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The Europa Magazine #10

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m , ‘val‘ M‘Fmv-r w ,.


A publication of Game Research Design

Now, and for the future, Europa. . .

@uvopa on line
Game Research/Design and
GEnie, the General Electric network information
exchange, have joined forces to give you
access to the best gaming system through your
computer and modem.
GR/D will now offer electronic Europa. Some of
these features will include:
GEnie in» Electronic mail
has a special in Game Library information
offer for Europa up Current Errata
players for a limited
period of time...
Bulletin Board what's what
National Real Time Conference

Cost to join the

99 Opponents
Europa by Computer
GEnie network 9 Magazine articles
99 Coming events
$0 Direct communication with GR/D
and anything else we can think .....

‘Here's how you join, using your existing telephone modern - Set
your terminal sofware for 300 or 1200 baud, 8nl. Dial the toll free
.»,;:number - 1800-638-9636. At the connect enter HHH and
press return. At the U#= prompt enter X TX99610,Europa
When you call have your credit card or checking account number
ready to open your account and receive your personal password
from GEnie. GEnie will make electronic transfers from your
checking account it you don't want to use a credit card. They will
guide you through the setup and get you on-line very quickly.
Remember, joining fees are waived!

fGR/D and we will be downloading

is already on the bulletin board
T'files to the library shortly. Our national conference will begin
ASAP. Watch for announcements on GEnie.
The Official
(gumbo Wemé
of the Magazine (Sinatra System
No. 10 November/December 1989

Published by:
GRD PO Box 591, Grinnell, IA 50112
Rick Gayler
PO Box 24310pe|ika, AL 36801
News from GR/D
Assistant Editor by Winston Hamilton .............................................................................. 2
Deen Wood
Computer Editor inside Europa
Mark Van Roekel
Editor Emeritus
by John Astell .......................................................................................... 4
Gary Stagiiano
Columnists Facts Behind The Counters
Harold Andrews by Shelby Stanton .................................................................................
John Astell
A.E. Goodwin
Duane C. Romfoe Touring The Europa Seashore
Shelby Stanton by A. E. Goodwin ...................................... ...... 11
Rule 6: Movement
if you change
your address let us know
Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana
by WflIlng to us at the GRD address given by Harold Andrews .........................................................................17
above. If you do not inform us of your
change of address it will cost you $2 for Soviet Guards
each issue we have to resend.
by John Astell ........................................................................................ 20
(551119090 Forward . . .March!
World Wide by Duane C. Romfoe ........................................................................... 27
In Australia:
Pacific Europa Players
353 Flinders Lane, Basement Exchange (and lots of it) ............................................................. 33
Melbourne, Australia, 3000

In the United Kingdom:

Europa Association of the UK
62 Earlston Road - Wallasey
Merseyside, England L45 SDZ #11 will feature Jeff Millefogiie's preview of
For Whom the Bell Tolls. In addition, John
in Canada: Astell continues his examination of the various
Europa Association of Canada
Soviet Guards formations, A.E. Goodwin
2047 34 Ave. SW
Calgary. Alberta, Canada - T2T 204 presents the second segment of his search for
sea ship shells on the seashores of Europa, and
In Spain: Jason Long provides a study of the Yugoslav Air
Club Europa Espanole Force. In addition, look for the first round of
Provence 85, 08029 Barcelona feedback on SE play balance, plus our regular
columns and features
ln France:
Club Europa France
BP 534 Credits: Layout-WJ Hamilton; Magazine Designer-John Greer; Typesetting,
27005 Eureux ~ FRANCE
Darla Hamilton; Cover design: Tom Johnson (pict 10710 Dock. Pearl Harbor)
in Germany: to be announced Scanning: Microtek MSF 300G - Layout on an Apple llcx usmg a LaserWriter
llNT and Ready Set Go. "If your attack is going really well, it‘s
an ambush,"
in Japan: to be announced,
Page 2

$6118 gram ®9i$

by Winston Hamilton

Season greetings to our members.

all PINK FLOYD system. If you visit us make sure to
Hope the holidays find things going Wish You Were Here stop and see her.
well. We got jammed up during the The Wall
last couple of months with some Final Cut Fire In The East:
projects, but we are doing better. Momentary Lapse of Reason
The planning and execution of this It's back on the shelf, You can order it
magazine is no small matter. have
KRAFTWERK from GR/D as well. We may insert a
worked closely with Rick and he can Trans-Europe Express reprint of Scorched Earth into the
attest to the fact that it takes no time Radioactivity production schedule if the need
to get through the lirst 99% of the Autobahn arises, but there seems to be enough
magazine. and the rest of your life to copies still out there in the pipeline.
get the last 1% done. BEETHOVEN
5th Symphony SPECIAL OFFER:
Welcome to Dean Wood 9th Symphony
We have had requests trom time to
We have an assistant to the editor to ALAN PARSONS PROJECT time to make unfolded Europa maps
welcome to our humble home. Deen I
Robot available. We had the printer pull 100
Wood from Houston. Texas, long time sets of unfolded maps from the last
player and articulate writer. has joined NEW AGE MUSIC reprint of FitE. We will now make
our staff as assistant editor to help Chronos (Michael Stems) these maps available to you it you will
Rick with the crush of stufi we have to Ancient Leaves (Michael Sterns) send us $30. Please add $2 for
enter. massage. fix. and all the rest. I
Structures From Silence (8. Roach) shipping and handling. If you are a
have known Deen tor some time and Dreamtime Returns (Steve Roach) member of the Association you can
find him to be a good sort and more Oxygene (Jean Michel Jarre) get the maps for $25 total with no
than able to help with the growing job shipping or handling fee. Make your
this magazine represents, SOUND TRACKS check or money order out to GR/D
Excalibur Make sure to indicate that you want
Culture Empire Strikes Back the unfolded map offer. No other ad
will appear elsewhere in the magazine
Back at Europafest some of us were Membership Info Files: and we will sell on a first come. first
discussing what kind of music to listen served basis. You must allow up to
to during Europa play, Well, there We are ready to accept your requests eight weeks delivery time. If you want
were a number of titles listed, some i for members living in your area and we the maps laminated we can do that
remember, some listen to. some
are ready to accept ads for opponents here at an additional cost of $5 per
forgot, thought would list a few of
wanted in the magazine. Send a map. or consult the offer made in the
my favorites and invite our readership SAAE Stamped-Self~Addressed- last issue oi the magazine from a
to send in theirs. have a wide range
Envelope) with your request and the company in Ohio that is offering the
of taste and ofler a mixed bag for your words ATTN: Stephanie and we service as well. Maps come to you in a
listening enjoyment. My top 20 will take care at it. Stephanie. by the tube and you must provide us with a
lavorites are way, is our newest employee. She UPS. shipping address, or we will
works for both GR/D and Grinnell mail them to you. but we will not
TANGERINE DREAM Graphix. She may be accompanying accept responsibility (or the condition
Exit us in our treks to the conventions to of maps sent through the US. Mall.
Thief (sound track) run the booth. Stephanie does not
have a background in wargaming or Map 32 - The Caspian
MUSSORGSKY Europa, but she is taking the time
Pictures At An Exhibition (her own time) to learn about the Well. how should we proceed with
Page 3

this map? It is about ready to produce going with their great work, Ben makes it special for me.
and we are trying to figure out how we Knight who helped us change our
can give it to you. If you have any look and kept things together while ...and many thanks to GDW
suggestions we would like to know he was editor, the Europavolk who
about them. Send a letter to Rick kept giving us good ideas and I
would like to take this space to thank
Gayler (let him handle the mail for this support through the mail, and to Rick GDW for its unending support. The
baby). Gayler who (if he has read the staff at GDW has always given us any
computer manual yet) gets a big gold materials we have requested; taken
PRIZES OFFERED star for taking lots of time to add polish time out of their schedule to help
PRIZES TAKEN to the magazine. could go on and on

production; showed us the ropes in

because so many of you have helped technical areas such as counters,
We get responses to our Ghost of so much, but time and space do not boxes, art work. and all the other
Europa contests and we offer you permit. In 1990 we will be getting details that go with producing games.
OUR choice of $1,000,000,000 or better. With each issue of the
mention in the magazine at some time magazine (7, 8, 9, and 10) have told
We heard criticism of GDW for not
in the future as a winner of the Rick that "this issue is going to be caring about Europa ~ not true. They
contest. Well, not content with this even better than the last issue." feel
have a personal interest in Europa
mere offering we have upped the that we have done that. The which has been demonstrated many
ante in your favor. Now the winner of challenge is to keep up the good times. would like to extend an extra

the ghost contest may win a free copy work and get better. We may be personal note of thanks to Darlene
of Second Front. Well! It works getting bigger in page count next File who runs the cost accounting and
this way. We give you a ghost to years, time will tell, but we will ordering for GDW. Darlene has made
guess. With the ghost will be the continue our very best eftort. the difference in getting things done.
deadline for postmark of your entry. A
correct guess that has the proper Best Article - 1989:
deadline observed entitles you to be
put in the giant fishbowl. Once you
get into the tish bowl your name may
In the first issue ot the next year we
will announce the best article of 1989. VOLUNTEERS
be drawn and you could win. Odds of
winning are determined by the
This will be a tough choice since we NEEDED
have had quite a few very good
number of entries. Decision of the articles. Rick, John, and will view FOR ORIGINS

judges is final! On close calls we will what has been written by our
give you a break. For instance, it you outstanding group of columnists and
had guessed King Zud instead of make the award for the year. Next
King Zog for our first contest, we
Anyone interested in helping us with
year we would like you to vote and will the Europa demo that highlights this
would have put you in the bowl. The develop that idea a bit more as the
ghost you see in this magazine starts great game system at Origins '90 in
year progresses. Atlanta should write me at:
out the contest. Guess the correct
name, observe the deadline, and you
may win. The ghost will have some
clues with it, although they may not
@urnrafcét 2 Tom Johnson
521 Fall Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
be easy. Give it a try and see how you Beginning August 3rd (Friday) and
do. If lots of folks like this real prize running through August 5th (Sunday We need people for some
contest we will have some more. night) at DALCON. administration work, to help with
End of another year: command positions, and some PR
The die is cast, as it were, and we are work.
on ourway to Dallas forthe second
Well, this year of the magazine has annual Eurpoatests. This should be a Help is need for the entire
come to a close. When look back at

great time. We have learned a great

where we started with the newsletter, convention, Thursday through
deal from the first test Tom Johnson Sunday, 28 June 1 July.
125 subscribers, 6 pages, and a

and company put on in Eau Claire.

quarterly publishing schedule amI
We have a large base of support in
amazed. didn't know the extent of
A short training course will be
Texas to draw from and should easily

the work that would have to go into provided to all volunteers before we
hit 100 attendees. This test is the first
the magazine and the tremendous begin activities.
convention know of that has been

support you have shown for it. lwant put together for a game system. That
to thank the writers who have kept us Help us spread the word.
Page 4

3118i» Europa
by John Astell

MORE AMERICANS mattered little in practice and both are fortifications are substantial. In Grand
grouped under 0-47. Europa, you should be able to rebuild
More? You want more? Last issue’s
them after capturing them, if you want
column on the US. ground order of 3. In addition to its officialdesignation to. (In most Europa games, the
battle in Europa wasn't enough? each aircraft model had a popular
Well, surprise. do have more. campaign is too short to bother with

rebuilding fortifications .) Both these

points mean that fortified hexsides
Rounding off last issue’s ground OB, USAAF: should be printed directly on the map.
here’s the listing of corps markers for A-20 Havoc
the U.S. Army: just like all other prewar “permanent"
8-26 Marauder features.
18x Inf XXXHQ (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, P-4O Warhawk
12,13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) A-26 Invader
1x Abn XXX HQ (18) 0 Then, why can't rebuild the

0-46 Commando fortresses capture when playing


P-47 Thunderbolt Scorched Earth? Surely that

And, what about the air force? The A-36 (Mustang)‘
following is the draft Europa air order
campaign is long enough!
047 Skytraln
of battle for all US. air assets. want
P-51 Mustang While there's enough time to rebuild
to thank Paul Dunigan for his tireless 8-17 Flying Fortress
efforts in assembling the information
fortresses in Scorched Earth, I

CG-4 Hadrian think a rule on this simply doesn't add

that went into this OB. P—81 Black Widow
enough to the game to warrant it. It
B-24 Liberator seems very unlikely that the Soviets
Draft Europa P-38 Lightning will recapture a fortress they once lost
Air Order of Battle: U.S.A. P-80 Shooting Star and still have a need for it.
(Charts on pages 6 & 7.) B-25 Mitchell
Notes: Conceivably the Germans would find
P-39 Airacobra it more useful, but it's hardly
1. Abbreviations: USAAF: US. Army
Air Force, USN: US Navy, EAME: significant for them, either.
USN: Kronshtadt and Sevastopol are very
Europe-Africa-Middle East (the F4F Wildcat poorly sited for German defensive
Army‘s term for this theater). SDB Dauntless needs. Brest Litvosk (aka Brzesc nad
F6F Hellcat Bugiem) is in a good place. but a
2. The USAAF occasionally assigned TBF Avenger single fortress on the edge of Pripet
different series letters to what was Marshes won‘t stop the Soviets from
essentially the same aircraft. Often ‘
The A-36 was an attack version of
the only difference was that a pouring into Poland.
the P-51 Mustang.
different factory was producing the
same model. Each of these cases is 0 Gotcha! The air rules allow a
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS O-attack-strengthair unit to attack. For
shown as one model, not two, in OB:
example, if a SFS attacks a 0T2, the
A—2OG covers A-20Gs and A-20Hs,
A—20J for J5 and Ks, B-24D for Ds and
0 Are fonified hexside counters on transport can fire back at 5. Aren’t
their way out? these O-attack air units unarmed?
Es, 5-250 for Cs and 05, 3-268 for
Bs and Cs, P-BBD for Ds and Gs, Yes, for two reasons. First. the Yes. A Oeattack-strength air unit
P-SfB for 85 and Cs, and P-51 D for counters are troublesome to use, as shouldn‘t be able to fire in air combat.
OS and Ks. Also, the military version
they almost always get knocked out of
of the DC-3 airliner got two different
alignment showing which hexsides
O Gotcha again! In Scorched
main designations: C-47 and 053. In are fortified during play. You then
Earth, if you stick a 20-6 siege
theory, the 047 flew freight and the have to waste time looking up their artillew unit alone in a hex, it gets a “1“
0-53 flew passengers, but this exact placement. Second, these defense strength according to Rule
Page 5

148. Is this the way it‘s supposed to try it, see table one below. phase, you may demotorize
work? motorized infantry units and
No. Such a unit or stack of such units 0 Why is motorized infantry halved remotorize those that you've
should have a “0" defense strength. when attacking some terrain types, previously demotorized. To
such as swamps and forest, when demotorize a unit, during your initial
By the way, the question brings up a regular infantry isn't? can see why
phase simply place a marker on it to
topic that's been bothering me: the other combat/motorized types are show that it’s demotorized. While
zero defense strength of siege and halved, because the AFVs don’t work demotorized, it has 6 MPs and
railroad artillery. While their general in the terrain. Motorized infantry, l
functions exactly the same as a
abilities aren’t high for general believe, simply used trucks for non-motorized infantry unit. It remains
defense, they do have some transport and went into battle on foot demotorized until remotorized. To
defensive value -- and, not like other infantry. remotorize a unit, during your initial
surprisingly, the Germans used them
in defensive situations when
necessary. I’m currently considering
giving all these units a minimum “1" 4-6 Int xx 1 2-8 Inf xx 136
defense strength. srnrxx HQ 1
8|anQ 136
2-6lnflll 91 1-8Inflll 136
0 Some German players use their 1-6lnflll 92
siege artillery to give support to police
regiments chasing the partisans
Since siege artillery has no defense
3-6IanX 4 161720 25 26 27 54 551 Lib 2Lib
strength, it‘s not needed at the front BlanXHQ 4 161720 25 26 27 54 551 Lib 2Lib
when you’re on the defense, while 1-6Inflll 33 35 27 87 39 29 19 7515 7 ?
the higher-defense-strengthfield 1-6Inflll 34 36 28 88 4o 30 2o 76 16 ? 7
artillery regiments are needed there,
Isn‘t siege artillery too cumbersome to 2-6lanX so 61 61 63 64
go after partisans? 51m HQ 60 61 62 63 64
Don't let
1-6Inflll 85 69 116157 141
worry you. Technically,

most siege artillery wouldn‘t be very

0-1—6Inflll 86 70 116158 142 TSSLEE
useful against partisans -- light, mobile 1-2-6 Inf xx 1CCNN ZCCNN 3CCNN
artillery would be best against these
elusive foes. However, think of it as
an Europa “convenience" factor. If
0-1-6lnflll ? ? ?
O-1-6lnflll ? '2 ?
Europa were a battalion-level game,
you'd be able to break down your
artillery regiments and send the light
artillery assets against the partisans This is true at the tactical level, but phase simply remove the
whenever you wanted. Since you Europa isn‘t a tactical-level game. At demotorized marker from it. It again
can't, then the siege artillery “stands the operational level, the large functions as a combat/ motorized unit.
in" for the light artillery in this instance. number of motor vehicles in a Note: This rule has a few holes in it,
It's not like you don‘t have the artillery motorized infantry unit restricts its and filling them increases its
assets you need, its just that the abilities in unsuitable terrain just like complexity quickly. For example.
game has organized them more for other c/m units. If you want the what it a demotorized unit crossed
conventional war than anti-partisan benefits of being combat/motorized, terrain prohibited to em units?
operations. you‘ve got to take the penalties, too. Should you be able to remotorize it _.
how do its trucks get there? believe

0 You've given breakdowns for most Well, even you don’t want the
it this rule would be used but little in
Italian divisions in "War in the Desert." benefits of c/m, you‘re still stuck with any event, and the complexity
How about the infantry divisions? the penalties, as the rules don’t give needed to solve its problems makes it
you any way around it. I’ve fooled hard to use.
Allowing the Italian infantry divisions around with a “demotorization” option
to break down in the game looks like it off and on, but it never seemed 0 In "War in the Desert", divisions
gives them more flexibility than they worthwhile making it a rule. If you have their actual RE size, such as 2 or
historically deserve. This is NOT want to fool around with, too, here's 3 REs. iln Scorched Earth,
RECOMMENDED if you still want to my UNOFFICIAL option: In your initial however. all divisions are 3 REs even



in EAME:

American Production:



Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar




May Jul



_ 1944



Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar

May Jul Total


A-20J 5A4 5-1/17 - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 1 - - - 5
A-26B 6A6 7-2/28 - - - —
- - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 4
A-2GC 5A6 5—4/28 - - - - - - - -
- - - - - ‘ 1 1
A-aeA 2-1/15 - - - 2 2 1 - - - - - - - » - 5
B't7E SHBS 2-16/38 1 - - - - — - - « - - - - 1

B-17F SHBG 2-17/37 . 4 4 3 9 5 2

» 1 - - 1 - ~ - 30
7HB7 2-20/36 ~ ~ » - - 3 7 8 7 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 50
8-24D 5HB6 2-17/37 2 1 1 ~ 1 1 4 4 -
1 ~ - » - » . 15
B-24G 6HBS 218/34 ~ ~ » - - 1 3 2 -
1 - 7

» - - -
B-24H 6HB7 2-18/32 - - - - - 1o 8 7
- ~ - —
- 25
B-24J 6HB7 2-18/32 - - - - - . 3 6 5 5
- ~ - 7 4 2 1 1 34
B-24J 6NHB7 218/32 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 — - 1
B-24L 6HB7 218/32 - - -
~ ~ - - - 1 1 2 - 1 1 - - - 6
B~24M 6HB7 248/33 - ~ - - - -

- 1 1 1 1 - - » 4
8-250 485 3-6/24 1 ~ 1 2 - 1 1 - » - - - - - - 6
B-ZSG 3A5 3-6/21 - - - - - 1 - ~ - » - . 1
B-25H 5A6 4-6/21 - - - - » - 1 -

- > - 1

B-25J 7A6 5-2/21 - - » - - 1 1 1 - 3

B-25J 686 4-5/20 - - - - - . 1 - -
~ 1 - - 4

1 1
8-268 585 3-6/18 - — 2 . 1 1 5 — 2 1 2 1 1 1 ~ - 17
B»26F 6136 3-5/17 ~ ~ » - - - - - 1 - - - - < » - - 1
B»26G 686 35/17 » » » - - - - 1 - 3 — 2 1 - 1 - 8
G46 0T3 0/19 - - - - - - - - ~ - - - 1 - - 1 a 5
C-47 0T2 0/34 2 1 2 - - 4 - 1 3 8 2 2
~ - 1 1 - 30
0GT1 0/T ~ - - 2 2 1 - 2 2 3 2 2
1 1 - - » 18
P-38F 6F7 2—1/16 1 1 1 . - - - —
- » - - . - - 3
P-SBG 6F7 2.1/15 - 1 1 2 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 5
P»38H 7F7 2-1/15 - — » ~ » - - 2 -
~ - - » - ~ 6
P738J 9F9 4-2/21 - - - . - - 1 2 7 8 6 1 25

- -
P-38L 9F1o 4-4/22 - - - - - - 2 3 3 3 3
- 2 2 1 19
P400 4F5 1/14 - - - 4 » ~ - - - - » 4
P-39D 4F5 2/12 - » 1 - .

