Break Contact Issue No. 1
Break Contact Issue No. 1
Break Contact Issue No. 1
Welcome! 2
The Treaty of Danzig: 3
the Czechs in World
War Two and some big
Darling leave a light 5
on for me: alternative
rules for night scenari-
New scenario: BC27 6
Customs and Duties
Interview with Xavier 8
Vitry: the man who
BREAK CONTACT gave us rat charts.
After action: BFP27 11
Chapei Chockblock
The Primosole 14
WARGAMERS Bridge: a new RG for
the Axis.
Little Wars 16
Salamaua: Enter the 18
New scenario: BC28 20
Knock on the Door
Online tournaments: 22
the future is now!
Re-imagining the 26
British 2” mortar.
New scenario: BC29 28
Short, Sharp, Shock II
Issue #1 Editorial 29
The Treaty Of Danzig is a fictional account of the Pick your fights…
conflict that set Europe ablaze in the late 1930s
and into the 1940s. If the Czechs had defied
The initial sparks were to be found with the out- the world and fought off
break of civil war in Spain in 1936, which proved their fascist neighbour,
to be a proxy war between the Soviet Union and what would have been the
the anti-communist Rome-Berlin Axis. implications ?
Also in that year, Germany defied the Treaty of ● Win or lose, Germany’s time-
Versailles and marched into the Rhineland, with- table for global conquest
out any interference from the French or British. may have suffered a severe
setback - there was no tell-
In 1938, Germany absorbed Austria into the new ing how long it would take to
Reich, and then set its sights on the Czechoslovak subdue a well-armed Czech
Republic (CSR). army and air force.
In September of that year, the leaders of Germa- ● The invasion would have
ny, Italy, Britain and France met in Munich to seal devastated the tiny nation
the fate of this new nation, established in 1918. and laid waste to its cities
and infrastructure, including
The Czechs were excluded from the meeting, and its arms industry, without
on the 29th the great powers signed a document which the Germans would
that would cede the Sudetenland to Germany, have been deprived of a vital
robbing the CSR of territory, its outer defences manufacturing base for their
and natural resources. planned re-armament.
2. Czechoslovakia (CSR)
2.1 In scenarios set prior to 1940, CSR
units use Axis Minor counters and
rules with the following exceptions.
2.1.1 In all scenarios the broken Mo
-rale Level of CSR MMC is
equal to the unbroken Morale
2.1.2 Elite and 1st Line [EXC: 3-4-7
squads] CSR MMC take a nor- 3. Early War German Army
mal PAATC (not a 1PAATC). 3-4 3.1 In scenarios set during 1938,
-7 and Conscript CSR MMC German units receive a +1 Heat Of
take a 1PAATC. Battle DRM and no drm for Leader
2.1.3 Elite and 1st Line CSR units Creation.
may attempt Escape (20.55). 3.2 In scenarios set prior to Sep-
2.1.4 CSR units receive a +2 Heat Of tember 1939, the MP allotment of all
Battle DRM. German AFV are considered printed
in red.
2.1.5 The CSR uses black TH#.
NIGHT LITE RULES 1. Introduction
Night Rules (E.1) are NOT in effect [EXC: Gunflashes (E1.8)
exist]. Rules pertaining to non-Night scenarios apply in
The Night rules in Advanced Squad addition to these special rules whenever a scenario uses
Leader are arguably some of the Night Lite Rules.
most daunting apart from Caves 1.1 Darkness
and Landing Craft, or even Landing To represent darkness, each unit’s LOS does
Craft attacking Caves at Night. not extend beyond 3 hexes outside that unit’s own
hex [EXC: Gunflashes and Blazes]. For example, a unit
That doesn’t mean we can’t all en-
in hex 4B1 could see as far as 4B4, but
joy some soft mood lighting in our
not beyond [EXC: Gunflashes and Blazes].
1.2 Blazes
For those of you wanting to play in The 6 hexes surrounding a Blaze (and the Blaze hex
the dark but not have to rely on the itself) are visible if no more than 16 hexes away and
Night rules found in Chapter E, in the firing unit’s LOS.
then here is an alternative. 1.3 Acquisition
Night Lite is a way of playing a Acquisition is NA at ranges > 3 hexes.
night scenario but with only a few 1.4 Concealment
simple rules. Treat any enemy unit > 3 hexes away as
Concealed and out of LOS.
