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Imen Mabrouki Resume

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Imen Mabrouki Computer science engineering student

95 116 225
Tunis, Tunisie

About me Projects
Currently a 2nd year student at ENSI, I am passionate about Intelligent Chatbot (Design and development project),
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Machine Learning, Recommendation system, Python,
With a solid scientific background, a good capacity of analysis Java
and critical thinking, I am able to take on new challenges. 03/2021 – present
Travel Assistant: Creation of a mobile chatbot that offers
Education recommendations to travelers on the most visited places,
indicates the directions to follow with the help of a graphic
National School of Computer Science chart and translates the native language of the traveler into the
2019 – present | Manouba, Tunisie language of the visited country in the form of voice messages.
Option: Data Science and Computer Vision
Development of a facial recognition application,
Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Computer Vision, OpenCV, TensorFlow
Nabeul 02/2021 – 03/2021
Nabeul, Tunisie Realization of an alarm system that minimizes the risks of road
Preparatory Cycle: Mathematics - Physics accidents caused by bad driving by analyzing in real time the
facial expressions of the facial expressions of the driver (tired or
Rank: 267/1598 asleep..)

Skills Simulation of a Smart Parking (Summer Project),

Python, Tkinter, PyCharm
Java, JavaFX, AWT, Swing, Python, Tkinter, HTML, CSS, 07/2020 – 09/2020
Bootstrap, Javascript, PHP, C++, C, C#, Unix/Linux, Realization of a desktop application that serves to show a model
Scrum, Trello, MySQL, PL/SQL, Oracle DB, R, MATLAB of the parking lot and returns the nearest empty space with a
description indicating the path from the entrance to it.
Certificates Verification of Containment Compliance by a Robot
Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach (Programming Project), Java, JavaFX, Eclipse
by UW 03/2020 – 04/2020
Coursera Realization of a desktop application which is used to check the
respect of the general sanitary confinement by a robot.
Scrum Foundations Professional Certificate
CertiProf Chess game, C++ ,CodeBlocks
Swimming Community Life
Professional swimmer for ten years.
CPS ENSI, Media Manager and Graphic Designer
Graphic Design 2020 – present | Manouba, Tunisie
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro
ENSI Robotics Association, Active member
Voluntary work 2019 – present | Manouba, Tunisie
Member of the Tunisian Red Crescent - Local Committee El mourouj and
Member of the Executive Board of the Humanitarian Club Positive and
Sociable Citizens.

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