The Flying Carpet: Group or Guided Reading
The Flying Carpet: Group or Guided Reading
The Flying Carpet: Group or Guided Reading
Strategy check
Check that the children use a variety of strategies to make sense of the text.
Independent reading
• Ask the children to read the story. Remind them to use phonics and the sense of the sentence to
work out new words. Praise children for reading silently with concentration, and for reading aloud
with expression.
(Summarising) Ask children to tell you quickly what the story was about and what they liked about it.
Check that children:
• read independently and with increasing fluency longer and less familiar texts
• know how to tackle words that are not completely decodable (see chart above)
• read high and medium frequency words independently and automatically
• use syntax and context to build their store of vocabulary when reading for meaning.
Returning to the text
(Summarising) Ask the children to explain who was rescued and why. Ask: Why was the uncle wicked?
(Questioning) Look at pages 16–19. Ask: Why are these pictures in thought clouds? Who is telling
this part of the story? When did these events happen? Introduce the term ‘flashback’ to name the
technique for recounting past events in a story.
(Imagining) Ask: Where does this story take place? Can you find any words that describe the landscape?
(‘deserts’ and ‘mountains’ on page 10). Ask the children to close their eyes and imagine this setting.
Ask: What can you see? What can you hear?
Writing activities
Explain their reactions to texts, commenting on important aspects.
• Ask the children, in pairs, to say what they liked about this story. Ask them to write a letter to their
partner telling them why this is a good story to read. They could cover the main points by completing
these sentences:
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