Prussian Empire Specialist Group Squadrons: Verstärkung Squadron
Prussian Empire Specialist Group Squadrons: Verstärkung Squadron
Prussian Empire Specialist Group Squadrons: Verstärkung Squadron
statistics are compatible with the Dystopian Wars V2.5 Game Engine.
These statistics have been made available as a free download to support the Dystopian Wars
Game. The contents of these documents are Copyright Spartan Games, but have been made
available to our community for personal use only.
This is a living document and will be periodically updated. Please check our online downloads at for the latest version of this document.
Version 1.0
Prussian Empire Universal Rules
• All Prussian Empire Capital Models have the Rugged Construction (1) MAR.
• In some places Prussian Empire is abbreviated as PE in the Force Guide.
Commodore Traits
• Prussian Empire Commodores may always take the Send in my Best Aggressive Trait instead of making a roll on the Aggressive Trait table.
• Prussian Empire Commodores (including Competitive Commodores) may exchange any Aggressive Ability they have generated for the follow-
ing trait:
o Lightning Assault: Once per Game – This ability may be activated during the Command and control step of the Command Segment in a
Squadrons Activation, provided a member of the Squadron is within Command Radius of the Commodores Model. When initiating a Board-
ing Assault the Targets Models Anti-Boarding fire will hit on a 5 or (BLUE) 6.
The following models may be combined to create Specialist Group Squadrons using the rules found on pages 80-81 of the Dystopian Wars
2.5 Rulebook:
Verstärkung Squadron
Squadron MUST contain:
2x Uhlan Cruisers (Parent Models)
+1x Hussar Gunship (Attached Model)
Beschützer Squadron
Squadron MUST contain:
1x Königsberg Battle Cruiser (Parent Model)
+3x Wächter Escorts (Attached Models)
Blitz Squadron
Squadron MUST contain:
1x Pflicht Scoutship (Parent Model)
+3x Jäger Strike Airships (Attached Models)
Donner Squadron
Squadron MUST contain:
1x Adler Heavy Bomber (Parent Model)
+3x Zerstörer Strike Bombers (Attached Models)
Geist Squadron
Squadron MUST contain:
2x C4-F Medium Tanks (Parent Models)
+3x Walze Small Tanks (Attached Models)
Prussian Empire Eisjungfrau (Ice Maiden) Points 500
Dreadnought Super-Carrier Crew Type: Elite
Massive (+1) Naval Capital Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: Large
Turn Limit: 2”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 12 10 8 6 10 16 5” 20
P/S Tesla Torpedoes (T) 16 16 8 8 AP AA CC IR
Faust Tesla Strike (S) 14 11 - - 18 10 5 -
- - - - -
MAR: Redoubtable, Carrier (15 3x5 Wings), Fuel Reserves, Hull Breaker (Ram Action, D6),
Isolated Systems (4+), Long Range Assault, Specialised Defences (4), Strategic Value
(200), Terrifying (Boarding), Unique
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 12 10 8 6 7 11 5” 10
Speerschleuder (S) 8 7 6 - AP AA CC IR
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 10 9 - - 8 6 5 8
- - - - -
MAR: Carrier (8, 2X4 Wings), Fuel Reserves, Specialised Defences (2), Strategic Value (75),
High Angle (Speerschleuder)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator
The Model may upgrade its Crew Type from Regular to Elite for +10 points
ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
ONE Speerschleuder (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Speerschleuder (S) has a 90-degree Aft Fire Arc
ONE Speerschleuder (S) has a 90-degree Port Fire Arc
ONE Speerschleuder (S) has a 90-degree Starboard Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Tesla Bombard (S) - 12 9 7 5 8 7” 7
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 12 10 - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 7 6 6 5
- - - - -
MAR: Carrier (6, 1X5 Wing), Fuel Reserves, Strategic Value (25)
Options: The Model may upgrade its Crew Type from Regular to Elite for an additional +10
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Main Turret (P) 11 9 7 5 7 13 6” 10
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 12 10 8 6 AP AA CC IR
P/S Tesla Coil 12 9 7 8
Broadsides (S)
11 10 - -
- - - - -
MAR: Hull Breaker (Ram Action, D3), Specialised Defences (2), Strategic Value (100)
Options: The Model may choose up to TWO External Generators without duplication from the
following list:
Shield (3) Generator for +20 points
Entropy (20”) Generator for +20 points
Tesla (8”) Generator for +20 points
Disruption (12”) Generator for +20 points
TWO Main Turrets (P) have a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
TWO Main Turrets (P) have a 270-degree Aft Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Coils (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Main Turret (P) 11 9 6 3 6 11 7” 9
P/S Broadsides (S) 9 7 5 3 AP AA CC IR
Heavy Speerschleuder (S) 10 9 8 - 10 7 6 7
Aft Tesla Coils (S) 7 6 - -
MAR: Rugged Construction (2), Specialised Defences (2), High Angle (Speerschleuder)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Shield (2) Generator
The Model may replace ONE of its Turrets with an External Generator from the follow-
ing for no additional points:
Entropy (16”) Generator
Tesla (8”) Generator
The Model may upgrade its Crew Type from Regular to Elite for +15 points
TWO Main Turrets (P) have a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
ONE Main Turret (P) has a 270-degree Aft Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: The P/S Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
ONE Heavy Speerschleuder (S) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
The Aft Tesla Coils (S) have a 90-degree Aft Fire Arc
Prussian Empire EIDER MkI Class Points 195
Battleship Crew Type: Elite
Large Naval Capital Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: Large
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Main Turret (P) 11 9 6 3 6 10 7” 8
P/S Broadsides (S) 9 7 5 - AP AA CC IR
10 6 6 6
MAR: Close Quarters Gunnery, High Angle (Broadsides), Specialised Defences (2)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator
The Model has the Piercing (Main Turret) Munitions Type
The Model may replace ONE of its Main Turrets with an External Generator from the
following additional points:
Entropy (16”) Generator for free
Shield (3) Generator for +10 additional points
TWO Main Turrets (P) have a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Main Turret (P) has a 270-degree Aft Fire Arc
The P/S Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Main Turret (P) 11 9 6 3 6 11 7” 8
P/S Broadsides (S) 6 5 4 - AP AA CC IR
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 7 6 - - 10 6 6 6
Aft Tesla Coils (S) 6 5 - -
MAR: Specialised Defences (2)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator
The Model may replace ONE of its Turrets with an External Generator from the follow-
ing for an additional 10 points:
Entropy (16”) Generator
Shield (3) Generator
The Model may upgrade its Crew Type from Aggressive to Elite for +10 points
TWO Main Turrets (P) have a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
ONE Main Turret (P) has a 270-degree Aft Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: The P/S Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
The Aft Tesla Coils (S) have a 90-degree Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Eider MkII Class Points 185
Battleship Aggresive
Large Naval Capital Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: Large
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Hvy. Speerschleuder (S) 9 8 7 - 6 10 7” 8
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 7 6 - - AP AA CC IR
10 6 6 6
MAR: Specialised Defences (4)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (12”) Generator
The Model may replace ONE of its Heavy Speerschleuders with an External
Entropy (16”) Generator for no additional points
TWO Heavy Speerschleuders (S) have a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Heavy Speerschleuder (S) has a 270-degree Aft Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Heavy Speerschleuder (S) 9 8 7 - 6 9 6” 7
Tesla Bombard (S) - 12 9 7 AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 6 3 4 4
- - - - -
MAR: Evasive Manoeuvre (+1), Reinforced Bulkheads, Specialised Defences (2), Wing Launcher
(3), Strategic Value (50)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator
ONE Heavy Speerschleuder (S) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Heavy Speerschleuder (S) has a 270-degree Aft Fire Arc
ONE Tesla Bombard (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Gustav Points 155
Monitor Crew Type: Elite
Large Naval Capital Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: 45-Degrees
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Bombard Howitzer (P) - 14 12 8 5 8 5” 7
Fore/Aft Tesla Coils (S) 6 5 - - AP AA CC IR
Tesla Torpedoes (T) 9 9 6 6 6 5 6 4
- - - - -
MAR: Area Bombardment (Bombard Howitzer, 1), Redoubtable (Bombard Howitzer), Rugged
Construction (2), Specialised Defences (2), Strategic Value (25)
Options: This Model has the Devastating and Corrosive (Bombard Howitzer) Munitions Type
This Model has an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator for no additional points cost
The Bombard Howitzer (P) has a Fixed Fore Arc of Fire
The Fore Tesla Coils (S) have a 90-degree Fore Arc of Fire
Weaponary Arcs: The Aft Tesla Coils (S) have a 90-degree Aft Arc of Fire
The P/S Tesla Torpedoes (T) have a Broadside Arc of Fire
ANGELS TEARS - Under the expert marksmanship of the Gustav’s gunners, the deadly
Special Rules: payload of its Bombard Howitzer can be set to cascade the target-area with lethal
shrapnel and vicious chemicals, all with unnerving accuracy! When performing an Area
Bombardment attack, this model’s Bombard Howitzer gains the Sustained Fire (2) MAR
for the resolution of the attack.
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Main Turret (P) 11 9 6 3 5 7 8” 6
P/S Broadsides (S) 6 4 3 - AP AA CC IR
Heavy Speerschleuder (S) 9 8 7 - 6 5 4 5
Aft Tesla Coils (S) 6 5 - -
MAR: Combat Patrol, Specialised Defences (2), Strategic Value (25)
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Turret (P) 8 6 4 2 4 7 10” 5
Broadsides (S) 5 4 3 - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 4 3 3 4
- - - - -
MAR: Close Quarters Gunnery, Specialised Defences (2)
Weaponary Arcs: TWO Turrets (P) have a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
The P/S Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Speerschleuder (P) 6 5 4 - 5 6 8” 5
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 6 5 - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 3 3 3 4
- - - - -
MAR: Attachment (PE: Naval, 1), Specialised Defences (2)
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 9 8 - - 5 6 9” 5
Surface Mines (x2) 5 - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 4 4 4 3
- - - - -
MAR: Advanced Engines (+1”), Attachment (PE: Naval, 1), Carrier (4, 1X4 Wing), Fuel
Reserves, Specialised Defences (2), Strategic Value (25)
Options: The Model has the Lethal Strike (Surface Mines) Munitions Type
Weaponary Arcs: The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Firebrand Cannon (S) 6 6 4 4 4 6 8” 4
Tesla Surface Mines (2x) 5 - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 5 1 4 3
- - - - -
MAR: Aquatic Assault, Evasive Manoeuvre (+1), Hunter (Surface, Firebrand Cannon, +1),
Reinforced Bulkheads, Specialised Defences (2), Spotter (16”)
Options: This Model has the Incendiary and Lethal Strike (Firebrand Cannon) Munitions Type
This Model has an Internal Tesla Generator (8”) for no additional points cost
Weaponary Arcs: The Firebrand Cannon (S) has a Fixed Fore Arc of Fire
Prussian Empire Uhlan Points 65
Cruiser Crew Type: Aggressive
Medium Naval Capital Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: Medium
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-3
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Turret (P) 8 6 4 2 4 6 10” 5
P/S Broadsides (S) 6 5 4 - AP AA CC IR
Surface Mines (x1) 5 - - - 5 4 4 4
- - - - -
MAR: Advanced Engines (+2”), Close Quarters Gunnery
Options: The Model has the Lethal Strike (Surface Mines) Munitions Type
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Turret (P) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
The P/S Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Main Turret (P) 9 6 3 - 4 6 10” 4
P/S Broadsides (S) 5 3 2 - AP AA CC IR
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 4 3 - - 4 3 2 3
Aft Tesla Coils (S) 5 4 - -
MAR: Rugged Construction (1), Spotter (16”)
Options: None
ONE Main Turret (P) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: The P/S Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
