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ITNM Best Practices For DB2 - v1.2

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Network Manager

3.9, 4.1, 4.1.1

IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2

Best Practices

Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 33.

About this Guide...................................................................................................iii

Chapter 1: How Network Manager uses the Database........................................1


Chapter 2: Network Manager Configuration for DB2 Database.........................3

Network Manager Backend Processes...........................................................................................................3
Network Manager GUI and TCR Reports.....................................................................................................3
DB2 User Accounts...........................................................................................................................................4
How to configure password changes.........................................................................................................4

Chapter 3: IBM DB2 Configuration Settings for Network Manager....................9

Application Connection Problems..................................................................................................................9
Transaction Log Size Packages........................................................................................................................9
Configuration Settings...................................................................................................................................10
Registry keys................................................................................................................................................10
Database instance settings..........................................................................................................................11
Database Manager Settings........................................................................................................................12
DB2 Autoconfigure Option........................................................................................................................12
Database Maintenance...................................................................................................................................14

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting................................................................................17
Troubleshooting Tips.....................................................................................................................................17
Buffer Pool....................................................................................................................................................17
DB2 commands useful in troubleshooting..................................................................................................18
Diagnostic queries..........................................................................................................................................19

Appendix A: Using the Network Manager GUI to set the Cognos datasource

Appendix B: DB2 deprecates System Managed Spaces for permanent

What does this mean for Network Manager?.............................................................................................27

Appendix C: Performance Analyst Tool.............................................................29

Appendix D: References....................................................................................31


This edition applies to 3.9, 4.1,4.1.1 of IBM Tivoli Network Manager and to all subsequent releases and modifications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2013.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this Guide
The database is central to the functionality of IBM Tivoli Network Manager
IP. It stores all the data discovered and processed by the discovery engine to
build the network topology views, historical data collected by the poller, as
well as reference and operational data used by the Network Manager
processes. Network Manager 3.9 supports the use of DB2, Oracle, MySQL,
and Informix databases. We will focus on DB2 (9.7,10.1,10.5) specifics in this
article, although most of the information referring to the use of databases with
Network Manager applies to all databases.

This document is intended to help you tune and maintain the DB2 database. In
many cases the default values for DB2 are sufficient and very little attention is
required. For customers with large environments it is common to use the
services of a central Database Administration, and that can affect performance
as the DB administrators attempt to optimize their resources by sharing the
DB2 server with other applications. Knowing how Network Manager uses the
database can help avoid heavy traffic problems. Using the information in this
article, you can optimally set up DB2 with Network Manager to maintain
optimum performance levels.

This article is written for administrators responsible for maintaining Network

Manager and assumes some basic familiarity with Network Manager and
DB2. See Appendix D: References for links to information on Network

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 iii

Chapter 1: How Network Manager uses the Database
At the end of the final phase of discovery (building the relationships and
connections), the Model process merges the new topology into the NCIM
tables, followed by the Poller process reacting to these changes to adjust the
active policy scopes. This final phase of discovery is an intensive period that
can take 30 minutes or more to complete as the Model and Poller processes
deal with hundreds of thousands of network entities.

After discovery, the Model process starts a RUNSTATS operation on the

NCIM database to rebuild the statistics and this can have an impact on the
database performance while it is running. This applies to deployments using
Oracle or Informix databases for Network Manager 3.9 and was added for
DB2 for Network Manager 4.1.

The total amount of discovered data is generally not an issue for the DB2
database. However, as you increase the number of domains and entities,
beyond say five domains, or if you are storing a lot of historical polled data,
you will need to pay attention to the performance of the DB2 database.

When each poller starts up, and at the end of discovery, there occurs many
minutes of intensive database queries and updates on the NCIM,
NCMONITOR, and NCPOLLDATA tables. If configured, the poller stores
historical polled data in NCPOLLDATA and this can put a steady, heavy load
on the database if large numbers of data points are collected and stored at high
frequency. The poller runs a pruning service every hour to maintain the most
recent data points to a configured limit – by default, 5 million. Refer to the
About Historical Polled Data Collection documentation especially if you plan
on storing a lot of data. See:


Under normal circumstances the pruning takes only a few minutes, but the
time can be affected by poor database performance caused by inefficient
transaction log maintenance.

It is possible to place the NCPOLLDATA schema on a separate supported

database instance or server, but there are advantages and disadvantages to
consider. On the plus side, you might want to consolidate your reporting
services with a dedicated database, but if the database is located remotely, you
have to balance that against the possible impact of a slower network link and
additional architectural complexity.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 1

The GUI has a short but intense period as the view caches are built as a user
first opens each Network View. The dynamic update engine runs periodically
(default 5 minutes) to keep the dynamic views and caches up to date. This is
not usually intense, but in extreme cases can involve locking conflicts during
peak periods with NCPGUI and NCIM schemas.