- . —
- 1

though some German divisions had chore. And, whether a particular than the difference between any
only two regiments and some Soviet division is 2 or 3 RES can have only division and a 1-RE unit. To illustrate,
corps had four brigades. Why is this? the most fleeting impact on play. let‘s take a look at a set of German
Adding this to Scorched Earth units: an infantry regiment, a jager
Partly for a matter of convenience. would only give you something extra division, and an infantry division. The
"War in the Desert" has such a limited to remember. without attecting the infantry regiment is a regiment, hence
number of divisions that it‘s practical course of play at all. 1 RE. It actually containsthree
to distinguish their RE size. Also.
infantry battalions, for a battalion
their limited numbers means the If you're not satistied with this, then count (BC) 013. A lager division has
particular size of any one could have look at it this way: the RE size of a unit two infantry regiments, hence it would
some influence on play. Neither is an abstraction that counts only its be 2 RES if we distinguished between
condition is true for Scorched “maneuver" elements. and its main divisions, Each of these regiments
Earth. There are very many divisions effect is to show that a division is has three battalions, but before we
-- including many different kinds -- in much bigger than a regiment. The give it a BC of 6, we should look at its
Scorched Earth, so keeping track diflerence between a 2-RE division combat support elements: four
at their differing sizes becomes a and a a—RE division is much smaller artillery battalions (organized in an
.. _ —
Page 7

Model Rating 1942 1943 1944 1945

Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep
American Production:
Nov Jan Mar May Jul Total

P~39L 4F5 2/12 - - - - - -

1 — ~ - » - - , - - ~ - 1
Pv39N 5F5 2/12 - ~ - 1 2 1 1 - -
— —
- - - - - - - - 5
P-390 6F5 2/12 - - —
- - 1 <
. 3 3 - - » - » —
- ~ - 7
P401: 6F6 1/12 - 2 3 4 3 - - - - , - - - - » ~ - ~ 12
P-40K 6F5 2/12 » — < - — 1 1 . - - - —
- - » - ~ - - 2
P-40L 5F5 2/9 - — < 1 - 1 - 1 ~ - - - —
- - - - ~ ~ 3
P-40M 6F5 2/12 - - » - - - 1 - - -
— —
- - - - - - » 1

P-40N 6F6 1/13 - - — - - - - - 3 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 8

P-47C 9F10 1/10 » - - 6 . 1 1 - - - - 8

~ - » - » -
P-47D 9F12 4/10 - - - 2 6 7 7 21
> ~ —
11 7 5 5 4 5 2 88
P-47M 10F12 0/8 - ~ - ~ - - - - - -
~ » - - - — 1 - - 1
P-51 7F6 0/15 - - - - 1 - - -
- .
— — — — — —
- —
P-51B 6F7 2/20 - - - - - 5 9 5
~ ~ - - - - . - - 26
P-51D 9F8 3/20 - - - - - - 4 2 7
~ - - 9 1O 8 7 6 5 58
6NF7 34/21 » —
- - - » . - - - —
- 1 1 1 2 — 1 6
P-61B 8NF7 4-2/15 - - - » - - - - - - - - - - » - 1 - - 1
P»80A 12JF10 2/13 - - - - - - - - - —
- - - , »
. - 1 1
Foreign Production:
Beauitr 6 6NF5 1/24 - - - - . . . .
- 1 1 . . . . . . . _ 2
Horsa 0GT1 0/T - - » - - - - - - 2 2
1 - - - — - - - 5
quto 30 7NF6 0/20 - - - . - ~ - - . —
. . . . . 1 . . . 1
Spit 5 7F6 1/10 4 2 - - - 1 - - - -
» — - — —
v - —
- 7
Spit 8 8F8 1/11 - - - - - 1 - -
— — —
. - . —
. —
. 1
Spit 9 8F8 1/9 - - - 1 - - - 1 - -
» - - - 2

- - ~ »
Group Allowance:
USAAF/EAME 12 12 17 8 12 15 16 10 15 26 27 31 2 -1 -1 ~1 1 0 0
1942 1943 1944 1945
Model Rating Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Total
USAAF in Iceland:

de F
1 . - - - - - - - - - - - - » - ~ - - 1
1 1 - - - - - - ~ - - - , - ~ - - - - 2
Group Allowance:
USAAF/Iceland 2 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 -2 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0

1942 1943 1944 1945

Model Rating Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May JU‘ Total
USN Aviation in EAME:
F4114 5F5 0013 > - 2 > - - - - , . - - - - > - , ~ 2
FBF-3 7F7 2016 - - , - - - - > - - - 2 - - - ~ - A
38013 3D3 3-1C13 , - 1 - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - 1
TBF-1 2V3 2-1C18 - - 1 - - ~ - - . - - - 1

Group Allowance:
USN Aviation EAME

artillery regiment), one recon battalion, one antitank battalion. and notes tor the “19" and “20" battalions
battalion, one antitank battalion, and one engineer battalion, giving it a BC indicate they spent most of the war as
one engineer battalion. This gives it a of 161 In terms of BCs, both types of the “11 sz" and “10 sz” battalions,
BC of 13. An infantry division has divisions are roughly the same size,
three infantry regiments (hence 3 respectively. Shouldn’t their game
RES). each of which has three
both being much larger than a single
IDs reflect the
the war under?
they spent most 01le
battalions (base BC of 9). Add to this
four artillery battalions (again in an O In your Europa 08 on German I

agree The 19th seems best as the

artillery regiment). one recon Railroad Engineers (TEN 8) your 11
szand the 20th as the 10 AW.
Page 8

@acté $chinb 39¢ (Seanteré

by Shelby Stanton
The US. Army replacement system combat divisions, and these battle areas, many senior officers
for the European Theater of battalions reported to a depot. ® believed that such assets should
Operations was established in 1943. The Ground Forces Replacement have been directly under field army
By April 1944, this system was Command exercised increasing commands for ease of control.
divided into two commands; the control over the replacement depots The Ground Forces Replacement
Ground Forces Replacement and replacement battalions on the Command, however, insisted that
Command and the Army Air Forces Continent after June 16th, 1944 control of forward replacement
Replacement Command. Only the (these organizations had been placed organizations should not be given to
Ground Forces Replacement under First Army jurisdiction for the field force commanders. "The theater
Command is of concern to Second invasion) At that time, the Ground
commander (General Eisenhower)
Front because it replenished ground Forces Replacement Command was desired to retain control over
maneuver units and provided equivalent to a reinforced combat replacements in the pipeline on the
emergency front-line infantry corps with a full complement of theory that they would provide a
contingents in several campaigns, division and supporting troops. By strategic resen/e." GD Therefore, he
notably the Ardennes the time of the Ardennes offensive, refused requests from the First and
counteroffensive. (D this Command had expanded to a Third Armies for command of
dozen depots and over 100,000 replacement units. The commander
On paper, the replacement system
commissioned and enlisted of the 12th Army Group also believed
existed as a simple and streamlined replacements with a training cadre that placing both the army depots and
organization. Replacements were numbering in excess of 6,000 their forward battalions under the
received by Ground Forces personnel. The Ground Forces Replacement Command resulted in
Replacement Command depots, Replacement Command
formed in England starting in more efficient operations©
headquarters was physically located
December 1943, and were sent to in Paris, where it had been since Officers of the First Army, however,
tactical formations by September 6, 1944. (3 believed that the replacement
depot-controlled replacement situation could have been controlled
battalions The depots were initially During the war, the replacement more effectively if the First Army could
structured as large personnel system was not as streamlined as directly supervise its depot operation.
holding/processing centers, but hoped. There was widespread In this manner, the First Army adjutant
became specialized in different disagreement on the best way to
functions during the course of the general's classification section, by
achieve better control over the being established within the depot,
European campaign. replacement flow. By October 1944, might have saved as much as three
the replacement system became days in the time required for filling
Ideally, the forward—type replacement extremely overloaded and tens of
depot was designed to serve in direct requisitions© Although First Army
thousands of soldiers were relinquished control of its depot and
support of an actual field army. It accumulating in replacement units. forward replacement battalions to the
usually consisted of three numbered For example, the 3d Replacement Ground Forces Replacement
Replacement Battalions, each of Depot contained over 19,000 men, Command about July 15, the Third
which supported a front-line corps. equivalent to a full division of troops -
For example, the 41 st, 86th, and 92d Army did not surrender its
all of whom had received stateside
replacement system components to
Replacement Battalions supported training prior to arriving overseas and the Ground Forces Replacement
the three assault corps during the were thus theoretically ready for Command until October 1944.
landings at Normandy. On June 11, action. Moreover, the men in this one
the 92d Replacement Battalion sample depot were crammed into The replacement authorization for the
landed in France to support Vll Corps facilities designed only for half that
European Theater of Operations was
and, on the following day, the 41st number (10,000) while awaiting
and 86th Replacement Battalions published in the ETC Section of the
tedious administrative procedures War Department Troop Deployment
began operations in support of V designed to replenish units having list. The War Department considered
Corps and XIX Corps, respectively. it the most need for refills or particular that the theater was entitled to a
was from these battalions that skills. Because the replacement
replacement availability of not more
replacements were sent to the battalions were situated in forward
Page 9

than 40,000 to 50,000 personnel at Divisions. Seventh Army had also General Eisenhower's anticipation of
any one time. The actual availability, started a massive retraining program. using the replacement system as a
including all categories, consistently
strategic reserve was fulfilled by the
ran about 120,000 from June through All replacements disembarked at Le Ardennes emergency, During the
November, 1944. When tactical units Havre, the location of the 15th Ardennes fighting, the forward
met heavy opposition, they required Replacement Depot, since November replacement depots that were
replacements and emptied the 10, 1944. The depot at Le Havre involved in supporting the field armies
depots. When opposition was light or received, housed, and fed were called upon to use their
stabilized. as in the case of the replacements disembarking at the subordinate organizations for a variety
Ardennes front immediately prior to port until such time as rail of defensive purposes. The number
the German offensive, replacements transportation was available to move of strategic bridge crossings and
tended to clog the pipelines and them. The Transportation Corps roadways threatened by German
accumulate in depots. allotted one train daily to the 15th forces could not be covered by the
Replacement Depot and troops maneuver battalions on hand, and
lncessant combat caused shortages usually left Le Havre by rail, traveling there was no time to assimilate
in divisions that necessitated the in boxcars filled at the rate of 40 general replacement companies or
theater headquarters to seek more soldiers per car. All armored force their manpower into tactical
infantry replacements. At a London replacements were sent from Le organizations. In some cases, tactical
meeting on August 15, it was decided Havre to the 9th Replacement Depot elements were in such a state of
that any excess personnel in the at Fontainebleau. Most disarray. caused either by retreat or
system would be retrained as infantry. Communications zone and service combat fragmentation, that
instructions for a comprehensive troops were sent to the 191h replacement units constituted the
retraining program for infantry was Replacement Depot at Etemps. only organized, officerstaffed whole
issued. As a consequence, many lnfantrymen, who comprised 62 units available for some sectors.
replacement units became heavily percent of all enlisted replacements, These factors were responsible for
oriented to providing infantrymen. were sent to one of two “infantry the frequent utilization of
intermediate stockage depots". In replacement battalions in active
Forward depots and battalions December 1944 these depots were operations as reinforcing line infantry
supporting the combat forces were located at Givot, Belgium, and
depositories for static personnel of
Neufchateau, France. The Belgium
sundry categories, and these men depot served the First and Ninth An example of this wholesale
were being rapidly molded into Armies through two forward depots, commitment of forward replacement
riflemen as a result of one to support each army. The depot units to Ardennes operations is
theater~imposed infantry retraining in France stocked troops for the two typified by the experiences of the
programs Units of the replacement forward depots which served the 79th Replacement Battalion, attached
system that followed armies and corps Third and Seventh Armies.® to the 17th Replacement Depot
as they advanced into battle were (Fowvard). On December 16, 1944,
being increasingly prepared to meet Replacement units further forward the battalion received marching
immediate combat needs. Many of than the depots sometimes moved orders from the commanding officer
these units were consequently directly into battle as entities in their of the 28th Infantry Division. The
fielded as emergency infantry own right. For example, as early as the replacement battalion was ordered
contingents in the Ardennes fighting. Normandy campaign - on August 18, fonivard to become a fourth rifle
1944 - the 38th Replacement battalion for the 109th infantry
Battalion was ordered to go into Regiment. Responding to the
The front—line infantry retraining immediate action with XII Corps and German attack, the regiment was
situation during November 1944 was advanced over 200 miles in its first charged with the defense of
as follows. The Third Army was offensive. After waiting two days in Ettelbruck.
undertaking the retraining of 65.000 the vicinity of Orleans, this battalion
men under a program of its own. moved just behind the 4th Armored The 79th Replacement Battalion was
General Patton noted that the 80th Division to give flank and close ordered by the 109th lnfantw
and 5th Infantry Divisions were at full infantry support during the allied drive Regiment to retain its current
strength due to a 5 percent cut in for Sens. "The SBth Replacement organization and to provide a series of
army and corps overhead. An Battalion was well in front of both infantry posts and anti-tank
additional 4,000 soldiers were Third Army and XII Corps roadblocks on all roads leading into
retraining in Metz. enough to fill the headquarters all the way across Ettelbruck. As the situation
26th Infantry Division and leave some France into Nancy", being employed worsened, the battalion was ordered,
over for the 90th and 95th infantry in a constant skirmishing role®
as an additional duty. to defend the
Page 10

city itself. the 3d and 17th Replacement Depots 6. First US. Army, Report of
with nearly 20,000 men apiece. The Operations, Annex I, P. 12-13.
The commander of the 79th forward battalions of these depots 7. 12th Army Group Report of
Replacement Battalion formed task were already assembled into rifle
forces from his headquarters Operations, Volume ll, P. 31.
organizations (due to the infantry 8. 15th Replacement Depot Historical
detachment and tour replacement retraining program) pre-packaged
companies. These task forces were
, Report, dtd 1 Jul 45.
into organizations complete with 9. DA Pamphlet No, 20—211, P. 455.
posted on seven roadblocks at 1800 interior structures with officer and 10. 17th Reinforcement Depot
hours on the evening of December N00 supervision. in addition, two
15. Numerous .50»caliber machine Operations Report, Master AG File
more ”infantry intermediate stockage” No. 14171. This combat example is
gun nests and bazooka outposts depots at Givot and Neufchateau also recorded in DA Pamphlet No.
were placed at strategic positions on could have been pressed into service
routes leading into the city. Squads 20211, P. 455,
as additional depot training brigades
were organized to connect on an Europa scale.
roadblocks and control the area. A Training Division-Groups
reserve force was formed from (Replacement Conversion Depots)
All replacement formations were
lesser-qualified personnel, and a doubtless less efficient, and certainly
liaison officer from the replacement
1 MTO (64) ll Jan44
less equipped, than regular combat 9 ETO (6-4) ll Aug 44
battalion was placed on duty at elements. The lack of artillery is most 14 ETO (6-4) in Aug 44
regimental headquarters. apparent, Most divisions in the 16 ETO (6-4) ll Oct44
Ardennes, however, were largely 19 ETO (6—4) ll Dec 44
By December 17, the entire 109th filled with non—combat experienced
Infantry Regiment was committed to
24 MTO (64) ll Aug 44
soldiers and many raw replacements. 27 MTO (64) ll Dec 44
combat, leaving the 79th The replacement depots and their
Replacement Battalion as the only 6900 ETO (6-4) ll Nov 44
battalions effectively represented 6960 MTO (64) Jan 45
defense of Ettelbruck against German only slightly interior potential
infiltration. The city was defended by
manpower combat quality than some
the replacement battalion until noon established divisions and regiments
on December 15, when the Vlll Corps in that sector.
commander ordered a withdrawal®
This combat example of a GHOST OF EUROPA
in summary, the replacement system
replacement battalion's use in the had a large influence on the
Ardennes campaign is indicative of Time once again for
campaign, both in terms of actual another friendly face
the service rendered by the forward employment (withholding large
replacement battalions in support of from the ghost files of Europa.
numbers of troops from immediate
the engaged field armies, absorption into front—line combat This fellow will make you chuckle
units) and potential displacement to while trying to get you to unbuckle
The organization of the replacement critical sectors as a strategic reserve.
system under the sole control of the you ornaments of war and strife,
Ground Forces Replacement he even asks,
Footnotes: "Who seeing your wife?"
Command provided General
Eisenhower with one centralized 1. Hq Ground Forces Replacement
strategic combat reserve. Although Command, History of the Ground
the replacement stream was only Force Replacement System, ETO,
partially organized into actual Part 1.
replacement battalions, the combined 2. US Forces European Theater
availability of 120.000 personnel gave Historical Division, “The Procurement
the Army a strong contingent of and Use of Manpower in the
emergency manpower. At its forward European Theater", March 1946, p.
edge, the replacement stream did 20.
fulfill the role of an organized
military 3. Report of the Replacement Board,
tool capable of immediate combat Book Ill, Section 3, Page 4.
deployment. 4. DA Pamphlet 20-211, The
Personnel Replacement System in
The First and Third Armies could, for the United States Army, P. 443.
emergency purposes, utilize two ad 5. 12th Army Group Report of
hoc "replacement depot brigades“ Operations, Volume ll P. 36.
Page 11

gearing the (Quentin @eaétjnre

Occasional Excursions Further
[With Afield]
by A. E. Goodwin
Editor's Note: A.E. Goodwin is no The first, and foremost, area 01 naval gunfire (NGF) support, the
stranger to most Europa fans. Arthur concern is exactly which sea and lake single hex bastion which results can
has penned many outstanding hexsides should be crossable by land then be defended against practically
articles in addition to creating a variant units without utilizing some version of any enemy attack since it is attackable
on the Flusso~Finnish War, "Northern naval transport. To date only three from but one other hex. All hexes
Theater of Operations". Most games within the system (Narvik, MM, tailing in this category will be noted
recently Arthur has taken on the and FitE/SE) have had anything to during the course of this series and
important task of researching and say on this subject. Narvik included a recommended for deletion.
drafting the maps for future releases note on its TEC stating that all roads
of Europa. I’m quite sure you will which crossed sea hexsides were A third problem area pertains to hexes
agree after reading the articles in this actually terries; MM included a single that contain two separate bodies of
series that there couldn't be a better special mle to simulate the Italian land that are not connected within the
person for the job. So get out maps crossing from Albania to Corfu; while hex, Whether this creates ambiguity
58 and 6A and join the tour. SE has one general and three special or not depends on the surrounding
rules covering specific sea crossings terrain. To take a simple example, a
INTRODUCTION (the rules on causeways, Baltic hex containing two separate islands,
islands, Kerch Straits, and movement each surrounded by water, and
One of main reasons have remained
between Kronshtadt and Leningrad). nothing else (which is the case in one
fascinated by the Europa system for What propose to do during this
or two actual hexes) is not
so long is that the game maps are series of articles is to advance a single ambiguous. Ambiguities arise only
among the most colorful and accurate general rule detailing how crossings when a hex "A" contains one land
of any ever included in a wargame. of sea/lake hexsides should be mass connected to hex "B" and a
The coastlines, inland water systems, handled (which would replace all the
and island chains are immediately
separate land mass connected to hex
current special rules) and then ""C, and hex "B" does not connect to
recognizable when compared to any provide a complete listing ol all such the land mass contained in hex "C":
modern day map. in tact, the hexsides where such crossings are in such case, a unit might move lrom
coastline is so accurately drawn that it possible. hex B to hex A to hex C, implicitly
is possible to take a modem map of
(and, presumably, illegally) crossing
even so irregular a coast as Non/vay's A second area of concern regards overthe sea area within hex A. All
and find direct correspondence on anomalies in the depiction ol the ambiguities ol this type will be
the game maps for practically every coast which allow abuses to occur identified and suggested resolutions
tjord and inlet, when conducting or defending offered.
against amphibious assault.
The Europa maps are without peer Approximately two dozen hexes Fourth on the hit parade are the many
when it comes to depicting open occur on the maps where a relatively cases where it is uncertain whether
expanses ot terrain; but several minor peninsula happened to fall on the minuscule pieces of land in the
problems exist where land meets sea. the hexgrid in such a way that a small hexes are meant to be playable. AII ot
Since Europa is primarily a portion of the peninsula ended up in these will be identified and a uniform
Iand-wartare oriented game. these a separate hex. with the result that it is treatment is suggested - that they all
have not been of serious then attackable only trom a single be ruled as unplayable.
consequence to date, but with the other hex. A player conducting an
debut of Second Front (and amphibious invasion can land his Last up is the troubling question of
extensive rules to simulate invasion force at the base 01 such a exactly what constitutes a coastal hex,
amphibious assaults) soon to come, peninsula with the assurance that he No exact definition is given in the
they have assumed a more urgent then has a clear path of retreat it rules and to merely state that any land
nature. torced off the beach by an enemy hex which contains a portion of sea
oounterattack. With maximum air and (no matter how small) is a coastal hex
Page 12

creates some serious problems when #1 The series of handbooks for

#6 - 1938/39/40 World Atlases by
resolving naval movement and setting mariners published by the Rand McNally, Collier's, and
up a defensive line against Marineleitung section of the Hammond.
amphibious attack. Many hexes Oberkommando das Kriegsmarine in
contain sea only by virtue of having 1926/27 with yearly updates (Ex: #7 - Series of studies of defenses of
one vertex of the hex adjacent to a Handbuch fur Skaggerak und European nations (Denkschrift uber
fjord or inlet in the coast. Ruling such Kattegat) which taken together die _Landesbefestigung) published
hexes as coastal, and thus playable provide a comprehensive view of the by OKH in 1941 and 1942, each of
by naval units, allows a much broader entire coast of Europe. which contains an excellent set of
range of choices for amphibious maps.
invasion as well as allowing NGF #2 - The series of military geography
support be used much further
to studies published by the Abteilung Every item mentioned in this series of
inland than should be possible. will i
fur Kriegskarten und columns (except where specifically
present a suggested resolution to Vermessungswesen for the General noted) was confirmed by at least one
this problem also. Staff of the German Army German and one national source.
(Generalstab das Heer) in 1939-41
While conducting the research which covers every country in Europe Several new concepts are used in this
required to determine which sea/lake and ranges as far afield as article and are defined as follows:
hexsides are crossable l uncovered Afghanistan (the one for the Soviet
several other items of interest Union covers twelve volumes; Narrow Strait: Sea/lake hexsides
pertaining to the maps and will include England covers four; and even overlaid with two parallel black lines
them in the narrative portion of each lreland rates two). (The titles vary: (====) or with the symbol for a printed
column. "Militargeographische Angaben rail ferry (----), as well as sea/lake
Uber_", "Militargeographische hexsides crossed by a road, are
A few words on the methodology Beschreibung der_", considered narrow straits for game
used in the preparation of this article "Militargeographische Studie uber _", purposes. (In general, a sea/lake
seems required. "Militargeographische Uberblick uber crossing of five miles or less if crossed
_", but they are all part of the same by a ferry, three miles or less if not.
approached this project by first general series.) Specifically excluded from this
looking at modern road maps to definition are those straits where the
determine which sea hexsides are #3 - European Ftoad Maps published topography of the terrain on both
currently crossable and then worked annually by the Shell and E550 oil sides would make an approach to the
backwards (the assumption being that companies, especially the 1939 and water exceedingly difficult; i.e. many
a hexside crossable now might have 1940 editions. This series is of the Nonrvegian fjords which rise
been crossable during WWII, but if it generally the first to reflect new
isn't crossable now. it probably wasn't
sheer from the water).
bridges and ferries.
then either). After making a listing of
Ground units may move and overrun
currently crossable hexsides, #4 - National Atlases published by across such hexsides as if they were

checked the list against map after map specific European countries. Almost major rivers, but they may not attack
made just before and during the WWII every country had a Cartography or
period and arrived at a consensus
across them unless frozen. The
Geodetic Institute which published hexside is treated as a major river for
regarding each crossing. maps and atlases. Publishing supply purposes.
schedules did not always coincide
Modern road maps used were by with the period needed, however. (Although SE rule 31.A.1 ~
Michelin and Ravenstein. The (Ex: The Danske Geodetisk lnstitut
Michelin series covers all of Western
Causeways - treats sea hexsides
published “Kort over Danmark” in crossed by rail lines and roads the
and Southern Europe and has the 1936 and 1954.)
virtue of a standard same, the overwhelming number 01
scale of roads which cross sea hexsides were
121,000,000 (except Greece which is #5 —
The 1:300,000 series of road actually ferries. In fact, could find

1700000). The Ravenstein maps maps of Europe (Strassenkane only two exceptions to this general
cover Eastern Europe and North Europa) and the 1500000 and rule: the road across the mouth of the
Africa as well, but use a number of 1:1,000,000 series of maps of the ljsselmeer in the Netherlands [actually
different scales. world (Heereskarte Weltkarte) a causeway: the Great Dike of
published by the German General Holland] and the road to the island of
A wide variety of other sources were Staff. (1300.000 in 1938 and 1944, Djerba in southern Tunisia [actually a
consulted, the most useful of which 1500000 in 1941, 1:1,000,000 in bridge].)
were‘ 1942.)
Causeways - Sea/lake
hexsides overlaid with a
solid black rectangle
(""), as well as sea/lake
hexsides crossed by rail
lines are considered
causeways for game
purposes. (Note that this
includes all the following:
narrow straits crossed by
a bridge, tunnel, dam, or
which are exposed at low
tide; as well as actual

Ground units treat such

hexsides as major rivers
for all movement,
combat, and supply
purposes (if optional
rules regarding bridges
are used, the hexside is
also considered a bridge
which may be captured, demolished, And now let us begin our tour of the road does not cross the Alta river as
and repaired as any other bridge Europa coast with a trip to.. .. shown on map 6A. The road hugs
crossing a major river; while in a the western bank of the river and thus
demolished status the hexside would The Arctic (Maps SB/6A) should run through hexes 6A:0732,
be treated as a ferry point.) [MAP SB PlCTURED ABOVE] 0832, 0933 and 58:0901, 1001.
Coastal Hexes - A coastal hex is any Arctic Cities. Having Elvesgaards» The northern coastal road seems to
hex which contains at least one full moen on the maps as a reference city be off in a number of places. The
sea hexside or at least three partial (currently in 58:0810) creates Kirkenes/Tana segment hugs the
sea hexsides. (Note that this contusion since it is not a port coast and thus should probably run
definition specifically excludes the (although it is in a coastal hex). Under through hexes 6A:1022, 0923,
hordes of hexes which are currently SE rules it is also an airbase, yet there 0823. The Vadso/Vardo segment
deemed coastal only by virtue of never was an airfield here during also hugs the coast and should run
having a single vertex [two partial sea WW”. recommend the city be
through 0921 vice 0821, Similarly,
hexsides] "in the water".) deleted entirely. Kautokeino the Lakselv/Russenes portion hugs
Additionally, any partial sea hex (currently in 6A:1132) is misplotted the coast and should run through
containing a printed port is a coastal and should be in hex 5821001. This 0628 and 0528. The junction of the
hex regardless of whether it meets city is 21 miles east of the Norwegian/ Kautokeino road with the main coastal
the aforementioned criteria. (Note Finnish border, 47 miles NE of road occurs at Alta vice 0732. All
that this excludes inland ports [ports Kaaresuvanto, and 64 miles SW of these road changes are illustrated on
in land hexes] such as Bremen, Alta. Kautokeino also lies at the the Alta minimap.
whose access to the sea is via a river headwaters of both the Reisen and
or canal). Land hexes containing Alta river systems, and placing the city Additionally, the section of the road
portions of sea, but which can not in 53:1001 not only meets the from Lakselv to Tana was an
meet the above conditions, are not distance requirements but shows unimproved second class road (some
coastal hexes and may not be this. (The designers of map 6A of which was still under construction
entered by naval units. probably used a German map as their in 1940) until the German engineers
primary source; almost all German upgraded it prior to Barbarossa.
Tracing the entire Europa coastline maps of the WWII era have Some mechanism to account for this
using this definition will show that a Kautokeino misplotted.) Moving the
continuous chain of coastal hexes seems needed.
city will also necessitate moving the
results, with the only hexes road leading to it, as described below.
eliminated being those containing Continuing with the co stal road onto
tiny portions of sea
map 58 shows seve ore
Arctic Reads The Alta/Kautokeino discrepancies the egmeht
recommend the
following: #1 <
and Lakselv-lvalo roads
to the maps, #2 - rule
these three roads, as
well as the section of
road from Lakselv to
Tana, as unplayable
until improved, and #3 -
allow any construction
unit to improve these
roads at a Cost of one
month of time and one
RP per hex.

Arctic Rivers. One large

river, the Pasvikelv, was
left off northern
Finland/Norway. This
river is the natural outlet
for Lake Inaari and is
both wider and has a
greater flow than the
[MAP 6A PICTURED ABOVE] 1014, 0914, 0913,0912, 0911), but lvalojoki which is shown on the maps.
not all of
it was completed at the time The Pasvikelv River would run just
between Alta and Tromso is off in of the German invasion. If east of the chain of hexes: 6Az1825,
several places as from Alta to 0605 circumstances required it, the road 1324,1223, 1123,1122.
the road follows the coast the entire probably could have been completed
way. The Tromso cutoft from the main given sufficient investment of time, The Tana River in northern Non/vay
route occurs at the base of the resources, and engineering assets [6A:0624] seems to have been
Balsfjord, thus the main road should (the Norwegian target date for foreshortened. The main portion of
run from 0605 to 0606. The section completion was 1943) and players river formed the Nonivegian/Finnish
of the road in the Bardufoss area should be allowed this option. border and was a good size river as far
follows the west bank of the Bardu upstream as 6A:1029. The turn
and should probably go from 0707, Two additional roads in the Arctic south into Finland shown on the
0607, 0608, 0709, 0809 as a require some discussion: the maps represents a minortributary and
consequence. Finally, the ferry Lakselv-lvalo (6A20729, 0828, 0929, probably should be deleted.
between the mainland and Harstad 1028, 1128, 1227, 1328,1427,
occurs at the tip of the peninsula in 1527) and the Rovaniemi-Skibotten The lvalojoki River (shown flowing into
0812. All of these road changes are (6Az2502, 2402, 2302, 2201, 2102, Lake Inaari near Ivalo [6A:1527]) is
illustrated on the Narvik mini<map. 2001, 1902, 1802, 1703, 1602, longer than it should be. The game
1502, 1402, 1303, 1203, 1104, map shows the source of the river as
The alignment of the road to Bodo 1004, 0905, 0805, 0705, 0706) being in Nowvay, whereas in reality no
also seems to be off a bit. This road highways. Both of these roads were portion of the river is in Norway. The
hugs the shore of the fjord just to the major lines of communication for lvalojoki should probably be cut off
south of the city and does not make Twentieth Mountain Army and without where it reaches hex 6A21431.
the northward loop shown on the them it may not be possible to
maps. Thus, the road should go simulate the German retreat from The Reisen and Raisen rivers (the first
directly from 58:1317 to 1217. Finland in 1944. Both existed pre—war two rivers west of Alta [6A20632] on
in some form, but did not assume
map SB) seem to be slightly skewed.
The current depiction of the area major importance until improved by The closest of the rivers to Alta
between Bodo and Narvik as trackless German engineers. (Reisen) actually flows into the sea at
is not completely accurate. This area the base of the Kvaenanagen fjord
had a road running between the two To handle the various changes to the (the fjord shown in the middle ot hex
cities (5821317, 1216. 1116. 1115, Arctic road net made by Germany l
580602) Since the toad ictually
Page 15

crosses the fjord at a ferry (which is Fiybachy Peninsula. Hexes 6A11219 5310406, 5810612, and 58:0715 are
shown on the current maps) it would and 1119 (the western half of the ambiguous. (The last hex listed is a
seem that redrawing the Rybachy Peninsula) are shown on the worse case than usual as, even in
Kvaenanagen fjord so it falls on game maps as Finnish owned until modern times, if you want to get from
hexsides 58:0503, 0602, 0603 and the conclusion of the Winter War. Hinnoy (the eastern island) to
then displacing both of the two rivers This is not strictly true as the Soviets Austvagoy (the western island) you
westward one hex would be a better owned a narrow strip of the eastern have to first travel to Langoy (the
portrayal of the situation. This has coast along which ran a road used to island to the immediate north) or take
been done on the Narvik mini-map supply the Ftybachy garrison. the Narvik ferry since the mountains
included with this column Accordingly, the Soviets should on either side of the strait between
probably be allowed to move and the two islands rise almost sheer from
The river on map 5B which is shown trace supply through hexes 1219 and the water.) Clean up the first by
flowing into the Balsfjord just to the 1119 (but not end movement in redrawing Kvaloy island (the island
east of Bardufoss [58:0808] is those hexes) while at peace with which includes Hammerfest) to fit
incorrect. Modern maps show a river Finland. entirely within hex 6A:0330. At the
in this area, but this represents the
same time redraw the adjacent
diversion of a portion of the water of Ftombaksfjord. The current depiction coastline to run through hexes 0531,
the Mals river northward in order to of the Narvik area does not show that 0530, 0429 thus freeing up hex 0430
generate hydroelectric power. In there was a rather large fjord to show the island of Seilland (rough
WWII the Mals flowed into the Bardu (Rombaksfiord) just north of the rail terrain). 58:0406 (Tromso) can be
just north of Bardufoss and this is line which reached to within 8 miles of cleaned up by deleting the portion of
shown on the Narvik mini~map. the Swedish border. The coast road Ringvassoy island which appears (the
north from Narvik also crossed this large island which intrudes into the
Additional Norwegian Glaciers. A fjord at a ferry. At a minimum l think northern ponion of the hex).
couple of the northern Nonlvegian 58:0810/0911 should be a sea 53:0612 can be cleaned up by
glaciers, which show up on almost all hexside to reflect this. deleting the portion of land in the SE
period maps as quite extensive ponion of the hex, leaving the
expanses of ice, got left off. Langfjord. The current depiction of peninsula intact. The last of these
Svartisen (5B:1420/1419) is actually the area just north of Alta seems can be corrected by deleting the
the largest glacier in Norway, covering somewhat skewed. The Langfjord portion of the island in the eastern
more than 200 square miles spread (the large inlet in hex 6A20532) part of the hex (Hinnoy Island). All
over two hexes. (The three actually extends to within four miles of except the last of these can be seen
contiguous glacier hexes in southern both the Burljord and Jokelfjord (the on the attached mini-maps.
Norway represent a chain of glaciers). two inlets in hex 5820602).
Blammansisen (53:1416) is smaller Additionally, hex 53:0401 (6A:0433) SECURE THE BUILDING
(90 square miles), but is the dominant should probably be mountain vice
terrain feature in its hex. (John Astell rough and 6A:0432 (currently clear One reason that the four US
agrees that Svartisen should be terrain) should probably be rough. services do no operate well
added. but feels that the addition of Both of these hexes are very rugged, together is that they use different
Blammansisen may create an artificial with the peaks in 53:0401 even more terminology. For example, when
bottleneck at hex 58:1317 and precipitous than in the mountain told to "secure a building":
recommends that Blammansisen's hexes to the south (about a third of
effects be shown via the use of high 0401 is also glacier covered. Both of The Navy would turn out the lights
mountain hexsides at 58:1416/1516 these are corrected on the mini-maps and lock the door.
and 1416/1415 instead.) included with this column.
The Army would post guards and
Many more glaciers are present in Additional Arctic islands. Add the not allow anyone to enter.
northern Norway, and in several islands of Grytoy (58:0611, rough)
hexes they are the dominant terrain and Rolla/Andorja (53:0711, rough). The Marines would storm the
type(58:1012,1113,1010, 1111, Additionally, 6A:2904 shows the building, capture it, and set up a
1413, 0505, 0402, 0401, and outline of an island, but the entire hex perimeter to defend it with
6A20430), but the individual glaciers is colored sea blue. This is the island suppressive fire and close combat.
are, for the most part, small and of Morshowez and should be clear
separated from each other by valleys terrain. The Airforce would take out a
and mountains over which movement three year lease, with a buy option.
would be possible. Ambiguous Hexes. The current Aimed Farms Jabflrdi [dramatic/la, Sept 53
depictions of hexes 6A:O430.
Page 16

Terrain Modification Chart

Sea Crossings. The following sea hexsides should be crossable by ground units.

Type Location Reason

Narrow Strait 58:1318/1217 Straumen ferry
Narrow Strait 5821216/1116 Sorfolda ferry
Narrow Strait 5820914/0913 Tysfjord ferry
Narrow Strait 58:0913/0812 Efjord ferry
Narrow Strait 58:0912/0911 Skjommen terry
Narrow Strait 58:0713/0613 Gullesfjord terry
Narrow Strait 5820612/0513 Andoy ferry
Narrow Strait 5820613/0614 Langoy ferry
Narrow Strait 5820614/0715 Austvagoy ferry
Narrow Strait 58:0716/0717 Vestvagoy ferry
Narrow Strait 5820717/0718 Moskenesoy ferry
Narrow Strait 5820712/0611 Grytoy ferry
Narrow Strait 5820811/0711 Rolla ferry
Narrow Strait 5820810/0711 Andorja ferry
Narrow Strait 5820608/0609 Senja ferry
Narrow Strait 5820406/0407 Kvaloy ferry
Narrow Strait 58:0407/0307 Ringvassoy ferry
Narrow Strait 5820504/0403 Kagen ferry
Narrow Strait 6A21518/1517 Polyarny ferry

Unpiayable Coastal Hexes. The following partial sea hexes are recommended
for change to full sea hex status (and thus unplayable by ground units):

Location: Reason:
5820413 Exaggerates island's size
5820616 Exaggerates island's size
5820617 Exaggerates island's size
5820916 Creates artificial one-hex bastion
5821220 Exaggerates importance of peninsula
5821219 Exaggerates importance of peninsula

Page 17

alewuautica fiaaiouale flepufihlicana

by Harold Andrews
The ltalian armistice was declared on ries were located (the Italian 00‘ have reached Gruppo strength
September 8. 1943; however, this Belligerent Air Force in the south suf< around July, and was sent to Germany
was not the end of Italian participation fered from an acute shortage of spare fortraining. This unit disappeared in
with the Axis during World War II. On parts). New aircraft such as Macchi the wake of Operation Phoenix,
September 12. Benito Mussolini was C205, Fiat 6.55, and Savoia Marchet- which will be discussed later. It ap
freed from prison by German para- ti 8.795 for the ANR and Reggiane
pears that there may have only been
troopers under command of SS Major Re 2002 and Fiat CR.42s for the Luft» some twenty aircraft available to this
Otto Skorzeny. On September 23, waffe, plus spare parts, continued to unit, so whether it warrants a unit in
Mussolini founded the Repubb/ica be produced in factories during early Second Front terms is a close call.
Socials ltaliana (RSI), which by Octo~ 1944, despite Allied bombing efforts. Should anyone have any concrete in
ber 10 had reestablished an army, a Additional aircraft were salvaged from formation on this unit, please pass it
navy, and an air force to continue airfields all over Northern Italy. As a re- along,
fighting. The airforce was the best of sult, live operational Gruppas. two
the reformed military units, and was fighter, two transport, and one torpe— The only offensive unit of the ANH
properly named the Aeronautica Nazi- do saw action during the ANF? '5 nine- was the Gruppo Autonomo Aerosiiue
ona/e Flepubb/icana the Republican
, teen months of operations. One oth- ranri "Buscaglia" (Autonomous Tor-
National Air Force, er tighter Gruppo, the 3rd, never pedo—Bomber Squadron). Flying Sa»
reached combat status, two other voia Marchetti 8.793 from Lonate
The ANR consisted largely of fighter fighter units and several lesser units Pozzolo, just west of Milan, the Grup-
units. and their main incentive for con» were also formed during this period. po made attacks on Allied shipping at
tinuing to fight was to protect ltalian Anzio and Nettuno bays, It later
lives and property from Allied air at- A bomber unit, Squadriglia Autonamo staged to lstres in France, from which
tacks. The primary reason the ANH Bombardamenfc "Ettore Muti" (Au~ a night raid on Gibraltar was carried out
was so successful in recruiting former tonomous Bomber Squadron), was on June 5, 1944. The unit‘s greatest
fighter pilots was the appointment of formed with 20 Cant 2.1007 bom« successes occurred when it trans—
Lt. Col. Ernesto Botto, a veteran of bers. This unit never entered com- ferred to Eleusis, Greece during July
the Spanish Civil War and a fighter pi. bat. however, due to the reluctance and August 1944: ten Allied ships
lot in the Regia Aeronautica (Royal Air of Italians to bomb Italian soil. were sunk and several others dam-
Force), as its commander. On Octo-
aged during this period. The Gruppo
ber 12. 1943 he issued a proclama- Squadrigiia Complementare Caccia was renamed "Faggioni" after learning
tion establishing reporting centers at "Montefusco" (Auxiliary Fighter Squa— that Carlo Buscaglia had not died dur-
which former members of the Reg/a dron) formed in late 1943 near Turin. ing a 1942 raid on Bougie harbor, but
Aeronautica. and their aircraft. were to Flying six Fiat 655 and five Macchi was in fact flying for the ltalian Co-
gather. (3.205 fighters, the unit flew in re» Belligerent Air Force in the south after
serve capacity and was added to 1st his release from a prisoner of war
Since they were operating in an area Gruppo in June 1944. camp.
under German control, all reorganiz-
ing was done along Luftwaffe lines, The Repano Aerocoflegamento 50f»
with Home, Schwarme, Srallel, and
A prototype Fiat G558 single en~
fosegretariato (Air Ministry Liaison gined, single seated Fiat G55 torpe~
Gruppen replacing ltalian configura- Unit) formed in December 1943 at do-bomber, converted from the fight
tions. All ground formations such as Bresso airfield in Milan. This formation er and designed to replace the 8.793
paratroopers and antiaircraft units re- served various functions including was tested toward the end of the war.
ceived Luftwaffe tactical training, and transport, recovery of damaged air» However, it was too late to be fully de-
were equipped with radar including craft, and liaison to the FlSI. veloped. The unit flew only sporadic
Freya (long range) and Wurzburg and missions after Operation Phoenix,
Reisen (short range), Few details are known about a Caccia with the final mission being flown dur-
Notfurno (Night Fighter) unit which ing the first week of 1945. The Grupv
Equipment problems were not as se- was formed in the Spring of 1944, po sank thirteen merchant ships and
vere in the north, where the majority Based near Savona, flying mainly Fiat a destroyerfor a total of 115,000 tons
of the ltalian aircraft industry's facto- CR.42 biplanes, this unit seems to during its operational tour.
Page 18


fst Gruppo Aerstransporti
"Terracciano" (1 st Transport Group)
flying SIAI Marchetti $.81 transports
was formed in late Fall 1943 near Ber—
gamo. The RSI was too territorially
small to require transport aircraft, so
the unit was transferred to Goslar, in
Germany, to provide logistical support
to Vl Luftflorte on the Eastern Front
during January 1944. During April,
the Gruppo was redesignated 1./
Ffieger Transport Gruppe 10 Ital/en,
sewing with XIV Ffiegerkorps. Based
at Schaufway, Germany, it flew mis-
sions into Finland, Slovakia, East
Prussia, and the Baltic States.
were seized by the Germans, almost
causing an armed revolt. For six
weeks the ANR was grounded until
von Richtoven's successor, General
von Pohl, took command. He reacted

quickly to restore the ANR, realizing

this would free German pilots badly
needed for the defense of the Reich.
If these six weeks had not
been lost, it
is conceivable that the ANR could
have had three Gruppos of Me109Gs
and a Gruppo of night fighters flying
CR.42$, or improved aircraft, opera-
tional by the end of 1944.

The 1st Gruppo Caccia (1st Fighter

gathered its 42 serviceable aircraft
and destroyed them for the second
time in eight months to prevent them
from returning to German hands. The
1st Gruppo then disbanded.

The 2nd Gruppo Caccia (2nd Fighter

Group), comprised of many veteran
pilots who had flown Me109s with the
Hegia Aeronautica's 3rd and 150th
Gmppos in Sicily, started forming at
Bresso in Febmary 1944. Operation—
al training began in March with deliv~
ery of 40 Fiat G55 Centauro fighters
and by the end of April the Gruppo
had begun combat operations. Mov-
Group) started forming in mid- ing near Verona in early June, the
The 2nd Gruppo Aersrransporti November, 1943 and became an offi~ transition to Me109s supplied by
"Trabucchi" started forming in the cial unit in January 1944. The Gruppo JG53 and JG77 continued through
spring of 1944, It transferred to (30s started training at Lagnasco, learning the month.
far on June 7, with 48 SIAI Marchetti German tactics and flying Macchi
5,82 transports. Redesignated 2./ 0.205 fighters, some of which the The newly equipped Gruppo saw
Flieger Transport Gruppe 110 Ital/en, Germans had seized and flown with IV heavy action through mid-August,
it served from July through October
JG77 afterthe ltalian surrender. Mov- when "Operation Phoenix" canceled
on the Eastern Front. Both Gruppos’ ing to Campoformido the Gruppo flew operations and its planes were repos~
aircraft carried German markings, with many missions during the Spring, sessed by 2nd Luftf/ofte. lt returned
only an Italian flag under the pilot's sometimes in conjunction with JG77's to combat in early October with planes
port side window indicating the air- Me1095, attacking the medium and provided by the departing l./JG4 and
craft's true nationality. All personnel heavy bombers of the 12th and 15th lll./JG77. The MATAF (Mediterranean
were ordered back to Italy on October Air Forces, which were pounding at Army Tactical Air Force) launched
28, 1944 without transports, and Italian industrial areas, In six months heavy raids against airfields during the
were formed into anti-parachutist baf— of action, the Gruppo lost over 100 first two weeks of November, trying to
talions due to lack of aircraft. aircraft, so that when 2nd Gruppo knock the ANH out of the war. When
converted to Me1OQGs, it turned over this failed, B-17 and 824 heavy bom-
These two transport units should 30 Fiat 655 fighters to 1st Gruppo to bers of the 15th Air Force launched
have been included in SE and help ease these losses. 450-plane raids against ANR targets
players may wish to have them enter on November 17th, 19th, and 22nd,
that game and later withdraw as To protest Operation Phoenix, fst 1944, damaging or destroying over a
shown on the Order of Battle Chart at Gruppo burned its aircraft rather than dozen aircraft. In spite of this massrve
the end of this article. let the Germans seize them. In the Allied air effort, the 2nd Gruppo re»
weeks that followed, the group stood mained operational at Gruppo
The events of August 25, 1944 idle. Finally, in early November they strength, and was nicknamed the
should be reviewed at this point be- transferred to Holzkirchen, Germany "Fascist Ghost Group", The Gruppo
fore we look at the fighter Gruppos. to start trainings in Me109s. Some of flew alone during the bitter winter
General von Fiichthofen, commander the Gruppo's pilots staned training in months of December 1944 and Janu-
of Luftwaffe Italien Command, and Me163 Komet rocket interceptors ary 1945 until tst Gruppo returned.
Ober Kommando der Luftwaffe (Ger- during this period, but time prevented
man Air Force High Command) creat- them from finishing the course. The The German Kommando "Sommer"
ed a plan to disband the ANR and re- Gruppo returned from Germany in the deployed three Arado AR234 recon-
form it as an Italian Legion of the beginning of January, 1945 with 52 naissance jets to Campoformido dur
Luftwaffe, requiring an oath of loyalty brand-new Me109Gs. Stationed at ing March, with 4th Squadrig/ia re-
pledged to Adolf Hitler. With no prior Malpensa airfield, west of Milan, they sponsibie for their protection. The
warning, the plan, Operation Phoe» resumed combat around March 1st, German confidence in the Italian pilots
nix, gave the Italians 24 hours to join 1945. Shortly thereafter the situation was reinforced when the ANFi com
the new legion or be forced into Luft— became so hopeless in the face of mand was informed that "4th Siatfe/of
waffe antiaircraft units, Airfields, overwhelming Allied air superiority 2. ltalienische Jadggruppe" would be
eduipment, and all t oittmunitzations: that on April ."7th l‘945 the Gruppo trained and equipped with Mes
Page 19

serschmitt Me262 jet fighters. The the foresight to provide these allies ment, these Italian pilots and aircrew
airfields at Villafranca and Ghedia were with the proper training and equip— served their country honorably during
lengthened, paved, and had special ment, instead of animosity, possibly the last months of World War II.
dispersal bunkers constructed for jet two additional fighter Gruppos could
operations. However. like many other have been made available. Consider- The following Orders of Battle and
plans created at this late date in the ing that every Axis plane was critical to Rules are written from a historical
war, nothing ever developed Sever- try to stave off the seemingly inevita- point of view and may not reflect the
al heavy engagements in early April ble outcome, the Germans handled final treatment of the subject in Sec-
with various P-47 Thunderbolt fighter this entire enterprise very poorly. ond Front. However, the ratings are
units destroyed over one third of the as they will appear in the SF playtest.
2nd Gruppo. By mid-April, increased The ANFl's fighter units were respect-
partisan activity forced the unit to re— ed by Germans and Allies alike. Even
turn its planes to a German unit, Il./ Italian partisans made special local
NAGtt. The most active or the ANFl's non-aggression pacts with these
lighter units, this outfit shot down 99 tighter units because of their attempts
Allied planes at a cost of 36 pilots and to stop Allied bombing. Despite
89 aircraft (many of which were de- heavy losses and initial poor equip-
stroyed on the ground) against seem-
ingly unbelievable Allied air superiori»
Draft Europa OB: Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana
MAR 144 1xSM.79 2V4 2-2/19
In August 1944, a collection of two 1xMC.205 7F6 1/12
Squadrigli'e Autonomo Caccia (Au- APR I 44 1xSM.81 1 T2
0/20 (In Germany)
tonomous Fighter Squadrons), a MAY I44 1x655 8F6 1/16
Squadriglia Addestramento Caccia JUL I44 1xSM.82 2T4 0/33 (In Germany)
(Fighter Training Squadron). and a Convert 1xG.55 to: 1xMetOSG 7F6 2/9
Gruppo Comp/ementare Caccia (Aux- AUG || 44 Withdraw IXSM.79 1xMC.205 txMetOQG
iliary Fighter Group) were merged into OCT || 44 1xMe 109G 7F6 2/9
3rd Gruppo Caccia (3rd Fighter NOV I44 Withdraw 1xSM.81 thM.82
Group). The Gmppo flew a mixed col- MAR |45 1xMe 109G 7F6 2/9
lection of fighters, the most numer—
ous type being Macchi 0.2023. While OPTIONAL OB ~ It Operation Phoenix had not taken place a Third Gruppo could
operational as a Gruppo they desper- have entered service in September. The Germans could have pushed training
ately waited for 1st Gruppo to convert and given them Me 1095 earlier. The night-tighter unit could have entered co m
to Met 095 in order to inherit their air» bat by fall, although the unit is somewhat hypothetical.
craft. Operation Phoenix Iett 3rd
AUG ll 44 Ignore Withdrawals
Gruppo inoperative until mid— SEP I44 1xMe 109G 7F6 2/9
December, when they entrained for OCT ll 44 Ignor 1xMe 109G
Germany. Formal training began in NOV I44 thR.42 3NF3 1/8
early Febmary at Holzkirchen. After JAN I45 Convert: 1xMC.205 to: txMe IOQG 7F6 2/9
many delays, two Squadriglie re- MAR I45 Ignore 1xMe109G
turned to Italy by truck to await aircraft
that would never come. The 9th RULES: Fighters can only be based in Italy. They cannot use their bombing
Squadrig/ia had made it to Trento factors; only patrol. interception, scramble, escort, or transier missions can be
when the war ended. The other two flown. Fighter gruppos are replaced two turns after being lost, but not
Squadrig/ie 7th and 8th, disbanded
, exceeding group allowance limits. The transports can be used in any Axis or
at Orio al Serio. Thus 3rd Gruppo Ian~ Axis controlled area.
guished in a secondary role and nev-
er really had much of a chance to fight The torpedo aircraft can operate in Italy, Greece, or France, using their bombing
with any decent equipment. or torpedo factors
against navaltargets. 2 V 4 8 F 5 1 T 2 2 T 4 7 F 5
Overall, the ANR tried in vain to pro-
Halvethetad'ca‘ SM.79 G55 SM.81 SM. 84 M0205
tect Italy from Allied attack. While not bombmgtactorfor 2-2 19 1 16 o 20 o 33 1 12
a numerically large force, considering torpedo use;see TFH 7 F 6 7 F 6 7 F 5 3 NF3 7 F 5
the air units engaged in this theater of for complete torpedo MetOQG MetOQG MetOQG r3942 Memes
operations the ANR gave a good ac- rules.
count ot itself. Had the Germans had
2 92 9 ~
2 91. 82 9
Page 20

@ohiet (65mm
by John M. Astell
Guardians of the he lose any). The "mortars" probably itself in offensive combat against the
Socialist State was partially intended to confuse Axis invaders. When it became
During its hour of crisis. the massive
enemy intelligence, by hiding the Guards, it would drop its old, regular
German invasion in the summer of rocket launchers in with the
1941, the Soviet Union looked to its army designation and assume a
numerous real mortars. Possibly Guards number. For example, the
two pasts - its Bolshevik tradition and "mortars" was chosen due to
the imperialist legacy of the Russian 100th Rifle Division became the 1st
similarities between real mortars and Guards Rifle Division on 18
empire ~ and resurrected the Guards. rocket launchers - both were low
From Bolshevism, the Red Guards September 1941. (A new regular unit
accuracy, area fire weapons. could then be raised with the old
were politically motivated and reliable (Interestingly, the German
troops of the proletariat, such as the regular number, and indeed a new
Nebelwerfers underwent a similar 100th Rifle Division was raised and
Leningrad Red Guards of the Russian sequence. German Nebelwerfer
Civil War. From Russian sent to the front in 1942. Whether or
imperialism, (”fog—thrower") combat units,
the Guards represented proven, not the Soviets reraised the regular
equipped with smoke—round firing unit depended upon the needs of
veteran troops capable of performing mortars, existed from the start of the
the most difficult military missions. the army and the resources of the rear
war. When the German rocket artillery area. Rifle divisions were always
came on line, they went to the needed and thus often reraised,
The very first Guards of the Red Army, Nebe/werfer units, which exchanged
however, reflected the existing while cavalry forces were sufficient.
their mortars for the new wonder Tank corps, mechanized corps, and
traditions of Stalinism as much as any
weapon.) The Soviets trace the artillery divisions required such
historical legacy - secrecy. Soviet
origins of the Guards in the Red Army extensive equipment or highly trained
rocket artillery had been in back to the Flerov battery.
development in strictest secrecy for personnel that they were rarely, if
years and by 22 June 1941, eight ever, reraised after becoming
Some of the first "Guards" formed Guards.) The Guards mortars were an
prototype BM-1as existed. The outside the Red Army. In July 1941,
BM-13 was a combat vehicle able to exception to this scheme, since they
the Soviets organized volunteers into were Guards from inception. Other
launch sixteen 132 mm M-13 rockets militia divisions separate from the Red
in a salvo, for great (if somewhat exceptions will be noted during the
Army, as the army had all it could course of this article.
inaccurate) firepower and handle activating its existing
tremendous shock effect. On 28 reservists. In Leningrad, three militia In practice, the Guards from the start
June the Soviets assembled seven of divisions were designated Guards,
the prototype [BM-13$ under the conformed to the imperialist tradition
recalling the city‘s historic Red of elite military forces rather than the
command of Captain l.A. Flerov, gave Guards. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
the crews four days of crash training, Bolshevik ideal of political troops.
Guards Militia Divisions quickly went to The NKVD and other internal security
and sent them to the front. The the front, where they fought bravely,
"Flerov battery" (effectively a battalion organizations were already in place to
but not particularly skillfully, against
and shown as such in Scorched ensure motivation and reliability
the Germans. In late September, the (political or othen/vise). and the
Earth) first went into action on 7 July 2nd Guards Militia was disbanded due
to good effect, and on 14 July made Guards had a more pressing mission:
to losses, while the 1st and 3rd the military defeat and destruction of
its famous attack at Orsha. Together
Guards Militia were absorbed into the the Wehrmacht. At first, the Guards
with the T-34 tank and the IL-2 Red Army as the 80th and 44th Rifle
shturmovik, the Katyusha rocket designation was little more than a
artillery became one of the most morale~boosting battlefield honor. In
fact, it's arguable that many units were
important Soviet weapons. To The Red Army's Guards began in
maintain secrecy, all Soviet rocket better before they became Guards
earnest in September 1941. In that than after - the battles in which they
artillery was officially called "Guards month the Soviets began awarding
mortars." The "Guards" emphasized won their Guards designation often
Guards status to units that had left them burnt-out shells of their
their importance (and in 1941 at least demonstrated high combat skill or
one Soviet general was warned of former selves! As the war progressed
heroism. Typically, a unit would and better resources became
dire personal consequences should become Guards after distinguishing available, however. Guards units
Page 21

received bigger and better shares of from the tank battles of Kursk to the combined arms Guards armies,
weapons and manpower than the streets of Berlin. By the time of numbered 1-8, 10, and 11. This had
regulars. Germany's defeat, the Guards the potential of deceiving the
numbered eleven combined arms Germans into thinking that there were
Aside from the Guards mortars, a few armies, six tank armies, one eleven armies, while in tact the 9th
combat formations were designated cavalry-mechanized group, tony rifle didn't exist until 1945.
Guards even before their baptism of corps, twelve tanks corps, nine
tire. These units became Guards mechanized corps, at least one The listings cover important combat
either because their component units hundred and seventeen rifle, ten units from corps to brigades and
already were Guards or because they airborne, three motorized rifle, command (headquarters) units from
were elite formations, such as mid-war seventeen cavalry, six artillery, six armies to corps, with notes on other
airborne forces, by their very nature. antiaircraft, and seven rocket launcher Guards ground forces. The following
divisions, and numerous smaller abbreviations and guides are used:
in 1943, i believe that the concept units.
behind awarding Guards status Abn Airborne
changed. The Red Army had won Guards Listings Art Artillery
glory in the Stalingrad battles of Cav Cavalry
November 1942 through January The following charts and tables cover Gds Guards
1943, and the wave of new Guards the command and combat units of the Mech Mechanized
units reflected this. However, the Soviet Guards forces in World War II, Mot Motorized
German counteroflensive in February with notes on their depiction in XX)O( Army
and March of 1948 appears finally to Scorched Earth (hereafter SE).
have convinced the Soviets that they
XXX Corps
As is true with all Soviet order of battle XX Division
still had a long war ahead of them. items, the history of all the Guards X Brigade
With nearly one hundred Guards units is not complete. While the
divisions already in existence, the
Soviets have published many I Battalion
entire army would likely be Guards accurate books on WWII, they have
before the end of the war rendering

not published extensive, overall order Date: Date the Guards unit formed or
useless the concept of Guards as of battle works, and no one else is in a other significant date, in form
elite forces. From this time on, the position to do so. (The best
Soviets rarely awarded Guards status Day.Month.Year.
non~Soviet sources on the Soviet
to units, even though most of the
army are the wartime German Notes: Notes on the Guards unit.
Soviet victories were yet to be won. intelligence reports, which although "Ex" identifies the regular army unit
Instead, Guards status effectively often good are by no means that became the Guards unit.
stopped being a battlefield award and completely accurate.) The Soviets
was reserved to mean elite troops. (In have published numerous order of Cmdr: For Guards armies, their
its place, the Soviets emphasized battle items about individual units
other awards. Honorifics, based on commanders.
throughout their WWII literature,
offensive success or special status, which many researchers - Charles Units; For combat corps, their main
were given out to regular and Guards Sharp and Karl Gaarsoe in particular
units, as were the various awards
for SE - have laboriously compiled <#>: Refers to the notes at the end
such as the Order of Lenin, Order of over the years. Items in this article
the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov,
ofeach chart.
marked with "7" have not been
and so on. For example, the 17th directly confirmed from Soviet GUARDS ARMIES
Tank Corps, formed in 1942, became sources. Instead, they represent
the 4th Guards Tank Corps following inferences from Soviet sources, Guards armies were the largest
its successes in the Stalingrad German wartime intelligence, or, in a Guards formations. They were
offensive. it received the honorific very few cases, outright guesses.
"Kantemirovka“ tor liberating that city
command units, controlling the
and later the Orders of Lenin and the operations of smaller units, which
The Soviets, in general, numbered often, but not always, were Guards
Red Banner, completing the war as the units of a Guards arm in order from units. The Guards armies often were
the 4th "Kantemirovka" Order of the number 1, usually chronologically.
Lenin Order of the Red Banner used as elite assault forces in
From mid-war, however, they offensives and would be heavily
Guards Tank Corps.) occasionally left gaps in the reinforced at these times with tank
numbering, probably for deception and artillery formations. Armies aren‘t
In 194345, the Guards were always in purposes. For example, by
the forefront of crucial operations, represented directly in SE, except as
mid-1943, the Soviet has ten markers for stacking.
Page 22 — '-
X)O(X Date Notes
1 8.42 ex 2 Reserve XXXX and 5 Gds Ritle XXX<1>,
£3333: COMBINED ARMS fought in the Stalingrad area
10.42 became 24XXXX <2>
A combined arms army was an
11.42 reformed, ex 63 XXXX; fought in Stalingrad area
5.12.42 redesignated 3 Gds XXX
all-purpose army, composed of arms
from all branches of the service. 12.42 reformed, ex 4 Reserve XXXX and Gds in SW Front
42-45 fought in southern Russia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia
Guards combined arms armies mostly
Cmdrs: F.l. Golikov, KS. Moskalenko, l.M. Chistyakov, D.D.
arose from regular armies that
Lelyushenko, V. I. Kuznetsov, A.A. Grechko
distinguished themselves in the 2 10.42 ex 1 Reserve XXXX and three Gds corps
5‘3"”9’3" campaign. The core 0' a 42-45 fought in southern Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Baltic, &
combined arms army was its rifle
East Prussia
formations, which would be Cmdrs: Ya.G. Kreyzer, R.Ya. Malinovskiy, G.F. Zakharov,
supported by tank, artillery, engineer,

and other arms as needed. For PG. Chanchibadze

3 5.12.42 formed form 1 Gds XXXX
example, in the attack on Army Group
Center in 1944, the reinforced 6th
42—45 fought southern Russia, Ukraine, Poland,
Guards Army consisted of the units Germany, & Czechoslovakia
Cmdrs: D.D. Lelyushenko, G.|. Khetagurov, D.l. Ryabyshev,
shown on the 6th Guards Army Table.
V.N. Gordov
6th Guards Army Chan 4 16.04.43 formed from 24 XXXX
43-45 fought at Kursk, Ukraine, Rum, Hungary, 8. Aust.
6 Gds XXXX Cmdrs: G.|. Kulik, A.|. Zygin, I.V. Galanin, A.|. Ryzhov, I.K.
Smirov, G.F. Zakharov, N.D. Zakhvataev
2 Gds Rifle XXX 5 16.04.43 formed from 66 XXXX
2 2 Gds Rifle XXX 43-45 fought at Kursk, Ukarine, Poland, Germ, & Czech.
2 3 Gds Rifle XXX Cmdrs: A.S. Zhadov
1 O3 Rifle XXX 5 16.04.43 formed from 21 XXXX
8 Gun Art XX 43-45 fought at Kursk, Baltic region, Belorussia & Baltic,
2 1
Breakthrough Art XX Cmdrs: I.M. Chistyakov
2 Gds Mortar XX 7 16.04.43 formed from 64 XXX
3 9 Antiaircratt Art XX 43-45 fought at Kursk, Ukraijne, Rum, Hun., & Czech.
46 Antiaircraft Art XX Cmdrs: M.S. Shumilov
3 4 Gds Tank X 8 16.04.43 formed from 62 XXXX
1 43 Tank X 43-45 fought in Ukraine, Belorussia, Poland, & Germany
4 Gun Art X Cmdrs: V.l. Chuykov
4 5 Tank Destroyer X 9 1.45 formed from7 XXXX
1 0 Assault Eng
Sapper X 45 fougfht in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
2 9 Engineer Sapper X Cmdrs: V.V. Glagolev
2 Gds Tank Ill 10 16.04.43 formed from 30 XXXX
4 7 Tank III 43-45 fought in Smolensk and Baltic regions
333 Gds SP Arty ||l Cmdrs: V.Ya. Kolpakchi, KP. Trubinkov, A.V. Sukhomlin
333 Gds SP Arty Ill M.l. Kazakov
6 4 Howitzer Art ill 11 16.04.43 formed from 16 XXX
283 Howitzer Art it! 43-45 fought at Kursk, in Belorrussia and East Prussia
3 8 Gds Corps Art ”I Cmdrs: LKh. Bagramyan, A.S. Ksenolontov, K.N, Galitakiy
496 Tank Destroyer Ill Notes:
295 Mortar ||| <1> 2 Reserve XXXX had no prior combat experience but received 5 Gds
408 Mortar I" Rifle XXX and became 1 Gds XXXX to spearhead a summer counterattack
2 2 Gds Mortar III to take the pressure off Stalingrad,
9 9 Gds Mortar ||| <2> 1 Gds XXXX had a somewhat rocky start. After heavy combat in the
1 487 Antiaircraft Art "I Stalingrad area, itwas no longer an assualt formation and was
downgraded to nonvGuards status.
<3> 9 Gds XXXX was formed out of sequence, after 10 and 11 Gds
Additional information on the eleven
XXXXs. The Soviets, needing more and good troops at the front,
Guards combined arms armies
decided to use their reserve Guards airborne troops, and selected 7
appears in the Guards Combined XXXX HQ, on the non-inactive Finnish theater, to control them. Since its
Arms Army Chart.
troops were Guards, the army HQ became Guards.
— -— Page 23

Guards tank armies were command W 1

formed from 1 Tank XXXX
headquarters that controlled two or 44~45 fought in Ukrain, Poland, and Germany
three tank or mechanized corps, plus Cmdr: M.E. Katukov
other forces as needed. Formed from 2 20.1 1 .44 formed from 2 Tank XXXX
regular tank armies, the units weren't 44-45 fought in Poland and Germany
renumbered when they became Cmdrs: S.I. Bogdanov, A.l. Radzievskiy
Guards, unlike other formations. 5.43 officially a new formation; in practical effect
Instead, they retained their original 3 formed from 3 Tank XXXX <1>
numbers and simply added Guards to 43-45 fought at Kursk, Ukraine, Poland, Germany & Czech
their designations. Because of this, Cmdr: P,B. Rybalko
the Guards tank armies weren't 4 17.03.45 formed from 4 Tank XXXX <2>
formed in numerical sequence. The 45 fought in Germany and Czechoslovakia
Soviets formed six regular tank armies Cmdr: D.D. Lelvushenko
during the war, and all became Guards 5 2—3.43 officially a new formation; in practical effect
before the final defeat of Germany. formed from 5 Tank XXXX <2>
43-45 fought at Kursk, Ukraine, Belorussia, Baltic region
A tank army usually controlled two or and East Pmssia
three tank or mechanized corps, plus Cmdrs: P.A. Rotmistrov, M.D. Solomatin, V,T. Volskiy,
other assets as needed. For example, M.D. Sinenko
in the attack on Army Group Center in 6 1 2.09.44 formed from 6 Tank XXXX
1944, the 51h Guards Tank Army was 44-45 fought in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
made up of the units listed on the 51h Cmdr: A.G. Kravchenko
Guards Tank Army Table. Notes:
<1 > 3 Tank XXXX detached its tank forces and became 57 XXXX in the
spring of 1943 following heavy lighting in the Kharkov region, while a 3
Gds Tank XXXX was formed in reserve and received tank forces. The
5th Guards Army Chart commander of 3 Tank XXXX, P.S. Rybalko, became commander of the
new 3 Gds Tank XXXX and not 57 XXXX.
5 Gds XXXX <2> 5 Tank XXXX detached its tank forces and disbanded 4.43
following heavy fighting in southern Russia and the Ukraine, while a 5
3 Gds Tank XXX
Gds Tank XXXX was formed in reserve and received tank forces.
29 Tank XXX
6 Antialrcraft Art XX
14 Gds Tank III various rifle divisions and other consisted of one or two cavalry corps
678 Howitzer Art III forces. These were quickly and one tank or mech corps. For
689 Tank Destroyer III disbanded or absorbed by armies example, the cavalry-mechanized
76 Gds Mortar ill when the crisis passed. group of the 1st Belorussian Front in
1 Gds Motocycle II Operation Bagration (1944) consisted
37 Separate Engineer II In 1943 and 1944, the Soviets of the forces shown in the Cavalry-
occasionally formed cavalry and Mechanized Group Table on the
mechanized corps into groups, following page.
For more data on the six tank armies. usually for specific operations. In
consult the Guards Tank Army Chart theory, the group would benefit from Groups aren't represented directly in
at the top of the next two columns. the strengths of both arms (cavalry Scorched Earth.
and mechanized). In practice, they
GUARDS GROUPS had mixed success, albeit much GUARDS CORPS
better than any other nation that tried
In Soviet practice. a group usually was mixing tanks and horses. (As always, The Soviets fought WWII with two
a command headquarters controlling the cavalry would lose the tanks in very distinct types of corps: command
forces intermediate in size between swampy terrain and would be left far and combat. Command corps were
those of a corps and an army. A behind the tanks in areas with HQ units controlling combat units, just
group was usually only a temporary adequate roads.) All cavalry- like corps in other armies. Soviet
unit, formed for the needs of the mechanized groups were temporary command style corps are not shown
moment, rather than a permanent HQs, except the tst Guards, which directly in SE. Combat corps were
unit. In the crisis of 1941, several achieved permanent status. unique to the Soviets; they were
groups were formed, controlling combat formations, just like divisions,
A cavalwmechanized group with their own organic subunits.
Page 24 J xxx Date Notes
1 10.41 formed
10.41 became new 5 XXXX HQ?
Cavalry-Mechanized Group 1241 reformed
4 Gds Cav XXX 12.41 became new 26 XXXX HQ?
1 Mech XX 1.42 reformed
2 ??.41 formed
Groups aren't represented 3 ?’?.41 formed
directly in Scorched Earth. 4 41 or 42 formed
5 ??.42 formed
Guards Cavalry-Mechanized Group 6 2.42 ? formed
Grp date notes 7
8 ??.42
1 44 or 45 ex Pliev Cav-Mech Group; 9 6.42 formed
fought in Romania and Hungary 10 ??.42 formed <1>
11 ??.42 formed <1>
12 ??.42 formed
Soviet combat-style corps are shown ??.42
A post-1941 rifle corps 13 formed
directly in SE, except for cavalry
usually controlled three 14 42 or 43 formed
corps, which are shown one echelon rifle divisions, although 15 ??.43 formed
this could be increased or 16 ??.43 formed
decreased as the situation 17 ??.43 formed
4 Gds Rifle XXX demanded. From 1943 on 18 4.43 formed
wholesale swapping of 19 4.43 ex 6 Rifle XXX
35 Gds Rifle XX units diminished; a rifle 20 ??.43 formed
47 Gds Rifle XX corps tended to retain the 21 ’??.43 formed
57 Gds Rifle XX same rifle divisions and 22 ’?'?.43 formed
generally remain assigned 23 ?’?.43 formed
to the same army, which 24 ??.43 formed
allowed for greater 25 ??.43 formed
coordination among the 26 77.43 formed
various echelons. The 27 ??.43 formed
example seen in the 4th 28 4.43 ex 15 Rifle XXX
Ritle corps were command HQs, the Guards Rifle Corps Table, 29 ?’?.43 formed
same as infantry corps in other again from the destruction 30 ??.43 formed
nations' armies, underthe control of of Army Group Center, is 7?.43
31 formed
an army and controlling several the 1944 4th Guards Rifle 77.43
32 formed
(usually three) rifle divisions. Under Corps of 8th Guards Army. ??.43
the impact of invasion, the Soviets in 33 formed
34 ??.43 formed
1941 found they had insufficient
skilled officers for all the armies and
Information on the various 35 4.43 ex 7 Rifle XXX
Guards rifle corps appears 36 77.43 formed
corps they needed. Accordingly, in the Guards Rifle Corps 37 1 .44 formed
they abolished most rifle corps and
went to direct control of divisions from
Chan in the next column. 38 844 formed
39 8.44 formed
army HQs. At the cost of some GUARDS CAVALRY 40 44 or 45 formed
theoretical (but obtainable) flexibility, COR PS
this utilized their ollicer assets to
better advantage. in 1943, with Cavalry corps started the <1> 10 and 11 Gds Rifle XXXs were formed in
greater resources and more skilled war as command units. but the summer of 1942during a reorganization of
officers, they brought back the rifle became combat units by airborne assets in the North Caucasus Front.
corps in orderto achieve more the end of 1941. The There, 1,2,3,4, and 5 Maneuver Abn X and 4
flexibility in army operations. In the
many cavalry divisions the Reserve Abn III became 5,618.9, 10 Gds Rifle
meantime, Guards rifle corps had Soviets raised in 1941 X, with 10 Gds Rifle XXX formed to control
been formed to control the growing
were light units, more the brigades 5-7 and 11 Gds Rifle XXX for 8-10. It
numbers of Guards rifle divisions. size of brigades than
With few existing or experienced appears that these two corps operate more like
divisions. The Soviets combat corps that command corps in 1942. but
regular rifle corps to draw upon I

found that these cavalry some time in 1943 they became command
suspect that most Guards rifle corps divisions were too small to
were new formations corps controlling divisions.
operate independently
Page 25

and were often misused by the GUARDS TANK cones second, my pet theory. is that a
intantryoriented army commanders, division is traditionally composed of
so in December 1941 they converted Tank Corps were regiments in the Soviet Army. The
their cavalry corps to combat units. the result of the >o<x large tank units were composed of
These cavalry corps had three organic
cavalry divisions and operated as
resurrection of
large Soviet tank
e C) brigades, not regiments, and hence
couldn't be called divisions.
intact units Guards cavalry corps
were formed from regular cavalry
formations in
1942. in 1941, 15-9-8 (Occasionally, independent rifle
brigades would be formed into
corps. As resources became the Soviets had integral rifle corps, not divisions.
available, the divisions were massively copied Artillery divisions, it is true, came to be
increased in size and the corps were the German Panzer corps, forming a composed of brigades, but originally
augmented by supporting forces. In series of mechanized corps, which were composed of regiments.)
1944, for example, the 3rd Guards consisted of two tank divisions and
Cavalry Corps contained the units one motorized division. Totaling over The fledgling tank corps were often
listedbelow. a thousand tanks at full strength, the handled roughly by the Germans, but
mechanized corps proved poorly they quickly gained experience and
organized, equipped, and led. became a potent force. The best tank
3 Gds Cav XXX They collapsed quickly in battle, corps went on to be Guards. As the
although occasionally delivering war progressed, the corps were given
5 Gds Cav XX one or two heavy blows before ever-increasing assets. By the end of
6 Gds Cav XX being surrounded and destroyed. the war, for example, the 4th Guards
32 Cav XX For the rest of 1941 the Soviets Tank Corps consisted of the units
abandoned large tank formations shown below.
1814 SP Arty III and concentrated on tank
144 Tank Destroyer brigades, which were small
3 Gds Tk Destroyer ll enough to be led competently 4 Gds Tank XXX
3 Gds Mortar Ill by their officers and numerous 1 2 Gds Tank X
1731 Antiaircraft Art "I enough to support the many 1 3 Gds Tank X
3 Gds Tk Destroyer II armies at the front. In the spring
and summer of 1942 the 1 4 Gds Tank X
64 Gds Mortar ll Soviets were ready to try larger 3 Gds Mot Rifle X
tank forces again, and settled 29 Gds Heavy Tank III
on a formation consisting of 293 Gds SP Art In
In SE, cavalry corps are not shown three tank brigades, one 298 Gds- SP Art Ill
directly. Instead, the cavalry divisions motorized rifle brigade, and 1 660 Antltank Art I"
are shown directly, with various supponing units. This formation
independent small units factored into was called a tank corps and not a 264 Mona" I"
them to raise their strengths. Also tank division for, believe, two
I 1 20 Gds Am'aircrafl A" “I
see the Guards Cavalry Corps Chart reasons. The first was to 24 O Gds Mortar ||
below for additional data. emphasize the importance of the 76 Reconnaissance ||
formation, corps being more
important than divisions. The
1 05 Engineer II

