HRDD Checklist en
HRDD Checklist en
HRDD Checklist en
If a high risk activity is identified, the Company must take additional actions to mitigate risks as follow:
1 2 3 4
Comply with Seek additional Contact external or Consult external
contents in the information before making internal experts for or internal experts for
checklist (or stop decision appropriate responses additional activities
implementations, as
For example, under For example, under new For example, under child For example, under
the contractors: have construction or expansion: labor: does the company migrant labor: does the
contractors received are there any homeless has child labor termination factory prohibit using
appropriate training or people in the area? If the process in case of child subagent? If the
do employees receive answer is “yes”, responsible labor law is violated. If the answer is “no”, the
personal protection functions should conduct answer is “no”, the manager should
equipment? If the additional research on their manager should consult consult with company
answer is “no”, the rights and traffic route that with professional to develop or agents to ensure
manager should may cause the impact to appropriate policy, provide that risk prevention
provide the the homeless. educational access and process for migrant
appropriated training to compensation to their labor is appropriate
the contractors family. and the migrant labor
will not turn to be a
force labor.
1. Construction of Factories/ Operational Area/ Business Expansion/ Merger and Acquisition (11 items)
One of key factor for a successful business is the social License to Operate in addition to complying with the laws and
regulations. Therefore, the Company places a high important to being a "member" of the community by ensuring that the Company's
operations do not have negative impacts to the community and participating in the development of the communities. Although each
operational area has different risks and challenges, stakeholder engagement must be an integral part of human rights risks
identification, assessment, and development of mitigation strategies.
Cultural Impacts
7.Does the land have an important role to cultural heritage? (such as religious, art,
history, architectural or environment)
No Yes
2. Key Human Rights Risks Related to Employees (20 Items)
Poor management of employment process may lead to labor violation and forced labor. Local and migrant labor should receive equal
treatment, non-discrimination, complied with labor laws, good practices to prevent forced labor, promote gender equality, safety workplace, freedom of
association and collective bargaining
Local communities and Symbol Low Risk Proceed with Contact specialists
society around the operation High Risk implementation Engage the community
sites Seek additional information
Customers and consumers Symbol Low Risk Proceed with Contact specialists
High Risk implementation Engage the community
Seek additional
Products and Services 7. Does the Company have prevention and mitigation programs covering
1. Does the Company provide details on products and services, prices, quality harassment, violence or other serious damages in order to prevent risks to
to customers/ consumers? the customers?
Yes No Yes No
2.Does the Company provide accessible places for every groups of customers
(elderly/ disable people)? Non-Discrimination
Yes No 8. Does the Company provide equal treatment, non-discrimination to all
3. The Company never violates any consumer protection law, yes or no? customers, covering nationality, language, gender, disability, religious and
Yes No personal comments?
4.The Company never violates any laws related to propaganda or false Yes No
advertisement that can mislead the consumers, yes or no?
Yes No Protecting Personal Private Information
5. Does the Company provide communication channel/ grievance and 9. Does the Company inform customer personal data management approach,
remediation action to customers in case of negative impacts received from the data confidentiality, data accessibility and usage to the customers?
Company’s products and services? Yes No
Yes No 10. Does the company delete or destroy customer's personal data after
withdrawal consent?
Safety Yes No
Does the Company provide safety measures to customers when they are using 11. Does the Company have credit card payment processing that meet data
the Company’s products/ services? protection and security standards to protect customers' information?
• Provide warning signs and directions to minimize accidents Yes ไม่ใช่
• Install closed circuit cameras in public area 12. The Company does not share customers' information with a third-party
• Install lighting system without the customer consent, yes or no?
• Provide security guards or responsible security employees Yes No
• Install alarm system 13. Does the disabled employee convenience accessibility to products or
• Conduct fire safety emergency drill
Yes No
Yes No
6. Key Human Rights Risks to Suppliers (12 items)