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Lecciones de Plasma Tesla Darsonval Oudin

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Lessons from Tesla for Plasma Medicine

David B. Graves, Member, IEEE,

Abstract—It can be argued that plasma medicine originated medicine’ was initiated. This is because one of the ways
with Nikola Tesla in the late 19th century when he showed that high frequency electrical currents were coupled to the
that one could pass large quantities of high frequency currents body was through low temperature, non-equilibrium plasma:
through a human body with no apparent damage. Tesla’s work
inspired much more extensive investigations over a period of corona, brush-like or spark discharges in air. Nikola Tesla is
several decades by numerous other researchers, on both the arguably the researcher most responsible for this development
physics and biomedical effects of these currents. These early and his many contributions in this area are highlighted first
pioneers had a surprisingly modern view of some aspects of the in the following section.
therapeutic mechanisms of high frequency currents that clearly
overlap with recent results. The perspective of this community
was that the most important physiological effects are associated The early efforts to apply high frequency electrical currents
with the high frequency currents rather than the gas phase to medical therapy focused almost exclusively on the effects
plasma per se. Some early work, such as the analgesic effects of of the currents applied to the body. It was known that
dielectric barrier air plasma on tissue, is not well known today. the air discharges that often - by design - accompanied
The range of afflictions that early practitioners treated success- application of the current included the formation of gases
fully is remarkable. This body of work, in some cases almost 130
years old, might have important lessons for current investigations such as ozone and nitrogen oxides. In the case of ozone,
into plasma medicine. Observations from Tesla and other early this was thought to have important therapeutic effects.
practitioners suggests that high frequency currents are potentially However, the major emphasis and focus was always on the
important and plasma medicine researchers should probably pay currents. One of the key conclusions from reviewing this
more attention to them. literature is that modern plasma medicine may be missing an
Index Terms—Plasma medicine, high frequency therapeutics, important element since it has generally ignored or minimized
history of medicine the explicit biomedical role(s) of the currents. This topic
and its implications are explored in later sections of the article.
One goal of the present article is to analyze the relation
The use of electricity for medical purposes has a long
between historical high frequency current therapeutics and
history, arguably stretching back into antiquity. [1] [2]
the emerging understanding of what is now called plasma
Various developments in methods and devices by the first
medicine. It appears that the historical uses of high frequency
half of the 19th century led to the use of pulsed static
currents overlap considerably with plasma medicine and this
electricity (’franklinization’); direct currents (’galvinization’)
offers a possible opportunity to advance current efforts.
and alternating currents (’faradization’) for various, often
mysterious and not well understood effects. Even during these
In addition, the fact that high frequency electrotherapy
early days of electricity and magnetism, medical electricity
seems to have mostly disappeared after about 1930 is another
was controversial and often dismissed as a kind of quackery
fascinating and informative topic. The many reasons for this
and fraud. Nevertheless, some legitimately scientific studies
transition are discussed in the last section of article. It offers
of the physiological effects of electricity were initiated after
both cautionary as well as possibly encouraging evidence that
about 1860-70 by various European scientists, principally in
could be useful for the development of plasma biomedical
Germany and France.
therapy today.
The developments in understanding the physics of
electricity and magnetism after about 1880 changed the N IKOLA T ESLA
situation significantly in Europe. By the beginning of the 20th Nikola Tesla, an ethnic Serb, was born in 1856 in the
century, there were many centers of electrotherapy throughout former Austro-Hungarian empire. He was educated there
Europe, especially Germany and France but also in North and subsequently emigrated to the United States in 1884.
America. New scientific journals and societies were created. (cf. Fig. 1) He invented and developed a suite of influential
It was during this period that the use of high frequency electrical and mechanical devices. He became well known
currents began to be seriously investigated and it was in this to the public for his many inventions, often demonstrating
context that the use of what can be described as ’plasma his devices to wealthy individuals and celebrities. His talent
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of for showmanship matched his scientific inventiveness and
California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA scientific acumen. By 1890, one of Tesla’s inventions was
graves@berkeley.edu a resonant capacitive-inductive circuit capable of generating
The comments and suggestions of Stephen Reuter and Zoran Petrovich
are gratefully acknowledged. This work was partially supported by the US pulses at more than 15 kHz and tens of kilovolts. Under the
Department of Energy OFES grant DE-SC0001934. right conditions, these circuits could create impressively large
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TRPMS.2018.2866373