The more concurrent GUI users with network views that are open, the more
load on the database. Recent refactoring of the Network View caching for
Network Manager 3.9 FP3 has improved performance and lightened the load
on the NCP GUI and NCIM schemas for large topology databases
considerably, both for large network views and the number of active users.

2 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
Chapter 2: Network Manager Configuration for DB2 Database
This chapter explains how and where each Network Manager component’s
database connection details are configured. This helps you confirm the details
of the DB2 instance, the database name within the instance, and the user name
Network Manager Backend Processes
The following files hold all the database connection data for the different
schemas used by the Network Manager backend processes and many Perl

$NCHOME/etc/precision/MibDbLogin.<domain>.cfg (NCMIB schema only)

These files contain the following information that you will need when
accessing the database or changing its settings:

• Database name: The name that the administrator specified when creating the
database instance for Network Manager. An administrator creates the database,
before installing Network Manager, using the create_db2_database.sh (UNIX) or
create_db2_database.bat (WINDOWS) script.
• Schema: The following schemas are created in the database: NCIM, NCPGUI,
NCMONITOR, NCPOLLDATA, and NCMIB. Note that there is a separate record
for each schema in these files. All the schemas are expected to be co-located,
except NCPOLLDATA, which can be in a separate database.
• Username: Specifies the account used for read-write access to the database
instance. By default, the same account is configured for all the schemas.
• Password: Specifies the password for the user associated with Username. By
default, the password is encrypted. You can use the ncp_crypt utility to handle
encryption/decryption of this password.

Network Manager GUI and TCR Reports

The Network Manager GUI reads the same database configuration
information as the backend processes from these two files:

Note that the passwords in these files, when encrypted, use a different format
from those in DbLogins and cannot be copied from DbLogins, nor can they be
encrypted/decrypted using the ncp_crypt utility. The best way to set or change
these passwords is by using the Network Manager GUI. See DB2 User

The database connections for the Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR) reports are
set up separately for BIRT and Cognos reports. The TCR trcmd.sh utility is
used to configure TCR. For convenience, the Network Manager
configureTCR.sh script uses this utility to deploy the Network Manager BIRT

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 3

and Cognos reports, as well as configuring the data sources for the DB2

DB2 User Accounts

The database accounts are created and maintained using the operating system.
If your servers have password regulations that enforce periodic changes or can
expire, then you must also update Network Manager with the new passwords
when they change. When the database passwords expire, the Network
Manager processes will fail when they try to open new connections and this
can catch Network Manager administrators off guard.

How to configure password changes

The following sections explain how to configure the passwords for the
Network Manager backend, Network Manager GUI, TCR Reports, and
Network Manager Topology API.
Note: The Topology API is only used by the IBM Tivoli Network
Configuration Manager when integrated with Network Manager.
Configuring the passwords for the Network Manager Backend
Follow these steps to configure the password for the Network Manager
Backend. The DbLogins file (in step 2) has a separate record for each database
schema. Note the username defined for the ncim schema – the new password
should be for this account. Normally the same account is used for all the
schemas, and you can replace the same password in each of these records.

1. For the database account name being used, encrypt the new password
using the ncp_crypt utility, for example, if the new password is netcool:
> ncp_crypt –password netcool
'@44:O2aJesKCAX6Af0aOKeTBMRWk2ru8soEOe9PFEv6smwc=@' netcool

2. Cut and paste the encrypted string (without the single quotes) into the
following files for each schema record using this database account name:

3. Run the following command to verify that the connection information is

valid and working for each schema:
$NCHOME/precision/scripts/perl/scripts/ncp_db_access.pl –domain

4. Restart the ncp processes by executing the following commands:

itnm_stop ncp
itnm_start ncp

4 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
Configuring the passwords for the Network Manager GUI
Use the Network Manager GUI to change the password for the database
account. The GUI will handle encryption, if configured, automatically. Select
the following task:

Administration->Network->Database Access Configuration

Change the password on both NCIM and Historical Polling panels and press
the Save button for each.

Verify the database connection by opening a Network View. Database

connection errors will appear in the ncp_topoviz log in:

Configuring the passwords for the TCR Reports

If you are not using Tivoli Data Warehouse for the historical polled data, then
you can simply use the configTCR.sh script located here:


Caution: Network Manager 3.9 Fix Pack 2 or 3

If you do not want to reinstall the default package of BIRT and Cognos
reports, then you must edit the configTCR.sh file and comment out the
following lines:
Report "Configuring ITNM Reports."
cd ${TCR_COMPONENT_HOME}/bin 1>/dev/null 2>&1
${TCR_COMPONENT_HOME}/bin/trcmd.sh -import -bulk $
{ITNMHOME}/products/tnm/itnmreports.zip -username $
{IAGLOBAL_WASUserID} -password "$
${TCR_COMPONENT_HOME}/bin/trcmd.sh -import -bulk $
{ITNMHOME}/products/tnm/itnmcognos.zip -username $
{IAGLOBAL_WASUserID} -password "$

For later versions of Network Manager, unless you add the new
command line option to install the reports, this command will only set
the passwords.

Run the following script to modify all the data sources for the BIRT and
Cognos reports:
./configTCR.sh –p tipadmin_password –d new_db_password

However, if you are using Tivoli Data Warehouse, you must use the TCR
trcmd.sh utility to set the passwords for the data sources separately. Note:
Executing the configTCR.sh script resets the connection details to the local

Chapter 2: Network Manager Configuration for DB2 Database 5

database for the NCPOLLDATA and PARAMETER data sources. To recover,
you must use the trcmd.sh script for these two data sources, with the
appropriate connection values, in the BIRT and Cognos reports sections

If you choose not to use the configTCR.sh script, see the BIRT and Cognos
sections below, which describe how to use the TCR script (trcmd.sh) to set the
database readonly account and password for the BIRT and Cognos reports.

BIRT Reports

To set the account name and password, run the trcmd utility once for each of
the data sources: NCIM, NCPOLLDATA, and PARAMETERS. The trcmd.sh
script is located here:


For example, using the account name db2inst and password netcool, run each
of these commands:
./trcmd.sh -modify -dataSources -reports -username tipadmin -password
tipadmin_password -dataSource name=NCIM -setDatasource odaUser=db2inst

./trcmd.sh -modify -dataSources -reports -username tipadmin -password

tipadmin_password -dataSource name=PARAMETERS -setDatasource
odaUser=db2inst odaPassword=netcool

./trcmd.sh -modify -dataSources -reports -username tipadmin -password

tipadmin_password -dataSource name=NCPOLLDATA -setDatasource
odaUser=db2inst odaPassword=netcool

If you are using Tivoli Data Warehouse, run the first command for the NCIM
data source against the local DB2 database and the other two commands for
the PARAMETERS and NCPOLLDATA data sources to change the password
for the Tivoli Data Warehouse database account.

For more information, see

Cognos reports

To set the account name and password, run the trcmd utility once for each of
the data sources: NCIM, NCMONITOR, NCPGUI, NCPOLLDATA, and
PARAMETERS. The trcmd.sh script is located here:


For example, if the database account is db2inst and the new password is
netcool, the trcmd.sh script would be executed as follows:

6 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
./trcmd.sh –dataSource –add NCIM –dbType DB2 –dbName NCIM
-user tipadmin -password tipadmin_password
–dbLogin db2inst –dbPassword netcool –force
./trcmd.sh –dataSource –add NCMONITOR –dbType DB2 –dbName NCIM
-user tipadmin -password tipadmin_password
–dbLogin db2inst –dbPassword netcool -force
./trcmd.sh –dataSource –add NCPGUI –dbType DB2 –dbName NCIM
-user tipadmin -password tipadmin_password
–dbLogin db2inst –dbPassword netcool -force

./trcmd.sh –dataSource –add NCPOLLDATA –dbType DB2 –dbName NCIM

-user tipadmin -password tipadmin_password
–dbLogin db2inst –dbPassword netcool -force
./trcmd.sh –dataSource –add PARAMETERS –dbType DB2 –dbName NCIM
-user tipadmin -password tipadmin_password
–dbLogin db2inst –dbPassword netcool -force

If using Tivoli Data Warehouse, the database details must match the TDW
database only for the NCPOLLDATA and PARAMETERS data sources.

The Cognos administration in the Network Manager GUI can be confusing.

See the appendix in this article for step-by-step instructions on how to change
the password from the Network Manager GUI. The Network Manager GUI
also offers the ability to test the database connection for Cognos. Otherwise,
the only way to verify that the Cognos connection to the database is set up
correctly is to run a report.

Configuring the passwords for the Network Manager topology API

Note: The Network Manager topology API is used only when Network
Configuration Manager is integrated with Network Manager. The API connects to
the Network Manager NCIM database through a datasource that needs to be
refreshed when the Network Manager database password changes.

Follow these steps to configure the password for datasource used by the
Network Manager topology API.
1. Run the following command to refresh the password used by the API after
you have changed the password from the Network Manager GUI as described
<tip_administrator_username> <tip_administrator_password>

This script reads the new password value from

$NCHOME/precision/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/tnm/tnm.properties and
automatically updates the data source.
As a reference, full instructions for integrating NCM and ITNM can be found
at the following link

Chapter 2: Network Manager Configuration for DB2 Database 7


2. Restart TIP by executing this command:

itnm_start tip

3. Test the datasource after the change by executing the following command:
$TIPHOME/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username tipadmin
-password <TIP ADMIN Password> -f
$NCHOME/precision/bin/createITNMDatasource.jy -test

The output should contain the following:

WASX7217I: Connection to provided datasource was successful.

8 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
Chapter 3: IBM DB2 Configuration Settings for Network
The DB2 default configuration settings are usually adequate for a standard
DB2 9.7, 10.1, or 10.5 deployment, with the default settings made by Network
Manager when creating the database instance. However, if you have several
domains, or store a lot of historical polled data, or share the database server
with other products, then you may need to be more aware of the database
performance. If you upgraded your DB2 database, it may still have some of
the previous settings, so it would be wise to check your settings according to
the suggestions below. This chapter assumes you are familiar with issuing
DB2 commands.

When you use the create_db2_database.sh script to create the Network

Manager database, it also applies a set of configuration settings. Additional
DB2 configuration settings were added for Network Manager 4.1.

Before looking at the general recommendations for the database configuration

settings, let's consider two common problems with Network Manager
associated with application connections and transaction log size.
Application Connection Problems

By default, Network Manager 3.9 sets the number of application connections

permitted to 100. This is usually sufficient for up to about five domains. As
you increase the number of domains, you may see database connection fail
errors (SQLSTATE=57030) exceeding the number of application connections

To avoid database connection fail errors, set MAXAPPLS to automatic, as in

the following example:

db2 update db cfg for ITNM using MAXAPPLS AUTOMATIC

Note: Network Manager 4.1.1 sets MAXAPPLS to auto by default now.

If the DB2 server is shared with other products, you might consider increasing
the number of connections to 200 for the Network Manager database instance,
as in the following example:

db2 update db cfg for ITNM using MAXAPPLS 200

In either case, restart the database instance for the changes to take effect.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 9

Transaction Log Size Packages

If the transaction log size is insufficient, you may see errors during periods of
many uncommitted row changes such as:

The transaction log for the database is full. SQLSTATE=57011

For a tech note on this, see


By default, DB2 sets the logging to be circular (logarchmeth1=OFF,

logarchmeth2=OFF). With this method, you will need to either increase the
log file size or the number of secondary log files available. The following
DB2 commands provide suggested settings for the different log parameters:
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGBUFSZ 2150
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGFILSIZ 5000
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGPRIMARY 10
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGSECOND 20

The performance of the database can be significantly affected if the

transaction log files are switching too frequently – generally, aim for a few per
hour. You can monitor the current active log id over a period of time by
periodically running the following command:
table(mon_get_transaction_log(-1)) as t order by member asc"

The previous command gives you an idea of how often the active log id is

Configuration Settings
The following sections have been taken from the Best Practices for System
Performance for IBM Tivoli Service Management Products for settings that
have been found useful for Network Manager.


Registry keys
Set the following registry keys individually. Using the database instance
owner account (or one with administrative privileges) run the db2set


10 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
db2set DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ=65536

Database instance settings

For optimal performance, use the following DB2 database configuration
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using DFT_QUERYOPT 5 (default)
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGBUFSZ 2150
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGFILSIZ 5000
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGPRIMARY 10
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOGSECOND 20
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOCKLIST AUTOMATIC (default)

db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using LOCKTIMEOUT 300

db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using MAXFILOP 61440 (UNIX / Linux 64bit)
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using MAXFILOP 65535 (Windows 64bit)
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using NUM_IOCLEANERS AUTOMATIC (default)
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using NUM_IOSERVERS AUTOMATIC (default)
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using SOFTMAX 1000
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using STMTHEAP 20000

db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using CUR_COMMIT ON

db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using AUTO_REVAL DEFERRED (default)
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using DEC_TO_CHAR_FMT NEW (default)
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using STMT_CONC LITERALS

Note that while the recommended setting for SOFTMAX has a positive
impact on runtime performance, crash recovery time will increase. If you use
DB2 HADR, this would not be cause for concern. In addition, if you use
online backup, there may be a spike in I/O while data is being flushed to disk
when the backup starts.

While these settings are generally the default settings in DB2 9.7 and higher,
you must ensure that they are set, especially if you upgraded from a previous
version of DB2 to DB2 9.7.

Note that when using DB2 9.7 with the statement concentrator
(STMT_CONC), IBM recommends applying DB2 fixpack level 5 or later to
avoid a potential performance issue with the statement concentrator.

Use the following database configuration settings to take advantage of the

self-tuning aspects of the database, and to reduce the overall management cost
for the installation. You must have enough system resources for automatic
tuning to work properly. If you are constrained on system resources, tune the
settings manually:
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using DATABASE_MEMORY AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using PCKCACHESZ AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using DBHEAP AUTOMATIC
db2 update db cfg for <dbname> using STAT_HEAP_SZ AUTOMATIC

In some instances, setting PCKCACHESZ AUTOMATIC can result in an overly

Chapter 3: IBM DB2 Configuration Settings for Network Manager 11

large package cache that can have adverse effects on performance. If you
suspect that you are experiencing this problem, set PCKCACHESZ=524288.

Database Manager Settings

For optimal performance, use the following DB2 database manager settings:
db2 update dbm cfg using AGENT_STACK_SZ 1024 (UNIX / Linux default)
db2 update dbm cfg using AGENT_STACK_SZ 1000 (Windows)
db2 update dbm cfg using RQRIOBLK 65535
db2 update dbm cfg using HEALTH_MON OFF (not applicable for DB2 10.1)

Set the following database manager configuration parameter to avoid

potentially encountering a DB2 heap exception
(com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.SqlException: Not enough storage is available in the
MON_HEAP_SZ heap to process the statement):

db2 update dbm cfg using MON_HEAP_SZ AUTOMATIC (default)

In addition, DB2 fenced processes can cause excessive memory use in some
cases. Set the following parameter:
db2 update dbm cfg using keepfenced NO

If you need fenced processes and decide to use this feature of DB2, monitor
the db2fmp process closely to ensure that memory usage does not become

When running DB2 on AIX 5.2 or above, set the AIX network parameter
lo_perf=0 to avoid an issue where loopback traffic becomes slow, and ping
responds with out-of-order packets. See APAR IY63671 for more details.

For assistance in performing DB2 administration tasks, see Appendix D:

References for links to the DB2 Information Center.

DB2 Autoconfigure Option

The DB2 autoconfigure option calculates and displays initial values for the
buffer pool size, database configuration, and database manager configuration
parameters, with the option of applying these recommended values. The
following command shows the recommended values without applying them.
Remove the option “apply none” to apply these values, or set each desired
configuration value individually.

> db2 autoconfigure using mem_percent 80 apply none

Current and Recommended Values for Database Manager Configuration

Description Parameter Current Value Recommended Value


Application support layer heap size (4KB) (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15 15

No. of int. communication buffers(4KB)(FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC

Enable intra-partition parallelism (INTRA_PARALLEL) = NO NO

12 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
Maximum query degree of parallelism (MAX_QUERYDEGREE) = ANY 1

Agent pool size (NUM_POOLAGENTS) = AUTOMATIC(100) AUTOMATIC(100)

Initial number of agents in pool (NUM_INITAGENTS) = 0 0

Max requester I/O block size (bytes) (RQRIOBLK) = 32767 32767

Sort heap threshold (4KB) (SHEAPTHRES) = 0 0

Current and Recommended Values for Database Configuration

Description Parameter Current Value Recommended Value


Default application heap (4KB) (APPLHEAPSZ) = 256 256

Catalog cache size (4KB) (CATALOGCACHE_SZ) = 300 718

Changed pages threshold (CHNGPGS_THRESH) = 80 80

Database heap (4KB) (DBHEAP) = 4648 5886

Degree of parallelism (DFT_DEGREE) = 1 1

Default tablespace extentsize (pages) (DFT_EXTENT_SZ) = 32 32

Default prefetch size (pages) (DFT_PREFETCH_SZ) = AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC

Default query optimization class (DFT_QUERYOPT) = 5 5

Max storage for lock list (4KB) (LOCKLIST) = AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC

Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 1024 1024

Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 13 9

Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 12 11

Max number of active applications (MAXAPPLS) = 100 AUTOMATIC

Percent. of lock lists per application (MAXLOCKS) = AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC

Number of asynchronous page cleaners (NUM_IOCLEANERS) = 1 1

Number of I/O servers (NUM_IOSERVERS) = 3 7


Percent log file reclaimed before soft chckpt (SOFTMAX) = 520 360


SQL statement heap (4KB) (STMTHEAP) = 8192 8192

Statistics heap size (4KB) (STAT_HEAP_SZ) = 4384 4384

Utilities heap size (4KB) (UTIL_HEAP_SZ) = 59789 311136

Self tuning memory (SELF_TUNING_MEM) = ON ON

Automatic runstats (AUTO_RUNSTATS) = ON ON

Sort heap thres for shared sorts (4KB) (SHEAPTHRES_SHR) = AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC

Log buffer size (4KB) (LOGBUFSZ) = 2150 2151

Current and Recommended Values for Bufferpool(s)

Chapter 3: IBM DB2 Configuration Settings for Network Manager 13

Description Parameter Current Value Recommended Value


BUF32K Bufferpool size = 8192 114922

IBMDEFAULTBP Bufferpool size = -2 14028

Database Maintenance
Database maintenance consists of tasks such as reorganizing tables and
indexes, and archiving and deleting historical data.