)00( Date Notes Additional information on Guards

1 11.41 eXZCav XXX; Units: 1,2,7 Gds Cav XX <1> Tank Corps in contained in the
2 11.41 ex 3 Cav XXX; Units: 3,4,17 Gds Cav XX Guards Tank Corps Chart on pg.26.
3 26.12.41 ex 5 Cav XXX; Units: 5,6 Gds Cav XX, 32 Cav XX
4 8.42 ex 17 Cav XXX; Units: 9,10 Gds Cav XX, 30 Cav XX GUARDS MECHANIZED CORPS
5 7?.42 ex 10 Cav XXX; Units: 11,12 Gds Cav XX, 63 Cav XX
6 42 or 43 ex 7 Cav XXX; Units: 8,13 Gds Cav XX, 8 Cav XX
7 2.43
In operations in 1942 the Soviets
ex 8 Cav XXX; Units: 14,15,16 Gds Cav XX found that the tank corps, although
Notes: effective, had some deficiencies. In
<1> "Units" refers to the composition of the corps in 1943-45, as the particular, they were tank heavy, with
corps differed from this more in 1941-42 not enough motorized infantry
present, Accordingly. the Soviets
derived a new organization for their
Page 26

3rd Guards Mechanized Corps was

XXX Date Notes organized as shown below.
1 812.42 ex 26Tank XXX
Units: 15,16,17 Gds Tank X, 1 Gds Mot Rifle X
2 26.12.42 ex 24 Tank XXX 3 Gds Mech XXX
Units: 4,25,26 Gds Tank X, 4 Gds Mot Rifle X
3 29.12.42 ex7Tank XXX 7 Gds Mech X
Units: 3,18,19 Gds Tank X, 2 Gds Mot Rifle X 8 Gds Mech X
4 201.43 ex17Tank XX 9 Gds Mech X
5 7.02.43
Units: 12,13,14 Gds Tank X, 3 Gds Mot Ritle X 35 Gds Tank X
ex 4Tank XXX
Units: 20,21 ,22 Gds Tank X, 6 Gds Mot Rifle X
1510 SP Art III
6 26.07.43 ex 12 Tank XXX 1823 SP Art III
Units: 51,52,53 Gds Tank X, 22 Gds Mot Rifle X 129 Mortar III
7 26.07.43 ex 15 Tank XXX 1705 Antiaircratt Art III
Units: 54,55,56 Gds Tank X, 23 Gds Mot Rifle X 743 Tank Destroyer II
8 9.43 7 ex 2 Tank XXX 334 Gds Mortar ll
Units: 58,59,60 Gds Tank X, 28 Gds Mot Rifle X
9 20.11.43 ex3TankXXX<1>
Units: 65?,66?,67? Gds Tank X, 33’? Gds Mot Rifle X In the next issue of the magazine I
10 23.10.43 ex 30 Tank XXX discuss Guards divisional and
Units: 61 ,62,83 Gds Tank X, 29 Gds Mot Rifle X subdivisional formations.
11 23.10.43 ex6Tank XXX
Units: 40,44,45 Gds Tank X, 27 Gds Mot Rifle X
12 21.11.44 ex16TankXXX<2>
Units: 48,49?,50? Gds Tank X, 34 Gds Mot Rifle X
<1> 9 Gds Tank XXX was formed out of sequence, al'terthe 10 and 11
Gds Tank XXX. Its subunits are conjectures, based on the existing Gds 1
Tanx X and Gds Mot Rifle/Mech X sequences, Neither Soviet sources
nor German intelligence list subunits tor the 9 Gds.
<2> 49 and 50 Gds Tank Xs as subunits for 12 Gds Tank XXX are NOTICE TO
conjectures based on the Gds Tank X sequence, with Soviet and
German evidence lacking. ASSOCIATION
armored forces - by adding even more scarce, highly trained specialists than
tanks! They also added more did the tank corps. The Soviets could
motorized intantry
XXX and came up with a
employ their resources better by
using the lessedemanding tank corps
Your 1990 resub
co well»balanced tank in general and the fewer mechanized rate for Assoc.
formation, the corps only when necessary. Guards
1 8-8 mechanized corps. mechanized corps were formed membership is
Unlike German directly from Guards rifle divisions and $31.50 (Canadian)
divisions, which in
lrom battie-proven regular
mechanized corps. Contact your
effect were stripped-down Panzer Association HQ
divisions, the mechanized corps The initial mechanized corps
surpassed the tank corps as armored consisted of three mechanized Europa Association of Canada
formations. Rather than converting all brigades (each brigade a mix of tanks 2047 34 Ave, SW
the tank corps to the new and motorized inlantry), two tank
organization, the Soviets kept the regiments, and support units. Later,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
tank corps as they were and raised a the organization changed, dropping T2T 2C4
new, separate series of mechanized the two tank regiments and adding
corps. One reason for this seems to one tank brigade instead. Also,
be that tho mechanized corps supporting units were increased
requlign' mum mnruu‘r r»; and more continually, For example, in 1944 the
Page 27

gamma .marclfl
Duane Romfoe
. .

A Reevaluation Prologue which proves that the mobility of

of March Rates in Europa Europa units is understated. will

The Europa system has a particular also outline a solution which

Introduction: The system quality which some have referred to integrates into the current system
modification proposed by Duane as "maddening excellence." This with minimal difficulties, while
Romfoe in this article was unveiled in description reflects the fact that while improving the feel and play of the
a 1942 East Front game played at on the whole the system is truly game. This solution requires only
Europafest in Eau Claire this past outstanding, it has some identifiable minor changes to rules, and none to
summer. The game received quite a shortcomings which can prove to be counters, charts, or Orders of Battle.
bit of attention from those present, frustrating, especially when viewed
including John Astell. A brief, but within the context of the overall Why Change Now?
tantalizing, report on the game excellence of the system.
appeared in AB Goodwin's article Europa is a work in progress. From its
"EuropaFest ’89" (E TO #48), and The most readily identifiable of these beginning, its history has been one of
alluded to the use of a "House Flu/e" shortcomings is the understatement continual evolution. The Orders of
which granted limited exploit of mobility in the movement system. Battle, the air combat system, and
capability for infantry. Subsequent/y, The understatement of mobility elements of the supply system have
Duane contacted me and offered to detracts from the game as a whole been reworked from game to game as
write an article on the subject for the and makes it difficult, if not better information or techniques for
readers of TEN, and here it is. Duane impossible, to achieve the types of modeling the subject has become
argues his case convincingly and his feats that the armies of the period, available. As work on Grand Europa
suggested "solutions" are very particularly the Germans, were able to progresses, and revisions are made
thought provoking; the response of achieve. This understatement of to existing games, we are at a point
our readership to his ideas should mobility takes three basic forms: where any corrections which should
prove quite interesting. By the way, be made to the game system must be
John Astell advises he is evaluating a 1, Units which are marching into made, Addressing the
revision to the admin. movement rule enemy territory, but do not engage in understatement of ground movement
(developed independent/y) which is combat, are not rewarded with greater is one such correction.
very similar to Duane's concept of movement. This understates
"unopposed mo vement" and will be movement by a week’s march. Doctrinal March Rates
tested further in the course of the 2. The movement of units which
Second Front playtest. engage in combat is understated by The march doctrines of several armies
50%. reveal that we should expect greater
About the author: Duane Ftomfoe 3. The current movement system mobility than is currently possible in
has received a Bachelor of Arts does not allow several important Europa. US. Army doctrine calls for
Degree in Political Science from the tactical abilities which should be tool marches of up to 20 miles (1.25
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. represented in an operational-level hexes) per day on a sustained basis.
His military education includes game. [1] German army doctrine called for
Commandant's List graduate, US infantry divisions to march 156488
Army Infantry Officer Basic Course; These shortcomings detract from the miles per day (0.99 -1,18 hexes). [2]
Honor Graduate, 4th Army [TASS accuracy of the game as a US Army experience fighting against
Combat 82 Course; and Infantry representation of operational~level the Germans confirms German
Mortar Platoon Course. He has combat in World War II. They often doctrine. [3] The Soviets consider
served as a Rifle Platoon Leader, Rifle lead to frustration as players attempt infantry to be able to march from
Company Executive Officer, 4.2" to achieve feats of arms comparable 7.4-14.8 miles per day in snow up to
Mortar Platoon Leader, and as an to those of history and fall. They are 12 inches deep in extreme cold, [4]
Assistant Division 6-3 Operations unwittingly frustrated by the Under less severe conditions, Sovret
Officer. (RG) £2 understated mobility of Europa units. Army doctrine conforms to US and
German expectations.
In this article will list
the evidence
Page 28

The daily march of 16-20 miles found units marched 30 miles per day for 10 against the enemy, or 12.8 miles per
in the doctrine of most armies is not
days straight (18 hexes in 2/3 the day when administrative marching in
considered a particularly fast march for length of aturn). [12] friendly territory, In both cases this is
infantry. It is considered a measured, The leading elements of the German well below what doctrine tells us to
sustainable rate of march. When 121st Infantry Division were 25 miles expect and history shows is possible.
urgent conditions on the battlefield east of Daugavpils on 28 June 1941.
require maximum effort, faster, [13] This represents a march rate of It is revealing that many of the units in
though less sustainable, march rates 35 miles per day for six days. During the examples given engaged in
may be achieved through forced the first month of Operation combat although they were marching
marching. Suggested limits fortorced Barbarossa, the German 12th Infantry at rates which exceed Europa
marches are: 35 miles (2.2 hexes) in Division marched an average of more administrative march rates. Indeed,
24 hours. 60 miles (3.8 hexes) in 48 than 15 miles per day. This does not the distance that units can march in
hours, 80 miles (5 hexes) in 72 hours. include the marching that it did as part Europa under the best of conditions
[5] Lest anyone think that these 01 combat, [14] From 20 to 21 July is only equal to the distance that
march distances represent the limits 1943, the 3rd Battalion 30th infantry Soviet soldiers expected to march in
of infantry toot mobility, they don't. Regiment, US Army, marched 54 snow a foot deep, in subzero
Japanese and German infantry both miles (3.4 hexes) in 33 hours. Its temperatures. The movement
trained to cover as much as 55—60 route took it cross-country, through potential of infantry units must clearly
miles (3.75 hexes) per day on foot. [6]
March Rates in History
Co bat Ad in Do 6 trine History Opposed Unopp. Admin.
Comparing doctrinal march rates to Combat days r: g‘
historical data provides few surprises. 6 O 0
March days
15 9/15 15 9 15 15
The mobility of the man on foot has Movement pts
(12) 9 12 (15)
changed little through history. It is March dist/day
therefore well known, and reflected in ””93 10.6 12.8 20 15-30 16 12.8 16
doctrine. Napoleon‘s armies marched “axes
March dist/turn
0.8 125 0.9-1.8 1
0.8 1

an average of 15 miles per day for 26

days in their march to Bavaria in the 96 192 180/300 225-300 144 192 240
Ulm—Austerlitz campaign of 1805. At
hem 6 12 11/19 14-18+ 9 12 15
the Second Battle of Manassas, it was
typical for both Union and
Confederate armies to march from 20 mountainous terrain, from Aragona to be raised for Europa to become a
to 26 miles per day in maneuvering San Stefano. Two hours after more accurate representation of
priorto the battles commencement. arriving, it participated in the operational-level combat in WW II.
[7] During the early days of WW I, the successful attack which resulted in
35th Fusiliers of German || Corps the capture of San Stefano. [15] Defining a Day's March
marched an average of 15.1 miles per
day over 27 days, during which they The march doctrine of most armies To begin aligning the movement rates
had 11 battle days and no rest days. holds that infantry units are able to in Europa closer to what history and
[8] march 15-20 miles per day. doctrine tell us is, and was,
Experience and history confirm that practicable, lets start by defining a
The average rate of march for German this expectation is correct. Indeed, it standard day's march. When not in
units during the Polish campaign was is not uncommon to find historical contact with the enemy, in clear
trom15-18 miles per day. [9] In the examples of march rates well beyond terrain, a non-motorized unit should
fighting on the Eastern Front, it was what doctrine leads us to expect. be able to march 16 miles per day.
considered standard for German This is a moderate, sustainable rate of
infantry units to march 25 miles (1.6 March Rates In Europa march. It is well under the 20 mile
hexes) per day. [10] Even those figure established in doctrine, and the
German soldiers who were sick Comparing Europa infantry march somewhat higher figure established
enough to warrant admittance to a rates with those of doctrine and as being possible by history. This
hospital were forced to march as history reveals them to be distance also fits well with the scale of
much as 25 miles per day during understated (Table 1, columns A-D). the game.
Operation Barbarossa. [11] To During a standard 15 day turn, the
escape from the encirclements in the average infantry unit in Europa is only Marching without Fighting
bordnr MIIILIH/ Districts, many Soviet able to march 10.6 miles per day does no! fight
An infantry unit which
Page 29
should be able to march at the movement. Opposed
standard rate of 16 miles per day for movement occurs when TABLE 2 RATES OF ADVANCE IN COMBAT

the length of the turn. This produces units march into contact
a total distance of 15 hexes. There with the enemy and/or Combat Terrain
are two situations when this should engage combat.
in ratio Open Median Closed
occur: when administratively marching Unopposed movement 221 600 (450) 400 (300) 250 (200)
in friendly territory, and when occurs when units move 31‘ 1100 (550) 750 (400) 300 (250)
advancing into enemy territory into enemy territory, do 2200 (700) 1325 (500) 350 (300)
without opposition significant at not engage in combat,
:1 3300 (1100) 1500 (800) 500 (450)
Europa scale. and do not move Figures for Infantry are in parenthese. Rates are
adjacent to units which in meter/hour.
When administratively marching, the would potentially require
current movement system only allows them to engage in
for 12 hexes for the average 6 MP combat significant at Europa level,
unit. The current rate of
obviously requires time which could
Administrative movement is be spent marching. The question is,
administrative march is thus at least 48 movement which occurs totally within how much time? The US. Army has
miles (3 hexes) low per turn. This is friendly territory and allows units to conducted broad historical research,
50% of the base movement rating for sacrifice security for speed. in which the battles and campaigns of
the average infantry unit.
many armies were analyzed. Based
The introduction of unopposed upon this research, they have
When marching into enemy territory, movement will help to resolve the determined that the rates of opposed
the current movement system only understatement of movement. By advance shown in Table 2 can be
allows a unit to march equal to its base allowing the functional equivalent of
movement rating. The current march expected. [18]
continued movement instead of
into enemy territory is approximately combat, movement rates for units that The results of Soviet Army research
96-144 miles (6-9 hexes) low per turn. do not fight will be boosted to levels on the depth of attack for its divisions
This is from too-150% of the
movement rating for the average
that approach those of doctrine and
history. The general provisions of
in H is
shown in Table 3. [19]
Notice that as the war advances, and
infantry unit. unopposed movement should restrict Soviet army attacks have increasingly
the unit in the following ways: The favorable force ratios, the depth of
in addition, armored units should also unit must be in general supply and it attack for a division increases. This
have their mobility adjusted. German should not move adjacent to any
doctrine stated that marching agrees in principle with the findings of
enemy unit which could force it into the US. Army.
cross-country, on bad roads, or in significant combat. Units use the
poor weather, armored units should following multipliers for movement With a 3:1 attack, the US. Army states
be able to march 25 miles by day or 12 rates: combat-motorized 1.5. that you should be able to gain 4.8 km
miles by night. [16] This performance non-motorized 2. The unit may march
was confirmed by US. Army per day. The Soviets expected their
into enemy territory. divisions to gain from 4.5-6.5 km per
intelligence. {17] Sustaining this rate
01 march over 15 days produces
day even in attacks during 1941. The
a After this change, march rates are still Germans considered an attack to be
total distance of 23.4 hexes. Allowing below what units were able to march,
for minimal road movement, the total going poorly if it produced an average
However, they are now in the general rate of advance of only 4 km per day.
march distance becomes 25 hexes range of their doctrinal and historical [20]
per turn without combat. Therefore, values. (See Table 1, column F.)
movement by armored units marching Although it may seem awkward to The deepest attack possible under
into enemy territory is approximately treat motorized and non-motorized the Europa combat system is 16
25% low when not engaging in units differently, for the present am
miles (256 Km). Using the US.
combat. only establishing the actual march Army's findings, assuming only 12
rates that should be used in the hours per day in the attack and a
The Three Types of Movement game. Later i will present a more
To find a solution to this problem. we combat ratio of 3:1 in median terrain
refined, consistent, and useful produces a rate of advance of 4800
need to recognize that there are mechanic for achieving the same
three types of movement rather than meters, or 3 miles, per day. Over the
march rates. course of a 6 day attack in a 15 day
the two types represented in the
turn this results in an advance of 18
game. These movement types are: How Much Time Does Combat miles. Using the Soviet divisional
opposed movement, unopposed Take? objective‘figures shows that this same
movement. and administrative When combat is sought and joined, it depth should be reached in at most
Page 30

6.4 days.
At this depth the attacker
has exceeded the maximum depth of
should be higher. Using US figures
and assuming no breakthrough and
Tactical Problems Resulting
from Understated Movement
an attack currently allowed in only 6 continuous combat over the length of The current movement system makes
days. a turn produces a rate of advance of 3 several tactics impossible, or at best,
hexes per turn for a 3:1 attack in far less common than they should be,
Actually, the time required to seize median terrain. This is 3 miles per These tactics are the mobile defense
the objective would be less than six day. and envelopment. both of which
clays. The previous example characterized much of the fighting on
assumes a defensive depth of 16 In the fighting at Kursk, during the Eastern Front. Their lack
miles whereas the actual depth of the Operation Citadel, the Germans indicates that the ability of Europa to
defense would be only on the order maintained a rate of advance of 2.5 model maneuver warfare at the
of 12,000 meters for the large US miles per day while they were operational level can be improved.
divisions with two regiments forward operationally effective. They
and one back. [21] Divisions of other achieved this rate of advance A mobile defense is one in which
nations were generally smaller, and although they were fighting against is traded for time, with
could be expected to have shallower
the most potem Soviet defense ever counterattacks launched as
assembled. Their combat opportunities avail themselves. This
TABLE 3 - Soviet Divisional Daily Objectives ratio was no better than was basic German tactical doctrine,
2:1, and usually and the lack of provision for it in the
Depth of Missmn ln Km
_ . _

considerably lower, except game has serious consequences.

. for the ratio of tanks and With the current movement system,
Seasequent ers‘slzn of

lssmn lss'on t
assault guns in the the German has only one sound
WI :4ay Voronezh Army Group option when a strong Soviet
1941 1
5,2 5 3_4 sector where it was 63:1. offensive supported by artillery
1942 2-3 4-6 [22] divisions is in the making: retreat. By
1943 2-4 5-7 simply retreating, the German is
1944 3-5 5-7 10-12 Under the current rules imposing no casualties by
1945 3-5 6-8 18-20 the greatest advance counterattacking the Soviets, which is
possible for a unit in something they were able to do when
contact moving from a executing a mobile defense.
defensive zones. To fight a battle 200 to a ZOC, attacking, and then
through to this depth would require advancing after combat is 2 hexes. Although envelopment battles now
only 2.5 days, which implies there are Two hexes over the course of a turn occur, they tend to be limited to
potentially 12.5 days for movement, averages out to only 2.1 miles per maneuver by mechanized units only,
day. This rate is too low and results the role of the infantry in the scheme
Planning the battle, and from the understatement of of maneuver is either limited or
reconstitution following it, would movement in combat by at least one nonexistent. Historically they were
consume 12 days. The time required hex per turn. the primary agents in low level
for combat would be 3-5 days. The encirclements. Inalarge
attacker should still have nine days Over the course of a six year war, encirclement they formed the
available for movement. At the including almost four years of maneuver base, while the more
standard march rate this would continuous combat on the Eastern mobile mechanized divisions
produce a movement rating 50% Front, this is a significant value. That enveloped the enemy.
greaterthan the average base one hex represents the ability of units The Solution to Understated
movement factor. There is currently in combat to maneuver and gain
no mechanism to redress this critical ground. Since the difference Using doctrine and history as the
understatement of movement. between the expected advance in basis for evaluation of the mobility of
combat and the actual is one hex, it is Europa units shows that the
Advance In Continuous easy to correct. This one hex movement system:
Combat represents from 1 to 4 movement
Examining the rates of advance when points, depending on terrain. These 1. For non-motorized units:
in contact with the enemy also points two figures average to 2.5 movement a. Understates the march distance of
to the current understatement of points, or approximately 50% of the units marching into contact by 50% of
movement. Using the US or Soviet base movement rating of the average their base movement rate.
figures in Charts 2 and 3 to analyze infantry division. Once again there is b. Understates administrative march
advance in continuous combat a demonstrated need to add 50% to distances by 50% of the base
reveals that the rate of advance the base movement value of units. movement rate.
Page 31

2. For units marching into enemy of the turn. Units marching by no means excessive, especially
territory and not engaging in combat: unopposed may not engage in when you consider that moving
a. Understates by 100% march combat; however, they may overrun through a single 200 will take every
distances for non-motorized units. enemy units. A unit making an movement point the unit has
b. Understates by 25% march unopposed march may never start, available.
distances for motorized units. move, or end movement adjacent to
any enemy-occupied hex, except for The Results of these
3. Understates by 50% the mobility of hexes occupied by partisans or units Improvements
non-motorized units in contact with which are overrun under Rule 13. The combination of unopposed
the enemy. Units making unopposed marches movement and non-motorized
4, Makes no provision for a mobile may only spend movement points for exploitation produces a simple,
defense. movement and paying overrun costs. robust movement system that solves
5. Understates the possibility of the problems have listed. This

envelopment. Another Europa Innovation combination simplifies the integration

In Europa, full exploitation is taken for of march rates with their doctrinal and
What is needed is a clean way of granted for mechanized units. That historical values since it does not rely
redressing the understated was not the case when DNO was first on large multipliers which would align
movement while providing for the released. Its implementation of one part of the game while warping
missing tactical phenomena. By exploitation was revolutionary as a another. It allows motorized and
implementing the following game mechanic, and in the effects non-motorized units to be treated in a
modifications to the movement rule, that it produced. Limited exploitation consistent manner in unopposed
all march values align closely to their for non-motorized units will improve movement, which decreases the
expected values regardless of the the basic Europa game model in a complexity of introducing this
unit's activity. These modifications similar fashion. Imagine what playing innovation. It produces a more
are: Europa without exploitation for sophisticated combat model without a
armored units would be like and you corresponding increase in the
1, implement unopposed movement. will have a measure of the positive
2. Grant non-motorized units complexity of the game or the rules.
effect that half exploitation has as a Aligning the mobility of units with
exploitation movement equal to 1/2 game mechanic for non-motorized doctrine and history may have
theirbase movement value. units. important tactical consequences,
With these modifications "Rule 6 .
depending on how the additional
it is important to realize that the
mobility is implemented. By
Movement" now reads: exploitation abilities of non-motorized implementing part of the additional
units are limited in two respects: mobility as exploitation, tactical
Rule 6 - Movement movement point values of abilities not offered by the current
Ali phasing units may move during the non-motorized units are generally
movement phase. During the
system become possible. One of the
lower than for motorized units, and most important of these abilities is the
exploitation phase, all phasing non—motorized units are only allowed ability to implement a mobile defense.
combat/motorized units may move at half of their rated value in exploitation. By adopting a move light ~ exploit

their full movement point value; all This preserves the differentiation
other phasing units may move at 1/2 system for all arms, players can mass
between the abilities of motorized combat power, attack, and then give
their movement point value. A unit and non-motorized units. Half ground. This gives a measure of
may always move a single hex (except exploitation for non-motorized units is tactical flexibility in accordance with
into or across prohibited terrain) in a
movement or exploitation phase.
TABLE 4 - Summary of march abilities by movement type for 6 MP unit:
Unopposed Marches
The unopposed march rate may be Opposed Unopposed Administrative
used in the movement phase only. A Movement Movement Movement
unit making an unopposed march is Base Mvt multiplier 1
1.5 2
considered to have movement points Exploitation Yes Yes Yes
equal to 1.5 times its printed Enemy territory Yes Yes No
Move adjacent? Yes No'
movement point value. and may move No
into enemy territory. A unit may make Engaged in combat Yes No No
Max possible march 9 12 15
an unopposed march only if the
following conditions are met: The unit “Overrun strength and partisans only
must be in general supply at the start
Page 32

that which armies historically had.
This properly models the mobile
defense on the operational level. [23]
This ability isn't inordinately powerful.
however, since the ability is limited to
experimental rules you use.
Although these modifications are not
overpowering by themselves, in
combination with some "house" or
experimental rules they do have that
potential. would suggest that you
3. WarDepartment, TM<E30~451
Handbook on German Military Forces,
Mar 1945, p. lV-l
4. Headquarters, Department of the
Army, FM 100—2-2 The Soviet Army -
Specialized Warfare and Flear Area
Support (16 July 1984), p. 972

half movement. in practice, German first try these concepts out with a
5. FM 21-18 Foot Marches. p. 16
infantry can only just leave a hex limited scenario. instead of starting 6. Lieutenant Colonel Paul W. Thompson,
adjacent to the Soviet artillery from scratch with afull setup. With a Lieutenant Colonel Harold Doud. Lt. John
divisions, thereby buying themselves little play. the necessary mental and Schoiield, Col Milton A. Hill, How the Jap
some time, but it is at best a limited tactical adjustments to these rules Army Fights (New York, Washington
respite. A natural, self-imposed usually come quickly. expect that
DO: The infantry Journal. 1942), p. 54
constraint exists when either natural your playtest results will coincide with 7. John G. Burr (LTC, U.S.A. Ref), The
defensive terrain or fortifications those of everyone who has tried Framework of Battle (Philadelphia, New
come into play. After all, who would these ideas: they work very well. York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1943), p.
give away the Dnieper, Valdai Hills, or 85-6. 92
a fort line by simply retreating? 8. Infantry in Battle (Washington DO:
Final Notes The Infantry Journal, 1939). p. 94-95
Fighting an opponent in positions The advamages of these 9. Burr, p. 90; Charles E. Kirkpatrick.
such as these is the natural function modifications to the movement "Blitzkrieg Proving Ground”, World War II,
of massed artillery and artillery system outweigh the disadvantages. September 1989, p. 33
divisions. Proper positioning of Exploitation by non-motorized units 10. John A. English, A Perspective on
offensive forces can also reduce the and unopposed movement leads to Infantry (New York; Praeger Publishers.
effectiveness of the mobile defense. tactical play which is more sound, 1981), p. 139
Some limits may need to be interesting, and decisive. Movement 11. Albert Seaton, The German Army
established on non-motorized rates are boosted to a figure closer to 1933-1945 (New York: St. Martin's Press,
exploitation. Such limitations can their historical norms and possibilities. 1982). p. 179
easily be implemented by several Pockets will become much more 12. English. )3. 123
techniques. Some examples of 13. Harrison Salisbury, The 900 Days
common. A mobile defense now
factors in the game that can be (New York: Harper and Flow Publishers,
becomes possible, giving the 1969). p. 193
utilized in establishing limitations are: Germans a better chance of surviving 14. Omer Bartov, The Eastern Front
time period, weather, unit type, unit on the Eastern Front from '43 to ‘45. 194145 (New York: St Martin's Press,
strength, nationality, or doctrine. As a final and important advantage. 1986). p. 21
Depending on how the rule or these results are gained while leaving 15. FM21-18 Foot Marches, p. 3
restriction is written, it can reflect the counters. CBS, and most basic 16. R. Ernest Dupuy and George Fielding
changes in ability, doctrine, political game mechanics unchanged. Eliot, If War Comes (New York: The
constraints, equipment, operating Macmillan Company, 1938), p. 113
conditions, or other factors. In closing I would like to give my 17. TM»E 304151 Handbook on German

special thanks to Tom Johnson and Military Forces

Playability and Playtesting 18. Headquarters, Department of the
Charlie Meyer forlheir ideas, valuable
Retrofitting these new rules into Army, FM 105.5 Maneuver Control (De-
advice. and playtesting. Their cember 1973). p. H-2, H-3; Stephen B.
Europa games is generally contributions were instrumental in the Patrick, "Combined Arms Combat Opera-
straightforward. For most games. a evolution and refinement of the ideas tions in the 20th Century“, Strategy and
simple insertion of these rules to presented in this article, and the Tactics, #46, p. 12
supplement the current system article itself. would also like to thank
19. A. A. Sidorenko, The Oflense, (Mos-
should be sufficient. Some games Jason Long. Joe Hayes, Mike cow, 1970), p. 73
may require a minor adjustment to the Schomisch, and the Eau Claire 20. Field Marshal Eric von Manstein, Lost
rules. A possible example for use in group. Victories (Novato: Presidio Press, 1982).
FltE/SE: Soviet non«motori2ed units Footnotes: p. 448; Colonel T.N. Dupuy & Paul Martell.
may not exploit on ll Jun 41 During
1. Headquarters. Department of the Great Battles on the Eastern Front (New
Soviet unpreparedness, Soviet units Army, FM 21~1B Foot Marches, 1971, p. York: Bobbs-Merrili Company Inc, 1982),
may not exploit it they attacked during 11; War Department, FM 7-20 Flifle p. 89
Battalion, 1942, p. 58 21. “The Concept of Defense", lnlanlry
the combat phase, or are in a ZOC
2. Herman Foertsch (Colonel of the Journal, March 1942
during the exploitation phase. 22. Dupuy and Martell, p. 87
German General Staff), The Art of Modern
Warfare (Originally Kriegskunst Heute 23. Headquarters, Department of the
When playtesting these rules you will und Morgen), (New York: Veritas Press. Army. FM 100-5 Operations
have to consider the effect on 1940). p. 198, 142
whatever other "house" or
Page 33

Mlke Solll Deen Wood On another note, prior to the
publication of the US order of battle in
To a certain extent the discussion on l
read Louis Rotundo's article on the TEN #9 l was apprehensive about the
play balance is warranted, yet lteel Kremlin Wargames of 1941 (TEN #9) representation of US artillery. This
that many people are attempting to with a great deal of interest. Whether was one arm that the US excelled in.
solve the problem by changing and his inferences and contentions are In almost every volume of the USA
adding rules to benefit first one and historically accurate or not may never Center of Military History historical
then the other side. There seems to be known; l certainly have no extra series the response time,
be no end in sight. insight into the Kremlin. do. I
coordination, and sheer volume of US
however, take issue with some of the artillery was cited by the Germans as
think that a different approach to Europa proposals put forth in the decisive. In several instances German
solving the problem of play balance article. While i agree with the oflicers claimed US firepower
should be considered. During my comments concerning Soviet exceeded anything they had ever
twenty years of wargaming I've problems with command control, experienced on the Eastern Front. At
discovered that in a "good" wargame supply services, and mobilization first glance was disappointed in the

a historical result will occur if the levels, wish to point out that these
US artillery OB. Then it became
wargame is played as it historically deficiencies are. or should be, apparent that much of the "missing"
occurred. reflected to a great degree in the artillery was in those monster infantry
Soviet unit ratings. Surely one divisions, right where it should be.
Instead of arguing about how one reason the Germans are rated so well
side has too many advantages over compared to their Soviet counterparts Finally, readers may be interested in
the other, why not simply play the is due to their effectiveness, which the following bit of information I

campaign as both sides historically was in turn partially due to Soviet recently came upon:
fought it. When the Apr 42 turn is
problems. What it all boils down to is
reached, compare the final positions that the few existing surprise and "17 March 1941
and strengths of each side with the unpreparedness rules are sufficient Fuhrer conference (with Colonel
start ot the "1942 Scenario". since command and supply problems Heusinger): 1500-2030 hours.
(or advantages) are factored into the
It's worth a shot. ratings. The proposal to require ...2. Barbarossa;
unilateral Soviet attacks goes too far. e. A Gp. South: ‘lt would be
This is indeed a worthy idea. It play the Soviet side, then i am
fundamentally wrong to attack
However, to play the game "as both Stalin and reserve the right to order
everywhere.‘ Pruth and Dniester
sides historically fought it" would my armies as please. It want to lay
I I Rivers, which will block any offensive.
present quite a challenge. Even if back and identify the main enemy The Dniester is much more
one could set up the opposing forces thrust betore l attack, then should be i
impregnable as a defense line than
in their true Jun ll deployments and the Rhine. Hence, no attack across
able to do so. should have the right

then direct the German forces to their to set high command policy and make the Pruth. 'Here we would only drive
actual opening assault positions, the my own prewar plans. The game the Russian away from a spot where
ensuing combat die rolls would should do nothing more than give me we should ask him to stay put.‘
immediately set an entirely random historical tools, so that can recreate

sequence of events into motion. history literally if want to or explore

I f.Conclusion:
Nonetheless, one could strive to play alternatives (which is why most In the Romanian sector, employ only
the game utilizing historical strategic people play). The initial deployment the forces necessary for the
decisions as a blueprint. and surprise rules are as much of a protection of Romania. All other
historical straitjacket as can stand.
available forces will be used for frontal
However, not all people are Astell's tree deployment rule (TEN attack north of the Carpathians, with
enthusiastic about attempting to #5) is much more to my taste. Soviet the weight on the northern wing,
duplicate historical patterns, as seen offensive requirements are not for where additional armor will be brought
below. me. to bear. Armored units must be
pulled out of Romania at the earliest!"
Page 34

General Franz Halder, The Halder War
Diary 1939-1942, Edited by Charles
Burdick and Hans~Adolf Jacobsen,

and performance of the Soviet Army
in the early summerturns in 1941. He
proposes several "fixes": 1) prevent
trouble spots in Europa logistics,

command/control, and limited

intelligence (this is not exactly what
Presidio Press, 1988. perfect Soviet responses to Axis Louis said, he wanted limits to Soviet
moves, 2) limit Soviet air mobility, but bear with me). However,
Now I'm no expert on these rivers, but command/control capabilities, and 3) I
must point out that very few
this guy was, And I've read the Rhine force the Soviet player to utilize
will be rated as a major river in
wargames handle any one of these
historical, prevwar operational issues very well, if at all. So even if
Second Front. 8000... it seems doctrine. have several comments
Europa falls short on these points, it
that maybe the Dniester River should regarding his ideas and exposition. has plenty of company throughout
be given strong consideration for the rest of the wargaming world. One
major river status in future mapping. Louis is convincing in his of the problems with each of these
presentation of the facts. He areas is that from the design
Thanks for sharing the above. persuasively refutes Fugate, and perspective they are extremely
demonstrates an intimate and complex and don't lend themselves
It appears you may have profound knowledge of the Soviet to rules that would be workable and
misconstrued Mr. Rotundo's Army during the Great Patriotic War. acceptable to most gamers, however
intentions. He is not proposing However, there is a difference desirable such rules might be to the
Soviet ollensive requirements in between excellent scholarship and historians. think that Louis was

addition to the existing surprise turn excellent wargame design. This is not aware of the magnitude of the
mechanics What he suggests is that to downplay Louis's efforts, but I
problems he identified, since he
the current "double whammy" be submit that the time commitment states his proposed solutions in
replaced with a coupling of mandatory involved in each of the three areas of broad, unrefined terms. He seems to
Soviet attacks and harsh movement wargaming — research, design, and be saying, "Hey designer(s), here are
penalties. In his opinion, this would playing (not to mention the three things that need to be fixed, so
provide a more accurate model of the business/organizational aspect) —- do fix them." In this applaud him. But

Jun ll turn. Merely anotherbrand of not necessarily complement one he also appears to have neglected
strait/acketl In any case, all this is another. In fact, believe that to truly
the gaming perspective.
hypothetical; Louis only laid out a excel in one means that the others will
bare bones outline of how he felt the suffer in proportion. Players have the vantage point of
"surprise turn" should be handled. It hindsight. Thus, while it might seem
would require a lot of testing to even For example, am first and foremost a
reasonable to suggest that (1) there
begin to evaluate whether such a player — some have said a pretty be some type of limited intelligence
design change would be functional, good one. But my playing skill has (i.e. mobility restrictions) to "solve"
much less produce the desired not come cheaply. One of the results perfect Soviet responses to Axis
results in play. of my dedication to playing is that moves, (2) that some kind of
although dabble with design I've
command/control rules be invented.
It would be interesting for someone to never completely designed a whole and (3) that the logistics rules be
try a game of SE using Louis game. Another is that although my much more comprehensively written,
Hotundo's suggestions from TEN #9 knowledge of WWII history is it is not reasonable to
for simulating the events of late June
propose that
reasonably extensive, it serves mainly any player be forced to adopt an
1941. Give it a test, send your to provide me with some historical doctrine some 50 years after
feedback report to TEN, and we will conversational fluency. Indeed, l
the event. Louis‘ three suggestions
pass it along to our readers. have put my historical foot in my are reasonable (regardless of how
mouth often enough to realize that to difficult to design or unpalatable to
ViCtOI’ Hauser acquire true historical expertise l play with they may be), but claim that

would have to give up much of my any attempt to mandate historical

In response to Louis Flotundo's "War gaming time. Further, each of the doctrine will not only be impossible to
Plans" article in TEN#9: three areas of specialization provide design realistically, but that the effort
definite and distinctly different to implement it will result in numerous
In his concluding paragraph Louis viewpoints. Thus, Icannot help but and outrageous abuses by the
addresses the issue of rules primarily see Europa from a players wargaming community.
tampering and the effect it could have perspective. And it is from this
on play balance. Also, in the perspective that take issue with
For instance, i thought for a while
immediately preceding paragraphs, Louis's suggestions. about what i as the Axis player could
he discusses the problems of and would do to the Soviet player on
simulating the historical authenticity Lours correctly identifies three big the first turns of the game if knew
Page 35
beforehand what his doctrine and running the campaign more The new Marita-Merkur will be a
required response had to be. It intelligently than the Germans actually complete, self-contained GAME with
wasn‘t pretty. And also claim that it
did. Are intelligent decisions to be
isn’t justifiable, because the Axis
new counters, new maps, and
penalized lor the sake of forcing updated rules. it will even be given a
historically didn't know. Indeed, there history to repeat itself? new name, Balkan Front. This title
were a lot of things they didn‘t know will be marketed as a GAME, which
about. What should we do about am in total agreement with John's can be played in its entirety without

them? inclination toward more abstraction in access to other Europa materials.

