smaller than . (b) , ,
8 8 6 9 12
3 7 3 1 7
So, is smaller than . 8. (a) , ,
4 8 10 2 12
2 8 1 2 5
(c) = (b) , ,
3 12 4 3 6
8 5 5 7 11
is greater than . (c) , ,
12 12 6 8 12
2 5
So, is greater than .
3 12
5 15 3 15
(d) = =
8 24 7 35
15 15
is greater than .
24 35
5 3
is greater than .
8 7
2 14 5 15
(e) = =
3 21 7 21
15 14
is greater than .
21 21
5 2
is greater than .
7 3
6 2
*(f) =
9 3
2 8
3 12
7 6
is smaller than .
12 9
4. (a)
5. (a)
1 Fractions | 221
Chapter 9
Lesson 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Compare and order fractions.
Suggested Duration
6 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed with comparing and ordering whole numbers. They have also done the same with
fractions in Grade 2.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Pupils will have to use the concept of equivalence fractions learnt in Lesson 1 to change unlike fractions to like
fractions to compare and then order.
Recapitulate with pupils that for fractions with the same denominator, the larger the numerator, the larger
the fraction is. Use large cut-outs and fraction discs to explain which fraction is larger. Once the pictorial
visualisation is done, proceed to the abstract aspect by changing the unlike fractions to fractions with
common denominators. Using multiple strategies to compare and order fractions will be beneficial for pupils’
understanding of this concept. Make equivalent fractions by either multiplying or dividing, to get the same
denominator. The numerators are then compared and the fractions can be arranged in order.
Problem Solving
Use manipulatives and then abstract mathematical computation to arrange the fractions in the correct order.
Explain to pupils that fractions with common denominator have the same total number of equal parts that make
a whole.
In ‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P203), the digital game on the website provides exercises which make the lesson
fun and pupils get to understand the concept through fun and visualisation.
• fraction discs (Activity Handbook 3 P29)
• fraction bars (Activity Handbook 3 P30)
222 | Chapter 9 1
1. Adding two related fractions within a whole.
addIng fractIons
3 Discuss the problem with the class. Facilitate the
discussion by asking questions such as:
• Which operation should be used to find the fraction
Junhao has
of a cake. of cake both Junhao and Nora had altogether?
Nora has
of the same cake.
• Do the fractions have the same denominator?
• How do we add the two fractions?
What fraction of the cake do they have altogether?
Textbook 3 P205
1 Fractions | 223
Reinforce the process with Let’s Learn 2 and 3.
Show how to give the answer in its simplest form in
1 5
2. Add
. Let’s Learn 3.
+ =
1 2
1 5 2 5
+ = +
6 12 12 12
1 3
3. What is the sum of
and ?
3 9
Give your answer in the simplest form. =
4 12
Use or to
1 3 1 9
+ = +
12 4 12 12
1 fractions 206
Textbook 3 P206
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B
2. Add.
Give your answers in the simplest form. P51 – 54).
1 5 7 2 1 7
(a) + = (b) + =
6 12 12 3 9 9
1 1 1 2 1 1
(c) + = (d) + =
3 6 2 5 10 2
1 3 4 7 1 5
(e) + = (f) + =
2 10 5 12 4 6
207 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P207
224 | Chapter 9 1
Answers Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B P51 – 54)
1 5
1 1 6 1
1. (a) + = + (d) 4 12
2 12 12 12
12 ?
2 3 4 3 2 1 5 3 5
(b) + = + 3 + = +
5 10 10 10 5 4 12 12 12
10 8
7 =
= 12
1 5 4 5
(c) + = + 1
3 12 12 12 2 1 2 3
9 3 3. (a) + = +
= 5 9 3 9 9
12 12 5
3 9
1 5 2 5
(b) + = +
6 12 12 12
2. (a) 7
4 1 =
9 3 12
5 1 5 2
(c) + = +
8 4 8 8
? 7
4 1 4 3 =
+ = + 8
9 3 9 9 1 1 1 5
7 (d) + = +
= 10 2 10 10
9 6
(b) 1 7 10
6 12 3
1 3 2 3
? (e) + = +
1 7 2 7 5 10 10 10
+ = +
6 12 12 12 5
9 10
12 1
3 2
2 1 8 1
(f) + = +
(c) 1 3 3 12 12 12
2 10
? 3
1 3 5 3 4
+ = +
2 10 10 10
1 Fractions | 225
1. Subtracting two related fractions within a whole.
4 Discuss the problem with the class. Facilitate the
discussion by asking questions such as:
• Who has a greater portion of waffle?
• What operation should we use to find the answer?
Meiling has
of a waffle. • Do the fractions have the same denominator?
Sam has
of the same waffle. • How do we subtract the fractions?
1 When the denominators are related (such that one
denominator is the multiple of the other), we multiply
to change the fraction of smaller denominator to an
equivalent fraction.
1 fractions 208
Textbook 3 P208
226 | Chapter 9 1
Reinforce the process with Let’s Learn 2 and 3.
3 4
Ask pupils when they need to give an answer in
2. Subtract from .
10 5 its simplest form.
Give your answer in the simplest form.
4 8
4 3 8 3
– = –
5 10 10 10
5 1
3. Find the difference between
and .
3 1 3
3 9
Use or to
explain how you subtract.
3 ?
5 1 5 3
– = –
9 3 9 9
209 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P209
Work in groups of 4.
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4.
1 Shuffle the cards and put them face down
What you need:
on the table.
2 Take 2 cards. 1
Provide pupils with the necessary materials and paper
Use the fractions to make an addition story
or a subtraction story.
to write their stories to be shared with the class.
Go through an example with them on how the story
Tom has
of a pizza. should be written. Before they begin their group work,
Nora has
of the pizza.
ask pupils what helping words they need. Write them
They have 12 of the pizza altogether.
They have 6 of
the pizza altogether.
on the whiteboard as pupils say the words.
1 fractions 210
Textbook 3 P210
1 Fractions | 227
1 3
1. Subtract from .
8 4 Allow pupils to work on the questions in pairs before
8 going through worked examples with them.
3 1 6 1
– = –
4 8 8 8
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 4
and work these out with the pupils.
2. Subtract.
Give your answers in simplest form.
Independent seatwork
7 2 3 5 2 1
(a) –
10 5
(b) –
6 3
6 Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 4 (Workbook 3B
1 P55 – 57).
10 2 5 4 12 3
211 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P211
228 | Chapter 9 1
Answers Worksheet 4 (Workbook 3B P55 – 57)
3 1 3 2 1 1 4 1
1. (a) – = – 3. (a) – = –
4 2 4 4 2 8 8 8
1 3
= =
4 8
1 1 3 1
(b) – = – 8 2 8 6
3 9 9 9 (b) – = –
9 3 9 9
= 2
9 =
7 1 7 4
(c) – = –
12 3 12 12 1 1 3 1
(c) – = –
3 4 12 12 12
12 2
1 12
4 1
2. (a) 2 7 1 7 5
3 (d) – = –
10 2 10 10
1 ?
6 1
2 1 4 1
– = –
3 6 6 6 9 2 9 4
(e) – = –
3 10 5 10 10
6 5
1 =
= 10
2 1
5 2
11 2 11 8
(f) – = –
12 3 12 12
7 ? =
12 12
5 7 10 7 1
– = – =
6 12 12 12 4
1 Fractions | 229
Chapter 9
Lessons 3 & 4
Specific Learning Focus
• Adding two related fractions within a whole.
• Subtracting two related fractions within a whole.
Suggested Duration
Lesson 3: 4 periods
Lesson 4: 4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt the addition and subtraction of like fractions.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
In this lesson, before adding and subtracting fractions, fractions are changed to equivalent fractions first.
Pupils have to find a common denominator to both fractions and get the equivalent fractions. Although they
have visited this concept in Lesson 2, too many mathematical computation steps are required to add and
subtract fractions, so this might be slightly challenging for pupils.
Go through all the steps of ‘Let’s Learn’ and questions in ‘Practice’ of lessons 3 and 4 on the board. Encourage
individual responses while making equivalent fractions. Emphasise to pupils that one might need to multiply or
divide the denominator to make fractions with the same denominator. After which, the addition and subtraction
of fractions is then made easy by simply adding or subtracting the numerators.
Problem Solving
Pupils will have to develop the skill of identifying a common denominator which will have to be the first common
multiple of both the denominators of the unlike fractions. To get the common denominator a number will be
selected which will then multiply or divide both the numerator and denominator to make both as like fractions.
Divide the class into groups of 4 and carry out the activities for both lessons.
• fraction discs (Activity Handbook 3 P29)
• fraction bars (Activity Handbook 3 P30)
• fraction cards (Activity Handbook 3 P32 – 37)
230 | Chapter 9 1
Mind Workout
1 3
1. Subtract
from .
4 This is an open-ended question with many possible
6 answers. To limit the range, ask for a fraction with a
3 1 6 1
denominator up to 12. Suggest for pupils to draw
8 1
number lines to show equivalent fractions between
1 ?
5 3
8 8 1
and up to twelfths. Refer to the number lines on P192
2. Subtract. 2
Give your answers in simplest form.
of the textbook.
7 2 3 5 2 1
(a) – = (b) – =
10 5 10 6 3 6
9 1 2 3 5 1
(c) – = (d) – =
10 2 5 4 12 3
211 Chapter 9 1
Textbook 3 P211
1 Fractions | 231
Mind Workout
This task requires spatial visualisation and analysis
of the figures based on the concept of .