Note: Network Manager 3.9 runs statistics on the NCIM schema tables in the Oracle
and Informix databases after discovery is finished. However, starting with Network
Manager 4.1, Network Manager now runs statistics on the NCIM schema tables in
the DB2 database. You should not need to run statistics on NCIM schema tables if
Network Manager is doing it for you.

If you are storing historical polled data in the NCPOLLDATA schema of any
database type, consider reorganizing and running statistics regularly on the
polldata table.

Should run at least weekly
Should run at least weekly
3. LOG file pruning
Should run at least every three days in a large environment if you are
storing the historical polled data in Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Reorganizing tables and indexes

DB2 effectively reuses space within tables that become fragmented with
updates over time. But running the REORG utility periodically is useful to
optimize performance by keeping data aligned on the indexes.

You can run the first command to first generate an input file for all the tables,
and then run the second command to execute them:

db2 -x "select 'reorg table',substr(rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||

rtrim(tabname),1,60),' ;'from syscat.tables where type = 'T' order by
tabschema asc"|tr -s " "|tee reorg_all.sql
db2 -tvf reorg_all.sql

Update Catalog Statistics

The RUNSTATS utility updates the catalog statistics that the DB2 optimizer

14 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
uses when executing queries.

When there is any data modification to the user tables, the catalog statistics
tables are not automatically modified. A RUNSTATS command has to be
performed on tables and indexes so that columns in the catalog tables are
updated with the latest information.

Run the first command to generate the RUNSTATS commands for all the
tables, and the second command to execute them, as follows:
db2 -x "select 'runstats on table',substr(rtrim(tabschema) ||'.'||
rtrim(tabname),1,60),' with distribution and detailed indexes all
ALLOW WRITE ACCESS;'from syscat.tables where type = 'T' order by
tabschema asc" |tr -s " " |tee runstats_all.sql

db2 -tvf runstats_all.sql

Log history maintenance

Regular log history maintenance is important if you are inserting and deleting
rows constantly in large numbers, such as the historical polled data in the
ncpolldata.pollData table and storing it in TDW. Otherwise, there may be no
need to regularly do this.

Check the log history file and purge it, if necessary, as in the following

db2 'list history all for <db>'

If you see more than approximately 5000 records, then that could start to
impact database performance.
DB2 keeps a list of all the log files that have been created, but you really only
need the ones that relate to the last few backups, so as long as you have recent
backups, you can purge the log files before a point in time (for example, the
last 3 backups).
Purge the log files by running the following command:
db2 'prune logfile prior to <time>'

If necessary, this should be performed regularly as part of the database

Automatic Maintenance
In general, IBM Tivoli service management products do not recommend
turning on automatic maintenance settings, such as AUTO_MAINT,
schedule database maintenance activities during regular maintenance windows
to avoid adversely affecting end user performance.

Chapter 3: IBM DB2 Configuration Settings for Network Manager 15

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
This chapter covers some basic DB2 troubleshooting steps when things go
wrong as well as a summary of useful DB2 commands when performing
troubleshooting tasks.

Troubleshooting Tips
When you see a DB2 error message in one of the Network Manager log files
and the meaning is not obvious, execute the following command:

db2 ? <Error Message ID>

This command provides additional information on the error to make it clearer.

Another place to look is the DB2 log, db2diag.log, located under the DB2
instance account directory (similar to
/home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log) and see what the error
messages in context suggest.

Buffer Pool
This section describes how to troubleshoot a buffer pool failure. For instance
you might see a failure of a buffer pool, for example, BUF32K, to get the
memory it needs. DB2 offers automatic allocation but this feature may not be
active for all buffer pools and this can result in unexpected issues.

To fix this, reset the buffer pool to automatic. Create a file that contains the
following select statement:

select substr(a.tbspace,1,20) as tbspace, a.datatype,

substr(b.bpname,1,20) as bpname, b.npages,
a.pagesize, b.pagesize
from sysibm.sysbufferpools b
full join sysibm.systablespaces a
on a.bufferpoolid = b.bufferpoolid
order by 2, a.pagesize;

Execute this statement from the instance owner account, or one with
appropriate privileges:

su – db2inst1
db2 connect to NCIM
db2 –tvf buffer.sql


-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- --------

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 17

USERSPACE2 A BUF32K 8192 32768 32768
LARGETEMP2 T BUF32K 8192 32768 32768

7 record(s) selected.

The setting of -2 for NPAGES means it is set to automatic allocation, while

the other buffer pool (BUF32K) has a fixed size. If there is a space allocation
issue with a buffer pool not already set to automatic allocation, then you can
alter the setting. Then restart DB2 to pick up the change to automatic
allocation. As the db2inst1 user:

db2 connect to NCIM

db2 alter bufferpool buf32k size automatic
db2stop force

The following example shows the settings for BUF32K to -2 :


-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------


USERSPACE2 A BUF32K -2 32768 32768




LARGETEMP2 T BUF32K -2 32768 32768


DB2 commands useful in troubleshooting

Here are some useful commands to add to your cheat sheet. See Appendix D:
References for a link to the DB2 documentation for more information.
Source environment for db instance owner “db2inst1”:
. ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

Connect to database:
db2 connect to <DBNAME> user <username> using <pwd>

List the tables of a schema:

db2 "select char(tabschema,10) tabschema, char(tabname,33) tabname, stats_time
from syscat.tables where tabschema='NCIM' order by 1,2,3"

Stop all processes using DB2:

db2 terminate ; db2 force applications all ; db2stop force ;

Clean all DB2 interprocess communications after stopping all processes:

18 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
ipclean -a

Start database “ITNM”:

db2 restart db ITNM ; db2 activate db ITNM ;

Remove all rows in a table without dropping it:


Show all database names in the database instance:

db2 list db directory

Show the details of, say, the entityData table:

db2look -d <dbname> -e -z NCIM -t ENTITYDATA -i <user> -w <pw>

Show configuration settings:

db2 get dbm cfg
db2 get db cfg for <dbname>
db2set -all

Debug information for IBM Support

Use the following command to gather debug information when asking IBM
Support for help. The command creates a file called db2support.zip that you
can upload.

db2support . –d <dbname> -c –s

Diagnostic queries
Here are some useful queries that can help you identify a problem from the
recent executions of SQL queries against the DB2 database.

Identify long running commands. List the last 10 queries by average

execution time. This can indicate a problem if the average execution times are
excessive. It may indicate locking problems or if other demands on the
database resources prevent normal running of the database commands.

db2 "select NUM_EXECUTIONS, STMT_TEXT from sysibmadm.TOP_DYNAMIC_SQL order by

AVERAGE_EXECUTION_TIME_S desc fetch first 10 rows only" | tr –s " "

List the last 10 queries by number of executions. Some of the queries that
run in the normal operation of Network Manager can be very repetitive. If
these are also showing longer than normal execution times, it can expose a
problem. Run this command to show the most frequently executed queries:

db2 "select NUM_EXECUTIONS, STMT_TEXT from sysibmadm.TOP_DYNAMIC_SQL

order by NUM_EXECUTIONS desc fetch first 10 rows only" | tr -s " "

Identify poor sorting. Use this command to understand the queries that had

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 19
more than X number of executions and by SORTS_PER_EXECUTION to
know which queries might indicate missing or poor indexing. Poor indexing
may indicate a need to run REORG to rebuild the indexes, or indicate where
an additional index may be useful. If poor indexing is really the problem,
rather than corrupted indexes, it may be useful to discuss with IBM Support so
that if it does not impact other areas (such as inserts), the indexing in the
product can be improved.


sysibmadm.TOP_DYNAMIC_SQL where NUM_EXECUTIONS > 100 order by
SORTS_PER_EXECUTION desc"| tr -s " "

Investigate the efficiency of a query using Explain tables.

Writing reports often involves creating complex SQL queries, maybe
including custom tables. Optimizing the SQL query to run efficiently often
involves tradeoffs with indexes, sorts, even the order the joins are evaluated.
To help understand how the SQL compiler will execute the query we can use
tools such as the DB2 Design Advisor or the Explain function. These are
powerful tools that can provide insight into the benefit that additional indexes
would provide. For example:

cd ~/sqllib/misc
db2 -tvf EXPLAIN.DDL
db2advis -d <dbname> -n <schema> -s "SELECT DISTINCT tunnel.entityId TUNNELID,
COALESCE(tunnel.displayLabel,tunnel.entityName) TUNNELNAME, dm.domainMgrId
DOMAINMGRID FROM ncim.entityData tunnel INNER JOIN ncim.domainMembers dm ON
dm.entityId = tunnel.entityId INNER JOIN ncim.networkPipe outerPipe ON
outerPipe.entityId = tunnel.entityId INNER JOIN ncim.connects
outerPipeConnects ON outerPipeConnects.connectionId = outerPipe.connectionId
INNER JOIN ncim.mplsTETunnel headend ON headend.entityId = tunnel.entityId
LEFT OUTER JOIN ncpgui.pathView pv ON pv.pathId = tunnel.entityId WHERE
tunnel.entityType = 36 AND pv.viewId IS NULL "

Command to find the diagnostic data directory. Sometimes it is a challenge

to find the directory being used for the DB2 logs depending on where the DB2
client or server is installed. You can run the following command to see the
directory path:

db2 get dbm cfg|grep -i diag

For example, the previous command might show:


For diagnostic information like memory usage and problem queries, check
these files:

For general problems, including information on deadlocks, look in the

following log file:

20 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 

Useful information for diagnosing locking problems, including a

deadlock. The following commands and queries will gather information at
the time of the problem that would be very useful for IBM Support.

For details on a deadlock, run the db2detaildeadlock script to understand the

details associated with the deadlock.

Find the db2detaildeadlock script by looking under the database instance

owner’s directory. It might be embedded in the Network Manager installed
directory if set up by the Network Manager installer, or located under the
instance owner’s home directory. For example:

db2evmon -path
00001/MEMBER0000/db2event/db2detaildeadlock > db2detail_dead_log.txt

Use the following commands to monitor locking and to identify any long
running locks, including deadlocks:

db2 "select l.agent_id, substr(l.appl_name, 1, 15) as appName ,

substr(s.stmt_text, 1, 70) as stmt_text, l.lock_object_type, l.tabname
from sysibmadm.locks_held as l, sysibmadm.long_running_sql as s where
l.agent_id = s.agent_id and s.stmt_text is not null"

Monitor the lock situation using the following commands:

db2pd -wlocks -db <dbname>

db2 get snapshot for locks on <dbname>
db2 get snapshot for applications on <dbname>

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 21
Appendix A: Using the Network Manager GUI to set the
Cognos datasource passwords
1. Select Reporting->Common Reporting, and click on Launch at the top left and
select Administration.

2. Click on the Configuration tab.

3. Repeat the following steps for each of the data sources: NCIM,

4. Drill down into the data source.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 23

5. Select the check box and click on More… then click on Set Properties.

6. Click on the Signon tab, and then click on “Edit the signon...”.

7. Enter the database username and password on the following panel. Click Ok to
save it.

24 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
Appendix A: Using the Network Manager GUI to set the Cognos datasource passwords 25
Appendix B: DB2 deprecates System Managed Spaces for
permanent tablespaces
System Managed Spaces (SMS) for permanent table spaces have been deprecated
in DB2 10.1. For details, see:

Network Manager 3.9 and 4.1.1 use DB2 10.5. SMS for permanent tables spaces is
still supported in DB2 10.5, but may be dropped in a future release.

For new databases, permanent table spaces should use Automatic Storage Table
(AST) managed space.

Tests for Network Manager in the Lab using AST showed some efficiency during
intense database activity, for example moving the discovery data to the NCIM
database after discovery. It did not show measurable improvements working with
topology views in the GUI. While not tested as I write this, we would expect some
similar improvement in cases where the ncpolldata database is heavily used.

What does this mean for Network Manager?

For existing DB2 10.1 and 10.5 databases, there is no requirement to take action. It
is intended that future releases of Network Manager will use AST managed
tablespaces with no action required on the part of the deployer.

If you are deploying a new instance of Network Manager you can take advantage of
the new efficiency and create the new database using AST tablespace. Follow these
steps to edit the script used to create the DB2 database:

1. Edit the file create_db2_database.sh. This is located in either of these locations,

or in the install media under PrecisionIP/scripts/

2. Replace the line,

create tablespace userspace2 pagesize 32k managed by system using

('usercont2') bufferpool buf32k

create tablespace userspace2 pagesize 32k managed by automatic storage
bufferpool buf32k

3. Create the DB2 database using this script prior to installing Network Manager as
described here:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 27

Appendix C: Performance Analyst Tool
This is a very useful Tivoli tool that can analyze database snapshots to identify
the worst query offenders, and expose database tuning issues.

Visit the home page and download this free tool from:

The following URL provides a comprehensive paper on using the

Performance Analyst tool:

To get started, run the PerfAnalyst tool and select File..Open from the menu to
display a list of plugins. Select the DB2::Snapshot plugin and you will see the
commands to use to generate the snapshot. Click OK and it will prompt you
for the snapshot. After loading the snapshot into the tool, the Statement tab
shows the queries sorted by total CPU time. In this example, you can see that
a significant portion of the database CPU utilization (total_cpu_util 53%) was
being consumed by a SELECT statement which throttled the delete processing
from the same pollData table.

Compare the average CPU (avg_busy_time) with average execution time to

gauge the wait time. If there is a significant delta, the reason is probably
because the query execution is spending a lot of time waiting for locks.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 29

30 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 
Appendix D: References
DB2 9.7 Information Center

DB2 10.5 Information Center


IBM Tivoli Network Manager Information Center


DB2 Best Practises Tuning and Monitoring database


Top 10 Db2 Performance tips


10 useful DB2 redbooks


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 31

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36 IBM Tivoli Network Manager: IBM Tivoli Network Manager with DB2 

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