the strategic air war and naval system. GFi/D must sell GAMES, not just
Well... Under the current rules players Of course, none of us have had the
do know what the required Soviet maps, in order to exist as a viable
chance to experience these first wargame company. Although GH/D is
response to the Axis Jun ll surprise hand, but the knowledge that doI
sensitive to the desires of Europa
turn will be. The poor buggers must have of the current air rules leads me players and attempts to give folks
stand in place and take their lumps to believe that the Allied (American what they want, the above is a
again during the Axis regular Jun ll and British) strategic bombing
turn. As Deen Wood points out, this
business reality.
campaign would not be all that
is an historical straitjacket already with exciting and suspect designing
Warren C. Wilson
us. Louis merely feels that it might be workable naval rules could be a real
possible to have the game unfold in problem where large numbers of I
thoroughly agree with Theo
roughly the same pattern it does now ships are involved. Bierschenk's comments concerning
(is. Soviet border forces get mauled) the need for a naval module (TEN #7),
by adopting a slightly different One last thing, found it mildly
which would be particularly interesting
approach which would contain more inconvenient that The Urals in the Mediterranean Handling naval
at the elements he sees as major Rules/Soviet OB booklet was not operations in the abstract is much like
contributingfactors to that mau/ing. It punched tor inclusion into a
never hurts to ask for what you want! having one "German Army" counter in
three-ring binder. Has this been the game - it's there, but it doesn't
noticed by anyone else? Thank you function very well.
Forrest Opper for letting me "bend your ear".
There has never been a decent
The recent issues of the magazine Thanks for the kind words of your European game that recreates the
and John Astell's "The Europa opening paragraph, Forrest. The
Almanac" have important role played by sea power,
been great. cannot
people who desenre your accolades but Europa has great potential in this
say enough about TEN. it is very well are our columnists and authors.
laid out, very informative, and full of regard. And the US Naval Institute
Without their hard work there would alone has 110,000 members; even a
interesting items and articles. lt's not be a TEN. We avoid printing this small portion of that group could be a
arrival always makes my day. Rules
type commentary in "EXchange", as it significant new market. Although the
Court is always such a shot in the arm smacks too much of self-promotion.
and usually my favorite piece. it is HE and SE players may find this
However, we do receive many letters boring, a "Med Module" would allow
invaluable in helping me learn the of praise and support and this is a players to add the sea power factor
system and understand the good opportunity to acknowledge while not burdening those who prefer
intentions behind the rules. that they are greatly appreciated. to concentrate on land actions. lfeel
am very interested in the new a relatively few number of counters
On buying

maps separately: GFt/D can make the naval aspect a lot more
standard maps. hope that these can

currently sells Europa parts through

be purchased separately. [would appealing.
advertisement in TEN. So it is
very much like to get maps 13 and 14. reasonable to believe that the maps
but am not all that interested in Europa '5 strong point is detail; leave
may be made available as

the abstract to Milton-Bradley.

buying the new Marita-Merkur, replacement parts sometime in the
future after the publication of the new Theo Bierschenk
Regarding the possibility of John "Co/lectcrs' Series" of games.
Astell incorporating additional However, one should note that the l'm generally happy with the mix of
penalties for attacks made in mud and "Co/lectors' Series" production runs
snow turns, believe Deen Wood has articles run in TEN, but have been

will be limited and waiting to pick


made some very pertinent up disappointed by some recent letters

the maps on this basis will be time that seemed to be very critical of other
observations. Particularly apropos is consuming and risky - spare maps
his comment concerning the people‘s writing. There's a certain
may not be available. gentlemanly, mature level that should
possibility of the German piayer(s)
be maintained. and to be insulting on
Page 36

a personal level oversteps the There has been a lack of support for i have copied, cut, and mounted the
bounds. This could also have the Europa in recent years with many railroad engineer counters that were
tendency to discourage people who titles going out of print. To often do I

printed on the inside back cover of

might want to write in with an article or hear the comment "Europa was a TEN # 9. The result was a very nice
letter. but are scared off by the good system, but it's not available set of counters for a small investment
people who afterwards send in really anymore." or more commonly now. of time. The article, "Rails through the
insulting letters to jump on mistakes. "What's Europa ?" The more changes Russias" from TEN #7 should be
Maybe some editing could tone down to a system largely out of print. the considered the official errata on the
some of the excessive ranting? less relevant they become to the subject.
ordinary, run-ot-the-mill gamer. Let's
Would you believe? A fair amount of have new ideas. and so on, but with A continuing flow of new ideas is the
past ranting WAS toned down. There some sense of perspective. life blood not only of Europa
is a fine line between providing an
periodicals, but to a large extent the
uncensored forum for readers to GR/D is making steps in the right Europa system itself. The opening
express their feelings and allowing direction. New titles are essential to credits to Marita-Merkur state it
personal attacks which overstep the keep the system alive. But why aren't well: "The concept of the Europa
bounds of propriety. We want the more of the old titles being reprinted? Series is that of a living. growing idea.
"EXchange" section to be lively and As far as can see there is no good
and, like all living things. it is subject to
somewhat saucy. but we definitely do reason why Narvlk, WD, CW. or SE
NOT want to offend anybody. It's a
change. While the Workshop has
cannot be reprintedstraight away. always emphatically rejected the
fact of life that people who offer their They need few, if any, changes.
ideas for public scrutiny risk rebuttal, concept of planned obsolescence.
There is a market ready and waiting for change for the improvement of the
but your words are well spoken and them. We simply await someone
should be kept in mind by letter system or for the sake of quality is
willing to produce and market the both healthy and necessary. " TEN
writers and editors alike. product. and other Europa publications
provide the laboratory and testing
Mark Teltord Other games (such as TFH and FF) grounds for experimentation with new
need reworking of course. It would concepts and refinement of the
TEN is really 'tinding its feet" now, be helpful to know what the tentative
with good history articles. plus solid
existing body of material. Most of the
schedule is fortheir revised editions. proposed changes are optional or
gaming related features. However, And whatever happened to Play Aids experimental and should be clearly
who is expected to keep up with the Kits? Will they be pan of the revised recognizable as such. The best of
recent rash of changes? The rail unit product? the lot may one day see inclusion in
errata for SE will quite lrankly be the system, thus benefiting
ignored by me » not because it's right Anyway, GR/D seem to be the best
or wrong, but because don't have
everyone. And in those rare cases
people to run the series now, but I
where a change is an official one, as in
the time to make up new counters, hope you appreciate the frustration the case of the railroad engineers, the
rewrite rules, and so on. If these many of us feel at seeing an excellent proper tools will be provided for their
sweeping changes are otficial, then series not being fully available. inclusion, given a reasonable spirit of
they should be backed up by official participation on the part of the gamer.
errata for rules, and proper counters Finally, thanks to Jack Radey lor the
being available to the gamer. | feel Kiev anicle in TEN#7. Good history at Yes, Europa is a business, at least
that Europa periodicals tend to run last. The German memoirs need to be for GFi/D. And as is the case with
away in their enthusiasm and leave shown in their true light, if a correct most small businesses, the
the ordinary garner behind. historical interpretation is to be made. restraining factor standing in the way
Guderian's self-serving scribblings of multiple reprints is very simple —

A more general point related to the need to be looked at carefully too - as capital. GR/D has just reprinted FitE.
above is that Europa seems to be should all such historical documents This reprint required a substantial
treated too much like a religion in the really. However, the response Jack outlay of cash and sell-through is now
way it is approached by the hard core. gets from some readers is always needed to replenish the coffers. As
enjoy Europa. think it's about the
worth a laugh. Every time he points the capital becomes available and the
best series there's ever been. But at out that the Nazis weren't design and other production work
the end of the day it's a game, an superheroes you can guarantee that reaches completion, additional titles
attempt to simulate some aspects of some commie-basher will rear up and will appear- both new games and
history. Furthermore, it's a squawk. Keep up the good work reprints/reissues. You must be
business. Jack. you do have some tans out patient. Remember 6570 is also
here! eager for the day when all the
Page 37

games and Grand

individual the command of the 48th Panzer Heavy Tank Battalion 502 was listed
Europa will be available to the Corps. the 1st, 7th, 19th, (when it as lost four different times before tire
public, Following "News from GR/D" became available on the 18th of gutted it in late 1944, and then it was
will keep you abreast of the schedule November), 25th and 1st SSLAH destroyed by friendly fire! 80 the tank
for new releases. As regards Play Panzer Divisions, a Kampfgruppe of losses so painstakingly put down by
Aids Kits, the current thinking is to the 2nd SS DR, and the 68th infantry Mr. Radey may be 10~20% of the
include these directly in the product, Division started to throw back the losses which were destroyed beyond
as was done with The Urals. Russians and stabilize the front. In repair,
the course of the next 45 days. the
By the way, Europa-mass is held in Germans proceeded to push the I must admit i don't follow the math
my game room every Friday night. Russians back on a 70 mile front used to derive a 10-20% factor. And
New converts are always welcome. some 20 to 60 miles pivoting on the a careful reading of Mr. Radey’s article
town of Fastov, in the course of all reveals that he is aware of your point
Karl Bourke Soderholtz this fighting the 48th Panzer Corps about tank losses when he states
kicked the living hell out of the 38th "Realize that the reports are affected
Awhile back | read an article about the and 3rd Guards Tank Armies and by many factors such as transfers,
Battle of Kiev which was basically disrupted the deployment of the 60th newly arriving replacements, and
written from a Russian point of view. Army. The 48th Panzer Corps also vehicles temporarily out of service."
But it is standard practice for the succeeded in destroying some 590
victors to write the histories in a way tanks, 250 artillery pieces, and 1200 So here is a short version of the
that makes them seem more powertul antitank guns. They also captured "German side of the story". / repeat
and set them in a better light. some 5000 men and killed over what I said some time ago in TEN #8,
20,000 others. "in the final analysis it is doubtful that
As Mr. Radey stated, on November 3,
the real truth surrounding the events
1943, a Russian offensive was This, of course, is the German of November - December 1943 in the
opened with the objective of account of the battle. but why should Ukraine will ever be fully known. " But
recapturing Kiev, This offensive was the Germans lie about the numbers in perhaps there is hope, as Charles
being led by the 3rd Guards Tank their unit histories since they lost the Sharp points out in the next letter,
Army and the 38th Russian Army. war? The second reason these
This force quickly pushed aside the numbers make sense is that Charles C. Sharp
German 7th Panzer Division, 88th according to the histories of the Tiger
infantry Division, and a Kampfgruppe units present. the Tigers accounted Lou Rotundo's letter in TEN#9
of the End 88 Das Reich The for just short of half the Russian tanks commenting on my Soviet artillery
Russians recaptured Kiev and destroyed. That is, 29 Tigertanks article, "The Guns of June" (from TEN
pushed on to the south in hopes of destroyed 285+ tanks by themselves. #8), points out the continuing
cutting off Army Group South at the And these numbers are believable problems, and opportunities, that the
'incredible" speed of 5 km per day. when you find out that the formidable current convulsions in Soviet society
According to the author, 6th Guard Michael Wittman was there in present to historians. The chart
Tank Corps on the 7th of November command of a platoon and added showing the placement of Soviet
ran into elements of the 25th Panzer some 45 tanks to his kill record while RVGK (High Command Reserves)
Division, newly arrived from France, the rest of his platoon accounted for artillery units at the start of the war was
And the 6th Guards Tank Corps 104 other tanks. first published in the
defeated them. However, this was Voenno-lstoricheskiiZhurnal (Military
because the Russians attacked only Also in his article. Mr. Radey makes a History Journal) in November 1987.
the wheeled elements of the division; point of listing all the German tank This was information i had not seen
the tracked elements were detained losses which occurred during the when originally put together my

at another section 01 the front and battle for Kiev. Does he understand Soviet artillery articles. Anything a
arrived after the Russians had been that the Germans listed all tanks as western writer tries to publish on the
stopped. but not before destroying lost, whether they were battle losses Soviet military is now subject to being
most the 25th's wheeled vehicles or mechanical breakdowns which
The 25th's tanks went on to support
"updated" at any moment by new
could be recovered from the field and revelations from recently opened
the 10th Panzer Grenadier Division sent to the rear for repairs? The archives. read in an interview with

later in the battle. recovered tanks then were relisted as one of the Soviet generals involved in
combat operational and sent back to classifying and declassifying archive
Four days later the Germans started the front. According to the book material that they are now considering
an operation to remove the Russians Tiger: The History of a Legendary the possibility of publishing casualty
from their imposing positions, Under Weapon 194245, one Tiger of the figures for Soviet forces 2': the "Great
Page 38 ‘4'
Patriotic War'! torces around Stalingrad had less 1942 that isolated or destroyed
than half the tanks and only 2/3 the almost 15% of the Axis divisions on
Whilethere have been estimates and artillery of the "static“ Western theater the eastern front was launched by a
guesses, this would be the first time around Moscow, and less artillery and relatively modest Soviet force!
we could compare the Germans' men than the defenses around
claimed Soviet casualties with the Leningrad and vicinity! Only in air Much interesting material on the topic
Soviet figures. it would be extremely power was there a significant massing of Scorched Earth play balance
interesting to get actual statistical data on the Stalingrad/Volga front. Of has already been received and will
on the relative effectiveness of the course, the strategic reserves were
two sides, instead of the guesses and
appear over the course of the next
shunted south after the several issues. Meanwhile, there is
approximations we have had to work counteroffensive proved a success: still time to send in your answers to
on in the past. but the initial attacks on 19 November the questions posed in TEN #9.
And to add my two cents worth to the Because we like to tinker and because have played this game and because

"Victory Possibility" debate: have to

there is an interesting fix for it, i asked Frank Chadwick to give me some copy tor
agree with Rotunda, in that cannot
you to try out. If you own the game let me know how this works - Winston
imagine any way the German military
could have conquered the Soviet RULE AMENDMENT - GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR by: Frank Chadwick
Union. Now, a German state that had Add the following to the descriptions to the Axis Panzer Movement Phase
started real economic mobilization for and Soviet Armored Movement Phase: "In addition, any other unit (ie.
war and kept at it in something other any infantry, mountain, airborne, or short unit) which begins the phase not in an
than the semi~feudal and slipshod enemy 200 may move half of its movement allowance."
fashion the Nazi state did, and a Note: This rule amendment is specifically designed to prevent the "fall back one
political leadership that was willing to hex a turn" tactic without eliminating the difference between mobile and non-
enlist the Soviet subject peoples in a mobile troops. There is now considerable motivation to leave behind delaying
real "Crusade Against Communism", forces, and a general breaking off of contact will lead to a rapid general pursuit.
might have brought Stalin's state
crashing down. The tall would have In the course of preparing this rule amendment, a much more substantial me-
been as much from internal stress as chanical change occurred to me and i would like to present it as well. Europa
external, however, because the players are, after all, incurable tinkerers in my experience, and you may enjoy lin-
German military alone could not strike kering with this rule. Note that when using this sequence of play, you should
deep enough and hard enough to not use the rule amendment presented above.
crush the Soviet forces. Sequence of Play
The sequence of play is altered as shown below.
Just for example, in spite of truly First Player's Turn
amazing victories in 1941, the 1. Reinforcement-Fleplacement Phase
German Army in Russia was actually 2. General Movement Phase
weaker in both firepower and mobility 3. Combat Phase
at the beginning of the 1942 4. Rail Movement Phase
campaign than it had been less than a 5. Panzer/Armored Movement Phase
year earlier! The average German Second Player's Turn
intantry division by 1942 had lost over 6. Reinforcement-Replacement Phase
50% of its motorized equipment, not 7. Rail Movement Phase
very plentiful in the first place, and the 8. Panzer/Armored Movement Phase
panzer formations outside of the units 9. Combat Phase
specially rebuilt for the campaign in 10. General Movement Phase
the south averaged less than 70 Initiative: Players determine initiative at the start of each game turn. Each
tanks each. Finally, (and also trom player rolls one die and adds to that number the total of the command values
recent VIZ articles) the "massive" (command radii) of all of his commanders currently in play. On turn 1, for exam—
countercffensive at Stalingrad that ple. the German player would add 6 (S-Rundsteadt, 3-Bock) while the Soviet
trapped and destroyed the player would add 0. The player with the highest modified die roll decides which
spearhead of an entire German army player will be the first player and which will be the second for the current turn.
was launched by the THlFlD largest Whenever a player launches a shock attack, no initiative roll is made: the player
grouping of Soviet forces at the time launching the shock attack automatically has the initiative and moves first. Inlan—
(see the attached chart). try is not allowed the 1 hex move in the Panzer/Armored Movement Phase
when this rule is used. Instead, all attacks are conducted with a +1 column shift.
A glance will show that the Soviet
Europa Parts - Order from: Game Title Fall of France
GR/D - PO Box 591 Game Number 820
Gnnnell’ IA 50112 How
Item Ordered Price Many
Game Title Their Finest Hour BOX 5-00
TOTAL THE Game Number 323 Cntr Sheet 23 5.00
AMOUTOF How 24 5-00
YOUR ORDER Item Ordered Price 25 5-00
AND REMITA Box 5.00 26 5.00
CHECK 0R Cntr Sheet 14A 27 5-00
MONEY 28 5.00

15A 5 00
ORDER TO 29 5.00
GR/D. ADD 17A _
30 5.00
32 5.00 31
FOR EACH Ma 11A Map 16
ITEM 12A Map 17 5.00
Ma 5_oo
ORDERED Rules & Chrts Rules 4-00
FROM US. Corr. Cntr Sht Supplement 3.00

INFORMATION Game Title Scorched Earth Game Title Fire In The East
ON THE BACK Game Number 829 Game Number 826
How How
MEMBERS Item Ordered Price Many Item Ordered Price Many
OF THE Box 5.00 Box 5.00
EUROPA Ax OB Chrt 2.00 Charts 2.00
ASSOC. Map Guide 2.00 Cntr Sheet 1A 2.00
RECEIVE A Map Legend 2.00 2A 5.00
TWENTY Soviet Chrt C 4.00 3A 5.00
PERCENT Charts 4.00 4A 5.00
DISCOUNT Cntr Sheet GA 5.00 5A 5.00
FROM THE 7A 5.00 36 5.00
LISTED 8A 5. 37 5.00
PRICE OF 9A 5 38 5.00
THESE 39 5.00
PARTS. 46 5.00 40 5.00
TOTAL 47 5.00 41 5.00
YOUR 48 5.00 42 5.00
ORDER 49 5.00 Map 1A 5.00
AND THEN 50 5.00 Map 2A 5.00
DEDUCT 51 5.00 Map 3A 5.00
20% OF 52 5.00 Map 4A 5.00
THE TOTAL 53 5.00 Map 5A 5.00
PRICE OF 54 5.00 Map GA 5.00
THE PARTS 55 5.00 Rules 5.00
ORDERED- Total from other side —$
3'5 3-33
ap 7A
page -$
MEMBERS Total from this

Map 8A 3-00
PAY N0 Map 9A 3_00 Members discount
To Use This Order Blank: Game Title Mar-Merkur
Game Number 808
Each game has it components available How
in column. Those columns that are Item Ordered Price Many
shaded out are NOT available. Indicate Box 4.00
the number of each part you want in the Cntr Sheet 20
"How Many" column. If parts are not Cntr Sheet 21 5.00
available between the time you order Cntr Sheet 22 5.00
them and the time we receive your order Ma 14 5 00
we will issue you a refund voucher good
for cash or products from GR/D Rules & Chrts
Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Game Title Spain & Portugal
Game Number 827
Game Title Narvik
Game Number 816 How
Item Ordered Price Man
How Box
Item Ordered Price

Man Cntr Sheet 43
Box 5.00

Cntr Sheet 11A 5.00 5-00
Cntr Sheet 12A 5.00 4-00
Cntr Sheet 13A 5.00
Map SB
Game Title Western Desert
5._00 Game Number 824
Map 10A 5.00 How
Rules & Chrts 4.00 Item Ordered Price Man
Game Title Torch Box
Game Number 828 Cntr Sheet 33 5.00
How Cntr Sheet 34 5.00
Item Ordered Price Manv
Box 4.00
Map 18 5.00
Cntr Sheet 44 5.00
Ma 19 5.00
Rules & Chrts
Cntr Sheet 45 5.00
Ma 24 5 00
Rules & Chrts 4.00 Game Title Near East
Game Title Case White Game Number 825
Game Number 806
H ow Item Ordered Price Man
Item Ordered Price Box
Box Cntr Sheet 35 5.00
Cntr Sheet 18
Cntr Sheet 19
Map 20 5.00
Ma 13
Map 21 5.00
Map 22 5.00
Ma 33 Rules & Chrts 4.00
Ma 13
Rules 8. Chrts Please!!! Print all information.
Phone: Optional —- -— l l GRD—12/89
Active Fronts in 1991!




(formerly Marita Merkur)


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