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G10 Q4 Module 2

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Give Technical
and Operational Definitions

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2 1

What I Know
LL To test what you already know about the technical and operational definitions used in
research, answer the pre-test below. Take note of the items that you didn’t answer correctly
and gradually discover the correct answer as you go through this module.

Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if it is not. Write your answer on
a piece of paper.
______ 1. Context changes the meaning of a word.
______ 2. The word “bank” can only mean an institution where one can deposit or withdraw
______ 3. Technical definition will answer “what is X”.
______ 4. For the definition to be clear, writers must provide the context that surrounds a given
answer to this question.
______ 5. Technical definitions are complicated by social, political, economic, and cultural
______ 6. Sentence-level is a type of technical definition that are placed within the context of a
______ 7. Extended definitions develop beyond a sentence level based on audience needs and
the writer’s purpose.
______ 8. Parenthetical definitions provide more context and follow the pattern below.

What I Need to Know

Technical term / language plays an important role in all types of research. It is the
foundation of technical documentation. In this module you will be able to give technical and
operational definition of words.

As you go through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. define technical and operational definition;
2. differentiate technical and operational definition of words;
3. state the various guides in writing technical definitions; and
4. write definition of words in their technical and operational definitions.

What’s In
In the previous lesson, you learned to illustrate the importance of qualitative research
across fields of inquiry. Research can be conducted in any field of knowledge. Whatever field
you belong you can freely choose the basic research approaches either the scientific, naturalistic
or mixed. The areas of disciplines that are classified into soft and hard sciences assist you to

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2

understand where you really fit. These will guide you into this next learning of familiarizing
the technical terms used in research.

What’s New
Writers often use words in different ways to make their readers interested and more
engaged in what they are exploring. They may use a figurative meaning of a word to draw the
reader. Other times, they will use words to draw an emotional response from their reader.
Connotative word meanings are meant to draw emotion and feelings from their readers.

Writers may also be trying to explain information in a concise way when attempting to
teach their audience. In this case the author will draw upon a technical meaning of a word.

Definitions and names categorize the world around us. We initially learn from our parents
the names and categories of things. It works so well that even if we are not a botanist, we can
differentiate a tree from a shrub, a grass from a vine.

The pictures above show what is a tree and its difference from grass and other plants.
Basically, words are defined, in part, by what they are not.

Study the graph that follows.

building A tree is not a building, grass,

dog, etc.
Each of the words crossed out
could, in turn, be defined by
TREE dog what that word is not.

road The result is an endless chain

of difference, but it doesn’t
tell us what the word means.

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2

The Oxford English Dictionary has catalogued how English words have been used for the
past 1,000 years and continue to be updated as new words and usages for old ones occur.

But this dictionary (and any other) can only provide a literal definition; it cannot show us
what a word meant in context.


Think of context like the setting of a story. Audience needs and your purpose for
communicating with the audience exists in various discourse context.

NOTE: Context changes the meaning of words and, in some cases, their grammatical form.

Bank (noun): financial institution

Cloud Bank (noun): weather phenomena

Bank (verb): a type of plane turn

Banking a Camp Fire (verb): a safety measure

Notice that the word “bank” can mean a financial institution, weather phenomena, type of
plane turn, and safety measure, all depend in the context in which it is used.

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2

Activity 1. Provide at least two definitions of each word.

1. smart
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________

2. light
a. _______________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________

3. vintage
a. ______________________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________

On Technical Definitions…
 Answer the question: “what is X?”
 For the definition to be clear, writers must provide the context that surrounds a given answer
to this question

What Is It?
What is a Technical Definition?
 The technical meanings of words are used in specific areas of different fields. These
words are used to describe the meanings of specific things.
 Technical writing often contains words that are used in specific ways in different
disciplines. An operational definition is the specific meaning of a word or phrase
given to it by the group of people who use the word in their specific context.
 It is the use of words with technical meanings the writer uses these words to remain
confined to a specific field or subject area. These words demonstrate a scientific
process, a concept or advancement e.g. Artificial intelligence, Logarithm, etc.

How much context needed is governed by audience needs and writer’s purpose?
Studies have revealed that writers use four types of definitions to supply this context.
o Parenthetical Operational
o Sentence-level Extended

Parenthetical definitions are placed within the context of a sentence.

 Blight resistance in beans has been identified in both bush sitao (white seeded) and pole
sitao (black seeded).
 The green beans (phaseolus vulgaris) is likely to grow in both wet and dry seasons.

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2

 DepEd decided to follow the competencies included in the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC).

Notice how each of these examples function differently. In the first, readers are given a
description of a seed, the second clarifies the scientific name, and the last provides an acronym.

Sentence Definitions provide more context. Follow the sample pattern below.

NAME Class Defining Characteristics

Reb is a traditional Jewish title for a man who is not a teacher used preceding
the forename or surname.
Example: I miss having conversation with my Jewish friend, Reb Jehoshaphat.

Extended Technical Definitions provide the most context.

To extend a technical definition means to develop it beyond a sentence level based on
audience needs and the writer’s purpose.

Q1 – What exactly are we talking about?

