Clonidine A Wonder Drug: January 2019
Clonidine A Wonder Drug: January 2019
Clonidine A Wonder Drug: January 2019
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2 authors, including:
Lalit Gupta
Maulana Azad Medical College
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Background and Aims: The alpha-2-adrenergic agonist drugs are now widely used in anesthesiology for multiple
purposes and are not limited only to intraoperative and postoperative analgesia. Clonidine, an imidazoline
derivative belongs to this class and has selectivity ratio of 200:1 for alpha-2: alpha-1 receptors. Contents: Apart
from its antihypertensive and anti-adrenergic effects, recent studies have established clonidine as a wonder drug
to be an effective analgesic, sedative and has an opioid sparing effect with decreased anesthetic requirements
intraoperatively. Therefore, a detailed analysis and discussion for possible new role of clonidine in anesthetic
armamentarium seems to be need of the hour. This review highlights pharmacological aspects, mechanisms of
action, opioid sparing effect, potential indications and adverse effects. Conclusion: Although Clonidine reduces
post-operative pain intensity and nausea apart from some other uses like alcohol withdrawal, acute hypertension,
smoking cessation, cancer pain management and adjuvant to local anesthetics. However, one should be vigilant
while using it for high risk of perioperative low blood pressure and bradycardia.
Keywords: Clonidine; 2 adrenoceptor agonist, Antihypertensive.
Mechanism of Action1,2
Clonidine is selective -2 agonist. It has selectivity
Clonidine is chemically 2 [(2, 6 Dichlorophenyl) ratio of 200:1 for -2: -1 receptors. It acts on
Corresponding Author: Lalit Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Maulana Azad Medical
College and Lok Nayak Hospital, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002, India.
Received on 01.08.2019, Accepted on 04.09.2019
It probably takes up to six days of continuous antagonists like prazosin, a potent -1 antagonist
therapy to produce adaptive changes. In single dose and yohimbine, a potent -2 antagonist.
peri-anesthetic therapy such rebound phenomena B. Physiology: The transmembrane signalling
are not seen. And the hypertensive rebound for the -2 adrenergic responses involve the
when occurs is effectively treated with Labetolol. combination of three separate components:
Sudden withdrawl of clonidine should be avoided
otherwise rebound hypertension and withdrawl 1. Receptor Protein: -2 adrenoreceptor is a
symptoms will occur. Dose titration should be done G-Protein membrane receptor consisting of
in renal impairment, severe coronary artery disease, 415–480 amino acids, which are arranged in
bradycardia, hypotensive patients. It should not be a fashion forming helical embedded in cell
given above C4 dermatome in epidural infusion. membrane. This transmembrane protein is
responsible for binding with ligands.
Alpha-2 Antagonists: Potent, selective and speci c
-2 antagonists such as Idazoxan and antipamezole 2. G Proteins: All sub-units have a single
have been developed. The -2: -1 selectivity ratio high af nity binding site for guanine
of antipamezole is 200 times higher than Idazoxan. nucleotide, have intrinsic GTPase activity
and are substrate for ADP ribosylation.
Common side effects 3. Effector Mechanism: There are at least
ve separate effector mechanisms that are
Hypotention; Nausea; Vomiting; Drowsiness;
modulated by activated -2 adrenoreceptors.
Headache; Fatigue; Dizziness; Abdominal pain;
Any one receptor may couple with more
Emotional instability; Sedation; Sexual dysfunction;
than one effector mechanisms.
Xerostomia; Constipation.
The effector mechanisms are:
Serious side effects (i) Inhibition of Adenylate Cyclase: Causing
Bradycardia; Syncope; Severe hypotension; a fall in cyclic AMP level. This results in
Severe allergic reaction; Angioedema; A-V block; cAMP dependent protein kinase activity
Depression; and decrease phosphorylation, which
alters biologic response.
Use in Parturients: It is not advised to use
epidural clonidine in parturients because of the (ii) Acceleration of Na+/H+ exchange:
risk of development of severe hypotension and Activation of -2 adrenoreceptor
bradycardia; accelerates Na+/H+ exchange which in
turn stimulates phospholipase A2 to initiate
Clonidine addiction: Clonidine has a potential the arachidonic acid breakdown pathway
to be used as a habit forming drug, and it can be leading to release of thromboxane A2.
used as a potential substance of abuse. It should be
monitored while prescribing this drug. (iii) Activation of potassium channels: The
G-protein mediated ef ux of potassium
Physiology 1,12,13 channels hyperpolarize the membrane and
thus suppress neuronal ring.
