Chapter 1edited
Chapter 1edited
Chapter 1edited
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2 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Angel Grace Moreno Bayang on 20 February 2016.
Along with the rising global economy, the quality of professional practice in
construction industry has reached its peak. This should be regarded as a
positive effect. As the famous line says, “No man is an island”, this means that
everyone needs each other to grow in professional practice through interaction
which involves the sharing of ideas and services. Thus, the influence is stronger
enough to mold the person to become better. Through interaction, professionals
in the construction industry will learn from each other because of the ideas they
shared and the services they offer to one another.
During the Spanish era in the history of the Philippines, Architecture was
practiced only by the Spaniards who had acquired legitimate academic degrees.
At that time there were no duly recognized local schools offering Architecture as
a degree in the country. It was only Felix Roxas Y Arroyo of Binondo, born
around1820 in Manila who was recognized as the first Filipino recorded architect.
He took Architecture degree in Spain and stayed in England and France for
many years. Only the master builders had the capacity to erect architectural
structures. Later, during the last decade of the 19th century, the first formal
school for master builders was opened. In September 1902, civil engineers and
surveyors from this school founded the first professional organization of
There were many associations of architects founded in the mid 30’s to 70’s
but there were only three survivors-Associations of Philippine Government
Architects (APGA), League of Philippine Architects (LPA), and the Philippine
Institute of Architects (PIA).
Award with Under Secretary Hon. Romeo Momo, PICE President had a
discussion about the concerns of the architects in securing the building permits
and the wrong entry in printing of the permit forms and checklist. Both architects
and engineering community want to establish a friendly and cooperative
relationship among the professions and its services without prejudice. The UAP,
PIA and PCAP are in line of protecting and advancing Architecture profession in
the coming years across the country. (<
Architects and other allied professionals from different regions meet each
other in Cebu since it is located at the middle part of the Philippine archipelago.
It serves as a bridge from Luzon to Mindanao and vice versa. The construction
boom is happening already which increases the demand of the architects,
engineers, builders, designers and real estate brokers. Many events and
meetings happen in different places such as hotels, malls, convention centers
and offices but only the owner of the buildings will benefit the profit from various
P.D. 1096
National Building Architects Ideal space require-
Code for Architecture
Social Legal
R.A 386 Real Estate Broker Parameters
Civil Code
Of the Philippines
R.A 386
Civil Code Public
Of the Philippines
The conceptual framework of the study is based on the issues regarding the
professionals in the construction industry and undergraduate students’
performance, comprehension and application in Architecture, which give rise to a
proposed solution of establishing an Architecture Center.
The study considers the physical, legal, financial and social aspects of the
proposal to come up with an architectural design solution for the development of
an Architecture Center.
The main objective of the study is to improve the practice of the professionals
in the construction industry and to provide a quality service to the people by
providing a convergent area that ensconces the architects and cohort of the field.
5. to know the materials and resources to be used for the center to make it
world class in nature;
7. to identify the best suitable site for the Architecture Center in Cebu; and
Architects. It promotes unity and collaboration with the architects and allied
professionals in the construction industry all over the country.
Builders. It gives an opportunity for the builders to show to the public their
products and services and the building will serves as a boundary for construction
shows and exhibit.
Artists. It promotes collaboration with the architects in expressing their ideas for
the common good and as servants of Arts.
Government. One of the aims of the government is to improve the quality of the
Architecture practice in the Philippines and to improve the quality of living, health
and education through the upgraded facilities of the architects’ design solution. It
promotes tourism since the characters of the buildings are competitive enough
Future Researchers. The study will serve as a reference for the future
Place Delimitation
The study covers the Cebu province. It is limited only to the professionals in
the construction industry through the 5 chapters of United Architects of the
Philippines, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers-Cebu Chapter, Cebu
Contractors Association, Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the
Philippines, Inc.-Cebu Chapter, Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers,
Philippine society of Environmental and Sanitary Engineers, Inc., Real Estate
Brokers Association of the Philippines Cebu Chapter, Philippine Institute of
Interior Designers and the public.
Subject Delimitation
The study consists of the gathering of data and information from United
Architects of the Philippines, Philippine Institute of Architects, Philippine Institute
of Architects Students Associates, United Architects of the Philippines Students
Auxiliary, foreign and local architects, students, allied professionals, general
public and schools that offer degrees for the construction industry and have roles
in architectural and construction development.
The study deals with the architectural solutions, financial cost, project
management and scheduling aspects of the proposed Architecture Center.
The respondents are the architects, engineers, builders, real estate brokers,
designers and the schools offering degrees related in construction industry,
government, tourists, future researcher and the public in the Cebu province to
nationwide that will benefit from the study.
The key terms in the study are defined below to provide clarity in the
discussion. These useful terms are used in an architectural definition from the
Architecture Law R.A. 9266.
An individual, partnership, associates, corporation or other legal entity
licensed and registered to practice the profession of Architecture. He plans,
designs and oversees the construction of the project.
It is a field where planning, designing and constructing of building and other
architectural features are grouped into one to bring the best solution according to
its need.
Architecture Center
An architecture facility which serves as a common ground for all the
professionals in construction industry and to the public where they can interact
with each other and conduct events which will enable them to gain knowledge for
the improvement of their practice.
Architecture Facility
Spaces provided for services which can improve the interaction and learnings
Sustainable Design
It is a design philosophy where principles of green environment and stable
economy are connected minimizing the impact to the society.
Chapter 2 contains the review of related literature and related studies which
anchor the study to be feasible and legal in addressing the design solution of the
Chapter 3 describes the different methods of the research, the materials being
used, research environment and the instruments.
Chapter 5 states the conclusion to declare feasibility of the study and the
Chapter 6 discusses about the design implementation which involves the site
planning, building space programming, morphology, finishes, aesthetics, legal
parameters, funding and costing.