2469-7303 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

In the early 1890s, Tesla made a series of public demon-

strations in the US and Europe that astonished both the public
and the scientific world. Tesla described the potential medical
use as follows, [6]
This mode of applying high frequency currents
in medical treatment appears to me to offer the
greatest possibilities at the hands of the physician.
The effects produced in this manner possess features
entirely distinct from those observed when the cur-
rents are applied in any of the before mentioned or
similar ways....The only plausible explanation I have
so far found is that the tissues are condensers (i.e.
capacitors). This only can account for the absence
of injurious action.
Figure 1 Nikola Tesla as a young man. As noted below in the section of modern treatments of high
frequency currents in the human body, the latter observation
on the capacitive currents may not be completely correct.
sparks in air at atmospheric pressure. Tesla toured North However, it may well be that there has never been a serious
America and Europe in 1892-93, demonstrating his devices investigation into the currents induced in a body using a
and the effects of high frequency currents passing through Tesla-like apparatus.
his body, as shown in the illustration in Fig. 2. [3]
Tesla described the sensations he experienced when high
Tesla’s circuit is based on coupled primary and secondary frequency currents passed through his body as follows, [6]
transformers, capacitors and a spark gap, shown schematically I have repeatedly... exposed myself longer to the
in Fig. 3. The circuit operates in a cycle with current from action of the oscillations, and each time, after the
the primary transformer coupled to a capacitor, which in lapse of an hour or so, an immense fatigue...would
turn discharges through a spark gap. This creates a transient, take hold of me. I could scarcely make a step and
oscillating current in the primary circuit which excites a high could keep the eyes open only with the greatest
oscillating voltage across the secondary coil. An air plasma difficulty. I slept soundly afterward...
can be created by the high voltages built up across the ends Tesla warned of various dangers if high frequency currents
of the secondary coil. Later, d’Arsonval and Oudin in France are not properly applied. Among other potential dangers, he
improved on Tesla’s basic circuit design, as can also be seen notes the creation of potentially noxious gases, [6]
in Fig. 3. These circuits and their therapeutic devices are
At or near the surface of the skin, where the
discussed in later sections.
most intense action takes place, various chemical
products are formed, the chief being ozone and
The pulsed oscillations in Tesla’s device last on the order
nitrogen compounds. The former is itself very de-
of a millisecond. Each spark across the spark gap produces a
structive, this feature being illustrated by the fact
pulse of damped sinusoidal high voltage across the terminals
that the rubber insulation of a wire is destroyed
of the secondary coil. Figure 4 show voltage outputs from
so quickly as to make the use of such insulation
the related d’Arsonval and Oudin circuits. These are pulsed
entirely impracticable. The compounds of nitrogen,
(10 kHz), high frequency, high voltage signals. [5]
when moisture is present, consists largely of nitric
acid which might, by excessive application, prove
These circuits - sometimes referred to as ’Tesla coils’ - hurtful to the skin.
were capable of generating large sparks or brush discharges
Of course, the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species
in air. Tesla was perhaps best known for demonstrating that
is now well known to be among the most significant and
the currents associated with these discharges could be applied
important of the biomedical mechanisms associated with
to a living body without apparent damage. Tesla wrote [6],
plasma medicine and related fields. [7]
One of the early observed and remarkable fea-
tures of the high frequency currents, and one which Tesla also suggested other potential uses for high frequency
was chiefly of interest to the physician, was their currents, including heating the body electrically (e.g.
apparent harmlessness which made it possible to under cold conditions and with minimal clothes) or exploiting
pass relatively great amounts of electrical energy surgically inserted metal pieces that could be heated rapidly by
through the body of a person without causing pain applied high frequency currents. Neither of these suggestions
or serious discomfort. was implemented, by all accounts. His observation that highly
Further, he observed that ”...these currents would lend electrified bodies experience rapid removal of dust and other
themselves particularly to electro-therapeutic uses.” [6] superficially attached small particles also appears not to have

Figure 2 Nikola Tesla shown during one of his 1892-93 public demonstrations of high frequency currents passing through
his body and illuminating hand-held evacuated tubes. (Brenni, 2010)

Figure 3 Schematics of circuits used by Tesla, d’Arsonval and Oudin. Each show a dc battery voltage supply connected to
an induction coil, with Leyden jar capacitors, spark gaps and some kind of secondary coil or transformer. The Tesla device is
shown creating a high frequency discharge in air. The d’Arsonval and Oudin circuits are shown connected to vacuum electrodes,
described below. [4]

Figure 4 RF currents from d’Arsonval (top) and Oudin (bottom) circuits, similar to Tesla-Thompson circuit, shown in Fig. 3.
Note the d’Arsonval device creates a pulsed (approximately 10 kHz), high frequency, high voltage signal. The Oudin device
is similar but with a higher output voltage (300kV vs. 10 kV). [5]

been pursued. [8] the misuse and abuse of electricity which we have
frequent occasion to witness...No wonder then that
Other researchers contributed significantly to this field. For progressive physicians also should expect to find in
example, at the 1893 World’s Fair, Elihu Thomson showed it a powerful tool and help in new curative processes.
his version of high frequency circuit that created a spark Tesla noted that both the physics and biomedical fields
nearly 2 meters in length that could pass through a human associated with high frequency currents were still very much
body with virtually no apparent damage. Thomson’s high in their infancy, [6]
frequency (500kHz - 1MHz) currents were reported to be But while investigation is being turned in what
over 10 amperes. Of course, at lower frequency, such currents appears to be the right direction, scientific men are
would likely be fatal. Typical high frequency devices used still at sea. This state of things impedes the progress
for therapeutic purposes in the early 1890s were reported of the physicist in these new regions and makes the
to be applied voltages of on the order of 5kV - 500kV at already hard task of the physician still more difficult
frequencies of 200kHz - 10 MHz. [9] and uncertain.
This observation could still be made today, no doubt. In
Interestingly, Tesla himself recognized that he was not any case, Tesla left the further development of therapeutic
trained to judge the best way to take medical advantage of applications of high frequency currents to others.
high frequency currents. He wrote the following disclaimer,
I trust that the present brief communication will Arsene d’Arsonval was a French physicist, physician,
not be interpreted as an effort on my part to put physiologist and engineer. He had been working on
myself on record as a ”patent medicine” man, for understanding the physiological effects of high frequency
a serious worker cannot despise anything more than currents for several years before Tesla’s demonstration in

Figure 5 d’Arsonval’s device for coupling currents to a body via a large, enclosing induction coil, called ’autoconduction.’

1893. d’Arsonval’s devices were based on lower voltage high frequency currents using one of d’Arsonval’s devices
resonant circuits from a design by Hertz. After seeing were reported to include: [11]
Tesla’s 1893 demonstration in Paris, d’Arsonval developed
an alternative circuit that extended Tesla’s design and he • Increased general metabolism
initiated additional studies using this circuit. • Increased glandular activity
• Increased temperature and body heat
In 1893, d’Arsonval published results showing that it was • Increased oxidation and hemoglobin
possible to couple high frequency currents to a human body • Increased secretions
either with or without direct (ohmic) electrical contact. In one • Increased elimination
device with no direct contact, d’Arsonval placed the patient to • Lowered blood pressure when hypertension exists
be treated in a kind of cage with a large coil surrounding the • Soothing to the nervous system
patient. This was termed ’auto-conduction,’ and is illustrated
d’Arsonval, not himself a practicing physician, was suf-
in Fig. 5. [10] In another device, the person to be treated
ficiently encouraged by the apparently positive therapeutic
would recline on a chair, one hand holding a lead from the
results that he wrote the following, [12]
powered electrode, while the other electrode was placed under
the insulating cushion upon which the patient rested. This By communicating these facts to physicians, by
procedure was termed ’auto-condensation,’ and is shown in providing equipment that allows them to get them,
Fig. 6. [10] my role as physiologist is over. It is now they who
correspond to take part in therapy.
By applying the high frequency current to relatively large Reif-Ackerman [12] points out that the current view of
areas of the body, the methods of d’Arsonval tended to act in d’Arsonval’s work is that it laid the foundation for ’diathermy,’
a general, systemic fashion. The primary effects of applying a method to internally heat tissue by the application of external

