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Sand Play

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Received: 17 October 2020    Revised: 6 June 2021    Accepted: 10 July 2021

DOI: 10.1002/nop2.1022


Effects of sandplay therapy in reducing emotional and

behavioural problems in school-­age children with chronic
diseases: A randomized controlled trial

Judan Tan  | Huaying Yin | Tuo Meng | Xiaoli Guo

Department of child health in Children’s

Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Abstract
National Clinical Research Center for Child Purpose: Children with chronic diseases exhibit a higher incidence of emotional–­
Health and Disorders, Ministry of Education
Key Laboratory of Child Development and behavioural problems. Though sandplay therapy is a universally recognized psycho-
Disorders, Chongqing Key Laboratory of logical treatment method, experimental evidence for this form of therapy is lacking.
Pediatrics, Chongqing Key Laboratory of
Translational Medical Research in Cognitive Our aims were to examine the effectiveness of sandplay therapy in reducing emo-
Development and Learning and Memory tional and behavioural problems in school-­age children with chronic diseases as well
Disorders, Chongqing Key Laboratory
of Child Health and Nutrition, Children’s as anxiety and depression in their caregivers.
Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Design and methods: A total of 60 children and their caregivers were enrolled in
Chongqing, P.R. China
the present study between January and October 2019. A randomized controlled trial
Correspondence was conducted at the Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, China.
Huaying Yin, Ministry of Education Key
Laboratory of Child Development and Participants were divided into an intervention and a control group. Both groups re-
Disorders, Chongqing Key Laboratory of ceived regular treatment, and the intervention group received additional sandplay
Pediatrics, National Clinical Research Center
for Child Health and Disorders (Chongqing), therapy. Four behavioural rating scales were used to evaluate the differences be-
China International Science and Technology tween the two groups. The children's scores on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL),
Cooperation base of Child development
and Critical Disorders, Department of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Self-­Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self-­
Child Healthcare, Children’s Hospital of Rating Depression Scale (SDS) before and after the intervention were compared
Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing,
P.R. China. using the Mann–­Whitney test. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was also employed to
Email: sarah6524@126.com compare the median results before and after treatment.
Funding information Results: The total scores for CBCL, anxiety and depression, withdrawal, and social
The authors disclosed receipt of the behavioural problems for children in the intervention group were all lower than the
following financial support for the
research, authorship and publication of corresponding scores for those in the control group (p  <  .05). The EPQ scores for
this article: this work was supported by the emotional stability and psychosis in the intervention group were both lower than
Demonstration of Technology Innovation
and Application of Chongqing Science and those in the control group (p < .05). The SAS and SDS scores for the caregivers of
Technology Commission (general project children in the intervention group were also lower than the corresponding scores for
of social livelihood), China. Project No.:
cstc2018jscx-­msybx0065 those in the control group (p < .05).
Conclusion: Sandplay therapy can reduce anxiety, withdrawal, and social behavioural
problems in school-­age children with chronic diseases, as well as relieve anxiety and
depression symptoms in their caregivers. Our study provided evidence for the clinical

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat​ive Commo​ns Attri​butio​n-­NonCo​mmerc​ial-­NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-­commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Nursing Open. 2021;00:1–12.  |

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2       JUDAN et al.

application of sandplay therapy and highlights the importance of offering and inte-
grating psychological treatment in clinical nursing care.


behavioural interventions, child and adolescent, chronic disease, mental health promotion,
nursing role, sandplay therapy

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N emotional strain (frustration or guilt) stemming from the demands of
parenthood (Deater-­Deckard et al., 2015; Norberg & Boman, 2008).
Children with chronic diseases have complex health conditions. These stresses can last as long as 5–­10 years after the completion of
Consequently, they exhibit a higher incidence of emotional–­ treatment and put parents, children and other caregivers at risk for
behavioural problems, which is four times greater than that among adverse outcomes (Vrijmoet-­Wiersma et al., 2010).
their physically healthy peers (Hysing et al., 2007). Children are still China has nearly two hundred million children with chronic dis-
undergoing cognitive and psychological development and their im- eases (Zheng & Zheng, 2015). Leukaemia and chronic kidney disease
mature coping strategies in response to adverse external stimuli are two of the most common chronic diseases in China and share
(chronic pain, poor physical conditions, etc.) make them more prone characteristics such as recurrent pain and restrictions in daily life
to chronic diseases (Zeltzer et  al.,  2008). Though children do not activities. Sandplay is a useful adjunct for the mainly cognitive and
necessarily develop psychological illnesses, they constantly grapple behavioural techniques commonly used by school guidance coun-
with emotional–­behavioural problems (Douma et al., 2018). Delfos sellors. Several studies have examined the effects of sandplay on
and Gempel divided emotional–­behavioural problems into two cate- children with cerebral palsy (Wang et al., 2015) and on children
gories: externalizing and internalizing problems. The former includes with separation anxiety (Hamideh & Zohreh, 2015), but there is still
oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and situational at- insufficient research on the effectiveness of sandplay at reducing
tention deficit disorder, while the latter refers to mood disorder, anx- emotional–­behavioural problems in children with chronic diseases
iety disorder and attention deficit disorder (Gimpel & Hollard, 2003; in China. Due to the shortage of paediatric psychologists, filling
Martine, 2004). the gap with nursing practitioners has been proposed (Schwartz
Chronic diseases influence the emotional and behavioural ex- et al., 2017). Therefore, integrating emotional and behavioural treat-
pressions of children in many ways. Changes in normal bodily func- ments into traditional nursing care is a priority.
tions (physical limitations, long-­term pain, etc.), the need to adapt to In this study, we used the sandplay theory as a theoretical frame-
special diet restrictions and enduring the side effects of treatment or work. Sandplay therapy is a psychological therapy method created
medication bring about negative emotions including worry, distress by Dora Kalff, a Swiss analytical psychologist, in the 1950s. Kalff
and anxiety (LeBovidge et  al.,  2003). Restrictions to participation used Jung's analytical psychology as the foundation for sandplay
in different activities, reduced social identity and a lack of normal therapy, borrowed Margaret Lowenfeld's "The world technique,"
peer interactions in daily life also result in a negative self-­concept and integrated them with Eastern thoughts and philosophies. In con-
and greater self-­consciousness in children. Such situations can make trast to the prevailing interpretation of psychoanalysis at the time,
children feel ashamed about their physical defects, cause psycholog- Lowenfeld pioneered the idea that sandplay was a natural interest
ical behavioural problems (social withdrawal, aggression) (Blackman for children and correlated play with psychological development in
& Gurka, 2007), detrimentally affect treatment coordination and in- children. Inspired by the concept, Kalff integrated the theory with
crease the risk of negative long-­term health outcomes (Kongkaew Jung's analytical psychology. She retained the original methodolog-
et  al.,  2014). Chronic disease is also a stressor to family members, ical system, upgraded the miniature toys provided for the play ses-
especially caregivers. Families of patients with chronic diseases face sion and named the new therapy “sandplay” (Chiesa,  2012). Half a
a heavier financial burden and more daily organizational problems century later, a standard sandplay therapy session requires an inde-
(Sawin et al., 2003). For instance, isolation, immobilization, frequent pendent, quiet room with basic equipment including (1) a sandbox:
hospitalization and restrictions of normal activities, which sometimes a sandbox with a size of 57 × 72 × 7 centimetres with the bottom
persist after the end of treatment, result in emotional disturbance painted blue to reflect water or the sea; (2) sand: water should also
in parents (Lemos et  al.,  2020; Schepers et  al.,  2018). In addition be provided so that the children have a choice of both wet and dry
to their children's medical regimen, parents also worry about their sand (Chiesa, 2012); (3) miniature objects: the objects should be or-
children's adherence to treatment, long-­term prognosis and current ganized in categories including animals and plants, every-­day and
and future levels of independence (Mullins et al., 2007). Therefore, cartoon figures, buildings, military machineries, transportation and
the psychological stresses experienced by parents can be roughly miscellaneous (Plotts et al., 2008).
divided into two types: personal and parental. Personal stress refers As a form of play therapy, sandplay is an effective intervention
to psychological stress including depression, anxiety and posttrau- for children. The main advantage of sandplay is the unconditional
matic stress symptoms, while parental stress refers to an indirect admissive environment created. During sandplay therapy, children
JUDAN et al. |

D I A G R A M 1   Flow diagram
Assessed for eligibility (N=62)

Excluded (N= 2)
Not time to complete questionnaire

Recruitment (N=60)

(Obtain written informed consent)

Collect baseline data(N=62)

(socio-demographics, SAS, SDS, CBCL, EPQ)


Intervention group (N=30)

control group (N=30)
(sandplay therapy and regular care)
(regular care)

Collect data after whole sandplay therapy procedure(N=60)


