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White Paper - Accepted Changes

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By: Carly Barhorst


Abstract __________________________3

Sources of Water Pollution

Sewage and Wastewater__________________________4
Oil and Coal __________________________________4
Radioactive Substances__________________________5


Environment_______________________________ 5
Human Life _______________________________5

Solutions & How they Work_________6


References _______________________7


Figure 1__________________________3

Figure 2 _________________________4

Figure 3__________________________5



Water pollution has been an issue for many years now, and it does not seem that much is
changing to alleviate this issue. So, what is water pollution exactly? Water pollution occurs when
contaminates enter in waterways such as chemicals and microorganisms. This not only
negatively effects the quality of the water but can also be dangerous to humans and the
environment overall. For example, pollution can disrupt aquatic ecosystems, or enter our
households from contaminated ground water, causing diseases and illness. Water is known as a
!universal solvent”, “as it is able to dissolve more substances than any other liquid on earth”
(Denchak). This makes water more vulnerable to pollution than almost anything else in the
world. Since water can dissolve substances, it is at more risk to water pollution. Damaging
ecosystems, detrimental causes to human health, and damaging effects to the environment are
only the beginning of these issues that can arise from water pollution. In this paper we will delve
into the sources of water pollution, the effects of water pollution, solutions to this issue, and how
these solutions will ensure a better future for the environment and human life in the long run.
This is a global issue, but particularly poses more damaging threats in other countries such as
India and Africa. My proposed solution is using social media platforms to bring light to the issue
as this is a more effective way to spread news. I also propose that we look to Clean Water, Water
for Charity and Water.gov for more tips and tricks to decrease water pollution from your own
home. The cost for alleviating water pollution is a major issue for some countries such as India,
therefore supporting Water for Charity can help immensely. These platforms are a great start,
however not enough people know about them or use them, which is where social media comes to

FIGURE 1: “Some 80 percent of the world’s wastewater is dumped-largely untreated-back into the environment, polluting rivers,
lakes and oceans” (Denchak).


Melissa Denchak categorizes the sources of pollution into 4 major parts: agricultural,
sewage and wastewater, oil and coal and radioactive substances. It has been observed that
agriculture is the leading cause of water degradation and is a main factor of water pollution
especially in rivers and streams. Agriculture uses around 70 percent of the water supplies on the
surface due to the production of farming and livestock. Due to rain runoff, contaminates from
farming including pesticides and waste can end up in the waterways with excess amounts of

Sewage and Wastewater

Sewage and wastewater are another major contributor to water pollution. Research shows
that more than 80 percent of wastewater in the world returns to the environment without being
cleaned or treated. This can be very dangerous if it ends up in our drinking water. Wastewater
can come from toilets, showers, sinks etc. It can even come from runoff caused by storms, in
which toxins, pesticides, chemicals and debris enter the waterways. The sewage systems are
releasing more and more wastewater back to the environment which can be harmful to the health
of humans and the ecosystem, especially if this continues (Denchak).

Oil and Coal

We have all heard about major oil spills in

the ocean from big ships transferring oil overseas.
This has caught the attention of many headlines,
but what about our part in this as the consumer?
When you drive a car or truck, oil drips from the
vehicle and often finds its way into the waterways,
estimating at about 1 million tons of oil entering
the environment, harming marine life. Research
shows that oiler tankers are only responsible for 10
percent of the oil that contaminates the water
(Denchak). That means that the other 90 percent of
the responsibility lies on everyday activities. Coal FIGURE 2: “EPA!s proposed relaxation of a rule restricting
water pollution from coal plants generates controversy”
plants are also a major contributor to water (DeQuarto).
pollution; however, the EPA is trying to relax the
restrictions of coal plants regarding water pollution as shown in Figure 2. If the Environmental
Protection agency is proposing more permits for oil plants, then how is the environment being

protected from more water pollution? This is the controversy that has arisen according to

Radioactive Substances
Radioactive substances can be some of the most dangerous transmissions that enter
waterways. These substances are not natural to the environment and can come from a variety of
sources including nuclear power plants, labs that use radioactive materials for research and
uranium mining (Denchak). This can have serious effects on marine life and human life. The
problem with this is also that nuclear waste can be in the environment for thousands of years
according to Denchak. This furthermore contributes to the issue and importance of relocating
these harmful substances to their proper disposals.



