AMSTERDAM Green Agenda 2015-2018 Summary
AMSTERDAM Green Agenda 2015-2018 Summary
AMSTERDAM Green Agenda 2015-2018 Summary
Green Agenda
Source: Rooftop Solutions
Green Agenda 2015-2018
Investing in the Amsterdammers garden
By making the city’s public space greener, the City of Amsterdam will
make Amsterdam a more attractive place to live, work and visit. The
City will therefore be investing € 20 million in green projects in the
coming years, doubling the amount spent in previous years. Amsterdam
has a lot of green space. We are proud of it, and we need to conserve
it. Because many of the city’s residents don’t have a garden, the city’s
green space has a particular function: it is a garden for the people of
+ 50.000 M2
+ 15
1. City parks
Parks are the city’s most obvious least three parks for more sustainable
shared gardens. They are there for and intensive use. During renovation
everyone, and they are being used work, areas of grass that are to be
more and more intensively and for a used intensively will be planned for
wide variety of purposes: working, more suitable, possibly drier locations
learning about nature, barbecuing, within the park, or plots that are better
walking, playing sports, sunbathing, able to withstand intensive use will be
having a party or visiting an event. Our selected for the purpose. We will also
aim is to improve the design of our invest in suitable planting, or alter the
parks to cope with this intensive use. layout of paths. Additionally, in at least
There will also be more and improved four parks we will provide amenities
alternatives to the busy parks, spread- such as public toilets, water taps, cafés
ing the pressure of visitors more evenly and restaurants, and equipment to
across the green space in and around encourage exercise. We will improve
the city. access to parks by altering existing
entrances or creating new ones.
To this end, major improvements will
be made over the coming years to at
In addition, we will devote attention to Because Amsterdam is built on peat
the balance of use in parks, by ensur- bog, the city constantly has to contend
ing that programming and planning with subsidence, which makes the
allows for variety among and within ground wetter. Subsidence and soil
them. While one person might turn compaction is therefore an important
to our parks for peace and quiet and issue for Amsterdam’s city parks. This
to experience nature, another person will be taken into consideration in park
might be looking for a lively atmos- planning for intensive and sustainable
phere. Events also have a place in our use, and also in the choice of plant and
parks, and they can help strengthen tree species. To gain greater insight
the identity and urban vitality of parks into the causes and consequences of
and landscapes. A good balance is subsidence and soil compaction, we
needed, and the city’s events policy will conduct analyses on the basis of
needs to take events in green spaces measurements.
into consideration. Where desirable
and feasible, the distinctive features of Finally, we will explore possibilities for
parks (such as nature, water or cultural new parks.
heritage) will be strengthened.
Green space has an important role to stimulus schemes and actively ap-
play in making the city climate-proof. PROACHSPECIÚCTARGETGROUPS7EWILL
Rain showers will become heavier and investigate the possibilities for green
temperatures will increase. An effec- roofs on municipal property and ways
tive way to absorb rainwater and limit in which we can stimulate the sustain-
the temperature is to increase the area able use of roofs in the construction
of green space. In addition, the green of new buildings and in renovation
space can contribute to increasing projects. Where possible, obstructive
biodiversity in the city. regulations will be abolished.
We therefore aim to realise an addi- Apart from green roofs, there are also
tional 50,000 m2 of green roofs in the other opportunities for green space to
city, preferably roofs with a thick layer contribute to rainwater disposal. The
of vegetation. We will do this in a va- City of Amsterdam will itself take the
riety of ways. We will establish various lead. When we invest in green facili-
ties, we will devote explicit attention ments on choice of tree species, com-
to water retaining capacity, and where pensation and replanting.
possible the location’s sponge effect
will be increased. In partnership with Contrary to the national and world-
the ‘Amsterdam Rainproof’ pro- wide trend, in Amsterdam the number
gramme, we will make a survey of loca- of wild bee species has increased. The
tions that are suitable for the removal state of the wild bee is a good indica-
of hard surfaces or the creation of tor of Amsterdam’s ecological wealth.
green space. We will also investigate To make room for further growth, we
which instrument is the most appro- WILLÚNDSOLUTIONSTOEIGHTYBOTTLE-
priate. We will continue to increase necks in the ecological structure, using
and apply our knowledge of effective measures such as nature-friendly river
ways to combine (rain)water and green ANDCANALBANKSWILDLIFECROSSINGSÚSH
space design. crossings and wildlife ramps. To allow
more natural river and canal banks to
Healthy trees play a key role in a live- develop, we will support initiatives
able and sustainable city. Trees are not aimed at replacing or removing hard
only attractive, but they also transpire waterside structures. We will also in-
a lot of water, and this has a cooling vestigate which measures are the most
effect. We will therefore develop a effective in promoting nature-inclusive
citywide tree policy, including agree- construction.
Orlyplein, not so long ago this was a concrete jungle. Now a green haven with plants, bulbs
and grasses. Attractive for nearby businesses, good for biodiversity and useful to help
Thanks to: all green partners, civil servants from municipal departments and
organizations who contributed to this agenda.