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Valves: Guidelines On Terminology For and Fittings

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MSS SP 96 2001

Valves and Fittings

Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardi zation Society of the
Valve and Fitt ings Industr y, Inc.
127 Park Street, NE
Vienna, Virginia 22180
703) 281 6613

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This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 302 and the MSS
Coordinating Commitîee. The con tent of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and concerned
volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and nonexclusive specification that will benefit the industry as a whole.
This MSS Standad Practice is intended as a basis fo r common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general

products The existence
not conform ingofto an
theMSS Standard
Standard Practice
Practice. does not
Mandatory in itselfcepreclude
conforman the manufacture,
is established sale, or
only by reference in ause of
specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable.

This document has been substantially revised from the previous 1996 edition. It is suggested that if the user is
interested in knowing what changes have been made, that direct page-by-page comparison should be made of this
document with the previous edition

Any part of this standard m ay b e quoted. Credit lines should read ‘Extracted JLom MSS SP-96, 2001, with
permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society. ’ Reproduction prohibited under
copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of
@ the Valve Fittings Industry, Inc.

OnginaUy Approved September 1986

Copyright w 1986 by
Manufacturen Standardization Society
of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, nc.
Printed in U.S.A.

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Valves and fittings were being manufactured in the United States for many years before the first standards were
written. In selecting names for these products and their component parts, manufacturers chose terms which
seemed appropriate to the configuration and intended use.

Uses expanded and changed, and manufacturers sometimes found that logical choices of terminology had been
preempted by other products. The result has been that valves, fittings, and parts of similar configuraton or intended
use sometimes have more than one name. in other cases, the same nam e has been apphed to assembiies or parts of
different configuration and function.

The absence of a common statement of preferred terms has contributed to the variations of terms used by
individual manufacturers.

This Standard Practice has been developed to serve two functions:

1) To assist the users of valves and fittings in comm unicating with their man ufacturers .

2) To promote standard ization in the usage of terms in industry.

The Standard Practice provides definitions of the preferred items, and provides cross referencing to the
appropriate preferred terms for other commonly used terms. It is subject to the periodic review procedure
common to standards.

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SCOPE .....................................................................................................................
2 DOCUMENT SOURCES ...............................................................................................
3 . GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................. 3
4 ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... 25


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1. SCOPE FS American Founemen’s Society -

publishes information on casting
1.1 This Standard Practice lists and defines methods, procedures, and practices that
principle terms and acronyms widely used to are basic references for product design,
describe general purpose valves and fittings. It is procurement, and inspection of cast
comprised of separate sections which contain: products.
AGA American Gas Association - publishes
Acronyms for organizations whose standard s for approval, certification, and
documents are applicable to valves and application of gas appliances and the
fittings and a brief summary of the ap plicable accessories of gas appliances.
area of interest. AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Asso-
ciation - provides educators to the gear
A glos sary of terms used in valve and fittings industry; publishes information and
standards on gears, gear-cutting and
and ns to charac
performance desc ribe design, ope ration,
teristics. gear-checking equipment.
AISC American Institute of Steel Construc-
Abbreviations commonly used in the valve tion - provides advisory services to h elp
and fitting s industry. choose and utilize the most suitab le type
of structural steel design. O btains accep-
2. DOCUMENT SOURCES tance for new design and construction
A number of technical societies, trade associa- AIS1 American Iron and Steel Institute -
tions, and governmental agencies in the United publishes ferrous material specifications
States of America promulgate codes, standards, and test procedures.
or sp ecifications that are pertinent to valves and ANSI American National Standards Insti-
fittings. Some are recognized throughout the tute - provides a method for achieving
valve and fittings indusûy, some are relevant to consensus on standa rdization matters
specific services, while others are applicable to involving codes and standards
all usages within a specific industry. Most of developed by other organ izations, that
these organizations and their standards or are applicable to the design, dime nsions,
specifications are designated by letters. The construc tion, testing, and applicatio n of
organizations most fiequently referenced and valves, fittings, and piping .
their relationship to the valve and fittings APFA American Pipe & Fittings Association-
industry are listed below: encourages, contributes to, and
cooperates in the development of
R Association of American Railroads - standards for products within the scope
publishes design and dimensional of the association.
standards for bronze valves and 300 API American Petroleum Institute -
psi pressure rating, malleable pipe- publishes purchasing specifications for
fittings used by railroads. valves and fittings used in the
AC1 Alloy Castings Institute - publishes production, transportation, and
mate rial specificatio ns for heat and processing of liquid and gaseous
corrosio n resistant alloys. hydrocarbon materials.
ABS American Bureau of Shipping - ASME American Society of Mechanical
publishes safety standards for Engineers - publishes codes for the
shipbuilding, including specifications construc tion of pressure vessels and
for valves and fittings used in related appurtunances including valves
comm ercial maritime serv ice. and fittings.

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ASNT American Society for Non-Destructive IEC International Electrotechnical Com -

Testing - publishes specifications for mission - publishes standards and
non-destructive examination specifications for control valves,
procedures and methods for parts of electrical and electronic systems and
valves and fittings. apparatus.

ASQ American
publishes Society for Quality
specifications Control-
applicable to IEEE Institute
Engineersof -Electrical
publishesand Electronics
standards for
valve and fitting components covering electrical and electron ic equipment.
systems and procedures for quality IFI Industrial Fasteners Institute -
assurance. publishes specifications for bo lting and
n u 1.11
C- : L
C ..
L G J b l i l ~ 1
111U faskiers used ili t h manliufictïe ûf
Materials - publishes materials, valves and fittings.
products, systems, services, including ISA Instrument Society of America -
test methodology used in the publishes standards, educational, and
manufacture of valves and fittings. reference material related to the theory,
AWS American Welding Society - publishes design, manufacture, and use of
specifications for materials and instruments and controls in many
procedures used in welding and weld scientific and industrial applications
repair. including automatic fluid-control
AWWA American Water Works Association- systems.
publishes standards for valves and IS0 International Organization for Stand-
piping used in water supply system s, ardization - publishes technical
CI Chlorine Institute - publishes special specifications and recommendations
material-requirements and procedures promoting the development of
for piping components used in the international standards. . Intemational
production and handling of chlorine. tandards for valves, piping, and
CDA Copper Development Association - fittings.
publishes chemical specifications for JIC Joint-Industry Conference - publishes
copper alloys; supplements ASTM hydraulic and pneum atic standards that
specifications for valve and fitting af?ect valve and fitting specifications
materials. and designs.
DIPRA Ductile Iron Pipe Research Associa- MC A Manu facturing Chem ists Association -
tion - publishes information on publishes chem ical statistics ,hand -
research, design, applications, and books and manuals of recommended
corrosion protection for ductile iron practices and guidelines for handling
pipe. chemicals.
FCI Fluid Controls Institute - publishes MSS Manu facturers Standardization Socie-
standards and practices for capacity, ty of the Valve and Fittings Industry -
design, efficiency, manufacture, and publishes standard practices for
terminology of control equipment, dimensions, marking, terminology,
including valves for gas, hydraulic, quality, testing, and other information
pneumatic circuits, and steam. for manufacturers and users of
FMRC Factory Mutual Research Corporation products of the valve and fittings
- publishes insurance-company industry.
standards for fire protection, MIL-STDS U.S. Military Specifications and
inspection, and consultation and Standards - standards for valves and
provides certification testing for fire- fittings used by the Department of
prevention and control equipment and Defense.
procedures. NA CE National Association of Corros ion
FED STDS United states Government Engineers - standards and guidelines
Specifications and Standards - related to corrosion control; special
publishes standards for valves and material requirements and procedures
fittings. Used for non-military and for piping comp onents used in sou r gas
and other corrosive services.

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NEM A National Electrical Manufacturers TAPP1 Tech nical Asso ciation of the Pulp
Association - publishes specifications and Paper Industry - publishes test
for electrical equipment. procedures for laboratory apparatus
NFPA National Fire Protection Association - and process control equipment for
publishes design and performance pulp, paper, and related industries.
advisory standards for valves and
fittings. UL Underwriters7Laboratories publishes
safety and performance standards and
NFPA National Fluid Power Asso ciation - provides certification testing for
publishes technical standards for valves, actuators, and fittings used in
pumps, valves, cylinders, and fittings fire-protection systems and for
used in transmitting energy by means hazardous-fluidsystems.
of fluid within a pipe, primarily for U.S. DOT Department of Transportation -
purposes of material handing or publishes regulations applicable to
mechanism operation and co ntrol. valves and fittings used in the
NSF NSF International - publishes public transpo rtation of gas, oil, and other
and environmental health standards. hazardous materials in interstate
PFI Pipe Fabrication Institute - publishes commerce.
standards and technical bulletins for
high- pressure, high-temperature
piping systems and components for
chemical plants, refmeries, central 3. GLOSSARY
power-stations, shi ps, etc.
RDT Reactor Development and Tech- This sec tion defines terms and expressions used
nology Division of U.S. qNuclear to describe the design, operation, and perfor-
Regulatory Commission - publishes mance of valves, valve compo nents, and fittings.
design, performance, and quality Where more than one expression is used to
assurance standards for valves and describe a featu re, the preferred term is defined,
fittings. and synonymous o r related terms are referred to
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers - the preferred term. Flow phenomena are ex-
publishes materials and dimensional cluded fiom this listing. Pipe hanger and
standards for fitting s. support terminology are also excluded, but may
SAMA Scientific Apparatus M akers Associa- be found in MSS SP-90, Guidelines on
tion - publishes standards covering Te rm ino loa fo r Pipe H angers and Supports.
process measurement and control Words underlined in the definitions may be
devices including valves, scientific found defined elsewhere in this glossary.
apparatus, and laborato ry equipm ent.
SSPC Society for Protective Coatings -
publishes specifications for surface
preparation and coating of valves and
other piping elem ents.

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actuator: the mechanical,

mechan ism used tohydraulic, electric,
open, position, or pneumatic
or close a &. device or

actuator stem-force: the force produced by an actuator used to position a valve stem.
__L _I__L- .- L.

¿ l C i L U ¿ l l U I L1UUSL.
a-ka;ür= e iiiG-al~Eg
l î-e5

driving components of a valve. expressed in pounds or kilo


actuator torque: a turning moment transmitted through the mounting flanges and
driving components of a a xpressed in pound foot or
Newton meter.

adjustable travel-stop: a device attached to a r actuator that limits the range of

motion of a valve closure-member.

air-cylinder actuator: a type of power actuator using air to drive a cylind er mechanism.

air-motor actuator: a type of power actuator wherein an a r motor is used to supply

the force to drive the valve closure-member, often through a
geared m echanism.

all iron: a trim class used in cast iron valves wherein the seating surfaces
and stem, when present, are m ade of iron or steel.

angle-disc check valve: a check valve with a element in an a n d e pattern body.

angle non-return valve: See ande-stop check valve.

angle pattern: a in which the body ends are at right angles.

angle-stop vaive: ee annle valve.

angle-stop check valve: an angle pattern variant of a globe-type sto pc he ck valve.

angle valve: an angle pattern variant of the globe valve only (other t yp e s of
a n d e valves must be designated specifically, such as angle-plug

automatic control: an action derived fiom th e com bination of a valve. actuator, and
sensing and activating circuits, programmed to regulate a fluid
flow or process by throttling the valve closure-member in
response to process changes w ithout operator intervention.

back face: the surface of a flange that is opposite the gasket face.

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back seat: a seat on the bonnet or bonnet bushing that hen

the a corress- fully

- -
ponding seating surface of the

back seat bushing: See bonnet bushing and back seat.

ball: the closure member in a ball valve or the closure member in a

ball check valve.

ball check valve: a check valve in which the check closure memb er is a ball.

ball port: the flow-way opening in the closure member of a ball valve.

ball-type disc: a with a spherical seating, surface.

ball valve: a whose closure member is spherica l and rotates to open or


bell end: See female end.

bellows-seal valve: a aving a seal utilizing a bellows.

bi-directional valve: a aving substantially equivalent flow and shut-off capa-

bility in both d irections.

blind flange: a flanpeof

closure with no flow-w
a flanged ay bore, used to provide a pressure-tight

block & bleed valve: a with two seatinp surfaces that provide simultaneous
blockage of flow from both valve ends and a m eans for draining
or venting the cavity between the seatinp surfaces.

blowdown valve: See blowoff valve.

blowoff valve: a used to release the pressurized contents of a pressure

vessel or piping.

body: the princip al pressure-containing shell of a or fitting, hat has

ends adapted for connecting to piping. See also valve body.
body-bonnet joint: the connection of a valve M to the bonnet (such as threaded
u breech lock, bolted, welded, or pressure seal type, or a
combination thereof; a capability for seal welding may be

body end: that portion of the M which is adapted for connecting to

piping components.

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body end-port: the flow opening in the body end.

body flange: the flange on a valve body to which the bonnet or cover is

óody plug:

body seat: see m.

body tap: a tapped hole in a pressure-boundary wall often used for
connection to a drai n or b wa ss.

bolted bonnet: a constru ction in which the bonnet is bolted in the .

bolted cap: See bolted cover.

bolted cover: a cover attached to a by bolting.

bolted gland: See packing gland.

bonnet: valve body clos ure comp onen t that contains an opening for the

bonnet bolting: the bolting that secures a bonnet to a valve body.

bonnet bushing: an
alsoinsert in aabonnet
provide that
back sea serves as a
t surface. or uide and may

bonnet flange: the flange on a bonnet through which the bonnet is bolted’to the
valve body.

bonnet gasket: the gasket that seals a body-bonnet joint on a valve.

bonn etless valve: a with no bonnet.

bonnet ring: See union nut.

boss: a raised area on the surface of a componen t.

brazing end: an end of a or fitting adapted for brazing to p ipe or tube.

breech lock: a connection means between two components characterized

by interrupted lug-type elements that are engaged by a partial
turn of one part inserted into or over the other.

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bronze mounted: aand

triwhen used in
mclasspresent thecast iron re
stem. valves
of brassthe seating surfaces,
o r bronze.

bushing: See pipe bushing.

butterfly valv e: a that uses a rotatable as a closure member and

obsthicts flow when the s rotated to block the flow.

butt-welding end : an end of a valve or fitting adapted for welding to pipe by

abutting the end and welding within the groove formed between
the prepared en ds.

bypass: a piping loop provided to permit flow around a valve closure-

member in its closed position.

bypass valve: a valve used in a bvuass.

cage: in a globe valve, an element that fully surrounds the Valve Disc
providing support and alignment to the disc; in a ball check
valve a part provided to guide and restrict the motion of the
check m.
cap: a fitting or component used to effect closure of a piping

center-guided check valv e: a check valve in which the clo sure member is perp endicu lar to
the flow.

center-to-end: the linear distance fiom the centerline of a port-pa ssage end of a
non-flanged end fininn or anale valve to an opposing port-
passage end.

center-to-face: the linear distance fkom the centerline of a port passage of an

flanged end fitting or a nd e valve to an opposing flanged end.

chainwheel: a manual actu ator that uses a chain-driven w heel to turn a ya&
stem handwheel, or gearing.

chain wrench: a special form of chainwheel.

check valve: a unidirec tional valve that is opened by th e fluid flow in one
direction and closes automatically to p revent flow in the rev erse

clamp gate valve: a gate valve in which the nd bonnet are held together by a
U-shaped clamp that passes through lugs cast on the and
bonnet, also called a sad dle gate or clipga te &.

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closure member: a
flow or toompo nent that
obstruct flow,isdepending
positioned on
in the flow stream
its closure to permit
position; in a
specific design it may also be called a ,wedge, dun ball
g@e diauhragm or other fünctionally similar expression (see
also oDerator).

cock: a form of plug valve that depends exclusively on sealing of

conical surfaces to prevent leakag e through the nd to the

cold working pressure CWP): the maximum pressure at which a e r fittine s allowed to
be used at ambient temperature.

compact wafer: a wafer ith a reduce d outside &

b diam eter or slots to
provide externa l flange-bolt clearance.

compo sition disc: a valve closure-member containing a non-metallic component

for sealing or stopping flow.

compression fitting: a fittine for pipe or tube that seals and grips by the radial
deformation of circ umfe rential sealing-elements.

compressor: in a diaphragm valve, a rigid m ember attached to the valve stem to

support the diaphragm and to forc e it against the &.

concentric reduce r:
a reducer with both o pening s on the sam e centerline.
control valve: a that provides the means for v arying the rate of fluid flow
in a system.

corporation stop: See cock.

coupling: a fitting used to make a linear connection between two lengths

of piping.

cover: a omponent that provides a closure for an opening into the


cover bolting: the bolting that fastens a covef o a valve.

cover gasket: the gasket in a hat seals the cover oint.

cover ring: the union ring that conn ects a union cover to the of a valve.

cross: a fitting having four openings of equal size in one plane at 90


cross, reducing: a with one or m ore openings smaller than the inlet.

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cycle of operation: the actuation

to the oppo site a andfiom
of limit onto
return e limit of its o perational position
its original position. Example:
full-closed to full-open to full-closed.

cylinder actuator: a fluid-powered actuator that converts hydraulic or pneumatic

pressure acting on a piston wth n a cylinder into a mechanical
force to impart motion to a valve closure-memb er.

diaphragm: a valve component consisting of a flexible sheet of material

arranged to contain a fluid and to which mechanical or fluid
forces may be applied to deform the sh eet to interrupt fluid flow
(see closure-member .

diaphragm actuator: a fluid-powered actuator that uses hydraulic or pneumatic fluid

on a diaDhram to develop force to m ove the
pressure acting

diaphragm valve: a that permits throttling of fluid flow by forcing a

diaDhram against a raised section or weir on the flow

dielectric union: See insulating union.

disc: See closure mem ber.

disc face: the seating surface of a &.

disc guide: a guide that aligns the elative to the e.

disc hinge-pin: a pin that suppo rts the of a r tiltina-disc check valve.

double block & bleed: See block & bleed valve.

double disc: a two-piece sed in a gate valve.

drain: a connection provided in a valve bodv, bonnet, or for the

purpose of releasin g fluid.

drainage fitting: a non-pressure rated fitting having an inside diameter the same
as the connecting piping, with a shoulder against which the
piping abuts (such fittings provide substantially continuous
internal flow-passage surfaces).

drop elbow: an elbow having two integral lugs or ears with screw holes for
moun ting (sometimes called drop-ear or drop-eared elbow).

drop tee: a tee having two integral lugs or ears extendmg fkom the side
opposite the outlet and equipped with holes for mounting
(sometimes called a d rop-ear or drop-eared tee .