- a definition can give the exact meaning of a vague or ambiguous term…
The device should not be used at high temperatures.
(High temperature should mean 96 degrees Celsius or above)

Q2 – What, exactly, is it?

- a definition can explain what makes an object or concept unique…
Telephone – a device used to talk to people who are far away.

GUIDELINES for writing technical definitions

1. Be accurate. Use precise terms.

A microwave is a device that

A microwave is a thing used for
heats food using electromagnetic

2. Be objective, Use facts, not opinions.

Twitter is a social media
English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2 platform that limits messages to
140 characters. 6
Twitter is a social media platform
that is better than Facebook.

3. Use the right level of detail. Think about how much information your audience will need.

Word Sentence Paragraph Pages

4. Grade your language. Match the knowledge level of your audience…

A solenoid is an inductive coil A solenoid is a coil that converts
that serves as a tractive electric energy to magnetic
electromagnet. energy that can perform
mechanical functions.

5. Avoid circular definitions.

A lightning conductor is a device

that conducts lightning.

How Do We Write Technical Definitions?

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2
1. Parenthetical Definitions
Often, you can define a term by using a more familiar synonym in parenthesis.
As the horse came around the corner, it started to trot (jog).
The viscosity (thickness) of the syrup made it difficult to pour.

2. Sentence Definitions
More complex terms may need a sentence definition (which may be more than one
sentence). Sentence definitions follow a set pattern.


Mercury Metal Liquid at room temperature

Mercury is a metal that is liquid at room temperature.

What’s More
What is Operational Definition?
 An operational definition is a detailed specification of how one would go about
measuring a given variable.
 An operational definition is one that makes it clear how the researcher should go about
measuring or recording the process, activity, or thing in question.
 An operational definition is the articulation of operationalization used in defining the
terms of a process needed to determine the existence of an item or phenomenon and its
properties such as duration, quantity, extension in space, chemical composition, etc.

Examples of Operational Definition

1. Bird is an animal that walks on two legs and flies.
2. Rain is drops of water falling from a cloud in the sky.
3. Earthworm is an animal that lives underground, is soft and damp to the
touch, pinkish in color, and pipi-like in shape.
4. Organism is any object that grows and reproduces (has babies)
5. Living – an object is living if it can grow, gets bigger over time, and reproduces,
has the ability to create more of its kind.
6. Air is the mixture of gases that surround the earth. It is a transparent, odorless, and tasteless
gas, it takes up space, can be compressed, has weight, and can be felt when put it in motion or
is in motion.

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2

Difference between Technical and Operational Definitions
Technical Operational

 A technical definition is a  operational definition includes

definition in the technical information from the real world

 technical definition might be  operational definition would be an

an automobile is a machine automobile is a car or truck that gets
with four wheels and includes you around from place to place and
details of the automobile that caries cargo or passengers, and
make it function makes it easier to live in the city or
 Technical writing often
contains words that are used in  The specific meaning of a word or
specific ways in different phrase given to it by the group of
disciplines. people who use the word in their
specific context.
King – a male who rules a country King – sovereign head of a country or a
and usually inherits his position and state.
ruled for life

I. Identify if the definitions given are technical or operational.

_________________ 1. Cathedral – It acts as the central church of the Christian diocese.

_________________ 2. Cathedral – This is used as a core diocesan church and as a Catholic
church that is the bishop’s office.
_________________ 3. Sanctuary – a holy place or holy house
_________________ 4. Sanctuary – a place where someone or something gets shelter
_________________ 5. Parliament – groups of legislators in other kinds of government

II. Underline the correct synonym of the word in bold from the words inside the parenthesis.
6. The English class went to visit the gigantic (huge, tiny) statue of St. Vincent in
Bayambang, Pangasinan.
7. We chose not to undertake the project because of the enormous (little, so much) costs

III. Follow the set pattern in sentence definition by underlining the name, class, and defining
8. Fuel is a substance that is burned to produce energy.
9. Stress is a force that strains and deforms a body.
10. Fiber optic is a technology that transmits data via hair thin fibers.

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2


English 10 – Quarter 4
MELC 2: Give Technical and Operational Definitions

Name: _______________________________ Score: ____________________

Grade & Section: ______________________ English Teacher: _______________

Directions: Write TRUE before the number if the statement is true; FALSE if it is not.
______ 1. Context changes the meaning of a word.
______ 2. The word “bank” can only mean an institution where one can deposit
or withdraw money.
______ 3. Technical definition will answer “what is X”.
______ 4. For the definition to be clear, writers must provide the context that
surrounds a given answer to this question.
______ 5. Technical definitions are complicated by social, political, economic,
and cultural contexts.

Directions: Identify what type of definitions is being stated (parenthetical, sentence-level,

operational, extended).
______ 6. They are placed within the context of a sentence.
______ 7. To develop it beyond a sentence level based on audience needs and the
writer’s purpose
______ 8. Definitions that provide more context and follow the pattern below.

Directions: Enumerate two guidelines in writing technical definition:

9. ___________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________

English 10 – Quarter 4 – Module 2


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