can express their emotions freely using sand, water and minia- With a growing number of children becoming more vulnerable to
ture objects, which promotes nurse–­child interactions. Richards long-­lasting physical health problems and emotional trauma across
et al. (2012) stated that school children can externalize their trauma their lifetime, it has become more difficult for paediatric nurses to
due to the safe environment created in sandplay therapy, effec- respond (Wise,  2007). Sandplay therapy is an effective technique
tively reducing their social withdrawal level. Sandplay therapy re- that enables children to express their emotions, reveal traumas, and
quires little language skill and allows children to express themselves develop safe relationships and self-­actualization. However, the effi-
or respond nonverbally through sandplay creations. Lu et al. (2010) cacy of sandplay therapy in children with chronic diseases remains
applied sandplay to school children with autism spectrum disorder. undetermined. Therefore, in the present study, we set up sandplay
The results suggested that sandplay successfully increased the chil- treatment rooms in the Nephrology and Hematology wards (each
dren's language expression levels, their participation in social activ- room was equipped with a set of standard sandplay equipment
ities and their symbolic, voluntary and creative play performance. purchased from professional companies) to examine the clinical ef-
Furthermore, sandplay therapy can help children construct an ideal- fectiveness of sandplay therapy in school-­age children with chronic
ized world to express their demands and expectations for the future diseases who have emotional and behavioural problems.
or reconstruct distressing experiences in the past to relieve their
emotions. Mariefrance (2007) applied sandplay therapy to immi-
grant and refugee preschoolers and found that sandplay offered the 2 | M E TH O D
children a chance to express sentiments derived from a combination
of past and present experiences and helped them develop suitable 2.1 | Design
coping strategies.
Sandplay is widely utilized by mental health workers and is es- A two-­armed parallel randomized controlled trial was used to ex-
pecially suitable for paediatric nurses. Regardless of the therapists’ amine the effectiveness of sandplay therapy for children with
orientation, sandplay therapy provides a special and progressively chronic diseases. The caregivers of the children completed the
organized approach that helps children better engage in the thera- Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the Zung Self-­Rating Depression
peutic process (Hamideh & Zohreh, 2015). Scale (SDS), and the Zung Self-­Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) while the
4       JUDAN et al.

children completed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) Each room was equipped with a set of standard sandplay equipment
before and after the sandplay therapy (see Diagram 1). purchased from professional companies. The size of the sand table
A two-­a rmed parallel randomized controlled trial was used was 57 × 72 × 7 cm. The interior and bottom of the table were both
to assess the effectiveness of sandplay therapy for children painted blue to simulate the colour of the sky and sea and to en-
with chronic diseases between January and October 2019. The courage the children to relax. Soft sand was added to the table. The
entire therapeutic procedure consisted of six sessions of sand- miniatures used consisted of animals, flowers, every-­day figures, re-
play therapy, performed 1–­2  times a week for 60–­9 0  min each, ligious figures, buildings, military machinery, vehicles, etc., totalling
and the total treatment lasted about 2  months. Eligible children more than 2,000 pieces. Potted plants, tables, chairs and sofas were
and their caregivers in both groups were instructed to complete set up in the sandplay treatment rooms to create a safe, relaxing and
the CBCL, EPQ, SAS, and SDS in a private room after providing warm treatment environment.
consent. All questionnaires were completed before and after the Sandplay therapists were required to have a Chinese National
sandplay therapy procedure. The follow-­u p diagram is presented Grade III Psychological Consultant Certification and to undergo pro-
in Diagram 2. fessional sandplay therapy training. After passing the subsequent
assessment, the sandplay therapists conducted therapy procedures
under the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist with regular
2.2 | Setting supervision.

Our research was conducted at the Children's Hospital of Chongqing

Medical University, China. The sandplay treatment rooms were set 2.3 | Participants
up in the Nephrology and Hematology wards, and we ensured the
rooms were relatively independent, quiet, and sufficiently bright. The participants were children receiving long-­term treatment at the
Children's Hospital of the Medical University and one of their main
caregivers. According to the order of hospital admittance for chil-
Final treatment
dren with chronic diseases, participants were recruited based on the
following inclusion criteria: (1) children aged 6 to 12 with a diagnosis
that met the criteria for leukaemia or chronic kidney disease; (2) a
total score on the CBCL questionnaire that exceeded the Chinese
norm; and (3) children and their caregivers were all Chinese speak-
Call or interview In-patient
ing and able to complete the questionnaires. The exclusion criteria
(N=0) (N=60) were as follows: (1) children and primary caregivers were unable to
communicate well with the researchers; (2) the disease condition of
the children was in a critical stage; and (3) refusal to participate in
the study.
According to previous research (Maoqun et al., 2016), the sam-
ple size required to detect a Cohen's d effect size of 0.6 from sand-
Collected data (including but not limited to): play therapy in the intervention and control groups was calculated.
Twenty-­five cases each were deemed sufficient to observe an effect
CBCL for the children (completed by the caregivers)
of at least 80% power at a 5% level of significance, in consideration
EPQ for the children (completed by the children themselves) of an attrition rate of up to 15%. Thirty participants each were there-
SAS and SDS for the caregivers (completed by the caregivers) fore enrolled in the intervention and control groups. The enrolled
children and their caregivers were informed about the study and its
purpose. Those who agreed to participate signed an informed con-
sent form.