Workbook 3B P58
Maths journal
To be more specific, ask pupils to describe what was
Look at the addition equation shown. done wrong in the working.
1 fractions 212
Textbook 3 P212
232 | Chapter 9 1
Answers Review 9 (Workbook 3B P59 – 62)
1. 3 1 3 4
5. (a) + = +
5 8 2 8 8
6 7
2 2 6 2
(b) + = +
2 3 9 9 9
3 8
1 5 4 5
(c) + = +
1 3 12 12 12
2 9
3 =
4 3 1 9 1
(d) + = +
4 12 12 12
1 12
3 5
(e) 4 – 1 = 4 – 3
9 3 9 9
= 1
2 4 6 4
2. (a) 3 (f) – = –
3 9 9 9
(b) 8 2
(c) 10 9
(d) 12 1 1 5 1
(g) – = –
(e) 9 2 10 10 10
(f) 12 4
3 (a) 5 , 3 2
11 11 5
(b) 5 (h)
7 1
– =
8 12 4 12 12
(c) 5 =
8 12
(d) 3 =
11 3
(e) 3 , 5, 5
11 11 8
4. (a) 1 , 1 , 1
12 8 3
(b) 3 , 1 , 5
7 2 6
(c) 9 , 4 , 1
10 5 2
*(d) 5 , 3 , 2
6 4 3
1 Fractions | 233
10 10
Which programme is showing
on television now?
40 20
35 25
30 Lesson 1 Telling Time to the Minute
The minute hand makes a complete round in 60 minutes.
Lesson 2 Duration of Time
213 Chapter 10 1 Lesson 3 Conversion of Hours and
Textbook 3 P213 Lesson 4 Solving Word Problems
Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
From telling time to 5 minutes in Grade 2, pupils now learn how to tell time to the minute. Pupils could be given the
opportunity to observe the movement of clocks and to experience for themselves how long a minute feels and what
can be done in a minute. Pupils also learn to use a timeline to represent information on time and to find duration.
Real-life examples of schedules can be provided so that pupils can apply their learning.
234 | Chapter 10 1
1. Tell time to the minute.
2. Use ‘past’ and ‘to’ to tell time.
Use a geared clock to recap that the minute hand
makes a complete round in 60 minutes.
the mInute 1
55 5
1. 50 10
60 min = 1 hr
45 15
40 20
35 25
213 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P213
1 Time | 235
Review the concepts of a.m. and p.m. Use the chapter
Bala takes a walk in the
park at 9.00 a.m. in the opener (P213) to discuss what time it is. Use a geared
morning. clock to demonstrate and ask questions such as:
• When the minute hand points at 1, the time is 12.05.
We use a.m. to tell the time from just after 12 midnight to just What is one marking before 12.05?
before 12 noon.
• What does each marking represent?
We use p.m. to tell the time from just after 12 noon to just before
12 midnight.
Is the hour hand
pointing at 12?
Using a ,
turn the minute hand to
show one hour. What do
you notice about the
hour hand?
What is the time shown on the clock?
1 time 214
Textbook 3 P214
Use a geared clock to show the minute hand moving
1. 1 minute 1 2
3 4
from one small marking to another and tell pupils that
each small marking stands for 1 minute. Continue to
count from the 6th to 10th minute.
For the first clock in Let’s Learn 3, guide pupils to tell the
Each small marking on the clock face stands for 1 minute.
The minute hand shows 4 minutes, so the time is 12.04. time by counting back from 20 or counting forward from
15 to get the time 11.19.
2. 1 minute
5 The minute hand shows 5
minutes when it points at 1.
Allow pupils to try telling the time on the second clock
11.19 4.39
215 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P215
236 | Chapter 10 1
For Let’s Learn 4 to 6, use a geared clock to show the
4. number of minutes past the hour.
Primary School
It is 24 minutes
after 1 o'clock.
1 time 216
Textbook 3 P216
It is 12 minutes
before 6 o'clock.
217 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P217
1 Time | 237
Work in pairs. Assign pupils to work in pairs.
What you need:
1 Guess how many times you can clap in
1 minute.
Distribute a stopwatch to each pair and demonstrate
2 Ask your partner to time 1 minute on the .
What other
how the activity should be carried out.
3 How many times can you clap in 1 minute? activities can you
do in 1 minute?
4 Take turns and repeat 1 to 3 . Elicit ideas on other activities that could be carried out in
5 Try doing other activities in 1 minute. 1 minute. Other activities that can be carried out are as
• Find as many words on a Boggle game board
• Write ‘Maths is fun’ as many times as possible
1. Tell the time. Write in a.m. or p.m.
(a) (b) Practice
1 time 218
Textbook 3 P218
Independent seatwork
(c) (d) Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B
P63 – 66).
15 minutes to 8 18 minutes to 5
in the morning in the afternoon
7.45 a.m. 4.42 p.m.
219 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P219
238 | Chapter 10 1
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B P63 – 66)
1. (a) 10.02
(b) 2.58
(c) 9.46
(d) 6.17
10 minutes past 4
23 minutes to 12
25 minutes past 2
11 minutes to 11
5 minutes to 2
1 Time | 239
Chapter 10
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Tell time to the minute.
• Use ‘past’ and ‘to’ to tell time.
Suggested Duration
2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed with telling time to the hour, half hour and 5 minutes. The use of a.m. and p.m.
can be revisited.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
In this lesson, pupils learn to tell time to the minute and find the duration of an event.
Use real-life events when revisiting a.m. and p.m. concepts. A geared clock comes in handy when explaining
that the minute hand makes a complete round in 60 minutes, which is an hour. Use a wristwatch to show that
the second hand makes a complete round in a minute. Explain that each of the 12 markings on the clock stands
for 5 minutes, so when the minute hand points at 1 it is 5 minutes past the hour, hence 2 10 minutes, 3 5
minutes, 6 30 minutes, 9 45 minutes, 10 50 minutes, 11 55 minutes. When the minute hand points
at 12 it is 60 minutes (= 1 hour) past the hour. Explain that between every 2 successive such markings, there
are 4 small markings, and each of these small markings stands for 1 minute.
Problem Solving
The concepts that 60 minutes equals an hour and each small marking on a clock stands for 1 minute need to be
reinforced by working on questions.
Let the pupils experience the duration of a minute by bringing in a stopwatch to class and play a game.
Throw coloured balls on the floor and ask them to put as many balls in the colour coded buckets as possible.
Start the game using a stopwatch and stop after a minute.
• geared clock
• stopwatch
• wristwatch
• real-life objects (e.g. balloons, balls, buckets, etc.)
240 | Chapter 10 1
1. Measure time in hours and minutes.
2. Find the starting time, finishing time or duration given
two other quantities.
dUratIon of tIme
2 Elicit the answer from pupils and ask them how they
arrived at their answers. Emphasise that the standard
IN FOCUS unit for hour is hr.
For Let’s Learn 1, use a geared clock to show the
minute hand moving one round from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The children started painting at 3.00 p.m. We write 'hr' for hour. Ask pupils how many minutes have passed. Tell pupils
They took 1 hr to finish painting.
What time did they finish?
that 60 minutes is also 1 hour.
We can use
a timeline to show
1 hr the amount of
Start Finish
time taken.
1 time 220
Textbook 3 P220
1 Time | 241
Let pupils try Let’s Learn 2 on their own, possibly using
2. Kate watches a cartoon at 6.30 p.m.
a geared clock.
The cartoon lasts for 1 hour. Use a to help you.
What time will the cartoon end?
1 hr
For Let’s Learn 2, use a geared clock to show the
minute hand moving from 2.15 p.m. to 3.15 p.m. and
6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. translate this to a timeline. Then use the geared clock
The cartoon will end at 7.30 p.m.
to show the minute hand moving from 3.15 to 3.30 and
translate this to the timeline. Conclude that 1 h 15 min
3. Ahmad and Bina started playing at 2.15 p.m.
They played for 1 hr 15 min. We write 'min' for
after 2.15 p.m. is 3.30 p.m.
What time did they finish their game?
1 hr 15 min
Also introduce to pupils that min is the standard unit for
2.15 p.m. p.m. p.m.
3.15 3.30
45 min
What is 5 minutes after 11 o'clock?
221 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P221
Let pupils try Let’s Learn 5 on their own with the help
5. A piano lesson starts at 11.20 a.m.
of the timeline.
The lesson lasts for 1 hr 15 min.
What time will the lesson end?
1 hr 15 min
For Let’s Learn 6, use a geared clock to show the
minute hand moving from the start time to the end time
11.20 a.m. 12.20 p.m. 12.35 p.m.
and translate the information onto a timeline. Introduce
the word duration as the amount of time taken.
The lesson will end at 12.35 p.m .
'Duration' means
the amount of time
30 min the programme lasts.
1 time 222
Textbook 3 P222
242 | Chapter 10 1
For Let’s Learn 7 and 8, continue to show the duration
7. Nora and her family started making kites at 11.30 a.m.
with a geared clock and translate the information onto
They finished making their kites at 12.15 p.m.
How long did they take to make their kites?
a timeline.
30 min 15 min
45 min
2 h 40 min
223 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P223
For Let’s Learn 9 to 11, use the timeline to show how the
9. Xinyi took 2 hours to read a book.
duration can be broken up.
She finished reading the book at 5.10 p.m.
What time did she start reading the book?
For Let’s Learn 10, the duration can be broken up into
1 hr 1 hr 2 hr, then 30 min (i.e. 2 hr before 4.20 p.m. is 2.20 p.m.
and 30 min before 2.20 p.m. is 1.50 p.m.).
3.10 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 5.10 p.m.
2 hr 30 min
15 min 30 min
1 time 224
Textbook 3 P224
1 Time | 243
Independent seatwork
2. Kate and Priya started swimming at 8.00 a.m.
They finished swimming at 10.05 a.m. Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3B
How long did they swim?
P67 – 70).
2 hr 5 min
225 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P225
I took 1 hr 5 min to finish my homework.
(c) 1h 15 min
244 | Chapter 10 1
Chapter 10
Lesson 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Measure time in hours and minutes.
• Find the starting time, finishing time or duration given two other quantities.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt that an hour has passed when the minute hand has made a complete round in 60 minutes.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
The duration (time taken from starting time to finishing time) of an event is found in this lesson. This could be
challenging for pupils when dealing with compound units of time in hours and minutes.
Use a geared clock and timeline to calculate the duration of an event. The timeline can be divided into parts for
ease of calculation in finding the finishing time. In Let’s Learn 4 (Textbook 3 P221), 45 minutes is split into 40
and 5 minutes for ease of calculation. To find the finishing time, 40 minutes after 10:20 a.m. gives 11:00 a.m.,
then 5 minutes after 11:00 a.m. gives 11:05 a.m.
Problem Solving
Using a timeline, the duration of time is added to the starting time to find the finishing time. Every 60 minutes
is regrouped to 1 hour and the remaining minutes are added, and the finishing time could be expressed in
compound units ( hr min).
Bring to class the programme schedule of a cartoon channel and ask pupils to find the duration of their favourite
• geared clock
1 Time | 245
1. Convert time in hours and minutes to minutes, and vice
conversIon of hoUrs
and mInUtes 3 Discuss with pupils if Xinyi is correct. Let pupils explain
their ideas.
I took 1 hr 30 min, or
130 min, to do my homework. For Let’s Learn 1, use a geared clock to show pupils the
movement of the minute hand from 1 o’clock to
2 o’clock. Show pupils that 60 minutes have passed.
1 hour has also passed between 1 and 2 o’clock, so
60 minutes is equal to 1 hour.
Is Xinyi correct?
1. 1 hour 30 min
later later
1 hr = 60 min
1 hr 30 min = 60 min + 30 min
= 90 min
1 time 226
Textbook 3 P226
246 | Chapter 10 1
For Let’s Learn 2 and 3, use the fact that 1 hour = 60 min
2. Mrs Ali spent 2 hr 25 min baking.
to convert from hr and min to min.
What was the duration in minutes?
1 hr = 60 min
2 hr = 120 min
For Let’s Learn 4, ask pupils how many 60 min there
2 hr 25 min = 120 min + 25 min
= 145 min
are in the given duration. When separating the duration
into hours and minutes, the ‘hours’ segment should be
a multiple of 60 (relate this to 1 hr = 60 min) and the
3. The duration of a movie is 3 hr 15 min.
Write the duration in minutes. ‘minutes’ segment is the remaining time.
3 hr 15 min = 180 min + 15 min
= 195 min Example
160 min = 120 min + 40 min (120 is a multiple of 60)
4. A football match lasted for 105 minutes. = 2 hr 40 min
60 min 45 min
later later
227 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P227
6. A plane flight lasts for 250 minutes. Work with pupils on the practice questions.
Write the duration in hours and minutes.
250 min = 240 min + 10 min For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 3
= 4 hr 10 min and work these out with the pupils.
1 time 228
Textbook 3 P228
1 Time | 247
Answers Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B P71 – 72)
= 80 min
= 168 min
= 195 min
= 276 min
= 1 hr 35 min
= 2 hr 50 min
= 2 hr 29 min
= 3 hr 13 min
248 | Chapter 10 1
Chapter 10
Lesson 3
Specific Learning Focus
• Convert time in hours and minutes to minutes, and vice versa.
Suggested Duration
2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed in conversion between kg and g, and and ml. Standard units of time in hours
and minutes have been covered in lessons 1 and 2, and pupils have learnt to use timeline to find starting time,
finishing time or duration given two other quantities, as well as express the duration in compound units of time.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Reinforce that each small marking on the clock stands for 1 minute. Remind pupils to use the fact that
1 hr = 60 min to convert time in hours and minutes to minutes.
Emphasise that 60 min make 1 hr so to convert time in hr and min to min, convert every hour to 60 minutes
and express the remaining minutes in min (e.g. 106 min can be written as 1 hr 46 min). Similarly, 3 hr and
15 min equal to (3 × 60 + 15) minutes, which is 195 minutes.
Problem Solving
Encourage pupils to learn to find the number of minutes that a specified number of hours is equivalent to
(e.g. 2 hr = (2 × 60) min = 120 min, 3 hr = (3 × 60) min = 180 min, etc.).
Encourage pupils to work in pairs to solve the questions in Textbook 3 P226 – 228 and Workbook 3B P71 – 72.
Encourage pupils to check each other’s answers.
• geared clock
1 Time | 249
1. Solve problems involving time in hours and minutes.
Word problems 4 Discuss with pupils how the problem can be solved.
Get pupils to explain their answers.
Use the timeline to show how the problem can be
Xinyi and her family travelled from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur for 4 hr.
They then travelled another 5 hr 15 min from Kuala Lumpur to Penang.
How much time did they spend travelling?
1. 4 hr 5 hr 15 min
First, add the hours.
4 hr + 5 hr 15 min = ? Then add the minutes.
+5 hr +15 min
4 hr 9 hr 9 hr 15 min
229 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P229
250 | Chapter 10 1
Continue to show pupils how the timeline is used to
2. Mrs Lee took 1 hr 10 min to shop for groceries.
solve problems involving duration. Explain to pupils that
She spent another 1 hr 55 min to shop for presents.
What was the total time she spent shopping?
it is easier to add or subtract the hours first, followed by
1 hr 10 min 1 hr 55 min
the minutes.
1 hr 10 min + 1 hr 55 min = ?
+1 hr +55 min
1 hr 10 min 2 hr 10 min 2 hr 65 min
65 min = 60 min + 5 min = 1 hr 5 min
2 hr 65 min = 3 hr 5 min
First, subtract the
1 hr 5 min hours. Then subtract
the minutes.
2 hr 40 min – 1 hr 5 min = ?
– 1 hr – 5 min
2 hr 40 min 1 hr 40 min 1 hr 35 min
1 time 230
Textbook 3 P230
1 hr 20 min
1 hr 20 min – 50 min = ? 1 hr 20 min = 60 min + 20 min
= 80 min
–50 min
80 min 30 min
231 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P231
1 Time | 251
For Let’s Learn 6, a common error is that pupils write
6. Priya had a piano lesson from 11.50 a.m. to 1.50 p.m.
‘1.50 p.m. – 11.50 a.m.’ to find the duration. Remind
The lesson cost Rs 2600 each hour.
How much did Priya pay for the lesson?
pupils that specific times cannot be added or subtracted
Count on in hours.
and only durations can be added or subtracted.
Priya paid Rs 150 for the lesson. Pupils are to write word problems about what they did
the day before, after which the groups are to exchange
Work in groups of 3 to 4.
word problems with one another to solve.
What you need:
1 Write a word problem about what you did
1 time 232
Textbook 3 P232
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
1. Meiling spent 1 hr 35 min doing homework.
She spent another 1 hr 55 min reading a book.
How much time did she spend doing homework and reading
altogether? 1 h 35 min + 1 h 55 min = 2 h 90 min For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 4
2. Tom took 2 hr 15 min to complete a walkathon.
= 3 h 30 min
and work these out with the pupils.
Ahmad took 70 minutes to complete the same walkathon.
How much longer did Tom take to complete the walkathon
than Ahmad? 2 h 15 min = 1 h 75 min
Mind Workout
233 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P233
252 | Chapter 10 1
Answers Worksheet 4 (Workbook 3B P73 – 77)
7. (a) 4 h 5 min
1. 1 hr 27 min + 1 hr 15 min = 2 hr 42 min
4 h 5 min = 3 h 65 min
2. 1 h 40 min 1 h 35 min
3 h 65 min – 2 h 30 min = 1 h 35 min
Raju spent 1 h 35 min reading the newspaper.
? (b) 1h 35 min
4. 4 h 5 min
2. 30 p.m. 3. 30 p.m. 4. 30 p.m. 5. 30 p.m.
Mr Wong teaches for 3 h on Saturday.
2 h 20 min ? 3 × $48 = $144
Mr Wong earns $144 that day.
4 h 5 min = 3 h 65 min
3 h 65 min – 2 h 20 min = 1 h 45 min
9. 28 ÷ 7 = 4
Kate spent 1h 45 min flying a kite.
Mr Lim worked for 4 h.
5. (a) 8 hr 20 min = 7 hr 80 min
7 hr 80 min – 3 hr 34 min = 4 hr 46 min 9.15 a.m. 10.15 a.m. 11.15 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 1.15 p.m.
6. 1h 53 min
1 Time | 253
Mind Workout
If pupils have difficulty approaching the question,
1. Meiling spent 1 hr 35 min doing homework.
She spent another 1 hr 55 min reading a book. facilitate by showing how a timeline can be used
How much time did she spend doing homework and reading
altogether? 1 h 35 min + 1 h 55 min = 2 h 90 min to solve the problem.
= 3 h 30 min
2. Tom took 2 hr 15 min to complete a walkathon.
Ahmad took 70 minutes to complete the same walkathon. Pupils could also be asked to find the day and time
How much longer did Tom take to complete the walkathon
than Ahmad? 2 h 15 min = 1 h 75 min in London and Melbourne at the point of the lesson.
1 h 75 min – 70 min = 1 h 5 min
3. Nora cycled for 1 hr 55 min.
The total time that Nora and Priya cycled was 5 hr 45 min.
(a) How long did Priya cycle? (a) 5 h 45 min = 4 h 105 min Show a world clock, which can be found online,
(b) Priya started cycling at 8.10 a.m.
What time did she finish cycling?
4 h 105 min – 1 h 55 min
= 3 h 50 min
and discuss time differences around the world.
(b) 12.00 p.m.
4. Mr Wong works from 11.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. every day.
He is paid Rs 1750 each hour. 5h
How much is he paid in one day? 11.30 a.m. 4.30 p.m.
$64 × 5 = $320
Complete Workbook 3B, Worksheet 4 • Pages 73 – 77
Mind Workout
233 Chapter 10 1
Textbook 3 P233
254 | Chapter 10 1
Mind Workout
There are a few ways to solve this problem. Ask pupils
questions such as:
• What is the duration between 12.55 p.m. and
3.17 p.m.?
• How long does Bala take to walk up 10 storeys?
• Will Bala be walking up or down the building at
3.17 p.m.?
Workbook 3B P78
Maths journal
Show an example of how the activities can be described
How do you spend your Sunday?
or recorded. Pupils are required to work on the task
Describe the activities you do, starting from the time you wake up. individually, then share their schedules in pairs.
What time do
you start an activity?
What time does it end?
tell time to the minute. use ‘past’ and ‘to’ to tell time. This self-check can be done after pupils have
find the duration, starting time and finishing time. completed Review 10 (Workbook 3B P79 – 84) as
change time in hours and minutes to minutes. consolidation of understanding for the chapter.
change time in minutes to hours and minutes.
1 time 234
Textbook 3 P234
1 Time | 255
Answers Review 10 (Workbook 3B P79 – 84)
1. (a) 9.18, 18 9. 3h
(b) 3.28, 28
(c) 11.38, 22 4.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m.
(d) 9.58, 2
The pianist spent 3 h performing.
3 × $96 = $288
2. (a) 15, 9.15 a.m.
The pianist was paid $288.
(b) 7, 6.40 p.m.
(c) 8, 7.53 am
(d) 13, 4.47 p.m.
3. (a) 1, 45
(b) 8.15 a.m.
4. (a) 4 h 8 min
(b) 10.07 am
5. (a) 15 min
(b) 120 min
(c) 1 h 0 min
(d) 75
7. 3h 45 min
+1h + 15 min
8. 2 h 54 min 3 h 54 min 3 h 69 min
3 h 69 min = 4 h 9 min
Ahmad spent 4 h 9 min travelling to the library and
spending time there.
9 min 4h
256 | Chapter 10 1
Answers Revision 3A (Workbook 3B P85 – 92)
ü ü
ü ü
1 Revision 3A | 257
Answers Revision 3B (Workbook 3B P93 – 98)
8.30 a.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.00 p.m.
–3h – 12 min
3 h 43 min 43 min 31 min
Mrs Gopal is 31 min faster than Mrs Tan.
258 | Revision 3B 1
11 11
What are angles?
At Grade 3, the concept of angles is first developed as a ‘turning’, where pupils explore turning their arms or
things in the environment (e.g. hands of a clock, a door or a pair of scissors). The concept of angles that pupils
have to grasp at this stage is that an angle is formed when two straight line segments meet at a point. Through
other practical experiences of forming an angle (e.g. by using two pencils or two angle strips) and varying the size
of the amount of turning, pupils learn the concept of angles intuitively. They will then be able to identify angles in
two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects in the environment. Before the measurement of angles in degrees
is introduced at Grade 4, the right angle is used as a unit of comparison. A right angle can be identified in the
corners of a square or rectangle and a right-angle tester can be easily made by folding a piece of paper. Pupils use
the right-angle tester to discover more examples of right angles, as well as angles that are greater or smaller than a
right angle. Pupils can use terms such as ‘acute angle’ and ‘obtuse angle’ to describe such angles.
1 Addition and Subtraction to 10 000 Addition and Subtraction to 10 000 Angles | 259
1. Associate angles as an amount of turning.
2. Identify angles in the environment.
3. Identify angles in two-dimensional shapes.
11 Use the chapter opener to stimulate discussion.
Ask pupils to suggest reasons as to why the angles
are marked as shown in the chapter opener.
angles LESSON Get pupils to hold up their right arms and make angles
as shown in In Focus. Invite a volunteer to show a big
1 angle and a small angle with his/her arms in front of the
Can you make different angles with your arm? class. Each time the pupil does this, help the class see
where the angle is formed.
a b c
235 Chapter 11 1
Textbook 3 P235
260 | Chapter 11 1
Using the illustration, formally introduce the concept of
1. When two straight lines meet at a point, an angle is formed.
An angle is the amount of turning about the point. an angle as the amount of turning about a point and how
it is formed.
For more hands-on experience on making angles,
assemble two strips of paper and a fastener as shown
in Let’s Learn 1. These can be shown on a visualiser or
We can use two pencils to make angles. distributed to pupils to manipulate.
We can make different angles
by turning the pencils. Make sure to keep
the two ends together.
Alternatively, get pupils to work in pairs to make angles
of varying sizes using pencils as shown. Emphasise to
pupils that the ends of the pencils must meet in order for
an angle to be formed.
1 angles 236
Textbook 3 P236
An angle is formed
when two straight lines
meet at a point.
237 Chapter 11 1
Textbook 3 P237
1 Angles | 261
Let’s Learn 6 and 7 provide pupils with other rectilinear
6. How many sides and angles are there in Figure B below? figures (pentagon and hexagon) to work on.
Figure B
7. Look at the figure below.
1 Form shapes with different number of sides. What you need: The objective is for pupils to investigate the relationship
between the number of sides and the number of angles
in a 2D figure.
1 angles 238
Textbook 3 P238
1. Which of the following pairs of sticks do not form angles? C Work with pupils on the practice questions.
Get pupils to answer and explain how they got their
2. Look at the letters below. For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 1
and work these out with the pupils.
239 Chapter 11 1
Textbook 3 P239
262 | Chapter 11 1
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B P99 – 100)
1. (b)
5 sides 4 sides
5 angles 4 angles
3 sides 4 sides
3 angles 4 angles
8 sides 4 sides
8 angles 4 angles
1 Angles | 263
1. Identify right angles.
2. Compare the size of an angle as equal to, greater than
or smaller than a right angle.
rIght angles
2 Ask pupils to describe what the two boys are doing and
observe the angle that the flag pole makes with the
ground. It will be visually impactful if the raising of the
flag pole can be shown manually with a model or using
Ask pupils what angle they observe when the flag pole
is in an upright position. Emphasise ‘upright position’
and show non-examples when the flag pole is not
The flag pole is lifted up to an upright position.
What angle can you see?
I can see a right angle.
LET’S LEARN Mark the right angle on the picture and tell pupils that
this is a right angle.
1. There is a right angle at each corner of the whiteboard.
Use the white board, ruler, windows and other objects in
the environment for pupils to identify right angles.
It is important that visuals of these objects are prepared
beforehand (either in pictures or the actual objects).
The corner of my ruler is a right angle. Get pupils to mark or identify the right angles in each
What other right angles can you find?
object. Show pupils the correct way to mark an angle in
a shape.
1 angles 240
Textbook 3 P240
264 | Chapter 11 1
Taking a piece of paper, show pupils how it can be
2. Fold a piece of paper in two. folded to make a right-angle tester. The paper used
Then fold it in two again to make a right angle.
need not be rectangular.
241 Chapter 11 1
Textbook 3 P241
An acute angle
is smaller than a
right angle.
An obtuse
angle is greater than a
right angle.
1 angles 242
Textbook 3 P242
1 Angles | 265
Let’s Learn 5 reinforces pupils’ concepts of the three
5. Look at the angles in the shape. types of angles.
Which angles are right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles?
Explain your answers.
Use your
right-angle tester
to help you. ACTIVITY TIME
243 Chapter 11 1
Textbook 3 P243
1. Name the acute angles, obtuse angles and right angles. Work with pupils on the practice questions.
a obtuse b c
Get pupils to answer and explain how they got their
right angle acute f
e acute
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 2
and work these out with the pupils.
g h acute
Independent seatwork
Complete Workbook 3B, Worksheet 2 • Pages 101 – 103 Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3B
P101 – 103).
Mind Workout
How many acute angles can you identify in the figure below? 6
1 angles 244
Textbook 3 P244
266 | Chapter 11 1
Answers Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3B P101 – 103)
1. (a)
1 right angle
4 right angles
3 right angles
2 right angles
3. 2
1 Angles | 267
Chapter 11
Lessons 1 & 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Associate angles as an amount of turning.
• Identify angles in the environment.
• Identify angles in two-dimensional shapes.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
Angles had been introduced informally as a ‘turning’, where pupils explore turning their arms or things in the
environment (e.g. hands of a clock, a door, a window, pair of scissors, javelin throw, etc.)
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Angles are first introduced by having pupils look for right angles in real-life objects. The right angle is first used
as the basis of comparison with other types of angles. Though practical experiences using their arms and angle
strips, pupils get to learn the concept of angles visually. If pupils clearly understand right angles they should not
have difficulties understanding and identifying other types of angles.
A right angle can be introduced by pointing out to pupils that right angles can be found at the corners of tables,
rulers and books. A right-angle tester can be made by folding an A4 size paper and used to find right angles
in their environment (Textbook 3 P241). Let’s Learn 3 (Textbook P241) shows interesting examples of finding
angles in letters. In Let’s Learn 5 (Textbook 3 P243), the angles in a polygon are to be identified. For example,
an octagon (an 8-sided polygon) has 8 angles. Once the concept of right angles has been clearly explained
using real-life examples such as the walls of the classroom meet at right angles and the school flag standing
upright at right angle to the ground (Textbook 3 P240), acute and obtuse angles are then introduced.
Problem Solving
‘Mind Workout’ (Textbook 3 P244) and ‘Maths Journal’ (Textbook 3 P245) can be used to further explore the
concepts of angles in real life. To relate angles to real life, use sports like cricket, tennis, and holding a bat or
a tennis racquet at a certain angle for maximum strike, as examples.
Distribute strips of cardboard to pupils for them to fasten and make their own angle strips. Call out acute, obtuse
and right angles, and have pupils make the angles using the angle strips and then raise the strips in the air.
• strips of cardboard • everyday objects that show angles (e.g. scissors, ruler)
• fastener • worksheet (Activity Handbook 3 P40)
• A4 size paper • polygons (Activity Handbook 3 P38)
268 | Chapter 11 1
Mind Workout
1. Name the acute angles, obtuse angles and right angles. Pupils would commonly see 3 angles in the figure at
first glance.
a obtuse b c
obtuse Guide pupils to see that there are other angles as well.
g h acute
Mind Workout
How many acute angles can you identify in the figure below? 6
1 angles 244
Textbook 3 P244
1 Angles | 269
Mind Workout
Guide pupils in understanding the requirements of the
question. Ask pupils to sketch the figure before drawing
with pencil and ruler.
Workbook 3B P104
Encourage them to search the internet to learn more
Sport How are angles used?
about their favourite sport for this journal.
245 Chapter 11 1
Textbook 3 P245
270 | Chapter 11 1
Answers Review 11 (Workbook 3B P105 – 106)
(a) 8
(b) 2
(c) 2
3. (a) 6, 6
(b) 3, 3
(c) 5, 5
The number of sides of a figure is always equal to the number of angles inside the figure.
Acute angles Right angles Obtuse angles
c a b
i d e
g f
1 Angles | 271
Perpendicular and
Parallel Lines
12 12
Related Resources
perpendIcular lInes LESSON NSPM Textbook 3 (P246 – 267)
NSPM Workbook 3B (P107 – 124)
1 Materials
Square grid paper, set square, ruler,
plumb line
Lesson 1 Perpendicular Lines
This is an example of a pair of perpendicular lines. Lesson 2 Drawing Perpendicular Lines
What do you notice about the lines?
Lesson 3 Parallel Lines
1 perpendicular and parallel lines 246 Lesson 4 Drawing Parallel Lines
Lesson 5 Vertical and Horizontal Lines
Textbook 3 P246 Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
The learning of perpendicular and parallel lines follows from the concepts of angles in the previous chapter.
Two lines that intersect at right angles are called perpendicular lines while two lines that never meet at a point
no matter how long they are drawn are called parallel lines. Real-world examples and activities enable pupils
to explore and visualise these concepts intuitively. Pupils are taught the skills of drawing perpendicular and
parallel lines using a ruler and a set square, as well as on square grid. The terms vertical and horizontal are
taught in association with perpendicular and parallel lines through real-world illustrations (e.g. a picture frame
hanging upright on a wall or a table standing upright with respect to the floor).
272 | Chapter 12 1
1. Identify and name perpendicular lines.
Perpendicular and
Parallel Lines
12 Use the chapter opener to stimulate discussion on the
equipment at the playground.
Textbook 3 P246
Textbook 3 P247
JK is perpendicular to PQ is not ZX is perpendicular to
LM. perpendicular to RS. XY.
Use a right-angle
tester to check for
right angles.
Work with pupils on the practice questions.
1. Which pairs of lines are perpendicular? QR ⊥ RS, WZ ⊥ ZY
Textbook 3 P248
274 | Chapter 12 1
For Question 3, invite as many possible answers from
2. Which letters have perpendicular lines? E, F, H pupils.
Independent seatwork
BG ⊥ GH, BG ⊥ GF,
CF ⊥ FG, CF ⊥ FE
JM ⊥ ML, ML ⊥ KL,
JK ⊥ KL, JK ⊥ JM
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B
Complete Workbook 3B, Worksheet 1 • Pages 107 – 108 P107 – 108).
249 Chapter 12 1
Textbook 3 P249
1. (a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Yes
(d) No
2. (a) QS
(b) EF
3. (a) AB, BC
(b) AB, AD or AD, DC
1. Draw perpendicular lines using a ruler and a set square.
2. Draw perpendicular lines on square grids.
perpendIcUlar lInes 2 Pupils should have each a set square of their own.
Textbook 3 P250
276 | Chapter 12 1
Using the visualiser, demonstrate the steps in drawing
1. Draw a pair of perpendicular lines with a set square.
a pair of perpendicular lines using a ruler and a set
Step 1 Draw a straight line with a ruler and label the line AB.
Place a set square on AB as shown. square. After which, allow pupils to work in pairs to do
the construction.
251 Chapter 12 1
Textbook 3 P251
Step 2 Draw a line along the edge of the set square through G.
Textbook 3 P252
extended to point P.
(c) RS Ê TU: RS cuts diagonally a ‘2 by 4’ rectangle
from point R to point S. The perpendicular line
can start from point T and cut diagonally the ‘2 by 4’
rectangle to point U.
Note that there is no need to use the term ‘diagonally’ at
F H this stage.
2 Show and explain to your partner how you draw each line.
1. Use a set square to draw a line perpendicular to line PQ. Allow pupils to work on the questions individually. Move
Q around to monitor individual pupils’ understanding.
P Pupils may need help with Let’s Learn 3 (for line XY).
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3B
3. Draw a line perpendicular to each of the following lines.
P109 – 112).
Textbook 3 P254
278 | Chapter 12 1
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B P109 – 112)
1. (a) AB ⊥ EF ü A
CD ⊥ EF ü
(b) CD ⊥ AB ü C D
EF ⊥ AB û
(c) CD ⊥ AB û
EF ⊥ AB ü
2. (a) G
3. (a)
Lessons 1 & 2
Specific Learning Focus
• Identify and name perpendicular lines.
• Draw perpendicular lines using a ruler and a set square.
• Draw perpendicular lines on square grids.
Suggested Duration
Lesson 1: 2 periods
Lesson 2: 3 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have been introduced to straight and curved lines in Grade 2. This chapter is a continuation of
Chapter 11, where pupils are introduced to angles as being formed when two lines meet at a point.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Construction of parallel and perpendicular lines is introduced in this chapter. The use of mathematical geometric
tools (set square and ruler) is introduced. The pupils will have to be skilful in constructing and individual attention
is advised.
Introduce the concept of perpendicular lines by bringing pupils to the playground and have them identify lines
perpendicular to each other. Explain that right angles are formed when two perpendicular lines meet at a point.
Revisit the identification of right angles in the environment and point out the lines that are perpendicular to
each other. Get pupils to use a square grid to make angles that are acute, obtuse and right angles. Encourage
pupils to differentiate between perpendicular and non-perpendicular lines. In Lesson 2, demonstrate the steps
in drawing a pair of perpendicular lines using a set square and a ruler. Divide the class into groups of 2 and
encourage them to work together, where one partner holds the ruler and the other slides the set square and
draws the perpendicular line. They can practise this on square grid paper initially until they become skilful at
handling the geometric tools.
Problem Solving
In Let’s Learn 3 (Textbook 3 P253), explain to pupils how they can draw perpendicular lines on the square grid
using a ruler only (without the use of a set square).
Let pupils have hands-on experience in pairs in making perpendicular lines on square grid paper (Activity
Handbook 3 P43).
• set square
• ruler
• square grid paper (Activity Handbook 3 P43)
280 | Chapter 12 1
1. Identify and name perpendicular lines.
parallel lInes
3 Ask pupils to make a guess of what the pictures show
and where they can find these in the real world. The
picture on the left shows railway tracks, and a barcode
(which is found on the packaging of items sold in shops)
is shown on the right.
LM is parallel to NO. PQ and RS are not TW is parallel to UV.
LM // NO parallel to each TW // UV
Textbook 3 P256
K Practice
Work on the practice questions with pupils.
G Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B
P113 – 114).
EF // GH OJ // ML, JK // NM, KL // ON
257 Chapter 12 1
Textbook 3 P257
282 | Chapter 12 1
Answers Worksheet 3 (Workbook 3B P113 – 114)
1. (a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Yes
(d) No
(e) No
(f) Yes
2. (a) AB // CD, EF // GH
(b) OP // QR, UV // YZ
(c) UV // YX, UZ // WX
(d) OP // SR, OT // QR, PQ // TS
1. Draw parallel lines using a ruler and a set square.
2. Draw parallel lines on square grids.
parallel lInes 4 Allow pupils to work in pairs to explore how they can
use the set square and ruler to draw parallel lines.
How can we use a set square
to draw parallel lines?
Using the visualiser, demonstrate the steps in drawing
a pair of parallel lines using a ruler and a set square.
LET’S LEARN After which, allow pupils to work in pairs to do the
1. Draw a pair of parallel lines with a ruler and a set square. construction.
Step 1 Draw a straight line with a ruler and label the line AB.
Place the set square and ruler on AB as shown.
Pupils may have difficulty manipulating the ruler and the
set square. In this case, suggest for one pupil to hold
the ruler in position while the other slides the set square
and draws the line.
Step 2 Slide the set square along the ruler. Remind pupils to draw arrow heads to indicate parallel
Draw another line and label it CD.
Ensure that pupils take turns to practice.
Textbook 3 P258
284 | Chapter 12 1
Draw pupils’ attention to the difference between this task
2. Draw a line parallel to line MN that passes through point P.
and Let’s Learn 1. The task here is to draw a line that is
parallel to the given line and passes through the given
N point.
Step 1 Place the set square and ruler on MN as shown.
Demonstrate these steps first, then get pupils to work in
pairs. Likewise, ensure that pupils take turns to practice.
Step 2 Slide the set square along the ruler till the edge passes
through P.
Draw a line through P and label it QR.
259 Chapter 12 1
Textbook 3 P259
For each diagram, draw pupils’ attention to:
Q R T Y (a) OP // QR: Note the end points of OP. Point P is
V Z 2 units from point R. Point O is also 2 units from
point Q.
ACTIVITY TIME (b) VU // TS: Point S is 1 unit from point U along the
Work in pairs.
same grid line. Likewise, point T is 1 unit from point
1 Draw a line parallel to each of the
following lines.
What you need:
V along the same grid line.
(c) YZ // WX: Count the number of units point W is from
0 cm
point Y along the same gridline. Do the same with
points X and Z.
Demonstrate the drawing of the above parallel lines on
E H square grids. Emphasise the drawing of arrow heads to
indicate parallel lines.
2 Show and explain to your partner how you draw each line.
3 Get your partner to check that your lines are parallel.
4 Switch roles and repeat 1 to 3 . Based on the exploration in Let’s Learn 3, let pupils
work in pairs to have hands-on experience in the
1 perpendicular and parallel lines 260 visualisations and drawing the images on the
square grids.
Textbook 3 P260
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 4 (Workbook 3B
3. Draw a line parallel to each of the following lines. P115 – 118).
261 Chapter 12 1
Textbook 3 P261
286 | Chapter 12 1
Answers Worksheet 4 (Workbook 3B P115 – 118)
1. (a) û A
(c) û
ü C D
(e) ü B
2. (a) E
(c) K
3. (a)
Lessons 3 & 4
Specific Learning Focus
• Identify and name perpendicular lines.
• Draw parallel lines using a ruler and a set square.
• Draw parallel lines on square grids.
Suggested Duration
Lesson 3: 2 periods
Lesson 4: 3 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils might not be familiar with parallel lines. Lead them to see that parallel lines can be found in their daily
lives, such as parallel lines on the road, buildings parallel to each other, parallel lines on bar code, etc.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
A clear distinction should be made between perpendicular and parallel lines. Emphasise that parallel lines are
two straight lines that never meet, regardless of how long they are. Get pupils to practise using set squares on
newspaper to overcome the difficulties they may face in handling the ruler and set square.
Introduce parallel lines by pointing out real-life examples such as the legs of the table and the edges of the room
being parallel to each other. Go through the pictures on ‘In Focus’ and ask the pupils to describe the lines.
Problem Solving
Introduce to pupils the symbol // that represents parallel lines. While constructing parallel lines explain the
reasons for each step. The ruler keeps the two set squares aligned and since they both form 90° at the edges,
the lines drawn are definitely parallel. In Let’s Learn 3 (Textbook 3 P260), draw pupils’ attention to the fact that
the gap between the two parallel lines always remains the same.
Get pupils to pair up and make simple drawings of objects around the room and mark out the parallel lines with
a coloured pen.
• set square
• square grid paper (Activity Handbook 3 P43)
• ruler
• pencil
• markers
288 | Chapter 12 1
1. Identify vertical and horizontal lines.
vertIcal and
horIzontal lInes 5 Ask pupils if the picture frames in the picture are hung properly.
Get them to explain their answers. Some pupils may respond with
answers such as ‘Yes, because they are straight on the wall’ or
IN FOCUS ‘Yes, the frames are not slanted’. Such answers are acceptable
as they convey a sense of the wall or pictures being vertical.
Clarify with pupils that the frames are indeed hanging upright
because the wall is vertical and the floor is horizontal. Write the
two new terms vertical and horizontal and introduce these terms
to pupils.
The pictures are rectangular in shape and are hanging upright on the wall.
Can you find horizontal and vertical lines?
Show the picture of the photo frame on the visualiser and label
1. A B Line AB and line DC are parallel to the floor.
the corners, A, B, C and D. Draw over the parallel lines AB and
Both line AB and line DC are horizontal lines.
DC, then introduce them as horizontal lines. Do the same for
Line AD and line BC are perpendicular to
line AB and line DC. the vertical lines, AD and BC.
Both line AD and line BC are vertical lines.
A horizontal line and a Ask pupils to talk about the vertical line BC and the horizontal
vertical line are perpendicular.
Floor Two vertical lines are parallel. line CD. Likewise, get them to talk about the vertical line AD
and horizontal line DC. Lead them to see that a horizontal and
2. The picture below shows a table on a level floor. a vertical line are perpendicular.
List all the horizontal and vertical lines
A B in the picture. Similarly lead pupils to see that the vertical lines are parallel.
E D C F List all the pairs of perpendicular and
Extend to ask them for the reason (because both lines are
parallel lines in the picture. perpendicular to DC).
perpendicular and parallel lines 262
Emphasise that the table is upright and stands on a level floor,
Look at the shelf.
Work on the questions with pupils.
G For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 5 and
I J work these out with the pupils.
(a) List three horizontal lines.
(b) List three vertical lines.
Complete Workbook 3B, Worksheet 5 • Page 119
263 Chapter 12 1
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 5 (Workbook 3B P119).
Textbook 3 P263
1. (a) AD, BC
(b) AB, DC
(c) AD // BC, AB // DC
290 | Chapter 12 1
Chapter 12
Lesson 5
Specific Learning Focus
• Identify vertical and horizontal lines.
Suggested Duration
2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils should be well-versed with straight lines, curves, parallel and perpendicular lines. This lesson is an
extension of Lesson 4.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
The concept of vertical and horizontal lines should not be difficult for pupils. Key terms are primarily introduced
in this chapter.
Have pupils identify vertical and horizontal lines around the classroom. Explain that a vertical and a horizontal
line will meet at 90° (perpendicular) to each other. Similarly, two vertical lines will be parallel, and two horizontal
lines will be parallel. Let’s Learn 2 (Textbook 3 P262) should be done as a class activity where class discussion
is involved. Encourage individual responses. Ask them to correlate vertical and horizontal lines to parallel and
perpendicular lines.
Problem Solving
Make different types of polygons (e.g. rhombus, pentagon, heptagon) on a square grid paper and ask pupils to
identify vertical, horizontal, perpendicular and parallel lines.
Teach pupils to make a plumb line and explain that the weight keeps the rope vertical and is a good tool to see if
the object has vertical lines.
• string
• weight
• markers
• square grid paper (Activity Handbook 3 P43)
1. Read grid references.
2. Describe the position of an object using a grid reference.
6 Ask pupils to look at the chessboard, and the numbers
and alphabets labelled at the two sides of the chessboard.
Ask pupils to identify the squares where the king and
The diagram below shows a chessboard with some chess pieces.
queen chess pieces are located on respectively. Ask for
8 – king suggestions to identify the column and row the king and
queen chess pieces are located on respectively.
– queen
– bishop
Which column and row are the king, queen and bishop chess pieces
located on?
Textbook 3 P264
292 | Chapter 12 1
Introduce the terms rows and columns to the pupils.
1. Horizontal lines form the rows.
Vertical lines form the columns. Explain to them that a grid reference consists of rows
When we give the position of an object with the help of columns
and rows, it is called a grid reference.
and columns, where each row and column are labelled,
and therefore the position of an object can be described
The king is located at using a grid reference.
7 column C, row 5.
265 Chapter 12 1
Textbook 3 P265
Look at the following grid and answer the questions below.
Check the pupils’ understanding by asking if they know
6 The grapes are located at what a column and a row are. If possible, get another
column C, row 1.
pupil to verify the answer.
(a) The apple is located at
4 column A and row 3 .
School Home
Textbook 3 P266
Bina A 2 Meiling E 1
Ahmad B 6 Kate F 7
Xinyi C 7 Bala F 4
Sam D 4 Ann G 3
294 | Chapter 12 1
Mind Workout
Look at the following grid and answer the questions below.
Alert pupils to the condition of how Bala should move
6 The grapes are located at along the map.
column C, row 1.
(a) The apple is located at
4 column A and row 3 .
Mind Workout
School Home
Textbook 3 P266
Workbook 3B P122
Before the pupils do the self-check,
review the important concepts once
more by asking for examples learnt for each
2. What can happen if a building is not vertical?
267 Chapter 12 1
Textbook 3 P267
296 | Chapter 12 1
Answers Review 12 (Workbook 3B P123 – 124)
AB // XW
2. E F
EJ // GH
5. (a)
(b) A E
13 13
String, square tiles, scissors, square
grid paper, coloured tape, metre ruler
Meiling uses yarn to outline each shape. Lesson 1 Perimeter
How can she find the length of yarn she needs for each shape?
Lesson 2 Area in Square Units
1 area and perimeter 268 Lesson 3 Area in cm2 and m2
Lesson 4 More On Area and Perimeter
Textbook 3 P268 Problem Solving, Maths Journal and
Pupil Review
Pupils are introduced to the concepts of area and perimeter of a plane figure. To help them make sense of these
concepts, teachers could provide real-life examples in their explanation. Pupils also could work together to make
different rectangles and investigate the relationship between the breadth, length and area of a rectangle.