Figure 6 d’Arsonval’s device for coupling currents to a body as part of a large capacitor or condenser, termed ’autoconden-
sation’. [10]

high frequency currents. The German physician Nagelschmidt circuit and device are illustrated in Fig. 7. [10]
coined the term in 1906 and is generally credited with
developing the first practical devices. [8] Nagelschmidt’s Oudin published numerous papers on the therapeutic uses
work on deep heating of tissue established firmly that the RF of high frequency currents utilizing various circuits and elec-
currents penetrated throughout the organism to which it was trodes, including the one he was best known for inventing. In
applied. [13] this article, only two of his many results will be highlighted
as they both seem particularly relevant to current therapeutic
It should be noted that d’Arsonval did not think that the applications of plasma. He focused primarily on applying the
only or even primary cause of the observed physiological currents locally using various forms of air discharges. He
effects of high frequency currents was due to heating of tissue. used the terms ’spark’, ’brush’ or ’feather’ to characterize the
However, by the mid 1940s, this was the prevailing view and intensity of the air plasma discharge. These discharges could
it remains the current understanding of most physiologists be created using a variety of different electrodes, but by their
and physicians. [13] [14] description, it seems clear that they generally resemble modern
non-thermal, typically dielectric barrier-like or corona/spark
It remains to be seen if plasma medicine will contradict this discharges in atmospheric air.
view and support d’Arsonval’s opinion that the physiological
effects observed after application of high frequency currents One could use a single pointed metallic electrode to create
are primarily non-thermal. This topic has received an a strong spark - this was termed ’fulguration’ (in analogy
enormous amount of attention in the last 50 years or so with lightning). Alternatively, multiple small metallic points
because of interest in medical diathermy as well as concern created a small spray or brush discharge (sometimes referred
about the health effects of RF and microwave radiation. to as an ’effluve’). Some examples are illustrated in Fig.
[13] [15] [16] [17] More recent studies on the mechanisms 8 [10]. This effect could also be created with electrode
of plasma medicine, (e.g. Kramer et al. [18]) suggest that configurations in which the metallic electrode is covered
heating may play a role in plasma-assisted wound healing. with a dielectric surface, a configuration that would termed
a ’dielectric barrier discharge’ in modern parlance. Another
The work of two other pioneers, Paul Oudin in France and related device is the vacuum electrode, described below in
Frederich Strong in the US, are summarized in the following the section on Frederick Strong. The action of the effluviation
two sections. These researchers focused much of their study can be seen in the (slightly doctored) photograph in Fig. 9.
on devices and operating conditions closer to current plasma The doctor is adjusting the Oudin resonator coil with his left
medicine practice. hand while applying the effluve to the patient’s knee with his
right hand. The patient holds the ground or return electrode
in his hands to complete the circuit. [19]
Paul Oudin was a physicist-physician who collaborated One of the most striking results reported by Oudin
with, and was strongly influenced by d’Arsonval’s work in the concerned the fact that the applied current via the air plasma
late 19th century. Oudin is best known for the development could have an analgesic effect on tissue and thus could be
of an alternative circuit that lent itself especially well to a used to treat pain. For these applications, Oudin sometimes
more localized treatment of high frequency current. This used a humid chamois leather as a dielectric between the

Figure 7 Paul Oudin’s circuit (left) and image of device (right). The schematic of the circuit shows a air plasma ’effluve’
from the end of the applicator. [10]

Figure 8 Effluviation electrodes used with Oudin-type devices, showing the single- or multi-point structures. Spark or brush-
like air discharges emanate from the tips of these electrodes when connected to the Oudin-like devices. These were termed
’local applications’ of high frequency currents. [10]

Figure 9 Partially altered photograph illustrating the effluviation of a patient’s knee. The physician is adjusting the ’Oudin
resonator’ coil with his left hand and applying the electrode with his right hand. The patient is sitting on an insulated platform
and holding a ground return electrode in his hands. [19]

metallic electrode and the skin of the patient. He reported However, perhaps the most striking result he reported was
that this created a ’rain’ of small violet-colored sparks that associated with pain relief during tooth pulling - normally
were not painful. Again, it seems clear that this device acted a very painful procedure. [20] He again used a kind of
in a manner that we would term a dielectric barrier discharge dielectric barrier discharge arrangement, this time with a
today. [20] moistened cotton layer between the powered electrode and
the inflamed tooth that was to be removed. A return electrode,
covered with rubber, was used on the outside of the cheek
Oudin in 1893 reported on a series of treatments on
in this application. The air discharge/high frequency currents
various patients suffering from pain. [20] In one set of cases,
were applied for 4-5 minutes, after which the tooth was
he treated lower back pain suffered by 32 manual workers
extracted from the patient. After the operation, the patient was
with the high frequency currents. He stated that 10 patients
interrogated by an individual not associated with the surgeons,
reported that their pain was eliminated after only 1 treatment,
to get a more accurate report on the pain experienced during
13 patients required 2 treatments, and the remaining 9
the extraction.
required 3 treatments. The treatments lasted between 2-10
minutes on successive days. He had similar successes with
other kinds of muscular and nerve-associated pain relief. Oudin states that of the 24 patients receiving this treatment,
11 reported no pain experienced during the extraction and 9

reported minimal pain. The 4 remaining patients experienced Finally, it is well worth noting Oudin’s opinion of the mech-
no analgesic effect, but Oudin notes that the currents were anisms of healing that he observed using the high frequency
not properly applied to these individuals - either the currents currents when focused locally on lesions and local infections,
were applied for only 2 minutes, the cotton was too wet, or (translated from the original French), [25]
the electrode was not properly isolated electrically. The book In two words, I remind you that I do not believe
of Monell [9], described below, also emphasizes the role of the high frequency currents are directly microbioci-
the ’vacuum electrode’ on dental pain relief. dal, but rather a very powerful modification to the
local capillary circulation coupled with an active
The effects of modern plasma treatment on pain has had vascular drainage that stimulates phagocytosis. As
only a few references in the current literature. For example, regards the pain relief, several theories could be
Isbary et al. [21] reported on a study of the use of a cold proposed to explain it, but rather than speculate,
atmospheric pressure argon plasma device in treating the perhaps we should simply note it and use it.
painful infectious skin condition known as herpes zoster. This This observation seems consistent with recent plasma
study reported, medicine results showing an enhanced sub-cutaneous
Analysis revealed a significant reduction (p < blood flow following plasma application to mouse and
0.01) in pain in plasma-treated patients compared human skin as well as recent results showing plasma can
to controls over the course of treatment, and a stimulate the immune system. This is discussed in greater
significantly better median reduction immediately detail in the section below regarding mechanisms associated
after each treatment (p < 0.05). high frequency currents and modern plasma medicine devices.
More discussion of the reported results from early 20th
century physicians for this and related dermatological It should be noted that Crook in his 1909 book [26]
problems are described in the section on Monell’s 1910 book reported that other researchers (cited below) did see clear
below. evidence of strong antibacterial effects with local application
of ’effluviation’ or brush discharges in air.
Metelmann et al. [22] reported on a study of 6 patients
suffering from squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, In any case, the therapeutic effects reported by Oudin seem
and treated with the KinPen Med (Ar plasma jet) device for directly relevant to plasma medicine today. Furthermore, these
palliative care. (This device is shown in Fig. 15.) [23] Of the results raise the question - are we missing some important
6 patients treated, 4 requested less pain medication following applications by ignoring or minimizing the action of the RF
plasma treatments, so there seemed to be some measure of current associated with plasma treatment?
pain relief. However, much more work needs to be done
to explore this important topic with different devices and
a specific focus on the possible analgesic effects of the plasma.
This is especially relevant since several years earlier, Frederick Strong was an American physician (and by neces-
another paper reported antimicrobial killing comparisons sity, electrical engineer) who was one of the leading pioneers
between a KinPen Med device and a historical ’violet wand’ in the use of high frequency currents for therapeutics. He
device that has some aspects in common with the DBD air wrote a book entitled ’High Frequency Currents,’ published
plasma used by Oudin and colleagues. [24] As noted in in 1908 (with a second edition in 1918) that is one of the
greater detail below, these authors state that the historical more accessible of the early works published in English. [10]
DBD device (actually a vacuum electrode device) and the In his 1908 book, Strong claims to have invented the vacuum
modern devices they tested had comparable rates of bacterial electrode in 1897, well before its common use in Europe in
killing in vitro. Hence, there are good reasons to conclude about 1900. Strong writes the following [10],
that the biomedical effects of the DBD air plasma used by From the first, the writer administered the current
Oudin is relevant to modern plasma medical devices. by connecting the patient to the terminal of his
Tesla coil by means of a metal hand electrode,
In a separate paper published in 1910, Oudin reported on the opposite pole being connected with the various
a series of gynecological treatments for women suffering devices for causing the discharge to play upon the
from, among other ailments, cervical gonorrhea, manifested affected areas of the patient’s body. A few accidents,
by cervical lesions and other symptoms. [25] The patient in which the electrode was carried too near the body
to be treated with the high frequency device was attached (causing a painful spark), led to the employment of
electrically to ground and the ulcerated cervical surfaces a tube of glass between the patient and the active
were treated 3 times per week for 6 minutes with a spherical electrode. It was but a step to substitute for the glass-
DBD-type electrode covered in glass. Sparks of 1-2 cm covered metal electrode (i.e. a DBD configuration),
were directed towards the ulcerated surfaces. Oudin reported a Geissler vacuum tube, in which the current passes
considerable success with this treatment for many related through the body via the glass walls of the tube
gynecological afflictions. and the rarefied gas that it contains. This led to the
invention of the Vacuum Electrode, a device now

Figure 10 (a) Photograph of modern version of vacuum electrode - a low pressure glass enclosure with an inserted powered
electrode (not visible) creating a low pressure glow discharge inside the enclosure - coupled to an external dielectric barrier
discharge in air between glass and skin; (b) Sketch of one of Strong’s vacuum electrodes, with insulated handle. The similarity
of the two devices is obvious. [10]

universally employed, but which was first devised Strong [10] summarizes his conclusions about the phys-
by the writer in 1897. iological and medical effects of high frequency currents as
Figure 10(a) is a photograph of a modern version of a
vacuum electrode (aka. ’violet ray’ or ’violet wand’) and • Promotes circulation, increases metabolism and more or

Fig. 10(b) is a schematic of a vacuum electrode device from less completely restores the general harmony between
Strong’s book. [10] When the vacuum electrode is held away different functions of the body
from the surface, one sees the discharge between the surface • Increases cellular chemical processes, increases the vital

of the glass and the body. Figures 11 and 12 [10] are images combustion both in quantity and intensity
showing actual therapeutic application of vacuum electrodes • Facilitates the elimination of waste products

to patients. In both cases, it appears that the glass surface is • Increases vaso-motor activity with a slight rise in arterial

in contact with the skin of the patient, but air discharges may tension
be occurring between the glass and skin near their mutual • Increases oxidizing power of the blood

point of contact. It is also possible that no air plasma forms • Induces germicidal action via ozone

and the effects of these devices is confined to photons and rf Strong’s book strikes the modern reader in a number of
currents passing to the tissue. It is difficult to say because the ways. First, there is a remarkably large number of different
importance of an air discharge next to the skin is not always circuits and rather complex devices that were developed and
discussed in this early literature. used for high frequency therapy around the turn of the 20th
century. This community of physicians/scientists/engineers
Strong [10] describes in some detail the effects of lowering worked tirelessly to invent, test and document the physio-
the gas pressure inside the modified Geissler (gas discharge) logical and medical effects of many different configurations.
tube, powered by various RF sources, including a Tesla coil Second, the book has passages describing basic physics and
and related circuits. The color of the glow discharge changes biology that seem peculiar and even unscientific. For example,
as pressure is lowered and there are changes to the spatial and from the preface, Strong [10] writes,
temporal patterns of light in the tube. At a sufficiently low In other words, science informs us that all natural
pressure and high applied voltage, Strong points out that the phenomena result from VIBRATION in a medium
device generates X-rays, created when high energy ’cathode of a primitive nature, which appears to be nothing
rays’ (i.e. electrons) impact the anode. Figure 13 illustrates more or less than Electricity. All forms of force,
three reduced pressure vacuum electrode designs that Strong from the attraction of the Sun for the Earth to
notes could be used to generate X-rays for either diagnostic the vital phenomena of the Human Organism, are
of therapeutic purposes. [10] At intermediate pressures and fundamentally Electrical Vibrations.
voltages, he was aware that UV light is produced. Of course, There is much more along these lines in the book,
this is entirely expected given modern knowledge of gas and Strong was certainly not the only individual in this
discharges at reduced pressure. community of physicians using high frequency currents to try
to frame the technology in such improper terms. S.H. Monell,

Figure 11 Photograph of application of vacuum electrode to patient’s leg, circa World War I. [27]

described below, in several instances used even more florid Daeschlein et al. [24] admirably summarize results from the
descriptions in his book [9]. This characteristic of the field early 20th century German language literature utilizing high
likely contributed to its eventual decline by raising suspicion frequency currents. This community in the late 19th century -
among other physicians and scientists that proponents of this early 20th century, made many claims of therapeutic efficacy
technology were not really to be trusted. This is described in for a wide variety of ailments. Are these many claims all
the last section of the article. It should be mentioned that not specious? Or is it possible that the modern community has
all publications during this time used this non-scientific style simply not yet re-discovered them?
of characterization to describe and define the use of high
frequency electrotherapy. For example, the book of Crook
[26] on High Frequency Currents, published in 1909, did not S AMUEL H. M ONELL
indulge in this style of writing.
Samuel Howard Monell, a physician operating in New York
City in America, published his book entitled ”High Frequency
In any case, it is probably a mistake to dismiss this Electric Currents in Medicine and Dentistry” in 1910. [9] The
body of work because some of the individuals in the field book suffers from some of the same problems as Strong’s
either misunderstood the wider scientific issues or made book in that it attempts to characterize high frequency
bold and over-broad assertions about high frequency currents currents applied to living bodies in what would seem to be
that cannot be supported by scientific analysis. There are an over-broad manner. However, there are many anecdotal
multiple aspects of these accounts that support the idea that descriptions from a large group of physicians throughout the
there is much to learn from this literature. The types and English-speaking world of various therapeutic applications of
characteristics of air plasma discharges used to transmit high frequency to patients. These take on added significance
high frequency currents to the patients is close, and in some because they tend to corroborate each other and in some cases,
cases virtually identical, to modern plasma medicine devices. the modern published results. A few examples will suffice to
Furthermore, the conclusions, albeit somewhat speculative, make this case, but there are many similar reports in the book.
regarding the mechanisms of high frequency currents and
air discharges on the body are sometimes (but not always) The following set of examples from Monell [9] refer to
remarkably similar to the ones currently supported by modern applications of local high frequency currents to various derma-
plasma medicine investigations. This subject is addressed in tological conditions. For example, Monell [9] quotes numerous
greater detail below. physicians, including Dr. Charles W. Allen, Professor of
Diseases of the Skin, Postgraduate Medical School, New York
Finally, when we compare the reported therapeutic City as follows,
effects of high frequency currents during this period with During the past 3 years, I have employed
the relatively few modern results, the overlap is striking. high frequency currents in my office practice in a

Figure 12 Photograph of application of vacuum electrode to patient’s shoulder. [10]

somewhat wide range of skin diseases....In chronic be successfully treated using the KinPen Med device. [28]
eczema, I have found the local application of decided
value in alleviating symptoms and in diminishing Further, Monell [9] quotes Dr. Allen,
infiltration. In lichen planus not only are the le- The recorded (175) cases include 37 of acne, 26
sions improved at times but the element of itching of alopecia, 27 of eczema, 8 of pruritus ani, 8 of
is relieved...In zoster of the thigh and arm with pruritus vulvi, 2 of general pruritus, 5 of pityriasis
hyperaesthesia and neuralgic pain, not only has rosea, 3 of uticaria, 4 of lichen planus, 1 of mycosis
temporary relief been afforded, immediately after fungoides, 3 of zoster, 3 of rosacea, 2 of pruritus
each treatment, but the whole course of the disease haemalis, 1 of pruritus scroti,...etc.
has been shortened and the lesions have healed more
promptly than without their use. The book contains other, similarly positive, descriptions of
applications to many other conditions, too numerous to list.
This quote is especially relevant in that it cites the effects When these early 20th century reports overlap with modern
of high frequency currents on zoster (similar to the recent accounts, especially for dermatology, they seem quite similar.
results of Isbary et al. [21]) as well as successful treatments
of lichen planus. The latter affliction was recently reported to Summarizing briefly, Monell [9] reports many positive re-

Figure 13 Three sketches of X-ray creating vacuum electrode configurations, all powered by high frequency circuits. Electrons
created at powered cathodes accelerate in the very low pressure gas region to impact central, angled anodes, creating X-rays
that can be applied for either imaging or treatment. [10]

ports on the therapeutic uses of high frequency currents, in raises the question of more modern perspectives.
addition to dermatology, include treatments for:
• Diseases of the digestive system Considerable research has been done since the early part
• Diseases of the blood and heart of the 20th century on the topic of high frequency currents
• Diseases of the respiratory tract interacting with biological systems. Specifically, studies
• Diseases associated with metabolism of the interactions between non-ionizing electromagnetic
• Diseases involving the excretory apparatus radiation and biological tissue has received considerable
• Diseases of the nervous system attention. (e.g. [15] [29] [30]) Tissue dielectric properties
• Infectious and malignant diseases are generally expressed in terms of a complex electric
permittivity, including a part that reflects the free motion
H IGH FREQUENCY CURRENTS INTERACTING WITH of ionic charges (conductivity) and the portion that reflects
BIOLOGICAL TISSUE AND CELLS field-induced distortion or polarization of fixed charges,
The previous summary of early 20th century ideas about usually associated with cellular membranes (permittivity).
the effects of high frequency currents on tissue and cells The former effect controls tissue conductance and the latter

Figure 14 Relative permittivity and conductivity of biological tissue as a function of frequency. The relative permittivity
declines with frequency and shows three distinct dispersion regions, due to various relaxation processes associated with cells
and the aqueous ionic solutions within which they reside. For details, see text. [31]

effect controls tissue capacitance. The complex permittivity frequencies’ (i.e. 60 Hz) through microwave frequencies (10
of tissue is frequency dependent (with frequency typically GHz). (e.g. [32]) Traditionally, the frequency response of a
ranging from 10 - 1012 Hz), and the dispersion relation human body to radiofrequency (non-ionizing) radiation has
(permittivity as a function of applied frequency) can show been to assume an ideal resistive-capacitive equivalent circuit.
complex shapes. In general, tissue permittivity declines The most common equivalent circuit assumes a lumped skin
with applied frequency and conductivity rises up into the capacitance of about 200 pF in parallel with a lower limit
microwave region. The question of human body impedances of lumped skin resistance of about 1.5 kΩ, in series with
at radio frequencies is addressed below in greater detail. an interior body resistance of about 0.5 kΩ. For frequencies
above about 100 MHz, body inductance and electromagnetic
The typical biological tissue shows 3 frequency transitions, effects can be significant. [33] Lumped parameter equivalent
usually termed α at about 102 Hz, β at about 105 Hz and circuit models can capture macroscopic electrical responses
γ at about 1010 Hz. This is illustrated in Fig 14. The α fairly accurately, but they can’t address where the power is
dispersions are associated with diffusion dynamics of mobile deposited in the body and other important details.
charges; β dispersions characterize interfacial polarization
across intercellular membranes; and γ dispersions are caused In response to this need, starting in the mid- to late-
by aqueous content of biological tissue and small molecules 1990s, realistic models of a human anatomy appeared. [34]
dynamics. [31] Tissue conductivity is low at lower applied The models have been used for radiography, radiotherapy
frequency until it rises into the microwave (GHz) range. (radiation therapy), nuclear medicine and electromagnetic
effects. They are sometimes referred to as ’voxel’ models
Some of the interest in biological tissue dielectric properties and they typically have mm-scale spatial resolution. A
arises from concerns about potential health effects related to voxel is defined as a three-dimensional pixel. For studies
low exposure levels caused by electrical power transmission, of electromagnetic effects, these models consist of solving
communication devices like cell phones or microwave for the electromagnetic current flows on and through
appliances. In addition, the use of dielectric spectroscopy bodies using various numerical methods, for example ’finite
of cells and tissues is widespread and there is a need to difference time-dependent’, or FDTD, simulations. Models of
scientifically interpret these spectra. Also, medical devices parameterized, frequency-dependent dielectric permittivities
used for tissue RF ablation involve high levels of non-ionizing appropriate for each body component (skin, muscle, bone,
radiation intensity. The electric fields associated with high blood, organs, etc.) are incorporated in these models.
frequency currents used for the types of therapeutics discussed
here are somewhere in the middle of this spectrum of electric One example of ’RF dosimetry’ simulation under conditions
field and current intensities. not too dissimilar from plasma medicine are electrostatic
discharges (ESD) from human bodies. (e.g. [35] [36] ESDs
In the last several decades, considerable progress has been are of interest in many industrial contexts (e.g. for protecting
made in understanding the biological effects - including safety semiconductor and other sensitive electronic devices) as
issues - of electrical currents in tissue, ranging from ’power well as for questions of health and safety regulations.

The 3-D voxel models described above have been used to well as internal organelle membranes can be electroporated.
simulate how electrostatic charge distributed on a human Note these pulsing regimes are consistent with Fig 14: 100
body will flow to and through an air spark to a grounded microsecond pulses are between α and β dispersions and 100
surface. For example, Hirata et al. [36] used a FDTD voxel nanosecond pulses are between β and γ dispersions.
model of a human male, female and child to examine
how a spark ESD deposits energy into various parts of the In fact, it appears that many of the gas discharge plasmas
body. One result of this class of model is that currents created in air that are applied to tissues create local electric
last for hundreds of nanoseconds and that currents (mainly field strengths at the tissue surface that can permeabilize or
conduction currents) flow though muscle, bone and other electroporate cell membranes. Robert et al. [40], for example,
biological tissues. [37] Furthermore, relatively simple ’human measured electric fields on the order of 1-10 kV/cm in rare
body models’ that use a lumped capacitance of about gas jets in air. Liu et al. ] [41] measured electric field strengths
200 pF and lumped resistance of about 2 kΩ are reasonably an order of magnitude higher in DBD discharges. There are
accurate for macroscopic electrical properties during the ESD. numerous examples of papers that report plasma-induced
cellular gene transfection as well as plasma-assisted skin
This kind of voxel modeling of applied currents from plasma permeabilization. In addition to electric field effects, the
medicine devices has apparently not yet been attempted. Given presence of plasma-generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen
the likely importance of high frequency currents in these species also appear to be significant. The recent papers by
applications, perhaps it would be an approach that Tesla might Edelblute et al. [42], Gelker et al. [43] and Szili et al. [44]
have recommended if he were alive today. are representative of this body of work.