They include a form of Night Visi-
1.5 Gunflashes
bility Range, which means either
A Gunflash is any marker as described in E1.8 and is
you can see the enemy or you just
left on the map until the end of the AFPh. A unit al-
ways has a LOS to any Gunflash which is no more
Gunflashes play a big part. than 9 hexes away but can only attack a Gunflash
And there are no Starshells. which is more than 3 hexes away by using Area fire.
1.6 Low Visibility
The scenarios in this issue are all There is a +1 LV Hindrance at all Ranges ≥ 0.
set at night, and use the Night Lite 1.7 Movement
rules. The bonus road MF (B3.4) and vehicular
So when you see the SSR say road rate (D2.16) are NA.
“Night Lite rules are in effect”, the 1.8 Recovery
rules provided here should be There is a +1 drm to all Recovery attempts (A4.44).
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Germans win at game end by: (a) Controlling
building Y7 and 3 other multi-hex stone buildings; or by (b) Controlling any 5 multi
-hex stone buildings. If either or both AFV are Abandoned, Immobilised, Eliminat-
ed or Recalled, reduce the number of buildings required by 1 [EXC: this is NA to BALANCE:
building Y7 (it cannot be traded for an AFV)]. Add one 4-3-7 squad to the German OB.
3 6
GERMAN Moves First [84] 1 2 4 5 END
Members of the State Defence Guard [ELR: 2] set up first in any stone building with no more than one
MMC per hex [EXC: building Y7]: {SAN: 4}
T vz 33 (t)
3-4-7 8-0
3 2
Members of the Sudeten German Freikorps [ELR: 1] enter on Turn 1 along any board edge, with no
more than 6 squads entering any one board edge: {SAN: 3}
SPECIAL RULES: 4. Any CSR unit may declare Hand-to-Hand CC (J2.31) but only
1. EC are Moderate, with no wind at start. All buildings have a ground if it has Ambushed a German unit or is Berserk (A15.4).
level only. ToD Special Rules apply. Bore Sighting (C6.4) is NA.
5. No Quarter is in effect for both sides (A20.3).
2. Night Lite rules are in effect. All German units are Lax (A11.18). AFTERMATH: The raiders attacked the border post and infiltrated the
town, from where they sniped the defenders, who barricaded themselves
3. German and CSR MMC cannot Deploy or Recombine. Use SS437
inside several buildings. The firefight raged sporadically for some time,
and SS447 found in Poland in Flames. PIF 5.1 - 5.3 apply [EXC: the
German ELR is 1; SS437 which fail their ELR Disrupt (A19.12) in- with the Sudeten Germans finally withdrawing, leaving several dead and
stead - i.e. PIF 5.3 is NA in this case; SS447/237 are not Elite wounded behind. It's estimated Sudeten German casualties totaled
(A1.25)]. around 80 killed or wounded.
Is the idea also based on something you have used in your life,
or seen used, like a military manual?
As you may know, I serve in the French Marine Corps, and we do have plenty of such manuals or
mnemonic tricks or devices. ASL being what it is, I thought that it would be wise having as many
charts as possible within a small booklet, just as a platoon leader manual would, with artillery or
air support procedures, heliborne requests, explosives formulas and such. Later on, with the
release by MMP of the ASL Pocket RuleBook edition, I thought it would be the perfect companion
for it.
How much time did it take to get it set out the way you wanted?
The first edition was very quick. The next editions, v2 and v2+, were completely different, since
we changed nearly everything and designed different tables, used new art etc. We also added
plenty of rats, even though we are aware that some people dislike them.
Also, we tried to implement several ideas from our supporters, that you will see on the front and back covers.
What are some of the best things about the rat charts in your opinion?
The rats of course! More seriously, I think that with a minimum of rules knowledge, one can travel with the charts and
leave the ASLRB at home. It avoids searching through its pages: all can be found within the RPC (or nearly all).
AT FIRST GLANCE The Trenches immediately behind the front provide a retreat
This city-fight involves two forces comprised of low fire- path for the Chinese into the stone buildings on DW-1a. The
power infantry and some lightly armoured AFVs. It's 1932, Trenches in FF8 and GG9 also act as possible bog hexes for
and some up-start Japanese marines are trying to kick in the the Japanese AFV, while those in X3 and Z3 will hopefully
door at Shanghai. provide the Chinese reinforcements with a path into the Y4
victory building. Placing Trenches in T4 and CC6 also pro-
This scenario comes from Bounding Fire Productions' Blood
vide pathways for the Chinese into the victory buildings.
and Jungle pack and is played on two BFP mapboards featur-
ing a heavily built-up urban area. The Guns are on the flanks. One is hidden in T9, hoping for
some point blank shots. The other takes care of the northern
The Chinese are defending with the help of two HMGs and
flank with an open field of fire but nowhere to hide. The
two ART. They start with 12 squads and expect another five
Guns can Boresight key road hexes.
along with two AFV, on turn five. The Japanese come at
them with 18 2nd Line squads and six AFV, five of which The up front defence presents the Japanese with a wall of
are unique to Blood and Jungle. firepower and warm bodies they must overcome. It's a risk
for the Chinese, and it might misfire if the HMG's malfunc-
The Japanese have to seize five victory buildings, and they
tion or are locked up in VBM. Cowering is the other bugbear
have eight turns in which to do it. It seems like a straight-
for the Chinese, especially the Conscripts.
forward city-fight, but is it?
Japanese T3
The Japanese shoot at point blank from the street but with
their squads now with only 2FP, they make little or no im-
pression. In the northern half of the front, the Japanese in-
fantry and AFVs bust through the wooden houses.
But the southern half of the Great Wall holds firm. With a
solid line of Chinese infantry, there is nowhere for the Japa-
nese to go.
“Hang tough as the Chinese, and The Japanese have no choice but to advance into CC to
break the deadlock. With HtH the order of the day, the Jap-
get ready to go hand-to-hand.” anese risk losing a lot of guys.
In this case, they do, ending the turn with nine squads left
out of 18 which started the scenario. The Chinese can win
Japanese T2 from here despite their losses so far.
ID Group Type Full/Depl Unit Type CPP Cost CG Date Max CG Max
“The Italians have no armour to speak of – in fact they have one vehicle – a truck – which usually
gets wasted or captured by the British Paras early on.”
“The attack on Salamaua was the perfect case study of the commando concept.”
An Independent Company comprised four sec-
While the Independent Companies no tions of infantry and a headquarters element,
longer exist in name, commandos still plus in some circumstances, other attached
have a place in the modern day Aus- arms such as engineers, tank-attack and mor-
tralian order of battle. tars.
The concept of commandos was lifted by Yet at their very core was the concept of
the British from the Boers, and then put fighting with what they could carry and with-
into a uniform and handed a Tommy Gun out the hope of any large calibre support from
and satchel charge at the outbreak of the the ground or air.
Second World War.
Their greatest weapon was their aggression
The concept of a regular light infantry unit and ruthlessness, and they were expected to
fighting an irregular style of warfare was fight even when they had run out of ammuni-
quickly seized upon by the Australians, tion.
who saw great value in such troops,
Each company was in fact a light infantry bat-
should the war come to the jungles north
talion in size.
of the Australian mainland.
They fought deep behind the enemy lines and
The attack on Salamaua was the perfect
also as shock troops at the vanguard of at-
case study of the commando concept.
tacks in close terrain like the New Guinea jun-
The attack, conducted at night and with gle.
complete surprise, proved the value of
Their numbers were small but their contribu-
such hit and run tactics.
tion great, but after the war they were dis-
Not only did the attack achieve some banded.
measure of payback for the until now
Salamaua put the Japanese on notice and
beaten Allies, it prompted the Japanese to
prompted them to push inland to stamp out
shift forces to the region, in a response
the commando threat.
out of proportion to the threat they actu-
ally faced. What followed was the Battle of Wau, where
the commandos again proved their worth in
It also gained vital intelligence.
stopping the Japanese attempt to seize that
aerodrome high in the New Guinea mountains.
X10 X13
2/5th Commando Squadron AIF unit insignia.
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Australians win at game end if every
building Location has at least one of the following: an Allied Control X11
marker; a Blaze marker; a Rubble marker.
Reduce this requirement by two building Locations for each of the fol-
lowing: if the Australian Turn 2 reinforcements do not enter; if the Japa-
nese pilot is eliminated; if the bridge is blown; and reduce by one build-
ing Location for every 10 CVP earned (FRD) by the Australians [EXC: Extend the scenario to 6.5 Turns.
subtract from this total one building Location for every 2 CVP (FRD)
earned by the Japanese]. Increase the Japanese SAN to 5.
The Japanese win immediately if they earn 13 CVP.
Note: there are 30 building Locations on the map.
2/5th Independent Company and the New Guinea Volunteer Rifles [ELR: 4] enter on Turn 1 along the
west and/or south edge(s): {SAN: 3}
8 2 3 3
Enter on Turn 2 along the west or south edge(s). If not entered, these units do not count towards CVP (see VC):
2-4-8 9-1 DC
Australian Attack Table 5. Any unpinned, Good Order Australian MMC, which has not
yet fired, and is adjacent to a building Location can, during
dr **** Result any PFPh/DFPh, rather than using its inherent firepower or
any SW, make one notional attack against that building Loca-
tion (Sniper activation is NA). Roll once on the Australian
≤1 Rubble and Pinned Flame Attack Table and apply the result [EXC: see SSR6 below]. A
Leader/Hero may modify this dr. A maximum of one Leader/
Hero (or Heroic Leader) drm applies to each attack. A CX unit
2 Rubble must add one to its dr. No other drm apply. Such an attack is a
Concealment loss activity if conducted in the LOS of a Known
Enemy Unit (A12.11) present at the moment of attack. Each
3 Pinned Flame building Location can be attacked this way only once per fire
phase, however units in a building Location can be attacked
normally more than once in a phase.
4 no effect
6. A further dr is made whenever an Australian unit makes an
attack as per SSR5, or on the IFT/IIFT v a Japanese Con-
5 no effect trolled building Location [EXC: NA to DC attacks], or enters
an unoccupied Japanese Controlled building Location. After
rolling the attack, but prior to resolving its effects, roll on the
≥6 all attacker(s) Broken 1st Japanese Activation Table (and possibly the 2nd Japanese
Activation Table). Immediately place in the target Location
**** Leadership; Hero; CX are the only drm. any unit(s) received, unconcealed and Pinned (even Japanese
Leaders). Then apply the effects of the attack on that building.
If an Australian unit enters an unoccupied Japanese Controlled
SPECIAL RULES: building Location, it must cease its movement; place any acti-
1. EC are Moist with no wind at start. Place overlays St2 on J1/ vated Japanese units in that building Location (not Pinned)
K2; X9 on J11; X10 on M15; X11 on E2/D2; and X13 on I14/ and a HtH Melee marker in that hex.
H13. PTO Terrain (G.1) is in effect including Light Jungle (G2.1)
[EXC: roads exist normally and all buildings are wooden and
single story; treat the Rowhouse as a normal wooden building; AFTERMATH: While not achieving all of its objec-
Bamboo (G3) is Brush]. Ponds do not exist; treat as Level 0 Open tives, the attack was declared a resounding success.
Ground. The A8 to Q20 land mass does not exist and is consid- Around 100 Japanese were killed within an hour, with
ered Ocean. There is a one lane wooden bridge in I2. The Stream
is Shallow (B20.42). Water Obstacle hexes are Ocean and may numerous buildings set alight or turned into matchwood
not be entered by any unit. Kindling (B25.11) and Spreading Fire with TNT sticky bombs and incendiary flares. Three
(B25.6) [EXC: by Gusts (B25.651)] are NA. vehicles and a bridge were also destroyed, though pre-
2. No Quarter (A20.3) is in effect for both sides and Prisoners pared charges failed to go off at the wireless transmis-
(A20) are NA. sion towers and the hangar. Remarkably, Australian
losses amounted to just three wounded.
3. Night Lite rules are in effect. The Australians are Stealthy
(A11.17), the Japanese are Lax (A11.18).