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drum trap: a drainage fitting designed to provide a liquid seal in a drain line
and c haracterize d by an upright, cy lindrical body.
dual-sealing valve: a which use s redundant se at-sealing means.

eccentric reducer: a redu cer with the sm all end off-center.

eccentric plug valve: a quarter-tu rn valve with either the journal or located

elbow: a fitting used to c h e g e the direction of piping.

elbow, long-radius: an elbow with the center-to-face distance 1% times the nominal
size of the elbow.

elbow, short-radius: an elbow with the c enter-to-fac e measurement equal to the

nominal size of the elbow .

elbow, reducing: an elbow with ends of different sizes.

elbow, side-outlet: an elbow with an additional outlet extending from the side of the
fitting usually 90 degree s to the plane of the inlet and outlet.

elbow, street: an elbow having an external connection on one end and an

internal con nection on the other.

electric-motor actuator: apowered

power by
ac tuator
an elecfor valves wherein a ge ar-reduc tion unit is
tric motor.

end connection: the provision m ade on a valve, fitting, or pipe for attac hme nt to
another piping component.

end-to-end dimension: the overall length, along the axis of the pipeline, of a ,
fittina or pipe.

end-en try ball valve: a bail valve design in which the and are accessib le by the
removal of an end piece.

expansion joint: a pressure-tight connection device that accommodates relative

movement of attached piping.

eye bolt: a threaded bolt which has a head fashioned to accommodate a

cylindrical cross-pin connection.

face-to-face dimension: the dimension from the face of the inlet port to the face of the
outlet port of flanged valves or fittings.

female end: a socket, solder end, bell end, or internally threaded end of a
valve, fitting or pipe which accepts the plain end or externally
threaded end of a p iping component.

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finned bonnet: aand

flow with
area.ex ternal fins located between the packing cham ber

fitting: connector or closure used with piping or piping components to

form fluid lines and passages with a desired system configura tion.

fitting, b ranch welding-outlet: a that is attached to the run pipe by welding (the branch
pipe is usually attached by welding, soc ket welding, or threading).

fitting, butt-welding: a fittinn whose end connections are adapted for butt-welding to
pipe or to other butt-welding fittings or valves.

fitting, flanged: a ittinn having flanved end end co nnections.

fitting, flared: af a esigned for attachment of a tube having a pre-formed

flare on the tube end.

fitting, flareless: a tubing finine, which seals and grips by means which do not
involve a pre-formed flare at the end of a tube (see com pression

fitting, socket-welding: a ittinn with end connections having a socket configuration to

fit the ends of the pipe and in which the pipe is fillet welded in
place on its ou tside diameter.

fitting, solder-joint: a copper or copper alloy with solder end end connec tions
manufactured to permit joining to copper tube, a solder-end
fitting or by soldering or brazing.

fitting, threaded: a ittinn with threaded end connections for attachment to

threaded pipe.

flange: an annular collar designed to permit a bolted connection with

similar co llars.

flange facing: the geom etry of the mating surface of a flange.

flange, lap-joint: a flange that has a radius at the intersection of the bore and the
can be face in order
swiveled to slip
around over a lap-joint
a lap-ioint stub end stub
in order to his
end; flange
align bolt

flange, reducing: a flange of a given size with a flow bore of a sma ller size used to
mak e a joint between different pipe sizes.

flange, slip-on: a flange that slips over the end of a pipe or =and is fillet
welded in place.


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flange, socket-welding : a flange having a soc ket configuration that fits the end of a pip e
for fillet welding.

flange, threaded: a low-hub flanve with a threaded bore for assembly with
4Lt,-...4,.a A
uuoauou p y u .

flange, welding-neck: a flanpe with a tapered hub bored to match the inside diameter of
matching pipe and with the hub beveled for butt welding to the

flanged end: a type of end connection on a or a fitting, used for joining

to other components with mating flanves.

flangeles s valve: a y¿& intended to be mounted between pipe flanges with span
bolts passing fiom pipe flange to pipe flange. The WS ay
have locators for line centerin g.

flat-faced flange: a flange that is flat from the flange pe ri ph w to the flow or access

flat full-face gasket: a flat gasket that contacts the entire surface of a flat-faced flanve.

flexible-wedge disc: a gate valve disc thaî has a so lid center but which is flexible at the
sealing periphery.

floating ball-ball valve: a ball valve design with a held in position only by two seats

flow regulation: control of flow passing throug h piping.

followe r gland: the element used to compress the gasket or sealing gasket of a
mechanical joint.

four-way valve: a with four ports arranged to con trol the direction of fluid
flow through the valve and connected piping system.

full-opening-through- a whose opening is substantially equivalent to bore of

conduit valve: attached piping.

fusible plug: a non-reclosing plun, designed to m elt at a specified temperature.

gate: the closure member of a gate valve.

gate valve: a with a closure member, such as a gate. wedge, disc, or

double disc that moves on an a x i s perpendicular to the direction of


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gland: See packing gland and follower g land.

gland flange: a flange bearing against a packing gland used o compress packing.

gland follower: See packing gland.

globe valve: a with a closure member, such as a or , that moves

on a axis perpendicular to the @.

grooved end: a circumferential recess that is cast, cut, or otherwise formed

onto a fittinn or end to form a .restrained joint when used with the
proper gasket and coupling.

guillotine valve: See knife-gate valve.

handle-bar union: a uni on nut that has one or more projections that may be struck with a
hammer fo r quick opening or c losure (also known as lug-nut or high-speed

handwheel : a rimmed component designed to facilitate manual actuation

of a e

hard facing: a deposit of hard, wear- and corrosion-resistant material applied

at the seating surfaces or oth er parts of a subject to wear.

hinge: in a swing check valve, the pivotal element that supports the assembly
relative to the bodv seat.

hinge pin: See disc hinge-pin.

holiday test: a nondestructive test of the coating of a , hydrant, or

component part thereof, performed to electrically determine the
presence, if any, of voids o r holidays in the coating.

hydraulic actuator: a device that converts hydraulic energy into mechanical force and motion
for positioning a valve closure-mem ber.

in-line check valve: See center-guided check valve.

inside-screw, non-rising stem : a iyp of gate valve design in which the rises on the threaded part
of the stern instead of the rising through the bonnet (the
stern does not rise or descend as the stern is turned).

inside-screw, rising-stem: a type of gate or globe valve design in which the stern has both
rotary and axial motion and rises as the stern is turned (the
threads are between the stem p acking and the closure mem ber).


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insulating unions: used of

transmission to fluids,
mechanically join piping
with electrical for separating
insulation pressure-tight
joined piping (also known as dielectric u s ) .

junk ring: See packing washer.

knife-gate valve: a type of gate valve using a thin, flat m sually used in
controlling slurries.

lantern gland: See lantern ring.

lantern ring: a rigid spacer-ring used in the lantern ring îype of packing
chamber to permit lubrication of the packing, purging of the
haft or stern area, or a leak-off system .

lantern ring a sealing chamber with a lantern ring and rings of packing
packing-chamber above and below the lantern ring.

lap-joint stub end: a fittinn normally used with a lap-joint flange, consisting of a
cylinder or b m e l w ith an integral flat ring or lap around one end,
with a radius at the exte rnal intersection of the barrel and the lap,
and an op posing end tha t is beveled for butt-welding to m atching
pipe (the lap face typica lly has a sp irally serrated finish to se rve
as a raised-face gasket for the flange in lap-joint flange

lateral: a three-way fittinn having two pipe ends opposite each other in a
straight run and a branch outlet projecting from the run at an
angle, usually 45 .

lateral, reducing: a lateral with the branch outlet smaller than the run.

lateral, straight: a lateral with all three openings, the run as well as the branch
outlet, the same size.

lay length: the effective length of the or fittina along the axis of the
pipeline which if the or e along with gaskets) were
somehow removed would be the gap remaining between the
pipe ends.

lens joint: a bolted flange joint characterized by metal-to-metal sealing

involvin g the ine lastic deformation of the flange mating surfaces
of a pierced, lens-shaped mem ber.

lever actuator: an actuator that includes an armor lever that is manually moved
to operate a valve.


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lift check valve: a check valve with a closure member that is lifted by the force of
the fluid flow.

limit switch: a sw itch (electrical, pneumatic, or hydraulic) that senses a vaJ s

closure-member at a particular position.

lined: a term applied to valves. fittings, or piping having internal

surfaces of prote ctive materiais to enhan ce resistance to corro sion,
erosion, or contam ination.

live loading: a means of maintaining a compressive load on bolted assemblies,

such as by the use of disc springs (such as Belleville washers) on a

lubricant: a material (such as iight grease or oil) that is applied to a vaJ s

component to reduce friction.

lubricated plug valve: a plug valve in which the plun rotation and sealing can be assis ted
by sealant applied under external pressure.

lug valve: a val ve with short face-to-face dimensions in proportion to the

fluid-passage diameter designed to be bolted to one or both
flanges in a line by the use of fasteners, which are threaded into lug
protrusions of the valve body.

lug-wafer valve: lup valve. sin gle flanged valve and w afer valve.
lugged valve: See up valve and single flanged valve.

male end: the externally threaded or plain end of a pipe, tube, val ve or

mechanical connection: a termused to designate various methods for assembling product

componen ts by mechanical means.

mechanical joint: a bolted joint of a packinp chamber design for cou pling valves,
fittings, and pipe utilizing a follower gland to compress the
sealing gasket.

memory stop: an a cce sso q on a valve that provides for repeatable stopping of
the closure mem ber at a position other than fully open or closed.

modulating: ee automatic control.

multi-turn actuator: an actuator that transmits a torque to the for at least one


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National Standard Thread: a dimensional

valves, system
and fittings in of
thethreading commonly
U.S, including usedNPT),
tapered on pipe, pipe
(NPSM) and Dryseal thread forms.

nipple: a piping compo nent consisting of a short piece of pipe with both
owto-all.7 thvn,,AeA
u r z w i i i u i i , ..-vuuvu.

nominal pipe size .(NPS): a size-identification number, not necessarily an actual


non-lubricated plug valve: a plug valve that d oes not require lubrication.

non-return valve: See stop check valve.

non-rising stem: a valve stem that does not m ove into and out of the & when the
is actuated.

obturator: See closure member this term s used in international standards).

open left: counter-clockwise rotation of an actuation device to open a


open right: clockwise rotation of an actuation device to open a &.

operatin g cycle: See cycle of operation.

operator: a person who causes a to be actuated.

O-ring unions: pipe unions usin g O-rings for pressure sealing.

outside screw & yoke (OS & Y): a esign that houses the packing between the threads
and the valve body.

P-trap: a d rainage fitting having a vertical d e t into a “F’”-shaped water-

seal section that has a horizon tal or 90” outlet.

packing: a material that provides a seal around a movable component

through a p ressure bound ary (q.v., packing around a v a l v e s

packing assembly: a --sealing system cons isting of a mate rial or one or more
mating com ponents contained in a chamber, which may provide
an effective seal through a manually adjustable means of

packing box: See packinv cham ber.

packing chamber: the part of the packing assemblv containing the packing used to
seal against leakage around a movable component, such as a
tem or sh ft also called stuffing box o r packing box.

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packing gland: a com ponent used to compress packing. Also called a packing follower.
packing, injection: a m aterial used in a sealing system that uses extern al pressure for injection
into a packing chamber.

packing nut: a nut used on a packing assembly to compress packing, often

used in con junction with a pa cking Pland.

packing washer: a spacer placed at the end of a set of packing to prevent extrusion
of packing.

parallel-disc gate valve: a double-disc gate valve design in w hich the faces are parallel and are
loaded against the (see parallel exm ndina-d isc gate valve and parallel
sliding-disc gate valve).

parallel expanding-disc gate a double-disc gate valve design in which the faces are parallel,
valve: independent of each other, and loaded against the by a wedging
mechanism between the discs and line pressure on
down stream side.

parallel sliding-disc gate valve: a type of double-disc gate valve in wh ich the faces are parallel,
independent of each other, and loaded against the se ts by a spring and line
pressure on the dow nstream side.

part-turn actuator: an actuator that transmits a torque to a for less than one revolution.

pinch valve: a design having a flexible tube or hose for a flow passageway, which
is ?pin ch ed to effect closure.

pipe bushing: a ittinn with one e xternal and one sm aller internal end.

pipe plug: a threaded device with no opening used to provide closure of an

internally threaded port.

pipe thread: See Natio nal Standard Thread and threaded end.

piston check valve: a lift check valve design in which the closure member acts like a piston
within a cylinder.

pivot pin: See hinge D ~ I L

plain end: a male end on a tube, pipe, valve, or fitting hat inserts or engages into a
female end or mechanical joint of another piping component.

plug: a closure mem ber used in a plug valve.

plug cock: see &.


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plug, countersunk: asunk

tapered threaded end vive vlug having a square or hexagon counter-

plug, headed: a pive vlug;having a hexagonal or square head.

J..- ,-li- ..
pue 0 .

plug valve: a ya in which the closure member is of cylindrical or conical shape

and can be rotated into alignment with the flow passageway and in
which sealing is effected by the fit of the cylinder or cone into the
mating surface of the bodv.

pneumatic actuator: a device that converts pneumatic pressure into m echanical motion and force
to move a valve closure-mem ber.

pneum atic-motor actuator: See air-motor actuator.

pressure-seal gasket: the sealing ring mem ber of a pressure-seal joint.

pressure-seal joint: a cover or bonnet closure-assembly in which internal fluid

pressure-force on the cover or bonnet increases the compressive
loading on the s ealing gasket.

push-on joint: a generic term describing jointing designs that utilize a rubber
gasket that fits into an annular recess inside of a pipe, fittinn, or
socket end and is compressed radially upon entry of the beveled plain end
of a pipe o r fitting.

quarter-- valve: a ya in which the closure member is rotated approximately 90 to

move from full-open to full-closed position.

quick-opening valve: a 
y designed to open or close quickly.

quick-opening control valve: a Valve in which the closure member reaches maximum flow with
minimum lift.

raised face: the annular surface on certain types and classes of flanves that projects
above the bolting ring and p rovides the gasket-comp ression area.
reduced-port valve: a  y equipped with a reduced flow-passageway at the closure
member for a given end connection size (also called a restricted-port

reducer: a fittinq that functions as a couuling but has a smaller pipe size on one end.


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regulating valve: a designed to control the flow rate or pressure of fluid flowing
through the e

relief valve: a designed to actuate automatically to reduce its internal pressure,

when its pressure setting is exceed ed.

remote control: a system fo r operatin g a valve a ctuator fi-om a distant location .

restrained joint: a rubber-gasket joining system for valves. fittings, and pipe tha t includes
provisions to prevent axial joint-separation due to hydraulic intemal-

retuni bend: a “U”-shaped fitting that changes the direction of piping 1SO”.

return-bend, long radius: a return bend that has a center-to-center dimension three times the nominal
size of the fitting.

return-bend, short radius: a return bend that has a center-to-center dimension two times the
/ nominal size of the fitting.

ring joint: a bolted flange design in which the adjacent flange faces contain
grooves designed to receive a shaped, continuous ring arranged in
such a way that the ring is compressed by the mating flange
grooves to provide a seal.

rising stem: a valve stem that moves into and out of a &w hen the is operated.

roof connection: a drainage fitting used with roof flashing and to extend the length of a vent

running trap: a water-trap drainwe fitting having a horizontal inlet into a ‘‘U”-shaped
water seal section and with a horizontal outlet (the fitting is usually
funiished with a vent opening extending vertically opposite each leg of the

rupture disc: a pressure-relieving device designed to burst at a specified internal


safelyrelief valve: a pressure-relief valve suitable for use either as a safety valve or &
depend ing on application.

safety valve: a p ressure-relief valve characterized by rapidly opening operation.


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screwed bonnet: See hreaded-in bonnet and threaded-over bonnet.

screwed end: See hreaded end.

screwed flange: See flange. threade d.

seal, water: a seal using water as a barrier between the packing and the

seal-welded bonn et: a design in which the bonn et is mechanically attached to a , such
as by threading, and the joint is seal-welded to prevent leakage (the seal
weld shall not be consid ered to contribute strength to the joint).

sealant: a material, such as pipe dope, PTFE tape, or grease, that is applied
to val ve components to improve the sealing of seats. threads and

seat: that portion of a gainst which the closure mem ber presses
to effect shut-off.

seat bushing: See seat ring.

seat insert: material (usually a resilient material) inserted into the seat face to provide
improved sealing.

seat ring: aclosure
mempiece insertedtoin shut
ber engages a valve body to form a
off flow. against which the

seating surface: the contacting surface of a closure member and a that effect

seif-controlled regulator: a re d a ti n g valve that is activated by the fluid flowing through the &.

shaft: See m .

shouldered end: a special shoulder that is cast, welded, or threaded onto a pipe,
fitting or valve end to form a restrained joint when used with the proper
gasket and coupling.

silent check valve: See center-Puided check valve.

silver brazing: a brazing process using silve r alloys.

single-flanged valve: a style of wafer valve with a configured to be bolted as a closure

member on the end of a pipeline without any additional flange or retaining
parts; the holes that mate with the pipeline flanges may be tapped or
untapped; the body exterior may be cylindrical like the pipeline flange or
may be cut away such that the outside diameter of the pipeline flange
occurs only at the b olt-hole locations.

