Phase 4 Grupo 228001 5
Phase 4 Grupo 228001 5
Phase 4 Grupo 228001 5
Table of Contents
General objective.....................................................................................................................................4
Specifics Objectives................................................................................................................................4
1. Comparative table based on the Logistic Performance Index of the World Bank of Colombia
vs. others countries..........................................................................................................................5
Supply chain benchmarking allows companies to communicate their issues, measure their
performance objectively, identify areas for improvement, and influence future supply
developments chain management.
Indeed, performance measurement is vital for any company that wants to survive in an
environment of increased competition. If a company does not have a clear vision of its
performance, its operational management will be all the more difficult. It must know the
performance of its competitors as well as the satisfaction of its customers.
In the present document, strategies are designed to improve the performance of logistics
networks in global environments by applying benchmarking tools and establishing good
practices, opportunities for improvement and their impact on the logistics network.
General objective
Design strategies using benchmarking tools to analyze the competitiveness of a Supply Chain
and logistics.
Specifics Objectives
Prepare a comparative table based on the Logistic Performance Index of the World Bank
of Colombia vs. others countries and the respective analysis of the evolution of the results
Carry out a Benchmarking study related to the levels of competitiveness in the Supply
Chain Management, Integration and Logistics of the Network to which a company
Apply the methodology 106 best practices in the Logistics Network, process the
information and perform the respective GAP analysis.
1. Comparative table based on the Logistic Performance Index of the World Bank of
Colombia vs. others countries
The Logistics Performance Index is an interactive benchmarking tool created to help countries
identify the challenges and opportunities they face in their performance on trade logistics and
what they can do to improve their performance.
As we can see in the tables and graphs of the components analyzed in the International LPI
for South Africa and Colombia, we can infer that the performance of each of these components
in South Africa is superior to that presented in Colombia according to the appreciations of
different logistics professionals involved in in international freight forwarding. Colombia faces
great challenges and opportunities in its trade logistics performance and must work to improve
its performance in each of the LPI components. Colombia's logistics performance (LPI)
presented an increase or improvement with respect to South Africa's performance in the years
2010 and 2018, with 2018 being the year where the gap between the two countries was the
smallest. In 2016, the largest gap in the LPI performance between the two countries was 1.17
The efficiency of customs and border management clearance (Customs score) in South Africa
presents a better performance over the years than Colombia. In the years 2010 and 2018,
Colombia's performance in this component presented an increase or improvement with respect to
South Africa. Colombia should improve its policies and strategies regarding customs clearance
and border management to make these components speed, simplicity and predictability of
The quality of trade and transport infrastructure (Infrastructure score) in South Africa presents
a better performance over the years than Colombia. In the years 2010 and 2018, Colombia's
performance in this component presented an increase or improvement with respect to South
Africa. In 2018, the smallest gap in the quality of trade and transport infrastructure performance
between the two countries was 0,53 points. In 2016, the largest gap in the quality of trade and
transport infrastructure performance between the two countries was 1.35 points. Colombia
presents a great challenge for the modernization of trade and transportation infrastructure and
technologies to improve its performance in trade logistics.
The ease of arranging competitively priced shipments (Ease of arranging shipments score) in
South Africa presents a better performance over the years than Colombia. In 2018, Colombia's
performance in this component presented an increase or improvement with respect to South
Africa. In 2018, the smallest gap in the ease of arranging competitively priced shipments
performance between the two countries was 0,32 points. In 2016, the largest gap in the ease of
arranging competitively priced shipments performance between the two countries was 1.07
The competence and quality of logistics services (Logistics competence score) in South
Africa presents a better performance over the years than Colombia. In the years 2012 and 2018,
Colombia's performance in this component presented an increase or improvement with respect to
South Africa. In 2018, the smallest gap in the competence and quality of logistics services
performance between the two countries was 0,32 points. In 2007, the largest gap in the
competence and quality of logistics services performance between the two countries was 1.1
points. One of the greatest challenges facing Colombia is road transportation, given the
complexity of the region's physical geography, and therefore strategies must be developed to
maximize its performance or the use of different modes of transportation.
The ability to track and trace consignments (Tracking and tracing score) in South Africa
presents a better performance over the years than Colombia. In 2018, Colombia's performance in
this component presented an increase or improvement with respect to South Africa. In 2018, the
smallest gap in the competence and quality of logistics services performance between the two
countries was 0,33 points. In 2016, the largest gap in the competence and quality of logistics
services performance between the two countries was 1.37 points.
The frequency with which shipments reach consignees within scheduled or expected delivery
times (Timeliness score) in South Africa presents a better performance over the years than
Colombia. In 2010, Colombia's performance in this component presented an increase or
improvement with respect to South Africa. In 2010, the smallest gap in the frequency with which
shipments reach consignees within scheduled or expected delivery times performance between
the two countries was 0,05 points. In 2014, the largest gap in the frequency with which
shipments reach consignees within scheduled or expected delivery times performance between
the two countries was 1,01 points.
Aduana: desde el 2007 que inicio la evaluación del IPL siempre ha estado entre el top
5 de los mejores en Ranking, ya que este país no presenta impuestos para
exportaciones y cuenta con una circulación libre de mercancía dentro de la Unión
Infraestructura: este país cuenta con una logística valorada como uno de las mejores en
el mundo por sus redes viales, sus ferrocarriles y todas sus terminales aéreas.
Envió Internacionales: al contar con una red de infraestructura como una de las
mejores en el mundo le permite realizar envíos a nivel mundial por diferentes vías.
Competencia Logística: Alemania es el mayor mercado logístico en toda la Unión
Europea, donde la logística de transporte tiene un gran peso dentro de la economía
nacional, teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo y su expansión, su localización geográfica
que lo convierte en el eje fundamental del transporte internacional, adicionalmente su
nivel de industrialización y su orientación a la exportación.
Seguimiento y rastreo: Alemania se posiciona como el país número 1 en el rastreo y
trazabilidad de sus envíos, a través de dispositivos de alta calidad la cual otorga
información en tiempo real.
Puntualidad de envíos: Por estar en el top 5 a nivel mundial para Alemania es muy
importante la puntualidad en sus entregas y se ve reflejado en sus entregas durante los
años de medición.
2. GAP Analysis of Competitiveness in Supply Chain Integration
INCA SHOES is a company with more than 30 years of experience in the design,
manufacture and marketing of women's footwear with high quality standards, always acting in
orientation to meet the growing needs of our customers.
The total result of "Competitiveness in Supply Chain Integration" for INCA SHOES is 274
and the GAP is 142,99 (34%). The strongest competencies for INCA SHOES are customer
integration, integration level measures and technology integration and planning, and the weakest
competencies are internal integration, supplier integration and relationship integration.
Diseño conceptual en Supply Chain Mangement y Logística: Feres E. Said C. y Fabiola Pinzón Hoyos, con base en el modelo de competitividad de Donald J.
Bowersox. Version 4 año 2008. Tel. 6372987, (Modificado y adaptado por Benjamín Pinzón Hoyos para el curso Logística y
Cadenas de Suministro de la UNAD
Customer integration (Claudia P. Diaz V.)
The total result of customer integration competition for INCA SHOES is 51 and the GAP is
15,20 (23%). The strongest skills for INCA SHOES are flexibility, responsiveness and customer
segmentation, and the weakest skill is relevance.
1,2 INTEGRACION INTERNA 52,00 85,50 33,50
1,21 Unificacion interfuncional 17,00 17,68 0,68
1,22 Estandarizacion 9,00 16,80 7,80
1,23 Simplificación 8,00 16,49 8,49
1,24 Aceptación de normas y su cumplimiento 9,00 16,78 7,78
1,25 Adaptación estructural 9,00 17,75 8,75
Integration of relationships
1,61 Especificidad de los roles 10,00 16,30 6,30
1,62 Protocolos 8,00 16,32 8,32
1,63 Habilidad para compartir información 12,00 17,09 5,09
1,64 Ganancias y riesgos compartidos 10,00 16,79 6,79
3. Strategic proposals in Supply Chin Integration
4. GAP Analysis of Competitiveness in Logistics
Organizational entities are transforming the paradigms of how to approach business markets
to such an extent that emphasis is being placed on the changing environment of the new
economy. business markets to such an extent that emphasis is being placed on the changing
environment of the new economy, new industries and major continuous improvements in the
highly competitive horizon in terms of supply chain management. supply chain management.
In general terms, the instability in the manufacturing distribution from the business logistics
business approach induces higher costs, decomposes space conditions and reduces the conditions
and reduces the suitability of the organizations, therefore, it is important the birth of a strategy or
subject of study to mitigate the strategy or subject of study to mitigate the harmful effects that
are leaving their mark on this changing industrial sector.
The total result of "Competitiveness in Logistics " for INCA SHOES is 200 and the GAP is
89,04 (31%). The strongest competencies for INCA SHOES are agility and positioning, and the
weakest competencies are in logistics performance measures and integration.
Diseño conceptual en Supply Chain Mangement y Logística: Feres E. Said C. y Fabiola Pinzón Hoyos, con base en el modelo de competitividad de Donald J.
Bowersox. Version 4 año 2008. Tel. 6372987, (Modificado y adaptado por Benjamín Pinzón Hoyos para el curso Logística y
Cadenas de Suministro de la UNAD
Competitiveness in positioning (Claudia P. Diaz V.)
The total result of competitiveness in positioning for INCA SHOES is 51 and the GAP is
19,19 (27%). The strongest skills for INCA SHOES are logistics strategy formulation and
organization, and the weakest skill are logistics integration in the Supply Chain and logistics
Competitiveness in Integration
2,21 Unificación del Supply Chain 11,00 16,01 5,01
2,22 Tecnología de la información 10,00 16,61 6,61
2,23 Información compartida 13,00 17,09 4,09
2,24 Conectividad 12,00 16,46 4,46
2,25 Estandarización 12,00 17,27 5,27
2,26 Simplificación 10,00 16,60 6,60
2,27 Disciplina 12,00 17,43 5,43
Competitiveness in agility
Diseño conceptual en Supply Chain Mangement y Logística: Feres E. Said C. y Fabiola Pinzón Hoyos, con base en el modelo de competitividad de Donald J.
Bowersox. Version 4 año 2008. Tel. 6372987, (Modificado y adaptado por Benjamín Pinzón Hoyos para el curso Logística y
5. Strategic proposals in Logistics
From my perspective, the mastery of information systems is crucial for INCA SHOES.
Information systems enable it to manage basic logistics activities on the basis of an overall
regulatory process that can be broken down into three levels, namely the scheduling, adjustment
and monitoring of flows. At the first level, the medium-term scheduling of flows ensures in a
timely manner the establishment of the means necessary to achieve the assigned objectives, e.g.
the number of dispatches to deliver the right product to customers at the right time (and in
sufficient quantity). On a second level, short-term flow optimization allows matching workloads
to available capacities in order to maximize the equipment utilization rate, e.g., by occasionally
using an external carrier. Finally, at a third level, permanent flow monitoring takes into account
last-minute hazards and modifies business plans accordingly, e.g. postponement of a delivery to
a customer due to adverse weather or social conditions.
Although companies have focused their efforts on supply chain improvement in recent years,
it is clear that the financial weight of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is improving- Will
require companies to develop strategies governing operational elements. However,
benchmarking results allow the company to identify areas for improvement in its supply chain
based on the best financial added value. Benchmarking therefore finds here its full measure as a
valuation tool. (Claudia Patricia Diaz V.)
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Retrieved from: 10.1016/j.technovation.2003.09.012
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World Bank Group. (2018). The Logistics Performance Index and Its Indicators 2018 [online
benchmarking tool]. Retrieved from:
World Bank Group. (2018). Doing Business 2018. Retrieved from: