Kan2016 - Brain Hernation
Kan2016 - Brain Hernation
Kan2016 - Brain Hernation
Brain Herniation
Patricia K.Y. Kan1, Mandy H.M. Chu2,
Emily G.Y. Koo2, Matthew T.V. Chan3
1Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Prince of Wales Hospital,
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China; 2Department
of Anaesthesia, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Chai Wan, Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region, China; 3Department of Anaesthesia
and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, China
Mechanism of Brain Herniation 4
Classification of Brain Herniation 5
Clinical Features of Brain Herniation 6
Uncal (Transtentorial) Herniation 7
Subfalcine/Cingulate Herniation 7
Transcalvarial Herniation 8
Reverse Transtentorial Herniation 8
Tonsillar Herniation 11
Prevention of Brain Herniation 11
Treatment of Brain Herniation 11
Complications in Neuroanesthesia 3
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-804075-1.00001-8 © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Space-occupying lesion
FIGURE 1 Coronal view of brain herniations. (1) uncal herniation, (2) central transtentorial
herniation, (3) subfalcine/cingulate herniation, (4) transcalvarial herniation, (5) reverse transtento-
rial herniation, and (6) tonsillar herniation. Red arrows indicate the direction of brain displacement.
Noted that reverse transtentorial herniation is due to the effect of infratentorial lesion and not related
to the space occupying lesion shown (red).
Subfalcine/Cingulate Herniation
Subfalcine herniation is the displacement of the medial frontal lobe
(cingulate gyrus) underneath the free edge of the falx cerebri. Symptoms
Midline shi
Space-occupying lesion
Kernohan’s notch
with PCA
with inferior
Duret hemorrhage
FIGURE 2 Important radiological features seen in uncal and central transtentorial herniation.
Red arrows indicate the direction of brain displacement.
Transcalvarial Herniation
This is also known as “external herniation,” where part of the brain is dis-
placed out of the cranium because intracranial pressure is much larger than
that of the atmosphere (Figure 4). Obviously, clinical presentation depends on
the part and extent of brain matter that is herniated through the skull defect.
Falx cerebri
ACA infarcon
Space-occupying lesion
Dilataon of
Compression and
displacement of
ipsilateral ventricle
Expected posion of
septum pallucidum
FIGURE 3 Subfalcine/cingulate herniation. Dotted line indicate the expected position of septum
pellucidum. Red arrow indicates the direction of brain displacement. ACA, anterior cerebral artery.
Extension of
brain ma
beyond cranium
FIGURE 4 Transcalvarial herniation through acquired skull defect. Red arrow indicates the
direction of brain displacement.
PCA infarcon
Midbrain Quadrigeminal
Tentorium cistern
Superior mangum
cerebellar artery
FIGURE 5 Reverse transtentorial herniation. Sagittal view (left) showing upward displacement
of cerebellum toward supratentorial compartment. Transverse view (right) showing reverse and flat-
tening of quadrigeminal cistern (frown-shaped appearance). Red arrow indicates the direction of
brain displacement. PCA, posterior cerebral artery.
Foramen mangum
Cerebellar tonsil and
brainstem descent
FIGURE 6 Tonsillar herniation—descent of cerebellar tonsils and brain stem beyond foramen
magnum. Red arrow indicates the direction of brain displacement.
Tonsillar Herniation
This is commonly known as coning, when the cerebellar tonsils move
downward through the foramen magnum (Figure 6). Tonsillar herniation
exerts pressure over the lower brain stem and the upper cervical spinal
cord against the narrow foramen magnum. In the postoperative setting,
brain stem compression results in unconsciousness, flaccid paralysis, and
respiratory and cardiac depression.
In sagittal scans, an inferior descent of the cerebellar tonsils, >5 mm in
adults and >7 mm in children, below the foramen magnum is considered
significant. The cerebrospinal fluid cisterns around the brain stem may
become effaced as well.
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