Sm8450 - Sdx65.La - 1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + Vonr + Voice Fallback To Lte+ Emergency On Vonr)
Sm8450 - Sdx65.La - 1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + Vonr + Voice Fallback To Lte+ Emergency On Vonr)
Sm8450 - Sdx65.La - 1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + Vonr + Voice Fallback To Lte+ Emergency On Vonr)
I. Prerequisite ............................................................................................. 2
II. Upgrade Process.................................................................................. 3
III. SM8450+SDx65 VoNR Setup: ......................................................... 15
IV. SM8450+SDx65 VoNR + VoLTE Setup: .......................................... 20
V. Emergency Call on VoNR:................................................................. 26
VI. RF ports for MTP SM8450-X65: ...................................................... 28
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
I. Prerequisite
SW Location
Option 1: Flash Software using PCAT (Mandatory for Brand new device)
PCAT must be used to install the software on a test device that does not have a preinstalled software, while either
PCAT or the fastboot method can be used for later software upgrades
To flash images on the device using the PCAT tool:
1. Connect the USB cable from the device port to the computer. Connect the debug board to the device, and the power
supply to the debug board.
2. Launch the PCAT tool.
3. The PCAT tool detects the device in any one of the following states:
i. Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM#)
ii. Qualcomm USB Composite Device 90DB (COM#)
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
Qualcomm USB Composite Device 90DB (COM#)
• If the device has a preinstalled software, then the device boots up to Andriod and the PCAT tool displays the port
information as “Qualcomm USB Composite Device 90DB (COM#)”. The same port information is enumerated
in the Device Manager.
• On the CONNECT A DEVICE screen, select Qualcomm USB Composite Device 90DB (0018) using the check
box and click CONNECT.
4. On the configuration window, set the configuration as shown in the following figure and click UPDATE.
5. Click BROWSE and select the contents.xml from the downloaded software build.(File path example:
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
If you didn’t see any files loaded, please shorten your windows path name
6. The device programmer path is automatically populated. If it is not loaded automatically, please load it manually.
Device programmer path:
7. Click DOWNLOAD.
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
➢ If the flash fails, close the PCAT tool, disconnect and reconnect the USB and power supply to the device, re-open the
PCAT tool, and try to reinstall the software. If it still fails, erase the software on the device and reinstall the software.
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
➢ Steps to Collect Crash Dump
1. If the device goes into Crash mode, connect it to the PCAT tool to get the crash dump logs.
2. Click Crash Collection and the device shows up on the PCAT tool as shown:
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
3. Click the Partition Manager icon shown, then a window pops up to verify device programmer path. Click OK.
5. Click YES(recommended) to erase the entire partition data or click NO to keep the current partition table.
Note: It is recommended to erase the entire partition data, because the size of the image files could vary for each software build.
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
Restore QCN
Always restore the factory xQCN file first followed by build xQCN files.
Please restore all build xQCN (Sub6+mmW) no matter your test scope.
If the device is not reboot automatically, please reboot it manually before you restore build QCN.
Factory QCN:
You can follow the link to apply factory QCN via QC CreatePoint.
Restore both mmW reference and char xQCN files from the given file paths
RF variant MCN HWID xQCN file
Global 10-12800-9111 830 hwid830_bid255_pid255_reference.xqcn
Global 10-12800-9223 830 hwid830_bid255_pid255_reference.xqcn
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
6. The xQCN file restores in approximately three to six minutes and then the device restarts. The
PCAT tool displays the following dialog box during the restore process:
SIM Configuration:
1. After successfully installing the SW, please make sure you have restored all 3 of the following QCNs. 1.
Reboot after restoring each QCN.
a. Factory QCN
b. Sub6 QCN
c. mmW
2. Enable SIM Slot1 or SIM Slot2 but not both.
a. 00453 – 0
b. 70210 – to enable SIM Slot 1 (bottom one, away from the display screen).
[1].DISABLE_UIM needs to be set to "TRUE"
[0].DISABLE_UIM needs to be set to "FALSE"
70210 –to enable SIM Slot 2 (top one, close to the display screen).