4. Australian units are ANZAC (A25.44), may freely Deploy ASL Scenario BC28 page 2 of 2.
(A1.31) during set up, may declare Hand-to-Hand Combat
(J2.31) and treat Rubble as Rout/Rally terrain. The X# of all DC,
including Set DC (A23.7), is 9. Australian units may not Rout
into a Japanese Controlled building.
40th Panzer Korps (WWII East Front, 1941) - Designer Chris Harding
Price is $25 US including postage, ($25 Aus with postage - Australian residents).
CHS only accepts Paypal from purchasers outside of Australia. For Australians, CHS ac-
cepts Paypal or direct deposit.
We are always on the lookout for submissions for Break Contact.*
33 11
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The British win at
game end if they Control the bridge and all Add one 6-4-8 squad to the British OB.
Vichy Guns are either malfunctioned, cap-
tured or eliminated. Exchange one Vichy 7-0 for an 8-1.
Elements of the 22nd Algerian Infantry Regiment and 6th African Cavalry [ELR: 3] set up on/within
two hexes of 33P8. The AT Gun must set up in the same Location as the crew: {SAN: 4}
25LL AT 1S
2-3-7 2-4-8 2-2-8 8-1 HMG MMG 60* Mtr ? SA-L mle 34 FOXHOLE
3 2 6 3
Set up on/within 4 hexes of 11Z5 (see SSR 3). Each ART must set up in the same Location as a crew, with no more
than one crew per Gun:
37* AM 155 GPF 1S
AP Dodge (a)
4-5-7 2-4-8 2-2-8 7-0 HMG 60* Mtr MINES ART FOXHOLE
2 2 4 2 24 6 2 4 2 4
Nos 4 and 10 Troop, No 11 Commando, 2nd C Special Service Battalion [ELR: 5] enter board 33 on
Turn 1 along the west edge south of the stream and/or along the south edge of board 33: {SAN: 3}
6-4-8 3-3-8 9-2 9-1 8-1 8-0 LMG 51 Mtr ATR DC ?
10 2 3 3 3 3 6
SPECIAL RULES: 4. All British mortars have Smoke Depletion numbers of s9 for their first
1. EC are Moderate with no wind at start. Place overlay St2 on 33R5/S5. Kindling and Smoke To Hit attempts.
Boresighting are NA. Orchards are Olive Groves (B14.8). A one-lane Stone Bridge exists
in 33oS9. HIP is NA for Guns (A12.34). AFTERMATH: The commandos captured the bridge but were driv-
en off by Vichy armoured cars. The attack on the artillery park was a
2. Night Lite rules are in effect. The British are Stealthy (A11.17), the French are Lax
success and helped ease the pressure on the forces attacking across
the Litani River to the south. The commandos however took heavy
3. All Vichy ART must set up facing south-west, with each ART at least three casualties and were constantly sniped throughout the day.
hexes from all other ART. No Gun may change CA or be Manhandled.
It’s times like these you need a good I hope that all of you in the boardgaming commu-
boardgame to get you through a long nity are travelling well and still getting in some
lockdown. game time.
Pushing some counters around and rolling The friends we make and keep through this won-
some dice is not only great fun but therapeutic derful past time are the best.
in these crazy times. The hobby seems to have weathered the pandemic
But the hobby is expensive and for those of us thus far, although the challenge to produce afforda-
living down under, buying new games from ble products is becoming more difficult, as global
overseas is hideously expensive once you fac- economies take a hit and adjust.
tor in shipping. For instance, sourcing game parts from overseas
Indeed, shipping costs are often the greatest manufacturers has become very expensive due to a
deterrent to buying games from the United shipping container shortage, as freight usage is di-
States of America. verted to other critical deliveries.
Alas, the urge to buy that new game has to be Still, the demand for board games appears to be as
tempered or our wallets will explode. strong as ever.
It’s been the combination of a lockdown here And there’s always the second hand market with
in Oz and the cost of the hobby that prompted gamers selling or trading.
me to put together this little fanzine. But there’s nothing quite like that new box in
The best things in life are free as they say. shrink wrap and that fresh printing press aroma!