2.4 | Randomization

Children and their caregivers were referred to the Psychology After signing the informed consent form, the children eligible to un-
Department of the Children’s Hospital for further treatment if the
dergo sandplay therapy were numbered by the order of enrolment
results of the questionnaires indicated the emotional and behavioral
problems of the child were becoming more severe or our primary in the study. The children randomly selected an opaque envelope
intervention had failed. containing a group identifier (intervention or control) prepared in ad-
vance by an independent statistician. The ratio of assignment to the
D I A G R A M 2   Follow-­up diagram intervention and control groups was 1:1.
JUDAN et al. |

2.5 | Control group: Regular nursing care caregivers select the most appropriate rating (0 = never, 1 = some-
times, 2 = very often or always) based on their children's behaviours
Children in the control group received regular nursing care without in the preceding 6 months. Higher scores indicate more emotional–­
sandplay therapy. Regular nursing care consisted of routine disease behavioural problems. The questionnaire is broadly divided into
care and daily expressions of consolation and encouragement by the two categories: introversion factors (depression, social withdrawal
medical staff. and poor communication) and extraversion factors (hyperactiv-
ity, aggression and disciplinary behaviour). These categories are
more specifically divided into eight aspects: Anxiety/Depression,
2.6 | Intervention group: Sandplay therapy Somatic complaints, Attention problems, Rule-­breaking behaviour,
Aggressive behaviour, Withdrawal, Social problems and Thought
The main theme and topic of each sandplay therapy session were set problems. The upper limits for the Chinese norm are 40–­42 for boys
according to the sandplay model suggested by Margaret Lowenfeld and 37–­41 for girls. A CBCL score reductive ratio (rate of differ-
(see Table  1), which follows a standard procedure and can be ad- ence in scores before and after intervention) ≥25% is regarded as
justed according to the therapy situation (Hamideh & Zohreh, 2015). effective. The retesting reliability of the scale was reported to be
To ensure the session was effective, only one child was admitted to 0.950, and the Cronbach's report for internal consistency was 0.93
the sandplay room at a time. Before the session began, the thera- (Zuoji, 2005).
pist led the child through a strict hand hygiene procedure and in- The parental scale was used in this study.
troduced the settings of the sandplay treatment room with a soft
and gentle voice. After the child became familiar with the environ-
ment, the therapist guided the child to touch the sand and take five 2.7.2 | The personality of the children
deep breaths to relax. The therapist particularly emphasized that the
sandplay creation could be anything and that the child would not be The EPQ, compiled by Eysenck H.J, a professor of psychology, is one
judged. While the child engaged in sandplay, the therapist recorded of the most widely used personality questionnaires. In this study,
the child's behaviour and the miniatures used. The therapist adopted the EPQ (Chinese version) revised by Yaoxian Gong was used. This
a "silent witness" approach, accepted, appreciated and accompanied version of the EPQ contains a total of 88 questions and the possible
the child, and created a safe, tolerant and supportive atmosphere responses for all questions are "yes" or "no." The EPQ uses the fac-
so that the child could devote themselves wholeheartedly to the tor analysis method to evaluate four main dimensions of personality:
process of making sandplay creations. After the treatment session, Neuroticism (N), Extraversion (E), Psychoticism (P) and Lie (L). The
according to the psychological state of the child, the therapist asked Chinese version has been confirmed to have adequate internal con-
the child to introduce their sandplay creations, communicated with sistency for the four subscales (0.70–­0.88) (Yaoxian, 1986).
the child, and guided them to appreciate and explore their inner
world. After the sandplay therapy session, the therapist took pic-
tures with the child's permission and saved the images as files, then 2.7.3 | Secondary outcome measures
guided the child to repeat the hand hygiene procedure.
The SDS and SAS are self-­evaluation questionnaires used to assess
anxiety and depression. Each contains 20 items and uses a four-­
2.7 | Primary outcome measures point rating system (1 = none or seldom, 2 = sometimes, 3 = usually,
4 = always or most of the time). The total scores range from 20 to
2.7.1 | The emotional–­behavioural problems 80 and lower scores indicate a lower severity of anxiety/depression.
The standard scores can be stratified into three levels: mild (53–­
The CBCL for ages 6–­18 (CBCL/6–­18) is widely used to assess 62), moderate (63–­72) and extreme (72 or higher). The Cronbach's
emotional–­behavioural problems in children and contains 113 items. α values for the Chinese versions of the SAS and SDS are 0.862 and
The responses are rated with a three-­point scale and parents or 0.931, respectively, showing good reliability (Liu et al., 1995).

TA B L E 1   Margaret Lowenfeld's sandplay therapy model

Goals: Establishing emotional and friendly relationship with children and building trust in children First
Goals: Simulating the environment of school and home, expressing interest in the two main environment Second
Goals: Trying to reduce children's emotional and behaviour problems Third
Goals: Proposing now pedagogical strategies and trying to playing a role in this process Forth
Goals: Gradual recovery, enthusiasm or calm children's negative emotion or behaviour Fifth
Goals: Disappearance of all symptoms of children's emotional and behaviour problems Sixth
6       JUDAN et al.

2.7.4 | Sociodemographic characteristics were noted between the control and intervention groups before the
intervention. In contrast, significant differences between the scores
The social and demographic characteristics of the participants, in- before and after the sandplay therapy in the control and interven-
cluding the sex and current age of the children, educational level tion groups were found in the total scores (z = 3.670, p = .00), anxi-
of the caregivers and other important descriptors, were collected ety (z = 4.639, p = .00), withdrawal (z = 4.863, p = .00) and social
using a questionnaire created in-­house in accordance with the re- problems (z = 2.958, p = .03). The control group showed no signifi-
search target. cant difference in the total and subscales scores after treatment.
However, there were statistically significant difference in the total
scores (z = 4.615, p = .00), anxiety (z = 4.998, p = .00), aggressive be-
2.7.5 | Data collection and analysis haviour (z = 4.170, p = .00), withdrawal (z = 4.368, p = .00) and social
problems (z = 3.964, p = .00) in the intervention group (see Table 4).
Essential disease-­related data (initial diagnosis, disease duration, treat-
ment procedure, etc.) were collected from the medical records of the
children. Data were analysed by means of the Statistical Package for 3.3 | Changes in EPQ scores
the Social Sciences software (version 25.0). Mean ± standard devia-
tion was used to describe the average ages of the children, frequen- The distribution of changes in personality showed in the N scales
cies were used to present the sociodemographic characteristics, and P scales (see Table 5). There were significant differences in the
and median (p25, p75) was used for the statistical description of the N (z  =  4.480, p  =  .000) and P (z  =  3.540, p  =  .000) scales in the
assessment scores (CBCL, EPQ, SAS and SDS). The average ages of intervention group as well as between the control and intervention
the children in the intervention and control groups were compared groups before and after the sandplay therapy (z = 3.790, p = .000;
using the t test. The CBCL, EPQ, SAS and SDS scores before and after 3.620, p = .000). In the E scale, there was a statistical difference be-
the intervention were compared with the Mann–­Whitney test. The tween the two groups before and after sandplay therapy (z = 2.391,
Wilcoxon signed rank test was also used to compare the median scores p = .017; z = 2.189, p = .029) (see Table 6). The total distribution of
before and after the treatment. The children's gender, diagnosis, and changes in personality.
illness duration were compared with the chi-­squared test. A two-­sided
test significance level of p < .05 was used in all statistical analyses.
3.4 | SAS and SDS scores of the caregivers of
children with chronic disease
3 |   R E S U LT S
The SAS and SDS scores of the caregivers of children in the inter-
3.1 | Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics vention group showed statistically significant differences before and
of participants after the sandplay therapy (t = 2.255, p = .024; t = 3.729, p = .000).
The comparison of the two groups after the intervention was also
A total of 62 children and their caregivers were enrolled in the pre- statistically significant (t = 2.847, p = .004; t = 3.580, p = .000) (see
sent study between January and October 2019. Two children failed Table 7).
to complete the entire sandplay therapy procedure because they
transferred to other hospitals and the rest completed the full proce-
dure. Therefore, the data for a total of 60 children and their caregiv- 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
ers were analysed, with 30 participants in each group. There were
15 boys and 15 girls in the intervention group and 16 boys and 14 A previous study examined the effects of sandplay therapy on chil-
girls in the control group. The ages of the children in each group dren with emotional–­behavioural problems (Richards et  al.,  2012).
ranged from 6 to 12  years, with mean ages of 9.30 (SD 1.58) and Our study aimed to expand the scope of application for this form of
8.97 (SD 1.33), respectively, and no statistical difference (t = 0.886, therapy. Overall, children with chronic diseases who received sand-
p = .380). The sex, type of disease and duration of the illness for the play therapy exhibited significantly fewer emotional–­behavioural
children were not statistically significant either (χ2 = 0.067, p = .796; problems than those who did not.
2 2
χ  = 0.069, p = .793; χ  = 2.584, p = .108). Other data were compa- Limited mobility, chronic pain and special restrictions (food,
rable and are presented in Tables 2 and 3. clothing, housing and transportation) all affect children with chronic
diseases to varying degrees. Previous studies have shown that these
children had 1.5 times more behavioural problems than normal chil-
3.2 | Changes in CBCL scores dren, including antisocial behavioural, hyperactivity and social with-
drawal/peer conflict (Blackwell et  al.,  2019; Wise,  2007). Li et al.
The effective rate was 53% according to the CBCL score reductive (2008) investigated emotional problems in 203 children aged 8 to 16
ratio. No significant differences in the total and subscales scores with chronic diseases and found that 43.8% had anxiety, 30.0% had
JUDAN et al. |

TA B L E 2   The comparison of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics

Gender Age Diagnosis Duration of diagnosis

Chronic kidney Within one One year or

Group Male Female (x ± S) disease Leukaemia year over CBCL (p25-­p75)

Intervention 15 15 9.30 ± 1.58 12 18 22 8 65 (57.25–­70)

Control 16 14 8.97 ± 1.33 13 17 16 14 59.5 (52.75–­65.25)
2 2 2
Test statistics χ  = 0.067 t = 0.886 χ  = 0.069 χ  = 2.584 Z = 1.415
p values .796 .380 .793 .108 .140

Note: Analysis using t test, Mann–­Whitney test and chi-­square test.

Abbreviation: CBCL, child behavior checklist.

TA B L E 3   Sociodemographic and
Control Intervention
clinical characteristics of the control
Characteristics (n = 30) (n = 30) χ2 p
(n = 30) and intervention (n = 30) groups
Sex of the child
Female 14 (46.7%) 12 (40.0%) 1.071 .301
Male 16 (53.3%) 18 (60.0%) —­ —­
Accompanied by
Mother only 29 (96.7%) 27 (90.0%) / .237
Father only 0 (0.0%) 3 (10.0%) —­ —­
Both parents 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) —­ —­
Other relatives 1 (3.3%) 0 (0.0%) —­ —­
Highest education attainment of the accompanied family
Primary or below 20 (66.7%) 19 (63.3%) 0.517 .772
Secondary 6 (20.0%) 5 (16.7%) —­ —­
College or above 4 (13.3%) 6 (20.0%) —­ —­
Disease of the child
Leukaemia 18 (60.0%) 13 (43.3%) 1.669 .196
Chronic kidney disease 12 (40.0%) 17 (56.7%) —­ —­
First diagnose
Yes 14 (46.7%) 11 (36.7%) 0.617 .432
No 16 (53.3%) 19 (63.3%) —­ —­
Duration of illness
Within one year 16 (53.3%) 22 (73.3%) 2.584 .108
One year or over 14 (46.7%) 8 (26.7%) —­ —­

depression, and 26.1% had both anxiety and depression. However, stage consisted of trauma presentation and conflict intensification,
methods to reduce emotional–­behavioural problems in children with while the second stage consisted of transformation and healing. As
chronic diseases in China have received insufficient attention. the intervention progressed, the traumatic elements gradually de-
creased and the themes of healing and hope became more apparent.
At the beginning of sandplay, the children often exhibited ob-
4.1 | Effects of sandplay therapy on emotional–­ vious resistance, impulsiveness and restlessness because they had
behaviour problems a limited understanding of the procedure. The safe and empathic
environment created by the therapist helped reduce the children's
The positive results in the present study support the effectiveness resistance to the medical staff, loosen their self-­restraint and en-
of sandplay therapy as the scores for anxiety, withdrawal and social courage them to gradually express their inner world. Through guid-
problems in the intervention group were lower after sandplay ther- ance, the children began to express their traumatic experiences and
apy. Analysis of children's actions during sandplay revealed that the negative emotions by selecting miniatures, creating a sand world
sandplay process can be roughly divided into two stages: the first and symbolic narrations. As the sandplay progressed, the children
8       JUDAN et al.

TA B L E 4   CBCL scores of control and intervention group

Total score, Median Anxious, Median Somatic complains, Attention problems,

Group Time (IQR) (IQR) Median (IQR) Median (IQR)

Intervention Before 65 (57.25–­70) 10.5 (7–­14) 6 (2.75–­8) 8 (5.75–­8)

After 47 (39.75–­57.5) 5 (3–­7 ) 5 (3–­6.25) 6 (4–­8.25)
Changes before and after −17 (−23, −10) −6 (−8, −4) 0 (−2, 0) −1 (−2, 0)
Z −4.784 −4.633 −3.048 −3.830
p <.001 <.001 .002 <.001
Control Before 59.5 (52.75–­65.25) 9 (6.75–­13) 3.5 (1–­8) 8 (5–­9)
After 58.50 (54.5–­63.5) 9 (7–­13) 3.5 (1.62.5) 7.5 (5–­9)
Changes before and after −1 (−3, 2) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 0) 0 (0, 0)
Z −0.847 −0.476 −1.983 −2.07
p .397 .634 .047 .038
Z (two groups before intervention) 1.761 1.002 1.713 0.469
p .078 .317 .087 .639
Z (two groups after intervention) 3.670 4.639 1.293 0.953
** **
p .000 .000 .196 .341
Z (two groups changes before and after) −6.320 −6.016 −1.714 −3.571
p <.001 <.001 .087 <.001

Note: Analysis using Mann–­Whitney test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Abbreviations: CBCL, child behavior checklist; IQR, interquartile range (25th centile–­75th centile).
**:P < 0.05

TA B L E 5   The distribution of changes in

(N = 60) After (N = 60)

0–­43.3 43.4–­ Total

N 0–­43.3 8 (13.33%) 11 (18.33%) 19 (31.67%)
43.4–­ 27 (45.00%) 14 (23.33%) 41 (68.33%)
Total 35 (58.33%) 25 (41.66%) 60 (100.00%)
p .009
P (psychoticism) 0–­43.3 43.4–­ Total
0–­43.3 6 (10.00%) 1 (1.67%) 7 (11.67%)
43.4–­ 7 (11.67%) 46 (76.67) 53 (88.33%)
Total 13 (21.67%) 47 (78.34%) 60 (100.00%)
p .039

Note: Analysis using McNemar test.

manifested internal conflict and questioning of their abilities by consolidate positive behaviours to help the children enter the next
destroying and rebuilding the scene, destroying old creations and transformation stage.
recreating them. A possible explanation for this behaviour is that In the second stage, as the duration of the disease increased,
through the three-­dimensional environment for expression provided low social desire and negative emotions caused by limited activities
by sand in the visual and kinesthetic channels (including movement and pain from the disease gradually emerged (Harding et al., 2002).
and touch), the children could gradually release themselves from a Anxiety and depression cause withdrawal and avoidance during
state of avoidance and resistance, transforming from the role of a medical treatment. Traumatic themes in the sandplay creations de-
victim in previous experiences to the creator of new experiences and creased and a hesitation in self-­cognition became apparent as well
gaining more initiative. During this stage, the therapist employed as the desire for school activities, family and a normal social life.
positive transference therapy to reduce inappropriate emotional Treatment at this stage was focussed on active communication and
regulation methods (aggression or self-­injury) as well as promote and interactions between the therapist and child. The therapist adopted
JUDAN et al. |

Rule-­breaking behaviour, Aggressive behaviour, Withdrawn, Median Social problems, Median Thought problems,
Median (IQR) Median (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) Median (IQR)

2 (1–­6.25) 14.5 (8.75–­17.25) 6 (4–­10) 5 (4–­8) 4 (1–­13)

2 (1–­6) 6 (4–­9) 3 (1–­4) 3.5 (1–­5) 3.5 (1–­11)
0 (−1, 0) −8 (−9, −5) −3 (−5, −2) −3 (−4, −1) 0 (0, 0)
−2.629 −4.797 −4.638 −4.555 −1.890
.009 <.001 <.001 <.001
5 (1–­8) 10 (4.75–­15.25) 7.5 (6–­10) 6 (3–­7 ) 8 (3.75–­12)
5 (1–­7 ) 9 (5–­14.25) 7 (5–­10) 6 (2.75–­7.25) 7.5 (3–­11.25)
0 (0, 0) 0 (−1, 0) 0 (−1, 2) 0 (−2, 1) 0 (0, 0)
−1.912 −2.564 0 −0.99 −1.732
.056 .010 1.000 .322 .083
1.268 1.895 1.121 0.469 0.840
.205 .058 .262 .639 .401
1.597 1.935 4.863 2.958 0.884
** **
.110 .053 .000 .003 .377
−1.122 −6.138 −4.680 −4.594 −0.438
.262 <.001 <.001 <.001 .661

an inclusive attitude and provided affirmations to help the child in- their resistance to the external environment and benefit the process
crease their emotional stability, strengthen their self-­identity, bal- of socialization. Consequently, the children's mental quality scores
ance the nurse–­child interpersonal relationship and establish an decreased.
appropriate level of self-­awareness.

4.3 | Effects of sandplay therapy on caregiver's

4.2 | Effects of sandplay therapy on children's emotional problems
The results of the present study showed that the anxiety and de-
School age is an important period for personality formation and psy- pression scores of the caregivers decreased after sandplay therapy.
chological development in children. This period is also an important When parents are faced with long-­term negative stimuli due to
stage for children to develop their self-­identity and a healthy person- chronic diseases, they experience multiple stressors such as medi-
ality (Lizhu, 2015). Though personality is comprised of a combination cal procedures, instability of family roles and lack of social support,
of psychological characteristics with certain tendencies and is rela- often resulting in emotional overreactions, such as irritability, anxi-
tively stable, it is influenced by heredity, age and environment (Berg ety and depression (Cousino & Hazen, 2013; Haverman et al., 2013).
et al., 2016). As a serious negative stimulus, chronic diseases strongly These negative emotions not only affect the mental health of the
influence the formation and improvement of children's personalities. parents, but also affect their social interactions, marital relationships,
Consistent with previous studies (Hovens et  al.,  2016; Jinxiang careers and other aspects of their lives. These situations usually trig-
et  al.,  2018), the children's scores for emotional stability (N scale) ger polarized responses such as overprotection or over-­neglect due
and psychosis (P scale) in the Eysenck personality assessment sig- to difficulties balancing the two extremes. Overprotective parents
nificantly decreased after the intervention. A likely explanation is may lead to low levels of dependence and self-­efficacy in the chil-
that by providing a safe, relaxed and unlimited protective environ- dren, while over-­neglect may lead to low self-­esteem and self-­denial.
ment, sandplay therapy can alleviate children's negative emotions, In the present study, two sessions of family sandplay therapy
enabling them to adjust their emotions and reduce the frequency were conducted after individual therapy, which promoted the con-
of strong reactions when faced with a serious stimulation (pain, ac- nection between the medical staff and the family and alleviated
tivity limitation). In addition, the unconditional attention and pos- negative emotions in the caregivers. According to our clinical obser-
itive feedback the children receive from the therapist and parents vations, family sandplay strengthened the communication between
during sandplay therapy can increase prosocial behaviours, reduce the caregivers and their children, which is conducive to improving
10       JUDAN et al.

TA B L E 6   EPQ scores of control and intervention group

EPQ-­E , Median EPQ-­N, Median EPQ-­P, Median EPQ-­L ,

Group Time (IQR) (IQR) (IQR) Median (IQR)

Control Before 40 (35–­45) 50 (40–­55) 55 (55–­60) 55 (50–­60)

After 40 (35–­45) 35 (35–­4 0) 45 (40–­50) 55 (45–­55)
Changes before and after 0 (−5, 5) −15 (−20, −5) −5 (−15, −5) −5 (−10, 5)
Z 0 −3.952 −3.829 −0.989
p 1.000 <.001 <.001 .322
Intervention Before 50 (50–­60) 50 (40–­61.25) 55 (45–­60) 55 (43.75–­60)
After 45 (40–­60) 50 (40–­61.25) 55 (45–­60) 55 (50–­60)
Changes before and after −5 (−10, 10) 0 (−15, 15) 0 (0, 0) 0 (−5, 5)
Z −0.425 −0.145 −1.732 −1.016
p .671 .885 .083 .310
Z (two groups before intervention) 2.391 0.405 0.749 0.479
p .017 * .686 .454 .632
Z (two groups after intervention) 2.189 3.790 3.620 1.504
p .029* .000** .000** .133
Z (two groups changes before and after) −0.439 −2.275 −4.491 −1.507
p .661 .023 <.001 .132

Note: Analysis using Mann–­Whitney test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Abbreviations: E, extraversion; EPQ, Eysenck personality questionnaire; IQR, interquartile range (25th centile–­75th centile); L, lie; N, neuroticism; P,
**:P < 0.05

TA B L E 7   The SAS and SDS scores

Group Time SAS, Median (IQR) SDS, Median (IQR)
of the caregivers before and after the
Intervention Before 55.00 (49.00–­65.13) 64.25 sandplay therapy
After 50.63 (43.69–­54.25) 51.00
Changes before and after −6.5 (−9.75, −2.75) −9.13 (−11.75, −6)
Z −4.207 −4.680
p <.001 <.001
Control Before 57.88 (48.75–­67.25) 63.38
After 56.88 (49.81–­6 4.94) 61.25
(55.75–­6 4.63)
Changes before and after −2.13 (−3.25, 2) −1.63 (−4.5, 2.75)
Z −1.801 −1.111
p .072 .267
Z (two groups before intervention) 0.910 0.710
p .363 .478
Z (two groups after intervention) 2.847 3.580
p .004** .000**
Z (two groups changes before and after) −3.543 −5.109
p <.001 <.001

Note: Analysis using Mann–­Whitney test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range (25th centile–­75th centile); SAS, self-­rating anxiety scale;
SD, standard deviation; SDS, self-­rating depression scale.
**:P < 0.05
JUDAN et al. |

family interactions and helping caregivers discover their children's AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S

potential abilities. It also helps the children feel more positive about None.
the support and care they receive from their family, find an outlet to
vent emotions, balance their inner world, and foster trust between C O N FL I C T S O F I N T E R E S T S
the family and medical staff. None declared.

5 | LI M ITATI O N S This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of
Children's Hospital of Chongqing medical University, China. File No.:
One of the limitations of the current study was that children and 2018-­116.
their caregivers were recruited from one hospital; hence, the gen-
eralizability of the results may be limited. Additionally, the lack of PAT I E N T C O N S E N T
blinding may be a primary source of bias. However, due to the nature Parental/guardian consent obtained.
of sandplay therapy, it is difficult to blind the children, caregivers and
therapists. Despite knowing they are undergoing an intervention, DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
children are unlikely to change their behaviours (Silva et al., 2017). To The data that support the findings of this study are available on
minimize the potential bias, we chose a series of objective question- request from the corresponding author, Huaying Yin. The data are
naires to evaluate the effectiveness of the sandplay therapy on chil- not publicly available due to their containing information that could
dren with emotional–­behavioural problems, and the assessors who compromise the privacy of research participants.
collected the data (the scores for questionnaires, children's clinical
data and sociodemographic) were blinded. Finally, other undetected ORCID
factors may be responsible for the results such as the functioning of Judan Tan  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8584-7619
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