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20 SQL Exercises For Practice: Table Structure and Schema

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Table structure and schema:

Create a Table with a primary key column

CREATE TABLE departments

( department_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY

, department_name VARCHAR(30)

, location_id INTEGER

) ;

Create a Table with a Foreign Key

CREATE TABLE employees

( employee_id INTEGER

, first_name VARCHAR(20)

, last_name VARCHAR(25)

, email VARCHAR(25)

, phone_number VARCHAR(20)

, hire_date DATE

, job_id VARCHAR(10)

, salary INTEGER

, commission_pct INTEGER

, manager_id INTEGER
, department_id INTEGER

, constraint pk_emp primary key (employee_id)

, constraint fk_deptno foreign key (department_id) references


) ;

Insert Records into Tables

## Insert insto Departments table

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 20,'Marketing', 180);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 30,'Purchasing', 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 40, 'Human Resources', 2400);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 50, 'Shipping', 1500);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 60 , 'IT', 1400);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 70, 'Public Relations', 2700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 80 , 'Sales', 2500 );

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 90 , 'Executive', 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 100 , 'Finance', 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 110 , 'Accounting', 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 120 , 'Treasury' , 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 130 , 'Corporate Tax' , 1700 );

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 140, 'Control And Credit' , 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 150 , 'Shareholder Services', 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 160 , 'Benefits', 1700);

INSERT INTO departments VALUES ( 170 , 'Payroll' , 1700);

## Insert into Employees table

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (100, 'Steven', 'King', 'SKING', '515.123.4567',

'1987-06-17' , 'AD_PRES', 24000 , NULL, NULL, 20);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (101, 'Neena' , 'Kochhar' , 'NKOCHHAR' ,

'515.123.4568' , '1989-11-21' , 'AD_VP' , 17000 , NULL , 100 , 20);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (102 , 'Lex' , 'De Haan' , 'LDEHAAN' ,

'515.123.4569' , '1993-09-12' , 'AD_VP' , 17000 , NULL , 100 , 30);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (103 , 'Alexander' , 'Hunold' , 'AHUNOLD' ,

'590.423.4567' , '1990-09-30', 'IT_PROG' , 9000 , NULL , 102 , 60);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (104 , 'Bruce' , 'Ernst' , 'BERNST' ,

'590.423.4568' , '1991-05-21', 'IT_PROG' , 6000 , NULL , 103 , 60);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (105 , 'David' , 'Austin' , 'DAUSTIN' ,

'590.423.4569' , '1997-06-25', 'IT_PROG' , 4800 , NULL , 103 , 60);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (106 , 'Valli' , 'Pataballa' , 'VPATABAL' ,

'590.423.4560' , '1998-02-05', 'IT_PROG' , 4800 , NULL , 103 , 40);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (107 , 'Diana' , 'Lorentz' , 'DLORENTZ' ,

'590.423.5567' , '1999-02-09', 'IT_PROG' , 4200 , NULL , 103 , 40);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (108 , 'Nancy' , 'Greenberg' , 'NGREENBE' ,

'515.124.4569' , '1994-08-17', 'FI_MGR' , 12000 , NULL , 101 , 100);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (109 , 'Daniel' , 'Faviet' , 'DFAVIET' ,

'515.124.4169' , '1994-08-12', 'FI_ACCOUNT' , 9000 , NULL , 108 , 170);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (110 , 'John' , 'Chen' , 'JCHEN' ,

'515.124.4269' , '1997-04-09', 'FI_ACCOUNT' , 8200 , NULL , 108 , 170);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (111 , 'Ismael' , 'Sciarra' , 'ISCIARRA' ,

'515.124.4369' , '1997-02-01', 'FI_ACCOUNT' , 7700 , NULL , 108 , 160);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (112 , 'Jose Manuel' , 'Urman' , 'JMURMAN' ,

'515.124.4469' , '1998-06-03', 'FI_ACCOUNT' , 7800 , NULL , 108 , 150);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (113 , 'Luis' , 'Popp' , 'LPOPP' ,
'515.124.4567' , '1999-12-07', 'FI_ACCOUNT' , 6900 , NULL , 108 , 140);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (114 , 'Den' , 'Raphaely' , 'DRAPHEAL' ,

'515.127.4561' , '1994-11-08', 'PU_MAN' , 11000 , NULL , 100 , 30);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (115 , 'Alexander' , 'Khoo' , 'AKHOO' ,

'515.127.4562' , '1995-05-12', 'PU_CLERK' , 3100 , NULL , 114 , 80);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (116 , 'Shelli' , 'Baida' , 'SBAIDA' ,

'515.127.4563' ,'1997-12-13', 'PU_CLERK' , 2900 , NULL , 114 , 70);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (117 , 'Sigal' , 'Tobias' , 'STOBIAS' ,

'515.127.4564' , '1997-09-10', 'PU_CLERK' , 2800 , NULL , 114 , 30);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (118 , 'Guy' , 'Himuro' , 'GHIMURO' ,

'515.127.4565' , '1998-01-02', 'PU_CLERK' , 2600 , NULL , 114 , 60);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (119 , 'Karen' , 'Colmenares' , 'KCOLMENA' ,

'515.127.4566' , '1999-04-08', 'PU_CLERK' , 2500 , NULL , 114 , 130);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (120 , 'Matthew' , 'Weiss' , 'MWEISS' ,

'650.123.1234' ,'1996-07-18', 'ST_MAN' , 8000 , NULL , 100 , 50);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (121 , 'Adam' , 'Fripp' , 'AFRIPP' ,

'650.123.2234' , '1997-08-09', 'ST_MAN' , 8200 , NULL , 100 , 50);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (122 , 'Payam' , 'Kaufling' , 'PKAUFLIN' ,

'650.123.3234' ,'1995-05-01', 'ST_MAN' , 7900 , NULL , 100 , 40);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (123 , 'Shanta' , 'Vollman' , 'SVOLLMAN' ,

'650.123.4234' , '1997-10-12', 'ST_MAN' , 6500 , NULL , 100 , 50);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (124, 'Kevin' , 'Mourgos' , 'KMOURGOS' ,

'650.123.5234' , '1999-11-12', 'ST_MAN' , 5800 , NULL , 100 , 80);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (125, 'Julia' , 'Nayer' , 'JNAYER' ,

'650.124.1214' , '1997-07-02', 'ST_CLERK' , 3200 , NULL , 120 , 50);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (126, 'Irene' , 'Mikkilineni' , 'IMIKKILI' ,

'650.124.1224' , '1998-11-12', 'ST_CLERK' , 2700 , NULL , 120 , 50);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (127, 'James' , 'Landry' , 'JLANDRY' ,

'650.124.1334' , '1999-01-02' , 'ST_CLERK' , 2400 , NULL , 120 , 90);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (128, 'Steven' , 'Markle' , 'SMARKLE' ,
'650.124.1434' , '2000-03-04' , 'ST_CLERK' , 2200 , NULL , 120 , 50);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (129, 'Laura' , 'Bissot' , 'LBISSOT' ,

'650.124.5234' ,'1997-09-10' , 'ST_CLERK' , 3300 , NULL , 121 , 50);

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (130, 'Mozhe' , 'Atkinson' , 'MATKINSO' ,

'650.124.6234' , '1997-10-12' , 'ST_CLERK' , 2800 , NULL , 121 , 110);

So, now we have 2 tables and some data ready to run our sql. It’s time for
some exercises.

Solve SQL Exercises

1. Select employees first name, last name, job_id and salary whose
first name starts with alphabet S
select first_name,




from employees

where upper(first_name) like 'S%';

2. Write a query to select employee with the highest salary

select employee_id,





from employees
where salary = (select max(salary) from employees);

3. Select employee with the second highest salary

select employee_id,





from employees

where salary != (select max(salary) from employees)

order by salary desc

limit 1;

The above query selects only one person with the second-highest salary. But
what if there are more than 1 person with the same salary? Or, what if we want
to select the 3rd or 4th highest salary? So, let’s try a generic approach.

