Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Agonists: A Review of Current Clinical Applications
Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Agonists: A Review of Current Clinical Applications
Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Agonists: A Review of Current Clinical Applications
The a-2 adrenergic receptor agonists have been used for decades to treat common
medical conditions such as hypertension; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder;
various pain and panic disorders; symptoms of opioid, benzodiazepine, and alcohol
withdrawal; and cigarette craving.1 However, in more recent years, these drugs have
been used as adjuncts for sedation and to reduce anesthetic requirements. This
review will provide an historical perspective of this drug class, an understanding of
pharmacological mechanisms, and an insight into current applications in clinical
Key Words: Procedural sedation; General anesthesia; Alpha-2 agonists; Clonidine; Dexmedetomidine.
32 Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Agonists Anesth Prog 62:31–38 2015
dosing because of mild stimulation of peripheral post- diazepine, alcohol, cocaine, food, and tobacco with-
junctional a-1 receptors. Sudden withdrawal of clonidine drawal.
after chronic administration has been associated with
rebound hypertension, which may occur up to 20 hours
after cessation of the drug. It should not be withheld prior TIZANIDINE
to dental procedures.
More recently, clonidine has been used as a premed- Tizanidine is another a-2 agonist, similar to clonidine,
icant in patients with significant pretreatment anxiety.14 but with some important differences. Like clonidine, it
It has been shown to improve mask application upon has sedative, anxiolytic, and analgesic properties, but it
induction of anesthesia in the pediatric population, and has a shorter duration of action and less effect on heart
to decrease anesthetic requirements by 40–60%.15 rate and blood pressure. In a study of 70 patients
Clonidine has been used orally for pediatric procedural undergoing general anesthesia, Tabori et al19 evaluated
sedation with success. Cao et al16 evaluated 45 children the effect of tizanidine versus placebo on the hemody-
aged 2–8 years comparing oral midazolam (0.5 mg/kg) namic response to direct laryngoscopy. Subjects received
and oral clonidine (2 or 4 mcg/kg) in providing level of either 4 mg of tizanidine or a placebo 90 minutes prior
sedation, quality of parenteral separation, mask accep- to the induction of general anesthesia with propofol. The
tance, and postoperative analgesia. Both clonidine tizanidine group had less fluctuation in blood pressure
groups achieved better sedation, separation, and mask and heart rate than the control group following direct
acceptance scores than the midazolam group. There was laryngoscopy and intubation. They also found that
less postoperative shivering with clonidine, but the onset tizanidine reduced the propofol requirement by 25%
time was delayed with clonidine, 60 minutes versus 30 and significantly reduced the incidence of postoperative
minutes for midazolam. shivering (11.4 vs 28.6%). They concluded that tizani-
Clonidine and guanfacine may be used to treat dine provides cardiovascular stability during induction of
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and general anesthesia, and that it could have utility in
adolescents. The reduced firing of presynaptic neurons attenuating the stress of direct laryngoscopy and
releasing norepinephrine into the prefrontal cortex intubation.
improves the impulsive and hyperactive behavior seen Tizanidine has also been used in the treatment of
in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.17 Adjunctive myofascial pain disorders of the head and neck. It can
effects on serotonin and c-aminobutyric acid receptors reduce spasticity by increasing the presynaptic inhibition
make a-2 agonists the most widely used medications to of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, and by
treat insomnia in children with attention-deficit/hyper- reducing painful muscle spasms in the neck and
activity disorder.18 Clonidine is also useful in the shoulder. In a study evaluating its effectiveness in the
treatment of chronic pain disorders and opiate, benzo- treatment of myofascial pain, tizanidine was shown to
34 Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Agonists Anesth Prog 62:31–38 2015
significantly reduce pain and tissue tenderness and to depleted or vasoconstricted or who have a severe heart
improve the quality of sleep. It was rated as good to block.
excellent in relieving pain by 89% of the subjects
studied.20 The reduction in spasticity has also led other
investigators to evaluate the effectiveness of tizanidine in Respiratory Effects
patients with cerebral palsy. In a study of patients with
infantile cerebral palsy, tizanidine was shown to signif- A major advantage of dexmedetomidine compared with
icantly decrease spasticity by 78.8% as compared to other anesthetic drugs is its minimal effect on the
7.6% for placebo.21 It seems apparent that tizanidine respiratory system. In patients with poor airway patency,
may be useful as a sedative premedicant prior to general obesity, and/or limited range of motion, dexmedetomi-
anesthesia and as a management tool for patients with dine produces excellent sedation without compromising
cerebral palsy or other spastic disorders. the airway or depressing respiration.
Pharmacokinetic Considerations
Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective a-2 agonist similar
to clonidine but with a greater affinity for the a-2 Dexmedetomidine conforms to a 2-compartment model
receptor. Clonidine has a specificity of 220 : 1 (a-2 : a- of distribution and elimination. It has an elimination half-
1), whereas dexmedetomidine exhibits a specificity of life (T1/2b) of 2 hours, but it is a highly lipophilic drug that
1620 : 1.22 It is the pharmacologically active d-isomer of is rapidly distributed and redistributed, with a distribution
medetomidine, a full agonist of a-2 adrenergic receptors. half-life (T1/2a) of only 6 minutes. This provides a very
rapid onset but a short duration of clinical effect. Its rapid
redistribution and elimination make it an acceptable
Cardiovascular Effects agent for infusion techniques. Dexmedetomidine under-
goes direct glucuronidation and CYP2A6-mediated
Dexmedetomidine exhibits a biphasic blood pressure metabolism. Approximately 80–90% is excreted in the
response in a dose-dependent fashion.23 Intravenous urine, and 5–13% is found in the feces.25 Typically,
infusion of low doses results in a reduction of mean pharmacokinetic-based interactions are unusual. How-
arterial pressure because of selectivity for central and ever, dosage modifications of simultaneously adminis-
peripheral a-2 receptors. The resultant decreases in tered sedatives may need to be made because of drug
heart rate and systemic vascular resistance indirectly potentiation. Adding an a-2 agonist to a sedation
decrease cardiac output and systolic blood pressure. regimen reduces opioid requirement by 50–75% and
These effects aid in modulating the stress response, benzodiazepine requirement by upwards of 80%.26 The
promote stability, and may protect against radical context-sensitive half-time of dexmedetomidine ranges
fluctuations in cardiovascular parameters intraoperative- from 4 minutes after a 10-minute infusion to 250
ly. This may be particularly useful in patients at risk for minutes after an 8-hour infusion.27
cardiac morbidities who could respond adversely to
surgical stressors. Intravenous infusion of high doses or
rapid intravenous bolus administration may result in Clinical Considerations
systemic hypertension due to activation of peripheral
postjunctional a-1 adrenergic receptors. Dexmedetomi- Dexmedetomidine has 3 main clinical applications: (a)
dine loses its a-2 receptor selectivity as the dose is prolonged sedation in hospitalized patients, (b) proce-
increased by intravenous bolus injection or rapid dural sedation and general anesthesia, and (c) obtunding
infusion. This loss in selectivity results in an initial emergence delirium. It is used as a sedative agent for
increase in blood pressure and concomitant decrease in critically ill patients requiring prolonged sedation and
heart rate, which normalizes within 15 minutes.24 mechanical ventilatory support in a critical care setting.
Hypertension can also be observed because of the Dexmedetomidine possesses all of the characteristics of
transient activation of peripheral a-2B receptors upon an ideal sedative for intensive care. It lacks respiratory
rapid bolus injection of the drug. This brief increase in depression, is analgesic and anxiolytic, has a rapid onset,
blood pressure is likely due to an overwhelming effect of is titratable, and produces sedation with hemodynamic
the competition with vasodilatory effects of the central a- stability.
2A receptors.11 Extreme care should be taken when Secondly, dexmedetomidine is used as an adjunctive
using dexmedetomidine on patients who are volume sedative agent for procedural sedation. It can be used
Anesth Prog 62:31–38 2015 Giovannitti et al. 35
with agents such as opioids, benzodiazepines, and impaired cognitive functioning, significantly impairing a
propofol to enhance sedation and promote and maintain patient’s ability to process and store information.
hemodynamic stability. Because it does not produce Pediatric patients, patients with special needs, and the
respiratory depression, it is very useful in patients for elderly are particularly prone to emergence delirium
whom this would be a concern. Its rapid distribution half- following anesthesia, especially when benzodiazepines
life (6 minutes) and favorable context-sensitive half-time and potent inhalational agents are used. Patients who
enhance recovery and allow for faster patient discharge. develop delirium are more likely to have poor outcomes
However, recovery could be prolonged in cases where when hospitalized, including increased length of stay, the
infusion of dexmedetomidine continues over several need for subsequent institutionalization, and higher
hours. In these cases, the infusion should be discontinued mortality. Cognitive impairment has been reported to
well in advance of the anticipated discharge time. negatively affect key outcome indicators such as removal
Dexmedetomidine may be given via bolus injection or from the ventilator, pneumonia, and total length of
continuous infusion. A bolus injection of 0.25–0.5 mcg/ hospital stay.29
kg, given slowly in divided doses to avoid a transient Dexmedetomidine has been studied to assess its
increase in blood pressure, produces a noticeable efficacy in reducing the occurrence of emergence
quieting or mellowing effect without respiratory depres- delirium. Riker and others30 compared the efficacy of
sion. As an alternative, sedation may be induced by a dexmedetomidine with midazolam for the maintenance
continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine, 1 mcg/kg over of mechanically ventilated patients, and also examined
10 minutes, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.2– the incidence of delirium in those patients. Although the
0.7 mcg/kg/h (Table 3). 2 drugs produced comparable levels of sedation,
Finally, dexmedetomidine is very useful in obtunding dexmedetomidine significantly reduced the incidence of
the emergence delirium sometimes seen after general delirium to 54 versus 75% for midazolam. In addition,
anesthesia, especially in the pediatric population. It the duration of delirium was reduced by 48% in the
produces profound calming without respiratory depres- dexmedetomidine group. Patients treated with dexme-
sion. This is a major advantage over other drugs that detomidine had a statistically significant greater ability to
have commonly been used in this situation and deserves communicate and to cooperate than those treated with
further consideration. midazolam. Pandharipande and colleagues31 compared
the efficacy and incidence of delirium of dexmedetomi-
EMERGENCE DELIRIUM dine and lorazepam in mechanically ventilated intensive
care patients. Lorazepam has been recommended by the
Emergence delirium can be a significant problem Society of Critical Care Medicine for the sustained
following outpatient anesthesia because of the potential sedation of mechanically ventilated patients in the
for serious disruption of the office, damage to instru- intensive care unit. However, it has been proposed that
ments and equipment, and injury to the patient or office the gamma-aminobutyric acid effects of lorazepam and
personnel. Delirium is described as a disturbance of other benzodiazepines may alter levels of potentially
consciousness, characterized by the acute onset of deliriogenic neurotransmitters, with negative conse-
36 Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Agonists Anesth Prog 62:31–38 2015
quences. Compared with the lorazepam group, the given intramuscularly, submucosally, buccally, and intra-
dexmedetomidine group had a lower prevalence of coma nasally. In adult volunteers, intramuscular administration
(63 vs 92%) and fewer days with delirium (3 vs 7 days), demonstrated a 73% bioavailability as compared with
and the 12-month time to death was 363 versus 188 intravenous administration. A biphasic hemodynamic
days. response was not observed. Bioavailability following
Emergence delirium is also common in children intranasal administration was 80% and produced seda-
recovering from deep sedation and general anesthesia. tion similar to oral midazolam in pediatric patients.11
Shukry et al32 studied 2 groups of children between the Mason and others37 demonstrated the safety and
ages of 1 and 10 years receiving general anesthesia with efficacy of intramuscular dexmedetomidine in pediatric
sevoflurane. One study group received an infusion of patients aged 0.2–17 years undergoing electroenceph-
dexmedetomidine and the other received saline. The alographic evaluation. Subjects received 1–4.5 mcg/kg
dexmedetomidine group had an emergence delirium intramuscularly based upon the discretion of the
incidence of 26 versus 60% for the saline group. anesthetist and the perceived need. The mean onset to
Another study investigated the incidence of emergence clinical effectiveness occurred within 15 minutes, and the
delirium in children receiving general anesthesia for a clinical duration was almost 1 hour. Dexmedetomidine
nonsurgical procedure.33 One group received an infu- as an oral rinse was studied by Karaaslan and
sion of dexmedetomidine after induction of anesthesia colleagues.38 As a premedicant prior to arthroscopic
and the other group received a placebo infusion. The knee surgery, subjects received either placebo or
children who received dexmedetomidine had a 4.8% intramuscular or buccal dexmedetomidine 2.5 mcg/kg.
incidence of delirium compared with 47.6% for the The buccal dexmedetomidine was administered as an
placebo group. oral rinse in which the subjects swished the solution for
Dexmedetomidine may be used either prophylactically 15 minutes before expectorating. Both routes of
or emergently for the prevention or control of emer- administration provided similarly effective levels of
gence delirium. In patients who are deemed at risk for anxiolysis and sedation, but the buccal administration
emergence delirium, 0.25 mcg/kg of dexmedetomidine provided better analgesia. Alternative routes of adminis-
may be slowly injected intravenously during the mainte- tration of dexmedetomidine offer a rich area for future
nance phase of anesthesia. Should emergence delirium clinical investigation, especially in the pediatric dental
occur, another 0.25 mcg/kg could be administered. In patient.
cases in which no prophylactic dose is given, emergence
delirium may be controlled with the intravenous admin-
istration of 0.5 mcg/kg of dexmedetomidine. REVERSAL AGENTS
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