Prog grd12
Prog grd12
Prog grd12
You want to display the employee's last name and date hired in year 2000 to2006 whose salary is
above 5000. Which SQL statement give the required output?
- SELECT last_name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE hire_date>=
TO_DATE('01-Jan-2006', 'DD-Mon-RR') AND hire_date<= TO_DATE('31-Dec-2006', 'DD-Mon-RR') AND
salary > 5000;
Display all the records in the employee table. Arrange the output in by lastname from A-Z order.
- SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY lastname
Display employee's name and id whose firstname starts with letter D and job id is IT_PROG.
You what to generate the average salary of all employees whose job function is FI_ACCOUNT.
What will be the SQL command if every employee will be given a productivity bonus which is equivalent
to 3% of the monthly salary?
Display the employee id, salary and the productivity bonus.