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Pollution Hazards of Heavy Metals in Sewage Sludge Ash From The Wastewater Treatment Plants in Camberene, Senegal

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

9(11), 946-953

Journal Homepage: -www.journalijar.com

Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/13826
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/13826


Mamoudou Sall1, Prince Momar Gueye2, Abdou Ciss Wade1, Alassane Traoré3, Gora Dieye1, Saliou Diouf1,
Mamadou Lamine Sané3 and Djibril Diop1
1. Laboratory of X-ray, Department of Physic, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University of Cheikh Anta
Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
2. Laboratory of Civil Engineering Materials, High Polytechnic School, University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar,
3. Institute of Applied Nuclear Technology, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques,
University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Solid wastes and their by-products are gaining interest worldwide given
Received: 29 September 2021 their high environmental impact. Fly ash and Bottom ash from
Final Accepted: 31 October 2021 Camberene sludge waste center (Senegal) were characterized to assess
Published: November 2021 the heavy metal contamination (using XRF and the Toxicological Risk)
that is very important in type 1 unlike in type 2. The Index of geo-
Key words:-
Sewage Sludge Ash, XRF, Heavy Metal accumulation (Igeo), the Pollution load index (PLI), the Enrichment
Contamination,Toxicological Risk factor (EF) and Contamination factor (CF) have been computed to
evaluate the contamination rate. These show that the fly ash has aI geo
value of 3.57 for Pb and 3.04 for As which means they are very
polluted. For Cu we have an Igeo value of 4.23 and for Zn it is 4.67 so
these ashes are strongly to extremely polluted by Cu and Zn but
unpolluted to moderately polluted by Cr. For the bottom ashes we have
Igeo values of 3.03 for Cu and 3.02 for Zn, to say they are also strongly
polluted. However, they are not polluted by Cr and are only moderately
polluted by Pb and As; results confirmed by the EF calculation. Fine
and dirty ashes have significantly been enriched by the metal As with
an EF of 13.71 while for Pb its EF is 19.10 for the fine ash. As for the
bottom ash we have respectively 7.26 and 5.19 for the EF of As and Pb.
From the values of PLI these ashes are very highly polluted. Their
possible dangerousness depends essentially on their heavy metal
contents (criterion H14 of Directive 91 / 689 / EEC). In this Directive
the material is toxic if its content in heavy metal is higher to some
thresholds (see Annex III, Table 6). Most of their heavy metal contents
are below the threshold in Annex III, indicating their harmlessness.
This analysis highlighted the principal characteristics to be taken into
account before using the SSA properly.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2021,. All rights reserved.


Corresponding Author:- Mamoudou Sall

Address:- Laboratory of X-ray, Department of Physic, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques,
University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal. 946
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(11), 946-953

Sewage water also called residual water is loaded with pollutants spread or dissolved in the water and served as
needed by industrial or agricultural activities [1, 2].

These waters are relatively complex because consisting of organic material, mineral and microorganisms.

Various processes among which pretreatments, primary, secondary, tertiary treatments have been developed in the
wastewater treatment plant to minimize the impact of sewage water [3-6].

The treatment of sewage water produces water of acceptable quality but also an important quantity of sludge
containing different organic and mineral compound. These compounds contain pathogenic microorganisms,
parasites, toxic elements including heavy metals. Produced sludges have thus bad smells because of their ease of
putrefaction and occupy a large volume per day [7-14].

The amount of sludge produced differsacccording to the continents. The production of dry sludge in the United
States is 7 millions of tons (Mt) per year whereas in the European Union it was estimated at 10 Mt in 2012 and could
reach 13 Mt in 2020 [15-18].

In 2012, Senegal had nine functional wastewater treatment plants. In 2014, the number of" wastewater treatment
plants" WWTP reached 12 [19]. The most important one is that of Camberene which was built in the framework of
the manutation project of Dakar and its vicinities. The station which has been operating since january 1989, was
built by the company DEGRMONT / CSE. It was enlarged in 2007 and had a capacity of 200,000
equivalents/inhabitants with a daily out of rate 19,200 m3 /d and a load in biochemical demand in oxygen (DBO5) of
21, 696 kg/d. Another extension of the station is in progress. That will allow this station to from a capacity of nearly
20, 000 m3/d to 90, 000 m3/d [20].

These sewage sludge are managed between incineration, agricultural and landfill [21, 16]. It is found that the
incineration processes reduce the volume of the waste by 90% and its mass by 70%. The incineration process is the
most appropriate management option to deal with the volumes produced and the potentially unsafe elements the
sewage sludge contains [22].

In 2012, 2.3 Mt of sludges were incinerated, mainly in Germany, France in the Netherlands generating 0.7 Mt of
sewage sludge ash. This quantity will probably increase in the future due to a decrease from 50 to 55 % in the
disposal option in the agricultural field and the rise of the price of the dumping [23].

The incineration also generate toxic substances like As, Hg, Pb, Zn and the Cd, and an important quantity of ashes
(30 to 40% of the dry mass) that must be managed. Hence, some pre-treatment procedures should be adopted to
reduce/stabilize the heavy metals contained in sewage sludge ash before their use.

Thoroughly understanding the properties of heavy metals present in sewage sludge ash is important for the control
of heavy-metal pollution during their use in civil engineering.

So in this study two types of sewage sludge ash (Fly ash and Bottom ash) from the sludge waste center of
Camberene (Senegal) were characterized to assess the heavy metal contamination. XRF, Calculation of the pollution
index and the Toxicological Risk were used to characterize samples. The Index of geo-accumulation (Igeo), the
Pollution load index (PLI), the Enrichment factor (EF) and Contamination factor (CF) have been computed to
evaluate the contamination rate of ashes by heavy metals.

XRF Chemical Characterization
Samples were weighed and then introduced in oven at 105°C for 24h to remove moisture prior to the preparation of
pellets made by mixing them with 10 wt% of a binder called Licowax[24, 25].

The obtained mixture was homogenized in a mortar and the technology press VANEOX FLUXANA considering a
force of 10 N on a surface of a disk of a radius of 11 mm was used to form the pellets. After obtaining the pellets,

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(11), 946-953

we used an X-ray portable fluorescence Niton XLT900s (P-XRF) for our X-ray analyzes with a measurement time
of 350 s.

XRF was performed with 100% normalization and full fundamental parameter quantification techniques: see Table
1 for specification and operating conditions.

Table 1:- Spectrometer specification and operating conditions.

Resolution 178eV at Mn Kα
Window Thickness 12.7μm Be
Rating 50kV, 40μA maximum power of the tube 2W
Beam diameter 7mm
Filter Element analysis
Ag excitation source Sb, Sn, Cd, Pd, Ag, Mo, Nb, Zr, Sr, Rh, Bi, As, Se, Au,
Pb, W, Zn, Cu, Re, Ta, Hf, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, V, Ti, Th,
and U

Sandwich of Al, Ti and Mo Ba, Sb, Sn, Cd, Pd, Ag

Cu Filter Cr, V, Ti, Ca, K
No Filter Al, P, Si, Cl, S, Mg

Calculation of the pollution index

In this study four parameters to evaluate the contamination by metals have been used to check the contamination of
fine and dirty sludge ashes from the WWTP of Camberene.
1. Index of geo-accumulation Igeo
2. Enrichment factor (EF)
3. Contamination factor (CF)
4. Pollution load index (PLI)

Using Equation (1) of G. Muller in the reference [26] the values of the index of geo-accumulation of the metals
studied were calculated:

Igéo = log 2 (1,5Bn ) (1)

Where Cn is the measured concentration of an element ‘n’ into the soil sample, Bn is the geochemical concentration
of the background of one element ‘n’ of the soil [27] and 1.5 is a factor of correction of possible variations due to
lithogenic effects. Muller [28] gave, depending on the value of Igeo the ranking as below :

Table 2:- Classification of ashes based on the value of I geo.

Class Igeo Soil Quality
0 Igéo ≤0 Unpolluted
1 0<Igéo <1 Unpolluted to moderately polluted
2 1<Igéo <2 Moderately polluted
3 2<Igéo <3 Moderately to strongly polluted
4 3<Igéo <4 strongly polluted
5 4<Igéo <5 strongly to extremely polluted
6 5>Igéo Extremely polluted

We have adopted the same ranking for our ashes:

To establish an enrichment factor, (Simex and Helz, 1981) gave a formula [29].
( x )sample
C ref
EF = Bx (2)
( )
B ref Background

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(11), 946-953

Cx is the concentration of an x element of the soil sample from the study site, Cref is the concentration of the element
of reference, Bx is the concentration of the Background of an x element and Bref is the concentration of the
background of the element of reference. In this study, iron which is abundant in the soil was used as the metal of
reference as it was distributed independently, compared to other metals.

Five categories of contamination have been recognized on the bases of the enrichment factor [30] :

Table 3:- Classification of ashes based on the value of EF.

EF < 2 Deficiency to minimal enrichment
2 < EF < 5 Moderate enrichment
5 < EF < 20 Significant enrichment
20 < EF < 40 Very high enrichment
EF > 40 Extremely high enrichment

The measure of the contamination factor is also realized the contamination factor which evaluates the
anthropogenic effect of the pollution of the soils by metals. The evaluation is done by using the formula of [30] :

CF = B x (3)

Where Cx is the measured concentration of an element x in the sample and Bx is the concentration of the element x
of the geochemical background.

A classification of contaminations according to the values of CF is established by Hakanson 1980 and Loska2004
[31, 32]:

Table 4:- Classification of ashes based on the value of CF.

CF<1 Low contamination factor indicating low contamination
1≤CF<3 Moderate contamination factor
3≤CF<6 Considerable contamination factor
6≤CF Very high contamination factor

The load index of pollution comprises the pollution coming from various heavy metals and reflect directly the level
of pollution of all heavy metals on a sampling point [33].
The PLI was established by the equation (4) [34] :
PLI = (CF1 × CF2 × CF3 × … × CFn )1/n (4)

Where CF is the factor of contamination and n the number of a studied element.

According to the load index of pollution, the pollution is divided into six levels [35]:

Table 5:- Classification of ashes based on the value of PLI ..

First =0 Background concentration
Second 1~2 Unpolluted
Third 2~3 Middly polluted
Fourth 3~4 Moderately polluted
Fifth 4~5 Highly polluted
Sixth >5 Very highly polluted

Results And Discussion:-

X ray Fluorescence Analysis
A portable XRF device Niton XLT900s was used to analyze the chemical composition of the sludge ash in terms of
major and minor elements. The minor elements are given in mg/kg. Table 6

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(11), 946-953

Table 6:- Results of minor (mg/kg) elements using XRF technique of sewage sludge ash contents.
Elements Fly ash (type1) Bottom ash(type 2)
Pb 357 66
Cu 1264 553
Cr 212 67
Zn 3632 1156
As 16 6

Heavy metals are more important in fly ash than in bottom ash, this could be due to their volatility. For example,
the concentration of Pb is about five times higher in fly ash than in bottom ash, while that of Zn is 3.5 times greater
in fly ash than that of Zn in the bottom ash. Analogous observations are also relayed by Rajamma [36], in their work
on the characterization and use of biomass fly ash in cement based-materials. From the point of view of availability,
bottom ash is more important than fly ash.

In Table 7 we resume studies from other authors in order to give a comparative asset in term of elemental
composition with the samples we have used.

Table 7:- Comparison of minor (mg/kg) element contents measured with other authors working with the same
Element Sewage sludge ash (Martin Cyr, (NuriaHusillos Rodríguez, Siew Choo
PW 2007) 2013 Chin(2016)
Pb 357 720 40 30
Cu 1264 2483 320 130
Cr 212 2636 1270 20
Zn 3632 7103 1020 810
As 16 23 5.8 -

The high variability between values shows that sludge ashes depend on several parameters: sludge composition,
treatment conditions such as incineration temperature and additives

Heavy metal contamination

To assess the heavy metal contamination on the ashes, some indices have been calculated: Index of geo-
accumulation (Igeo) and Pollution load index (PLI). The Enrichment factor (EF) and Contamination factor (CF) have
been computed to evaluate the contamination rate of ashes by heavy metals. The obtained results are given in Table

Table 8:- Index of geo-accumulation (Igeo), Pollution load index (PLI), Enrichment factor (EF) and Contamination
factor (CF) of the ashes.
Heavy metals Igéo EF CF PLI
Pb 3.57 1.14 19.10 5.19 17.85 3.30 14.09 4.42
Cu 4.23 3.03 30.06 19.33 28.09 12.29
Cr 0.65 -1.01 2.52 1.17 2.36 0.74
Zn 4.67 3.02 40.92 19.14 38.23 12.17
As 3.04 1.62 13.71 7.26 12.31 4.62

According to the value of Igeo a classification was given: from unpolluted to extremely polluted (Table 2).

The type 1 ashes which we have called by analogy fly ashes have aI geo value of 3.57 for Pb and 3.04 for As which
means that they are very polluted by these two metals. For Cu we have an Igeo value of 4.23 and for Zn it is 4.67 so
these ashes are strongly to extremely polluted by Cu and Zn but unpolluted to moderately polluted by Cr.

The bottom ashes have Igeo values of 3.03 for Cu and 3.02 for Zn which means that they are also strongly polluted by
these two metals. However, they are not polluted by Cr and they are only moderately polluted by Pb and As.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(11), 946-953

These results were confirmed by the calculation of the factor of enrichment EF. Fine and dirty ashes have
significantly been enriched by the metal As whose EF was estimated to be 13.71 while for Pb its EF was 19.10 for
the fine ash. As per the bottom ash we have respectively 7.26 and 5.19 for the factors of enrichment of As and Pb.

The arsenic is a toxic and carcinogenic element. Increased risks of lungs and bladder cancer, as well as skin
modification were noticed to exposed persons from arsenic concentrations [37].

The value EF from Cu and Zn in the fine ashes shows that these latter are full of these two elements. The value 2.52
of EF for Cr in the fine ashes shows that these ones are moderately enriched for this metal, whereas the BA have a
factor of enrichment of 1.17 for Cr. That may classify the BA among the ashes where the enrichment by the Cr is

The Cr is a dangerous element. It may cause health problems in humans. In fact the respiratory tracts and causes
gastric problems and stomach ulcers[38, 39].

The factor of contamination CF for the whole measured heavy metals for the two ashes expect the Cr in the BA was
superior to one which can imply the contamination of two ashes.

In addition the values of PLI of two ashes being superior to the unit, that could indicate a pollution for the whole
combined heavy metals.

From the values of PLI this ashes are very high polluted.

Globally the fly ash is polluted. This could be due to the volatility of some metals with respect to others.

If we limit ourselves to these indexes, SSA ashes are polluted. However, these indexes are often used for sediments.
To be able to really conclude on the pollution of these ashes by the metals, it is necessary to consult the standards.
To limit the risks, a leaching operation is required.

Toxicological Risk
The possible dangerousness of the ash from STEP sludge depends essentially on their heavy metal content with
regard to the limits of regulated hazardous substances on one hand, and on the other hand of the overall ecotoxicity
of the ash (criterion H14 of Directive 91 / 689 / EEC).

In this Directive the material is toxic if its content in heavy metal is higher to some thresholds as defined in Annex
III (Table 9).

Table 9:- Comparison of the concentration of minor elements in ashes with thresholds defined in Annex-III.
Element Concentration (mg/kg) Concentration (mg/kg) Threshold concentration
type 1 ash type 2 ash (mg/kg)
As 16 6 220
Cr 212 67 150
Cu 1264 553 340
Pb 357 66 840

In some cases, the heavy metal contents of these ashes are below the threshold concentration in Table 9, so the ashes
cannot therefore be a priori considered dangerous on the basis of these criteria.
The classification of ashes can vary according to the criteria used, depending on the geographic location as well.
However some researchers differ on the definition of toxicity of ashes. Some will put them in landfill if there are
considered dangerous while others who consider them non dangerous will value them.

Thus a study of the dangerousness of the ash is necessary in order to see their possible compatibility with the
recovery in construction.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(11), 946-953

The understanding of the properties of heavy metals present in sewage sludge ash was investigated. Both ashes have
been characterized.

Heavy metals are more important in fly ash than in bottom ash, this could be due to their volatility.

The concentration of Pb is about five times higher in fly ash than in bottom ash, while that of Zn is 3.5 times greater
in fly ash than that of Zn in ash in the bottom ash

The high variability between values measured with other authors working with the same materials shows that sludge
ashes depend on several parameters: sludge composition, treatment conditions such as incineration temperature and

The fly ash has an Igeo value of 3.57 for Pb and 3.04 for As which means that they are very polluted by these two
metals. For Cu we have an Igeo value of 4.23 and for Zn it is 4.67 so these ashes are strongly to extremely polluted by
Cu and Zn but unpolluted to moderately polluted by Cr.

The bottom ashes have Igeo values of 3.03 for Cu and 3.02 for Zn which means that they are also strongly polluted by
these two metals. However, they are not polluted by Cr and they are only moderately polluted by Pb and As.

These results were confirmed by the calculation of the factor of enrichment EF. Fine and dirty ashes have
significantly been enriched by the metal As whose EF was estimated to be 13.71 while for Pb its EF was 19.10 for
the fine ash. As per the bottom ash we have respectively 7.26 and 5.19 for the factors of enrichment of As and Pb.

From the values of PLI this ashes are very high pollued.

Most of the heavy metal contents of these ashes are below the threshold in Annex III of (criterion H14 of Directive
91 / 689 / EEC) indicating their non-dangerousness. As perspective, other complementary techniques such as the
leachable contents of heavy metals by toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP), the risk assessment code
(RAC) to estimate the environment risk of heavy metals by applying a scale to the percentage of metals presented in
the acid soluble/exchangeable fraction.

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Menaces pour les sources d'eau potable et les ecosystemesaquatiques au Canada., Canada: In Environnement


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