The most straightforward analyses of bioelectric phenomena
employ passive biological tissue models - that is, the There are many different types of modern non-thermal
dielectric properties of the biological tissues are assumed to plasma medical devices as can be seen in numerous recent
be independent of field intensity. RF diathermy application reviews. [45] The first non-thermal plasma sources were
analysis should be able to make this approximation with few approved for clinical testing (i.e. received ’CE certification’ in
problems. In these applications, tissue temperatures rise to no the European Union) in 2013. The ’kINPen MED’ (neoplas
more than 43-45C. [15] However, even if the macroscopic tools GmbH, Greifswald, Germany) is an RF powered (1
tissue dielectric properties are unaltered with applied currents MHz) Ar jet (cf. Fig. 15. The ’MicroPlasSter’ (ADTEC,
used in therapeutics (either historic or modern), the biological Hunslow, UK) is a microwave (2.45 GHz) powered Ar-
effects of these currents might be significant or even dramatic. plasma torch. Both devices are operated in such a way that
there is no significant thermal heating of treated tissue.
Hanna et al. [38] point out that since about the mid-1960s, The ’PlasmaDerm’ device (CINOGY GmbH Duderstadt,
it has been known that pulsed electric fields (PEFs) will Germany) operates as a dielectric barrier discharge in open
cause biological cells to form pores - or ’electroporate.’ air and is also non-thermal (cf. Fig. 16). [45] [23]
[39] (Note that the external cell membrane is termed the
’plasma membrane,’ with no connection to the term ’gas As noted previously, one recent paper directly compared
plasma’ associated with ionized gas plasma.) The approximate the antimicrobial effects of a historical vacuum electrode
conditions needed to achieve this effect include an electric device (sometimes called ’violet ray’ or ’violet wand’) with
field strength of about 1000 V/cm with pulse lengths on devices similar to the one shown in Figs. 15 and 16. [24]
the order of hundreds of microseconds. For example, this These results are consistent with observations reported in
process allows the transfer of DNA from outside to inside the 1909 book written by Crook [26] on the antimicrobial
a cell subject to the pulsed field (gene transfection). PEF effects of brush (’effluve’) discharges in air, noted below. In
electroporation is currently used for gene therapy, electro- their comparison of historical and modern devices, Daschlein
chemotherapy, tumor ablation, and even in food processing. et al. [24] concluded their investigation with the following
Under these conditions, mobile ions both inside and external observation,
to the cell have enough time and sufficient mobility to add In short, VW (i.e. historical violet wand) did
charge across the plasma membrane, leading to an increase not differ relevantly from the modern CAPP (i.e.
in the transmembrane potential difference. This in turn leads cold atmospheric pressure plasma) sources in terms
to a permeabilized plasma membrane (PM). [38] of antimicrobial activity. This potentially clinically
beneficial effect is not attributable to a purely psy-
If the pulses are shorter - on the order of a few to hundreds chosomatic or suggestive effect (mystic light show)
of nanoseconds - and fields are larger (about 300 kV/cm) of the device.
ions cannot respond to add to the charge difference across The Violet Ray or Violet Wand device was sold all over
the PM. But in this case, the internal parts of the cell are the world, apparently starting after the first decade of the
no longer protected from the applied field and the PM as 20th century, and continuing well into the 1950s around

Figure 15 The kINPen MED device utilizes a jet of Ar gas and a RF-powered plasma at 1 MHz. In this image, the jet is
used to treat a contaminated cancerous ulcer of the skin on the neck of a patient. [45]

Figure 16 Dielectric barrier discharge in air treating human skin. This device is similar to the commercial ’PlasmaDerm’
device. [46]

the world. ( [3] [24]) Although the medical value of this circulation, increased vaso-motor activity with a slight rise
type of device was probably oversold by manufacturers and in arterial tension, increased oxidizing power of the blood,
also undoubtedly improperly utilized by unscrupulous and/or and induced germicidal action via ozone.” Eberhart [11] in
untrained individuals, the similarities of these devices with his summary of the effects of the use of the vacuum tube
modern plasma medical devices is undeniable. included: ”increased blood supply to a given area, increased
oxidation and local nutrition, increased oxygenation of blood,
There are many different types of plasma devices currently locally germicidal nature.” These authors also included other
under investigation and some of these devices and processes effects not listed here, but they were generally associated
are not necessarily close to the historical devices. For example, with either nutrition/metabolic changes or promotion of waste
treating liquids such as cell culture media with plasma and elimination.
subsequently applying this treated media to cells or organisms
is not close to historical devices. However, the modern plasma From the modern point of view, the idea that the applied
devices that involve plasma in contact with cells, tissue or currents/plasma increase local blood flow was apparently
organisms are clearly comparable to historical devices that first rediscovered in the 2014 paper by Collet et al. [47]
utilized local high frequency current treatment such as the These authors observed a locally increased, subcutaneous
vacuum electrode, other DBD-like configurations and the flow rate of blood flow in a mouse model treated by a
spark, brush, or corona discharges. He plasma jet. Blood O2 content increased significantly
as well. Similar observations were made following DBD
M ECHANISMS OF HIGH FREQUENCY THERAPEUTICS AND plasma treatment of the skin of human volunteer subjects by
PLASMA MEDICINE two other groups, (Heuer et al. [48]; and Kisch et al. [49] [50])
To a modern reader, one of the most striking aspects of Laroussi [51] is generally credited with the first modern
the historical high frequency therapeutics literature is the observation that atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma
discussions regarding likely mechanisms. Some of these can be highly antimicrobial. However, Cook’s 1909 book
have been summarized in previous parts of the article. The [26] as well as others in the high frequency electrotherapy
modern plasma biomedicine researcher might be tempted to community of the early 20th century (e.g. Strong [10]) were
separate the effects of the large area electrode treatments aware of this capability much earlier.
associated with d’Arsonval from the local treatments that
employed air plasma, such as the vacuum electrode or the The idea proposed by Oudin in 1893 that local treatment
direct spark or brush discharge in contact with skin or tissue. with high frequency currents also induced a stronger innate
The high frequency therapeutics historical community tended immune response (via phagocytosis) is close to recent
to think that the key physical phenomenon was the applied proposals, first made by Miller et al. [52] [53] that plasma
current, and that was present in both the local and d’Arsonval acts to stimulate the immune system. Oudin seems to have
treatments. made this suggestion purely on the basis of observing that
local infections - such as the gynecological infections that he
As noted above, Oudin in 1893 summarized his view had experience treating - were fairly rapidly responding to
that the therapeutic effects of the DBD-type devices he high frequency current treatments.
used were related to ”...a very powerful modification to the
local capillary circulation coupled with an active vascular It can be concluded that the early high frequency
drainage that stimulates phagocytosis.” [20] Remarkably, this electrotherapy community first discovered important
suggestion incorporates two of the most recent mechanisms therapeutic effects and apparently correctly identified
proposed in the modern plasma medicine literature. mechanisms more than a century before the modern plasma
medicine community!
Oudin did not report evidence of direct antibacterial effects
of local discharges (’effluviation’; e.g. as illustrated in Fig. 8).
However, other researchers reported strong antibacterial effects T HE DECLINE OF HIGH FREQUENCY THERAPEUTICS
when ’effluviation’ (i.e. air plasma) is employed. Crook [26] The subject of why high frequency therapy fell from active
quotes other researchers (Saler and Papermeister; no citation medical practice by about 1930 is particularly interesting.
to the original communication)), who claimed, For example, Connor and Pope describe the rise and fall of
We are convinced that effluviation, rather than various electrotherapies in Canada in the late 19th- early 20th
auto-conduction, is par excellence the mode of treat- centuries. [54] The signs that the field was under a kind of
ment to be adopted in the treatment of diseases of siege was evident even at the height of its popularity. For
bacterial origin; ...effluviation.... directly retards the example, Monell [9] recounts the following anecdote,
germs themselves and often effects their destruction. A lady present said she knew that electricity
Regarding effects on the blood, d’Arsonval concluded, could cure as she had demonstration of the fact. Just
among other effects, ”increased oxidation and hemoglobin” then Dr. X came in and his opinion was asked. He
as one of the key effects of high frequency curents. For his ridiculed the idea, saying it was absolutely impos-
part, among other effects, Strong [10] noted ”...enhanced sible, sneered at electricity and alluded to it as the

magic cure-all for everything known to exist, from field of plasma medicine is fascinating and complex. Although
toe-ache to consumption... they were abandoned by most physicians for most therapeutic
This attitude was far from uncommon even during this applications, high frequency electrotherapeutic devices
period. [55] Lisa Rosner in her 1988 essay entitled ”The remained in use for physical therapy (diathermy) as well as in
Professional Context of Electrotherapeutics” addresses this surgery. Modern surgery uses multiple types of plasma-based
issue of the decline of interest in high frequency electrotherapy and other high frequency electrical devices, but mostly for
particularly well. [56] Rosner notes that one of the most thermal ablation purposes.
important factors in the decline of the popularity of high
frequency electrotherapeutics was, somewhat ironically, the The question of whether the modern plasma medicine
rapid rise of interest in X-rays. The irony arises from the community can benefit from the recognition of the similarities
fact that initially, high frequency currents and X-rays were of current and historical practice is still open. The list of
generated in the same type of devices. Figure 13 illustrates diseases claimed to be treatable by early 20th century high
several vacuum electrode devices that are powered by high frequency currents is long - and some would say, implausibly
frequency currents that were used to generate X-rays. Blondel or even ridiculously long. However, when similar diseases
[57] makes a similar point about the effects of the rise in or afflictions (e.g. pain and several dermatological diseases)
prestige of X-rays in diminishing the allure of high frequency are treated using modern devices, the apparent similarities
electrotherapies. in outcome are intriguing. As noted above, is it possible
that plasma medicine has simply not yet re-discovered these
As Rosner [56] points out, fruitful applications?
Physicians who had been using electricity could
continue to do so, and many of them did. But In any case, the plasma medical devices and procedures that
the glamor as well as the therapeutic and research are currently utilized in clinical applications benefit tremen-
opportunities of the X-rays took much of the ex- dously from the extensive scientific studies of the plasma
citement away from their work. Physicians who and its interactions with biological systems. Historical high
had been proud of their scientific apparatus found frequency electrotherapeutics used for non-thermal treatments
themselves bypassed by new developments, perhaps of many diseases was abandoned by the middle of the 20th
even considered a little old fashioned. century in part because the medical community - including
Another factor that probably contributed to the decline physicians, physical scientists and engineers - did not under-
of high frequency therapeutics included the increasingly stand the physical, chemical and biological mechanisms that
important role played by pharmaceuticals in medicine. underlie their operation. Furthermore, disreputable, irresponsi-
Insulin was developed into a powerful drug to treat diabetes ble and unprofessional individuals and manufacturers allowed
in the early 1920s. Sulfonamide drugs were developed in the reputation of the devices and procedures to be damaged.
the 1930s, leading to antibiotics by the early 1940s. This The only way forward for plasma medicine is to continue
development was indeed a revolution in medicine. In the building the solid scientific foundation upon which sustainable
1940s, chemotherapeutic agents for cancer were developed medical practice can be built.
and pharmaceutical approaches to medicine became dominant
while ’physical therapy’ - using physical agents like heat,
electricity, sound, light and mechanical manipulation - R EFERENCES
became less central to modern medicine. Blondel [57]
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