4. Fetch employees with 2nd or 3rd highest salary

#change the input for 2nd, 3rd or 4th highest salary

set @input:=3;

select employee_id,




from employees e

where @input =(select COUNT(DISTINCT Salary)

from employees p

where e.Salary<=p.Salary);

5. Write a query to select employees and their corresponding

managers and their salaries

Now, this is a classic example of SELF JOIN in SQL exercises. Also, I am

using the CONCAT function to concatenate the first name and last name of
each employee and manager.
select concat(emp.first_name,' ',emp.last_name) employee,

emp.salary emp_sal,

concat(mgr.first_name,' ',mgr.last_name) manager,

mgr.salary mgr_sal

from employees emp

join employees mgr on emp.manager_id = mgr.employee_id;

6. Write a query to show count of employees under each manager

in descending order

sup.employee_id employee_id,

concat(sup.first_name,' ', sup.last_name)manager_name,

COUNT (sub.employee_id) AS number_of_reportees

from employees sub

join employees sup

on sub.manager_id = sup.employee_id

group by sup.employee_id, sup.first_name, sup.last_name

order by 3 desc;

7. Find the count of employees in each department

select dept.department_name,

count(emp.employee_id) emp_count

from employees emp

join departments dept on emp.department_id = dept.department_id

group by dept.department_name

order by 2 desc;

8. Get the count of employees hired year wise

select year(hire_date) hired_year, count(*) employees_hired_count

from employees

group by year(hire_date)

order by 2 desc;

9. Find the salary range of employees

select min(salary) min_sal,

max(salary) max_sal,

round(avg(salary)) avg_sal

from employees;

10. Write a query to divide people into three groups based on their
select concat(first_name,' ',last_name) employee,



when salary >=2000 and salary < 5000 then "low"

when salary >=5000 and salary < 10000 then "mid"



end as salary_level

from employees

order by 1;

11. Select the employees whose first_name contains “an”

select (first_name)

from employees

where lower(first_name) like '%an%';

12. Select employee first name and the corresponding phone

number in the format (_ _ _)-(_ _ _)-(_ _ _ _)
select concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) employee,

replace(phone_number,'.','-') phone_number

from employees;

13. Find the employees who joined in August, 1994.

select concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) employee,

from employees

where year(hire_date) = '1994'

and month(hire_date) = '08';

14. Write an SQL query to display employees who earn more than
the average salary in that company

concat(emp.first_name,last_name) name,


dept.department_name department,



from departments dept

JOIN employees emp on dept.department_id = emp.department_id

where emp.salary > (select avg(salary) from employees)

order by dept.department_id;

15. Find the maximum salary from each department.



dept.department_name department,


from departments dept

JOIN employees emp on dept.department_id = emp.department_id

group by dept.department_name,


order by dept.department_id ;

16. Write a SQL query to display the 5 least earning employees


first_name, last_name,



from employees

order by salary

limit 5;

17. Find the employees hired in the 80s

select employee_id,
concat(first_name,' ' , last_name) employee,
from employees
where year(hire_date) between 1980 and 1989;

18. Display the employees first name and the name in reverse order
select lower(first_name) name,

lower(reverse(first_name)) name_in_reverse

from employees;

19. Find the employees who joined the company after 15th of the
select employee_id,
concat(first_name, ' ' , last_name) employee,


from employees

where day(hire_date)> 15;

20. Display the managers and the reporting employees who work in
different departments

concat(mgr.first_name,' ',mgr.last_name) manager,

concat(emp.first_name,' ',emp.last_name) employee,

mgr.department_id mgr_dept,

emp.department_id emp_dept

from employees emp

join employees mgr on emp.manager_id = mgr.employee_id

where emp.department_id != mgr.department_id

order by 1;

Source: https://oindrilasen.com/2021/04/sql-interview-practice/

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