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socket-welding end: an end connection of a or onfigured to permit the

insertion of pipe ends for joining by fillet welding.

socket-welding a fittinp. with an insertion that reduces a socket-welding end to

reducing insert: a sm aller pipe size.

solder end: the end of a valve o r fitting adapted for soldering to pipe or tube.

solid-wedge disc valve: a pate valve design using a onepiece & or wedge not designed
for flexibility.

spigot end: See plain end.

spindle: see m .
spindle bushing: See stem nut.

split wedge: a two-piece wedge used in a gate valve w ith non-parallel e

stem: a& component to which motion is impaired outside the

assembly to move the closure mem ber inside the val ve.

stem bushing: See stem nut.

stem nut: the part of the assembly that converts rotary actuating
effort into thrust on the valve stem.

stop check valve: a check valve in which the closure member can be mechanically

street ell: See elbow. street.

street tee: See tee. street.

stroke: See travel, rated.

stuffing box: See packing chamb er.

stuffing nut: See packing nut.

swing check valve: a check valve in which the closure member is mounted so that it
opens with presence of flow or pressure and closes with the
absence of flow o r pressure.

tapping sleeve: a fitting that can be assembled on an existing main to make a

branch or @ connection to the main w ith a -taming, valve and
tavvinp machine,


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tapping m achine: a machine used to cut a hole into an existing pressurized or non-

pressurized main athrough

drillingthe use of a tauDinP sleeve and

also called machine).

tapping valve: a gate valve designed with end connec tions to provide proper
alignment and positioning of a tauuinp sleeve, valve, tapping
rnucl,i.i.,e, CE the v ~ 2 t e ~ ~a:~ uû qy p i n g cpe:uticn.

tee: a branched-outlet fittina used to permit straight through and

90 flow.

tee, reducing: a tee with unequal pipe size connections.

tee, straight: a tee with all three opening s, the run as w ell as the branch outlet, the
same size.
tee, side-outlet: a @ with an additional outlet extendin g from the side of the fitting
at 90 from the plane of the other three.

tee, street: a tee with extern al pipe threads on one end o f the run.

threaded-in bonnet: a bonnet that is threaded into the w

threaded -over bonnet: a bonnet into which the bodv is threaded.

threaded end: an end on a valve, fitting, or pipe that permits parts to be joined by
engaging extern al and internal threads.

three-way valv e: a valve with three ports, arranged to control the direction of fiuid
flow through the valve and connected piping system .

throttling: a reduction of flow through a valve by partial closure of the


thrust collar: a device for restraining axial movement of a m.

tilting-disc check valve: a check valve in which th e closure mem ber pivots, but not entirely
out of the flow passage.

tongue-and-grooved joint: acomponent

joint in which
engagesa tongue (a groove
a mating raised annular surface)
in another on one
to assist in
mechanical alignm ent and gasket retention of the assem bly.

travei, rated: the amount of linear or rotary movement of the valve stem
from the closed position to the fully open position.

trim: functional parts of a that are exposed to the line fluid, usually
refers to the stem, losure member, and seating surfaces.

True Y: See wye.

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trunnion ball valve: ball valve with a b

l supported by two bearings (trunnion) in the
valve body.

tucker connection: a drainage vent fittinn having a threaded joint on one end and a
caulked oint on the other end, used to co uple a threaded vent pipe
to a pipe having a plain or spigot end.

unidirectional valve: a 
y designed for sealing only in on e direction.

union: a multi-piece fitting that allows the joining or separating of

piping witho ut rotating the piping,

union bonnet: a valve bonnet that is fastened to the valve body by means of a
union nut.

union cover: a cover fastened to the by means of a union nut.

union fitting: see u

union nut: the threaded ring that joins the nd bonnet or cover of a
union bonnet or union cove r valve o r principal u component.

union ring: See union nut.

union, ground-joint: a fittina assembly consisting of a tail or male part, a head or

female part, and a union nut (the seating surfaces between head
and tail are precision machined to prod uce a leak-tight joint.

union, gasket: au employing a resilient gasket for sealing.

v-p ort plug: a type of valve du g or that has an orifice in the sh ape of the
letter “ Y o provide spec ific throttling characteristic s.

valve: a device that isolates or controls fluid direction or flow rate

(synonymous with stop, e aucet, tap, b ib).

valve actuator: See actuator.

valve body: see &.

valve closure-member See closure member.

valve plug: see &.

valve seat-port: an opening in a that can be partly or com pletely blocked by

the closure member.


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valve stem: see m .

valve stem-extension: means for extending the stern length.

valve stem -thrust: the force required to actuate a linear m ovement of a valve stem.

valve stem-torque: a torque required to actua te a rotary movem ent of the valve stem.

valve trim: see a .

vane: see &.

wafer valve: a valve designed to. be installed between flanges, which has a short
face-to-face dim ension in relation to the pipeline diameter.

water gage: See liauid-level page.

wedge: a gate valve closure member with inclined surfaces that mechanically
force sealing contact of the gate or (s) (in double disc valves, the
wedpe may act as a spreading device ).

wedge gate valve: a gate valve design in which a w edae-shaped closure member is forced
between angled seats to stop flow.

welded bonnet: a design in which the bonne t is welded directly to the M

welding end: or fittinn connection end designed for attachment to a pipe or

other or fitting by welding.

wye: a three-way fittinp with a flow passage shaped like the letter “ Y
(sometimes called a “true Y” or a “true w ye”).

Y: see m ,
Y-type alve: a mod ifie d g lo be v a lv e in wh ic h th e a t n d b on ne t are at an
angle other than 90” to the flow passage.

yoke: that part of a assembly tised to position the stem nut or to

mount the valve actuator.
yoke bushing: See stem nut.

yoke nut: See stem nut.

yoke sleeve: See stem nut.


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4.1 This section lists abbreviations and their mean ings used to describe valves and fitting types, features, and parts.

BB Bolted Bonnet NRS Non-Rising Stem

BFV Butterfly Valve OS&Y Outside Screw & Yoke
BWE Butt-welding End OWG Oil, Water & Gas (see CWP)
CI Cast Iron PN Pressure Nom inal (Metric)
CRES Corrosion-R esistant Steel P-T Pressure-Temperature
CWP Cold Working Pressure (Preferred) RF Raised Face
DD Double Disc RS Rising Stem
DI Ductile Iron RTJ Ring-Typ e Joint
DN Diameter Nominal (Metric) S Steam
DWV Drainage-Waste-Vent Fitting sc Swing Check Valve
ELL Elbow SJE Solder-Joint End
F&D Faced & Drilled Flange ss Stainless Steel
FF Flat Face SWE Socket-Welding E nd
FLG Flange SWP Steam Working Pressure (preferred)
FO Faced Only T Tee
FTTG Fitting TDCV Tilting-Disc Check Valve
Fw Flexible W edge w Water
G Gas WOG Water, Oil, and Gas (see CWP)


Hard Faced
Iron-Body Bronze Mounted
Working Steam Pressure
Working Water Pressure
Wye Fitting
(see Bronze M ounted)
IPS Iron Pipe Size

ISRS Inside-Screw,
Inside-Screw, Non-R
Rising ising
Stem Stem
MAV Motor-Actuated Valve
MJ Mec hanical Joint
NPS Nominal Pipe Size
NPT National Standard Pipe
Thread Taper

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List of MSS Standard Practices
(Price List Available Up on Reque st)
SP-c2001 Standar d Finishes for C ontact Fa ces of Pipe Flan ges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittin gs
SP-9-2001 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges
SP-25-1998 Standard Markin g System For Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions
SP-42-1999 Class 150 Corrosi on Resistant Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld Ends
SP-43-1991 (R 01) Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-welding Fittings
SP-44-1996 (R 01) Steel Pipeline Flanges
SP-45-1998 Bypass and Drain Connections
SP-51-2000 Class 15OLW Corros ion Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged Fitti ngs
SP-53-1999 1 Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves. Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Componets - Magnetic Parti cle
Examination Method
SP-54-1999 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fit tings and Ot her Piping Components - Radiographic Examination Method
SP-55-2001 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components - Visual Method for Evaluation O
Surface Irregularities
SP-58-1993 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture
SP-60-1999 Connecting Fla nge Joint Betwee n Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves
SP-61-1999 Pressure Testing of Steel Valves
SP-65-1999 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets
SP-67-1995 Butteffly Valves
SP-68-1997 High Pressure Buttemy Valves with Offset Oesign
SP-69-1996 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application
SP-70-1998 Cast Ir on Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-71-1997 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-72-1999 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt Welding Ends for General Service
CP-73-1991 (R 96) Brazing Joints for Wrought and Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-75-1998 Specif icati on for .High Test Wrought Bu tt Welding Fi tting s
SP-77- 1995 (R 00) Guidelines for Pipe Support Contractual Relationships
SP-78-1998 Cast Iro n Plug Valves, Fl anged and Threaded Ends
SP-79-1999a Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts
SP-80-1997 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves

SP-81-2001 Stainless Steel, Bonnetless. Flanged Knife Gate Valves

SP-82-1992 Valve Press ure Testin g Methods
SP-83-2001 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket Welding and Threaded
SP-85-1994 Cast Iron Globe 8 Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-86-1997 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings and Actuators
SP-87-1991 (R 96) Factory-Made Butt-wel ding Fi tting s for Class 1 Nuclear Piping Applications
SP-88-1993 (R 01) Diaphragm Valves
SP-89-1998 Pipe Hangars and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices
SP-90-2000 Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and Supports
SP-91-1992 (R 96) Guidelines for Manual Operations of Valves
SP-92-1999 MSS Valve User Guide
SP-93-1999 Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fit tings and Other Piping Components-Liquid Penetrant
Examination Method
SP-94-1999 Quality Std for Ferritic and Martensitlc Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Ot her Piping Components-Ultrasonic
Examination Method
SP-95-2000 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs
SP-96-2001 Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and Fittings
SP-97-2001 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fitti ngs-Sock et Welding, Threaded, and Buttwelding Ends
SP-98-2001 Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings
SP-99-1994 (R 01) Inst rument Valves
SP-100-1997 Quali ficat ion Requirements for Elast omer Diaphr agms or Nuclear Diaphragm Type Valves
SP-101-1989 (R 01) Part -Turn Valve Actuator Attachment-Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Charac terist ics
SP-102-1989 (R 01) Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Perïormance Characteristics
SP-103-1995 (R 00) Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy In sert Fittings for Polybutylene Systems
SP-104-1995 Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-105-1996 (R 01) Instr ument Valves for Code Applications
SP-106-1990 (R 96) Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125, 150 and 300
SP-107-1991 (R 00) Transition Union Fittings for Joining Metal and Plastic Products
SP-108-1996 Resilient-Seated Cast Iron-Eccentric Plug Valves
SP-109-1997 Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-l1C-1996 Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends
SP-I 11-2001 Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves
SP-112-1999 Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes - Visual and Tactile Method. This SP must be sold with a IO-surface, three
dimens ional Cast Surface Comparat or, which is a necessary part of the Standard.
Additional Comparat ors may be sold separately at 25.00 each. Same quantity discount s apply on total order.
SP-113-2001 Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping Valves
SP-114-2001 Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding, Class 150 and 1000
SP-115-1999 Excess Flow Valves for Natural Gas Service
SP-116-1996 Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water Systems
SP-117-1996 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate Valves
SP-118-1996 Compact Steel Globe & Check Valves - Flanged, Flangeless. Threaded & Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service)
SP-119-1996 Belled End Socket Welding Fittings, Stainless Steel and Copper Nickel
SP-120-1997 Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Steel Valves (Design Requirements)
SP-121-1997 Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel Valves
SP-122-1997 Plastic Industrial Ball Valves
SP-123-1998 Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use With Copper Water Tube
SP-124-2001 Fabric ated Tapping Sleeves
SP-125-2000 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring-Loaded, Center-G uided Check Valves
SP-126-2000 Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center Guided Check Valves
SP-127-2001 Bracina for Piping Systems Seismic-Wind-Dynamic Design, Selection, Application
(R YEAR) Indicates year standard reaffirmed without substantive changes

A large number of former MSS Practices have been approved by the ANSI or ANSI Standards, published by others. In order to maintain a single source
of authoritative information, the MSS withdraws its Standard Practice in such cases.

Ma nufacture rs Stand ardization Society of the Valve a nd F ittings Industry, Inc.

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127 Park S treet, N.E., Vienna, VA 22180-4620 703) 281-6613 F a x # 703) 281-6671
OPYRIGHT Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings

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