Receptor Classi cation:12
(iv) Inhibition of voltage sensitive calcium
channels: The -2 adrenoreceptors
mediated blockade of calcium++ channel
A. Classi cation: Ahlquist R P (1943) differentiated suppresses the calcium ++ entry into the
adrenergic receptors into and beta based nerve terminals and blocks the fusion
on responses of various amines in different of transmitter containing vesicles with
physiological preparations. The next advancement synaptic membrane.
was the nding that there are sub-classes of (v) Modulation of phosphatidyl inositol
receptors at pre-synaptic nerve endings which turnover: This turnover mediated by
regulate the release of neurotransmitter. This led phospholipase C, in certain circumstances
to sub-classi cation of adrenoreceptors based is modulated by -2 adreno receptor
on their synaptic locations into post-synaptic -1 activity.
and pre-synaptic 2. These were further con rmed
by the use of newly developed adrenoreceptor
Imidazoline Receptors
agonists and antagonists. This sub-classi cation
was pharmacologically supported using speci c The rst evidence for different sites of action of
IJAA / Volume 6 Number 6 (Part - I) / Nov - Dec 2019
Ashwani Sharma, Lalit Gupta / Clonidine a Wonder Drug 2061
clonidine was proposed by Bousequet et al. Later • Use: Alcohol withdrawal, attention
it was found that Ventrolateral Medulla (VLM) in de cit hyperactive disorder, smoking
the cervical region was an important connecting cessation, menopausal ushing, restless
component of the baroreceptor re ex. The leg syndrome, Tourette syndrome, post-
Ventrolateral Medulla contains both imidazoline therapeutic neuralgia, dysmenorroea
and -2 receptor binding sites. Ernsberger and psychosis.
con rmed this observation and classi ed the 2. Tablet (fast release):
imidazoline receptors into Imidazoline receptor I1
and I2 based on pharmacological studies. • Dosages: 100 mcg, 200 mcg, 300 mcg;
Physiology: The functional receptor binding • Uses: Opioid withdrawal,
studies have shown that it was almost exclusively the pheochromocytoma, acute hypertension
I1 receptor and not -2 adrenoreceptor responsible and hypertension.
for mediating the blood pressure reduction. 3. Transdermal patch (extended release):
The application of idazoxan which is I2 receptor
• Dosages: 100 mcg/day, 200 mcg/day, 300
antagonist can blunt the effects of clonidine induced
mcg/day, patch should be changed every
at ventrolateral Medulla, while the 2 antagonists
7th day;
that do not have imidazolinemoities are devoid of
this property. The different imidazoline compounds • Uses: Opioid withdrawal, hypertension,
with -2 agonist activities have different selectivity menopausal ushing, smoking
for I1 and -2 adrenoreceptors. Clonidine has 3.8 times cessation, hypertension and cyclosporine
higher selectivity for I1 than -2 adrenoreceptors. nephrotoxicity.
This selectivity is the factor that mediates blood 4. Injectable
pressure reduction in the ventrolateral medulla,
• Dosages: 100 mcg/ml, 500 mcg/ml;
while -2 adrenoreceptors mediate expression of
drowsiness and dry mouth, typical side effects • Uses: Can be used for epidural infusion
of clonidine therapy, The chromaf n cells of the in case of cancer pain management and
adrenal medulla14 almost exclusively possess it can be used as an aduvent in local
imidazoline receptors. A protein molecule has been anesthesia;
isolated from these cells of adrenal medulla that
• Epidural dose is 30 mcg/hr as initial dose
shows speci c binding sites for imidazolines but not
and then titrated as per pain score and
for -2 adrenoreceptor ligands.
side effects.
The endogenous ligand for this -2
Dosages need to be titrated in cases of renal
adrenoreceptor has been discovered, isolated from
impairment and to be started with a low dose.
calf brain, called as Clonidine Displacing Substance
(CDS) in 1984. It has a molecular weight of 500,
and could displace clonidine, yohimbine from -2 Future prospects
adrenoreceptors. Clonidine Displacing Substance
is the naturally occurring agonist for imidazoline Clonidine has been approved by FDA for
receptors. A structural similarity to a certain extent
treatment of attention de cit hyperactive disease
exists between -2 and imidazoline receptors
children in 2010, Tics associated with Tourette
because guanidine possesses a high af nity for
syndrome, and severe pain related to cancer16 has
both these types of receptors. Therefore, an anti-
a treatment option with clonidine. Management
hypertensive effect mediated via I1 receptors in
of withdrawal symptoms associated with opioids,
distinction to an action at -2 receptor should result
benzodiazepines,alcohol and treatment of insomnia,
in hypotension with less centrally mediated side
effects.This understanding of receptor sub-types anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder are some
helps to achieve the desired effect15 by activation of the off label uses of clonidine.
of speci c receptors and its complete reversal by Clonidine suppression test:17 Catecholamine levels
selective antagonists are measured before and after giving oral dose
of clonidine in pheochroma patients. In normal
Clonidine uses and dosages healthy people there should be decrease in the level
of catecholamines in circulation because of the
1. Tablet (extended release): effect of clonidine on sympathetic nervous sytem
• Dosages: 100 mcg; it decreases the level of epinephrine in circulation.
IJAA / Volume 6 Number 6 (Part - I) / Nov - Dec 2019
2062 Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia