Ort BCK Rainbowmach Tns
Ort BCK Rainbowmach Tns
Ort BCK Rainbowmach Tns
Strategy check
Check that the children notice punctuation and use it to read with expression when reading aloud.
Independent reading
• Ask the children to read the story aloud. Encourage them to tackle unfamiliar words independently
by using a variety of reading strategies. Praise and encourage fluent and expressive reading when
children read aloud. Praise them for reading silently with concentration.
(Summarising) Ask children to retell the story in just two or three sentences.
Check that children:
• independently and with increasing fluency longer and less familiar texts
• know how to tackle words that are not completely decodable (see the chart above)
• read high and medium frequency words independently and automatically
• use syntax and context to build their store of vocabulary when reading for meaning.
Returning to the text
(Questioning, Clarifying) Ask children to explain why Fred was left alone in charge of the Rainbow
machine. Ask: Why did he move the lorry? How did the lorry get stuck?
(Questioning) Ask: Was it Fred’s fault when things went wrong? Was it Nadim’s fault? Ask the
children to give reasons for their opinions.
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