Structure of The Atom: 1. Ncert Intext Questions
Structure of The Atom: 1. Ncert Intext Questions
Structure of The Atom: 1. Ncert Intext Questions
File Revision Date : 6 September 2019
NCERT Solutions
CLASS : 9 th
SUB : Science
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11. How will, you find the valency of chlorine, sulphur and
6. What do you think would be the observation if the Ans :
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Chap 4 : Structure of the Atom
power with other atoms when it forms chemical
compounds or molecules. It is measured by finding
the number of electrons needed to complete the shell Neon Ne 10 10 10 10 2 8 - - 0
in which it is present or the excess electrons present Sodium Na 11 11 12 11 2 8 1 - 1
after the filling is complete.
Magnesium Mg 12 12 12 12 2 8 2 - 2
Chlorine :
Aluminium Al 13 13 14 13 2 8 3 - 3
Atomic number = 17
Silicon Si 14 14 14 14 2 8 4 - 4
Number of protons = Number of electrons = 17
Phosphorus P 15 15 16 15 2 8 5 - 3 ,
Distribution : K " 2; L " 8; M " 7 5
From the above observation, it is noticed that its Sulphur S 16 16 16 16 2 8 6 - 2
valency is 1.
Chlorine Cl 17 17 18 17 2 8 7 - 1
Sulphur :
Argon Ar 18 18 22 18 2 8 8 - 0
Atomic number = 16
Number of protons = Number of electrons = 16 (b)
Distribution : K " 2; L " 8; M " 6 Name of
From the above observation, it is noticed that its the element
valency is two.
Magnesium :
Aluminium Al 13 13 14 13 2 8 3 - 3
Atomic number = 12 Silicon Si 14 14 14 14 2 8 4 - 4
Number of protons = Number of electrons = 12 Phosphorus P 15 15 16 15 2 8 5 - 3,5
Distribution : K " 2; L " 8; M " 2 Sulphur S 16 16 16 16 2 8 6 - 2
From the above observation, it is noticed that its
Chlorine Cl 17 17 18 17 2 8 7 - 1
valency is two.
Argon Ar 18 18 22 18 2 8 8 - 0
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Ans :
12. If the number of electrons in an atom is 8 and number (a) Oxygen :
of protons is also 8, then : Number of protons = 8
(a) What is the atomic number of the atom?
(b) What is the charge on the atom? Number of neutrons = 8
Ans : Atomic number = 8
Atomic mass number = Number of protons + neutrons
Given : Number of electrons = 8
= 8 + 8 = 16
Number of protons = 8 (b) Sulphur :
(a) Atomic number of the atom = Number of protons
=8 Number of protons = 16
(b) As the number of electrons is equal to the number Number of neutrons = 16
of protons in the atom, their charges neutralise Atomic number = 16
each other. Therefore, the atom does not possess
any charge. Atomic mass number = Number of protons + neutrons
= 16 + 16 = 32
13. With the help of given table, find out the mass number
of oxygen and sulphur atom. 14. For the symbol H, D and T, tabulate three subatomic
Table : Composition of Atoms of the First Eighteen particles found in each of them.
Elements with Electron Distribution in Various Shells. Ans :
(a) (a) H (Protium) _11 Hi
Name of the
Atomic number = 1
Mass number = 1
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Chap 4 : Structure of the Atom
(c) T (Tritium) _13 Hi 3. The model was not able to explain the scattering
Atomic number = 1 of light in experiment also.
Mass number = 3
3. What are the limitations of Rutherford’s model of the
Number of proton = 1 atom?
Number of electron = 1 Ans :
Number of neutron = 2 In the model of the atom, Rutherford states that the
electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom in the
Add 89056 29969 in Your Class Whatsapp Group to Get All PDF Files. same way the Earth revolves around the Sun.
15. Write the electronic configuration of any one pair of But, whenever this situation prevails, the
isotopes and isobars. revolving particle gains acceleration and radiates its
energy outwards. With continuous radiation of energy,
Ans : the electron would lose its energy and fall into the
(a) Isotopes : Isotopes are the atoms of same element nucleus which when happens makes the atom highly
which have same number of protons but different unstable. But on the contrary, we find the atom as a
number of neutrons. Example : Carbon molecule highly stable particle which disproves the assumption.
which have 126 C and 6 C .
(b) Isobars : Isobars are the atoms of different 4. Describe Bohr’s model of the atom.
elements which have same mass number but Ans :
different atomic number. Example : 20 40
Ca and
Ar . 1. The nucleus of an atom is present in the centre.
2. Around this nucleus, the negatively charged
electrons revolve.
2. NCERT EXERCISE QUESTIONS 3. Discrete orbits of electrons are present inside the
1. Compare the properties of electrons, protons and 4. While in this orbits, the electrons do not radiate
neutrons. energy.
5. These discrete orbits are represented as K, L, M,
Ans : N ..... orbits or denoted with the numbers n = 1,
2, 3, 4 .....
Electrons Protons Neutrons
They are They are They have no 5. Compare all the proposed models of an atom given in
negatively positively charge. this chapter.
charged charged.
Ans :
They are They are They are T h o m s o n ’ s R u t h e r f o r d ’ s Bohr’s Model
present in outer present within present inside Model Model
shells within an the nucleus. the nucleus of 1. An atom is An atom At atom consists
atom. an atom. a sphere of consists of a of positively
uniform positive heavy, rigid charged nucleus
The mass of The mass of a The mass of charge in which and positively at its centre.
an electron proton is taken a neutron is electrons are charged part
is about 2000 as one unit taken as one embedded. at the centre of
times the mass and equals to unit and equals the atom. It is
of an hydrogen neutron. to that of called nucleus.
atom. proton. 2. The total The total Out of the
Attracted Attracted Do not get positive charge positive charge several possible
towards towards attracted to in the sphere and almost the orbits, electrons
is equally entire mass of move only in
positive negative any charged
balanced by the atom is certain discrete,
charged. charged. particle. sufficient concentrated in circular orbits
An electron is A proton is A neutron is number of the nucleus. called stationary
represented as represented as represented as e l e c t r o n s states or energy
‘e–’. ‘p+’. ‘n’. embedded in it. levels or shells.
3. The mass Electrons While moving in
2. What are the limitations of J.J. Thomson’s model of and charge move around an allowed orbit,
the atom? are uniformly the nucleus in an electron
distributed. circular orbits. is associated
Ans : with a definite
1. The model of an atom proposed by J.J. Thomson amount of
states that negatively charged electrons are energy.
embedded in a positive sphere.
2. But he did not give any experimental evidence in
his support.
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Chap 4 : Structure of the Atom
7. Define valency by taking examples of silicon and 10. If bromine atom is available in the form of say, two
oxygen. isotopes 35Br79 (49.7%) and 35Br81 (50.3%). Calculate
Ans : the average atomic mass of bromine atom.
The valency of an element is defined as the number Ans :
of electrons lost or gained by an atom to complete The atomic masses of two isotopic atoms are 79
its outermost shell. It can also be defined as the (49.7%) and 81 (50.3%).
combining capacity of an element.
For example : Silicon and oxygen. Thus, total mass = b79 # 49.7 l + c 81 # 50.3 m
100 100
Oxygen Silicon = 39.263 + 40.743 = 80.006u
Atomic number : 8 Atomic Number : 14
11. The average atomic mass of a sample of an element X
Electronic configuration Electronic configuration is 16.2u. What are the percentages of isotopes 16
8 X and
: K – 2; L – 6. : K – 2; L – 8; M – 4.
8 X in the sample?
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Chap 4 : Structure of the Atom
Number of
Number of
Number of
the atomic
Name of
Y are given as under X-Y.
Protons = 6-6 Atomic
Neutrons = 6-8
Give the mass number of X and Y. What is the
relation between the two species? 9 - 10 - - -
Ans : 16 32 - - - Sulphur
Mass number of X : 6 + 6 = 12 - 24 - 12 - -
Mass number of Y : 6 + 8 = 14 - 2 - 1 - -
Since, the atomic numbers of both the species are the
same, they are the same element. Also since they have - 1 0 1 0 -
different number of neutrons, their mass number is Ans : :
different and they are the isotopes.
Number of
Number of
Number of
the atomic
14. For the following statements, write T for true and F electrons
Name of
for false.
15. Rutherford’s a-particle scattering experiment was 1. Which of the following correctly represent the
responsible for the discovery of : electronic distribution in the Mg atom?
(a) Atomic nucleus (b) Proton (a) 3, 8, 1 (b) 2, 8, 2
(c) Electron (d) neutron (c) 1, 8, 3 (d) 8, 2, 2
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Chap 4 : Structure of the Atom
2. Rutherford’s ‘alpha (a ) particles scattering (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv)
experiment’ resulted in to discovery of : Ans : (a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(a) Electron (b) Proton
(c) Nucleus in the atom (d) Atomic mass
8. Rutherford’s a -particle scattering experiment showed
Ans : (c) Nucleus in the atom that :
(i) Electrons have negative charge.
3. The number of electrons in an element X is 15 and the (ii) The mass and positive charge of the atom is
number of neutrons is 16. Which of the following is concentrated in the nucleus.
the correct representation of the element? (iii) Neutron exists in the nucleus.
(a) 15X31 (b) 16X31 (iv) Most of the space in atom is empty.
(c) 15X16 (d) 16X15 Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv)
Ans : (a) 15X31
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv)
Ans : (b) (ii) and (iv)
4. Dalton’s atomic theory successfully explained :
(i) Law of conservation of mass
(ii) Law of constant composition 9. The ion of an element has 3 positive charges. Mass
(iii) Law of radioactivity number of the atom is 27 and the number of neutrons
(iv) Law of multiple proportions is 14. What is the number of electrons in the ion?
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (i), (iii) and (iv) (a) 13 (b) 10
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) (c) 14 (d) 16
Ans : (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) Ans : (b) 10
Download All PDF files from 10. Identify the Mg2+ ion from the fig. where, n and
p represent the number of neutrons and protons
5. Which of the following statements about Rutherford’s respectively :
model of atom are correct?
(i) considered the nucleus as positively charged
(ii) established that the a-particles are four times
heavy as a hydrogen atom
(iii) can be compared to solar system (a) (b)
(iv) was in agreement with Thomson’s model
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) Only (i)
Ans : (a) (i) and (iii)
(c) Either metals or non-metals model, (ii) Thomson’s atomic model, (iii) Bohr’s
(d) Always non-metals Ans. atomic model.
Ans : (c) Either metals or non-metals (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (ii), (iii) and (i)
(c) (ii), (i) and (iii) (d) (iii), (ii) and (i)
13. The first model of an atom was given by : Ans : (c) (ii), (i) and (iii)
(a) N. Bohr (b) E. Goldstein
(c) Rutherford (d) J.J. Thomson
Ans : (d) J.J. Thomson Short Answer Questions
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Chap 4 : Structure of the Atom
24. One electron is present in the outermost shell of the nucleus of an element X which is represented as 31
15 X.
atom of an element X. What would be the nature and Ans :
value of charge on the ion formed if this electron is
removed from the outermost shell? Atomic number = 15
Ans : Mass number = 31
+1. Number of electron = A – Z = 31 – 15 = 16
25. Write down the electron distribution of chlorine atom. 30. Match the names of the scientists given in column A
How many electrons are there in the L shell? (Atomic with their contributions towards the understanding of
number of chlorine is 17.) the atomic structure as given in column B :
Ans :
Column A Column B
Cl = K L M Thus, L shell has 8 electrons.
(a) Ernest Rutherford (i) Indivisibility of
2 8 7 atoms
(b) J.J. Thomson (ii) Stationary orbits
26. In the atom of an element X, 6 electrons are
present in the outermost shell. If it acquires noble (c) Dalton (iii) Concept of nucleus
gas configuration by accepting requisite number of (d) Neils Bohr (iv) Discovery of
electrons, then what would be the charge on the ion electrons
so formed?
(e) James Chadwick (v) Atomic number
Ans :
(f) E. Goldstein (vi) Neutron
Charge of an ion = –2, because atom will gain 2
electrons to get noble gas configuration. (g) Mosley (vii) Canal rays
27. What information do you get from the fig. about the (a) Ernest Rutherford Concept of nucleus
atomic number, mass number and valency of atoms X, (b) J.J. Thomson Discovery of electrons
Y and Z? Give your answer in a tabular form.
(c) Dalton Indivisibility of atoms
(d) Neils Bohr Stationary orbits
(e) James Chadwick Neutron
(f) E. Goldstein Canal rays
(g) Mosley Atomic number
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Chap 4 : Structure of the Atom
already complete. It can neither lose nor gain electron. from that of Thomson’s atomic model?
So, its valency is zero. Ans :
According to the Thomson’s atomic model, charge
34. Fill in the blanks in the following statements :
and mass are uniformly distributed all over the atom,
(a) Rutherford’s a -particle scattering experiment led
whereas in Rutherford’s model of atom, the positive
to the discovery of the _____.
charge and mass of the atom are concentrated in the
(b) Isotopes have same _____ but different
small nucleus in the centre of atom and negatively
charged electron are distributed around the nucleus.
(c) Neon and chlorine have atomic numbers 10 and 17
respectively. Their valencies will be _____ and
39. What were the drawbacks of Rutherford’s model of
_____ respectively.
an atom?
(d) The electronic configuration of silicon is _____
and that of sulphur is _____. Ans :
Ans : The orbital revolution of the electron is not expected
to be stable. Any particle in a circular orbit would
(a) nucleus
undergo acceleration and the charged particles would
(b) same atomic numbers, mass numbers
radiate energy. Thus, the revolving electron would lose
(c) 0 and –1
energy and finally fall into the nucleus. If this were so,
(d) Si = 2,8,4 and S = 2,8,6
the atom should be highly unstable and hence matter
would not exist in the form that we know.
35. An element X has a mass number 4 and atomic
number 2. Write the valency of this element? Download All PDF files from
Ans :
40. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of an atom?
Atomic number = 2,
Ans :
So number of electrons = 2
1. An atom consists of heavy positively charged
Electron has only K-shell containing 2 electrons.
Hence, its valency = 0. Thus, element X is 24 He (noble
2. The electrons in an atom revolve around the
nucleus in definite circular paths called orbits or
Add 89056 29969 in Your Class Whatsapp Group to Get All PDF Files. shells.
3. Each energy level is associated with definite
amount of energy and change in energy takes
Long Answer Questions place when electron jumps from one energy level
to another energy level.
36. Why do helium, neon and argon have a zero valency?
Ans : 41. Show diagrammatically the electron distributions in
a sodium atom and a sodium ion and also give their
Helium, neon and argon have completely filled atomic number.
outermost shells. Thus, they have stable electronic
Ans :
configuration. They neither lose electrons nor gain
electrons. Thus, their valency is zero.
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