Experiment Number 1 Title: Bobo Doll Experiment Objectives: To Understand Albert Bandura
Experiment Number 1 Title: Bobo Doll Experiment Objectives: To Understand Albert Bandura
Experiment Number 1 Title: Bobo Doll Experiment Objectives: To Understand Albert Bandura
Material Required: For this study he used 3- and 5-foot (1- and 1.5-metre)
inflatable plastic toys called Bobo dolls, which were painted to look like cartoon
clowns and were bottom-weighted so that they would return to an upright position
when knocked down. Toys such as stickers, pictures, prints, train, fire engine,
cable car, jet airplane, spinning top, doll with wardrobe, baby crib, and doll
carriage. 3-foot Bobo doll, mallet, and dart guns. Crayons, paper, farm animals, tea
set, ball, and dolls.
Participant’s Profile: The subjects were preschoolers at Stanford’s nursery
school and were divided into three groups.
• Children who observed the aggressive model made far more imitative
aggressive responses than those who were in the non-aggressive or control
• There was more partial and non-imitative aggression among those children
who had observed aggressive behavior, although the difference for non-
imitative aggression was small.
• The girls in the aggressive model condition also showed more physical
aggressive responses if the model was male, but more verbal aggressive
responses if the model was female. However, the exception to this general
pattern was the observation of how often they punched Bobo, and in this
case the effects of gender were reversed.
• Boys were more likely to imitate same-sex models than girls. The evidence
for girls imitating same-sex models is not strong.
• Boys imitated more physically aggressive acts than girls. There was little
difference in the verbal aggression between boys and girls.
Ans.) Social cognitive theory is the expanded form of Albert Bandura’s social
learning theory which states that learning can occur by observing a behavior
and that the manifestation of that behavior in the learner is regulated by the
triadic reciprocal determinism between personal (cognitive) factors, the
behavior itself, and by the environment (reinforcement). Meanwhile, social
learning theory is a learning theory that proposes that learning occurs in a social
context by means of observation of the behavior and the consequences that
follow it.
Social cognitive theory was proposed by Albert Bandura alone. Social learning
theory is a collective work, with the most contribution coming from Bandura but
with earlier contributions from Neil Miller and John Dollard, Julian Rotter, and
Robert Burgess and Ronald Akers, as well as an influence from cognitive
perspectives on learning.
Core concepts
Core concepts in the social cognitive theory are human agency, observational
learning and its four meditational processes (attention, retention, production,
motivation), triadic reciprocal determinism between cognitive, behavioral and
environment factors, and self-efficacy. In social learning theory, the core concepts
are observational learning, reinforcement (direct or vicarious), learning as a
cognitive-behavioral process, and identification with a model.
Role of cognitive factors
In the social cognitive theory, cognitive factors play an important and equal role
with environmental factors in the acquisition of new behavior and in its production.
In social learning theory, the cognitive factors are only acknowledged to play a
role in the acquisition of new behavior but not much or none at all in its
Role of reinforcement
In the social cognitive theory, reinforcement or environmental factors has an equal
role with cognitive factors in the learning and production of behavior. In social
learning theory, consequences and reinforcement play a major role in the
acquisition and production of behavior.
Social cognitive theory has a broader theoretical scope as it includes a
conceptualization of humans as agents capable of shaping their environment and of
self-regulation. Social learning theory on the other hand is limited to tackling the
learning process in the social context.
2. Applications of Social Learning Theory.
Ans.) Social learning theory can have a number of real-world applications. For
example, it can be used to help researchers understand how aggression and
violence might be transmitted through observational learning. By studying media
violence, researchers can gain a better understanding of the factors that might lead
children to act out the aggressive actions they see portrayed on television and in
the movies.
But social learning can also be utilized to teach people positive behaviors.
Researchers can use social learning theory to investigate and understand ways that
positive role models can be used to encourage desirable behaviors and to facilitate
social change.
Ans.) Fifty years ago, it was generally accepted that the most important
socialization processes were the operant and classical conditioning of the child to
behave appropriately by parents and society. We now know that an even more
powerful socialization process is observational learning. Indisputable evidence has
accumulated that human and primate young have an innate tendency to mimic
whomever they observe. Young children automatically mimic the expressions on
their parents’ faces, which leads to the automatic activation of the emotion that the
parent was experiencing, as expressions are innately linked to emotions. Such
mimicry of parents’ facial expressions aids socialization of the child because they
automatically feel happy when a parent is pleased and smiles at them, and they
automatically feel sad when a parent is displeased and frowns at them. Children
mimic expressions in early infancy and then imitate behaviors by the time they can
walk. Imitation is defined as delayed copying of a behavior and represents a higher
order cognitive process that simply mimicry. Thus, the hitting, grabbing, pushing
behaviors that young children see around them in the family, peers, neighborhoods,
or in the mass media are often mimicked immediately and then imitated later. In
social information processing terms, the script they observed is mimicked and then
encoded for later use.
After imitation results in the encoding of simple social scripts in young children,
social interactions hone these scripts through conditioning. As the toddler matures
through childhood and adolescence, observational learning becomes more complex
and through inferential processes results in the encoding of more elaborate scripts,
world schemas, and normative beliefs. Children infer the normative beliefs and
world schemas others hold from observations, and then encode them for their own
use. Much of this learning takes place automatically without an intention to learn
and without an awareness that learning has occurred. Repeated observations
strengthen the encodings; so the learned social cognitions persist to influence
behavior even years later in adulthood.
A variety of factors affect the likelihood of observed social information being
encoded into lasting social scripts, normative beliefs, and schemas about the world:
the saliency of the scene to the observer, whether the observer identifies with the
model, whether the context is realistic, and whether the viewed behavior is
rewarded. Based on all the above, I think that violence is contagious.
Experiment Number 2
Title: Intelligence
Objectives: To interpret different Theories of Intelligence along with Robert J.
Sternberg’s article on ‘COVID-19 has truly taught us what intelligence is…’ and
write about what true intelligence is.
And that’s what Alfred Binet and David Wechsler, the founders of the intelligence
test movement, said. Any evolutionary theorist should be able to tell you that:
organisms that don’t adapt die. Species that don’t adapt die off. That’s also the
consensus of psychologists in scholarly symposia that have sought to understand
what intelligence is. Trivial academic problems don’t measure well your ability to
adapt to the environment.
Why are these tests such mediocre measures of your ability to adapt to the
environment -- of true intelligence? Compare a real problem, like that of dealing
with COVID-19, to the characteristics of standardized-test problems. The
characteristics of real-world problems are entirely different from the characteristics
of problems on standardized tests. Standardized test problems are mostly multiple
choice or short answer and have a right or wrong answer. Real problems require
extended answers; there is no perfect answer, and sometimes, not even a very good
one. Standardized test problems are decontextualized, emotionally bland and have
no real-life stakes. Real-world problems are highly contextualized, emotionally
arousing and may have high stakes. Standardized test problems are solved quickly
and then you are done; real-life ones often take a long time and, after you think you
have solved them, often come back.
At the time, a journal reviewer thought that the test was too “far out” -- that
knowing how to treat illnesses was not what intelligence is about. He was wrong.
You know who the really adaptively unintelligent people are today, in the age of
COVID-19, not only in Kenya but also right where you live? Not the ones who get
low standardized test scores. Rather, they are the ones who refuse to wear masks,
who don’t socially distance and who don’t trouble themselves to wash their hands.
They are the ones who, from a Darwinian adaptive standpoint, are unintelligent,
regardless of their IQ or standardized test scores. They have inert intelligence but
do not choose actively to deploy it in the real world. They thereby not only risk
their own health and life; they also put other people’s lives at risk when they
breathe on them. They might literally be the cause of others’ deaths. The principle
behind the tests we used in Kenya applies anywhere: in the end, intelligence is
about adaptation to the environment, not solving trivial or even meaningless
Are you going to buy in to the notion that what matters is standardized test scores?
They measure a small part of intelligence, but only a very small part. IQs increased
30 points around the world in the 20th century (the so-called Flynn effect), and
given the current problems in the world, that increase does not appear to have
bought us much.
General Intelligence
People who performed well on one cognitive test tended to perform well on other
tests, while those who scored badly on one test tended to score badly on others. He
concluded that intelligence is a general cognitive ability that can be measured and
numerically expressed.
Primary Mental Abilities
One of the more recent ideas to emerge is Howard Gardner's theory of multiple
intelligences. Gardner proposed that the traditional idea of intelligence, based on
IQ testing, did not fully and accurately depict a person's abilities. His theory
proposed eight different intelligences based on skills and abilities that are valued in
different cultures:
While he agreed with Gardner that intelligence is much broader than a single,
general ability, he suggested that some of Gardner's types of intelligence are better
viewed as individual talents. Sternberg proposed what he referred to as "successful
intelligence," which involves three different factors:
People do not become old or elderly at any specific age. Traditionally, age 65 has
been designated as the beginning of old age. But the reason was based in history,
not biology. Many years ago, age 65 was chosen as the age for retirement in
Germany, the first nation to establish a retirement program, and it continues to be
the retirement age for most people in developed societies, although this tradition
is changing.
2. Rapport- As the subject was a known person it was not difficult to establish
a rapport easily. He was made comfortable by asking about his health and
taking care that his privacy is respected. Questions that would make
someone uncomfortable were avoided.
3. Instructions- A questionnaire was used for the interview and the subject was
advised to answer as per his level of comfort and as much as he wanted to
disclose and share.
4. Precautions- Care was taken to keep the subject at ease. The interview was
conducted telephonically keeping in view the safety of senior citizens in the
corona times. Certain things were overwhelming for the subject so complete
care was taken to validate his feelings. His privacy was respected and too
much probing was avoided to give him the space to talk as much as he
wanted. He was thanked at the end of the interview and I was grateful that
he took time to speak to me and gave the interview.
- How old are you?
I am 67.
- Where have you been working?
I worked with Government of India. I have been in service for 39 years and
have been retired for the last 7 years.
- How has the post retirement life been different from the preretirement life?
Not too different except that there is no office work now and no travelling
for work which was quite frequent earlier. I have a good routine, meet
people, do some yoga, manage the daily household chores.
- Any major health conditions or problems that you have?
I have had high BP and diabetes for many years now. Also had a bypass
surgery about 10 years back. I now have a pacemaker and have to go for my
regular medical checkups and take medication for these conditions.
- How have these conditions impacted the quality of life?
Life has changed slightly because of these conditions. Have to be careful
with my diet and exercise. Had to make life style changes as well.
- How do you cope up with the changes as a result of your medical condition?
Being regular with medication, having a routine, along with a positive
- Has the medical condition increased your dependency on others?
Not really. I manage everything on my own. I am quite independent.
- How do you manage your day to day activities? Do you need some help?
I am able to take care of myself on my own.
- What are the dietary changes you had to make as a result of your medical
Avoiding fried food, sweets, including more of salads, vegetables and lightly
cooked food with no spices.
- How do you meet the medical expenses?
I am entitled to medical facility from the Government so all my medical
expenses are taken care of. I don’t have to worry about them.
- What is the family support system that you have?
My son lives with us and my daughter lives in the same city. They are
around in the hour of need.
- How often do you socialize with friends and family?
I don’t meet very often but get together for festivals and family functions.
But I make it a point to stay connected with everyone over the phone on a
regular basis.
- How do you like to spend your free time?
Catching up with news, reading newspaper, watching TV, going for a walk
- Do you like to travel to places out of town?
Yes I enjoy travelling to hill stations with my wife. But the journey now
becomes very tiring. It feels good once we reach there and spend a few days.
- Do you participate or follow any religious or spiritual activities? Have you
always been following this? How long back did you start?
My wife goes for her satsang and I sometimes go along with her. She has
been going for many years now.
- Is there any exercise routine that you follow?
I am very particular about my walk and yoga. Have joined a senior citizens
club for yoga
- How has life been different from what it was ten years back?
Had to slow down quite a bit, I still keep myself involved in the bank work
and house hold chores.
- If there was one thing you could do by going back in time what would that
Taking care of my health and not being stressed about things. It is not worth
to take stress for small things and I would advise the same.