LESSON PLAN - Science: Grade: 3 Lesson Title: Importance of Sound in Communication Lesson Duration: 60 Minutes
LESSON PLAN - Science: Grade: 3 Lesson Title: Importance of Sound in Communication Lesson Duration: 60 Minutes
LESSON PLAN - Science: Grade: 3 Lesson Title: Importance of Sound in Communication Lesson Duration: 60 Minutes
Overview of Lesson: Write a clear and concise overview that indicates what the lesson is, the purpose, how it is connected to the POS, what
students will learn and how the lesson will conclude.
This lesson serves as part of the hearing and sound unit for grade 3 science, which connects to GLO 3-9. The purpose of this lesson is to
have students understand the significance of hearing and sound in the ways we communicate (SLO #13). Communicating without
relying on sound and hearing will be explored through direct instruction teaching American Sign Language, as well as experiential
learning with a class game of silent charades. By the conclusion of the lesson, students will be able to give examples of ways we
communicate with sound / hearing and without it, as well as have gained awareness and tools for using non-verbal communication.
Alberta Program of Study - Goals and Objectives: Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by
the end of the lesson [Maximum 1 GLO, 2-3 SLO].
3–9 Describe the nature of sound, and demonstrate 13. Explain the role that sound plays in communication.
methods for producing and controlling sound.
Learning Objectives: Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words for reference.
Students will…
- Learn basic signs to communicate in ASL.
- Provide examples of the use of non-verbal communication in the world.
- Employ the use of non-verbal communication with the class.
- Explain the significance of hearing and sound in the ways we communicate.
- Express and explain their opinions regarding hearing / sound and communication.
Inquiry & Guiding Questions:
Inquiry Question:
What is sound and how does it affect our lives?
Lesson Guiding Questions: Guiding questions must provoke student thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they
have learned, what they still need to learn etc.
- How was I able to get your attention without using sound?
- Why is hearing and sound important in communicating with others?
- What other times might it be useful to be able to communicate without sound?
Annotated Learning Resources List: If it is an online resource provide an active link. If it is a book, cite the book and author. Provide 2 -3
sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and why you have chosen it. How does it support your lesson and student learning?
Resource #1: Alberta Science Program of Study.
Material and Equipment: List what you will use AND, therefore what you will organize ahead of time prior to your lesson.
- Container with papers of actions for charades game.
- Duotang worksheet projected onto smartboard.
- Whiteboard
Lesson Procedures
Introduction (10 minutes): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body. Indicate
the timing for each section.
- Get student attention without using sound - raise hand in the air, finger on lips.
- Ask students: how was I able to get your attention there without relying on hearing or sound?
- Lead a small discussion on the importance of hearing and sound in communicating.
- Why is hearing and sound important in communicating with others?
PS1 - Template
- Can you think of ways people are able to communicate without any use of hearing and sound?
- I.e. writing / reading directions, sign language, reading lips, body language / signals, video call on devices,
flashing lights to alert people (in replacement of door bell sound, alarm clock, ambulances)
- Move into activity #1 when discussion comes to a close.
Body (35 minutes): Write clearly and concisely. Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities and transitions in lesson.
Indicate timing of each section.
Steps and Procedures: An activity can be reading - transition - partner dialogue Identify Teaching Strategies / Rational:
(as an example). Each activity and transition are timed. Example: Direct instructions, pair/share, jigsaw, whole group
discussion etc. When will you use these and why? You will list
Activity #1: Sign Language [Direct Instruction] (14 minutes) in your body, but you will explain your choice here.
- Have students bring out their science duotangs and flip to the back
where they have a page on sign language.
Direct Instruction - activity #1
- Project this page onto the smartboard.
- Start with the meaning of the signs on the page - excuse me, sorry,
Experiential Learning - activity #2
hello, thank you.
- They can fill in the meanings on their sheets.
Indirect Instruction - introduction / closure
- Teach students other signs - good morning, what’s your name, help,
friend, nice to meet you, how are you, good, bad, stop, sit, stand.
Assessments / Rational
Example: observation/anecdotal, student/teacher
Transition (1 minute): conferencing, check list, worksheet, discussion, or other
- Have students put away their duotangs and clear their desks off. techniques from your evaluation text book. When will you
- While students are doing this grab the container with actions. administer these and why?
Activity #2: No Sound Charades [Experiential Learning] (20 minutes) Type / Name: Duotang Sheet
- Explain how the game will work: Where Assessment Occurs: Activity #1
- Class will split into 4 groups - predetermined groups. We will fill out the worksheet that displays four
- They will find a space in the class to do the activity. different signs. This will ensure that students
- One person at a time from each group will come see me to understand the correlation between the sign shown
get a paper with an action on it. and the meaning of that sign.
- They will go back to their group and, without the use of
sound, communicate to their group the task that was on Type / Name: Discussion
their piece of paper.
Where Assessment Occurs: Introduction + Closure
- Everyone should have the chance to lead the group and
The discussion that we have at the beginning and end
attempt their silent communication skills.
of the lesson will show me what students know about
- Give enough time for each person in the class to lead their
hearing and sound and what they have gained from
the lesson. I will prompt students with questions if the
- Have a container of papers with actions on them.
discussion is fading, but ultimately, students will lead
- Differentiation: if students cannot read the paper or need hints of
what we talk about in our discussions.
how to do it, I can read it to them and give them hints.
- Everyone will go back to their seats for an explanation of the closure
Differentiation: Identify your approaches and how these support student learning.
- The worksheet in activity #1 will be projected on the board so that students are able to follow along visually if they struggle to
follow solely based on verbal instruction. I will also write the words on the worksheet with them, using the smartboard, so
they can copy the spelling down.
- For the game, I will be at the front where students will come to get their action and to help students however they need (I will
also wander around and watch groups’ approach to this task). This could include reading the paper they pick from the
container, or giving them ideas of how to start.
- Pick a side discussion (during closure) - gets all students participating in the discussion in some way or another, but students
who do not want to speak up and explain their choice to the class won’t have to.
PS1 - Template
Consolidating and Closure: (15 minutes) *beyond 'clean up'
Don't forget to time this too and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide Clear steps and indicate
- Pick a Side:
- Agree / disagree - write which half of the room is which on the whiteboard.
- Make a series of statements and have students go to which side of the room their opinion reflects.
- Once people have gone to their sides, a few students from each side can comment on why they chose the side that
they did.
- Do a practice round to ensure that students understand - Horses are cuter than cows.
- Statements:
- It was impossible to communicate without using sound.
- I want to learn sign language so I don’t have to rely on sound / hearing all the time.
- If I lost all my hearing right now I would be just fine living my life as I always did.
- It is easier to get a class’s attention without using sound (like I did at the beginning of science) because then your
voice isn’t strained from having to talk loudly.
Reflection: After teaching the lesson – what went well, what could have gone better, what should be changed for next time etc.
This lesson went better than I could have imagined! I would definitely teach this lesson again. The students were really engaged
throughout the entire lesson. I asked students which signs they wanted to learn during activity #1 and those were the signs / phrases I
taught them. All the students raised their hand with a sign or phrase that they wanted to learn, which made me happy to see them
excited about something that I am so passionate to teach about. The small groups worked out well for the charade-like game we
played. Students got a few turns each being the leader within their groups and were disappointed when it was time to stop playing the
game and move into the consolidation / closure activity. The closure activity also went super well. Students physically moving to a side
of the room kept them engaged. Having them explain their choice of side (agree / disagree) was beneficial to develop in-depth thinking
and other students benefited from hearing other perspectives. The day after I taught this lesson, one student came up to me and said
“Ms. Sandau look at all the signs I remember” and showed me many signs, which shows their eagerness to learn about these topics.