[1].DISABLE_UIM needs to be set to "FALSE "
[0].DISABLE_UIM needs to be set to "TRUE "
3. Then, you need to run the following command to enable single SIM mode on MTP:
adb root & adb wait-for-device
adb shell setprop ssss
adb shell sync
adb reboot
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
NV items setting:
Common part:
00010=4 -Determine Mode Automatically
65633=LTE bands bitmap (Hex)
65777 = data centric
70210 - To enable SIM slot 1: [1].Disable_UIMmust be set to true
[0].Disable_UIMmust be set to false
To enable SIM slot 2: [1].Disable_UIMmust be set to false
[0].Disable_UIMmust be set to true
73680 = 0
73046: Default ( or set to “3” only for mmW)
80000 = 80
74213=NR Preferred band (NSA only)
80000 = 64
74087 = NR Preferred band (SA)
74213 = 0
67218 = 1
73991 = 0
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
ADB commands
You can get latest ADB tools from below link:
adb shell setprop 1
adb shell setprop 1
adb shell setprop 1
SA :
adb shell setprop 2
adb shell setprop 2
adb shell setprop 2
EFS Settings:
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
Delete the policyman folder in both root and mdb:
APN Settings:
To set the APN on device UI.
1. Open Settings by tapping the Settings icon, under Network & internet > Mobile
Network > Advanced > Access Point Names.
2. Select the + icon and enter APN name, APN, APN type, and IPv4/IPv6 protocol.
APN type:
Internet: default
IMS: ims
3. Select and then tap Save.
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
III. SM8450+SDx65 VoNR Setup:
This section is for VoNR use only. If you test VoNR + VoLTE (Voice fallback to
LTE), please ignore this paragraph and refer to the last section “III.
SM8450+SDx65 VoNR + VoLTE Setup”
1- It’s mandatory to Execute all the previous steps to set the Device in 5G SA
2- SIM card must be flashed with SIP Configuration
3- Before Activate and Configure NR, it’s recommended to take a QCN backup
of the device. In case of bad execution of VoNR Activation and
configuration, you can start all over from beginning by restoring the saved
QCN file.
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
3- Launch QMITestPro
6- Dial #Number
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
7- You should see IMS messages over 5GNR in UE logs (as in this example)
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
IV. SM8450+SDx65 VoNR + VoLTE Setup:
1- It’s mandatory to Execute all the previous steps to set the Device in 5G SA
Mode (ignore Section “II. SM8450+SDx65 VoNR” )
2- SIM card must be flashed with SIP Configuration
3- Before Activate and Configure NR, it’s recommended to take a QCN backup
of the device (after Flashing. In case of bad execution of VoNR Activation
and configuration, you can start all over from beginning by restoring the
saved QCN file.
Activate adb commands
echo %date% %time%
adb wait-for-device root
adb wait-for-device remount
adb wait-for-device disable-verity
REM adb wait-for-device reboot
adb wait-for-device devices
adb wait-for-device
adb root
adb wait-for-device
adb shell setprop persist.dbg.ims_volte_enable 1
adb shell setprop persist.dbg.volte_avail_ovr 1
adb shell setprop persist.dbg.vt_avail_ovr 1
adb shell setprop 1
adb shell setprop true
adb shell setprop persist.dbg.wfc_avail_ovr 1
adb shell setprop ssss
adb shell setprop 1
adb shell setprop true
adb shell setprop persist.cne.logging.qxdm 3974
adb shell setprop persist.vendor.cne.feature 1
adb shell setprop true
adb shell setprop persist.dbg.wfc_avail_ovr 1
adb shell settings put global wfc_ims_enabled 1
adb shell rm -rf /data/user_de/0/
adb shell setprop persist.vendor.mdm_helper.pause on_dump
adb shell sync
adb wait-for-device reboot
adb wait-for-device
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
Activate HW MBN
Use PCAT tool to activate HW MBN SS-LA-Waipio and SW MBN VoLTE-ATT
- Click on “pending”
- Click on “activate” button
On UE Screen:
a. set APN for Internet as default
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
Launch QMITestPro
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
c. Configure profile_1 for APN Internet
9- Re-Set NV items
Activate VoNR
- Set NV 74233 to 1 to enable VONR or 0 to disable VONR to enable voice fallback to LTE
- Reboot the device
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
Delete the policyman folder in both root and mdb:
➔ AT this stage, the device is ready to be used for Both VoNR, VoLTE and
fallback from 5GSA to LTE for Voice
- Configure QDXM to capture IMS/SIP/RTP messages
A Logmask for Tcpdump and VoNR is available here
- Dial #Number
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
V. Emergency Call on VoNR:
1- It’s mandatory to Execute all the previous steps to set the Device in 5G SA
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
SM8450_SDX65.LA_1-0 (Upgrade Instructions + VoNR + Voice fallback to LTE+ Emergency on VoNR)
VI. RF ports for MTP SM8450-X65: