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Checklists For Interurban Highways - Detailed Design

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Checklists for interurban highways – detailed design

Stage 2 Checklists – Detailed design

Highway Number …… from
km …,… to km …,… Date:
Yes (√ ) No
Characteristic No. Question

1. Function
Have the audit results from the previous audit phase been taken into
Design and operating elements 0
Have previous findings/documents on the accident situation been
taken into consideration during the planning phase?
Have specific traffic composition characteristics been taken into
Is access from abutting properties avoided or of appropriate design
for road safety?
Have the design speeds been selected correctly for the section and

Have suitable measures been taken to ensure that speed limits are
obeyed, e.g. traffic calming in through road sections?

Has the transition area been adapted to the adjacent road sections (if
there are changes in characteristics or interim solutions/end of v

Is stopping sight distance guaranteed along the entire section? (for

100km/h= 170 m, 80 km/h= 110 m, 60 km/h= 65 m, long fall =0%)

Is orientation sight distance guaranteed along the entire section (for

8 100 km/h ►300 m ahead, for 80 km/h ►200 m ahead, for 60 km/h
►120 m ahead)?

Is overtaking sight distance in an acceptable percentage (about at

9 least 20%) of the road section ensured (for 100 km/h ►300 m
ahead, for 80 km/h ►200 m ahead, for 60 km/h ►120 m ahead)?

Are there anywhere accumulations of events such as curves +

hilltops + intersections etc.?
Are all fixed or planted obstacles that can be dangerous placed
11 outside the safety zone? 100 km/h >9m, 80 km/h > 6m 60 km/h
>3m (away from skidding cars?)
In case fixed obstacles are not placed outside the safety zone are
they avoidable, or safeguarded?
Is the transition from a built-up to a rural road or from an illuminated
13 to a not illuminated road appropriately designed (village/town
2. Cross section
Has the safest average cross section been selected from the ones
that come into question?
Have sufficient measures been taken on cutting slopes to prevent
falling material (e.g. falling rocks)?
Is narrowing of the carriageway required (bottlenecks) and, if so,
designed in such a way to ensure traffic safety?
Are parking areas required (in built up road sections) and, if so, are
they large enough to prevent parking on the road?
Have the needs of public transport and its users been taken into
consideration (e.g. laybys)?

Are there refuge islands planned in built up areas, are waiting areas
on the refuges large enough for waiting pedestrians (and bicyclists)?

In built up areas: Have pedestrian and bicyclist requirements been

7 considered (shared foot path and cycle path, separate cycle
In built up areas: Are speed bumps, lane shifts by use of islands or
carriageway narrowing required?
In built up areas: Have the dimensions for speed-damping measures
been observed?
Is there a sufficient division (separation planned) between the traffic
10 lane for motor vehicle traffic and the path for cyclists and
11 Is there sufficient drainage for the new road?
Are the installations for drainage like gutters error forgiving designed
(smooth curbstones, no sharp edges)?
13 Is there sufficient cross, diagonal fall superelevation?
In the case of a four lane road: Is there a median stripe or barrier for
14 separation of the direction foreseen? Is the design suitable for the
road safety?
Are there stable shoulders foreseen (like hard shoulders or gravel
3. Alignment 1 Is the alignment consistent or full of surprises?

Have suitable allowances been made for drainage requirements when

2 planning horizontal and vertical alignment? (Requirement in the case
of turning of the cross fall direction)?

3 Are horizontal and vertical alignments harmonized?

Have the design elements been selected to effectively prevent
Have continuity principles been taken into consideration to avoid high
speed differentials?
Have steps been taken to prevent minimum design values for
horizontal and vertical alignment elements occurring together?
7 Are lanes and carriageway in curves wide enough?
Is sight obstructed, for example by safety barriers, plants, fences,
8 parking areas, traffic signs, landscaping, bridge abutments, and
Is access from abutting properties required and are they safe
Are lane shifts by use of islands or carriageway narrowing required
(e.g. when entering towns or villages)?
Are there enough possibilities to overtake safely (overtaking sight
Have the critical changes been located correctly for roads of the
operational type
2+1and climbing lanes?
Are lane reductions correctly designed?

In the case of step gradients: Are there climbing lanes foreseen, are
they properly designed?

In the case of step gradients: Are there arrester beds necessary, if so

are they properly designed?

4. Intersections Can intersections be recognized in time? (Orientation sight distance)


Are the movements guided clearly and easily to understand?


Are lanes and carriageway in intersections wide enough?

Are the intersections and intersection elements designed in such a
way that they can be
4 clearly recognized in time?

Is the sequence of the intersection elements easily understood?

Is the sequence of the intersection elements easily understood?
Is the type and design of the selected intersection suitable for the
function and safety, and use of the road and the intersecting roads
(cross roads, T-
intersection, roundabout, traffic signals, etc.)?
Intersections continued 6

Are auxiliary lanes for deceleration, acceleration, and weaving

7 required and, if so, are they appropriately and safely designed?

Can intersections be recognized in time advance from all approaches

8 and is the orientation sight distance guaranteed?

Is good visibility ensured at the intersections and, are the required

9 “sight triangles” clear for all road users?
Are the dimensions of the intersection sufficient for all necessary
vehicle movements
(minimum turning radius of design vehicles)?
Are there approaches and accesses that are superfluous or that are
located at critical
points that can be combined or could be
connected with the secondary network/service roads?
Are sight lines obstructed/sometimes restricted, for example by
safety barriers,
fences, road equipment, parking areas, traffic
signs, landscaping/greenery, bridge abutments, buildings, traffic

Are the traffic islands clearly visible and of a suitable design

(canalized junctions)?
Have some turning movements been excluded from signal control or
from the
roundabout? If so, is traffic operation safe

Built-up areas: Have the requirements of the pedestrians and

bicyclists been considered?

Built-up areas: Is pedestrian/bicyclist routing at intersections adapted

to the actual conditions and clearly marked and signposted?
Are special measures required for particular groups or facilities
(including hospitals) e.g.
for young people, older people, sick people, physically handicapped,
hearing-impaired or
blind people?
Are public transport stops planned at intersections? If so, are they

Are traffic signals/ temporary speed monitoring required?


ntersections continued Are the movements guided clearly and easy to understand?

Are additional areas for cross-turning movements required and is

storage length sufficient?

Can turning motorists see past oncoming vehicles (e.g. because of

adjacent crest curves)?
Is the size of the roundabout careful selected according to the
roundabouts expected traffic (results of traffic study)?
Is the roundabout fully visible and recognizable from all approaches
and are the
required markings and signs clear and

Small roundabouts: Have all approaches been aligned radial to the

centre of the circle? Is the design suitable to ensure a low speed level
and support the right of way?

Small roundabouts: Has it been ensured that the circulatory

carriageway can be driven on in single lane only?
Multilane roundabouts: Are approaches
located in a way to ensure sufficient space for weaving and to avoid

Multilane roundabouts: Are the circle lanes marked?


Multilane roundabouts: Are exits designed as a single lane exit?


Are fixed obstacles placed in a safe way in the centre island of the

Is through visibility effectively stopped by the roundabout?

Do compensatory measures provide a sufficient degree of safety
when deviating
from guidelines?
Are the traffic signals clearly recognizable and are there
repeating/double signals? Have the
5. Traffic signals locations for the signals been selected
1 correctly (additional signals, overhead signals, etc.)?
Are protected phases provided for turning movements or are the fast
driven approaches
2 signalized separately?

Have some turning movements been excluded from signal control? If

3 so, is traffic operation safe?
Have some turning movements been excluded from signal control? If
Traffic signals continued so, is
4 traffic operation safe?

Is the perception from a sufficient distance guaranteed?


In areas with bicyclists: Have cyclist and pedestrian requirements

6 been considered (e.g. route through intersection)?

In areas with bicyclists: Are there plans to set to stop lines for
7 motorist's further back for the benefit of cyclists?

Are special phases for a separated left (or right turn) considered?
Are the type and spacing of different crossing installations
coordinated (e.g. railway
9 crossings, traffic signals, zebra crossings)?
Are advanced warnings planned for traffic signals that cannot be
seen in time?

Is traffic signals / stationary speed monitoring required?


Does the existing road lighting lead to conflicts in recognizing the

yellow indication (sodium discharge lamps)?

Are cross turning movement included in signal control?

Is access from abutting properties affected and, if necessary,
included in signal control?

Should specific turns be prohibited (block diversion)?

Is it necessary to take into account special groups of pedestrians
(e.g. handicapped

people)? Do we need special equipment (e.g. acoustical signals)?

Is the type of railway crossing according

6. Railway crossings
1 with traffic volume? Is a railway crossing at- grade avoidable?
Are traffic control devices required and optimally set up with regard
to future traffic
2 developments?

Are the road widths before and after the railway crossing as well as
the width of the railway crossing sufficient for all necessary vehicle
Railway crossings continued movements (vehicles meeting each other, minimum turning radius of
design vehicles)?

Are the clearance areas behind the railway crossing long enough?

Are the railway crossings clearly recognizable?


Is lighting required and, if so, appropriately designed?


Are prohibition of overtaking and speed limits planned?


Are passive safety installation at required locations planned?


Are there service and rest areas such as petrol stations, restaurants,
7. Service and rest areas
1 parking places, etc.?

Is good visibility guaranteed, are sight conditions sufficient?

Are there service and rest areas on both sides of the road in cases of
two lane roads
3 to avoid turning maneuvers?
Are there sufficient parking slots to prevent parking on the entrances
and exits and/or
4 carriageways?

Are the dimensions of the parking areas sufficient for the different
5 kind of vehicles?
Are pedestrian facilities of a safe design
6 (connecting footpaths to restaurants, crossing facilities)?
Are entrances and exits for rest and service areas planned at points
with good overall
7 visibility?

Are rest areas easily accessible and do they provide sufficient

8 maneuvering space?
Have measures been taken to ensure safe access for rescue
9 vehicles/fire service?

Are sufficient parking areas provided to minimize illegal parking on

footpaths, cycle facilities, and on the carriageway with the
corresponding hazards or have corresponding preventative measures
been taken?
Are there special parking spaces for handicapped people? Have
footpaths sections dropped curb stones?

Are there special parking spaces for tourist busses reserved

(passengers should have safe areas for rest)?
8. Needs of vulnerable

Are stops easily and safe accessible to pedestrians (combination with

road users
pedestrian crossings, crossing help, footpath connection etc.)?

8.1 at 1
(esp. regarding Are public transport stops planned at (behind!)
through road 2 intersections?

Are the bus stops situated outside of the carriageway where

3 appropriate?

Are the bus stops signposted and detectable by the drivers? Is

4 recognition from a longer distance guaranteed?

In the case of bicycle paths: Is cyclist routing safely designed in the

5 area near public transport stops?

Is lighting required? And if so, is it appropriately designed?

Are special measures required for particular groups, e.g. for young
people, older people,
sick people, physically handicapped, hearing- impaired or blind
Are vulnerable road users separated with a suitable footpaths
(dimension and pavement)
8.2 other needs of Pedestrian 1 from motorized traffic or will they use the
Have pedestrian crossings been appointed in such a way that
collective use is guaranteed
2 and the road will not be crossed at other

Are crossings plausible and safe? Are the pedestrian crossings located
3 where most required by pedestrian traffic?

Is there a risk of pedestrian underpasses and bridges being

bypassed? Are suitable measures (e.g. fences) planned?
Is there a risk of pedestrian underpasses and bridges being
4 bypassed? Are suitable measures (e.g. fences) planned?
5 Are crossings over special railway structures of a safe design?
Is two-way visual contact ensured between pedestrians and
Is the transition safely designed if footpaths

7 and bicycle paths end on a road or are directed across the road?

8 Are further crossing aids required?

Are areas for waiting pedestrians and bicyclists sufficient? / Are
refuges large and
needs of pedestrian continued 9 wide enough for crossing pedestrians and
bicyclists to stand and wait?
Is sight obstructed/ partially obstructed, for example by safety
fences, safety barriers,
road equipment, parking areas, traffic signs,
plants, buildings, by vehicles in lay-bys, or by queuing traffic?
Is the transition safely designed if footpaths

and bicycle paths end on a road or are directed across the road?

Are the islands clearly visible and of a suitable design?


Are at the crossing with islands and in adjacent footpaths dropped

curbstones foreseen?
Is lighting required and, if so, appropriately designed?

Are there pedestrian fences against jaywalking required?


Are there footpath extensions at pedestrian crossings where there is

parking allowed along the road?
Are special measures required for particular groups or facilities
(including hospitals), e.g.
for young people, older people, sick people,
physically handicapped, hearing-impaired or blind people?
1 Are there separate bicycle facilities?
8.3 Bicyclists (only in the case of
2 Are dimensions and pavement suitable?

Have cyclists' requirements been considered (e.g. route across

3 central refuges, bottlenecks)?

Is a separating strip required between cycle path and parking strip?

Has right of way been specified and clarified

5 at cycle crossings, in particular for cycle paths that are set back?

Is right of way clearly defined at points where cyclists come into

6 contact with each other or with motorized traffic?

Are refuges large and wide enough for crossing pedestrians and
7 cyclists to stand and wait?

Is the transition safely designed if cycle paths end on a road or are

8 directed across the road?
Have cyclists' requirements been considered (e.g. route across
9 central refuges, bottlenecks)?

Is it clear to the motorist whether he is crossing a one-way or two-

way cycle path?

bicyclists continued Are the crossings for bicyclists provided with dropped curbs?

Does lighting need to be changed so that crossing bicyclists are

clearly visible?

