ACLS Drug Therapy
ACLS Drug Therapy
ACLS Drug Therapy
ARREST: Contractility of heart, 1 mg IV Push (10 ml of 1:10,000 solution)
♦ Shock refractory VF & automaticity Repeat 1 mg q 3-5”
Pulseless VT Ïbloodflow to heart & Endotracheal dose = 2-2.5 times IV dose
♦ Asystole brain
IVDrip for Symp Brady velocity 2 – 10 mcg/min (note: OSU’s Guardian
pumps only do mcg/kg/min)
Vasopressin Alternative Pressor to EPI Non-adrenergic Peripheral ♦ Half life = 10 – Any pulseless patient:
for ANY CARDIAC Vasoconstrictor 20” 40 U IVsingle dose--1 time only
Pitressin® ARREST: Ïbloodflow to heart & ♦ Not To replace 1st or and dose of EPI
♦ VF/Pulseless VT brain recommended in
♦ Asystole CAD Can defibrillate every 2 minutes after
♦ PEA administration of Vasopressin
♦ Can replace 1st or 2nd
dose of EPI Endotracheal dose = 2-2.5 times IV dose
Also used for hemodynamic
support in Septic Shock
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ACLS Emergency Cardiac Drug Therapy (bolded = changes based on 2005 AHA ACLS Guidelines) revised 01/18/07
Amiodarone ♦ VF/Pulseless VT (2nd line) Anti arrhythmic ♦ Half life is long 300 mg IV Push in cardiac arrest (VF/VT)
♦ Vent. Arrhythmias –Sympt Possesses α- and β- ♦ May prolongs QT
Cordarone® PVCs adrenergic blocking 150 mg IV Push for tachys with pulse (give
♦ Preferred over Lido properties Monitor BP, HR, QT over 10 minutes)
Prolongs action potential interval
duration Can repeat ONE 150 mg in 5 mins.
Prolongs refractory period Contraindicated in:
Ð AV node conduction Cardiogenic shock, Draw 2 glass ampules through a large gauge
Ð sinus node function Marked Sinus Brady, needle diluted in 20-30 mL of D5W
2nd or 3rd block
Maintenance infusion:
1 mg/min over 6 hrs. then
0.5 mg/min over 18 hrs.
– max of 2.2 g over 24 hrs.
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ACLS Emergency Cardiac Drug Therapy (bolded = changes based on 2005 AHA ACLS Guidelines) revised 01/18/07
Ibutilide ♦ Rapid conversion of atrial Prolongs action potential Correct K & Mg > 60 kg: 1 mg over 10 min
fib or flutter of recent onset by delaying repolarization before initiating < 60 kg: 0.01 mg/kg over 10 min
Corvert® (< 48 hrs). Ibultilide
Can repeat with a 2nd dose
Procainamide ♦ Stable monomorphic Suppresses vent ectopy Monitor BP for 20 mg/min IV infusion
VTach with Normal QT Hypotension urgent situations up to 50 mg/min
and Normal LV function Monitor ECG for Ï (max 17 mg/kg)
♦ SVT uncontrolled by PR and QT Intervals, stop if arrhythmia suppressed, ÐBP, or QRS
Adenosine & vagal if QRS widening, & duration Ï by 50%
stable BP heart block Infusion: 1-4 mg/min
♦ Atrial Fib with rapid rate in Use with caution with
WPW Amiodarone
♦ Stable wide complex (prolongation QT)
Tachy of unknown origin
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ACLS Emergency Cardiac Drug Therapy (bolded = changes based on 2005 AHA ACLS Guidelines) revised 01/18/07
Adenosine ♦ Stable SVT Depresses SA & AV node ♦ Usually see brief 6 mg IV over 1 – 3 seconds followed by 20
♦ Undefined stable narrow activity of asystole after cc saline flush then elevate arm
complex tachycardia as a Slows AV conduction adm of drug (attach both syringes to same port)
diagnostic maneuver Half-life = 5 seconds ♦ Drug interactions wait 1-2”
Not effective in Afib, Aflutter, with
or VTach Theophylline, repeat 12 mg IV rapid push
Dipyridamole, & wait 1-2”
♦ Pts. feel flushing, repeat 12 mg IV rapid push
dyspnea, transient
Verapamil ♦ Alternative Drug after Systemic vasodilation ♦ Expect ↓ BP – 2.5 – 5.0mg IV bolus over 2 minutes
Adenosine for SVT Negative Inotropic effect can counteract 2nd dose: 5 – 10 mg in 15-30”
Prolongs AV nodal with IV Ca
conduction time ♦ Do not use with
Ca++ channel blocker wide complex
Digoxin Slows ventricular response in Inotropic effect ♦ Toxic effects can 10 – 15 mcg/kg IV loading dose
♦ Afib or Aflutter Slows AV conduction cause serious
♦ CHF arrhythmias
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ACLS Emergency Cardiac Drug Therapy (bolded = changes based on 2005 AHA ACLS Guidelines) revised 01/18/07
Morphine ♦ CP with ACS unresponsive Ð Preload ♦ Administer 2-4 mg IV (over 1-5 mins) every 5 to 30
Sulfate to nitrates Ð Afterload slowly and titrate minutes
♦ Cardiogenic Pul. Edema to effect.
♦ Caution with RV
♦ May cause ↓BP
& Respiratory
compromise –
reverse with
Aspirin ♦ All ACS Prevents platelet ♦ Contraindicated 160 mg to 325 mg tablet (chewing is
aggregation in acute ulcer preferable) – give immediately
disease, asthma,
or ASA
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ACLS Emergency Cardiac Drug Therapy (bolded = changes based on 2005 AHA ACLS Guidelines) revised 01/18/07
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ACLS Emergency Cardiac Drug Therapy (bolded = changes based on 2005 AHA ACLS Guidelines) revised 01/18/07
♦ Nonspecific ECG findings ♦ Low– to intermediate- risk unstable angina ♦ Risk assessment
♦ Absence of changes in ST segment or T ♦ Serial cardiac markers
waves ♦ Serial ECGs/ST Segment monitoring
♦ Heparin
♦ Stress test
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ACLS Emergency Cardiac Drug Therapy (bolded = changes based on 2005 AHA ACLS Guidelines) revised 01/18/07
Clinical diagnosis of ischemic stroke causing a measurable Active internal bleeding or acute trauma
neurologic deficit Uncontrolled HTN SBP > 185 or DBP > 110 at onset of
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