2016 Revised Handbook
2016 Revised Handbook
2016 Revised Handbook
This Handbook, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced for commercial
purposes without the written permission of the Burea u of Working Conditions,
Department of Labor and Employme nt.
We are pleased to present a reprint of the 2016 Handbook
on Workers’ Statutory Monetary Benefits – an updated and
comprehensive material on recent developments in Philippine
labor laws and regulations.
Through the years, this Handbook has become a dependable guide not only for
workers and employers, but also to students, labor law practitioners, and the general
public. The consistently enthusiastic reception extended to this work has prompted us
to issue a reprinted edition.
This reprint forms part of our vigorous and strengthened enforcement activities
under the new administration. We commit to be steadfast in addressing abuses in
employment arrangements while remaining strict yet equitable. Toward such end, we
intend to educate stakeholders and inspire a culture of voluntary compliance with
labor laws in as many workplaces as possible.
We sincerely hope that, with this Handbook, we can stay true to our mandate of
promoting full, decent, and productive employment opportunities for every Filipino
worker in every workplace throug ho ut the countr y.
A. Coverage 3
B. Minimum Wage Rates 4
C. Basis 6
D. Monthly-Paid and Daily-Paid Employees 6
E. Minimum Wage and Rights of Kasam bahay 8
F. Effect of Reduction of Workdays on Wages 9
G. Penalty and Double Indemni ty for Violation of the Prescribed
Increases or Adjustme nts in the Wage Rates (RA 8188) 9
H. Barangay Micro Business Enterprises (BMBEs) 9
I. Minimum Wage of Workers Paid by Results 10
J. Minimum Wage of Apprentices, Lea rners, & Persons with Disability 10
K. Coverage from Income Tax of Minimum Wage Earners 11
Retail & Service
Applicable Labor Establishments Non- Reference
Standards Employing 1 Employing 1 Agriculture (Page no.)
to 5 workers to 9 workers
Minimum Wage 2
Holiday pay N/A N/A 12
Premium pay 17
Overtime pay 20
Night shift pay N/A 22
Service charges 25
Service incentive leave N/A N/A 26
Maternity leave 28
Paternity leave 29
Parental leave 31
Leave for VAWC 34
Special leave for women 36
13 th month pay 38
Separation pay 43
Retirement pay N/A N/A** 46
ECC benefits* 50
PhilHealth benefits* 54
SSS benefits* 59
Pag-IBIG benefits * 62
*will be paid by the Governm ent
** em ploying not m ore than 10 workers
Republic Act No. 6727 (also known as the “Wage Rationa lization Act”)
mandates the fixing of the minimum wages applicable to different industrial
sectors, namely, non-agriculture, agriculture plantation, and non-
plantation, cottage/handicraft, and retail/service, depending on the number
of workers or capitalization or annual gross sales in some sectors.
The Regional Wage Orders prescribe the daily minimum wage rates
per industry per locality within the region and in so me instances depending
on the number of workers and the capitalization of enterprises. The Wage
Orders likewise provide the basis and procedure for application for
exemption from compliance therefrom. Some Wage Orders grant
allowances instead of wage incre ases.
A. Coverage
A.1 The wage increases prescribed under Wage Orders apply to all
private sector workers and employees receiving the daily minimum wage
rates or those receiving up to a certain daily wage ceiling, where
applicable, regardless of their position, designation, or status of
employment, and irrespective of the method by whic h their wages are paid,
except workers of duly registered Barangay Micro Business Enterprises
(BMBEs) with Certificate of Authority issued by the Office of the Municipal
or City Treasurer.
Ex ec utiv e Or der No. 183 c r eating a Negr os Is land Region and f or Other Pur pos es is s ued on 29 May 2015.
Plantation 429.00 15.00 444.00 10.00 454.00
Non-planta tio n 429.00 15.00 444.00 10.00 454.00
Employing 15 workers or
429.00 15.00 444.00 10.00 454.00
Regularly employing
429.00 15.00 444.00 10.00 454.00
less than 10 workers
b Integr ation of P15.00 COLA per day under Wage Or der NCR - 19 into the bas ic pay ;
New COLA of P10.00 per day upon ef f ec tiv ity on 2 June 2016;
Wor ker s in the p r iv ate hos pitals w ith bed c apac ity of 100 or les s r e - c las s if ied into Non - A gr ic ultur e Sec tor .
IIIg W O 19/ January 1, 2016 313. 00 - 364. 00 298. 00 - 334. 00 298. 00 - 334. 00
IV -A h W O 17/ July 1, 2016 285. 00 - 378. 50 275. 00 - 353. 50 275. 00 - 333. 50
V II l W O19/ Oc t ober 10, 2015 295. 00 - 353. 00 275. 00 - 335. 00 275. 00 - 335. 00
V III W O 18/ Marc h 30, 2015 260. 00 241. 00 235. 00
P ro vi d e s P 1 0 CO L A a n d i n t e g ra t i o n o f t h e P 1 5 CO L A u n d e r WO NCR -1 9 i n t h e b a si c p a y.
G ra n t e d P 5 & P 1 0 u n d e r WO No . 1 6 & P 2 -P 8 i n cre a se i n t h e b a si c p a y u p o n e f f e c t i vi t y; i n t e g ra t i o n o f t h e re m a i n i n g P 1 0 &
P 1 5 CO L A e f f e ct i ve Ja n . 1 , 2 0 1 6 .
G ra n t e d P 1 4 . 0 0 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y i n t h e No n -A g ri (m i cro ) a n d A g ri cu l t u re (No n -P l a n t a t i o n t o b e g i ve n i n t wo
t ra n ch e s; P 7 u p o n e f f e ct i vi t y & P 7 o n De c. 1 , 2 0 1 5 .
G ra n t e d P 4 5 -P 5 3 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y f o r n o n -a g ri cu l t u re ; P 3 7 -P 4 5 f o r a g ri cu l t u re ; P 5 3 -P 6 1 f o r re t a i l / se rvi ce e m p l o yi n g
m o re t h a n 1 0 wo rke rs a n d P 3 1 f o r R/ S e m p l o yi n g l e ss t h a n 1 0 wo rke rs.
G ra n t e d P 1 5 . 0 0 wa g e i n cre a se i n t h e b a si c p a y f o r a l l re g i o n s i n t wo t ra n ch e s: P 8 u p o n e f f e ct i vi t y & P 7 e f f e ct i ve M a y 1 ,
2 0 1 6 . G ra n t e d P 2 0 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y f o r re t a i l / se rvi ce e st a b l i sh m e n t s e m p l o yi n g l e ss t h a n 1 6 wo rke rs i n A u ro ra
p ro vi n ce ; P 1 0 u p o n e f f e ct i vi t y & P 1 0 e f f e ct i ve M a y 1 , 2 0 1 6 .
G ra n t e d P 1 2 i n cre a se i n t h e b a si c p a y f o r wo rke rs re ce i vi n g b e l o w P 2 6 7 ) a n d P 1 3 S E A f o r wo rke rs re ce i vi n g a b o ve P 2 6 7
I n t e g ra t e d t h e P 5 CO L A i n t o t h e b a si c p a y & g ra n t e d P 5 -P 3 0 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y t o b e g i ve n i n f o u r t ra n ch e s
G ra n t e d P 5 . 0 0 t o P 1 2 . 0 0 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y.
G ra n t e d P 1 1 . 5 0 wa g e i n cre a se
G ra n t e d P 1 3 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y wi t h i n M e t ro Ce b u a n d P 1 0 f o r a l l su g a r m i l l wo rke rs
I n t e g ra t e d t h e P 1 5 CO L A u n d e r WO No . 1 6 ; P 6 I n cre a se i n b a si c p a y f o r R/ S e m p l o yi n g 1 0 wo rke rs & b e l o w u p o n
e f f e ct i vi t y; a n d P 1 4 . 5 0 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y f o r t h e No n -P l a n t a t i o n se ct o r t o b e g i ve n i n t wo t ra n ch e s: P 7 . 5 0 u p o n
e f f e ct i vi t y & P 7 e f f e ct i ve M a y 1 , 2 0 1 5
G ra n t e d P 1 3 wa g e i n cre a se .
G ra n t e d P 1 2 wa g e i n cre a se
G ra n t e d P 1 1 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y u p o n e f f e ct i vi t y & P 5 CO L A e f f e ct i ve De c. 1 , 2 0 1 4 ; i n t e g ra t e d t h e P 1 5 CO L A u n d e r WO
No . 1 7 i n t o t h e b a si c p a y.
I n t e g ra t i o n o f P 1 0 t o P 1 4 CO L A u n d e r WO No . 1 7 , i n t o t h e b a si c p a y a n d g ra n t e d P 5 CO L A e f f e ct i ve Ja n . 1 2 0 1 5 a n d P 3 -P 4
b a si c wa g e i n cre a se d u e t o si m p l i f i ca t i o n o f i n d u st ry cl a ssi f i ca t i o n .
G ra n t e d P 5 i n cre 4 a se i n b a si c p a y & P 5 CO L A u p o n e f f e ct i vi t y f o r wo rke rs i n A g ri cu l t u ra l P l a n t a t i o n a n d No n -P l a n t a t i o n a n d
R/ S e m p l o yi n g 1 0 o r l e ss; e f f e ct i ve M a y 1 , 2 0 1 5 , P 5 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y & P 5 CO L A f o r A g ri cu l t u re No n -P l a n t a t i o n a n d
R/ S e m p l o yi n g P 1 0 o r l e ss; e f f e ct i ve S e p t e m b e r 1 , 2 0 1 5 , P 5 i n cre a se i n b a si c p a y & P 5 CO L A f o r A g ri cu l t u re No n -
P l a n t a t i o n a n d R/ S e m p l o yi n g 1 0 o r l e ss t h a n 1 0 .
G ra n t e d P 5 a n d P 1 5 p e r d a y wa g e i n cre a se f o r No n -A g ri cu l t u re a n d A g ri cu l t u re se ct o r re sp e ct i ve l y .
S our c e : Na ti ona l Wa ge s a nd P r oduc ti v i ty Com m i s s i on
C. Basis
The basis of the minimum wage rates prescribed by law shall be the
normal working hours of eight (8) hours a day.
Monthly-paid employees are those who are paid every day of the
month, including unworked rest days, special days, and regular holidays.
Factor 365 days in a year is used in d etermining the equivalent monthly
salary of monthly-paid employees.
Daily-paid employees are those who are paid on the days they
actually worked and on unworked regular holidays.
2. For those who do not work and are not considered paid on Sundays or
rest days
3. For those who do not work and are not considered paid on Saturdays
and Sundays or rest days
Fac tor 310 may be us ed ins tead of 313 if the 3 s pec ial day s ar e not c ons ider ed paid
Fac tor 258 may be us ed ins tead of 261 if the 3 s pec ial day s ar e not c ons ider ed paid
After one year from the effectivity of the Batas Kasam bahay and
periodically thereafter, the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity
Boards (RTW PBs) shall review and if proper, determine and adjust the
minimum wage rates of Kasam bahay. The RTW PBs shall conduct
consultations/hearings with stakeholders prior to the issuance of a wage
1. Minimum wage;
2. Other mandatory benefits, such as the daily and weekly rest periods;
3. Service Incentive Leave;
4. 13th month pay;
5. Freedom from employers’ interference in the disposal of wages;
6. Coverage under the SSS, PhilHealth and Pag -IBIG laws;
7. Standard of treatment;
8. Board, lodging and medical attendance;
9. Right to privacy;
10. Access to outside communication;
11. Access to educ ation and training;
12. Right to form, join, or assist labor organization;
13. Right to be provided a cop y of the employment contract;
14. Right to certificate of employment;
15. Right to terminate the employment; and
16. Right to exercise their own religious beliefs and c ultural practices.
CA R has inc r eas ed the minimu m w age f or Kas amb ahay ef f ec tiv e 10 A ugus t 2015, as f ollow s : ( a) P2,500.00 in
c har ter ed c ities and f ir s t c las s munic ipaliti es , and ( b) P2,000.00 in other munic ipalit ies pur s uant to Wage Or der No.
CA R- DW- 01.
Eas ter n V is ay as has inc r eas ed the minimu m w age f or Kas amb ahay ef f ec tiv e 23 Mar c h 2016, as f ollow s : ( a) P2,500.00
f or thos e w or king in c har ter ed c ities and f ir s t c las s munic ipalit ies , and ( b) P2,000.00 in other munic ipalit ies pur s uant
to Wage Or der No. RB- V III- 01
not more than Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000) shall be exempt from the
coverage of the Minimum Wage Law: Provided, that all employees shall
still be entitled to the same benefits given to regular employees such as
social security and healthcare benefits.
The DTI, through the Negosyo Center in the city or municipality level,
shall have the sole power to issue the Certificate of Authority for BMBEs t o
avail of the benefits provided by R.A. No. 9178, otherwise known as the
“Barangay Micro Business Enterprises (BMBEs) Act of 2012”. w
The BMBE workers and owners shall agree on the acceptable wage
rates based on the wage advisories issued by the RTW PBs.
Sec tion 5 ( b) of R.A . No. 10644.
Effective July 6, 2008, minimum wage earners (MW Es) are exempt
from income tax. x
R.A . No. 9504, as implemented by Rev enue Regulations No. 10 - 2008.
(Article 94)
A. Definition
Holiday pay refers to the payment of the regular daily wage for any
unworked regular holiday.
B. Coverage
C. Regular Holidays
W ork performed on that day merits at least twice (200%) the wage
rate of the employee.
Using the NCR minimum wage rate (basic wage and COLA) of
P481.00 + P10.00 per day for the non-agricultural sector, effective June 2,
2016 under Wage Order No. NCR-20.
W here the holiday falls on the scheduled rest day of the employee,
work performed on said day merits at least an additional 30% of the
employee’s regular holiday rate of 200% or a total of at least 260% (Please
see 3. Premium Pay).
D. Absences
1. All covered employees shall be entitled to holiday pay when they are
on leave of absence with pay on the workday immediately preceding
the regular holiday. Employees who are on leave of absence without
pay on the day immediately preceding a regular holiday may not be
paid the required holiday pay if they do not work on such regular
2. Employers shall grant the same percentage of the holiday pay as the
benefit granted by competent authority in the form of employee’s
compensation or social security payment, whichever is higher, if the
employees are not reporting for work while on such leave benefits.
3. W here the day immediately preceding the holiday is a non -work day in
the establishment or the scheduled rest day of the employee, he/she
shall not be deemed to be on leave of absence on that day, in which
case he/she shall be entitled to the holiday pay if he/she worked on
the day immediately preceding the nonwork day or rest day.
W here there are two (2) successive regular holidays, like Maun dy
Thursday and Good Friday, an employee may not be paid for both holidays
if he/she absents himself/herself from work on the day immediately
preceding the first holiday, unless he/she works on the first holiday, in
which case he/she is entitled to his/her holiday pay on the second holiday.
(Articles 91-93)
A. Definition
B. Coverage
C. Special Days
1. Special Days
The “no work, no pay” principle applies during special days and on
such other special days as may be proclaimed by the President or by
(Article 87)
A. Definition
B. Coverage
Generally, the premium pay for work performed on rest days, special
days, or regular holidays is included as part of the regular rate of the
employee in the computation of overtime pay for overtime work rendered
on said days, especially if the employer pays only the minimum overtime
rates prescribed by law.
(Article 86)
A. Definition
B. Coverage
The COLA shall not be included in the computation of night shift pay.
The table below may be used to guide computations:
The minimum night shift pay rates vary according to the day the night
shift work is performed.
(Article 96)
A. Sharing
B. Payments
C. T ips
(Article 95)
A. Coverage
Every employee who has rendered at least one (1) year of service is
entitled to Service Incentive Leave (SIL) of five (5 ) days with pay.
4.4. Do not devote more than twenty percent (20%) of their hours
worked in a workweek to activities which are not directly and
closely related to the performance of the work described in
paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 above;
5. Field personnel and those whose time and perfo rmance is
unsupervised by the employer;
6. Those already enjoying this benefit;
7. Those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least five (5) days; and
8. Those employed in establishments regularly employing less than ten
(10) employees .
C. Usage/Conversion to Cash
The service incentive leave may be used for sick and vacation leave
purposes. The unused service incentive leave is commutable to its money
equivalent at the end of the year. In computin g, the basis shall be the
salary rate at the date of conversion.
The use and conversion of this benefit may be on a pro rata basis. y
Bas ed on the opinion of DOLE Legal Ser v ic e.
(RA 1161, as amended by RA 8282)
A. Coverage
B. Entitlement
The maternity leave benefit, like other benefits granted by the Social
Security System (SSS), is granted to employees in lieu of wages. Thus,
this may not be included in computing the employee’s thirteenth -month pay
for the calendar year.
(RA 8187)
A. Coverage
Paternity leave benefit shall apply to the first four (4) deliveries of the
employee’s lawful wife with whom he is cohabiting. For this purpose,
“cohabiting” means the obligation of the husband and wife to live together.
The paternity leave shall be for seven (7) calendar days, with full pay,
consisting of basic salary and mandatory allowances fixed by the Regional
Wage Board, if any, provided that his pay shall not be less than the
mandated minimum wage.
E. Non-conversion to Cash
In the event that the p aternity leave is not availed of, it shall not be
convertible to cash and shall not be cumulative.
1. If the existing paternity leave benefit under the collective bargaining agreement,
contract, or company policy is greate r than seven (7) calendar days as provided
for in RA 8187, the greater benefit shall prevail.
2. If the existing paternity leave benefit is less than that provided in RA 8187, the
employer shall adjust the existing benefit to cover the difference.
(RA 8972)
A. Coverage
1. Giving birth as a result of rape or, as used by the law, other crime s
against chastity;
2. Death of spouse;
3. Spouse is detained or is serving sentence for a criminal conviction for
at least one (1) year;
4. Physical and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public
medical practitioner;
5. Legal separation or de facto separation from spouse for at least one
(1) year: Provided that he/she is entrusted with the custody of the
6. Declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a court
or by a church: Provided, that he/she is entrusted with the custody of
the children;
7. Abandonment of spouse for at least one (1) year;
8. Unmarried father/mother who has preferred to keep and rear his/her
child/children, instead of having others care for them or give them up
to a welfare institution;
9. Any other person who solely provides parental care and support to a
child or children: Provided, that he/she is duly licensed as a foster
parent by the Department of Social W elfare and Development (DSW D)
or duly appointed legal guardian by the court; and
10. Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family
as a result of the death, abandonment, disappearance, or prolonged
absence of the parents or solo parent: Provided, that such
abandonment, disappearance, or prolonged absence lasts for at least
one (1) year.
B. Definition of Terms
“Child” refers to a person living with and dependent on the solo parent
for support. He/she is unmarried, unemployed, and below eighteen (18)
years of age, or even eighteen (18) years old and above but is incapable of
self-support because he/she is mentally- and/or physically-challe nged.
2. He/she has notified his/her employer that he/she will avail himself/herself of it,
within a reasonable period of time; and
E. Nonconversion to Cash
In the event that the parental leave is not availed of, it shall not be
convertible to cash, unless specifically agreed on previously.
No employer shall discriminate against any solo parent emplo yee with
respect to terms and conditions of employment on account of his/her being
a solo parent.
(RA 9262)
A. Definition
“Violence against women and their children,” as used in Repub lic Act
9262 (the “Anti-Violence Against W omen and Their Children Act of 2004”),
“refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a
woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the
person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a
common child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within
or without the family abode, which will result in or is likely to result in
physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse
including threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or
arbitrary deprivation of liberty.”
The leave benefit shall cover the days that the woman employee has
to attend to medical and legal concerns.
D. T he Benefit
The said leave shall be extended when the need arises, as specified
in the protection order issued by the barangay or the court.
The usage of the ten-day leave shall be at the option of the woman
employee. In the event that the leave benefit is not availed of, it shall not
be convertible into cash and shall not be cumulative.
(RA 9710)
A. Coverage
B. Definition of Term
2. She has filed an application for special leave with her employer within a
reasonable period of time from the expected date of surgery or within
such period as may be provided by company rules and regulations or
collective bargaining agreement; and
The employee is entitled to special leave benefit of two (2) months with
full pay based on her gross monthly compensation.
E. Usage
The special leave shall be granted to the qualified employee after she
has undergone surgery without prejudice to an employer allowing an
employee to receive her pay before or during the surger y.
F. Nonconversion to Cash
(PD 851)
A. Coverage
All employers are required to pay their rank and file employees
thirteenth-month pay, regardless of the nature of their employment and
irrespective of the methods by which their wages are paid, provided they
worked for at least one (1) month during a calendar year. The thirteenth -
month pay should be given to the employees not later than December 24 of
every year.
C. M inimum Amount
The thirteenth-month pay shall not be less than one -twelfth (1/12) of
the total basic salary earned by an employee in a calendar year.
Using the basic wage in the National Capital Region at P451.00 (from
January 1, 2015 to April 3, 2015) and P466.00 (from April 4, 2015 to
December 31, 2015) z per day and a six-day workweek or an equivalent
Monthly Basic Salary of P11,199.83 and P11,572.33, respectively, to wit:
COLA of P15.00 under Wage Or der Nos . NCR- 18 and NCR- 19 is not inc luded in the bas ic s alar y in c omputing 13 t h
month pay
The 2 months of mater nity leav e a r e not inc luded in the c omputation of 13 t h month pay bec aus e the f emale employ ee
has no ear nings f r om the c ompany f or the per iod.
E. Exempted Employers
The term "its equivalent" as used in item D.2 above shall include
Christmas bonus, midyear bonus, cash bonuses, and other payments
amounting to not less than one -twelfth (1/12) of the basic salary but shall
not include cash and stock dividends, cost of living allowance, and all
other allowances regularly enjoyed by the employee, as well as
nonmonetary benefits.
2. Employees who are paid a fixed or guaranteed wage plus com mission
are also entitled to the thirteenth-month pay, based on their earnings
during the calendar year (i.e., on both their fixed or guaranteed wage
and commission).
In the consolidated cases of Boie Takeda Chem icals, Inc. vs. Dionisio
de la Serna, G.R. No. 92174 December 10, 1993, and Philippine Fuji
Xerox Corporation vs. Cresenciano B. Trajano and Philippine Fuji
Xerox Em ployees Union , G.R. No. 102552 December 10, 1993, the
Supreme Court ruled that commissions, while included in the generic
term wage, are not part of "basic salary/wage" and therefore should
not be included in computing the thirteenth-month pay. Thus:
termination from the service. Thus, if he or she worked only from January
to September, his or her proportionate thirteenth-month pay should be
equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of his or her total basic salary earned during
that period.
Sec tion 32 B, Chapter V I of R. A . No. 8424 ( National Inter nal Rev enue Code of the Philippin es ) , as amended by Sec .
1 of R. A . No. 10653.
(Articles 298-299 cc)
In no case will an employee get less than one (1) month separation
pay if the separation is due to the above stated causes.
For mer ly A r tic les 283 - 284 r enumber ed pur s uant to DOLE Depar tment A dv is or y No. 1, Ser ies of 2015 is s ued on 21
July 2015.
The Supr eme Cour t has r uled in c er tain c as es that s epar ation pay s hall be gr anted the w or ker s .
C. Notice of Termination
The employer may terminate the employment of any employee due to
the above-mentioned authorized causes by serving a written notice on the
employee and the Department of Labor and Employment through its
regional office having jurisdiction over the place of business at least one
(1) month before the intended date thereof.
Gac o v s . NLRC, et al. , G.R. No. 104690, Febr uar y 23, 1994.
Planter s ’ Pr oduc ts , Inc . v s . NLRC, G.R. No. 78524, Januar y 20, 1989.
BIR Ruling No. 057 - 2014; Sec . 32 ( B) ( 6) ( b) of the National Inter nal Rev enue Code, as amended.
(Article 302 hh)
A. Coverage
1. Employees shall be retired upon reaching the age of sixty (60) years
or more but not beyond sixty-five (65) years old [and have served the
establishment for at least five (5) years].
1) governme nt employees;
2) employees of retail, service and agricultural establishments/operations
regularly employing not more than ten (10) employees .
For the purpose of computing retirement pay, "one -half month salary"
shall include all of the following:
For mer ly A r tic le 287 r enumber ed pur s uant to DOLE Depar tment A dv is or y No. 1, Ser ies of 2015 is s ued on 21 July
Minimum Retirement Pay = Daily Rate ii x 22.5 days x number of years in
For covered workers who are paid by results and do not have a fixed
monthly salary rate, the basis for the determination of the salary for fifteen
(15) days shall be their average daily salary (ADS). The ADS is der ived by
dividing the total salary or earnings for the last twelve months reckoned
from the date of retirement by the number of actual working days in that
particular period, provided that the determination of rates of payment by
results are in accordance with the established regulations.
ii Cebu Ins titute of Tec hnology v s . Ople, GR No. 58870, Dec . 18, 1987 - Ex is ting law s ex c lude allow anc es f r om the
bas ic s alar y or w age in the c omputation of the amount of r etir ement and o ther benef its pay able to an employ ee .
jj A n A c t Reduc ing the Retir ement A ge of Sur f ac e Mine Wor ker s f r om Six ty ( 60) to Fif ty ( 50) Y ear s , amending f or the
pur pos e A r tic le 302 of PD 442, other w is e know n as the “ Labor Code of the Philippin es ” w hic h w as s igned into law on
08 A pr il 2016.
The retirement benefits under RA 7641 and RA 8558 are separate and
distinct from those granted by the Social Security System.
For purposes herein, the term 'reasonable private benefit plan' means
a pension, gratuity, stock bonus or profit -sharing plan maintained by an
employer for the benefit of some or all of his of ficials or employees,
wherein contributions are made by such employer for the officials or
employees, or both, for the purpose of distributing to such officials and
employees the earnings and principal of the fund t hus accumulated, and
wherein it is provided in said plan that at no time shall any part of the
corpus or income of the fund be used for, or be diverted to, any purpose
other than for the exclusive benefit of the said officials and employees. kk
Pur s uant to Sec tion 32( B) ( 6) ( a) of the National Inter nal Rev enue Code of the Philipp ines , as amended .
(PD 626)
B. Coverage
C. T he Benefits
D. Kinds of Disability
Boar d Res olution No. 90 - 12- 0090, Dec . 20, 1990 in r elation t o E.O. No. 134, A pr il 23, 2013
Boar d Res olution No. 10 - 09- 116, Sept. 2, 2010 in r elation to A r t. 194 ( b) of P.D. No. 626, as amended
E. Filing of Claims
How: Fill in the prescribed forms supplied by the GSIS or SSS and
attach the supporting documents required for every contingency.
Where to File: All EC claims may be filed by the claimant at his option
in the Regional Office/ Branch of the System ([GSIS - public sector];
[SSS-private sector]) nearest to the public place of work or residence.” rr
Period of Appeal. The claimant shall file with the GSIS or the SSS, as
the case may be, a notice of appeal within thirty (30) calendar days from
receipt of the decision.
A r t. 192 ( c ) , ( 6) , P.D. 626, as amended, in r elation to Rule IX, Sec . 1 ( 6) , A mended Rules on Employ ees ’
Compens ation
ECC Cir c ular No. 03 - 709, July 22, 2009
ECC Boar d Res olution No. 10 - 10- 157, Oc t. 20, 2010
F. Obligations/Responsibilities of Employers
3. Safety Devices. – The employer shall comply with health and safety
laws and shall take the necessary precautions for the prevention of
work-related disability or death.
4. Employer ’s Logbook. –
All employers shall keep a logbook to record chronologically
the sickness, injury or death of their employees, setting forth
therein their names, dates and places of the contingency,
nature of the contingency and absences.
Entries in the logbook shall be made within five (5) days from
notice or knowledge of the occurrence of the contingency.
W ithin five days after entry in the logbook, the employer shall
report to the System only those contingencies he deems to be
work-connected.” ss
A r t. 205 [a], P.D. No. 626, as amended
A r t. 175, P.D. 626, as amended
(RA 7875, as amended by RA 9241)
B. Coverage
For inquir ies on NHIP c ov er age, benef its and pr oc edur es f or SSS member s , y ou may v is it the Ph ilip p in e He alt h
In s u r an ce Co r p o r at io n ( PhilHealth) at the City s tate Centr e Bldg., 709 Shaw Blv d., Bar angay Or anbo, Pas ig City or
c all telephone number 637 - 9999. Y ou may als o v is it the PhilHea lth w ebs ite at http:// w w w .p h ilh e alt h .g o v.p h .
6. Senior Citizens - those who are 60 years old and above and are not
currently covered by any of the existing membership categories of
C. T he Benefits
2. Outpatient care:
Case Type
Benefit Item
Room and Board* P 400/d ay P 400/d ay P 600/d ay
Max imum of 45 day s per y ear .
per s ingle per iod of c onf inement.
(RA 1161, as amended by RA 8282)
B. Coverage
C. T he Benefits
C.1 Sickness
The sickness benefit is a daily cash allowance paid for the number of
days a member is unable to work due to sickness or injury.
For inquir ies on SSS benef its and other r elated matter s , y ou may v is it the So cial Se cu r it y Sys t e m ( SSS) at the SSS
Building, Eas t A v enue, Diliman, Quez on City or its near es t br anc h of f ic e. Y ou ma y als o c all telephone number s
920- 6401 ( oper ator - as s is ted) , 920 - 6446 ( Member Relations Depar tment) , 917 - 7777 ( mac hine - as s is ted; pr es s y our
SSS no. and w ait f or ins tr uc tions ) or v is it its w ebs ite at w w w .s s s .g o v.p h or e- mail it at
m e m b e r _r e lat io n s @ s s s .g o v.p h .
C.3. Disability
The complete and permanent loss of use of any of the following parts
of the body under permanent partial disability:
a. he/she is 60 years old and unemployed and has paid at least 120 monthly
contributi o ns prior to the semester of retirement.
b. he/she is 65 years old, whether employed or not. If employed he/she should
have paid 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement,
whether employed or not.
The lump sum amount is granted to a retiree who has not paid the
required 120 monthly contributions.
(Republic Act No. 9679)
B. Coverage
I. M andatory M embership
For inquir ies , y ou may w r ite the Member Relations Dept., 2 n d Floor , JELP Bldg., 409 A ddition Hills , Shaw Blv d.,
Mandaluy ong City , or y ou may c all its Hotline at ( 02) 724 - 4244 or email at p u b licaf f air s @ p ag ib ig f u n d .g o v.p h .
Y ou c an als o v is it its near es t br anc h of f ic e.
An individual at least 18 years old but not more than 65 years old may
register with the Fund under voluntary membership. However, said
individual shall be required to comply with the set of rules and regulations
for Pag-IBIG members including the amount of contribution and schedule
of payment. In addition, they shall be subject to the eligibility requirements
in the event of availment of loans and other programs/benefits offered by
the Fund.
Non-working spouses who devote full time to managing the household and
family affairs, unless they also engage in another vocation or employment which
is subject to mandatory coverage, provided the employed spouse is a registered
Pag-IBIG member and consents to the Fund membership o f the non-working
Filipino employees of foreign government or international organization, or their
wholly-owned instrumentality based in the Philippines, in the absence of an
administrati ve agreement with the Fund;
Employees of an employer who is g ranted a waiver or suspension of coverage
by the Fund under RA 9679;
Leaders and members of religious groups;
A member separated from employment, local or abroad, or ceased to be self -
employed but would like to continue paying his/her personal contribution . Such
member may be a pensioner, investor, or any other individual with passive
income or allowance s;
Public officials or employees who are not covered by the GSIS such as
Barangay Officials, including Barangay Chairmen, Barangay Council Members,
Chairmen of the Barangay Sangguniang Kabataan, and Barangay Secretaries
and Treasure rs ;
Such other earning individuals/groups as may be determined by the Board by
rules and regulations.
C. T he Benefits
a. Purchase of a fully developed lot not exceeding one 1,000 square meters, which
should be within a residential area;
D. M onthly Contribution
Ne gros I sl a nd Re gi on
S an Lorenz o Ruiz Cent er
Corner Cerva nt es S t .
Dumaguet e Cit y
Negros Orient al
Tel. # (035) 434-22 19
(035) 422-974 1
dol e ne grosori e nta l @ ya h oo. c om
The Bureau of W orking Conditions (BW C) is responsible for the
formulation and development of labor standards in the areas of hours of
work, occupational safety and health, and other conditions of employment.
The Bureau of W orking Conditions envisions well-guided employers
and workers committed to a safe, healthful, and productive work
environment, adaptive to industry trends and developments, and equitably
enjoying the gains of joint endeavors.
To formulate policies and initiate legislations on labor standards,
based on relevant information culled from monitoring, consultations,
networking, and researches.
To standardize the use of enforcement instruments and to clothe the
inspectorate system with strong enforcement authority to ensure
compliance with laws and regulations.
To develop and sustain the capability of enterprises toward self -
management of safety and health in workplaces, thus, upholding the
principle of shared responsibility between workers and employers.
To enhance the capability of small enterpris es in implementing
practical and efficient methods of improving working conditions and
To inform and advise the public on labor standards, including
occupational safety and health, and on innovative work practices or