Pollutants take a toll on the environment and the animals and organisms inhabiting these
environments. With the food chain, smaller animals that may drink or swim in these chemicals,
may be eaten by larger predators only passing these diseases and toxins down the food chain.
This could ultimately eliminate entire food chains, thus harming the overall ecosystem. An
ecosystem is very fragile, and every member of the food chain has an important role in keeping
everything regularized. When organisms in the food chain’s population are disrupted, then there
is no hope for the rest of the ecosystem to flourish. Water pollution can also harm plants and
habitats for marine life. Overall, it is important to ensure that pollutants are disposed of properly
and within regulation to ensure the preservation of the environment.

Human Life

Pollutants that enter the water can dramatically

affect the health of humans worldwide. Pollution can
cause disease, as bacteria and parasites are often
inhabited in pollution. If this pollution from poor
sewage systems enters the human body, it can cause
issues with digestion. Furthermore, chemicals such as
pesticides and pathogens from agricultural runoff and
farming can create toxins in the body and in extreme FIGURE 3: Water quality is a major issue, especially in
poorer areas around the world. (The Guardian, Rose
cases, lead to cancer or death. According to a study George)
done in 2015 by the Lancet, water pollution accounted
for 1.8 million deaths. This especially affects low-income families who do not have the resources
to access clean water or healthcare. These pollutants can enter the body from simple drinking
water if it is not cleaned and filtered properly. Chemicals also act as irritants to skin or eyes if

they come in close contact with the body from showering or bathing. Swimming also poses a risk
in polluted water as health issues such as rashes, upper respiratory infections and hepatitis can be

SOLUTIONs & How they Work

Water pollution can have a detrimental cause both to the environment and human life,
and if not much changes in the upcoming years, the problem will continue to escalate. So, what
can we do to help make a change? With an issue as large and global as water pollution, it can
seem daunting to find ways to change. However, there are many ways to help alleviate this issue
in your everyday life according to Harvard Public Health. Cost is a major factor as to why
nothing is being done to fix these issues, thus decreasing the risk of waterborne diseases. That is
why Water for People can help with this issue, as it is a charity organization that helps provide
clean water all over the world. Awareness through this organization is necessary for change. To
start, simply using less water can help. Taking shorter showers, not letting your water run, and
even doing less loads of laundry can help preserve the limited fresh water. Pouring chemicals
down the household drain can be detrimental. These chemicals can come from cleaning products
that you use every day and can really harm plants and animals if entered waterways. By using
more organic and environmental products, this will help decrease the amount of harmful
chemicals entering the environment every day. The main thing is to spread the word. There are
many sites that help do this such as water.gov, however not enough people are accessing them.
Social media is major form of communication currently, so bringing awareness on platforms
such as Instagram, Facebook or even Snapchat can help spread the word. Water pollution can be
easily avoided if we all make a change.


If water pollution continues to grow, then there is little hope for the future. This issue is
taking more and more lives each year with little effort. Water pollution poses a threat to not only
the environment, but to human life, with an issue this big, it is baffling that not more measures
have been put into place to change anything. There are global organizations that bring this issue
to light such as the Clean Water Organization, however their services have not reached enough
people. Therefore, social media is imperative to help combat this issue and change things for the
better. This issue simply needs recognition and attention because there are many things, we can
do at home to alleviate the issue. It only takes minor changes in people’s lives to help. Laws
regarding oil tanks and other destructive pollutants need to be taken more seriously and
publicized. This issue has been brushed under the rug for long enough, and it seems that people
believe that this issue is impacting them directly, and it is a problem for future generations.
Change starts now, or there will be no hope for future generations. Follow along with Clean
Water, Water for Charity and Water.gov for more information regarding this issue and more
ways we as the human race can put an end to water pollution once and for all.


!Home.” Water Pollution, 12 Feb. 2021, https://www.water-pollution.org.uk/.

!India's Poor Sanitation Is Damaging Millions of Children. There's No Excuse | Rose George.”
The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 9 Aug. 2016,

May 14, 2018 Melissa Denchak. !Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know.” NRDC, 15
Apr. 2021, https://www.nrdc.org/stories/water-pollution-everything-you-need-know.

Nunez, Christina. !Freshwater 101: Pollution.” Environment, National Geographic, 3 May 2021,

The Regulatory Review. !Proposed EPA Rule May Permit More Toxic Water Pollution.” The
Regulatory Review, 18 Apr. 2020, https://www.theregreview.org/2020/02/04/dequarto-

!Water Pollution.” EHEP, 11 Sept. 2013, https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/ehep/82-2/.

!Water Pollution.” WWF,


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