Case-Study Solution
Case-Study Solution
Case-Study Solution
Pl. ensure that “hr” database is created or downloaded from MYSQL sample databases before
getting started with this exercise.
3. Write a query in SQL to display the first_name and last_name, department_id and
salary from employees Table who earn more than 20000.( 'Steven', 'King', '90',
select first_name,last_name,department_id,salary from employees where salary >
4. Write a query in SQL to display the first_name and last_name, email, salary and
manager_ID for those employees whose managers_ID is 120, 103 or 145.(18 rows)
select FIRST_NAME,last_name,email,salary,manager_id FROM employees where
manager_id in (120,103,145);
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5. Write a query in SQL to display the first_name and last_name,department_id and
salary from employees Table who earn more than 8000 And whose managers_ID is
120, 103 or 145.(3 rows)
select FIRST_NAME,last_name,email,salary, manager_id FROM employees where
manager_id in (120,103,145) AND salary > 8000;
6. Write a query to display all the locations (id, city) which do not have any state province
mentioned. (6 rows) [NOTE: LOCATION TABLE]
select location_id,city from locations where state_province is null;
7. Write a query to display job_id, job titles, min_salary, max_salary whose maximum
salary is greater than 10000. (9 rows) [NOTE: JOBS TABLE]
select JOB_TITLE, job_id, min_salary,max_salary from jobs WHERE MAX_SALARY
> 10000;
• Explain why NULL is displayed here – this is a blank row displayed by MYSQL
9. Write a query to display the job title whose minimum salary is greater than 8000 and
max salary less than 20000 (3 rows).[NOTE : JOBS TABLE]
select job_title from jobs where min_salary >8000 and max_salary < 20000;
10. Write a query to retrieve all the records of departments with managers for the location
id 1700. (5 rows) [NOTE : DEPARTMENTS TABLE]
select * from departments where manager_id is not null and location_id=1700;
11. List all departments starting with “P” where there are managers.(2
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12. Print a bonafide certificate for an employee (say for emp. id 123) as below:
#"This is to certify that <full name> with employee id <emp. id> is working as <job id> in
dept. <dept ID>. (1 ROW) [NOTE : EMPLOYEES table].
select concat("This is to certify that ",first_name," ",last_name," with employee id
",employee_id," working as ",job_id, " in "," dept. ",department_id) from employees
where employee_id=123;
13. Write a query to display the employee id, salary & salary range of employees as 'Tier1',
'Tier2' or 'Tier3' as per the range <5000, 5000-10000, >10000 respectively,ordering the
output by those tiers.(107 ROWS)[NOTE :EMPLOYEES TABLE]
select employee_id,salary,
CASE WHEN salary < 5000 THEN 'tier 1'
WHEN salary between 5000 and 10000 THEN 'teir 2'
ELSE 'teir 3'
from employees
order by salary;
14. Write a query to display the department-wise and job-id-wise total salaries of employees
whose salary is more than 25000.(8 rows) [NOTE : EMPLOYEES TABLE]
15. Write a query to display names of employees whose first name as well as last name ends
with vowels. (vowels : aeiou ) (5 rows) [NOTE : EMPLOYEES TABLE]
select first_name , last_name from employees where (first_name like '%a' or first_name like
'%e' or first_name like '%i' or first_name like '%o' or first_name like '%u') and (last_name
like '%a' or last_name like '%e' or last_name like '%i' or last_name like '%o' or last_name
like '%u');
16. What is the average salary range (diff. between min & max salary) of all types 'Manager's
and 'Clerk's. (9 rows)[NOTE : JOBS TABLE]
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17. Write a query to list the names of all people who report to the same person in department
Accounting (i.e.2).
select concat( first_name,” ”, last_name)
from employees e, departments d
where d.department_id=e.department_id and department_name="Accounting"
group by e.manager_id;
18. Write a query in SQL to display the first name, last name, department number, and
department name for each employee.(106 rows)
19. Write a query in SQL to display the name of the department, average salary and
number of employees working in that department who got commission.(One row)
select d.department_name,avg(e.salary),count(e.employee_id)
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id
and commission_pct>0 and e.department_id is not null
group by e.department_id
20. Display the first name where commission percentage is not provided.(72 rows)
21. Display first_name ,commission and where commission is null print 'Its Null'
otherwise print 'It’s not null' (107 Rows)
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