298 | Chapter 13 1
1. Find the perimeter of a plane figure.
Area and Perimeter
13 Discuss the answer to the question in the chapter
opener. Ask pupils what they will do to find the length
of yarn needed for each shape. For shapes with
straight lines, pupils mention using a ruler to measure
the lengths of all the sides and add them up. For shapes
with curves, pupils can mention using the yarn to go
around the shape, then measuring the length of the yarn.
Elicit words such as ‘go around’, ‘add up’ or ‘all the sides’.
What does Meiling need to find to
get the correct length of yarn for
the shapes?
perImeter LESSON
Textbook 3 P268
1 cm
269 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P269
Textbook 3 P270
300 | Chapter 13 1
As these examples require the addition of more than two
5. 24 m numbers, remind pupils to do their working in multiple
Add the steps to avoid careless mistakes. Demonstrate how they
length of each side to
13 m 13 m find the perimeter. can find the perimeter by adding two numbers a time,
and tick numbers that have already been added along
24 m
the way.
24 + 13 + 24 + 13 = 74
9m 9m
9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 36
9 × 4 = 36
7. 15 m
12 m
10 m
15 + 12 + 8 + 10 = 45
271 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P271
1. Find the perimeter of each figure.
1 cm Work on the practice questions with pupils.
1 cm
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B
(a) Perimeter of Figure P = 16 cm P125 – 128).
(b) Perimeter of Figure Q = 16 cm
5m 6m
34 m 24 m
(c) 4m (d)
3m 5m
8m 6m
31 m 14 m
Textbook 3 P272
Answers Worksheet 1 (Workbook 3B P125 – 128)
1. (a) 22
(b) 16
(c) 6
(d) 12
2. (a) 16
(b) 16
(c) 20
(d) 22
3. (a) 10
(b) 24
(c) 35
(d) 41
(e) 62
302 | Chapter 13 1
Chapter 13
Lesson 1
Specific Learning Focus
• Find the perimeter of a plane figure.
Suggested Duration
2 periods
Prior Learning
Pupils have learnt about two-dimensional figures and their dimensions. The concept of area and perimeter is
introduced in this chapter.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
This lesson requires spatial visualisation and the concept of space and its dimensions. This might be challenging
for most pupils.
Use words like ‘add up’, ‘go around’, ‘sum of the lengths of all the sides’ when introducing perimeter to pupils
formally. ‘In Focus’ (Textbook 3 P268) helps pupils to distinguish between curved lines and straight vertical or
horizontal lines, and the correct and practical usage of the ruler and string. Once perimeter has been formally
introduced, have pupils work in pairs to calculate the perimeter of shapes around the classroom. Make pupils
mark out the starting point so that they do not over count or under count the lengths as they tend to either miss
out some lengths or add the same length more than once. Lead pupils to recognise that the unit of measurement
of perimeter is ‘metres’ or ‘centimetres’ depending on the units of the square grid.
Problem Solving
Since the perimeter of a shape is the total length around it, lots of shapes can be given to pupils to practise finding
the perimeter. The correct unit of measurement should be pointed out.
Since this is a hands-on chapter, give pupils lots of practice in finding the perimeter of shapes around the
classroom and in worksheets.
• string
• ruler
1. Measure the area of a plane figure in square units.
area In square UnIts
2 Get pupils to use the same textbooks to cover one desk
and ask pupils how many textbooks are needed.
273 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P273
304 | Chapter 13 1
Demonstrate how the area of the figure in Let’s Learn 2
2. can be obtained by ticking each square as it is counted.
2 make 1 .
Each is square unit or half a square unit.
There are 9 square units and 2 half square units.
Textbook 3 P274
275 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P275
Textbook 3 P276
For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 2
and work these out with the pupils.
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3B
E P129 – 132).
277 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P277
306 | Chapter 13 1
Answers Worksheet 2 (Workbook 3B P129 – 132)
1. (a) 7
(b) 12
(c) 9
(d) 10
3. (a) 24
(b) 19
(c) 7
*(d) 7
(e) A
area In cm 2 and m 2
3 Discuss with pupils the possible answers to the question
1 cm
1 cm
Introduce the units cm2 and m2 to pupils.
2. 1m
1 m = 100 cm
The square metre
1m is another unit of
area. It is used to
measure bigger areas.
We write m2 for
square metre.
This is a 1-m square.
The area of the square is 1 square metre (m2).
Textbook 3 P278
308 | Chapter 13 1
Show pupils how to find the area of the square in
3. 1 cm Let’s Learn 3 by counting the small squares.
The area of a 1-cm square
1 cm is 1 cm2. We can find the area
by counting the number of
squares. Let pupils try finding the area of the rectangle in
Let’s Learn 4. Get pupils to explain how they arrive
The area of the square is 4 cm2.
at their answer.
The area of the rectangle is 6 m2.
Assign pupils to work in groups of 4.
Work in groups of 4.
Pupils are to estimate how many classmates can stand
1 Take and . What you need:
inside the square. After they have estimated, pupils may
0 1m
279 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P279
Textbook 3 P280
281 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P281
Work in pairs.
Assign pupils to work in pairs.
1 Draw squares and rectangles of different What you need:
Let pupils discover on their own that
sizes on a .
0 1m
How are the area and the length of each side of each figure
Textbook 3 P282
310 | Chapter 13 1
Find the area of each figure in the 1-cm square grid. Work on the practice questions with pupils.
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3A (Workbook 3B
P133 – 134).
283 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P283
2. (a) 7
(b) 15
(c) 6
(d) 8
(e) C
(f) B
(g) C, A, D, B
Textbook 3 P284
5 × 5 = 25
1 cm
3 cm
1 cm
2 cm
285 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P285
312 | Chapter 13 1
Pupils have learnt that the area of a plane figure is given
Length by multiplying the sides. In Let’s Learn 4, the formula of
the area of a rectangle is formally introduced.
We can also find the area by multiplying the length and breadth.
Unlike the area of a square, the formula here is given
by multiplying two different lengths of a rectangle. Tell
Area of rectangle = Length × Breadth
pupils that breadth usually refers to the shorter side
3×2= 6 of a rectangle while length usually refers to the longer
The area of the rectangle is 6 cm2.
side of a rectangle.
3 × 5 = 15
4 × 8 = 32
Textbook 3 P286
Encourage pupils to label the length and breadth of
each figure before finding the area.
(a) 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16
Perimeter of Figure A = 16 cm
4 × 4 = 16
287 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P287
1 cm
Work on the practice questions with pupils.
1. 1 cm
Textbook 3 P288
Independent seatwork
Assign pupils to complete Worksheet 3B (Workbook 3B
2. Find the area and perimeter of each figure.
P135 – 138).
7 cm
7 cm E
5m F
6 cm
6m G
2 cm H
Area of Figure F = 35 m2
Area of Figure G = 36 m2
289 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P289
314 | Chapter 13 1
Answers Worksheet 3B (Workbook 3B P135 – 138)
1. (a) 4 × 4 = 16
Area of Figure A = 16 cm2
(b) 2 × 5 = 10
Area of Figure B = 10 cm2
(c) 5 × 7 = 35
Area of Figure C = 35 cm2
2. (a) 3 + 8 + 3 + 8 = 22
Perimeter of Figure A = 22 m
3 × 8 = 24
Area of Figure A = 24 m2
(b) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12
Perimeter of Figure B = 12 m
Area of Figure B = 9 m2
(c) 2 + 6 + 2 + 6 = 16
Perimeter of Figure C = 16 m
2 × 6 = 12
Area of Figure C = 12 m2
3. (a) Area = 8 cm × 3 cm
= 24 cm2
Perimeter = 8 cm + 3 cm + 8 cm + 3 cm
= 22 cm
(b) 7 × 7 = 49
Area = 49 cm2
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28
Perimeter = 28 cm
(c) 3 × 6 = 18
Area = 18 m2
3 + 6 + 3 + 6 = 18
Perimeter = 18 m
4. Carpet
5m Tablecloth
5m 3m
Area = 25 m2 Area = 3 m2
1m 10 m
Area = 2 m2 Area = 20 m2
(a) Carpet
(b) Painting
(c) 18 m2
Lessons 2 & 3
Specific Learning Focus
• Measure the area of a plane figure in square units.
• Measure the area of a plane figure in cm2 and m2.
Suggested Duration
Lesson 2: 4 periods
Lesson 3: 6 periods
Prior Learning
They have learnt to identify the faces of three-dimensional figures in Grade 2. Area is a new concept to pupils at
Grade 3.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
Identifying the correct dimensions and carrying out multiplication to calculate the area might be a bit challenging
for some pupils. The introduction of the units of area (cm2 and m2) would also be new to pupils.
Let’s Learn 1 (Textbook 3 P273) introduces area as the amount of space taken up by a figure and the use of a
non-standard unit to measure area. The lesson progresses to introducing the square unit on a square grid and
counting the squares to find the area. The leaf in Let’s Learn 5 (Textbook 3 P275) has curved edges and its area
is estimated, hence the term ‘about’ is used.
Problem Solving
A 1 cm by 1 cm or 1 m by 1 m square has an area of 1 cm2 or 1 m2. It is important to explain the notation of a
power in the units ‘cm2’ and ‘m2’. Emphasise that in a rectangle, the lengths of all four sides are not the same.
The shorter side is the ‘breadth’ and the longer side is the ‘length’.
‘Activity Time’ (Textbook 3 P279) can also be carried out in the playground, where the square can be marked out
on the sand.
• metre ruler
• scissors
• square tiles
• coloured tape
• square grid paper (Activity Handbook 3 P43)
• table of areas and lengths (Activity Handbook 3 P44)
316 | Chapter 13 1
1. Solve problems related to finding the area and perimeter
of a rectangle or square.
more on area and
perImeter 4 Discuss with pupils how the problem can be solved.
Get pupils to explain their answers.
1. Mrs Ali wanted to use the square plot of land as a garden.
She built a fence around it.
The square had a length of 7 m.
(a) What was the length of fence used?
(b) What was the area of land she could use to grow flowers?
We can find the length of
the fence by finding the
perimeter of the square land.
(a) 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28
The length of the fence was 28 m.
(b) 7 × 7 = 49
Mrs Ali could use 49 m2 of land to grow flowers.
Textbook 3 P290
19 m
(a) 19 + 8 + 19 + 8 = 54
(b) 19 × 8 = 152
8 cm
24 × 8 = 192
192 – 25 = 167
291 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P291
1. A rectangular land shown is surrounded by a fence. Work on the practice questions with pupils.
(a) What is the length of the fence? 25 + 9 + 25 + 9 = 68 m
(b) What is the area of the land? 25 × 9 = 225 m2
25 m For better understanding, select items from Worksheet 4
9m and work these out with the pupils.
Mind Workout
4 cm
He says that the total area and perimeter of B and C is the same as the
area and perimeter of A.
Do you agree? Why?
Textbook 3 P292
318 | Chapter 13 1
Answers Worksheet 4 (Workbook 3B P139 – 141)
1. (a) 7 + 45 + 7 + 45 = 104
The perimeter of the plot of land is 104 m.
(b) 45 × 7 = 315
The area of the land marked out is 315 m2.
2. 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28
Each square frame is made with 28 cm of wire.
28 × 5 = 140
The steel wire is 140 cm long.
3. 3 × 2 = 6
6 m2 of glass is needed to make each window.
25 × 6 = 150
150 m2 of glass is needed to make 25 such
4. 8 × 8 = 64
The land has an area of 64 m2.
64 ÷ 4 = 16
Each plot has an area of 16 m2.
5. 12 × 3 = 36
The length of the rectangular field is 36 m.
12 + 36 + 12 + 36 = 96
The perimeter of the field is 96 m.
Lesson 4
Specific Learning Focus
• Solve problems related to finding the area and perimeter of a rectangle or square.
Suggested Duration
4 periods
Prior Learning
In this lesson, pupils are formally introduced to the concept of perimeter and area of shapes.
Pre-emptive Pitfalls
This lesson involves word problems. Pupils will have to identify the dimensions given, understand if area or
perimeter is to be calculated and then decide on the mode of operation.
Follow the 4-steps approach to problem solving. It should be relatively easy to carry out step 2 as the diagram
is already shown in the question.
Problem Solving
In this lesson, pupils are required to have good critical-thinking skills as they have to analyse the word problem,
extract the important information given and decide on the mode of operation and then carry out the mathematical
Each word problem in this lesson can be solved in pairs and colourful cut-outs can be made to give them a
hands-on experience.
• markers
• chart paper
• rectangles (Activity Handbook 3 P45)
320 | Chapter 13 1
Mind Workout
1. A rectangular land shown is surrounded by a fence.
If pupils have difficulties in solving the problem, facilitate
(a) What is the length of the fence? 25 + 9 + 25 + 9 = 68 m by asking them questions such as:
(b) What is the area of the land? 25 × 9 = 225 m2
25 m
• Did you discard or remove any part of the paper?
Should the area be the same?
• How can you find out the area of B and the area of C?
• What is the perimeter of A? What is the perimeter of
2. A rectangular section of a field is marked out with white paint as B? What is the perimeter of C?
What is the perimeter of this section? 80 + 30 + 80 + 30 = 220 m
80 m
30 m
Mind Workout
4 cm
He says that the total area and perimeter of B and C is the same as the
area and perimeter of A.
Do you agree? Why?
Textbook 3 P292
2 cm
2 cm
3 cm
2 cm
2 cm
4 cm
6 cm 3 cm
142 Chapter 13 1
Workbook 3B P142
Before the pupils do the self-check,
Bedroom 3
review the important concepts once more
by asking for examples learnt for each
Living room objective.
This self check can be done after pupils have
completed Review 13 (Workbook 3B P143 – 148)
Do all rooms have the same area? as consolidation of understanding for the chapter.
Why are some rooms bigger than the others?
293 Chapter 13 1
Textbook 3 P293
322 | Chapter 13 1
Answers Review 13 (Workbook 3B P143 – 148)
1. (a)
2. (a) 32
*(b) 48
*(c) 60
3. (a) 36
(b) 27
(c) 63
4. (a) 100
(b) 160
*(c) 220
5. (a) 5 × 4 = 20
The area of the carpet was 20 m2.
(b) 5 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 18
The perimeter of the carpet was 18 m.
6. 6 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 20
The length of the string used is 20 cm.
7. 27 × 8 = 216
Each plot of land is 216 cm2.
216 × 3 = 648
The total area of the 3 plots of land is 648 m2.
8. (a) C, 5
(b) bakery
(c) park
(d) bakery, school
(e) E, 5
3. 9. 20 cm
10. 20 m2
d c
5. AB // FE
324 | Revision 4A 1
Answers Revision 4B (Workbook 3B P153 – 158)
2. (a) BF
(b) AE, FH
3. (a) RM MN
MR // NO
(b) TU UV
SX // TU
4. A
5. Area = 11 cm 2
Perimeter = 24 cm
8. (a) 16
(b) 13
(c) 18
9. 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 120
Mr Gopal needs 120 m of fence for 1 square field.
5 × 120 = 600
Mr Gopal needs 600 m of fence for 5 square fields.
10. 3 × 2 = 6
6 m2 of cloth is need to make a flag.
15 × 6 = 90
90 m2 of cloth is needed to make 15 such flags.
1 Revision 4B | 325
Answers End-of-Year Revision (Workbook 3B P159 – 176)
1. 2 21. (a) 234
(b) 5 hr 15 min
2. 4
3. 3
4. 3
5. 2
6. 4
7. 1
23. (a) badminton
8. 2 (b) 18
(c) badminton
9. 2 (d) swimming
12. 300
13. 6107
14. thousands
15. (a) 2 m, 5 cm
(b) 4 kg, 280 g
(c) 3290 ml
26. AB and CD
16. 85.15
27. Area of Figure A = 13 square units
17. 6.75 Area of Figure B = 10 square units
18. (a) 28. (a) 50
2 (b) Priya
3 (c) 375
2 1 4
19. , ,
3 2 9 2 6 14
29. = =
5 15 35
20. (a) 6.02
(b) 2.18
*45. 30 – 1 – 2 = 27
27 ÷ 3 = 9
• Meiling wrote 9 pages on the first day.
Well-structured questions Maths Journal
Mind Workout
covering all the concepts taught Maths Journal tests pupils’
in each lesson, are found in each Mind Workout consists of
understanding of the
worksheet. A suggested approach higher-order thinking tasks which
mathematical concepts
would be to have pupils do enable pupils to apply relevant
learnt in the chapter and
alternate questions from each heuristics and extend the
further enhances their
worksheet or do the questions concepts and skills learnt.
learning of the concepts.
that will build their foundation
of the concepts. The skipped
questions can be revisited during
revision before the examination. Revision
The worksheets in the workbooks Revision exercises at the end of a set of chapters consist of
can be done as a complimentary questions that enable pupils to apply all the concepts and skills
practice exercise to augment the taught. The exercises can be done before an examination or a test.
concepts learnt. They serve as good revision exercises for pupils to do in class or as
homework with guidance from their parents when necessary. They
also enable teachers to evaluate the pupils’ understanding of the
concepts across strands and topics and can be used as an effective
preparatory exercise for examinations.
The Review Exercise consists Mid-Year and End-of-Year Revisions
of questions that requires the These are assessment exercises with multiple choice questions,
application of a consolidation of short-answer questions and word problems. Teachers can use the
concepts learnt in the chapter. revision exercises as mock examinations to help pupils prepare for
The exercises can be done as a the examinations. Feedback provided to pupils will be extremely
group assignment for teachers to beneficial as they will be aware of the areas that they are weak in and
gauge the pupils’ ability to grasp work on them. The revision exercises test pupils’ ability to recall the
the consolidated concepts learnt concepts taught and apply them. They also allow teachers to analyse
in the chapter. Group assignments the effectiveness of their spiral approach of teaching concepts.
help pupils to learn together as Teaching concepts by revisiting, re-linking to other concepts and
they gather feedback from one creating a mind map help pupils do their examinations in a more
another. Teachers can also get effective way. A good evaluative assessment should not consist
pupils to submit their completed of questions that encourage rote learning, but should consist of
exercises and mark them as a form questions that encourage learning by the spiral approach.
of informal assessment.
Examination papers should not be considered by teachers as the only means of evaluation. Informal evaluation involves
classroom discussions, participation, exchange of ideas, multiple strategies, activities, group assignments, presentations
and above all, mind-mapping, before they embark on independent work. It is essential for the pupils to receive feedback
on their work which provides an important opportunity for reflection on what they have learnt. Similarly, teachers should
be able to diagnose the progress and achievement of the pupils and decide on the future course of action, which is where
the assessment activities and exercises come in.
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ISBN 978-0-19-070164-2
Printed in Singapore