Implant-Retained Auricular Prosthesis: A Case Report: January 2010 - Vol.4
Implant-Retained Auricular Prosthesis: A Case Report: January 2010 - Vol.4
Implant-Retained Auricular Prosthesis: A Case Report: January 2010 - Vol.4
A. Nilgun Ozturka
Aslihan Usumezb
Zekeriya Tosunc
Extraoral implant retained prosthesis have been proven to be a predictable treatment option for
maxillofacial rehabilitation. This case report describes the clinical and laboratory procedures for fab-
ricating an auricular prosthesis.
In this case report, an auricular prosthesis was fabricated for a patient who lost the left and
right external ear in an electrical burn. Extraoral implants and bar-and-clip retention for the proper
connection of the auricular prosthesis to implant were used. This prosthesis was acceptable to the
patient because of excellent support, retentive abilities and the patient’s appearance. (Eur J Dent
Causes of facial tissue loss are known to often only functional problems but also some serious
be acquired the congenital malformation, tumoral psychological problems that could cause the indi-
lesions or accidents. Facial defects can cause not vidual to avoid social contact.1-3 In view of this; the
first aim of maxillofacial rehabilitation should be
Associate Professor, Selcuk University, Faculty of solving esthetic problems.
Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Long term success of a facial prosthesis is
Konya, Turkey.
mainly depends on retention.3,4 Most articles re-
Associate Professor, Gaziantep University, Faculty of
Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, late tissue health to long term success, not reten-
Gaziantep, Turkey. tion. Anatomic undercuts, skin adhesives and im-
Associate Professor, Selcuk University, Faculty of plants are important factors to provide sufficient
Medicine, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive
retention. Extraoral implant retained prosthesis
Surgery, Konya, Turkey.
have been proven to be a predictable treatment
Corresponding author:Dr. A. Nilgun Ozturk option for maxillofacial rehabilitation.5-8 Implant-
Selcuk University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of retained auricular prosthesis provide multiple
Prosthodontics Campus / KONYA/TURKEY
Phone: +90-332-2410041/1186
advantages for the patient: convenience, security,
Fax: +90-332-2410062 consistent retention and positioning, elimination
E-mail: of the need for adhesives, and maintenance of
marginal integrity9-17 and longevity. Not using ad- An ear pattern was created using the ‘‘donor
hesives long term can prolong the life of the pros- technique,’’ in which a relative or a person with
thesis. Specifically, they eliminate disengagement ear contours that closely mimic those of the pa-
caused by surrounding soft tissue movement or tient acts as the donor to make an ear impression.
perspiration, which can result in loss of contact of The prepared wax pattern was then adapted to the
the silicone prosthesis margins.17 Also, elimination stone cast. The whole morphology of the cast was
of adhesives can eliminate tissue irritation caused corrected according to visual knowledge and the
by the adhesive. The implant-retained auricular patient’s own descriptions of his preoperative ap-
prosthesis has become a viable treatment alter- pearance (Figure 2).
native for auricular deformed patients because of Gold cap were connected to abutment repli-
its predicable results.9,11 Numerous attachments cas on the cast. Gold bar was cut to size and sec-
are available for the retention of implant-retained tions were positioned appropriately using small
prosthesis.9-17 Locator and O-Ring should be men- amounts of silicone putty. The sections of gold bar
tioned. Implant-retained auricular prosthesis to the gold cap were fixed using cyanoacrylcate
usually require a bar with clips or retentive ele- adhesive (Zapit, Dental Ventures, Corona, CA). The
ments in addition to the prosthetic ear.8,18,19 This bar invested in soldering investment (Deguvest
article describes the clinical and laboratory pro- L, Degussa, Hanau, Germany). After soldering,
cedures for fabricating implant-retained auricular the assembly is freed from the investment. Two
prosthesis for a children who have an ear defect retention clips were positioned on the gold bars,
resulting from an electrical burn. and fabricated an acrylic substructure (Figure
3). Acrylic substructure into the ear wax pattern
CASE REPORT was incorporated. Wax pattern between the pa-
A 12-year-old man who lost the left and right tient and cast for accuracy of fit, orientation, and
external ear in an electrical burn was referred by esthetics with the patient in the physiologic rest
his plastic surgeon to the Prosthodontic Clinic at position was verified. Wax pattern was placed
the University of Selcuk. into a flask and conventional procedures for wax
Two 4 mm EO implants (Straumann, AG, Swit- elimination of the mold were followed (Figure 4).
zerland) were placed for each temporal bone by After the complete removal of wax, the silicon
plastic surgeon. After soft tissue healing and os- elastomer (A-RTV-30, Factor II, Lakeside, USA),
seointegration is confirmed, 5.5-mm abutments which was colored intrinsically (Intrinsic Coloring
were inserted (Figure 1a,b). Hair adjacent to the Kit Factor II, Lakeside, USA) was then bulk filled,
ear was coated with petroleum jelly (Vaseline; and the material was processed according to the
Chesebrough-Pond’s USA Co, Greenwich, Conn),
manufacturer’s directions. After processing, the
placed cotton in the ear canal. Impression of the
prosthesis was removed from the mold; excess
auricular defect was made with polyvinyl siloxane
flash from the anterior margin of the prosthesis
impression material (Elite H-D, Type 1, Zhermack,
was cut. The remaining excess was trimmed af-
Italy). The impression is boxed and poured in die
ter the prosthesis was evaluated on the patient.
a b
Figure 1 a,b. Right and left auricular defect with two extraoral implant.
The final corrections were made, and the silicon The use of craniofacial implants for retention
prosthesises were then adapted to the defect area of extraoral prosthesis, such as ears, offers excel-
(Figure 5a,b). lent support and retentive abilities and improves a
patient’s appearance and quality of life.21,22 Howev-
DISCUSSION er, a satisfactory outcome may only be achieved by
Maxillofacial defects can prevent a patient careful planning in terms of the number and posi-
from returning to normal daily activities.2,20 Many tion and orientation of the implants and the proper
patients with these defects have been rehabili- connection of the auricular prosthesis to implant
tated successfully with prosthetic restorations.2 retention structure.23
Secondary mechanical factors (tissue undercuts), It has been shown in clinical and biomechani-
skin adhesives, and implants can provide reten-
cal studies that two implants are sufficient to re-
tain an auricular prosthesis. Magnet and bar-clip
retention are the two primary forms of retention
used in the auricular region.24,25 The bar-clip sys-
tem provides good retention for the prostheses.
However, bars may limit access for performing
hygiene procedures and make it difficult to insert
and remove the prosthesis. Magnetic retention
can be selected because of hygiene, mechanical,
and esthetic considerations. Individual magnets
provide ease for cleansing.26 In this case report,
bar-clip retention was used for retention. The ex-
trinsic and intrinsic coloration of maxillo-facial
silicone elastomers has always been a challenge
Figure 2. Completed wax pattern on stone cast.
Figure 3. Bar and clip retention elements. Figure 4. Completed mold with space created by the wax pat-
a b
Figure 5 a,b. Finished implant retained auricular prosthesis positioned in place.
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