The Aft Tesla Coils (S) have a 90-degree Aft Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Stolz Points 40
Destroyer Crew Type: Aggressive
Small Naval Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: Small
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-4
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Fore Firebrand Gun (P) 6 4 - - 3 5 10” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 2 1 2
- - - - -
MAR: Pack Tactics (Fore Firebrand Gun), Rugged Construction (1),
Small Target
Options: This Model has the Incendiary and Lethal Strike (Firebrand Gun) Munitions Types
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Fore Firebrand Gun (P) has a Fixed Channel Fore Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Speerschleuder (S) 6 5 4 - 3 5 12” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 2 1 2
- - - - -
MAR: Hunter (Aerial, +1), Pack Tactics (Speerschleuder), Small Target
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: The Speerschleuder (S) has a 270-degree Fore Arc of Fire
Prussian Empire Arminius Points 30
Frigate Crew Type: Aggressive
Small Naval Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: Small
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-4
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Tesla Turret (S) 6 5 2 - 3 5 13” 2
Aft Tesla Coils (S) 4 3 - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 2 2 1
- - - - -
MAR: Small Target
Options: None
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Tesla Turret (S) 5 3 1 - 3 4 15” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 1 1 1
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Small Target
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Tesla Turret (S) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Wächter Points 20
Escort Crew Type: Reckless
Small Naval Escort Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: Small
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: Attachment Only
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Turret (S) 5 3 2 - 3 5 12” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 1 1 1
- - - - -
MAR: Attachment (PE: Large & Massive Naval, 3), Elusive Target, Small Target
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Turret (S) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 12 10 8 6 6 10 5” 9
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 9 8 - - AP AA CC IR
Tesla Bomb Bays (T) 6 - - - 8 7 5 5
- - - - -
MAR: Area Bombardment (Tesla Bombs, 1), Carrier (6, 1X5 Wing), Fuel Reserves, Specialised
Defences (2), Strategic Value (50)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator
ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
THREE Tesla Bomb Bays (T) have a 2” Range and a 360-degree Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Gewitterwolke Points 125
Airship Crew Type: Elite
Large Aerial Capital Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: 45-Degree
Turn Limit: 1”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 10 8 6 4 6 10 7” 8
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 8 7 - - AP AA CC IR
P/S Broadsides (S) 7 5 4 - 9 6 3 6
Tesla Bomb Bays (T) 6 - - -
MAR: Area Bombardment (Tesla Bombs, 1), Hunter (Aerial, Tesla, +1), Specialised Defences (2),
Spotter (16”)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator
ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
The P/S Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
FOUR Tesla Bomb Bays (T) have a 2” Range and a 360-degree Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Heavy Speerschleuder (S) 9 8 7 - 5 7 8” 6
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 8 6 4 2 AP AA CC IR
Speerschleuder Bomb Bays (T) 8 - - - 5 6 6 4
- - - - -
MAR: Area Bombardment (Speerschleuder Bombs, 1), Combat Patrol, Hunter (Surface, Speer-
schleuder Bombs, +1), Momentum, Rugged Construction (2) Specialised Defences (2)
Options: This Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator for no additional points cost
ONE Heavy Speerschleuder (S) has a 360-degree Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
TWO Speerschleuder Bomb Bays (T) have a 2” Range and a 360-degree Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Pflicht Points 80
Scoutship Crew Type: Aggressive
Medium Aerial Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: 45-Degree
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-3
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 8 6 4 2 4 6 8” 5
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 6 5 - - AP AA CC IR
Tesla Bomb Bay (T) 6 - - - 5 4 2 3
- - - - -
MAR: Advanced Engines (+2”), Hunter (Aerial, Teslas, +1), Specialised Defences (2),
Spotter (16”)
Options: None
ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
ONE Tesla Bomb Bay (T) has a 2” Range and a 360-degree Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 8 6 4 2 4 6 10” 4
Aft Tesla Coil (S) 6 4 2 - AP AA CC IR
Tesla Bomb Bay (T) 8 - - - 4 4 2 3
- - - - -
MAR: Momentum
Options: None
ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: The Aft Tesla Coils (S) have a 90-degree Aft Fire Arc
ONE Tesla Bomb Bay (T) has a 2” Range and a 360-degree Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Speerwurf Points 30
Strike Airship Crew Type: Defensive
Small Aerial Model
Minimum Move: 2”
Turning Template: 45-Degree
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-4
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Speerschleuder (S) 5 4 3 - 3 4 12” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 1 2 2 1
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Hunter (Submerged & Deep Diving, Speerschleuder, +1), Small Target,
Sub-Killer (Speerschleuder)
Options: None
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Tesla Coil (S) 4 3 - - 3 4 12” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 2 1 1
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Hunter (Aerial, Tesla Coil, +1), Small Target
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Tesla Coil (S) has a 360-degree Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Zerstörer Points 20
Strike Bomber Crew Type: Defensive
Small Aerial Model
Minimum Move: 4”
Turning Template: 45-Degree
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-5
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Speerschleuder Bomb Bay (T) 4 - - - 3 5 15” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 1 2 1 1
- - - - -
MAR: Evasive Manoeuvre (+1), Hunter (Surface, Speerschleuder Bombs, +1), Momentum,
Small Target
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Speerschleuder Bomb Bay (T) has a 2” Range and a 360-degree Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Wrist Mounted 8 12 7” 10
Heavy-Speerschleuders (S)
10 9 8 -
Main Turret (P) 11 9 6 3 15 6 6 8
Speerschleuder Turret (S) 8 7 6 -
MAR: All-Terrain, Crushing Impact (Boarding Only), Hull Breaker (Boarding Only, +D3),
Rugged Construction (2), Strategic Objective (150), Terrifying (Boarding Only)
Options: The Model has an Internal Tesla (12”) Generator.
This Model MUST upgrade to carry ONE of the following weapon combinations:
A Blitzschlag-Zweihander Sword for an additional 30 Points
A pair of Donnersturm Maces for no additional Points
The Model may replace one of its Main Turrets (P) for an External Entropy (20”
Generator for no additional cost
The Model may replace one of its Main Turrets (P) for an External Guardian (2, 8”,
Protective=2) Generator for no additional cost
The Model may replace BOTH of its Main Turrets (P) for a pair of Speerscheluders (S)
TWO Heavy Speerschleuder Arms (S) have 270 degree Fore Fire Arcs
ONE Main Turret (P) has a 270 degree Port Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Main Turret (P) has a 270 degree Starboard Fire Arc
ONE Speerschleuder Turret (S) has a 270 degree Port Fire Arc
ONE Speerschleuder Turret (S) has a 270 degree Starboard Fire Arc
DONNERSTURM MACES - These crushing weapons are wielded in pairs allowing the Hochmeister to deliver a
series of blows to its target, smashing it to pulp! The paired Donnersturm Maces allow the Hochmeister to roll
a D6 when determining the effect of its Hull Breaker MAR rather than just D3.
BLITZSCHLAG ZWEIHÄNDER SWORD - This mighty weapon is charged with boundless Tesla energy using its
complex circuitry to focus its power towards its foes with devastating effect. All Tesla Weaponry and Tesla
Generators used aggressively by this model treat their target as having a Lightning Rod embedded within them
even if they do not have any!
FIGHTING TECHNIQUES - Instead of making a standard Robot Boarding Attack, a Hochmeister Robot armed
Special Rules: with a Blitzschlag Zweihänder Sword may elect to fight in one of the following techniques:
ZORNHAU: This technique allows the Hochmeister to strike hard at large foes, breaking the target apart with
a series of powerful diagonal blows. The Hochmeister may only use this technique against Large or Massive
Targets on the Surface Height Level. All AP attacks executed using this battle-style count as being Devastating
in nature – Use the rules for Devastating Munitions on page 137 of the rulebook to resolve their Robot
Boarding attack.
SCHEITELHAU: This technique allows the Hochmeister to place a flurry of blows into a series of targets. If the
Hochmeister Robot chooses this technique, the robot must divide its available AP equally to engage ONE target
in base contact, and up to TWO other targets within 4” of the models in base contact.
Prussian Empire Seydiltz Points 160
Mobile Airfield Crew Type: Elite
Massive Armoured Capital Model
Minimum Move: 0”
Turning Template: Large
Turn Limit: 3”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Turret (P) 8 6 4 2 7 9 5” 10
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 10 8 6 4 AP AA CC IR
Tesla Broadsides (S) 9 8 - - 7 7 4 7
- - - - -
MAR: Carrier (9, 2X4 Wing), Close Quarters Gunnery, Fuel Reserves, Redoubtable, Specialised
Defences (2), Strategic Value (75)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator
ONE Turret (P) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
ONE Turret (P) has a 270-degree Fore Aft Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a Fixed Channel Fore Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
R-Arm Tesla Coil (S) 10 9 - - 6 9 6” 7
L-Arm H-Speerschleuder (S) 9 8 7 - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 8 3 3 6
- - - - -
MAR: All-Terrain, Aquatic Assault, Crushing Impact (Boarding), Hull Breaker (Boarding, +D3),
Specialised Defences (2), Strategic Objective (50), Terrifying (Boarding), Sub-Killer,
High Angle
ONE Right Tesla Coil (S) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs:
ONE Left Arm Heavy Speerschleuder (S) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Prussian Empire Sturmpanzer Points 150
Land Ship Crew Type: Elite
Large Armoured Capital Model
Minimum Move: 0”
Turning Template: Large
Turn Limit: 2”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Turret (P) 8 6 4 2 5 8 6” 7
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 10 8 6 4 AP AA CC IR
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 7 6 - - 8 6 4 6
P/S Broadsides (S) 6 4 2 -
MAR: Close Quarters Gunnery, Redoubtable, Specialised Defences (2)
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
P/S Speerschleuders (S) 7 6 5 - 4 7 8” 4
P/S Tesla Coils (S) 7 6 - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 4 3 2 3
- - - - -
MAR: Combat Deployment (Assault Infantry, 1), Specialised Defences (1)
Options: The Model is fitted with an Internal Guardian Shield (2, 8”, Protective=1) Generator
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Tesla Bombard (S) - 9 7 5 4 6 6” 3
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 1 1 1
- - - - -
MAR: None
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Tesla Bombard (S) has a Fixed Channel Fore Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Tesla Turrets (S) 4 3 1 - 4 6 7” 3
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 4 2 - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 3 2 2 2
- - - - -
MAR: Specialised Defences (1)
Options: None
ONE Tesla Turret (S) has a 270-degree Fore Fire Arc
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Tesla Turret (S) has a 270-degree Aft Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
Prussian Empire CF-4 Points 40
Medium Tank Crew Type: Regular
Medium Armoured Model
Minimum Move: 0”
Turning Template: 360-Degree
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-3
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Speerschleuder (S) 6 5 4 - 4 6 8” 3
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 4 3 - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 3 3 2 2
- - - - -
MAR: Specialised Defences (1)
Options: None
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
- - - - - 4 6 9” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 3 1 1 1
- - - - -
MAR: Attachment (PE, Armoured, 2), Small Target, Spotter (16”)
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: None
Prussian Empire Walze Points 25
Small Tank Crew Type: Reckless
Small Armoured Class
Minimum Move: 0”
Turning Template: 360-Degree
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-5
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Turret (S) 4 3 1 - 3 5 10” 2
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 3 2 - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 1 1 1
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Small Target
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Turret (S) has a Fixed Channel Fore Fire Arc
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Bunker Turret (P) 13 11 9 6 7 12 0” 12
Fore Tesla Coil (S) 12 10 8 6 AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 10 7 0 14
- - - - -
MAR: Long Range Assault, Minefield (AD5, 5), Redoubtable, Rugged Construction (2),
Security Posts (3), Strategic Value (50)
Options: None
Weaponary Arcs: TWO Bunker Turrets (P) have a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc.
ONE Fore Tesla Coil (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc.
Prussian Empire Medium Infantry Bunker Points 50
Land Fortification Crew Type: Defensive
Medium Land Fortification
Minimum Move: 0”
Turning Template: 0
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 1
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
- - - - - 4 6 0” 4
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 4 3 3 6
- - - - -
MAR: Combat Deployment (Line Infantry, 2), Long Range Assault, Redoubtable, Rugged
Construction (1), Security Posts (1)
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Main Turret (P) 10 8 6 4 4 6 0” 5
Fore Tesla Turret (S) 7 6 4 - AP AA CC IR
P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) 6 5 3 - 4 2 0 7
- - - - -
MAR: Redoubtable, Rugged Construction (2), Security Posts (1)
Options: The Model must be fielded as one of the following Types, but a Squadron may contain
a mix of Types if desired:
Communications Tower, 40pts, The Model gains the Combat Coordinator (PE, Die Hard
Attitude, 12”) MAR.
Flak Tower, 40pts, The Model increases its AA to AA 5 and gains the Heavy Ack
Ack and Sustained Fire (Ack Ack, 2) MARs.
Generator Tower, 35pts, The Model has a Main Turret (P) and MUST be fitted with
an Internal Generator from the following: list: Shield (2) Generator
for +35 points, or Disruption (8”) Generator for +25 points
Tesla Tower, 50pts, The Model has a Fore Tesla Turret (S) and P/S Tesla Broadsides
(S) and is fitted with an Internal Tesla (8”) Generator.
ONE Main Turret (P) has a 360-degree Fire Arc.
Weaponary Arcs: ONE Fore Tesla Turret (S) has a 90-degree Fore Fire Arc.
The P/S Tesla Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Fire Arc.
Prussian Empire Small Infantry Bunker Points 25
Land Fortification Crew Type: Defensive
Small Land Fortification
Minimum Move: 0”
Turning Template: 0
Turn Limit: 0”
Squadron Size: 2-3
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
- - - - - 3 5 0” 2
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 1 1 4
- - - - -
MAR: Combat Deployment (Line Infantry, 1), Long Range Assault, Rugged Construction (1)
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
- - - - - 4 5 5” 4
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 3 1 0 -
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Difficult Target, Sustained Assault (3)
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
- - - - - 3 4 5” 3
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 3 3 0 -
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Difficult Target
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
- - - - - 3 4 5” 3
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 3 1 0 -
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Difficult Target
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
Close Mortars (S) 4 5 - - 3 4 3” 3
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 3 0 -
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Difficult Target, Sustained Fire (Close Mortars, 2)
Weaponary Arcs: The Close Mortars (S) have a 360-degree Fire Arc
RB 1 2 3 4 DR CR MV HP
- - - - - 3 4 8” 3
- - - - - AP AA CC IR
- - - - - 2 1 0 -
- - - - -
MAR: Elusive Target, Difficult Target, Spotter (16”)
Options: The Model may upgrade to the Spotter (24”) MAR for an additional +5 points.
May become Mechanised