9. Traffic

Signing, Marking, Have appropriate speed limits been planned

Lighting 1 (start, end, height, location)?
9.1 Signing

Is prohibition of overtaking for trucks, buses etc. required and, if so,

2 is it set up at suitable locations?

Is sight obstructed by traffic and direction signing?

Could greenery lead to safety problems if the vegetation grows (e.g.
as a result of covered
4 road signs)?
Can the signs be clearly recognized and read
5 (size of signs)?

Are additional warning signs or chevrons in curves necessary?


Is the right of way at intersections sufficient signed?


Does the obligation to yield right of way need to be reinforced (e.g.

8 using repetition)?

Is pedestrian/cyclist routing at intersections adapted to the actual

9 conditions and clearly signposted?

Are advanced warnings planned for traffic signals that cannot be

seen in time?

Are signs located in such a way as to avoid restricting sight from

approaches or intersecting roads?

Is the directional signing sufficient and supports the information

about the shape of the intersection and the right of way?
9.2 Markings 1 Are the road markings clear and recognizable?

Do all signs and markings correspond without any contradictions?


What kind of material will be used? Are there circumstances for which
3 e.g. profiled plastic marking is recommended?

Is the transition safely marked if cycle paths end on a road or are

4 directed across the road?
Is the intersection fully visible and recognizable from all approaches
and are the
5 required markings and signs clear and

Especially in built-up areas: Is the road sufficiently illuminated?

9.3 Lighting 1

Is stationary lighting required at intersections/ service and rest areas

2 and, if required, of an appropriate design?

Is stationary lighting of the sections, intersections, service and rest

3 areas foreseen, in relation to the ambient lighting?
Does stationary lighting need to be changed so that crossing
pedestrians are clearly visible?
5 Is contrast lighting required at the intersection?

Is the transition from a built-up to a rural road or from an illuminated

6 to a not illuminated road appropriately designed?

Is the lighting of special situations (transition zones, changes in cross

7 section) required and, if so, suitably designed?
Does the existing road lighting lead to conflicts in recognizing the
yellow indication (sodium
8 discharge lamps)?
9 Does the ambient lighting present any special requirements

Can perspectives that appear to be continuous (“see through” effect)

be prevented/interrupted by highlighting the nearest signals?
10. Road side features and
Passive Safety installations

10.1 Other road 1 Is sight obstructed, for example by game/screens/snow fences?

Are the emergency telephones in appropriate and safe positions with
regard to traffic?
3 Are antidazzle screens required?

Are game fences required? If so, is the design suitable?


Is suitable road equipment (fog warning signs, automatic sprinklers

for de-icing agents, snow fences etc.) required and/or planned based
on particular weather requirements?

Will there be a mileage system and will it be proper signposted?

Are all existing and planted trees without the safety zone? 120km/h
> 12 m, 100 km/h >9 m, 80 km/h > 6 m
10.2 1 (Compare with any landscaping plan)

Will growth of greenery lead to future safety problems, (e.g. as a

result of obstructed sight, expected trunk diameter greater than 8
cm, hidden road signs, light and shadow effects, leaves falling on the
2 road)?
Does the greenery and type of planting preclude irritations to the
road users (e.g.
3 alignment)?
4 Is sight obstructed by the planting?
Is good visibility ensured at the intersections or could be obstructed
5 by foreseen landscaping?
Does the landscaping plan assist the communication with the users
about the road
6 course and does it tackle the impressions of monotony?

7 Is visual contact motorist-pedestrian- bicyclist restricted by greenery?

10.3 Civil engineering structures Is reconcilability guaranteed? Is a “breach” in the continuity of the
alignment avoided?

Are parapets and overpasses, masts, abutments, supporting walls,

bridge railings etc. been set up at sufficient distances or safeguarded
or at a safe distance from the road?

Are passive safety devices regarding such structures planned at the

3 required locations and appropriately designed?

Is the design of bridge guardrail systems adjusted with any guardrails

along the motorway (approved joint construction etc.)?
Are there deep ditches (e.g. made from

5 prefab concrete parts) of the drainage system within the safety zone?

6 Are there headwalls on culverts planned?

Is the vertical clearance of under overpasses guaranteed?


10.4 other obstacles Are there any other obstacles within the safety zone?

10.5 Passive safety installations Are fixed obstacles avoidable, set up at sufficient distances or

Are passive safety devices planned at the required locations and

appropriately designed (beginning and end of the barriers, barrier
posts, distance between stanchions, stability, depth of stanchions,
combination with guard rails)?

Are there “open windows” or gaps in the system (avoid also gaps
3 shorter than 50 m)?

Are foreseen passive safety installations approved for the indented

4 use (the usage of the EN 1317 is strictly recommended)?
etailed design


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