Discussion Forum Unit 3
Discussion Forum Unit 3
Discussion Forum Unit 3
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You are required to submit a substantial response to the Discussion Assignment, which will be posted by your instructor in the Discussion
Forum below. A substantial response is one that stays on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful
manner. If your instructor requires a specific word count, it will be stated in the assignment.
After you respond to the assignment, you are then required to both give a rating and also leave a significant comment (3-4 complete
sentences) to at least three (3) of your peers' responses, in order to receive full credit. Rate only the substantial responses that contribute to
the promotion of the discussion, and not the comments of your peers.
Please review and follow the guidelines below for assessing your peer's responses to the Discussion Assignment.
10 (A) - Excellent, substantial, relevant, insightful, enriching, and stimulating contribution to the discussion. Also, uses external resources to
support position where required and/or applicable.
8 - 9 (B) - Good, quite substantial and insightful, but missing minor details which would have otherwise characterized it as an excellent
6 - 7 (C) - Satisfactory insight and relevance, but required some more information and effort to have warranted a better rating.
4 - 5 (D) - Limited insight and relevance of the material; more effort and reflection needed to have warranted a satisfactory grading.
0 - 3 (F) - Unsatisfactory insight/relevance or failure to answer the question, reflecting a poor or limited understanding of the subject matter
and/or the guidelines of the question.
If at any time you suspect that a post in this Discussion Forum violates UoPeople's rules regarding plagiarism and/or any aspect of
UoPeople’s Academic Code of Conduct, please notify your instructor immediately.
Remember that your instructor will be reviewing responses, ratings, and comments - and will adjust ratings if he/she believes that they do
not seem warranted or supportable.
The cut-off date for posting to this forum is reached so you can no longer post to it.
This is a question and answer forum. In order to see other responses to these questions, you must first post your answer
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12/8/21, 5:32 PM Discussion Forum Unit 3
All activities close on Wednesdays at 11:55 PM, except for Learning Journals/Portfolios which close on Thursdays at 11:55 PM always
following the clock at the top of the page.
Due dates/times displayed in activities will vary with your chosen time zone, however you are still bound to the 11:55 PM GMT-5
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